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27-07-2005, 17:28
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27-07-2005, 17:37
"Hunter" class Battleship


With the completion of design work on the Frunze and Soyuz classes of Battleship, plus the complementary Tempest-class Battlecruiser, one might have forgiven the Naval Office, already by far the hardest-worked of the services, for sitting its' laurels and doing no more work on further designs for some time. Instead, the Naval Office began almost immediately to design a third Battleship type, to be produced exclusively for the Navy (as opposed to the Soyuz and Frunze, which were also available for export), and with even heavier armament and armour than the preceding classes of warships. The project was given the designation Project Mammoth. The feasibility of such a machine was widely questioned. After all, the Frunze had been enormously expensive to build, had employed the most advanced in weapons and armour technology available, and was easily the most potent ship in terms of sheer firepower and protection in the Navy. The project was not able to garner wide support within Parliament or the Ministry of Defence as a result. Parliament was reluctant to approve funding to improve the Navy, when the Navy already numbered more than 2,000 ships and 1,200 aircraft, kept in the highest possible state of training by constant exercises; the MoD had no such reservations, being instead filled with personnel from all services who were thoroughly irritated by the Navy's constant gorging of itself on funding which they felt they required more urgently. Of the latter group, the most vociferous was a cartel of high-ranking Ground Forces personnel, comprising 6 Generals and 8 Colonels, led by General Eric Morden. Morden was a firm advocate of the cessation of capital ship development, and allocation of funds to the Ground Forces and Frontal Aviation, which gained him favour within the Frontal Aviation staff. There were also Naval officers who opposed more Battleships, saying that the fleet risked becoming too unbalanced toward them. The future of the project was for 8 months extremely uncertain, as debate was pursued vigourously as to its' utility, viability and purpose.

The ending of all the uncertainty came with the perceived onset of the Cold War, initiated by Communist Mississippi. With the sudden growth in CM naval strength, DPUO's Naval Office was suddenly able to provide a powerful case for a new type of Battleship to counter the impending threat. By a skilled use of the media, and a thorough campaign to recruit high-ranking Defence Ministry and Parliamentary support, the advocates of the Mammoth project were able to generate a state of extreme public agitation concerning the construction of new vessels. They pointed out that CM was acquiring new ships and that older ships were being scrapped, although they neglected to mention that many of these ships were well past their prime, as good as useless for front-line Naval operations, and were in fact merely draining off funds and manpower for their upkeep; at the same time, they were able to persuade many MPs that if CM could be outdone in this area, not only would it provide a great measure of security for the future, but it would also be a valuable vote-winning move.

Thereafter, construction of these ships was inevitable. The Naval Office was given carte blanche by the MoD to develop a design for future operations, embodying all the experience yet gained in Naval capital ship design. The class had to be within 170,000 tonnes fully loaded displacement, and within a length of 470m, beam of 50m and draught of 11m, in order to be able to reprovision in the few ultra-large deep-water ports available. The ship was also required to mount at the least 16in guns, and have armour of at the least 460mm on all vital sectors, plus a speed of 33 knots. Once again, contracts were requested from the major ship design firms. Of these firms, two pulled out, citing that the workload far exceeded their capacity. This left the Soyuz Shipyard and Harland's Shipbuilding to complete the work. Since both were at this point engaged in full construction of the Soyuz and Frunze class ships, they expressed concern to the MoD regarding their ability to complete the number of ships they were being asked to build, even with their enormous resources. This was deeply disquieting. It was thus decided that in order to increase the possible construction capacity of the yards, new dockyards would have to be constructed for the new warships. In the meantime, the existing supertanker construction yards would be sufficient; this decision was take prior to the designs having even been submitted!

The two companies merged their resources, out of necessity, and together conceived a truly monumental warship. The class was to mount nine 20in guns, plus 12 6in secondary guns carry no less than 550mm of composite armour along the armour belt at vital points, and yet be capable of a speed of 30+ knots. How such a machine was to be built was to become apparent, to the astonishment of those who called it impossible.

While construction of four new harbours, requiring vast amounts of labour (some 210,000 men and women were used to construct the four new harbours) was pressing ahead, labour and resources were diverted from non-vital civil applications, such as consumer goods manufacture, non-military vehicle manufacture and civil shipbuilding, and pressed into service in the two great shipyards of Soyuz and Harland. The yards cleared their supertanker slipways and graving docks and used the great influx of men and material to begin building of the new ships, which had by now been designated the Hunter class. The keel of the MSS Hunter was laid on 22nd May 2003.


Crew: 2,281
Displacement: 177,743 tonnes unladen, 194,733 tonnes laden
Endurance: 220 days' steaming, 90-95 days combat operations.
Dimensions: Length 459.6m, Beam 57.2m, Draught (mean) 11.95m


The main armament consists of nine DK-77M 20in 59cal rifled ETCs, firing a shell of 4,158lbs (this for an armour-piercing round). The guns have a maximum accurate range of approximately 28.3 kilometres and maximum range of 42.2 kilometres, and can fire APDS, HE-FRAG, HE and low-calibre (10-inch) guided shells, as well as rocket-assisted shells with a range of 56km and accurate an accurate range of 23.4Km biologica, nucelar (300Kt) and chemical shells. Barrel life is estimated at 500 full-charge firings per gun. The guns can elevate to 41.7 degrees and depress to -10 degrees. Rate of fire is approximately 3 RPM per gun. The turrets are laid out in A, B, X configuration.

Secondary armament is composed of 12 Ak-130 130mm fully-automatic water-cooled guns mounted in six triple-gun turrets with an elevation of 44 degrees and depression of -13 degrees. As on the Frunze-class, these have a rate of fire of 8 RPM per gun. These guns have a maximum range of 24Km and an optimum accurate range of 18Km, and can fire APHE, HE and HE-FRAG. The secondary armament can also fire smoke shells. The ship also possesses four rotatable and trainable four-round launcher boxes for the SS-N-22 SSM on the port and starboard decks between the secondary turrets, plus a quarterdeck P-190 SSM system containing 32 missiles.

Anti-aircraft protection is provided by the IULLDES Mark III system mounted on the superstructure of the ship, consisting of eight ASL-100 CIWS. Four SA-N-20 SAM launchers are mounted, two at the stern and two toward the bow. See IULLDES ( entry for further details. Six SA-N-9 launchers comprise the mid-range air defence, mounted on platforms around the superstructure. Missile feed chutes run from the missile magazines to the launchers. There is also a 10-cell S-400K VLS system in the superstructure, with an armoured missile magazine below and a vertical reloading system. Seven AO-18 CIWS guns are mounted.

Anti-submarine defences consist of the SS-N-27 ballistic-trajectory anti-submarine weapon, deployed in 4 VLS cells aft of the SA-N-6 launcher system, again with a vertical reload system from the belowdeck missile magazine, and four RBU-6000 ASW rockets mounted on the deck of the ship, two just aft of B turret and two between the after SA-N-20 launchers and AO-18 CIWS guns.

The ship also has at the stern a landing pad and a hangar bay, which can accommodate:

Up to 4 Ka-27B ASW helicopters
Up to 2 Yak-41M2 carrier-based fighters
Up to 16 Yak-061 "Shmel" UAVs

or a combination thereof.

Ammunition allocations

Main armament: 1,350 rounds
Secondary armament: 1,500 rounds
SS-N-22: 64 missiles
SS-N-19: 32 missiles
SA-N-20: 48 missiles
SA-N-9: 64 missiles
S-400: 80 missiles
SS-N-27: 20 missiles
RBU-6000: 480 rmortars
AO-18/ASL-100: 480,000 rounds


The hull is divided by 110mm watertight bulkheads into nine compartments:

1) Sonar dome, crew accommodation, galleys, recreation area, storage, fuel storage (530 tonnes) for emergency diesels, bow sonar auxiliary computer systems;
2) Accommodation, fuel (300 tonnes);
3) A turret magazine;
4) B turret magazine; magazines protected by double-layer of 50mm composite armour with 100mm airspace, edged with 20mm thermosetting insulating foam;
5) Forward SAM and WICS magazine;
6) Forward SAM and CIWS stowage;
7) Reactor spaces, with secondary armament magazines running abreast; secondary armament magazines protected by double layer of 35mm composite with 80mm airspace with 20mm thermosetting insulating foam;
8) Main machinery spaces, containing direct-drive steam turbines, heat exchangers, turboalternators, batteries, and emergency diesel engines; transverse watertight bulkhead separates turbine sets; emergency diesels located, with turboalternators, in compartment six, so that damage/flooding to compartment five does not disable emergency diesels and/or electricity; above these spaces is secondary ammunition storage area for SS-N-22s and secondary armament;
Upper section of 8, 9) After main and secondary armament ammunition storage;
10) Accommodation, sick bays;
11) After storage for AO-18 CIWS and SA-N-20 SAMs, armoued as all other missile magazines; diesel fuel storage (1,700 tonnes) for emergency engines, crew accommodation, backup fire-control systems, P-190 cells;
12) Hangar bay, aviation fuel storage, aircraft munitions stores, aircrew accommodation, VDS spool, VDS auxiliary computer systems.


Hull armouring: submerged.

1) The outermost layer of armour for the submerged areas of the ship's hull comprises a large anti-mine and anti-torpedo bulge. The bulge is formed of Type A composite, a composite armour designed primarily to nullify the effects of kinetic energy (for example the energy released by the detonation of a torpedo warhead). The composite is packed into individual steel cells, each designed to vent the blast from an explosive device downwards, back into the water, hence the diagonal shape. The shaping also means that the layer is formed from triangles, an inherently strong shape.

The second layer of submerged defence is the layer of liquid armour backing the composite layer. First developed by the Royal Navy following WWI experience, "liquid armour" proved highly effective at reducing the blast effects of torpedoes. Undamaged cells can also be used to allow the ship to trim herself, for example heeling herself onto one side to increase the range of her guns. In these cells, the walls are constructed to channel the force of an explosion onto the tertiary layer of submerged armour.

The tertiary layer is composed of Type B composite armour (intended primarily to neutralise the effects of thermal energy, but also able to withstand well kinetic energy) reinforced with rods of tungsten carbide coated with steel. This braces the composite layer, giving it extra strength laterally and increasing its resistance to kinetic energy damage. It is also able to aid in bracing the composite vertically, by reducing the movement generated by a detonation.

Protection against low-angle shellfire, missiles etc.

2)As the submarine protection tapers towards the waterline, a very deep strake of Kontakt-5-based ERA runs along the length of the ship. It is capped by a thin (20mm) layer of tungsten carbide to aid in de-capping APHE and armour-piercing missiles.

Behind this layer, the first layer of armour is the above-mentioned Type A composite. This generally runs to the depth of the orlop deck, although this varies with class of ship.

Behind this, and running almost to the keel, comes a deep and thick layer of Vectran plastic, providing both a high insulation capacity and a very high tensile strength capacity. This is in turn backed by a second layer of Type A composites.

Behind this layer comes a triple-sandwich design, in which non-vital communications and systems are placed in a void space, between two layers of thermosetting insulating foam plastic. This offers high resistance to explosive penetration and some resistance to kinetic energy. In the centre of this void space is a 50mm layer of steel plating.

Backing this comes an unbraced layer of Type B composites. This forms the outer wall of another section for non-vital communications, wiring and crew access passageways which become void spaces whene necessary. Since the damage of these spaces is of relatively little importance (either because the function is not important in combat or the systems running in them are duplicated elsewhere) it is not necessarily dangerous to employ them as air spaces.

The second main vertical armour layer is composed of another layer of tunsten-reinforced Type B composites.

The final line of defence is a wall of Type A composite extending to just below the waterline.

Protection from high-angle shellfire and bombs.

3) The upper deck is provided with a layer of Type A and a layer of Type B composites, between which is sandwiched a double layer of thermosetting foam plastic and another non-vital communications and wiring space. Decks Three and Four are provided with Type A composite backing layers.

The second and more important layer of defence, mainly from lower-angle shellfire is a structure of three layers of Type B composites, covered with Vectran and with a core of steel. These extend downwards, cutting through the decks as they go. They are angled to allow the deflection of shells entering the ships, either upwards (if they enter at a relatively flat trajectory) or downwards and towards the water (if they enter at a relatively steep trajectory). These layers are used to form an armoured "tube" of sorts in the centre of the ship, containing the ship's most vtial equipment and spaces (magazines, reactors, machinery and so on).

The keel

4) The keel of the ship is subject to the same submerged armour as the rest of the vessel, but is provided with extra armour in the form of another airspace (through which bilge pipes run) and an extra layer of steel armour, which also acts to provide a firm base for machinery.

Deck armour of two 360mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium alloy with 60mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 80mm airspace with insulating foam.

Other armour

Main turrets carry 800mm composite frontal armour, 400 mm composite side armour, 100mm titanium alloy rear armour, 280mm composite roof armour.

Secondary turrets carry 300mm composite frontal armour, 190mm titanium alloy side armour, 200mm composite roof armour, 100mm titanium alloy rear armour.

Missile launcher boxes, SAM launchers, CIWS receive 50mm titanium alloy armour.

Superstructure receives 80mm titanium alloy armour on outer walls and first layer of inner walls.

Armoured conning tower, with 300mm composite armour.


1 ASP-101/Top Pair 3D air/surface-search and fire-control radar suite (SSM and SAM surveillance and targeting; ASP-101 if overloaded delegates SAM operation to Top Pair system only).
1 Kite Screech for AK-130 fire-control.
2 Bass Tilt AO-18 control.
6 Sag Coat short/mid-range beam-alterable fire-control LADAR (AK-130, AO-18)
1 Sage Bag mid-range LADAR (backup SSM and SAM surveillance).
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar)
2 MR-360A/Podkat-B SA-N-9 Fire-control and surveillance multi-mode radar
Garpun-Bal Improved SSM guidance/targeting radar with integral ECCM and frequency agility

The masts of the ship take the SSM fire-control and surveillance radars, while the upper superstructure holds the navigation and SAM radars.


Zvezda-III Sonar suite, MKG-345U bow-mounted LF sonar dome, also MKG-346 conformal array
Ox Tail-S LF VDS


KOK-615B1 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, barrel wear and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament when under manual control.


Wine Glass and Bell Shroud ESM Intercept receivers
Bell Squat-B Jammer systems
Burn Eye anti-LADAR smoke generators
18 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs


4 OK-800 Hafnium-Lutetium QNRs driving four sets direct-drive steam turbines turning four titanium shafts, each to one azipod propulsor, containing one seven-bladed, variable-pitch bronze screw.

Emergency propulsion: 8 ALK-1250 28,000hp diesel engines, two per shaft, driving through four automatic gearboxes with 4 forward and 2 reverse speeds.

Maximum design speed of the class is 35/36 knots.


The hull and superstructure are 37% titanium, which saved approximately 14,000 tonnes of mass. There are more than 60 1m long ventral fins beneath the ship to ensure the greatest stability possible when firing a broadside. There is also a high-power communications array using a 256-bit encrypted satellite transceiver to transmit and receive orders and reports.
27-07-2005, 17:41
"Frunze" class Battleship


Following exhaustive testing of the first Soyuz-class nuclear-powered Battleships, it was determined by the Naval Staff that these ships had several serious deficiencies. The greatest problem was the enormous recoil caused by the 12 16-inch guns if the ship fired a broadside; this recoil was found during static main armament tests prior to the acceptance of the first Soyuz-class into service to cause serious damage to the recoil-absorbing mountings, gun turrets, and hull, so much so that after 25 full-charge broadsides the ship would often be incapable of fighting for between 8 and 12 hours while repairs were made to the guns and their turrets. Shock damage to the hull would also necessitate significant repairs to the ship after any action in which all 12 guns were regularly used. The recoil force was also, in certain very rare circumstances, capable of capsizing the vessel. Despite major work to improve matters during construction of the first of the class, including vastly strengthened recoil-absorbing mountings for the main armament and strengthening of the hull plates where possible, the problems remained, though it must be said that their seriousness was much diminished. The secondary armament, despite being increased during construction by the addition of 8 2A64 152mm smoothbore guns derived from land artillery pieces and the substitution of triple-gun AK-130 turrets in place of the original double-gun turrets fitted to the prototype, was still considered to be inadequate by many, and the hangar space for aircraft was also felt to be too small, restricting the vessel's freedom of action. It was also felt that the SSM complement was insufficient, meaning the ship was too reliant upon its' escorts to provide long-range anti-ship defences. Finally, the ship was felt to be too large in some circles, and it was true that the great length and beam of the Soyuz-class was difficult to accommodate in most existing naval yards. Nonetheless, the Soyuz was felt to be a basically sound design, and thus production went ahead. Twelve ships were originally planned; however the Soyuz class was still in production when the idea of the next class of battleship was first mooted in Navy circles.

In the latter part of 2002, a contract was offered to all the major DPUO shipbuilding facilities to construct the second class of Battleship. This contract called for a speed of 30-35 knots and a main armament of between 15 and 20 inch guns, with armour able to withstand all present and projected anti-shipping weapons systems, with maximum dimensions of 450x50x11, this being necessary to avoid the digging of specialised harmours for the ships, and not to exceed 94,000 tonnes fully laden. Designs were submitted by the four major shipbuilding firms, the winning submission coming from the Harland Shipbuilding Works of New Belfast. (Harland's, it should be noted, is a descendant company of Harland and Wolff, builders of the Titanic.) The design bore a strong similarity to the Nelson-class battleships of WWII.


