Mauiwowee's new Assualt Rifle is now for sale!
05-08-2005, 20:08
The new XM-30 with it's thermobaric grenades and launcher step up the destructive capabilities of Mauiwowee's military significantly. A picture of the weapon is shown below with specs. on the weapon and the thermobaric grenades. Three million of these weapons have been produced and deployed over the past 2 years by W.M.D., Inc. In future deployments of the military, it is anticipated the XM-30 will serve side-by-side with the CAR-22's currently in use by Mauiwowee's military.
W.M.D. is now offering the XM-30 and the thermobaric grenades for sale to foreign Goverments deemed friendly to Mauiwowee. Minimum orders of 5,000 Rifles and/or 500 Grenades are required. 2 Rifles and 10 grenades will be supplied for evaluation purposes for a flat fee payment of $3,500.00 however. Interested parties should contact Gen. Jack T. Ripper, CEO of W.M.D., Inc.
Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm
Rate of Fire: 2050 rpm (rounds per minute)
Ammo specs: caseless
Rifle specs/ammo specs:
1. Steel/Ceramic/Plastics Construction
2. 60 shot clip
3. Electronic fire control - semi-auto/full auto/3 round burst auto
4. combo laser & telescopic sighting
5. Weight: 6 kilograms (13.2 lbs)
6. Optimal combat range: up to approximately 350 meters (382 yards/1,150 feet)
7. Maximum effective range: 850 meters.
8. Collapsible/removable stock
9. Built in grenade launcher (thermobaric design standard, convential grenade optional) w/ 2 grenade "clip" and pump action loading.
10. Armor piercing ammo - up to 7 mm (0.28 inches) penetration on standard steel plating at 45 meters (50 yards/150 feet).
11. Standard "enemy combatant" or "ball" ammo - up to 560 mm (22 inches) "soft tissue" penetration with yaw induced fragmentation at the cannelure from 183 meters (200 yards/600 feet)
12. Grendade Launcher - max. point target range = 150 meters (492 feet)
13. Optimal target/combat range - 50 meters (165 feet)
Thermobaric Grenades
Thermobaric fuel: Aluminum powder & aerosol gel explosive
Maximum enclosed "kill" area: 177 cubic meter (6,250 c.f. - 25' x 25' x 10' enclosed space.)
Maximum open space "kill" area: 51 cubic meter (1,800 c.f. - 15' x 15' x 8' open area.)
Flash point dimensions: 23 cubic meters (800 c.f. - 10' x 10' x 8' flash point explosion)
OOC: I will gladly answer questions, I suggest you study up on how thermobaric weapons work first though if you don't understand the grenades. Please do at least some RPing if placing an order.
05-08-2005, 20:47
We'll take the evaluation.
*wikis thermobaric grenades, is impressed*
Laskon would like to make an order of 100,000 of the XM30 rifles, whic will cost $180,000,000 USD, and 400,000 of the grenades, which will also cost $180,000,000.
Total amount due:
05-08-2005, 21:04
We'll take the evaluation.
Your evaluation models will be shipped upon receipt of the required payments.
General Jack T. Ripper
W.M.D., Inc.
05-08-2005, 21:06
*wikis thermobaric grenades, is impressed*
Laskon would like to make an order of 100,000 of the XM30 rifles, whic will cost $180,000,000 USD, and 400,000 of the grenades, which will also cost $180,000,000.
Total amount due:
Your order is confirmed, please wire payment. The rifles and 1/2 of the grenade order will ship immediately upon receipt of payment. The other 1/2 of the grenade order will take approximately 5-7 days to fill.
Thank you for doing business with W.M.D. Inc.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
05-08-2005, 22:11
To: Mauiwowee
From: Special Forces of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
Subject: XM-30 Assault Rifles and ThermoBaric Grenades
Dear Mauiwowee,
The Special Forces of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu would like to purchase the following:
5,000 XM-30 Assault Rifles- $9,000,000 USD
5,000 ThermoBaric Grenades- $2,125,000 USD
TOTAL: $11,125,000 USD
Thank You. Money will be wired upon successful confirmation of order. Have a nice day, sir.
Special Forces Director Justin A. Herbert, Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
Rate of Fire is way to high for fully automatic. At the speed you would lose aim quickly and empty your clip in less than 2 seconds.
