NationStates Jolt Archive

Civilization: In the beginning...(ancient tech)

08-08-2005, 03:04
Basically it is an ancient tech rp. There is a map that is made especially for this rp where every province holds only people of a single culture(mostly). Yoiu begin the game as that people and the name of the empire or kingdom or anything is up to you. the starting year is 1 a.d. christianity is ripe and ready for scorning. The different cultures view themselves as superior to others and diplomacy is barely a word. You must make your way to the top whether through diplomacy or war or war. NS nations will have nothing to do with this rp. Also some basic rules...

1. No godmoding
2. No flameing
3. No no-era tech
4. No racial slurs(ooc)
5. Have fun!

Ill start by claiming the slavs...

Civilization: The Nations Thread (

Claimed Nations
ex. NS Name: Name of Nation-Name of Territory

Philanchez: Sarmatae Empire-Slav Territory
Tetris: Varangian Empire-Varangian Territory
The Red Temple: Pyu Kingdom-Pyu Kingdom
Tomzilla: Teutonic Deutchland-Teutonic Tribes
Ageaol: Yayoi-Yayoi
Frozopia: Celts-Celts
Prates: The Han Dynasty-Han Dynasty
Palixia: Olmec Empire-Olmec Teritorry
Sharina: Zulu Empire-Bantu and Bushmen Land
Psychotika: Arabia-Arabia
Jacksonia: Tocharian Empire-Tocharians
The Scandinvans: Kingdom of Avaria-Avaria
Caladonn: Caladonn-Muskogia


Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 03:06

EDIT: Maps on first post
08-08-2005, 03:08
yay my own personal mapmaker...hopefully this is another good rp like Medieval either thanx for signing up...
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 03:19
No prob no prob, where is the usual crew, spoot and the like.

and where is everyone else at that?
08-08-2005, 03:21
spoots been useing a puppet of late named kaduna but im pretty sure hes off at something until the 14th if im not mistaken
Zactarn Prime
08-08-2005, 03:28
Can I snag Aleut Territory
08-08-2005, 03:33
yessum any particular name?
08-08-2005, 03:34
Me me me! Rome Rome Rome!
08-08-2005, 03:37
oki doki and lemme guess...The Roman Empire as a name???
Zactarn Prime
08-08-2005, 03:44
Ignerietyous is my tribes name and if it's not to much troubvle could my claim be in the color Pink because my tribes colors will be Pink and Blue.
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 03:45
Roman? how Fasc...imperialistic
Blood Moon Goblins
08-08-2005, 03:46
Ill snag Persia as the Parthians, perhaps?

Might I suggest that we get a forum? Invisionfree, if you dont know about it, is a free and good.
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 03:48
of course invisionfree, me and philanchez always use it, but they tend to die out. but it will be differnet this time
08-08-2005, 03:48
Of course as Rome, and of course it's imperialistic. Ah imperialism, the best thing to happen to man since Jesus, but then imperialism was happening before Jesus...
08-08-2005, 03:49
invision freew is my chopice and yes you may
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 03:50
evolution was the best thing to happen to man, this thumb comes in handy...but then agian, i came here to make maps and RP, not to argue

whos gonna have the next claim?
08-08-2005, 03:51
Is this gonna be like the Mideval thing with an offsite forum?
Zactarn Prime
08-08-2005, 03:51
I'm an Empire. The Imperial Idealist Ignerietyous Empire.
Blood Moon Goblins
08-08-2005, 03:52
Excellent, ph3ar t3h horse archers ^_^
08-08-2005, 03:53
Ok, I want to be like a bunch of little Caribbean natives who just go around in canoes and stuff. Possible? Either that or I'll be the Aztecs and sacrafice everyone.
08-08-2005, 03:54
miccousoukee territory? its florida and the carribean...also im gonna need a name
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 03:55 bout maya? we are "assumeing" the islands are uninhabited for now

i take that back, miccosuke took em apparently
08-08-2005, 03:56
Umm... The Carib Nations
08-08-2005, 03:56
Fine, fine. I'll be the Maya...
08-08-2005, 03:59
ok and im assuming you will be called the mayan empire correct...
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 04:01
alright i gotta go for the night, tommarow ill update the map with whatevers needed.

Keep joining people, this is gonna be badass

08-08-2005, 04:02
Yeah, I guess.
Zactarn Prime
08-08-2005, 04:02
We should stick with NS Forums look a how much of a success Earth Alternate History has been and they are on NS Forums. Also it would make less of a hassle then to open like 7 different windows if you are in another RP. Opening to many windows screws up your com bad.
08-08-2005, 04:05
invision free is just like the jolt forums but purely dedicated to your rp so its better organized... thats why i like them
08-08-2005, 04:13
I'll take Yayoi, aka early Japan.
Zactarn Prime
08-08-2005, 04:23
dude you didn't put my Empire's whole name all you put was Ignerietyous.