Crew: 2,117
Displacement: 86,500 tonnes unladen, 91,157 tonnes fully laden
Endurance: 120 days' steaming, 54 days' combat operations.
Dimensions: Length 409.6m, Beam 43.3m, Draught (mean) 9.5m
Top speed: 36 knots


The main armament consists of nine DK-23 18-inch guns, firing a shell of 3,392lbs (this for an armour-piercing round). The guns have a maximum accurate range of approximately 26.9 kilometres and maximum range of 45.2 kilometres, and can fire APDS, HE-FRAG, HE and low-calibre (10-inch) guided shells, as well as a rocket-assisted shells with a range of 56km and accurate an accurate range of 23.4Km, and chemical shells. Barrel life is estimated at 270 full-charge firings per gun. The guns can elavate to 41 degrees and depress to -12 degrees. Rate of fire is approximately 3 RPM per gun. The guns are concentrated all forward in three triple-gun turrets, with turret B superfiring. In a chase action, turret C is inoperable directly forward.

Secondary armament is composed of 8 2A64N (for Naval) 152mm smoothbore guns mounted in four twin-gun turrets with an elevation of 44 degrees and depression of -13 degrees. As on the Soyuz-class, these have a rate of fire of 8 RPM per gun. These guns have a maximum range of 24Km and an optimum accurate range of 18Km, and can fire APHE, HE, HE-FRAG and Krasnopol-M ATGM munitions. Though of limited use against other large surface vessels, the Kransopol-M is excellent against smaller craft that would otherwise necessitate expenditure of valuable ammunition. The secondary armament can also fire smoke and chemical shells. The ship also posesses four four-round launcher boxes for the SS-N-22 SSM on the port and starboard decks, and a VLS system in place of the former position of the launches and funnel, containing 16 SS-N-19B missiles. Secondary gun armament is concentrated astern. It is of note that during the final design stages, the secondary armament was re-appraise significantly, with fewer 152mm guns being placed on the ship than had been designed.

Anti-aircraft protection is provided by the IULLDES Mark III system mounted on the fo'c'sle and stern of the ship, consisting of four ASL-100 combination gun/flechette launchers, two AO-18 CIWS guns and four SA-N-20 missile launchers (see IULLDES ( entry for further details), plus four SA-N-6 and four SA-N-9 launchers, mounted on a large AA platform about atop the superstructure. The ship also posesses a helicopter/V/STOL hangar and landing pad that can accommodate anything up to four aircraft, including two Yak-141Ms and a pair of Ka-27B ASW helicopters. Further anti-submarine defence is provided by the SS-N-27 ASW anti-submarine weapon, for which two launchers are carried, one mounted on the forcastle and one on the sterndeck. Both launchers have sloped, composite (as on T-90M) armoured casings with exhaust vents to vent propulsion gases from the rocket boosters.

Ammunition allocations

Main armament: 1,080 rounds
Secondary Armament: 1,600 rounds
SA-N-6: 120 missiles
SA-N-9: 340 missiles
SA-N-20: 300 missiles
SS-N-22: 48 missiles
SS-N-27 ASW: 24 weapons


The hull is divided by watertight bulkheads into seven compartments:

1) Sonar dome, crew accomodation, galleys, recreation area, storage;
2) Forward main armament and CIWS magazines, forward missile magazines for SAMs and ASWs;
3) Main reactor spaces;
4) Main machinery spaces (heat exchangers, turbines);
5) Secondary armament magazines (2A64N), either side of VLS cells;
6) Auxilliary machinery spaces (turboalternators, batteries, backup gas-turbine engines), secondary fuel tanks for emergency engines.
7) Primary fuel storage for emergency engines, storage.

The ammunition magazines incorporate blow-out panels and pressure-release valves to minimise damage in the enet of a magazine explosion. The large open spaces of the engine and reactor rooms are divided by transverse bulkheads separating the individual reactors, engines and shafts. One reactor can run both sets of turbines via pipelines which traverse the bulkheads.


The armour belt runs as follows:

Side armour from forward crew accomodation and ancilliaries to bulkhead for forward magazines: 410mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 170mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for forward magazines two bulkhead for main reactor spaces: 470mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 220mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for main reactor spaces to bulkhead for main machinery spaces: 455mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 200mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for main machinery spaces to bulkhead for stern main armament magazines: 415mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 210mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for stern main armament magazines to bulkhead for secondary armament magazines: 470mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 200mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for secondary armament magazines to bulkhead for auxilliary machinery spaces: 440mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 180mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for auxilliary machinery spaces to stern: 350mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 120mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

Anti-torpedo bulge of 130mm filled with insulating foam integral to hull design, running from five metres forward of Bulkhead #1 to five metres aft of bulkhead #6.

Armoured conning tower, with 300mm composite armour.

Hull armour configuration:

Turret armour

Front: 400mm composite
Side: 320mm composite
Rear: 200mm composite
Roof: 270mm composite

Secondary turrets carry 300mm composite on front, 260mm composite on sides and roof, 150mm composite on rear.

Superstructure is armoured against shell splinters, missile splinters, shell up to 50mm calibre etc.

Electronics: Radar, Sonar, Ladar, Fire-control, EW


MR-710 Fregat-MA 3d Air/Surface search radar, datalinked with Kite Screech and Oko radars
4 Palm Frond Nav radar
Volna SA-N-6 fire-control radar
Kite Screech AK-130 fire-control radar
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar)
2 MR-360/Podkat SA-N-9 Fire-control
Garpun-Bal SSM guidance/targeting radar

The masts of the ship take the SSM fire-control and surveillance radars, while the upper superstructure holds the navigation and SAM radars.


Zvezda-IIM Sonar suite, MKG-345 bow-mounted LF sonar dome
Ox Tail LF VDS


KOK-615B fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, barrel wear and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament when under manual control.


Wine Glass and Bell Shroud ESM Intercept receivers
Bell Squat Jammer systems
Burn Eye anti-LADAR steam-generators
10 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs


2 OK-700w 210MW Pressurised-water reactors driving two sets direct-drive steam turbines turning two shafts, each with 1 seven-bladed variable-pitch bronze screw.

Eremrgency propulsion: 4 M8KF boost gas turbines, 45,000 shp, two per shaft, driving through two automatic gearboxes with 4 forward and 2 reverse speeds.
27-07-2005, 17:48
"Soyuz" class Battleship


The Soyuz class Battleship was commissioned following exhaustive study by the General Staff into "The projected utility of Battleships in a future conflict", which concluded that with the considerable advances in air-defences and anti-submarine systems in the post-war period, the Battleship had in fact emerged from obsolescence, and could indeed provide a valuable role in a balanced Fleet. The report led to evaluation by the Navy and the Defence Ministry of the feasibility of Battleship construction, and when this concluded that given the state of national industry and economy it could be easily afforded, and was indeed necessary due to the imminent retirement of many older systems, notably from the submarine forces but also including several Kirov class CGNs; a replacement for these vessles would have to be sought.

Following these reports and other information, the decision to construct twelve Battleships, to be divided among the four Fleets, was approved by the Parliament in the Naval Renewal Act of 14th March, 1995. Ship-design facilities were asked to submit proposals to the MoD and Navy for evaluation, which took place over the next three years, taking in information from all possible sources. The evaluation commission the selected the most promising design, from the Soyuz Shipbuilding Organisation, located in Balgorsk, and began exhaustive analysis of every aspect of the ship's construction. The final design was submitted, after no less than 165 revisions, on June 8th 1999.

The Soyuz class is a mono-hulled design, these ships having no reliance on outriggers and posessing excellent speed and handling characteristics, as well as being less costly to construct. It has an armoured outer hull and an inner hulled, with the space between filled with an airspace in between two layers of insulating, thermosetting foam plastic.


Crew: 2,076
Displacement: 82,800 tonnes unladen, 87,220 tonnes fully laden
Endurance: 100 days' steaming 44 days' combat.

Length 441m
Beam 48.9m
Draught (mean) 10.3m


The main armament consists of twelve 16-inch guns in four triple-mounting turrets, of similar type to those employed on HMS Nelson, but with a barrel lengthened by 10 calibres and a heavier shell of 2,576lbs compared to 2,048lbs. The lengthened barrel allowed an increase in muzzle velocity to be obtained, while the heavier shell was an attempt to reduce loss of accuracy at long range. The guns have a maximum accurate range of approximately 24 kilometres and maximum range of 40 kilometres, and can fire APDS, HE-FRAG, HE and low-calibre (10-inch) guided shells, as well as a rocket-assisted shells with a range of 57 km, but an accurate range of 28Km. Barrel life is estimated at 250 full-charge firings per gun. The guns can elavate to 45 degrees and depress to -15 degrees. Secondary armament consists of eight trainable four-missile launcher boxes for the SS-N-26 (Yakhont) and SS-N-22 (Moskit) SSM, plus four secondary turrets mounting triple AK-130 130mm guns, with elavation of 42 degrees and depression of -11 degrees, mounted at deck level at the corners of the superstructure, and eight 2A64 152mm guns mounted in four single-gun turrets along the side of the ship, at deck level. The rate of fire for the main armament is approximately three rounds per minute per gun, making 36 rounds per minute in total. Secondary armament has a rate of fire of 10 rounds per minute per gun, and thus 30 RPM per turret, for the AK-130s and 8 RPM for the 152mm guns. A Soyuz-class can theoretically in a broadside therefore unleash more than 27,000 lbs of metal at an enemy ship.

Anti-missile and short-range AA protection is provided by the IULLDES Mark II system mounted on the fo'c'sle and stern of the ship, consisting of eight Falanga 30mm CIWS and four SA-N-20 missile launchers (see IULLDES ( entry for further details), plus four SA-N-6 and four SA-N-9 launchers mounted at the corners of the superstructurefor longre-range anti-missile and anti-air defence. The ship also posesses two helicopter/V/STOL hangars and landing pads that can accommodate two aircraft, including two Yak-141Ms or a pair of Ka-27B ASW helicopters. Further anti-submarine defence is provided by the SS-N-27 ASW anti-submarine weapon, for which two launchers are carried, one mounted on the forcastle and one on the sterndeck. Both launchers have sloped, composite (as on T-90M) armoured casings with exhaust vents to vent propulsion gases from the rocket boosters.

Ammunition allocations

Main armament: 1,200 rounds
Secondary Armament: 2,000 rounds
SA-N-6: 120 missiles
SA-N-9: 340 missiles
SA-N-20: 400 missiles
SS-N-22: 24 missiles
SS-N-26: 20 missiles
SS-N-27 ASW: 20 weapons


The hull is divided by watertight bulkheads into seven compartments:

1) Sonar dome, crew accomodation, galleys, recreation area, storage;
2) Forward main armament magazines, forward missile magazines for SAMs, AShMs and ASWs;
3) Main reactor spaces;
4) Main machinery spaces (heat exchangers, turbines);
5) Stern main armament magazines, stern missile magazines for SAMs, AShMs and ASWs;
6) Secondary armament magazines (AK-130, 2A64); also magazines for CIWS system.
7) Auxilliary machinery spaces (turboalternators, batteries, backup diesel engines).


The armour belt runs as follows:

Side armour from forward crew accomodation and ancilliaries to bulkhead for forward magazines: 350mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 120mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for forward magazines two bulkhead for main reactor spaces: 470mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 320mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for main reactor spaces to bulkhead for main machinery spaces: 425mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 180mm composte armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for main machinery spaces to bulkhead for stern main armament magazines: 180mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 320mm composte armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for stern main armament magazines to bulkhead for secondary armament magazines: 470mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 200mm composte armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for secondary armament magazines to bulkhead for auxilliary machinery spaces: 440mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 180mm composte armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

From bulkhead for auxilliary machinery spaces to stern: 350mm composite with Kontakt-5 ERA double outer layer and anti-corrosion paint. Two layers of 120mm composite armour over deck, space between filled with insulating foam.

Titanium alloy anti-torpedo bulge of 300mm filled with insulating foam integral to hull design.

Hull armour configuration:

Turret armour

Front: 400mm composite
Side: 320mm composite
Rear: 200mm composite
Roof: 270mm composite

Secondary turrets carry 300mm composite on front, 260mm composite on sides and roof, 150mm composite on rear.

Superstructure is armoured against shell splinters, missile splinters, shell up to 50mm calibre etc.

Electronics: Radar, Sonar, Ladar, Fire-control, EW


MR-710 Fregat-MA 3d Air/Surface search radar, datalinked with Kite Screech and Oko radars
4 Palm Frond Nav radar
Volna SA-N-6 fire-control radar
Kite Screech AK-130 fire-control radar
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar)
2 MR-360/Podkat SA-N-9 Fire-control
Garpun-Bal SSM guidance/targeting radar


Zvezda-IIM Sonar suite, MKG-345 bow-mounted LF sonar dome
Ox Tail LF VDS


KOK-615B fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, air temperature, gun temperature, an inputted barrel wear value and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament when under manual control.


Wine Glass and Bell Shroud ESM Intercept receivers
Bell Squat Jammer systems
Burn Eye anti-LADAR steam-generators; armoured vents in sides of hull
10 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs


2 OK-700w 210MW Pressurised-water reactors driving four sets geared steam turbines turning four shafts, each with 1 seven-bladed variable-pitch bronze screw

8 backup 1,100HP GTD-1000M gas-turbines, two per shaft, driving through two automatic gearboxes with 4 forward and 2 reverse speeds.

Top speed for the class is 36 knots.

The Soyuz-class cost approximately 6.4 billion dollars per ship, and can be built at the rate of one every 7 months.
27-07-2005, 17:50
Arrow class Battlecruiser


Battlecruiser design and development fell largely into abeyance following the succesful commencement of the two previous classes, the Tempest and Admiral-class BCNs. These vessels were after all well-suited for their roles and in any case the national shipyards were working overtime to complete the ships ordered.

However, several factors now came together which resulted in the need for new warships. The first was the development of the new generation of electronics for shipboard applications of all types. These included fire-control systems, radars, ESM units and so forth. The second was the increasing emphasis on Naval power projection with major surface combatants, for use mainly against Communist Mississippi. The third was the deployment of the KKK cruisers, which, although inferior in all respects to the two prior classes, were nonetheless a possible threat. Contracting was offered to all the major design bureaux, but eventually only the Soyuz DB remained, this being the largest DPUO Naval construction yard and thus best able to build still more new ships.

Development was initianted within 5 days of learning the specification of the KKK by the Soyuz Design Bureau. The designs submitted were of various types, but all armed with 15in guns to allow commonality of ammunition with the Admiral-class BCN.

The design shares many common components with the Admirals, including reactor plants, turbines, backup engines, batteries, primary and secondary gun turrets, and armour systems.


Crew: 1,605
Displacement: 64,545 tonnes unladen, 76,982 tonnes fully laden
Endurance: 110 days' steaming, 65 days' combat
Dimensions: Length 381m, Beam 30.69m, Draught 8.9m (mean)


Main armament is the DK-77 15-inch rifled naval gun, mounted in four twin-gun turrets each with elevation of 44 degrees and depression of -13 degrees. The guns fire APDS, HE, HE-FRAG, smoke, laser-guided 8-inch and chemical shells. Maximum range is 43km, with an accurate range of 22.8km. The armour-piercing shell has a mass of 2,022lbs. Barrel life is approximately 450 full-charge firings.

Secondary armament is eight 2A64N1 lengthened smoothbore 152mm guns, mounted in triple turrets toward the stern of the ship. The guns can elavate to 46 degrees, depress to -16 degrees, and have a maximum range of 33km and a maximum accurate range of 20km. The guns can as in the Tempest fire the Krasnopol-M ATGM.

The ship also carries 45 VLS cells for the SS-N-19 or -19B long-range cruise missile, and a pair of new, seven-round VLS cells for the SS-N-26 "Yakhont" SSM atop the superstructure, fed by armoured vertical reloading system chutes. The VLS is currently still in its' early stages, although testing using compressed gas launching has been succesful.

The SS-N-19B is the product of a lengthy development programme to upgrade the SS-N-19 AShM. The upgrade package includes a more compact, slightly lengthened (by 200mm) booster motor using modified solid-fuel propellant, a new radar system with extended range and built-in ECCM and frequency-hopping abilities, and armour as fitted to the Yakhont AShM on the nose of the missile. The missile can now in fact approach sea-skimming altitudes, no more than 15-20m above the waves. Work continues on producing a sea-skimming SS-N-19U.

Anti-aircraft and anti-missile defences consist of 7 AO-18 CIWS guns and 4 ASL-100 combination gun-flechette launchers. The latter form the IULLDES ( defence system, which is responsible for short and very short-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile defences. Mid-range defence is the SA-N-9 SAM, set in four launchers mounted on the superstructure and fed by armoured vertical reloading chutes. Long-range air defences are provided by the SA-N-6 SAM, mounted on either side of the after deck in two 7-cell VLS units.

Anti-submarine systems consist of the SS-N-27 ballistic anti-sub weapon launcher, of which three are carried, one astern and one on the bows in rounded, armoured housings, and four FRAS-1 anti-submarine mortars, mounted to give maximum coverage of the ship's sides. These mortars must be reloaded by a rotary autoloader after a full discharge, which requires approximately 5 minutes.