The Candrian Empire
06-08-2005, 03:05
OCC: Goddammit, I thought dissolving case rounds was original! I even have it on my modern tankmounted machine guns and tank rounds! (Not gonna do it for infantry - SOC rifles got that. They can only be built rather large or rather small, in betweens will take time to develop.)
The CMF is intrigued by this weapon - We had a project similar to this, but it was placed under Resume on Budget status and... well... never resumed. We wish to purchase an evaluation lot of 100 rifles and 200 TB gernades. 265,000 USD to be wired upon confirmation of the order.
06-08-2005, 03:05
To: Mauiwowee
From: Special Forces of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
Subject: XM-30 Assault Rifles and ThermoBaric Grenades
Dear Mauiwowee,
The Special Forces of The Holy Empire of Asgarnieu would like to purchase the following:
5,000 XM-30 Assault Rifles- $9,000,000 USD
5,000 ThermoBaric Grenades- $2,125,000 USD
TOTAL: $11,125,000 USD
Thank You. Money will be wired upon successful confirmation of order. Have a nice day, sir.
Special Forces Director Justin A. Herbert, Holy Empire of Asgarnieu
Dear sirs:
Your order is confirmed. Please wire funds. The rifles and grenades will be shipped upon confirmation of the fund's receipt.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
06-08-2005, 03:08
Rate of Fire is way to high for fully automatic. At the speed you would lose aim quickly and empty your clip in less than 2 seconds.
Yes, but a well trained soldier never uses full auto, he uses the 3 round burst or semi-auto mode. Too fast emptying of the clip and loss of accuracy are problems with most full auto weapons anyway. Full auto is for "showing off" purposes, not combat.
06-08-2005, 03:10
OCC: Goddammit, I thought dissolving case rounds was original! I even have it on my modern tankmounted machine guns and tank rounds! (Not gonna do it for infantry - SOC rifles got that. They can only be built rather large or rather small, in betweens will take time to develop.)
The CMF is intrigued by this weapon - We had a project similar to this, but it was placed under Resume on Budget status and... well... never resumed. We wish to purchase an evaluation lot of 100 rifles and 200 TB gernades. 265,000 USD to be wired upon confirmation of the order.
Your evaluation order is confirmed. Please wire funds. The items will be shipped upon receipt.
We hope you like the weapons enough to place a full order with us in the near future.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
Yes, but a well trained soldier never uses full auto, he uses the 3 round burst or semi-auto mode. Too fast emptying of the clip and loss of accuracy are problems with most full auto weapons anyway. Full auto is for "showing off" purposes, not combat.
It would still be useless in a full auto situation. Yo would be better off haveing a variable ROF. My assault rifles fire above 2,000 rpm on three round burst, but fire 600 rpm when in full auto. These rifles need some work but are good.
I would also advise upping the diameter of the ammo. AP 5.56 isn't going to do much to NS bodyarmor. I use a caseless 6.59 x 45 mm blended metal round which was recoil and similar to a 5.56 round, but much more penetration than a 7.62mm NATO round.
The Candrian Empire
06-08-2005, 03:32
*Funds Wired*
Now, we had facilities ready to produce iron-adhesive 5.56 and 7.62 dissolving case cartridges for infantry weapons - will these be adaptable to this weapon?
:sniper: Interesting it will be useful in battle
06-08-2005, 03:40
*Funds Wired*
Now, we had facilities ready to produce iron-adhesive 5.56 and 7.62 dissolving case cartridges for infantry weapons - will these be adaptable to this weapon?
The weapons have been shipped and should arrive in about 2-3 days. As for your question regarding the ammunition you have designed, our engineers tell us that based on your description, you should have little difficulty adapting them. We did not create the weapon to create a reliance on our ammunition by purchasers.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
06-08-2005, 03:47
It would still be useless in a full auto situation. Yo would be better off haveing a variable ROF. My assault rifles fire above 2,000 rpm on three round burst, but fire 600 rpm when in full auto. These rifles need some work but are good.
I would also advise upping the diameter of the ammo. AP 5.56 isn't going to do much to NS bodyarmor. I use a caseless 6.59 x 45 mm blended metal round which was recoil and similar to a 5.56 round, but much more penetration than a 7.62mm NATO round.
This could be done, but how often, realistically, is a soldier going to go to full auto in combat - the 3 or 5 round burst is the typical standard, We were more concerned about the average/normal use than possible issues with the occassional non-standard useage.