My Empire's name is:

The Imperial Idealist Ignerietyous Empire
Blood Moon Goblins
08-08-2005, 14:50
That and NS Earths annoy me, personaly (although you may or may not care), simply because now theres ten of them and occasionaly they drown out the regular RP's >_<
But Invision is also nice because you can be your own admin, you dont have to wait on them occasionaly offbeat justice of the NS mods.
AND you can change the background ;)
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 14:51
Ageaol - Yayoi

till phil gets back, ill be keeping tabs of new people

another good offsite argument: i can use my photoshop skills to make it look cool!, and of course skins
Blood Moon Goblins
08-08-2005, 14:54
Ach! Im a yellowy-orange!
Alas :P
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 15:07
you will be yellowy orange, and you will like it damn it!
08-08-2005, 15:10
we would like the mongols
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 15:13
Mongols - Piglatnia
Yayoi - Ageaol
08-08-2005, 15:15
yay puke green
08-08-2005, 15:16
so when do we start
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 15:17
its up to philanchez, and he isnt here right now.

i assume he might want to wait for more people. but i dunno, ask him when he gets here
08-08-2005, 15:20
ok so how does this work exactly.
08-08-2005, 15:26
Aztecs taken? Ill be them methinks with the Aztec Empire I can destroy those damn mayans and rule america.
The Red Temple
08-08-2005, 15:28
The Red Temple claims the Pyu Kingdom.
08-08-2005, 15:31
I will claim the Teutonic Tribes area as Teutonic Deutschland.
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 18:31
Pyu Kingdom - The Red Temple
Teutonic Tribes - Tomzilla
Mongols - Piglatnia
Yayoi - Ageaol

Aztecs huh....well how bout Olmec? check the 1st post for the places that are/arnet taken, and the names/locations
08-08-2005, 20:28
Ill take Olmec although I know nowt about them.
08-08-2005, 20:29
Wait, make me celts, I wanna be the one who ends the roman expansionist empire.
08-08-2005, 21:03
Firstly, why is Alaska called Thule? Thule describes Scandinavia or Iceland.

Secondly, I choose Egypt, unless it´s taken (damm you for taking Varangia Tetris!).
08-08-2005, 21:25
al are accepted im sorry i wasnt here but today was my first day of school so my rp time will be weekends and nights
08-08-2005, 21:33
in regards to the starting date i would like to wait for a few more players so this doesnt turn into an all out territory grab
08-08-2005, 21:39
can i get the byntazines (Asia minor)

could we start diplomacy and make alliances and stuff (even the romens had allies)

also the omelecs made those stone heads in the rainforest(but i dont know why it is where is is)
08-08-2005, 21:40
yes oh and just so you know this starts in 1 ad so the byzantines dont exist
08-08-2005, 21:43
ok then i want han dynasty thing
08-08-2005, 21:47
ok ill change it
08-08-2005, 22:12
Palixia - Olmec Empire - Olmec Teritorry

08-08-2005, 22:19
oki doki
Tetris L-Shaped Block
08-08-2005, 22:26
Updated the map, the reason why people are where they are is because olmecs and such hadnt moved into the areas we know them for (cept alaska, i put Thule because i felt like it) and YES egypt would probly be just in the nile delta, but whatever this is an alternate history it not?
08-08-2005, 23:28
Wait, make me celts, I wanna be the one who ends the roman expansionist empire.

Oh that's what you think!!!! Rome fell because of too many weak leaders, but since I am a strong leader, and will rule the whole time, Rome shall conquer all!(Well, all of the ancient Roman Empire. I'm a history nut and refuse to conquer anything else!)