The ship carries a towed anti-torpedo decoy, type DT-101.

This class also has a hangar bay that can accommodate 2 Ka-27B ASW helicopters or eight Yak-061 "Shmel" UAVs. The hangar is placed belowdecks on the sternquarter, and the helipad doubles as the hydraulic aircraft lift to allow the aircraft/drones to lift off.

Ammunition allocations

Main armament: 880 rounds
Secondary armament: 720 rounds
SA-N-6: 100 missiles
SA-N-9: 120 missiles
SA-N-20: 60 missiles
SS-N-19: 35 missiles
SS-N-26: 28 missiles
SS-N-27: 18 missiles
FRAS-1: 320 rockets
CIWS: 233,000 rounds


The hull is divided by 90mm titanium alloy bulkheads into 13 compartments, each with its' own independent pump system and power generator for that pump system.

1) Storage, crew accommodation, fuel for emergency gas turbine engines, sonar dome, sonar backup computers;
2) Storage, crew accommodation, backup fire-control systems, 10% A turret ammunition storage;
3) Forward main armament and main CIWS storage;
4) Secondary multiple armament storage magazines;
5) Emergency belowdeck control compartment, feed system for SS-N-26 VLS;
6) Reactor spaces, bisected longitudinally by 150mm titanium alloy bulkhead;
7) Secondary turrets A and B ammunitions storage, CIWS storage, emergency diesel engines;
8) Main machinery spaces, containing heat exchangers, steam turbines and gearing for turbines;
9) Emergency generators, SAM storage, VLS cells for SS-N-19B;
10) Turret X ammunition storage;
11) Turret Y ammunition storage;
12) Hangar bay and aircraft weapons magazines;
13) Stern accommodation, stern SS-N-27 magazine, helipad/lift apparatus.

The ammunition magazines incorporate blow-out panels and pressure-release valves to minimise damage in the event of a magazine explosion. The large open spaces of the engine and reactor rooms are divided by transverse bulkheads separating the individual reactors, engines and shafts. One reactor can run both sets of turbines via pipelines which traverse the bulkheads. The movement of the turboalternators and backup engines to separate compartments reduces the chance of a single hit disabling the ship's power.


The armour belt runs thusly:

Bow to bulkhead 2: 360mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 120mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers.

Bulkhead 2 to bulkhead 5: 400mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 5 to bulkhead 7: 330mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 195mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 100mm torpedo bulge, widening to 150mm at bulkhead 2.

Bulkhead 7 to bulkhead 9: 375mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 4 to bulkhead 9: 330mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 9 to bulkhead 11: 385mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 120mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers. Torpedo bulge narrows from 150mm at bulkhead 9 to 0mm at bulkhead 11.

Bulkhead 11 to stern: 340mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 150mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers.

Turret armour

Main turrets

Front: 320mm composite armour
Side: 250mm composite armour
Rear: 120mm composite armour
Roof: 200mm composite armour

Secondary turrets

Front: 260mm composte armour
Side: 175mm composite armour
Rear: 100mm composite armour
Roof: 120mm composte armour

Superstructure uses titanium alloy armour of 290mm thickness, able to stop missiles, shells up to 16in.

Conning tower has 320mm composite armour.



SY-450 Delta 3d Air/Surface search radar, datalinked with Kite Screech and Oko radars
4 Palm Frond Nav radar
Volna SA-N-6 fire-control radar
Kite Screech AK-130 fire-control radar
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar)
2 MR-360/Podkat SA-N-9 Fire-control
Vastiva SSM guidance/targeting radar


Zvezda-III Sonar suite, MKG-345 bow-mounted LF sonar dome
Viper LF VDS


HO-661 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, air temperature, gun temperature, an inputted barrel wear value and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament when under manual control.


ESM receiver Type 667 and Type 889, similar to Bell Shroud;
Bell Squat Jammer systems
Burn Eye anti-LADAR smoke generators; armoured vents in sides of hull
22 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs


2 OK-700V 210MW Pressurised-water reactors driving four sets geared steam turbines turning four shafts, each with 1 seven-bladed variable-pitch bronze screw.

4 backup S-66M 10,000hp diesel engines, one per shaft, driving through two automatic gearboxes with 4 forward and 2 reverse speeds, slaved via 1 direct-drive shaft per engine to 1 B-12 emergency generator.

Top speed for the class is 38-39 knots.
27-07-2005, 17:51
Admiral class Battlecruiser


The approval of the Tempest-class Battlecruisers came as a pleasant surprise to those who had been reluctant to support them. Their combination of firepower and speed seemed ideal for diplomatic voyages, escort duty and providing presence in forward areas where deployment of Battleships was not an option. The Tempest also met with some interest abroad, although the restrictions on sales meant that only three were sold, to the nation of Hattia.

The Tempests were however felt to be simply too expensive for high-volume production. Procurement Plan 21 called for the construction of 120 Battlecruisers, 40 Battleships and 16 Command Battleships within the space of 20 years; at the cost of the Tempest-class ships, this would total some 6.324 tillion dollars'expenditure on Battlecruisers alone, not accounting for upgrades to those ships already constructed, inflation, raw material price increases, labour cost increases, accidents, and so forth. As a comparatively low-cost complement for the Tempests, the Naval Office set into motion a programme for further research into Battlecruiser design. The programme was allotted medium priority, as the Naval Office's resources were already being extensively used on other work. The Naval Office was however able in December 2001 to issue the design criteria for the ship. The new Battlecruiser, tentatively dubbed the Admiral Romanov class after one of the greatest of DPUO Admirals, was to have 8 14-inch guns of the same type as fitted to the Tempest-class, mounted in four superfiring twin-gun turrets; an identical armour scheme where possible; a top speed of 35 knots or more; a displacement lower than that of the Tempest and smaller dmiensions; and the ability to carry out all the missions allocated to the Tempests.

These design parameters were found to create conflicting requirements. The fitment of 8 14in guns would have given these ships the same armament as the Tempests, but the use of four turrets would in fact have increased the displacement of the design. The reactor technology needed to attain a speed of 35+ knots would also have approximately the same mass as that of the original Tempest design. In addition, making a ship smaller than the Tempest yet able to mount all the weapons and armour needed to perform all of that ship's operations was also extremely difficult.

The Naval Office had however learned well from their experience in drawing up the requirements for the Tempest, and thus had given the design bureaux a rather more free hand than might otherwise have been the case. The only remaining problem was the lack of shipyards willing to submit a design. The reason for this was simple: they could not build the new ships. Every shipyard in DPUO had been assigned the construction of some sort of large surface combatant. The Soyuz and Harland's yards were working flat out on the building of Soyuz and Frunze-class Battleships, as well as the Hunter-class Command Battleships, and the two smaller yards oof Balfour and Kurtsov (which were amalgamated shortly after the announcement of the required specifications to form the DPUO State Shipbuilding Works) were occupied in construction of the Tempest-class Battlecruisers. Though each group submitted designs, none felt themselves able to construct the number of ships required, which was about 60. Not even the selection of the comparatively cheap and uncomplicated design submitted by the soon-to-be DSSW was considered practicable.

The Naval Office therefore took the unprecedented move of enacting its' right to utilise smaller concerns for military shipbuilding. The 20 small civil shipyards around DPUO were each assign their respective tasks, be that task construction of hull plates, propellers, frames, or missile mountings. The electronics industry was also turned to the task of providing the electronics needed for the construction of the ship's fire-control and sensor systems, while the nation's heavy gun builders were simply told to work double hours and get triple overtime pay. Even so, progress on the first of the class was extremely slow, especially following the commencement of the CM Cold War. Laid down on 7th October 2002, the first of the class, the Admiral Romanov, was only completed in July 2004, and in the end, the saving on the Tempest-class was minimal.


Crew: 1,762
Displacement: 70,090 tonnes unladen, 78,982 tonnes fully laden
Endurance: 120 days' steaming, 70 days' combat
Dimensions: Length 384m, Beam 33.2m, Draught 8.5m (mean)


Main armament is the DK-77 15-inch rifled naval gun, mounted in three twin-gun turrets each with elevation of 44 degrees and depression of -13 degrees. The guns fire APDS, HE, HE-FRAG, smoke, laser-guided 8-inch, chemical and nuclear shells. Maximum range is 43km, with an accurate range of 22.8km. The armour-piercing shell has a mass of 2,022lbs. Barrel life is approximately 360 full-charge firings.

Secondary armament is six 2A64N1 lengthened smoothbore 152mm guns, mounted in triple turrets toward the stern of the ship. The guns can elavate to 46 degrees, depress to -16 degrees, and have a maximum range of 33km and a maximum accurate range of 20km. The guns can as in the Tempest fire the Krasnopol-M ATGM.

The ship also carries 12 VLS cells for the SS-N-19 or -19B long-range cruise missile, and a pair of trainiable four-round launcher boxes for the SS-N-26 "Yakhont" SSM atop the superstructure, fed by armoured vertical reloading system chutes.

Anti-aircraft and anti-missile defences consist of 5 AO-18 CIWS guns and 4 ASL-100 combination gun-flechette launchers, plus two SA-N-20 launchers. The latter two form the IULLDES ( defence system, which is responsible for short and very short-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile defences. Mid-range defence is the SA-N-9 SAM, set in four launchers mounted on the superstructure and fed by armoured vertical reloading chutes. Long-range air defences are provided by the SA-N-6 SAM, mounted on either side of the after deck in two 4-cell VLS units.

Anti-submarine systems consist of the SS-N-27 ballistic anti-sub weapon launcher, of which two are carried, mounted on the superstructure in rounded, armoured housings, and five FRAS-1 anti-submarine mortars, mounted to give maximum coverage of the ship. These mortars
must be reloaded by a rotary autoloader after a full discharge, which requires approximately 5 minutes to complete.

The ship carries a towed anti-torpedo decoy, type OF-55.

This class also has a hangar bay that can accommodate 1 Ka-27B ASW helicopter or four Yak-061 "Shmel" UAVs at the aft superstructure.

Ammunition allocations

Main armament: 660 rounds
Secondary armament: 720 rounds
SA-N-6: 100 missiles
SA-N-9: 120 missiles
SA-N-20: 60 missiles
SS-N-19: 12 missiles
SS-N-26: 24 missiles
SS-N-27: 18 missiles
FRAS-1: 350 rockets
CIWS: 248,000 rounds


The hull is divided by 90mm titanium alloy bulkheads into 9 compartments, each with its' own independent pump system and power generator for that pump system.

1) Storage, crew accommodation, fuel for emergency gas turbine engines, sonar dome, sonar backup computers;
2) SS-N-19 VLS systems, some CIWS storage;
3) Forward main armament and main CIWS storage;
4) Reactor spaces, with separate armoured upper compartment for SAM magazines;
5) Main machinery spaces, containing four sets geared steam turbines, turboalternators, batteries, with separate upper compartment for some SAM and secondary armament ammunition

6) SS-N-26 magazines, secondary gun magazines;
7) 20% After main armament ammunition storage, auxiliary fire-control computers, general storage, emergency diesel engines with fuel storage, emergency generators;
8) After main armament storage (80%), after SAM, ASW and CIWS storage;
9) Stern storage, backup diesel fuel storage, auxiliary command area, steering equipment.

The ammunition magazines incorporate blow-out panels and pressure-release valves to minimise damage in the event of a magazine explosion. The large open spaces of the engine and reactor rooms are divided by transverse bulkheads separating the individual reactors, engines and shafts. One reactor can run both sets of turbines via pipelines which traverse the bulkheads. The movement of the turboalternators and backup engines to separate compartments reduces the chance of a single hit disabling the ship's power.


The armour belt runs thusly:

Bow to bulkhead 1: 360mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 120mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers.

Bulkhead 1 to bulkhead 2: 390mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 2 to bulkhead 3: 430mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 195mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 100mm torpedo bulge, widening to 150mm at bulkhead 2.

Bulkhead 3 to bulkhead 4: 390mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 4 to bulkhead 5: 350mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 5 to bulkhead 6: 385mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 120mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers. 15omm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 6 to bulkhead 7: 350mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 150mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 7 to bulkhead 8: 430mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 195mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. Torpedo bulge of 150mm.

Bulkhead 8 to stern: 350mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 150mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers. Torpedo bulge narrows from 150mm to 0mm within 20m of bulkhead 8.

Turret armour

Main turrets

Front: 320mm composite armour
Side: 250mm composite armour
Rear: 120mm composite armour
Roof: 200mm composite armour

Secondary turrets

Front: 260mm composte armour
Side: 175mm composite armour
Rear: 100mm composite armour
Roof: 120mm composte armour

Superstructure uses titanium alloy armour of 290mm thickness, able to stop missiles, shells up to 16in.

Conning tower has 320mm composite armour.



MR-710 Fregat-MA 3d Air/Surface search radar, datalinked with Kite Screech and Oko radars
4 Palm Frond Nav radar
Volna SA-N-6 fire-control radar
Kite Screech AK-130 fire-control radar
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar)
2 MR-360/Podkat SA-N-9 Fire-control
Garpun-Bal SSM guidance/targeting radar


Zvezda-IIM Sonar suite, MKG-345 bow-mounted LF sonar dome
Ox Tail-B LF VDS


KOK-615B1 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, air temperature, gun temperature, an inputted barrel wear value and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament.


Wine Glass and Bell Shroud ESM Intercept receivers
Bell Squat Jammer systems
Burn Eye anti-LADAR smoke generators; armoured vents in sides of hull
16 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs


2 OK-700V 210MW Pressurised-water reactors driving four sets geared steam turbines turning four shafts, each with 1 seven-bladed variable-pitch bronze screw.

4 backup S-66M 10,000hp diesel engines, one per shaft, driving through two automatic gearboxes with 4 forward and 2 reverse speeds, attached via 1 direct-drive shaft per engine to 1 B-12 emergency generator.

Top speed for the class is 36-38 knots.
27-07-2005, 17:56
Tempest class Battlecruiser

N.B. This and all other weapons systems will not be sold to the following:

1) Aggressive Governments, Right or Left-wing
2) Far right-wing Governments/organisations which undertake aggressive actions against other nations for no good reason;
3) Terrorist organisations
4) Enemies of DPUO
5) Enemies of our allies
6) Any front-man for any of the above.

Discounts are available for:

*Members of any alliances with us
*Nations unable to pay immediately but capable of paying in installments
*Nations who the Government supports who need the ships immediately and cannot pay on the spot.

Shortly after specifications were laid out for the Soyuz-class Battleships,the Naval Staff turned their attention to the field of cruisers to compliment their new acquisitions. The Kirov class CGN was felt to be too lightly armoured for the role of this new projected cruiser: accompanying battleships into action, but having the speed to also act as scouts. In effect, the new cruiser design would be a Battlecruiser.

When this was realised, there was uproar among the Naval Staff, a clear split in opinion becoming rapidly apparent. The bitterest debate in Naval Office history ensued. The proponents of the Battlecruiser concept argued that the mistakes of the World War One and Two Battlecruiser designs could and would be avoided by their new designs, and that in any case this cruiser would posess weapons and armour that its' World War Two stable-mates would have found unimaginable. Those against the design argued that there was no guarantee of such a design succesfully eliminating the faults in the older Battlecruisers, that the Battlecruiser concept itself was flawed and had failed in combat, and that the enormous financial and material outlay needed to construct an entirely new class of ship, with virtually no outside expertise available to them, was completely unjustified. The debate raged around the Naval Office for 17 months, with not a few sackings involved, and regular bouts of verbal sparring, often degenerating into simple insults, becoming a daily part of the military and civilian press. However, the faction supporting the Battlecruiser concept was backed by the Deputy Defence Minister, and he was able to persuade the Prime Minister to support the Battlecruiser project. With his backing, and an increasing number of previously non-aligned or staunchly opposed persons embracing the Battlecruiser design proposal, the opponents of Battlecruiser development admitted defeat. In a vote put before the House of Commons on Jun 12th 1995, the House voted 461 to 112 to allocate funding for design and procurement of up to 20 Battlecruisers.

The parametry for these Battlecruisers was the subject of some of the most intense debate ever seen in the Naval Office. The obvious wish to avoid repetition of the disastrously poor designs of WWI and II Battlecruisers precluded any talk of thin armour; indeed these ships had a similar armour scheme to the Soyuz-class Battleship. The two main areas studied for the purposes of increasing speed were therefore the adoption of lighter armament (literally) and the adoption of uprated engines, such as liquid metal cooled reactors. However, it was quickly realised that liquid metal cooled reactor technology, still in its' relative infancy following the abortive Alfa-class submarine of the U.S.S.R., still had far too many issues to be a reliable and cost-effective propulsion method.

At the end of the discussion period in the Naval Office, a contract was offered to all four of the major DPUO shipbuilding firms. The contract specified that the class must have armour capable of resisting impacts by at the least 16" gun shells and TASM surface-to-surface missiles, have the most advanced anti-aircraft and anti-missile suite possible, displace not more than 67,000 tonnes fully laden, and be able to fit in at least 25% of the existing naval yards of the country. The specification also set down that the ship had to be able to reach a speed of forty knots.