As to the ammo, upgrades there are being studied. We designed the weapon to begin with for "across the board" compatability with standard issue ammunition to begin with with more specialized versions to be worked on later. We felt we needed to get the TB grenades and launchers out to our men in the field as soon as we could due to various military campaigns we are involved in that involve urban warfare where the TB grenades are particularly useful and effective.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
This could be done, but how often, realistically, is a soldier going to go to full auto in combat - the 3 or 5 round burst is the typical standard, We were more concerned about the average/normal use than possible issues with the occassional non-standard useage.
As to the ammo, upgrades there are being studied. We designed the weapon to begin with for "across the board" compatability with standard issue ammunition to begin with with more specialized versions to be worked on later. We felt we needed to get the TB grenades and launchers out to our men in the field as soon as we could due to various military campaigns we are involved in that involve urban warfare where the TB grenades are particularly useful and effective.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
Actually a solider is highly likely to be in a full-auto situation in combat. If you encounter an enemy in dense foilage or in close quarters full-auto is the way to go. Dont sya that you nades will do all that as you really dont want to waste a $450 pop at something you cant see.
And even if you dont think that it is likly, it is better to have the capability than to be left hanging in the wind. Variable ROF would be a cheap , easy, and (most iomportantly) reliable modification.
Your order is confirmed, please wire payment. The rifles and 1/2 of the grenade order will ship immediately upon receipt of payment. The other 1/2 of the grenade order will take approximately 5-7 days to fill.
Thank you for doing business with W.M.D. Inc.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
*funds wired*
We cannot wait to equip one of our military battalions with these weapons, it they work out well, we will be sure to request more.
06-08-2005, 04:07
Actually a solider is highly likely to be in a full-auto situation in combat. If you encounter an enemy in dense foilage or in close quarters full-auto is the way to go.
We don't necessarily agree with this, but we do agree with:
And even if you dont think that it is likly, it is better to have the capability than to be left hanging in the wind. Variable ROF would be a cheap , easy, and (most iomportantly) reliable modification.
And will likely impliment variable ROF on the next model that incorporate a better armor piercing ammo design.
We're not sure what you mean by all this: Dont sya that you nades will do all that as you really dont want to waste a $450 pop at something you cant see.
We agree we don't want to waste grenades, but part of their usefulness is taking out targets thought likely to be somewhere that we can't see. The grenades are most effective in urban combat areas where they can be fired through windows and doors and into enclosed bunkers, etc. where enemy combatants are likely to be hiding.
06-08-2005, 04:09
*funds wired*
We cannot wait to equip one of our military battalions with these weapons, it they work out well, we will be sure to request more.
Funds received and items shipped. Thank you for doing business with W.M.D., Inc. We look forward to serving your future needs.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
We don't necessarily agree with this, but we do agree with: Okay I understand.
And will likely impliment variable ROF on the next model that incorporate a better armor piercing ammo design. If you need help, we are glad to help you in your next design.
We're not sure what you mean by all this: Way too many typos sry. Should read:
"Dont say that your nades will do all that as you really dont want to waste a $450 nade at something you cant see."
We agree we don't want to waste grenades, but part of their usefulness is taking out targets thought likely to be somewhere that we can't see. The grenades are most effective in urban combat areas where they can be fired through windows and doors and into enclosed bunkers, etc. where enemy combatants are likely to be hiding.
While this is true in an urban environment where you can fairly easily predict where the enemy is. In the jungle it is not as easy.
06-08-2005, 04:31
If you need help, we are glad to help you in your next design.
We may take you up on this, thank you for your offer of assistance.
While this is true in an urban environment where you can fairly easily predict where the enemy is. In the jungle it is not as easy.
We fully agree with this. However, the weapon was designed and implemented primarily for urban warfare, not jungle, where our CAR-22 is standard issue.
Just to point out, urban warfare is one place where full-auto accels. :p
06-08-2005, 08:39
bump, bump, bump - bump, bump, bump - bump your booty, bump your booty
with apologies to K.C. & the Sunshine Band :p
Is it possible to buy these without the Grenade Launcher?
06-08-2005, 15:31
Is it possible to buy these without the Grenade Launcher?
