The Serapindal Feminist Party has been banned. (MT, Open)
07-08-2005, 18:03
Anchorman: Glad you're tuning in today, to the SMC. Today, the Serapindal Political Bureau has just voted to ban the Serapindal Feminist Party, for endangering the people, treason, destroying public order, and bigotry. In a recent shoot-out, several top ranking members of the party, were killed. This is SMC news, and here's a word from our sponsor.
*IOS Propaganda plays*
07-08-2005, 18:09
While the Glorious Republic is an ally of Serapindal we do not condone banning an entire political party for the actions of a few. We beg you to reconsider and just keep them under close watch. Perhaps restrict them heavily to prevent such actions.
-Minister of the Good China
07-08-2005, 18:15
Message to Leafanistan.
"Uh...actually, we ordered the shoot-out after we banned them, to make sure they cannot come back again, by eliminating their top leaders..."
07-08-2005, 18:29
The Slovakastanian government is thoroughly appalled. The slaughter of the leaders of a political party is tantamount to murder and political massacre.
We advise you to back down immediately and let the party resume their activities, lest we feel the need to carry out a "regime change."
07-08-2005, 18:53
The Slovakastanian government is thoroughly appalled. The slaughter of the leaders of a political party is tantamount to murder and political massacre.
We advise you to back down immediately and let the party resume their activities, lest we feel the need to carry out a "regime change."
How dare you threaten my esteemed ally. He needs to secure power in the Imperium. And a small nation like yourself isn't in the place to carry out anything but his waste.
07-08-2005, 19:24
The Slovakastanian government would like to acknowledge your overwhelming military strength but remind you that our terrain is easily defended by a scarce amount of troops, whereas yours is akin to a slaughtering field...
We would also like to remind you that your special operations defenses aren't exactly watertight. In fact, it was quite easy to get our teams in.
07-08-2005, 19:37
The Slovakastanian government would like to acknowledge your overwhelming military strength but remind you that our terrain is easily defended by a scarce amount of troops, whereas yours is akin to a slaughtering field...
We would also like to remind you that your special operations defenses aren't exactly watertight. In fact, it was quite easy to get our teams in.
OOC: Godmode, you didn't even RP getting in.
Leafanistan happens to be connected to several "closed" countries (ie Don't RP here), and our security happens to be some of the highest. We barely travel internationally, except to certain nations who also share our paranoid beliefs. The Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and Civilian Defense Force should keep anyone out. Besides with everyone beign 2 metres tall, some of your short Spec Ops will raise suspicion. And my terrian is mountainous with plains near river deltas, it sounds easily defendable to me.
07-08-2005, 19:43
OOC: You know, just because he says it doesn't make it true. He's bluffing.
The Velkyan Union
07-08-2005, 19:43
If these massacres continue, the Velkyan Union will withdraw from all alliances with the IOS, blacklist it from it's storefront, and consider possible miltary action.
07-08-2005, 19:48
"We support the Imperium of Serapindal in their stamp down of the feminist party. We believe women should be kept in their place, and their place is in the kitchen. Women must learn they are inferior to men, and are only ranked slightly above slaves in the lands of Frozopia." Spoke a Royal representative on RN (Royal news).
The Velkyan Union
07-08-2005, 19:52
Very well. The IOS and Frozopians have just been dropped from the ANC, and blacklisted from trade. Have fun oppressing your people.
07-08-2005, 19:55
"We believe women should be kept in their place, and their place is in the kitchen."
Down with kitchen slavery!
If these were "fake" feminists that belive that woman are better than men, we only condemn you for the murder of the leadership. If it is "true" feminism then we condemn you on two counts.
07-08-2005, 19:56
Seeing as we have never traded with the The Velkyan Union, this does not bother us.
07-08-2005, 21:05
Down with kitchen slavery!
If these were "fake" feminists that belive that woman are better than men, we only condemn you for the murder of the leadership. If it is "true" feminism then we condemn you on two counts.
"I'm glad you mentioned that. Of course it's the fake feminism. The Imperium already has equal opportunity wages. The FSP is a radical fringe party, filled with "Femanazis" as we deletably call them. Some of their policies include removal of men from all offices, keeping men from getting high-paying jobs, and making them do all the back-breaking work. Feminism has transformed from wanting equal rights, to wanting special treatment, when they got equal rights. The IOS is just enraged on how they have such a deep treasury..."
The Velkyan Union
07-08-2005, 21:20
You should still keep an advisory consil on if civil rights are being enforced.
07-08-2005, 21:24
"True, but...oh dear. There's been another shoot-out. Bah. The SFP has about .63% of the Popular Support. Might last a few days. So much paperwork. You know, stuff like sending the opposition's family the bill for the bullets spent the dispatch them, the paperwork to see who was killed, etc. etc. etc."
07-08-2005, 22:08
Official Transmission
To: The IOS
From: President Copeland
I congratulate you for your courage through this ordeal. It is difficult to destroy enemies of the state with the impeding eyes of the public always trained on you. They must realize that without such measures the entire country would go down in flames. All that I suggest is to have your work done by someone more palatable next time.