Such a design was described as being "like trying to fit a pair of antlers onto your head - it could be done, and it'd be one hell of an achievement, but your head would ache a lot after you'd managed it." The design proposals submitted by the major firms showed a clear reluctance to reduce the armament of the ships. Every design had at least 8 16-inch guns, and every design went over the displacement limit by at least 4,000 tonnes, the worst being in fact 8,000 tonnes over displacement limit. All designs were rejected, and the companies went back to the drawing board. Each company then submitted three more proposals within as many months. None was accepted, each either exceeding the limite of displacement or lacking in speed or armour. The Naval Staff, in a desperate bid to get something done, raised the limit to 79,500 tonnes fully laden and requested one last design from each firm. And finally, on the point of giving up the entire project, one was submitted, a joint proposal put together by the engineers of Balfour Shipyards and A.F. Kurtsov Marine Design. This deisng was, after some slight revision, accepted, and construction begun of prototype guns and turrest for armament tests. While this was in progress, the keel of the first ship was laid down, although progress was kept deliberately slow until the completion of main armament tests. Once these were found to be satisfactorily completed, the design was ordered into production. The ship was designted the Tempest class Battlecruiser.


Crew: 1,884
Displacement: 74,090 tonnes unladen, 79,194 tonnes fully laden
Endurance: 120 days' steaming, 70 days' combat
Dimensions: Length 394m, Beam 32.5m, Draught 8.4m


Main armament is the DK-46B 14-inch rifled naval gun, mounted in two four-gun turrets each with elevation of 43 degrees and depression of -16 degrees. The guns fire APDS, HE, HE-FRAG, smoke, laser-guided 8-inch and chemical shells. Maximum range is 41km, with an accurate range of 20.7km. The armour-piercing shell has a mass of 1,922lbs. Barrel life is approximately 280 full-charge firings.

Secondary armament is eight 2A64N smoothbore 152mm guns, mounted in twin turrets on the outer deck, near the centre of the ship. These are capable of elevation of 37 degrees and depression of -15 degrees. Maximum range is 30Km, maximum accurate range 22.9km. Four rotatable and trainable SS-N-22 Sunburn SSM launchers are provided at the corners of the superstructure. There are also 12 VLS cells for the SS-N-19 Shipreck AShM.

AA defences are some of the most comprehensive yet provided on a warship. Lon-range air defence is provided by the SA-N-6 (S-300PMU) long-range SAM system, for which there are eight launchers. Second-tier air defence is provided by the SA-N-9 medium-range system, for which there are ten launchers. Close-range air defence and anti-missile defences are provided by the IULLDES ( Mark III system, consisting of 11 ASL-100 CIWS guns with a range of 1.5-0.5km, and 4 AO-18 air-defence guns with similar range. These provide extremely high anti-missile defence against all known systems, being able to place a literal wall of fire between any incoming missile and the ship. These systems are closely integrated, to provide a high degree of jamming invulnerability and all-conditions performance.

These ships can also carry anything up to three Ka-27 ASW helicopters, or 2 Yak-41M2s, and 4 targeting/recconaissance drones. Alternatively, since 4 drones are equvalent in terms of space required to 1 helicopter and 6 are equivalent to 1 Yak-41M2, the user can place anything up to 16 recconaissance drones aboard the ship.

Ammunition allocations

Main armament: 800 rounds
Secondary armament: 1,200 rounds
SA-N-6: 120 missiles
SA-N-9: 150 missiles
SA-N-20: 88 missiles
SS-N-19: 12 missiles
SS-N-22: 32 missiles
SS-N-27: 16 missiles
CIWS: 248,000 rounds


The hull is divided by 40mm composite bulkheads into 6 compartments, each with its' own independent pump system and power generator for that pump system.

1) Storage, crew accommodation, fuel for emergency gas turbine engines, sonar dome auxilliary backups;
2) Forward main armament, secondary armament and CIWS ammunition storage;
3) Reactor spaces, with small compartment above for SS-N-22 storage;
4) Main machinery spaces, containing geared steam turbines, heat exchangers, emergency gas-turbine engines and their gearboxes, turboalternators, batteries etc;
5) Aft main and secondary armament magazines, CIWS magazines, missile magazines (bisected by SS-N-19 launch cells)
6) Aft storage, aft crew accomodation, ancilliary equipment for towed array sonars and anti-torpedo decoys.

The ammunition magazines incorporate blow-out panels and pressure-release valves to minimise damage in the enet of a magazine explosion. The large open spaces of the engine and reactor rooms are divided by transverse bulkheads separating the individual reactors, engines and shafts. One reactor can run both sets of turbines via pipelines which traverse the bulkheads.


The armour belt runs thusly:

Bow to bulkhead 1: 360mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 120mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers.

Bulkhead 1 to bulkhead 2: 430mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 195mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 100mm torpedo bulge, widening to 150mm at bulkhead 2.

Bulkhead 2 to bulkhead 3: 390mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 3 to bulkhead 4: 390mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 180mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge.

Bulkhead 4 to bulkhead 5: 430mm composite armour, with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 195mm composite armour, with insulating foam between layers. 150mm torpedo bulge, tapering to 100mm at bulkhead 5.

Bulkhead 5 to stern: 360mm composite armour with double-layer of Kontakt-5 ERA. Deck armour of two layers of 120mm composite armour, with insulating foam in between layers.

Turret armour

Main turrets

Front: 320mm composite armour
Side: 250mm composite armour
Rear: 120mm composite armour
Roof: 200mm composite armour

Secondary turrets

Front: 260mm composte armour
Side: 175mm composite armour
Rear: 100mm composite armour
Roof: 120mm composte armour

Superstructure is armoured against shell splinters, missile splinters, shell up to 50mm calibre etc.



MR-710 Fregat-MA 3d Air/Surface search radar, datalinked with Kite Screech and Oko radars
4 Palm Frond Nav radar
Volna SA-N-6 fire-control radar
Kite Screech AK-130 fire-control radar
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar)
2 MR-360/Podkat SA-N-9 Fire-control
Garpun-Bal SSM guidance/targeting radar


Zvezda-IIM Sonar suite, MKG-345 bow-mounted LF sonar dome
Ox Tail-B LF VDS


KOK-615B1 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, air temperature, gun temperature, an inputted barrel wear value and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament when under manual control.


Wine Glass and Bell Shroud ESM Intercept receivers
Bell Squat Jammer systems
Burn Eye anti-LADAR smoke generators; armoured vents in sides of hull
16 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs


2 OK-700w 210MW Pressurised-water reactors driving four sets geared steam turbines turning four shafts, each with 1 seven-bladed variable-pitch bronze screw

8 backup MK-84F gas-turbines, two per shaft, driving through two automatic gearboxes with 4 forward and 2 reverse speeds.

Top speed for the class is 41 knots.
27-07-2005, 17:58
Repulse-class Battlecarrier


With a period of great expansion and improved traning in full swing, DPUO's Navy and its' staff felt that they had a right to feel content with themselves. The Navy was large, with more than 100 capital ships alone, and amply powerful. It was a capable force, able to carry out operations under any conditions and against any opponent; it was also hideously costly to maintain and use. The construction of Naval bases and the procurement of Naval vessels had been a gigantic strain on the economy, and the recovery from this strain was still in progress when a spate of harsh anti-Left Wing measures began to ripple across the world, instigated by Far Right wing states. The power of the Navy to decide the outcome of such events was realised by Parliament (indeed it was, as always, one of the primary arguments behind its' expansion), and thus it was often the first force to be sent to do its' duty against the enemy.

During the many small and large punitive operations that this work entailed, there emerged a clear problem.At most of the Naval bases that DPUO possessed globally, there was a strong capital ship presence, comprising usually battlecruisers and escort carriers and helicopter & V/STOL carriers. However, it was necessary to keep these forces in close proximity in order for their (theoretically) high degree of combat power to be put to good use. The fact that the battlecruisers were often swifter and longer-ranged than the carriers (many of which were ageing) did not make this task easy; the difficulty was enhanced by the knowledge among the carrier crews that the battlecruisers were in general far better armed than they were, which encouraged carrier crews to endorse the view that they should proceed behind the capital ships, which often had the unhappy result that the battlecruisers left behind their air cover as it went back to refuel. Although no ships were lost to this and similar incidents, it was seen by the Naval Staff that there was a very real risk of heavy capital ship losses if the situation was not corrected.

The matter was considered at length by the Naval Staff. The need was for a warship that combined the features of Battleship and aircraft carrier. Previous attempts had been notable by their lack of success, from Ise and Hyuga to Moskva and Kiev, the theoretical brilliance of the concept and design had never quite translated into a practical weapon of war. Undeterred, the Naval Office began in earnest studies into a design for a hybrid battleship-carrier. The designs were based on those of the Ise and Hyuga following their conversion to battleship-carriers in 1943, since this was felt to be the closest precendent. After 15 months of hard work and 21 design alterations and revisions, the design was considered ready, and the newly-completed Admiralty Shipyards were assigned the task of building these mighty vessels.


Displacement: 82,700 tonnes light, 106,800 tonnes full load

Length 249m
Beam (at widest point): 49.5m
Draught (mean): 11.4m

Complement: 1,700, air wing 490.

Endurance: 190 days' combat operations, 230 days' steaming.


The Repulse carries the DK-17 16-inch 45-calibre rifled Naval gun, as fitted to the Soyuz-class battleship, mounted in two twin-gun turrets.. The guns have a maximum accurate range of approximately 24 kilometres and maximum range of 40 kilometres, and can fire APDS, HE-FRAG, HE and low-calibre (10-inch) guided shells, as well as a rocket-assisted shells with a range of 57 km, but an accurate range of 28Km. Barrel life is estimated at 350 full-charge firings per gun. The guns can elavate to 40 degrees and depress to -10 degrees.

Secondary armament is the DK-80 8-inch 34-calibre gun, housed in two twin-gun turrets on the beam. The guns can elevate to 37 degrees and depress to -9 degrees, and have a range of 38km, firing APFSDS, APHE, HE and HE-FRANG shells.

Anti-aircraft defences are based on a three-tiered system, which centres around the new ASP-101 3-D Air Search radar. ASP-101 comprises a powerful array of four fixed emitters mounted high on the ship, a new targeting and interrogation computer system, and datalinking to the radars and sensors of other platforms. ASP-101 is designed to collate all available information and use this information as rapidly as possible to elminate threats to the ship and its' group. The ASP-101 emitters have a range of approximately 350 miles, and can detect and track sea-skimming targets in bad weather at ranges of up to 100 miles. The system uses a powerful targeting algorithm to assign priorities of destruction to incoming targets and to detect even stealthy targets.

The SA-N-6 provides long-range AA and anti-missile defence for the Repulse-class. Its' fire-control radar systems are fully integrated into the ASP-101 system but can be separated from it at any time if necessary. Mid-range air defences are provided by the SA-N-9 SAM, which is controlled by the same method as SA-N-6. Short-range air defence is based around the SA-N-20 SAM, which operates independently of the ASP-101 system unless it is manually integrated with the latter. The SA-N-20 is able to track and destroy sea-kimming missiles moving at upwards of Mach 2 in all weathers. The final line of air defences is 8 AO-18 CIWS units. These are capable of autonomous operation using inbuilt radar and LADAR suites, but can also be guided by the ASP-101 or other datalinked radars and detection systems.

ASW defence is undertaken by two SS-N-27 ASROC launchers mounted at the corners of the superstructure. The SS-N-27 is a ballistic rocket-booster carrying the Type 40 torpedo. The Type 40 has a range of 16Km and an acquisition range in ping-and-listen mode of 4,000m.

The ship also carries 28 SS-N-19B anti-ship/land attack missiles. The missile flies approximately 20m above sea level at 1,900 knots, and can employ active radar or anti-radiation guidance; it has a range of 660Km.

Air Operations

There are two angled runways, each with one steam catapult. The runways are each 159m long. Total area for air operations is approximately 6,000m2.

Air Wing

The Repulse can carry an air wing of 58 aircraft and 10 UAVs. The standard air unit aboard is:

28 Su-33B strike fighters
12 Yak-41M2 interceptors
14 Ka-27B ASW/utility helicopters
4 Ka-31 electronic warfare helicopters
10 Yak-061 "Shmel" UAVs

This combination can be varied with ease. The ship can also accommodate the Su-39B straike aircraft and the Mi-24VU attack helicopter.


The hull is divided into 11 watertight compartments by 125mm titanium alloy bulkheads.

1) Forward accommodation, bow LF sonar dome, batteries, galleys, recreation area, storage;
2) A turret magazine, A turret CIWS magazine;
3) B turret magazine, forward CIWS magazine;
4) Secondary armament magazine, SA-N-9 magazine;
5) SS-N-19 cells, SA-N-6 cells;
6) Reactor spaces, after CIWS magazines, after SA-N-20 magazines;
7) Aviation fuel storage, emergency diesel engines for shafts 1 and 4;
8) Machinery spaces (heat exchangers and turbines);
9) Aviation fuel storage, emergency engines for shafts 2 and 3;
10) Auxiliary machinery spaces (turboalternators, batteries), aviation fuel storage;
11) Stern accommodation, aviation fuel storage.

N.B. Aviation fuel and ammunition are stored above each compartment aft of compartment 5. Those compartments marked as storing "aviation fuel" have aviation fuel within them, below the upper compartment roof, as well as above it.


The armour belt for these ships runs as follows:

Bow to bulkhead 1: 420mm composite armour backed by 100mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam.

Bulkhead 1 to bulkhead 2: 460mm composite armour backed by 110mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam.

Bulkhead 2 to bulkhead 3: 510mm composite armour backed by 120mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam. Torpedo bulge of 100mm, extending to 190mm at bulkhead 2, consisting of 30mm titanium alloy outer layer, 150mm airspace, 30mm composite armour.

Bulkhead 3 to bulkhead 4: 490mm composite armour backed by 100mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam. Torpedo bulge of 190mm, consisting of 30mm titanium alloy outer layer, 150mm airspace, 30mm composite armour.

Bulkhead 4 to bulkhead 5: 435mm composite armour backed by 85mm layer of titanium alloy, with 105mm airspace, edged with 35mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 180mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam. Torpedo bulge of 100mm, extending to 190mm at bulkhead 2, consisting of 30mm titanium alloy outer layer, 150mm airspace, 30mm composite armour.

Bulkhead 5 to bulkhead 6: 345mm composite armour backed by 85mm layer of titanium alloy, with 105mm airspace, edged with 35mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 180mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam. Torpedo bulge of 100mm, extending to 190mm at bulkhead 2, consisting of 30mm titanium alloy outer layer, 150mm airspace, 30mm composite armour.

Bulkhead 6 to bulkhead 7: 340mm composite armour backed by 100mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam. Torpedo bulge of 190mm, consisting of 30mm titanium alloy outer layer, 150mm airspace, 30mm composite armour.

Bulkhead 7 to bulkhead 8: 340mm composite armour backed by 100mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam. Torpedo bulge of 190mm, consisting of 30mm titanium alloy outer layer, 150mm airspace, 30mm composite armour, tapering to end at bulkhead 8.

Bulkhead 8 to bulkhead 9: 340mm composite armour backed by 120mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam.

Bulkhead 9 to bulkhead 10: 340mm composite armour backed by 120mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam.

Bulkhead 10 to stern: 340mm composite armour backed by 120mm layer of titanium alloy, with 190mm airspace, edged with 25mm insulating thermosetting foam. Deck armour of two 240mm layers of composite, upper deck of 40mm titanium ally with 50mm Kontakt-5 ERA beneath and 20mm airspace with insulating foam.

Turret armour

Main turrets carry 500mm composite frontal armour, 300 mm composite side armour, 100mm titanium alloy rear armour, 280mm composite roof armour.

Secondary turrets carry 300mm composite frontal armour, 190mm titanium alloy side armour, 200mm composite roof armour, 100mm titanium alloy rear armour.

SAM launchers, CIWS receive 50mm titanium alloy armour.

Superstructure receives 80mm titanium alloy armour on outer walls and first layer of inner walls.

Electronics: Radar, Sonar, Ladar, Fire-control, EW


ASP-101 3D Air/Surface search radar, datalinked with Kite Screech and Oko radars;
4 Palm Frond Nav radar;
Volna-M SA-N-6 surveillance/fire-control radar;
IULLDES LADAR and Radar systems (4 Osminog LADAR, 4 Oko Fire-control radar, 2 SBI-16KB surface-search radar);
2 MR-360A/Podkat-B SA-N-9 Fire-control and surveillance multi-mode radar;
Garpun-Bal Improved SSM guidance/targeting radar with integral ECCM and frequency agility.

The masts of the ship take the SSM fire-control and surveillance radars, while the upper superstructure holds the navigation and SAM radars. ASP-101 has four fixed aerials.


Zvezda-III Sonar suite, MKG-345U bow-mounted LF sonar dome, also MKG-346 conformal array;
Ox Tail-S LF VDS.


KOK-615B1 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, ship speed, target speed, wind speed, wind direction, cant angle, barrel wear and ship movement to give highly accurate fire-control for main armament and secondary armament when under manual control.


