Of Smoke and Rubble (Coup in Ceyolia)
OOC: There is a bit of a backstory to this- see backstory 1 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=424792&highlight=ceyolia) and backstory 2 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=432593&highlight=ceyolia) The new leader has not gone public yet.
IC: The Ceyolian capitol city of Ceyol sat under a bath of smoke that blended into the overcast skies. Gunfire erupted from a tall office building, but was decimated by artillery fire. Within several hours, tanks poured into the cities, plowing through buildings and razing structures. The gunfire slowly died down over the remainder of the day, leaving trhe city 60% destroyed.
A team of soldiers entered a bunker, rifles drawn and began searching. They passed through several corridors and came to an office which had caved in. They saw a pair of legs in military uniform pants. They dug out the rubble and saw the half-crushed in skull of the previous leader of the people. One photographed it, while the other lifted his radio.
"This is unit-7. Deliver squawk to major that target is deep six."
"Roger." The command unit spoke solemnly.
Meanwhile, at Blake's Point, Ceyolia, Major Slosovoski reclined in his chair, smoking a fat cigar. A soldier came in. "Sir! The primary target is dead!"
"Good news."
"Sir, we have taken Ceyol!"
"Better news!"
"Should we prepare for your inauguration?"
"No. I need to wait until I here from my superiors."
The major stared pensively at the phone, as if it could wrap its cord around his neck and strangle him.
The Transylvania
05-08-2005, 15:52
Tag for later post
Papagori Illiani Romanokovski sat in his office, staring at the satelite photos he aquired of Ceyolia. The images showed a city predominantly composed of rubble and tanks crawling through the streets. To the north was the airfield which was relatively intact. He picked up the phone and dialed. "Major, what is your status?"
"Sir, I have finally taken Ceyolia. It wasn't easy."
"So I can tell."
"Sir, I have a confirmed kill of Qaulhoun, former speaker of the people, the navy men are in my custody, the Secret Police commanders were killed by their own men and the air force went turncoat as soon as we aproached the city. Resistance is scattered and has no stable leadership. The people are happy that Qaulhoun's reign is over, but are disheartened by the destruction of our war."
"It sounds like all is well"
"We've got control of the airport and my men have just entered the docks. Unfortunately, much of our standing navy was destroyed, but our hold is secure."
"Good. I'll tell you when its safe to announce your presidency."
"But, sir..."
"Do I have to repeat myself?"
"No sir. I understand."
Papagori stopped and exhaled heavily. He picked up the phone again. "I wish to speak to Count Jwolf immediately. Inform him that Ceyolia has been secured."
Tag, in case you need a (temporarily lame) assassin again.
The Transylvania
08-08-2005, 17:06
“I will give him the message.” said a female voice on the other next of the phone. The phone sounded like it was put on hold.
Then a new voice could be heard, “Good news, Mr. Romanokovski.” said the Count.
“Now, how much damaged do we have to rebuilt?” he asked.
08-08-2005, 17:14
Tag, in case you need a (temporarily lame) assassin again.
OOC: Same here, minus the "temporarily lame" part. :p TAG.
“I will give him the message.” said a female voice on the other next of the phone. The phone sounded like it was put on hold.
Then a new voice could be heard, “Good news, Mr. Romanokovski.” said the Count.
“Now, how much damaged do we have to rebuilt?” he asked.
"Count JWolf, the only city damaged was Ceyol and several outlying military facilities. Presently, we're using POWs for labor to rebuild the city and we've frozen the assets of the nationalist party, so no outside funding should be needed to rebuild the city. The air force has been saved almost completely intact, but the Navy was mostly destroyed. The army has lost suffered severe casualties, but if we augment taxes slightly, no additional funding should be needed."
"Count JWolf, We have accomplished everything we intended to do. Presently, we wish to prepare for our relocation to Ceyolia. Once our man takes office, as per our agreement, you will have unrestricted access to our economy and be permitted to keep a large concentration of soldiers on the island. Once we arrive, we would like to continue future business with you."
The Transylvania
09-08-2005, 06:24
"Count JWolf, the only city damaged was Ceyol and several outlying military facilities. Presently, we're using POWs for labor to rebuild the city and we've frozen the assets of the nationalist party, so no outside funding should be needed to rebuild the city. The air force has been saved almost completely intact, but the Navy was mostly destroyed. The army has lost suffered severe casualties, but if we augment taxes slightly, no additional funding should be needed."
"Good to hear that, Mr. Romanokovsk." said the Count "What is the Death toll of the poeple who lived in Ceyol?" he asked.
"Count JWolf, We have accomplished everything we intended to do. Presently, we wish to prepare for our relocation to Ceyolia. Once our man takes office, as per our agreement, you will have unrestricted access to our economy and be permitted to keep a large concentration of soldiers on the island. Once we arrive, we would like to continue future business with you."
"That is good to hear." said the Count. "Now, if you or any of your family wants to stay in the Dominion, they can."
09-08-2005, 07:20
All refugees and escapees are accepted into the Holy Empire of Ninhursag, and they will be protected by the hierophant and his 56 million occulist militaristic followers. peace will be enforced in the name of the earth mother.
"My friends" begins high-priest kugler. "Meine Freunden, Mis Amigos, you are welcome here, as long as you respect and love the earth mother. war will never harm you here on the peaceful shores of the golden city. Relish tour life for it is the one true gift" Ending the rare appearance of the hierophant himself, he returns to his cloister to continue meditation and prayer.
"We are still unsure of the numbers, but our current figures suggest that we have around 2,000 civils dead and around twice that injured. The majority of residents in Ceyol are without homes now and are being sent to temporary residence camps in Blake's Point. We plan to depart the Dominion in several months, once we have our living arrangements set up. We thank you again for your hospitality."
The Transylvania
09-08-2005, 21:52
“The numbers are low ones. That is a good thing.” said the Count. “Your welcome, Mr. Romanokovsk. Call when I can have our military bases built on the island.”
OOC: I think about having ten bases be build. They would be army and air force bases at the same time. Housing 10,000 members of the Dominion Armed Forces at on time.
OOC: The agreement was 100,000, so that works for me.
"The major will have his inauguration in a few months, when he will announce The Dominion as an ally."
The Transylvania
10-08-2005, 00:14
“Good.” said the Count. “Take care of yourself.”