By the way, what's the rules on invading unclaimed territory? And can you invade only a small portion of a territory or do you need to take the whole thing? If so, damn, cause I'll have to take alot more territory than just the Roman Empire.
08-08-2005, 23:30
Damn I dont really see any potential in Celtish invasions.
Oh dear.
Ill have to create a strong leader who will unite all of the Celts under one leader, create a formal army, and begin my efforts into France.
I will become King Arthur.
08-08-2005, 23:45
Yargh! I just had a total change of mind and now am lusting over the Celtish ways!! (I just got my kilt :) )

Hmm... Froz... would you want to, hmm, say, switch? :)
09-08-2005, 00:14
Tempting, but my Celtish blood cannot be ignored (Irish parents, ya see).
09-08-2005, 00:23
Ok can I just tryout my idea here:
So King Arthur comes around in 1 AD (no-ones certain).
He's just a son of one of the celtish tribes leaders in England.
He Becomes Chief of his tribe. He invades other tribes with significant use of spearmen and horsemen (could some-one tell me about weapons threw early AD in Britain?)
Eventually after many battles, none of which I will RP he becomes king of Britain.
Any comments?
09-08-2005, 00:48
(grumble) Then I will have to canoe across the Atlantic and sacrafice your virgins!
09-08-2005, 02:51
no gonna begin work on the forums the should be up within 15-20 mins
09-08-2005, 03:02
Hmm... I'm tempted to join this.

However, I need to know what are the basic rules, timescale (1 RL day = how many NS years), etc.

Also, I see that the interesting civilizations are taken. I had originally hoped to play either the Chinese or the Incans. However, I see that they are already taken by Palixia and Prates (I think). So I'm plumb outta of luck. :(
09-08-2005, 03:06
if nothing interesting is happening then 2 rl days = 1 rp year but if major wars are occuring we will suspend time to 4 rl days = 1 rp year also there are plenty of other places that could make for a great starting culture...also does anyone have any idea how we should deal with population?
09-08-2005, 03:11

What should be the rule for inactive players?

Also, I might take either Russia or West China. Or should I try playing the Zulus?
09-08-2005, 03:12
zulus would be interesting but russia would be really hard...also and inactive player who did not give warning will be warned twice by email and then banned after ten days
09-08-2005, 03:23
Forums are up! (
09-08-2005, 03:28
Okay, sign me up as the Zulus. :)

I liked playing Shaka the Zulu in Civilization 1, 2, and 3. :D

By the way, I just did some calculations for the timescale. if we go by 2 RL days = 1 year.... it'd take us 4,000 days to get to 2000 A.D. which means we'd have to be around by roughly 2018 or so in RL just to get to the MT times.

So I propose the following idea.... stretch this out to 2000 A.D. by next summer. This means we should adopt a Civilization game style of timescale.

1 A.D. to 1000 A.D. = 1 RL week equals 100 years. (10 RL weeks)
1001 A.D. to 1500 A.D. = 1 RL week equals 50 years. (10 RL weeks)
1500 A.D. to 1800 A.D. = 1 RL week equals 25 years. (12 RL weeks)
1800 A.D. to 2000+ A.D. = 1 RL week equals 10 years. (20 RL weeks)

Total: 52 RL weeks = 1 RL year.

However, should major wars occur, we should institute a 2nd timeline of maybe 1 RL week = 10 years between 1 A.D to 1500 A.D. then 1 RL week = 2 years from 1500 A.D. onwards. Once the war finishes, we snap back to the timescale I detailed above. We can work out the kinks as we go along. :)
09-08-2005, 03:41
this isnt supposed to get to MT we will rp it until it dies or something but this is supposed to be completely ancient tech
09-08-2005, 03:48
this isnt supposed to get to MT we will rp it until it dies or something but this is supposed to be completely ancient tech

Hmm. But wouldn't it be interesting to have a 1500's or a 1900's where the Roman Empire still lived, the Aztecs were never killed off by the Spanish, and a mighty Zulu empire ruled Africa?

You gotta admit that sounds interesting, the promise of a MT era might draw some more players to this RP. After all, we do need fresh blood to replace the RP'ers who may quit this down the road (either boredom or RL issues).
09-08-2005, 03:49
Hopefully your putting the emphasis on ANCIENT tech, and not letting too much MEDIEVIL tech get in there. I like hoplites and legionaries better than swordsmen and armoured pikemen. You know, the good ol days when infantry was the thing, instead of large amounts of cavalry or long range archers.
09-08-2005, 03:50
i know okay we will make the tome line 1 week =10 years and that will be consistent...if a major war occurs it will become 1 week = 5 years
09-08-2005, 03:52
Hopefully your putting the emphasis on ANCIENT tech, and not letting too much MEDIEVIL tech get in there. I like hoplites and legionaries better than swordsmen and armoured pikemen. You know, the good ol days when infantry was the thing, instead of large amounts of cavalry or long range archers.

I am all up for ANCIENT tech. I was only saying that it *is* inevitable that this Earth will progress to Medeival Ages and beyond. I've wanted to play a Civilization style of RP here at NS for quite a while.