Wine Glass and Bell Shroud ESM Intercept receivers;
Bell Squat-B Jammer systems: uprated power, improved frequency agility thanks to microprocessor control of frequency, can be used in directional or omnidirectional modes;
Burn Eye anti-LADAR smoke generators/diesel exhaust vents;
18 PK-10 Chaff Decoy RLs;
8 PK-11 smoke rocket launchers.


4 OK-700w 210MW Pressurised-water reactors driving four sets direct-drive steam turbines turning four titanium shafts, each with 1 seven-bladed variable-pitch bronze screw, 230,000 Shp.

Emergency propulsion: 4 18,000Hp "Deltic" water-cooled diesel engines, driving through four 6-speed gearboxes.

Maximum design speed of the class is 33/34 knots.
27-07-2005, 18:01
Blue Dragon class Catamaran Heavy Aircraft Carrier (

Development history

Following a Ministry of Defence white paper into the state of existing craft within the Republic Navy, the Naval Staff determined that a large, long-term programme of upgrading for several arms of the Fleet was a matter of absolute necessity if these arms were not to become basically ineffective within the next decade. Among the arms selected for priority modernisation was the carrier forces of the Navy, at that time furnished with some thirty-one heavy aircraft carriers of the Orel ( class and twenty-nine Repulse ( class battleship-carriers. The latter were expected to remain in service for some time, but the White Paper's findings concerning the Orel class were less dismaying than damning. The authors condemned them as being too small to carry sufficient aircraft to support the Fleet adequately, being too weak in terms of protection to be allowed near to the enemy's battlegroups, and cited numerous what they felt to be serious design flaws.

It was in these conditions that the idea of a much larger and heavier replacement for the Orel class was first mooted, and it quickly gained enthusiastic support among the carrier forces of the navy. As one would expect, however, infighting prevented the immediate commencement of design work on the class which would one day emerge as the Blue Dragon. The critics of the project ranged from latter-day members of the Jeune ecole who saw fast missile-armed destroyers and cruisers as a superior alternative to the aircraft carrier, to the conservative supporters of the pro-battleship lobby, concerned that these craft were capable of undermining the utility of their ships in the eyes of the policy-makers and submariners who considered it a waste of funding compared to vessels of their own kind armed with cruise missiles.

The chief counter to the missile-lovers' argument was simply that the aircraft from a carrier were not only far more flexible than a cruise missile ever could be, but that carrier aircraft could be used once, where cruise missiles essentially committed suicide by their very nature, and were thus less economical or efficient weapons. However, the proponents of the super-carrier idea still had to mollify the anxious battleship lobbiers, who constituted a powerful political force within the Navy; this was done by flattering commentary to the effect that no carrier force should ever be lacking in the heavy firepower of a battleship, lest it be caught by superior surface warfare forces.

Thus, when the wrangling had finally abated, the Naval Staff set to work on the parameters of their new acquisition, and called for submissions from all of the available ship designers. At this point, one slight problem manifested itself: the ship was so large that nobody could build it, at least not in one piece. Thus, a team of Naval designers selected the winning submission and proceeded to perform a limited redesign of the starboard hulls, allowing them to be sealed up fully and then sailed to "mate" with the port hull in another location. With this final obstacle overcome, the carrier was officially approved for production.

General statistics

Displacement: 276,900 tonnes standard, 297,700 tonnes laden.
Dimensions: Length 392m
Beam 46.8m (per hull)/93.6m (total)
Draught 12.42m (average)
Flight deck area: 380x93.6 = 35,568m2 (approx.)

Complement: 3,155 ship's crew, 3,465 air wing personnel, 132 Naval Infantry

Endurance: Reactor lifespan approx. 9 years
Supplies for approx. 200 days operations
Best speed: 30.3 knots


Aviation fuel bunkerage: 5,700 tonnes
Aviation muntions carried: 6,520 tonnes


Aircraft capacity: 135, 8 UAVs
Standard Aicraft complement: 84 Su-33B multi-role fighters
24 Su-32FNU attack bombers
16 Ka-27B1 helicopters
4 An-71M AWACS
8 UAVs


SAMs: 7 SA-N-12 SAM launchers (In Kashtan-II combination mounting)
13 Type 12 Four-cell rotary SAM launchers (S-400K)

CIWS: 10 AK-630MR CIWS (7 in Kashtan-II, 3 separate)
9 F-10 Falanga flechette CIWS units

ASW: 8 RBU-6000 AWS mortars
Sacrifice anti-torpedo system mounted below island with 18 anti-torpedo units.


Radar: ASP-101A air/surface search array
4 Palm Frond Navigation
10 Bass Tilt CIWS fire-control
Top Pair-B SA-N-12 fire-control


EW: Bell Shroad B, Bell Clout B ESM arrays
Jamming arrays provided
Burn Eye smoke generators (four vents).

Powerplant: Four OKP-150 Pebblebed reactors (150MW)
Eight geared steam turbines (four per hull)generating 340,000 SHP.
Four propeller shafts, four variable-pitch bronze screws per hull.


The hull is protected by 360mm of armour around vital areas, including machinery spaces, fuel tanks and ammuntion storage areas. This comprises an outer 40mm layer of steel backed by 20mm tungsten carbide and 100mm ferroconcrete, reinforced by a titanium lattice. Behind this, a 100mm compartmented void space area can be used to store fuel or trim the ship. The final layer is a liquid metal/kevlar sandwich, with three 20mm layers of kevlar and two 20mm layers of liquid metal. Horizintal armour is identical except in lacking the tungsten carbide or the titanium lattice for its ferrconcrete.

Other safety and survivability features include:

- Multiple self-sealing fuel tanks for aircraft
- Jackets of flame-retardant gel for missile cells
- Double doors and redundant compartments along the flightdeck area
- Numerous damage control systems, including heat sensors, smoke alarms and flooding alarms
- Automated pumping systems in every compartment
- Sprinkler and other fire-suppression units in all compartments
- Triple interlocking doors on all magazine areas and access shafts
- Reinforced hydraulic and pneumatic lines and wiring
- Ship fully NBC sealed wherever possible.
- Compartments 7A-14A cen be isolated individually by roll-down steel shutters.
- Machinery spaces (compartments 7B-11B) and dedicated storage areas (11B-15B) can be isolated by heavy steel doors controlled from bridge, local control station or individual door.
- Forward compartments (accommodation, ship's storage, emergency command etc.) carry enough battery power for 1,000 miles travel @ 15 knots; transmission cables to emergency electric motors sheathed with armour.
- Sub-compartment beneath flightdeck can be closed or opened in sections, allowing water to flow through the ship or be isolated.
- All compartments provided with personal, portable radios.



As with all RSI systems, we do not generally export the "default" version of this carrier. Instead, RSI has prepared an export package for any nations interested in purchasing the Blue Dragon class carriers. The export package offers high flexibility for the user, while not compromising the high quality of RSI products in any way, and we will happily attend to any difficulties or queries regarding this vessel as best possible.


* Armament (CIWS, SAMs) specified by purchaser.
* Aircraft specified by purchaser.
* Electronics specified by purchaser; RSI can install almost any electronics suite produced by the USA, CIS and many other nations, or leave the electronics suites to be installed by the user.
* Command-and-control facility can be fitted at user's request.
* Powerplant variable; Pebblebeds can be replaced with PWRs if required, at lower cost but reduced speed.
* Protective scheme can be altered at user's request.
* Special construction details can also be specified, e.g. altered hangar space, catapults, lifts, etc.

(Click the thumbnails for images) (
An early experiment in catamaran aircraft carrier design, based on the Japanese ship Nibai; this comprised two converted fast freighter hulls and a temporary catamaran deck atop them. The central island resulted in several accidents and the project was abandoned, but it eventually resulted in the Blue DRagon design and gave the designers of that ship invaluable information. (
Hull number one of the prototype carrier Little Dragon proceeding to mate with its partner. Note the lack of bow or stern upper sections; containing accommodation spaces and ammunition stores respectively, they are not added to the ship until it has mated with the secondary hull, and their components are produced en masse to aid speedy construction. (
A second hull, this one moving to another shipyard following an accident during construction of the first hull. A large graving dock, due for repair, partially collapsed beneath the weight of the hull, resulting in damage to the bottom of the ship, including watertight compartments. While the first hull was under repair, the second was rigged with a temporary island (hence its unusual placement), patched up to be seaworthy, and (cautiously) steamed to pair up with the first.
27-07-2005, 18:03
Boar-class CGN

Designed to replace the Kirov-class CGN within Navy service, the Boar-class carries a formiddable array of weapons on a swift-moving, agile hull. Ideal for all operations, including anti-surface warfare, ASW, air defence, patrols and fleet actions, the Boar is a capable surface combat vessel of the next generation.


Displacement: 29,125 tonnes standard, 36,674 tonnes laden.
Length: 197.6m
Maximum Beam: 25.4m
Draught: 7.9m standard, 9.6m laden.
Crew: 604 (86 Officers, 75 Warrant Officers, 443 enlisted personnel.
Speed (knots): 38-40
Propulsion: 1 Hafnium-Lutetium QNR-II
Two sets geared steam turbines, 118,200-120,000 SHp
2 shafts, 2 vectoring propulsor pods.


Guns: 3 AK-130 (1x3) 130mm fully-automatic water-cooled guns.
8 AO-18 30mm CIWS

Missiles: Cells for up to 150 cruise missiles including SS-N-22, SS-N-26, SS-N-27 (ASuW and ASW variants) BGM-109 Tomahawk.
64 SA-N-6 (S-300PMU) SAMs.

ASW: 16 SS-N-27 (9M1E1) Rocket-launched torpedoes (2x4-round-launchers with 1 set reloads from adjacent deckhouses each).
4 RBU-6000 ASW mortars (2 forward, 2 aft).

Torpedoes: 6x533mm torpedo tubes (3 port, 3 starboard), 6 reload torpedoes loaded horizontally.

Protection: Vital spaces (magazines, engine spaces, reactor spaces) receive 70mm kevlar and 50mm composite armour. All magazines surrounded by jeckets of non-flammable gel. Missile boxes armoured against shells up to 130mm calibre. Missile launch cells surrounded by flame-retardant gel; cells hatches are armoured against outside impacts, but designed to "pop" clear of cell in event of internal detonation; all cells have 50mm armoured firewall

Aircraft: 2 Ka-27B ASW helicopters, 2 Yak-061 "Shemel" UAVs.


1 ASP-101/Top Pair 3D air/surface-search and fire-control radar suite (SSM and SAM surveillance and targeting; ASP-101 if overloaded delegates SAM operation to Top Pair system

1 Kite Screech for AK-130 fire-control.
2 Palm Frond Nav radars.
2 Bass Tilt AO-18 control.
6 Sag Coat short/mid-range beam-alterable fire-control LADAR (AK-130, AO-18)
1 Sage Bag mid-range LADAR (backup SSM and SAM surveillance).
2 Bell Shroud ESM
1 Bell Squat-B jammer
1 Punch Bowl SATNAV
1 Cross Loops II Communications intercept array
8 PK-10 chaff launchers
4 Burn Eye anti-LADAR smoke generators in hull sides.
Orion hull-mounted LF sonar.
Platina-B MF VDS


1) Bow sonar done, accommodation, storage.
2) Accommodation, storage.
3) Forward gun armament magazine.
4) CIWS and RBU-6000 magazine.
5) Accommodation for officers, emergency conning station.
6) Missile cells, torpedo tubes.
7) SAM cells, cruise missile cells.
8) Avation supplies.
9) Cruise missile cells, machinery spaces.
10 Cruise missile cells, reactor spaces.
11) After RBU magazine, cruise missile cells.
12) Cruise missile cells.
13) VDS spool, aft CIWS magazine, cruise missile cells.


The reactor is placed aft of the turbine spaces, abreast the turboalternators and gearboxes for the steam turbines. The heat exchanger system feeds forward to the two main turbines.


All bulkheads are 150mm titanium alloy. The ship is fully NBC sealed.


Now, as well as feedback on the design, I need feedback on something I've been thinking about.

As you may have noted, the cruise missile cells are oddly-shaped. Specifically, they are rectangular where normally I make them circular. This reflects the fact that they can accept multiple types of missile, from a Yakhont to a Tomahawk.

The system I'm (hopefully) using to do this simply exploits the torpedo tube method. The cells are watertight. By default, each cell can accommodate the largest AShM carriable by these ships, the Yakhont AShM. However, should a small missile, such as the SS-N-27, be used, this presents a problem, as the space available for the propellant gas to flow around in the cell is rather large, degrading performance of the missile.

To counter this, the missiles are encased within their own capsule, as used on submarines, and the cells filled with seawater from vents within each cell, as in a torpedo tube. When the order to launch a given cell is given, a powerful two-stage charge of highly compressed nitrogen detonates benath the missile. The filling of the cell with water primes the lid opening mechanism on the missile cell, and the activation of the cell's detonator automatically fires the small squib that opens the hatch for the missile. The missile is blasted clear of the cell by the two-stage charge; thereafter, the cap at the read of the capsule is released, allowing the missile's own motor to activate. Once this occurs, the capsule is shed and the missile assumes its course.

Having fired the missile, the cell is then rapidly drained of water, the seawater being fed into the sea or into storage tanks for use in cell fillings.
27-07-2005, 18:05
The Typhoon-II SSBN

Link To Image (


In its' original form, the Typhoon ballistic-missile submarine was the greatest feat or maritime engineering of the 20th century, displacing more than 33,000 tonnes submerged and carrying more than 200 thermonuclear warheads with the ability to strike anywhere on the planet within a matter of minutes, and able to stay at sea for anything up to four months in comfort. A true monument to the ingenuity of Soviet designers and the ability of Soviet armaments manufacture, these submarines were probably the single finest ships of their type built by any side in the Cold War.

However, at this late stage, the Typhoon, even with all the upgrades applied through 20 years by the Soviet and Russian Navies, is becoming outdated. The basic design of the ship is still superb, but too often it is let down by the systems it uses.

Hence, we have decided to upgrade these wondrous machines, to bring them up to scratch fpor the modern era. We present to you:

The Typhoon-II SSBN


Crew: 150, 50 officers)
Displacement: 23,200 tonnes surfaced unladen
33,800 tonnes submerged unladen
24,500 tonnes surfaced fully laden
42,000 tonnes submerged fully laden

Endurance: 120 days' crusing, 90 days' combat
Dimensions: Length 172m, Beam 23.3m, Draught 17.5m [Draught increased by 6m)
Maximum Diving Depth: 500m


The Typhoon-II carries four 650mm torpedo tubes, able to fire all standard Soviet/Russian torpedoes, including:


UGST, etc


65-73 (nuclear)
65-76 (conventional)
TEST-71ME, etc

Can also carry SS-N-15 Starfish and SS-N-16 Stallion ASWs.

The ship carries 20 SS-N-20U/R-39M1 ICBMs. These have a range of 10,700km, and carry 10 100Kt MIRVs. Guidance is by inertial navigation, gyroscopic course alteration, and where possible GPS/Satnav. The missiles differ from the original SS-N-20/R-39 in having an altered fuel mixture, similar to that in the Trident D-5, and a new casing lining of an ultralight titanium alloy backed by a small airspace filled with argon gas.

The missile can be replaced with the SS-N-30 SLBM, a seaborne variant of the road-mobile SS-27 Topol-M ICBM, if the user specifies. The SS-N-30 is capable of carrying a single 400Kt warhead.

These vessels also carry active and passive anti-torpedo decoys.

Ammunition allocations

Up to 40 torpedoes/torpedo tube-launched missiles, etc
20 SS-N-20U/SS-N-30 ICBMs
26 countermeasures, standard 14 active and 12 passive countermeasures.


The ships is divided by 125mm titanium alloy bulkheads into 19 watertight compartments, each equipped with an emergency water pump. These runs thusly:

1) Torpedo room, bow cylindrical sonar;
2) Torpedo storage, accommodation, sonar processing systems;
3) Galley, officer's accommodation, leisure area;
4) Missile bay
5) Missile bay
6) Missile bay
7) Missile bay
8) Missile bay
9) Missile bay
10) Missile bay
11) Missile bay access, missile control wiring, accommodation where possible
12) Command and control systems
13) Command and control systems, life-support housing
14) Reactor spaces
15) Reactor spaces
16) Heat exchangers, turbines
17) Turbines, turboalternators
18) Turboalternators, batteries
19) Steering gear, propulsion equipment.

Armour and Survivability

Although not armoured as such, the ship's design emphasises survivability. The vessel is divided into no less than five hulls, consisting of an outer hull, two side-by-side inner pressure hulls, and a separate command module hull in the sail. There is also a two-metres air space between the outer hull and inner hulls.

The outer hull is built of low-magnetic steel, but the inner hulls are constructed of titanium. The command module can detach and float to the surface if necessary and contains life-support systems to support up to 46 men inside for 72 hours.

The ship's propulsion machinery is double-rafted, and isolated to a great extent from the inner hulls. The rafting arrangement comprises three polymer layers in which are sandwiched two layers of insulating foam.



One Snoop Pair surface-search/air-search radar, detection range for destroyer-sized target 60 miles, with new "Shark Tooth" beam-sharpening systems and computers for greater range against small targets and SURTASS systems.


MKG-500M Shark Gill B passive-active sonar suite, able to to track 16 targets simultaneously, can track 688(i)-class SSN at 5 knots at 20Km.