Simple answer, "nope" Sorry :)
06-08-2005, 23:48
07-08-2005, 00:31
5,000 XM-30 Assault Rifles- $9,000,000 USD
5,000 ThermoBaric Grenades- $2,125,000 USD
TOTAL: $11,125,000 USD
SUB-TOTAL: $11,125,000 USD
SHIPPING: §10,000,000 AGP
TIP: $10,000,000 USD
07-08-2005, 00:42
To: Mauiwowee
From: big_boom piglatnian defence minister
Subject: XM-30 Assault Rifles
we are very pleased with the new weapon you have come out with so we have decided to buy some for a special task force being trained.
we would like 40 weapons
the price of 72,000 usd will be wired with confirmation. please TG us with confirmation.
big_boom defence minister
07-08-2005, 00:54
5,000 XM-30 Assault Rifles- $9,000,000 USD
5,000 ThermoBaric Grenades- $2,125,000 USD
TOTAL: $11,125,000 USD
SUB-TOTAL: $11,125,000 USD
SHIPPING: §10,000,000 AGP
TIP: $10,000,000 USD
Dear Sirs:
Payment has been received and the items are being shipped via Fed-Ex next day air. Thank you for your business.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
07-08-2005, 00:56
To: Mauiwowee
From: big_boom piglatnian defence minister
Subject: XM-30 Assault Rifles
we are very pleased with the new weapon you have come out with so we have decided to buy some for a special task force being trained.
we would like 40 weapons
the price of 72,000 usd will be wired with confirmation. please TG us with confirmation.
big_boom defence minister
Dear Sirs:
Your order is confirmed, please wire funds. Would you like grenades with those?
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
07-08-2005, 01:06
no we do not need explosives at the moment and our acountants confirmthat the funds have been sent.
07-08-2005, 01:20
OOC: Pretend it has already been shipped, sorry forgot to subscribe to this thread.
"We apologize but due to the weight, low impluse bullets, and poor ergonomics we have declined to purchase more of your weapons. We admit, tis a fine design, but limited for our troops, and Civil Defense Forces. However, you have been granted a license to sell these weapons to civilians in our nation. Good Hunting."
-Minister of Economics
07-08-2005, 03:48
no we do not need explosives at the moment and our acountants confirmthat the funds have been sent.
Thank you sirs, your order has been shipped and should arrive in the next 2 days.
07-08-2005, 03:52
OOC: Pretend it has already been shipped, sorry forgot to subscribe to this thread.
"We apologize but due to the weight, low impluse bullets, and poor ergonomics we have declined to purchase more of your weapons. We admit, tis a fine design, but limited for our troops, and Civil Defense Forces. However, you have been granted a license to sell these weapons to civilians in our nation. Good Hunting."
-Minister of Economics
OOC: Hmm, deer hunting with thermobaric grenades? That could be interesting :)
We are sorry that the weapons did not meet your needs. At W.M.D., Inc., customer satisfaction is one of our main goals. We are herewith refunding your money for the evaluation units we sent you. We would welcome a team of your experts here to meet with our design team to discuss potential improvements that you would wish to see on future versions of the XM-30.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
New Montreal States
07-08-2005, 05:20
Sirs -
Our nations has recently been revived after a rather long hiatus. Accordingly we need to upgrade our defense capabilities on a going foward basis. We would like to order the evaluation package, and have enclosed the $3,500. If the design is satisfactory we will make an offer for specs. and manufacturing rights.
I remain,
Gen. Jean-Paul Lechevalier, under Chief Paladin Frog, etc.
07-08-2005, 05:27
Sirs -
Our nations has recently been revived after a rather long hiatus. Accordingly we need to upgrade our defense capabilities on a going foward basis. We would like to order the evaluation package, and have enclosed the $3,500. If the design is satisfactory we will make an offer for specs. and manufacturing rights.
I remain,
Gen. Jean-Paul Lechevalier, under Chief Paladin Frog, etc.
Dear General Lechevalier:
Enclosed is the evaluation package. We hope you find the weapons to your liking.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
New Montreal States
07-08-2005, 19:08
Sirs -
We have completed combat and accuracy tests with both the rifle and the grenades, and have found them suitable for standard infantry use. Accordingly we would like to acquire the specifications for manufacture of both the rifles and the grenades, and are authorized to offer your nation 1 billion ounces of marijuana (the local currency, this is worth 1.8 billion USD).
- Gen. Jean-Paul Lechevalier, under Chief Paladin Frog, etc.