We probably won't reach Medevial Ages until X-mas or Valentines Day 2006.
09-08-2005, 03:56
thats fine as i believe most people will want to rp out the first 1000 years as it will create an interesting world map
09-08-2005, 03:56
Seriously? I've started many of these, even a really complex one with good rules and an offsite forum, but barely anyone signed up and it died.
09-08-2005, 03:58
Ok, I have a compromise.

1. We RP this out to 1000 A.D.

2. After we arrive at 1000 A.D. we can either jump to 1500 A.D. or MT times and call "Civilization ITB Part 2" or something?
09-08-2005, 04:00
ok i agree to that...that takes us to about jan or feb next yeari believe
09-08-2005, 04:05
Great. When can we start RP'ing? I'm anxious to throw my Zulu Impi aganist the Roman Legionaires. :p
09-08-2005, 04:07
haha thats a lost cause...we can start anytime but id prefer it if people posted stats first also a little note you need to sign up as the CITB nations name not your NS name
09-08-2005, 04:11
haha thats a lost cause...we can start anytime but id prefer it if people posted stats first also a little note you need to sign up as the CITB nations name not your NS name

Tactics, my friend. ;)

I have some basic info, but I should have the rest of it up tomorrow, as I'll try using a map and such to show my movement and stuff.
09-08-2005, 04:25
I'll be Arabia.
09-08-2005, 04:26
I`ll take the Kushan Empire. I like that word Kusha, Kusha kusha kusha dont make me anyway ya
09-08-2005, 04:27
The Red Temple
09-08-2005, 05:48
Rename the Pyu Kingdom as the "Khmer Empire".
09-08-2005, 10:37
no-ones greece? thats a surprise.
09-08-2005, 10:44
BTW this is what I read some where:
In the period from 1000 B.C. to 1 A.D., the Celts conquer and settle much of western and central Europe, acquiring wealth through raids and conquests. Archaeological evidence suggests that during this time the Celts master sophisticated metalworking technology and engage in trade with distant partners. By the end of the period, Celtic society has attained relative stability, punctuated by increasing conflict with armies of the Roman empire.
09-08-2005, 15:09
Damm, sorry but I´m too swamped to be able to dp this. Sorry.
09-08-2005, 16:23
BTW this is what I read some where:

Cough....The Celts broke up into multiple tribes after awhile.

The Gauls, the Briattanians, the Goths ( which there were already the Goths but the Celts mixed in with them, same with the other two tribes. )

The Celtic nation fell after awhile too and became a land under civil unrest ( thus some thousand years later, Britain becomes a bitch twards Ireland )
09-08-2005, 16:26
I see. That makes more sense, from what else I saw. Anyways.
When this Forum really gonna be movin?
09-08-2005, 22:16
bumpity bump...come on we need all the memb ers to sign up on the forums and there is still plenty of space!
09-08-2005, 22:17
09-08-2005, 22:28
I think I know why the forum isn't active.

I believe that if we keep our RP'ing here at NS, it will attract more players. The players will be able to see our activity right here at NS, and read our Ancient Era RP's. Then that may pique their interest, making them want to join us here.

If we do our RP'ing on off-site forums, then the mainstream NS community won't be able to see our stuff or get to give feedback or become interested. Isolating ourselves from NS community is the worst thing that can be done to a RP project like this. I speak from experience, as I've been through this very thing many times.

Once again, I propose that we stay on NS, so that other NS players will see "Ancient Era Earth" and all of its RP's instead of looking through 5+ pages of I.I. to find that one thread (this one) that has the link to the off-site forums.
09-08-2005, 22:32
Thats true.
09-08-2005, 22:36
alright alright of now the invision forums are null and void....all who have posted their info will copy it and post it in a factbook/news thread you will create for your empire...this will serve as your internal and international affairs and is where other nations can reach you to offer alliance...wars will be given a new thread and this thread will serve as a library of all threads and their links...
09-08-2005, 22:38
Hey could some one tell me how, when you paste a thread, you make it look like text e.g.
I post
But what I want the link to say is Search engine

09-08-2005, 22:39
That is pretty tough, but we are assuming we want people to join the game when we have joined 300 AD. I mean do we?
09-08-2005, 22:39
click the url button under color its an earth and paper clip

Sarmatae Empire News and stats[CITB] (
09-08-2005, 22:41
That is pretty tough, but we are assuming we want people to join the game when we have joined 300 AD. I mean do we?