Pithon towed array, proven detection range against a 688(i)-class SSN at five knots is 68Km.


The Typhoon-II carries the MKO-612 Infra-Red Earch and Track system, designed to supplement the sonar suites of the ship by providing IR detection ability. The system is mounted in the bow of the submarine, in a small bulge above the bow cylindrical sonar array.

Propeller wash sensor

The Typhoon-II mounts the experimental MKH-20 propeller wash sensor. An enlarged version of the sensor used by the 65-76 torpedo, the MKH-20 is designed to detect the disturbed water, dead marine organisms and bubbles characteristic of a propeller having moved through an area of water. The sensor is currently capable only of operation below seven knots.

Mobile sensors

The Typhoon-II can carry four MS-101 UUVs, each fitted with miniaturised passive sonar suites, IRST systems, and MAD. The MS-101 has an endurance of approximately 20 minutes, moving at 20 knots.


SSU-43 fire-control for torpedo armament linked with sonar arrays, radar system etc to produce rapid target engagement abilities, obviating need for separate TMA station, although TMA is retained for backup.


Bulava ESM array, detection range approx. 100Km against most surface-search radars.


2 pressurized water reactors, 190 MW each. The reactor compartments can be accessed via large removable panels above compartment 15, reducing reactor replacement/refueling time and cost.

2 steam turbines, 50,000 shp each, driving two shrouded seven-blade propellers.

Top speed for the class is 12-16 knots surfaced and 25-27 submerged.
The prototype Typhoon-II underway in the Straits of Makarov.
The protoype undergoing sea trials in the Straits.
27-07-2005, 18:07
Juliet-II/Project 651M SSG
Juliett-II prototype BR-1 minus outboard decoy pods heading to sea for tests, March 2004.


Project 651 (NATO designation - Juliett) was ordered by the Soviet Navy in the late 1950s to provide a nuclear strike capability against the US homeland, particularly East Coast cities. The Juliett had four nuclear armed cruise missiles on board, and ten torpedo tubes with up to 22 torpedoes. The time required for the first missile launch was about 4.5 minutes, with the second after 10 seconds. The missiles were launched from the surface, while the submarine was moving at a speed of up to 4 knots. Initially armed with the P-5 [SS-N-3C Shaddock] inertially-guided missile, it was subsequently equipped with more accurate cruise missiles (the P-6 SS-N-3A Shaddock, and the later P-500 4K-80 Bazalt SS-N-12 Sandbox) which were deployed on these submarines for targeting American aircraft carriers.

Following the commencement of conversion of 100 Delta-IV SSBNs to the Delta-V SSGN configuration, the Naval Staff identified a notable gap in the Navy's considerable armoury: a conventional guided missile submarine, prossessing the endurance for long submarine and/or surfaced patrols and possibly oceangoing combat, but being relatively cheaper than nuclear-powered alternatives and just as effective in its' assigned role.

The Naval Office was instructed by the MoD to devise a specification for a new SSG to compliment the existing SS classes used for coastal patrol and brown-water Naval roles. In the process of considering the specification, a number of factors had to be considered. The ship was not intended to undertake very long voyages to conduct strikes, nor was it intended to pack as much of a punch, ship for ship, as its' nuclear-powered stable-mate, the Oscar-III SSGN. What it was intended to be was simple to build and maintain, cheap, capable of performing patrol of bases and outlying outposts effectively, and above all else stealthy. The Juliett-class, suitably modified, was felt to be an ideal starting point for such design work; the design was completed by the Naval Office's own maritime engineers, thus making this the first vessel designed by the Navy, for the Navy.


Displacement (tons): 3,174 Tons Surfaced
3,636 Tons surfaced with additional fuel
4,137 Tons Submerged

Speed (kts): ~20 knots Surfaced
17 knots Dived

Operating Depth: 290m/957Ft maximum Safe Depth
400m/1,320Ft crush depth

Dimensions: Length 90m
Beam 10m
Draught 7m

Endurance: 90 days
9,870 miles surfaced at 8 knots
19,100 miles surfaced at 7 knots with maximum fuel load
900 miles submerged at 2,74 knots
800 hours submerged endurance at 2 knots.

Crew: 12 Officers
16 NCOs
54 Seamen

Costs: $340,000,000 (building)
$5,000,000 (armament)
Total cost for new vessel: $345,000,000

$5,000,000 (operating cost per annum)


The main armament of the Juliett-II SSG is 12 SS-N-27 (3M-14E/3M-54E1) cruise missiles. These are carried in four groups of three launchers in the position formerly used to house the SS-N-3/P-35 (and later SS-N-12/P-350) anti-ship missiles.

The missiles are launched vertically within their launch containers using charges of compressed gas. Once the launchers have left the ship, the cap at the front of the launch container is removed by a small compressed air charge, and the missile then exits the container by activating its' first-stage boost motor. Once at the correct altitude (pre-selected and fed into the missile's computer), the second-stage booster kicks in; at this point the wings and control surfaces unfold and the missile begins flying toward its' target atapproximately Mach 0.4-0.5. Rate of fire is one missile every three seconds. No reloads are carried.

The SS-N-27/3M54 missile is in the versions used aboard these ships a subsonic weapon. The 3M-14E has a ballistic flightpath and inertial guidance; it is designed for use against land-based targets, but with an anti-ship capability, i.e. against ships at anchor with known co-ordinates.

The 3M54E1 is guided inertially to a point approximately 10-15Km from the target ship (again, selected and fed into the missile's computer), at which point it activates its' own guidance/targeting radar, drops to sea-level, and accelerates to between Mach 0.6 and 0.8 by activating its third-stage booster.

The Juliett-II also carries six 533mm (21in) torpedo tubes. These can fire any of the following weapons:

Torpedoes: UGST, SET-65, USET-80, USET-95, SAET-60, SAET-80, 53-65M (Wake-homing), 53-65K (Wake-homing). Provision is also made for adaptation to fire the Mk48 torpedo.

Missiles: SS-N-15, SS-N-16 (Anti-submarine weapons) SS-N-21 (Land-attack missile).

Ammunition allocations

18 Torpedoes/Missiles (standard mix 12 torpedoes, 4 SS-N-15/16, 2 SS-N-21)

12 3M54E1 (SS-N-27) multi-role cruise missiles.

Protection and survivability

Though it is not armoured, the Juliett-II is given some protection by the following means:

* Titanium-alloy honeycombed separation of approx. 1m between inner and outer hulls;

* The free-flood holes in the casing can be hydraulically closed;

* Cluster Guard anechoic tiles covering hull;

* Double-rafting of all propulsion machinery;

* Four detachable decoy pods attached to outer hull, launched by compressed air charges, similar to MOSS but stationary;

* Compartmentation scheme (compartments divided by 40mm titanium alloy bulkheads):

1) Torpedo room. Bulkhead separating compartments 1 and 2 lies 0.8m aft of forward diving planes.
2) Living accommodation, forward batteries.
3) Missile control, batteries.
4) Submarine control area (forward half of sail).
5) Living accommodation, two banks of batteries (after half of sail).
6) Diesel engines, generators.
7) Electric motors.
8) Batteries, living accommodation.



Snoop Half Surface Search radar


Rim Hat Active Intercept array
Shark Gill (MGK-503) Cylindrical Sonar array
Shark Rib Flank array
Mouse Roar MG-519 High-frequency Under-ice and Mine-hunting sonar set
Pithon Towed array


2 Periscopes (1 search, 1 attack)
1 MKO-612 IRST system
1 Bulava ESM system
1 Bell Slam ECM jamming array
1 Cross Loops communications intercept array
1 RK-713 long-range VHF radio
1 RK-55 VLF receiver
1 RKF-2 floating VHF communications buoy
1 Kosov SatNav system
1 INav-10 Inertial Navigation system
1 KG-22 fire-control computer, with datalink to sensor systems


2 3,300 Hp "Deltic" pattern diesel engines, water-cooled, with air scoop integrated into schnorckel;
2 500 Hp electric motors, one 220 Hp low-speed electric motor;
2 propeller shafts, direct drive from diesel engines and by direct-drive from electric motors;
2 six-bladed bronze propellers, diameter approx. 2.8m.

Bunkerage: 300 tonnes Ag-Zn batteries, 178 tonnes diesel oil.
In this photograph, BR-1 can be seen under construction. Alongside are an India-class AGSS and a Tango-class SS used for crew traning.
BR-1 running tests off Park Isle.
BR-1 is pictured on tests, running at about 10 knots of Winter Island.
Another photograph of BR-1 running trials, this time off Markov's Isle.
27-07-2005, 18:09
T-94B, T-95M Main Battle Tanks


The T-94 and T-95 battle tanks were for many years thought to be mere fiction, the product of overactive imagination and rumour concerning Russian tank design. When the T-94 was revealed as being real and indeed approaching production, the ridicule surrounding these powerful machines quickly disappeared. The T-95 likewise disappeared from sight.

However, plans for he T-95 were not lost. T-95 hit production in several nations, including DPUO, albeit on a smaller scale than the production of the T-94. The T-94 was for many years the standard MBT of the DPUO army, replacing the previous T-90M.

However, the advent of the unprecedented Cold War with Communist Mississippi meant that a new tank, able to counter the T-98, was a matter of necessity. Though T-94 was a powerful weapon, and T-98 had numerous flaws, the fear among the General Staff was that morale would be lowered by the inability of the T-94 to kill T-98s in one hit.

At the same time, a similar programme was initiated, calling for a cheaper and lighter tank to complement the heavier T-94 and its' upgraded derivative. The T-95, it was decided, was the ideal system. But T-95 had the same flaws as the T-94 against this new enemy.
Therefore, comprehensive upgrading of both T-94 and T-95 was put in hand. These upgrades were to include new system of every type to better the Mississippians.


Country of origin

Russian Federation/DPUO


Length 10.7m
Breadth 3.9m
Height to turret roof 2.3m

Combat weight

55.8 tonnes

Ground pressure


Engine 1 turbine-supercharged DSO-1400 multi-fuel diesel engine, developing 1,800hp at 20,000 rpm.

Fuel 645l internal, two 200l fuel drums on rear, with piping and pumps to allow fuel drum fuel use. Engine can be fuelled by petrol, diesel or paraffin.


Max. road speed 44mph, Max. cross-country speed 29mph, range 350 miles, gradient 30%, trench 2.9m, vertical obstacle 0.8m.


2A77 135mm smoothbore high velocity gun, length 61 calibres, firing APFSDS-T/DU (penetration 1,100mm RHA @ 2,000m, 1,300mm RHA @ 1,500m, 1,400mm RHA @ 1,000m, 1,600mm RHA @ 500m) HEAT, HE-FRAG, Smoke and chemical shells, and the AT-16 SAL-guided ATGM (range 8km). Standard ammunition load: 45 shells total, loaded by carousel automatic loader. 23 APFSDS, 12 HEAT, 6 HE-FRAG, 4 ATGM.

KORD 12.7mm co-axial MG, 11,800 rounds carried.


Dorchester-type composite armour turret and glacis plate, plus Kontakt-5 ERA on frontal arc.

Front armour equivalent 1,100mm RHA, with 300mm K-5 ERA, total 1,400mm
Side armour equivalent 960mm RHA
Rear armour equvalent 400mm RHA

Shtora-IM optronic countermeasures system.

Arena active defence system, radar housed in small armoured housing on turret roof to minimise risk of radar destruction, backed up by small LADAR which can also serve as laser rangefinder on roof. Ammunition boxes integral to turret design, and thus prodided with armour.

50mm steel track skirts.

Crew housed in armoured pod in front third of lower hull. Turret independently rotating, controlled by gunner using electronic controls and numerous cameras. Gunner has backup optical sights, gun controls and rangefinder. To access these the gunner must unlock the bulkhead hatch separating him from the gun box and climb up into his emergency position.

The hull is divided thusly:

Two bulkheads divide the hull into three sections. The engine occupies the rear 2/8 of the vehicle. The gun pod is housed in the next compartment, approximately another 3/8 of the vehicle's total hull volume. Then the crew are housed behind another bulkhead with an emergency door for the gunner, taking up thge remaining 3/8 of the vehicle.

Each bulkhead is of 30mm hardened steel. The turret roof incorporates blow-out panels, as does the upperpart of the engine compartment.


TG-556 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, cant angle, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity and muzzle droop, using an F-66 muzzle reference system.

GH-55 light intensification system for driver, A-44M "Navada" thermal gunsights for driver and commander.

16 cameras mounted to provide picture to gunner and commander for fire-control.

Backup manual sights provided.


Country of origin

Russian Federation/DPUO


Length 9.12m
Breadth 3.5m
Height to turret roof 2.5m

Combat weight

50.9 tonnes

Ground pressure


Engine 1 turbine-supercharged DSO-1400 multi-fuel V8 diesel engine, developing 1,800hp at 20,000 rpm.

Fuel 645l internal, two 200l fuel drums on rear, with piping and pumps to allow fuel drum fuel use. Engine can be fuelled by petrol, diesel or paraffin.


Max. road speed 46mph, Max. cross-country speed 34mph, range 400 miles, gradient 30%, trench 2.45m, vertical obstacle 0.9m.


2A46M3 125mm smoothbore high velocity gun, length 58 calibres, firing APFSDS-T/DU (penetration 1,000mm RHA @ 2,000m, 1,200mm RHA @ 1,500m, 1,300mm RHA @ 1,000m, 1,500mm RHA @ 500m), HEAT, HE-FRAG, Smoke and chemical shells, and the AT-11 beam-riding ATGM (range 8km). Standard ammunition load: 45 shells total, loaded by carousel automatic loader. 23 APFSDS, 12 HEAT, 6 HE-FRAG, 4 ATGM.

PKT 7.62mm co-axial MG, 11,800 rounds carried.


Dorchester-type composite armour turret and glacis plate. The turret armour is extremely rounded to deflect incoming shot.

Front armour equivalent 1,000mm RHA
Side armour equivalent 800mm RHA
Rear armour equvalent 400mm RHA

Shtora-IM optronic countermeasures system - emitters mounted integral behind armoured housings next to gun.

30mm steel track skirts.

Crew housed in armoured pod in front third of lower hull. Turret independently rotating, controlled by gunner using electronic controls and numerous cameras. Gunner has backup optical sights, gun controls and rangefinder. To access these the gunner must unlock the bulkhead hatch separating him from the gun box and climb up into his emergency position.

The hull is divided thusly:

Two bulkheads divide the hull into three sections. The engine occupies the rear 2/8 of the vehicle. The gun pod is housed in the next compartment, approximately another 3/8 of the vehicle's total hull volume. Then the crew are housed behind another bulkhead with an emergency door for the gunner, taking up thge remaining 3/8 of the vehicle.

Each bulkhead is of 30mm hardened steel. The turret roof incorporates blow-out panels, as does the upperpart of the engine compartment.


TG-101 fire-control computer, measures gun angle, cant angle, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity and muzzle droop, using a T-76 muzzle reference system.

GH-55 light intensification system for driver, A-44M "Navada" thermal gunsights for driver and commander.

16 cameras mounted to provide picture to gunner and commander for fire-control.

Backup manual sights provided.
27-07-2005, 18:10
T-115 Main Battle Tank

[Mod: That OK?]


The T-115, developed to succeed the T-94B and T-95M, is the next in the line of armoured fighting vehicles from Red Star Industries' Colossus Tank Plants. T-115 is designed to equal and/or better all existing tanks of its class in terms of protection, destructive power and mobility. Equipped with high-quality systems throughout, well-designed protection and a superb main armament, this truly is a next-generation tank.

General Information

Length: 9.35m
Breadth: 3.5m
Height: 2.6m
Weight: 79.5 tonnes
Ground Pressure: 0.295 Kg/Cm³
Ground clearance: 0.8m
Track Breadth: 0.95m

Crew: 3

Vertical. obstacle: 1.22m
Max. fording depth (unprepared): 2.0m
Max. Fording depth (prepared): 4.0m

Max. speed (road): 44 mph
Max. speed (off-road): 36-38 mph

Fuel (onboard): 660L
Fuel (outboard with piping): 440L


Main gun: The T-115 is armed with the TK-135E/51 (2A83) 135mm 51-calibre smoothbore Electro-Thermal-Chemical gun. This gun was developed from the 2A77 135mm smoothbore gun deployed aboard the navy's warships, and is capable of a rate of fire as high as one round every three seconds.
Elevation is to 37 degrees and depression to -9 degrees. Elevation is hydraulic and
traverse electric.
The TK-135E employs a vertical rotary loading system, which occupies the loader's position within the tank. Its operation can be found in detail at the end of this description. The loader carries 6 ready-use rounds, with the remaining rounds being stored in vertical racks within the tank.
The gun is also encased in a thermal sleeve and provided with a T-76 muzzle reference system.

Main gun ammunition types: APFSDS, HEAT, HEI-T, HE-FRAG, Smoke, ATGM (AT-21 Diamond (

Max. accurate range: 4.7Km
Max. range (indirect fire): 10.3Km

Max. Armour penetration at angle of 30 degrees, range 1,250m: 2,100mm RHA

Secondary weapons: One 12.7mm KORD-T Co-axial MG
One 14.5mm KPVT-1A AA MG.

