05-08-2005, 18:57
Be it known that on this Date: 05/ Aug / 2005
The Great Nation of Cofearia has Declared War upon theation of Two Bars.
May God Grant our Great Nation a Swift Victory.
Signed this Date: 05/ Aug / 2005
Our Great and Beloved Ruler.
05-08-2005, 19:03
We The People of Moborith will Aid our good Friends of Two Bars in their up coming Battle.
06-08-2005, 02:18
The People of Cofearia only wishes for peace between our Nations.
Therefore I Withdraw the Declaration of War against the Nation of Two Bars.
The Nation of Cofearia wishes to enter in to a Fair Trade Agreement with the Nation of Two Bars.
It is Cofearia's Hope that Two Bars will Agree to a Cease Fire and embrace the Fair Trade Agreement.
Signed this Date:05/Aug/2005
The Ruler of Cofearia.
06-08-2005, 02:31
OOC: ...You just declared war on him yesterday and now you want a trade agreement? He hasn't even posted yet.