09-08-2005, 22:43
Well Sharina assumed if we started RPing here we would bring in more people to the RP.
But It will mean bringing people in at a later stage.
Which causes confushion etc.
Do we want this?
09-08-2005, 22:47
it has happened in e20 and its working great!
Tetris L-Shaped Block
09-08-2005, 22:51
will a link to every factbook be in the 1st post (of this thread or the IC thread or whatever)
09-08-2005, 22:52

Celts: News and Stats (
Tetris L-Shaped Block
09-08-2005, 22:55
Civilization: The Varangian Empire
09-08-2005, 22:56
Nice army Tetris. Puts mine to shame......
09-08-2005, 22:56
Are we gonna start a new thread, which only consists of a link of the Civilisation nation threads?
Tetris L-Shaped Block
09-08-2005, 22:59
Nice army Tetris. Puts mine to shame......

Its not an army, its the amount of armed warriors in the "country". the most that actualy fight (or will fight) is in the low 10,000s

there is no standing Varangian army, just more of a militia of raiders
09-08-2005, 23:00
Just realised, but you can say pretty much the same about my army (hoping to change that)
09-08-2005, 23:10
Teutonic Deutschland:

Teutonic Deutschland Stats [CITB] (
09-08-2005, 23:17
Why waste stuff posting your stats here when they are all on the other board. That's just a waste of space. If you want to look at all that stuff go to the actual board, don't waste time making threads and posts here.
09-08-2005, 23:19
What board? Do you mean the forum that we closed?
09-08-2005, 23:24
Yayoi Thread (
09-08-2005, 23:26
It spreads things out well, and causes less confusion. Besides the E20 is probaly the most professional thread at the moment (I dont really know, not in it) and they have covered the forum.
09-08-2005, 23:29
Umm no it causes MORE confusion to have several different threads. If you just have one thread and it's only people in this Civilization posting their nation stats, then it's much more neat and easy. Instead of you having to save a bunch of links or searching the forums, all you have is one link, ctrl f, search for nation name, and read the stuff. For instance, take Huntaer's Naval Storefront. He has one reference thread for all his items. That makes it much easier for people to read the stuff then having to search the forums for stats on one particular ship. It also makes him seem more professional so more people visit the storefront.

If we just post one topic threads all the time then the chances are we're just barely going to get more interest then if we do it on an offsite board.
09-08-2005, 23:33
Well its not our choice, so you will have to argue your case to Philanchez.
The Red Temple
10-08-2005, 01:08
Universal Factbook (
10-08-2005, 02:24
the reason i made it like this is because it will douple as an internal affairs place and a way to reach eachother...the only reason another thread will open besides the info ones is for war or a conferrence between many nations...its exactly like E20
10-08-2005, 03:03
history of inventions

Han fact book
Han (technicaly Song fat book (
10-08-2005, 03:26
Here's my thread...

Fear the Zulus! :D
10-08-2005, 03:42
Whoever is Mongol needs to see my topic. I'm trying to make an alliance with you.
10-08-2005, 03:53
Name: Tocharian Kingdom
Region: Tocharians

10-08-2005, 04:00

I thought of something.

Some "civilizations" won't know of each other at 1 A.D. while some knew each other for 1000's of years prior.


Egypt: Everyone knows Egypt except the American civilizations. Zulus barely know Egypt, mostly via rumors.

Rome: Everyone knows Rome except American tribes, Japan, and Zulus.

Nords / Scanadvians: Known by Rome, Russians, and Celts. Nobody else is familiar with Nords.

China: Known by Rome and India, as well as all of Asia. Nobody else is familiar with China.

Japan: Less known than China.

Mongols: Less known than China, but will change with Genghis Khan and the Mongol Hordes.

India / Persia: Known to most everyone except Zulus, Americans, and possibly Nords.

Zulus: Not known by any major civilization (yet) due to isolation in South Africa. Egypt might know about Zulus through rumors, though.

American Tribes: Only known amongst themselves (Aztecs, Mayas, Inca, Sioux, Iroquis, Eskimos, etc.) and nobody else in Europe, Asia, and Africa knows about the America continents yet.

So according to this, RP out diplomacy and such accordingly. There is indeed plenty of "First Contact" situations where a Japan explorer may ecounter the Romans, or a Zulu trieme may meet up with a Celtic one. That should create an atmosphere of uncertainty like "Hey, who are you? Are you people, demons, friends, enemies, or what?" kind of thing.
10-08-2005, 04:00
alright jacksonia...also everyone should check out prates' website for pops as it is more reliable
10-08-2005, 04:02
Another point in addition to my post above this one....