Optional weapons: In place of the co-axial 12.7mm MG can be mounted:
ATO-135 flamethrower with 70L fuel tank
AGT-17 30mm automatic grenade launcher with 500 rounds

Defensive weapon systems

The T-115 carries a powerful suite of active, hard-kill countermeasures, in the form of the TCM-20 "Splinter" Close-in Weapons Suite. The TCM-20 again uses experience from naval operations in the "Falanga" CIWS, and comprises a large round of armoured launchers carried at the sides and rear of the tank in a ring. The TCM-20 employs a small MMW X-band radar atop the gun turret and a set of six Imaging Infra-red scanners to detect incoming missiles and projectiles. The data from these sensors is then processed by an onboard computer which is slaved to the main fire-control computer, and which employs all the data used by the FCC plus its own sensor data to calculate the object's path and impact point.

Depending upon the range of the projectile and its speed, the TCM-20 will release a flechette burst at varying ranges. For instance, should the weapon be an AT-16 missile, moving at around 500m/sec, at a range of 1,200m, the TCM-20 would fire one flechette burst at the missile, monitor the missile's flight and adjust fire as necessary. If the projectile were an incoming HEAT shell, however, due to the shell's high velocity, the TCM-20 would release one burst towards the projectile itself (with the appropriate deflection) and one along its' predicted flightpath at close range to the tank, increasing the probability of a hit.

The TCM-20's flechette bursts, which leave the launching "pod" in the form of a group of small fragmenting charges launched by small explosive "squibs," comprise on average 50 flechettes, each of 35mm length and 25mm diameter, tipped with a small HEI tip. The high density of the projectiles gives a probability of kill of between 0.65 for low-velocity shells and 0.94 for most ATGMs. TCM-20 is effective to a range of approximately 700m.


The T-115 carries multi-layer composite-based armouring, which is built as follows:

1) Outer layer of 35mm Tungsten Carbide, designed to deform DU and Tungsten penetrators.

2) Layer of ceramics encased in plastic resins, approx. 70mm thick.

3) Layer of Type 22 composites, comprising titanium alloy rods in a horizontal lattice trilayer with coatings of Vectran spun plastic fibre, set within thermosetting plastics.

4) Layer of 20mm thermosetting foam plastic.

5) Layer of Type 22 composites.

6) Steel main body of tank.

7) Synthetic, lead-based layer for use in elimination of neutron radiation.

Frontal armour equivalent RHA: 2,050mm
Side armour equivalent RHA: 1,500mm
Rear armour equivalent RHA: 420mm
Roof armour RHA equivalent: 450mm
Belly armour RHA equivalent: 100mm


Fire-control system

The T-115's main fire-control system for the main and secondary armament is the CTFC-11 IFCS, developed by the Colossus Section's Electronics Lab (CEL).

The CTFC-11 gives very high accuracy to all firing, be it stationary or when in motion, against all targets, be they stationary or in motion. It employs the latest in high-power CPUs to allow it to process even the smallest changes in terrain with extraordinary speed, resulting in near-perfect maintenance or targeting over anything but the most broken of terrain. The CTFC-11 is also slaved not only to the vehicle's onboard GPS system and INS unit, but the commander's own situation computer, allowing the CTFC-11 to respond to changes in terrain as they approach and, and the TCM-20 suite's control units. This degree of integration and cohesion, powered by no less than 10GHz of CPU speed and 4 Gb of RAM, allows the vehicle to maintain high accuracy and effectiveness when when under fire from multiple angles. It is also capable of firing on targets which are not necessarily visible with the AT-21 ATGM, since the missile can be guided autonomously or by another tank. All T-115s can guide up to three AT-21s simultaneously, although the missile's accuracy is degraded by around 40%.

The CTFC-11 also has some 100 Mb of hard disk drives available. This can be used for storing the visual and thermal profile of vehicles, personnel, decoys, and other relevant information on the battlefield. These data can be downloaded to other CTFC-11s or CSC-1 units in order to ensure that the user's intelligence is constantly updated.

Navigation equipment

The T-115 carries the TINS system, but its main navigation aid is the TPS-2 tank GPS system. This has an accuracy of 0.4m.

Commander's Situation Computer

T-115's CSC is the CSC Mk.1 from CEL. CSC-1 is designed to allow the commander to both send and receive information from all other sources on the battlefield under any conditions, and has proven highly useful in exercises. It far surpasses the older and cruder method of radio reporting, in that now a picture can be used in place of speech, removing the inaccuracies therein.

CSC-1 is primarily intended for use by the unit commander to communicate data to his comrades in the theatre. It can both transmit to and receive from the CTFC-11 IFCS. In addition, it can be updated from compatible intelligence assets within its operating range. Data are transmitted via encrypted satellite link or in case this is too dangerous or not available digital radio transmitter. Updates from the GPS system can be delivered by either method at intervals of as little as two seconds (where intelligence must be immediate and accurate) to as much as 20 minutes.

Visual aids

The T-115 employs the A4M1 "Navada" thermal imagine sighting system, which is linked to the periscopes of both driver and gunner and to the tank's . The A4M1 introduces a further level of cohesion to the fire-control system with the introduction of the Wraith warning system. When this system is activated, the tank's six ImIR units for the TCM-20 system are used to detect any vehicle or heat-emitting object moving within range of detection but not within the field of view of ether turret crewman. Should these be recognised as hostile, the turret crew are alerted by a soft buzz and a small yellow arrow that appears on the screen, subscripted with the word "HOSTILE" and pointing towards the target. The CSC-1 is also updated with its position. This feature can be enabled at will, but allows the crew a greater degree of situational awareness than was previously possible.


The T-115 carries the TR-2 X-band MMW radar, housed in a small, armoured housing on the turret roof. The radar has a range approximately 4Km and can track up to four targets simultaneously.

Countermeasures systems

The T-115 is equipped with the TEC-3 countermeasures suite, which integrates the Shtora-1
optronic jamming system (for use against ATGM lasers, IR seekers and laser rangefinders) with the CrossLoop radio jamming array (for use against ATGM radars and enemy radio).

CrossLoop has a range against most modern radio systems of around 10 Km and can be programmed to track specific code sequences within transmissions.

Propulstion systems


The T-115 is powered by an uprated version of the DSO-1400 multi-fuel Deltic-pattern diesel engine in the T-94B and T-95M, this being used to ease logistics and repair. The DSO-1400A is rated at 1,992 BHp and has eighteen cylinders arranged in the "Deltic" configuration of 10.7L capacity.


T-115's main transmission is the TTS-45 gearbox. It is a planetary gearbox, with seven forward and three reverse speeds. TTS-45 was noted during trials for high reliability even when subjected to the harshest performance tests in terms of longevity, treatment and climate.


The T-115 is fully NBC-sealed, employing filters and an overpressure system to keep contaminants out of the tank.

The engine is surrounded by a small airspace and a layer of foam plastic to help in dissipating heat. The exhaust pipes are wide and narrow and have internal IR mixer boxes.

The tank's major parts are designed for easy removal and replacement, and the tank is provided with a full set of tools for any operation including stripping out the engine and transmission. The tank also carries spare parts for all of the major failure-prone systems within it.

The tank is equipped with air-conditioning systems for both the crew and the engine. It is also equipped with a full backup starting system in case of primary starter failure. The engine is air-cooled.


Export Varient T-115Eh revealed (18/1/05)

Export version ready for production following successful armed forces integration

The T-115Eh MBT is now ready for production for any willing export customers. The T-115Eh differs thusly from the T-115 MBT used by our armed forces:


* AT-21 missile not carried; export variant mounts other gun-fired ATGMs including AT-10, AT-11 etc.

* Main armament can be ETC or powder gun as specified by purchaser.

* Turret ring and mantlet configured to accept M256 120mm smoothbore, L115 120mm rifled or 2A46 125mm smoothbore guns, as well as original gun.


User may specify armour packages. Composite composition changed; weight slightly increased (1.1 tonnes) but RHA values not compromised.


Diesel engine can be replaced with petrol or gas-turbine engine as required by user.

All other systems in the T-115Eh are identical to those in the T-115.
27-07-2005, 18:11
BMP-R Infantry Fighting Vehicle (


With the passage of time, it became increasingly obvious that the Republic Army's BMP-3 IFV, though possessed of excellent qualities in many areas, was reaching the end of its useful life. Thus, the Ground Forces were forced in 2004 to begin design work on a new IFV design, indended to replace the BMP-3 in the IFV role. The design was required to be superior to the BMP-3 in protection, firepower and mobility.

General Information

Length: 7.7m
Breadth: 3.5m
Height: 2.9m
Weight: 23.1 tonnes
Ground Pressure: 0.294 Kg/Cm³
Ground clearance: 0.8m
Track Breadth: 0.89m

Crew: 3, with 8 infantry.

Vertical. obstacle: 1.17m
Max. fording depth (unprepared): 2.0m
Max. Fording depth (prepared): 4.0m

Max. speed (road): 49 mph
Max. speed (off-road): 38-40 mph

Fuel (onboard): 540L
Fuel (outboard with piping): Nil


Main gun: The BMP-R's main gun is the 115mm 40.5cal U-5TU ETC tank gun. This gun fires APFSDS, HEAT, HE-FRAG, Smoke and WP shells, and may also fire the AT-10 and AT-14 ATGMs. The U-5TU's recoil-absorption mechanisms have been specially developed to allow a high-pressure, high-velocity gun to be employed on this IFV, and comprise a howitzer-type hydraulic recoil-absorption system combined with a cage-like absorption area, lined with gel, to ach as a cushion against the breech's backward movement.

Main gun ammunition types: APFSDS, HEAT, HEI-T, HE-FRAG, Smoke, ATGM (AT-21 Diamond (
Rounds carried: Maximum of 22 rounds main gun ammunition.

Max. accurate range: 4.5Km
Max. range (indirect fire): 9.1Km
Armour penetration (APFSDS @ 1,000m, angle 30 degrees): 810mm

Secondary weapons: One 30mm SG-30 cannon with 300 rounds (normal mix 100 AP, 200 HE).
One 7.62mm PKTM MG with 10,000 rounds.

Optional weapons: An ATO-30 light flamethrower, with 50L of fuel in an armoured tank, may be mounted in place of the co-axial 30mm gannon.

Turret rear bay

The turret bay is an armoured box, mounted on the rear of the gun turret. Within the bay, powered by the engine and/or batteries, lies an electro-hydraulic elevation and traverse system, topped by a large rack. This rack can hold specially-designed containers, which may be used to carry ATGMs, SAMs, or grenades, including self-defence smoke and fragmentation grenades. Alternatively, the elevation system and rack may be removed, and the power supply for them diverted to other uses, such as battlefield surveillance radars, radio equipment, or small portable generators. It may also be used for general cargo storage. The rear rack's elevation and traverse is controlled by the gunner, being synchronised with his yoke controls. It may also be controlled by the commander, allowing the BMP-R to engage multiple targets simultaneously.


The BMP-R carries multi-layer composite-based armouring, which is built as follows:

1) Outer layer of 15mm Tungsten Carbide, designed to deform DU and Tungsten penetrators.

2) Layer of Type 22 composites, comprising titanium alloy rods in a horizontal lattice trilayer with coatings of Vectran spun plastic fibre, set within thermosetting plastics.

3) Layer of 20mm thermosetting foam plastic.

4) Steel main body of IFV.

5) Synthetic, lead-based layer for use in elimination of neutron radiation.

Frontal armour equivalent RHA: 150mm
Side armour equivalent RHA: 80mm
Rear armour equivalent RHA: 40mm
Roof armour RHA equivalent: 30mm
Belly armour RHA equivalent: 40mm

Note that the fitment of Kontakt-VI ERA will boost each of these values by around 100mm.


Fire-control system

The BMP-R's main fire-control system for the main and secondary armament is the CTFC-11 IFCS, developed by the Colossus Section's Electronics Lab (CEL).

The CTFC-11 gives very high accuracy to all firing, be it stationary or when in motion, against all targets, be they stationary or in motion. It employs the latest in high-power CPUs to allow it to process even the smallest changes in terrain with extraordinary speed, resulting in near-perfect maintenance or targeting over anything but the most broken of terrain. The CTFC-11 is also slaved not only to the vehicle's onboard GPS system and INS unit, but the commander's own situation computer, allowing the CTFC-11 to respond to changes in terrain as they approach. This degree of integration and cohesion, powered by no less than 10GHz of CPU speed and 4 Gb of RAM, allows the vehicle to maintain high accuracy and effectiveness when when under fire from multiple angles. It is also capable of firing on targets which are not necessarily visible with the AT-21 ATGM, since the missile can be guided autonomously or by another tank. All BMP-Rs can guide up to three AT-21s simultaneously, although the missile's accuracy is degraded by around 40%.

The CTFC-11 also has some 100 Mb of hard disk drives available. This can be used for storing the visual and thermal profile of vehicles, personnel, decoys, and other relevant information on the battlefield. These data can be downloaded to other CTFC-11s or CSC-1 units in order to ensure that the user's intelligence is constantly updated.

Navigation equipment

The BMP-R carries the TINS system, but its main navigation aid is the TPS-2 tank GPS system. This has an accuracy of 0.4m.

Commander's Situation Computer

BMP-R's CSC is the CSC Mk.1 from CEL. CSC-1 is designed to allow the commander to both send and receive information from all other sources on the battlefield under any conditions, and has proven highly useful in exercises. It far surpasses the older and cruder method of radio reporting, in that now a picture can be used in place of speech, removing the inaccuracies therein.

CSC-1 is primarily intended for use by the unit commander to communicate data to his comrades in the theatre. It can both transmit to and receive from the CTFC-11 IFCS. In addition, it can be updated from compatible intelligence assets within its operating range. Data are transmitted via encrypted satellite link or in case this is too dangerous or not available digital radio transmitter. Updates from the GPS system can be delivered by either method at intervals of as little as two seconds (where intelligence must be immediate and accurate) to as much as 20 minutes.

Visual aids

The BMP-R employs the A4M1 "Navada" thermal imagine sighting system, which is linked to the periscopes of both driver and gunner and to the tank's . The A4M1 introduces a further level of cohesion to the fire-control system with the introduction of the Wraith warning system. When this system is activated, the tank's six ImIR units for the TCM-20 system are used to detect any vehicle or heat-emitting object moving within range of detection but not within the field of view of ether turret crewman. Should these be recognised as hostile, the turret crew are alerted by a soft buzz and a small yellow arrow that appears on the screen, subscripted with the word "HOSTILE" and pointing towards the target. The CSC-1 is also updated with its position. This feature can be enabled at will, but allows the crew a greater degree of situational awareness than was previously possible.

Imaging Infra-red

The BMP-R is equipped with the TKS-6 computer-controlled ImIR system, designed to allow early detection of incoming ATGMs. The TKS-6 is controlled by the main fire-control computer, and its omnidirectional detectors scan constantly for the characteristic bakblast and flame of an ATGM launch. Upon detection, the main FCS alerts the crew and deploys all available countermeasures.

Countermeasures systems

The BMP-R is equipped with the TEC-3 countermeasures suite, which integrates the Shtora-1 optronic jamming system (for use against ATGM lasers, IR seekers and laser rangefinders) with the CrossLoop radio jamming array (for use against ATGM radars and enemy radio).

CrossLoop has a range against most modern radio systems of around 10 Km and can be programmed to track specific code sequences within transmissions.

Propulstion systems


The BMP-R is powered by the DSO-900 900BHp 8-cylinder diesel engine, generating 900BHp at 1,995 RPM.


BMP-R's main transmission is the TTS-45 gearbox. It is a planetary gearbox, with seven forward and three reverse speeds. TTS-45 was noted during trials for high reliability even when subjected to the harshest performance tests in terms of longevity, treatment and climate.


The BMP-R is fully NBC-sealed, employing filters and an overpressure system to keep contaminants out of the vehicle, and the infantry may fire their personal firearms from the vehicle without compromising its NBC integrity providing appropriate sealing measures are taken.

The engine is surrounded by a small airspace and a layer of foam plastic to help in dissipating heat. The exhaust pipes are wide and small, and have internal IR mixer boxes. The engine bay is also designed to accommodate larger engines when they become available.

The vehicle's major parts are designed for easy removal and replacement, and it is provided with a full set of tools for any operation including stripping out the engine and transmission. The IFV also carries spare parts for all of the major failure-prone systems within it.

The IFV is equipped with air-conditioning systems for both the crew and the engine. It is also equipped with a full backup starting system in case of primary starter failure.
27-07-2005, 18:12
BDR-20 Armored Fighting Vehicle


The BDR-20 AFV was designed to provide a vital nitch left almost completely left out of modern designing: combat reconnaissance and the support of the BMP-R IFV and T-115 MBT. The combat reconnaissance role usually entails aggressive seek-and-destroy missions, deep in enemy territory.

The BDR-20 is, simply put, superior to almost anything else in its category by outperforming them in speed, range, armor, and armament. It will continue to serve well into the next generation of tank design.