07-08-2005, 22:04
Sirs -
We have completed combat and accuracy tests with both the rifle and the grenades, and have found them suitable for standard infantry use. Accordingly we would like to acquire the specifications for manufacture of both the rifles and the grenades, and are authorized to offer your nation 1 billion ounces of marijuana (the local currency, this is worth 1.8 billion USD).
- Gen. Jean-Paul Lechevalier, under Chief Paladin Frog, etc.
Dear Gen. Lechevalier:
On the Condition that the weapons you manufacture will not be offered for sale to other nations, but will be manufactured by you and for your nation's use alone, your offer is acceptable.
General Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
New Montreal States
08-08-2005, 07:27
Sirs -
Your conditions are acceptable. 500 million ounces of marijuana have been wired to your fovernment, and the remainder will be wired automatically upon receipt of the specifications.
I remain,
Gen. Jean-Paul Lechevalier, under Chief Paladin Frog, etc.
08-08-2005, 15:12
Sirs -
Your conditions are acceptable. 500 million ounces of marijuana have been wired to your fovernment, and the remainder will be wired automatically upon receipt of the specifications.
I remain,
Gen. Jean-Paul Lechevalier, under Chief Paladin Frog, etc.
:::: quad encrypted, Channel Alpha 1, secure transmission ::::
General Lechevalier:
Full specifications are included in this transmission, let us know if you have any difficulty. Please have your engineers and manufacturing staff pay particular attention to the detonation sequencer on the grenades. Ensuring the second detonation is timed just right is probably the "trickiest" part of making the weapon.
General Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
OOC: Just as an aside, how do you send marijuana by wire? :)
New Montreal States
09-08-2005, 06:22
OOC: Just as an aside, how do you send marijuana by wire? :)
OOC: The same way other people send dollar bills by wire. If you want to redeem the ounces of marijuana for actual dope, you'll have to get it shipped in from the NMS central bank.
Dear Mauiwowee,
The USA Police Force would like to test out the evaluation package.
P.S. How is the money sent? Haha, I'm new to this weapons purchasing kind of stuff.
- SFMP (Special Forces, Military, Police) Joint Commander Alvino M. Wong, The United States of Alvino
09-08-2005, 07:51
Dear Mauiwowee,
The USA Police Force would like to test out the evaluation package.
P.S. How is the money sent? Haha, I'm new to this weapons purchasing kind of stuff.
- SFMP (Special Forces, Military, Police) Joint Commander Alvino M. Wong, The United States of Alvino
Dear Sirs:
An evaluation package is on its way, please wire funds.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
Dear Newbie:
Just role play that your nation has directed that money be transfered via a wire transaction to W.M.D.'s bank account. That's all you need to do. $3,500 for a new nation is something you can afford. However, note that a giant order of several hundred million will not be honored since you're a new nation who can't afford that much money.
This is all done thorugh the forums? Or do I need to send you a telegram?
And what does the Evaluation Package consist of?
- SFMP Joint Commander Alvino, The United States of Alvino
09-08-2005, 15:11
This is all done thorugh the forums? Or do I need to send you a telegram?
And what does the Evaluation Package consist of?
- SFMP Joint Commander Alvino, The United States of Alvino
OOC: Just post here in the forum that the money has been wired and I'll post a confirmation saying it has been received.
The evaluation package consists of 2 rifles and 10 thermobaric grenades.
09-08-2005, 15:20
OOC: Hmm, deer hunting with thermobaric grenades? That could be interesting :)
We are sorry that the weapons did not meet your needs. At W.M.D., Inc., customer satisfaction is one of our main goals. We are herewith refunding your money for the evaluation units we sent you. We would welcome a team of your experts here to meet with our design team to discuss potential improvements that you would wish to see on future versions of the XM-30.
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
CEO, W.M.D., Inc.
Thank you for refunding our money, but Leafanistan has rather, lax gun laws. Lets just put it this way, .09% of the population owns and operates an armoured vehicle, like a Bradley, a T-62 or a Hummer with an MG. But thanks to highmorals and low crime rate, its never been a problem. You are welcome to sell Assault weapons, provided they are only in Semi-Automatic. As for improvements, many soldiers have said that it needs to be lighter and have a lower recoil. We suggest using a balanced gas piston(s) and use more composites.
-Minister of Self-Righteous Cheese
13-08-2005, 02:14