How should we handle expansion, such as taking control of new territory? For example, what are the "requirements" for the Zulu tribe to seize Madasgacar and the territory to the north of South Africa? Or for the Han Dynasty to take over West China territory? And so forth?
10-08-2005, 04:11
Don't know about Zulus. Though for Han to take it from me, there will be a major war. :)
10-08-2005, 04:16
someone must rp the othery territory and you will only take it incrimentally as i assure you one war will not give you the entire territory unless its madagascar or britain...the line of furthest expansion will be agreed upon by the two players
10-08-2005, 04:34
someone must rp the othery territory and you will only take it incrimentally as i assure you one war will not give you the entire territory unless its madagascar or britain...the line of furthest expansion will be agreed upon by the two players


What of unclaimed territories (or in other words, NPC territory)?
10-08-2005, 05:27
Posted a new segment in my Zulu thread, with my newest expansion, 2nd city, and an insight into Shaka's thoughts.
10-08-2005, 16:21
Ok the list of nations threads so far:

Civilization nations (

Zulu's + some other nations I think need to convert there statistics from Civ 3 stats to real life stats.
E.g. not 1 impi warrior, 10,000 Impi warriors.
10-08-2005, 18:30
you forgot mine and these links dont work
The Varangian Empire
The Scandinvans
10-08-2005, 18:34
Can be Avaria?
10-08-2005, 18:36
yeh The Varangian Empire one doesnt work. Weird
10-08-2005, 18:38
That's because the link you put in is the shortened version with periods so the internet has no clue where you want to go.

You do'nt have mine either.
10-08-2005, 18:38
10-08-2005, 19:46
Ok the list of nations threads so far:

Civilization nations (

Zulu's + some other nations I think need to convert there statistics from Civ 3 stats to real life stats.
E.g. not 1 impi warrior, 10,000 Impi warriors.

Actually, I edited my stats to reflect "1 Unit = 10,000 people".

In other words, it is basically a Division of troops, just with a different name, "unit" instead of "division".
10-08-2005, 19:48
oh sorry, didnt see that.
10-08-2005, 20:23
I'm interested in joining your RP. Western or Eastern US okay
10-08-2005, 21:26
you still dident add me
10-08-2005, 21:29
He probably didn't see your link.

This is it.
10-08-2005, 21:31
My 2nd major city, Ulundi, is building boats to try to explore the coast of South Africa. I plan on those boats finding Madasagcar and then claiming it. In the meanwhile, my new batch of settlers / emigrants are travelling north to the mountains in the Buganda Territory to establish a city there.

Shaka is acting upon the mysterious ghost-like prophecy he "saw" when he was a boy. If you read my ongoing RP, you'll know exactly what I mean. :)
10-08-2005, 21:34
but i thought it dident start yet

anyway i am going to be increaing my army incrementaly
10-08-2005, 21:44
Added you now.
Oh yeh Rome, check my most recent post. I am sending spies into your Empire to fund rebellions and ask questions. I am also sending diplomats to Rome via the sea.
10-08-2005, 22:06
about that thing on deplomacy what about the language barrier(if you are next to eachother there are always people imegrating or emegrating

and i still dont see my thing oh well
10-08-2005, 22:09
Then you are not looking properly.
10-08-2005, 22:09
oh nevermind i forgot to refrecsh the page
10-08-2005, 22:18
Oh btw does anyone think, from my list of nations thread, that this should be the centralised IC thread from now on?
Here wars, negotiations and other stuff would be announced, but they would connect up with the actual war/ negotiations thread.

What you think?
10-08-2005, 22:21
Oh btw does anyone think, from my list of nations thread, that this should be the centralised IC thread from now on?
Here wars, negotiations and other stuff would be announced, but they would connect up with the actual war/ negotiations thread.

What you think?

I think your thread with all the links in it would be the best one to post "IC" RP's, diplomacy, interaction, wars, etc. However, some people are posting their expansions and actions in their nation threads (take my Zulu thread for example).
10-08-2005, 22:22
what we need is a independant forum so we can cunduct everything and its easy to find
10-08-2005, 22:27
what we need is a independant forum so we can cunduct everything and its easy to find

We already discussed this, and we decided to stay on NS.

If we move to an independent forum, it WILL kill the RP because it would be "hidden" from the mainstream NS community. When the NS community can't see the Civilization RP "at a glance" like here in I.I. then the RP will lose interest and potential new players.