General Information

Length: 7.1m
Breadth: 2.9m
Height: 2.75m
Weight: 45 tonnes
Ground Pressure: 0.795 Kg/Cm³
Ground clearance: 0.4m

Crew: 3

Vertical. obstacle: 1.0m
Trench (crawl): 2.0m
Trench (at 37mph): 1.0m
Max. fording depth (unprepared): 2.0m
Max. Fording depth (prepared): 4.0m

Max. speed (road): 65 mph
Max. speed (off-road): 37-40 mph

Fuel (onboard): 1,060L
Fuel (outboard with piping): 440L


Main gun: The BDR-20 is fitted with the TK-120E/49 (2A73) 120mm 49-calibre smoothbore Electro-Thermal-Chemical gun. This gun was developed from the experimental 2A72 125mm smoothbore gun tested for the navy's warships, and is capable of a rate of fire as high as one round every three seconds. It employs a vertical rotary loading system, which occupies the loader's position within the tank. Its operation can be found in detail at the end of this description. The loader carries 8 ready-use rounds, with the remaining rounds being stored in vertical racks within the AFV.

Main gun ammunition types: APFSDS, HEAT, HEI-T, HE-FRAG, Smoke, ATGM (AT-21 Diamond (

Max. accurate range: 4.6Km
Max. range (indirect fire): 9.8Km
Armour penetration (APFSDS @ 1,250m, angle 30 degrees): 1,750mm RHA

Secondary weapons: One coaxial 7.62mm PKTM MG with 14,000 rounds
7.62mm PKTM MG with 4,000 ready rounds

Optional weapons: none


The BDR-20 carries multi-layer composite-based armouring, which is built as follows:

1) Outer layer of 15mm Tungsten Carbide, designed to deform DU and Tungsten penetrators.

2) Layer of ceramics encased in plastic resins, approx. 30mm thick.

3) Layer of Type 22 composites, comprising titanium alloy rods in a horizontal lattice trilayer with coatings of Vectran spun plastic fibre, set within thermosetting plastics.

4) Layer of 20mm thermosetting foam plastic.

5) Layer of Type 22 composites.

6) Steel main body of AFV.

7) Synthetic, lead-based layer for use in elimination of neutron radiation.

Frontal armour equivalent RHA: 1,350mm
Side armour equivalent RHA: 950mm
Rear armour equivalent RHA: 225mm
Roof armour RHA equivalent: 275mm
Belly armour RHA equivalent: 100mm (Specifically designed to withstand mines)

Note that the fitment of Kontakt-VI ERA will boost each of these values by around 100mm.


Fire-control system

The BDR-20’s main fire-control system for the main and secondary armament is the newer CTFC-11E IFCS, developed by the Colossus Section's Electronics Lab (CEL).

Navigation equipment

The BDR-20 carries the TINS system, but its main navigation aid is the TPS-2 tank GPS system. This has an accuracy of 0.4m.

Commander's Situation Computer

The BDR-20’s CSC is the CSC Mk.1 from CEL. CSC-1 is designed to allow the commander to both send and receive information from all other sources on the battlefield under any conditions, and has proven highly useful in exercises. It far surpasses the older and cruder method of radio reporting, in that now a picture can be used in place of speech, removing the inaccuracies therein.

CSC-1 is primarily intended for use by the unit commander to communicate data to his comrades in the theatre. It can both transmit to and receive from the CTFC-11E IFCS. In addition, it can be updated from compatible intelligence assets within its operating range. Data are transmitted via encrypted satellite link or in case this is too dangerous or not available digital radio transmitter. Updates from the GPS system can be delivered by either method at intervals of as little as two seconds (where intelligence must be immediate and accurate) to as much as 20 minutes.

Visual aids

The BDR-20 employs the A4M1 "Navada" thermal imagine sighting system, which is linked to the periscopes of both driver and gunner and to the tank's . The A4M1 introduces a further level of cohesion to the fire-control system with the introduction of the Wraith warning system. When this system is activated, the tank's six ImIR units for the TCM-20 system are used to detect any vehicle or heat-emitting object moving within range of detection but not within the field of view of ether turret crewman. Should these be recognized as hostile, the turret crew are alerted by a soft buzz and a small yellow arrow that appears on the screen, subscripted with the word "HOSTILE" and pointing towards the target. The CSC-1 is also updated with its position. This feature can be enabled at will, but allows the crew a greater degree of situational awareness than was previously possible.

Imaging Infra-red

The BDR-20 is equipped with the TKS-6 computer-controlled ImIR system, designed to allow early detection of incoming ATGMs. The TKS-6 is controlled by the main fire-control computer, and its omnidirectional detectors scan constantly for the characteristic backblast and flame of an ATGM launch. Upon detection, the main FCS alerts the crew and deploys all available countermeasures.

Countermeasures systems

The BDR-20 is equipped with the TEC-3 countermeasures suite, which integrates the Shtora-1 optronic jamming system (for use against ATGM lasers, IR seekers and laser rangefinders) with the CrossLoop radio jamming array (for use against ATGM radars and enemy radio).

CrossLoop has a range against most modern radio systems of around 10 Km and can be programmed to track specific code sequences within transmissions.

Propulstion systems


The BDR-20 is powered by an updated version of the DSO-1400 multi-fuel Deltic-pattern diesel engine in the T-94B and T-95M, the same engine in the T-115 MBT. This being used to ease logistics and repair. The DSO-1400A is rated at 1,992 BHp and has eighteen cylinders arranged in the "Deltic" configuration of 10.7L capacity.


The BDR-20’s main transmission is the TTS-45 gearbox. It is a planetary gearbox, with seven forward and three reverse speeds. TTS-45 was noted during trials for high reliability even when subjected to the harshest performance tests in terms of longevity, treatment and climate.


The BDR-20 is fully NBC-sealed, employing filters and an overpressure system to keep contaminants out of the vehicle, and the infantry may fire their personal firearms from the vehicle without compromising its NBC integrity providing appropriate sealing measures are taken.

The engine is surrounded by a small airspace and a layer of foam plastic to help in dissipating heat. The exhaust pipes are wide and small, and have internal IR mixer boxes. The engine bay is also designed to accommodate larger engines when they become available.

The vehicle's major parts are designed for easy removal and replacement, and it is provided with a full set of tools for any operation including stripping out the engine and transmission. It also carries spare parts for all of the major failure-prone systems within it.

To prevent a single mine from taking out the entire vehicle, it is equipped with run-flat, tires and can run on 6 wheels if necessary.

The BDR-20 is equipped with air-conditioning systems for both the crew and the engine. It is also equipped with a full backup starting system in case of primary starter failure.


Export BDR-20 (Designated: BDR-20E revealed (13/7/05)

The BDR-20 AFV is now ready for production for any willing export customers.

Base Unit: $4,150,000
Airborne Unit: $4,250,000 - New export version of the BDR-20A

Armament: * AT-21 missile not carried; export variant mounts other gun-fired ATGMs including AT-10, AT-11 etc.*
-L132C/62 90mm, 62 calibre high pressure gun Add $85,000
-L133C/58 90mm, 58 calibre ETC gun Add $115,000
-TK-120C/49 120mm, 49 calibre gun Add $135,000
-TK-120E/49 120mm, 49 calibre ETC Add $165,000

Composite composition changed; weight slightly increased (.6 tonnes) but RHA values not compromised.

-( *All other systems are the same* )-


Airborne BDR-20 (Designated: BDR-20A revealed (28/7/05)

Redesigned to be air-deployable, the BDR-20A is strengthened version of the BDR-20 designed to take the shock of being dropped out of an airplane. It also makes the vehicle slightly (.5 tonnes) heavier.
02-08-2005, 23:46
Rapier Class Heavy Cruiser

(Picture will be up shortly)


Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 306.14 Meters
Beam (widest point): 38.8 Meters
Draught: 8.4 Meters
Displacement (Full Load): 66,921 Tonnes
Displacement (Empty): 60,121 Tonnes
Maximum Speed: 40 Knots
Crew: 389 (21 Officers, 30 Air Crew, 32 Marines, 306 Enlisted)
Supplies: 6 months
General Armor Protection: Up to 14-inch shells


Projectile Armament
x12 DK-67 12-inch ETC naval cannons mounted in 4 triple turrets.

Missile Armament
x48 S-500K shipborne SAMs carried in 4 eight-celled rotary launchers
x25 P-190M heavy anti-ship missiles
x30 AT-101 Sacrifice anti-torpedo/submarine missiles in 3 ten-celled rotary launchers.

Subsurface Armament
x1 General Mine Launcher (up to 40 Mines)
x4 (2 Port, 2 Starboard) Torpedo Launchers


CGC-12 - Chaff/Flare

TSE-26 - Electro-Optics
TSO-5 - Electro-Optics

Propulsion and Avation

Propulsion and Engines
x1 1 245 MW Hafnium-Lutetium QNR-III
x3 MHD Waterjets

x1 20x20 aviation pad
x1 hanger for one large helicopter or 2 small helicopters
x1 2,500 liter aviation fuel storage
06-08-2005, 04:20
Type: Assault Rifle
Name: RSR-26
Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic, 3 Round Burst, Full Automatic.
Calibre: 6.59 x 45 mm/.259 Caliber
Special: Caseless, Blended-Metal
Barrel Length: 540mm (21.25")
Overall Length: 740 mm (29.1")
Magazine Capacity: 60
-Full-Auto: 580-620 rounds/min
-Burst: 2,000+ rounds/min
Muzzle Velocity: 930 m/s (2,975 ft/s)
Maximum Effective Range: 542.5 m (1,780 ft)
Mass w/o Magazine: 3.25 kg (6.71 lbs)
Mass w/ Magazine: 3.96 kg (8.1 lbs)

Notes: Developed from the XM259 and XM30, the RSR-25 is a bullpup assault rifle designed to take the place of the M-16. It's blended metal 6.59mm caseless round offers more penetration than both the 5.56 and 7.62 NATO rounds currently in service with recoil similar to the former. To allow the greatest number of accessories, it comes standard with a Picatinny rail and can fit additional rails on the sides of the barrel.
06-08-2005, 04:21
Type: Light Machine Gun
Name: RSR-27
Fire Modes: Full Automatic.
Calibre: 6.59 x 45 mm/.259 Caliber
Special: Caseless, Blended-Metal
Barrel Length: 600mm (23.62")
Overall Length: 785 mm (30.9")
Magazine Capacity: 60, belt fed.
-Full-Auto: 500 rounds/min
Muzzle Velocity: 1000 m/s (3,199 ft/s)
Maximum Effective Range: 600m (1,970 ft)
Mass w/o Magazine: 4.35 kg (8.90 lbs)
Mass w/ Magazine: 5.06 kg (10.35 lbs)

Notes: Designed to take the place of the M249 SAW. It fires the same round as the RSR-25 and as such, can accepts it's magazines. It also shares the same barrel construction as the RSR-40 and doesn't need to be changed. It also comes standard with a picatinny rail.
06-08-2005, 04:26
Type: Medium Machine Gun
Name: RSR-40
Fire Modes: Full Automatic.
Round: 10.16 x 80 mm/.40 Caliber Armor Piercing
Barrel Length: 620mm (24.4")
Overall Length: 835mm (32.9")
Magazine Capacity: belt fed, unlimited
-Full-Auto: 650 rounds/min
Muzzle Velocity: 1,100 m/s (3,519 ft/s)
Maximum Effective Range: 542.5m (1,780 ft)
Mass w/o Magazine: 12.5 kg (27.55 lbs)
Mass w/ Magazine: doesn't matter

Notes: Replacing the aging M2HB as an medium machinegun, the RSR-40 fires a high velocity AP .40 round that is really just a smaller, slightly shortened .50 round. This allows a higher ROF, a lighter gun, and more carried ammo. It should be noted that the barrel on this gun doesn't need to be changed as often as on other larger machineguns thanks to the barrel being made out of Liquid Metal ( This allows the barrel to actually stay pretty cool; even while it is being fired. Again, a pictinny rail is standard.
06-08-2005, 04:30
Type: Personal Defense Weapon
Name: RSR-181 Scorpion
Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic, Full Automatic.
Calibre: 4.6 x 30mm/.181 Caliber
Special: Caseless, Blended-Metal
Barrel Length: 259mm (9.68")
Overall Length:
- Stock Closed: 300 mm (11.81")
- Stock Open: 540 mm (22.25")
Magazine Capacity: 25, 45
-Full-Auto: 900 rounds/min
Muzzle Velocity: 743 m/s (2,378 ft/s)
Maximum Effective Range: 250 m (820 ft)
Mass w/o Magazine: 1.20 kg (2.64 lbs)
Mass w/ 25 round Magazine: 1.37 kg (3.01 lbs)
Mass w/ 45 round Magazine: 1.54 kg (3.39 lbs)

Notes: The scorpion is a PDW to be issued to troops instead of a pistol. It is only slightly larger than a standard pistol and actually looks like one. It's unique ammunition is very powerful within it's effective range and can penetrate nearly all body armor at that range. Due to it's blended metal properties, the small round has quite a bit of penetrating power without the concerns of over penetratio. As usual, a picatinny rail is standard.
06-08-2005, 04:54
(No pic as of yet)

The Denial-Class CSSG

The Denial-Class CSSG is a revolutionary new type of submarine in that it is made of concrete. The new sub can dive deeper and run quieter than any combat sub before it. The sub uses swivel-nozzle electric turbine pumps and ballast tanks to maneuver like a jet uses thrust vectoring. It is also more crew-friendly than any other sub. The small crew enjoys some of the best meals to be ever served on a sub, have their own bunks, and can even watch television via a floating transceiver. These we thought necessary considering the mission this sub is design to take. The ship’s mission usually entails going to a location, deploying its sensors, waiting for an enemy ship (aka Target) to pass overhead, and then destroying that target. They do what their name implies; deny an enemy the use of a certain passage or waterway.


Crew: 46
Displacement: 3,200 tonnes surfaced unladen
4,800 tonnes submerged unladen
4,500 tonnes surfaced fully laden
7,700 tonnes submerged fully laden

Speed (kts):
Surfaced: 18 knots
Dived: 32-33 knots

Endurance: 120 days
-Length: 85m
-Beam: 25m
-Draught: 10 m
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: 914m (3000 ft)


The Denial-Class sub carries both the Scourge supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo and the Thorn advanced middleweight torpedo.

The Scourge is a supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo measuring 27x1.75 ft. It has a range of 10,000m with a speed of 275kts, and carries a 800lb. shaped charge warhead. This torpedo is unusual in that preserve the stealth of the sub that launches it, it is jettisoned about 75m from the sub before it supercavitates and fires its rocket engines.

The Thorn advanced middleweight torpedo is a anti-sub torpedo that is wire guided or passive/active acoustic homing. It measures 19x1.75 ft, has a range of 8,500m, a speed of 55kts, and a 650lb. warhead.

Ammunition allocations

20 Scourge Supercavitating Torpedoes
8 Thorn Advanced Middleweight Torpedoes

Armor and Survivability

The Denial-Class sub has a duel-hull design. The outer hull is made from a very strong concrete reinforced with vectran. Due to the nature of this outer concrete hull, the sub can dive well below the 1,800ft “crush depth” limit for steel. Its surface is also hard to pick out against the sandy ocean bottom. The second hull is a conventional high-grade titanium hull. The space in between this hull is taken up by a rather large sound-proofing layer. Due to this design, the sub is 80% quieter than a conventional sub.



One Snoop Pair surface-search/air-search radar, detection range for destroyer-sized target 60 miles, with new "Shark Tooth" beam-sharpening systems and computers for greater range against small targets and SURTASS systems.


MKG-500M Shark Gill B passive-active sonar suite, able to track 34 targets simultaneously, can track 688(i)-class SSN at 5 knots at 20km.

Python towed array, proven detection range against a 688(i)-class SSN at five knots is 68km.


The Typhoon-II carries the MKO-612 Infra-Red Search and Track system, designed to supplement the sonar suites of the ship by providing IR detection ability. The system is mounted in the bow of the submarine, in a small bulge above the bow cylindrical sonar array.

Propeller wash sensor

The Denial-Class mounts the experimental MKH-20 propeller wash sensor. An enlarged version of the sensor used by the 65-76 torpedoes, the MKH-20 is designed to detect the disturbed water and bubbles characteristic of a propeller having moved through an area of water. The sensor is currently capable only of operation below seven knots.


SSU-45 fire-control for torpedo armament linked with sonar arrays, radar system etc to produce rapid target engagement abilities, obviating need for separate TMA station, although TMA is retained for backup.


Bulava ESM array, detection range approx. 100Km against most surface-search radars.

Radio/Sattalite Transceiver

The floating radio and sattalite transceiver is made of RAM material and radar deflecting shapes as to blend in with the sea. It can recieve and transmit radio, microwave, and wide-beam sattalite tranmissions. It is connected to the sub via a fiberoptic line encased in sound absorbing, shock resistant rubber.


Propulsion is done by 4 powerful electric turbine pumps. The pumps allow the submarine to manuver like a jet does with thrust vectoring.

The batteries on the sub can be charged by either 4 Hydrogen Combustion Engines ( or a conventional back-up diesel engine. The hydrogen and oxygen for this engine is produced through the process of Electrolysis on sea water. The amazing thing about this type of generator is that ic can be done while totally submerged .

Powersource: 4 1,500 Hp Hydrogen Combustion Engines
Backup: 1 4,750 Hp "Deltic" pattern diesel engine, water-cooled.
Propulsion: 4 swivel-nozzle electric turbine pumps