03-08-2005, 06:56
3/8/05/ -- The Independent -- 75p
Startling news today as the United Kingdom officially reveals the choice to mobilise it's entire armed forces, which has been going on for a week now, and that includes all active reserve units that are earmarked for reserve purposes. Currently, the 500,000 strong proffessional army is already deployed and is currently on manouvres in Edinburgh and is soon to be moved to the capital to ensure the safety of our loyal citizens. Active Components of the Hogsweatian Reservists have been called up, the some 1,500,000 soldiers are currently scattered around the UK, with another 3,000,000 being mobilised and after that a further twice that number will be deployed to defend our country. Armour numbers are not certain but it is known that the famously huge 88th and 89th Armour Reserve Divisions are being brought out of mothball to supplement the extensive armour that is already in use with our proffessional armies.
The picture below shows a huge line of tanks, lasting nearly some six kilometres long. The tanks are different in size but are clearly marked with a Hogsweatian flag. Some have flagpoles, and larger antennas. These are clearly the command tanks. A huge flagpole boasts the UK's flag at full mast waving in the wind, while the tanks appear to be old makes, from Patton's to T62s, the most advanced being the German make Leopard 1. In the foreground a regiment of soldiers marches, their rifles, which appear to be FN FALs but are in fact the Hogsweatian make, the Spenfield .303 SLR, their flagwaver waving their regiment's banner in the soft Hogsweatian air.
Other mobilisations include our 1000 ship strong navy, powered by some 230,000,000 personnel in all sectors, with a score of kilometre long supercarriers, some twoscore battleships, including the famous HMS Rodney the flagship of our fleet, carrying the thirty nine year old Fleet Star Admiral of the Red George Brydges Rodney. Even the eighteen Northumberland Pocket Superdreadnaughts steam out of port today, their 25" guns guarding our shores from anyone that would wish to destroy what will soon be four hundred years of heritage, under our own sovreignty.
The picture shows a huge battleship from the front view, water splashing over it's bow, the barrels of the triple guns shining with crew dashing about on deck. To the left of the battleship is the kilometre long HMS Illustrious, some hundred aircraft, a sixth of it's capabilities, lined up on deck. Around it are some surfaced submarines and destroyers of all kinds, and on the foreground battleship waves proudly the ensign of the royal navy at full mast, and another flagpole with the UK's flag waving full mast. This is surely a view of one of the strongest navies in the world. Overhead fly aircraft, striking in their delta pattern, leaving behind red white and blue streaks from their jet engines.
It is unknown what this mobilization is for but Union Street has made it clear noone will know until the last minute. In fact, most railways and airports have been taken over by the military for the mobilization and transportation of troops, equipment, and other stuff. All sections of the armed forces are under full alert.
James Terraper, The Independent
Startling news today as the United Kingdom officially reveals the choice to mobilise it's entire armed forces, which has been going on for a week now, and that includes all active reserve units that are earmarked for reserve purposes. Currently, the 500,000 strong proffessional army is already deployed and is currently on manouvres in Edinburgh and is soon to be moved to the capital to ensure the safety of our loyal citizens. Active Components of the Hogsweatian Reservists have been called up, the some 1,500,000 soldiers are currently scattered around the UK, with another 3,000,000 being mobilised and after that a further twice that number will be deployed to defend our country. Armour numbers are not certain but it is known that the famously huge 88th and 89th Armour Reserve Divisions are being brought out of mothball to supplement the extensive armour that is already in use with our proffessional armies.
The picture below shows a huge line of tanks, lasting nearly some six kilometres long. The tanks are different in size but are clearly marked with a Hogsweatian flag. Some have flagpoles, and larger antennas. These are clearly the command tanks. A huge flagpole boasts the UK's flag at full mast waving in the wind, while the tanks appear to be old makes, from Patton's to T62s, the most advanced being the German make Leopard 1. In the foreground a regiment of soldiers marches, their rifles, which appear to be FN FALs but are in fact the Hogsweatian make, the Spenfield .303 SLR, their flagwaver waving their regiment's banner in the soft Hogsweatian air.
Other mobilisations include our 1000 ship strong navy, powered by some 230,000,000 personnel in all sectors, with a score of kilometre long supercarriers, some twoscore battleships, including the famous HMS Rodney the flagship of our fleet, carrying the thirty nine year old Fleet Star Admiral of the Red George Brydges Rodney. Even the eighteen Northumberland Pocket Superdreadnaughts steam out of port today, their 25" guns guarding our shores from anyone that would wish to destroy what will soon be four hundred years of heritage, under our own sovreignty.
The picture shows a huge battleship from the front view, water splashing over it's bow, the barrels of the triple guns shining with crew dashing about on deck. To the left of the battleship is the kilometre long HMS Illustrious, some hundred aircraft, a sixth of it's capabilities, lined up on deck. Around it are some surfaced submarines and destroyers of all kinds, and on the foreground battleship waves proudly the ensign of the royal navy at full mast, and another flagpole with the UK's flag waving full mast. This is surely a view of one of the strongest navies in the world. Overhead fly aircraft, striking in their delta pattern, leaving behind red white and blue streaks from their jet engines.
It is unknown what this mobilization is for but Union Street has made it clear noone will know until the last minute. In fact, most railways and airports have been taken over by the military for the mobilization and transportation of troops, equipment, and other stuff. All sections of the armed forces are under full alert.
James Terraper, The Independent