If we stay on NS, new players can come in and start RP'ing or pick off where the old players quit or went inactive.
10-08-2005, 22:29
We should just have a main centralized thread with links to all the other stuff like Frozopia's. You would make your announcements there and then the other people would just look there and know that someone is trying to murder them or something.
10-08-2005, 22:29
fine whatever i just hate the diffuculty of finding threads or old posts
11-08-2005, 00:18
I'm interested in joining your RP. Western or Eastern US okay

pick a specific territory and your good to go
11-08-2005, 00:44
You could add on to the verry first post " Links " that will basically just have all the links to all the (Civilization) rps.
11-08-2005, 02:16
no because in your own forum you can interact easyer
11-08-2005, 13:31
I wish Rome would get in and active....
11-08-2005, 19:22
i wish we could get more people and for rome to be active
The Red Temple
12-08-2005, 06:10
OK, a number of things: Please rename the "Pyu Kingdom" as the "Khmer Empire" (well, that's what it will be called eventually; right now [in 1 A.D.] it's formally called "Funan"). "Pyu" was a Burman subculture, whereas I'm playing a Khmer/Cham nation.

Please add a link to the Khmer Empire Factbook (

I assume that we have started, no? If so, did we decide on 1 RL Week = 10 RL Years, or 2 RL Days = 1 NS Year? Both have been proposed, but neither has been put forward as the "official" time scale.I expect to posting roughly once a week or so (unless I get into a war), with each post corresponding (roughly) to a single king's reign (more or less).

Fair warning: I'm an extreme history buff, but also a fan of alternative history. Be warned that I love hyper-realism...

And elephants. Lots of elephants.... :D
12-08-2005, 15:13
Good thing I am not by you. But then again, if you get a lot of archers...
12-08-2005, 17:50
I just need help making my factbook.
12-08-2005, 17:54
Lol....goodie....I have three Kingdoms and one of them is supposed to take over the other two.
12-08-2005, 18:08
12-08-2005, 18:50
Nations like Arabia and Persia have seperate Kingdoms. I am just going to follow the timeline a bit up till the Himyar family finally defeats the other two familys.


I explained a lot I think.
12-08-2005, 18:51
I added you already. I can see you have done alot of research, alot more than what I did.
12-08-2005, 18:53
A couple of things:
Rome is completely inactive, so I cant really do anything at the moment.
Im going on holiday for two weeks on the 16th, so i will be inactive a while...
12-08-2005, 18:53
I know you added me, I just wanted to post my Factbook lol....
12-08-2005, 19:16
Can I take the Teatonic area? Or has that been taken? If so I would like Asia Minor.
My culture:
Pop: 6,000

Cool? Okay then with all of that I would like this to "Officialy" start.
12-08-2005, 21:16
it has officialy started and if you want to be moors be like spain or morroco or something also im gonna be in asia minor soon
13-08-2005, 03:30
I'd really like to join this. I'd either take Eastern US, if possible, as in the 13 colonies type area, or if that doesn't work out and Rome doesn't post I'll take Rome. If neither of those work, I'll take Australia or Japan. Thanks!
The Scandinvans
13-08-2005, 03:34
Can I be Avaria?
OOC: Fixed the grammer and also bump for response to my post please?
13-08-2005, 03:49
caladonn please choose one of the labeled territories...also scandivans you may have avaria...although you will have a small population and will be overrun by me soon enough :) have fun
13-08-2005, 04:00
Very sorry. I'll take Muskogia. Thank you!

Also, considering this is alt history, do you or anyone mind if I RP the area as a farming, kind of advanced ancient civilization, as opposed to a hunter-gatherer native american one?
13-08-2005, 04:07
no more advanced than the 'barbarians' of europe...
13-08-2005, 05:05
Of course. More along a hybrid Roman- Norse model than anything else. Definitely not too advanced. For population, does 1 million sound reasonable?
13-08-2005, 05:27
id put the whole us at 1.5 million so id say maybe 500,000 to start off...
13-08-2005, 16:03
Ok, sure. Thanks again. I'll start making a factbook.
13-08-2005, 16:31
Also, my nation's name will be Caladonn.
13-08-2005, 18:19
can you put a link to the Civilization: The Nations thread so i dont always have to go to page8
13-08-2005, 18:25
Put it on the first page:
Make sure you put the whole link down, not the shortened 1
13-08-2005, 18:26
since ive seen people posting about steel armour and such im going to be frank and tell you that steel armour has only been around since agincourt where the french knights wore it in its debut battle
13-08-2005, 18:28
Im sticking to Iron swords and spears, although Im not sure if armour like leather or even iron (Mail shirts?) is allowed....
13-08-2005, 18:28
And I cant do anything at the moment without a Rome RPer.
13-08-2005, 18:29
iron armour is allowed but the only people who use full plate armour at this time is the parthians
13-08-2005, 19:17
Here is what I found on steel in this period...

It is controversial whether the Romans used steel. According to Manning, “there is no evidence for widespread, regular, intentional production of steel in the Roman Empire,” (Manning 148). The problem is that the only essential difference between iron and steel is the amount of carbon in the metal. Regular wrought iron has a carbon content of about 0.5 percent and steel has a carbon content of 1.5 percent. It is possible that this much carbon was imparted to the blade by the charcoal used to heat the metal as the smith forger the blade. This contact between the metal and charcoal created a sort of outer layer of steel (Manning 148) in a process called carburization. It is doubtful that the Romans were aware that this process was taking place. They probably just observed that blades which were heated and reheated were stronger than those that were not (Healy 232). As the iron is reheated and hammered repeatedly, a strange thing takes place in the blade: it becomes an iron blade with thin strips of steel throughout. This works out very well because it gives the blade the strength of steel, with the “resilience of iron” (Manning 148).

This is how I am using it.
13-08-2005, 19:28
that is ok it is more of an accidental thing but you made it sound like you were useing steel like we have today...
13-08-2005, 19:33
Sorry, truth is, I assumed the Romans had fully discovered steel, it was only afterwards when I checked on Google I realised this. Assume all of my steel things are that accidental combination.
13-08-2005, 19:34
Also, since you purged the inactive players, does that mean there are no other North American players?
13-08-2005, 19:38
yes i believe so but if i were you id go for the miccosoukee first as i know for a fact that the canadian provinces will be taken soon enough
13-08-2005, 19:53
Swap your nation for Rome....
13-08-2005, 20:13
nah what we need are more players...yes i said more players people start signing up and make sure to look at the nation list not the claimed map on the first post for what is taken!!!!
13-08-2005, 20:15
Yes, that's what I'm doing. I agree, we do need more players.
13-08-2005, 23:51
I'm going to need a defense RPer for my invasion of Miccosukee. Here's the link:

14-08-2005, 06:22

I just got back from the hospital earlier today, and the operation went well. I'm able to walk around and eat, as I never got any dizziness or any side effects except for a slight numbness in my tongue. I'm just laying in bed, trying to recover and drinking a lot of water. I'm doing well, regardless, as I'm able to check e-mails and stuff late at night. I think I will be getting better and stronger everyday. I'm glad the surgery is over, and most of my nervousness is gone. Its a huge relief that its over, without any hitches.

I think I'll be able to check up here over the next few days. I might be able to post short RP posts, just not my usual detailed ones.

Could someone kindly fill me with what has been going on today and yesterday? Please freeze any actions aganist or with Zulus / Zululand until I'm able to respond accordingly. Much thanks. :)
15-08-2005, 01:53
map updated also there are plenty of prime locations open so take them before i do!!!
15-08-2005, 05:03

I just got back from the hospital earlier today, and the operation went well. I'm able to walk around and eat, as I never got any dizziness or any side effects except for a slight numbness in my tongue. I'm just laying in bed, trying to recover and drinking a lot of water. I'm doing well, regardless, as I'm able to check e-mails and stuff late at night. I think I will be getting better and stronger everyday. I'm glad the surgery is over, and most of my nervousness is gone. Its a huge relief that its over, without any hitches.

I think I'll be able to check up here over the next few days. I might be able to post short RP posts, just not my usual detailed ones.

Could someone kindly fill me with what has been going on today and yesterday? Please freeze any actions aganist or with Zulus / Zululand until I'm able to respond accordingly. Much thanks. :)

What were ya in for? I had my appendix removed twards the end of last year...I know what suck ass pain you're going through..and how helpless you feel from time to time.......
15-08-2005, 05:17
i tore my achilles about 3 years ago and trust me that is the most immense pain you will ever feel asides from maybe being stabbed or shot...oh and the morphine made me puke...yuk...i was on pain killers for aboput three months after the surgery and couldnt walk for about three or four...
15-08-2005, 06:59
Why were you in the operating room?

And I cracked my skull 5 years ago. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt that much.
15-08-2005, 12:51
ouch i head that the achilies heal is one of the places that hurt the most
15-08-2005, 16:45

anyway, do you mind if I RP the defense of Miccosukee? No one's volunteering, and I'd like to get it moving.
15-08-2005, 22:47

I went under to get an implant put in. It's a cochlear implant, which will allow me to hear for the very first time ever in my life. However, it won't be activated for 4 weeks, as my body needs the time to heal up around the surgery incision and such.

I'm feeling more and more stronger as I'm weaning myself off the pain meds (which gave me droswiness). I should be able to RP some in the upcoming few days, depends on how it goes.