Stara Nova - Bulgaria (E20 Alt Hist)
27-07-2005, 02:59
(This site is for updates on Bulgaria and for others to post alliances and events relating to Bulgaria and its neighboring nations.)
12. April 1903 -
King Ferdinand I signs a series of Parliamentary approved reforms for land and education in the rural provinces as well as the rest of the country.
17. April 1903-
Students at the National and Royal Universities of Sofia rebelled to protest the Ottoman government in Constantinople and started a riot at the courtyard of the National University in which several were injured and 18 students were arrested by Sofia's royal police.
19. April 1903-
King Ferdinand I and Crown Princess Catherine receive several offerings from the Imperial Government of Russia to honour King Ferdinand's accession to the throne as Bulgaria's new monarch and also to support and modernize the nation and its new regime.
27-07-2005, 10:22
To: His exellency king Ferdinand I of bulgaria
From: His majesty king Carol I of rumania
Greetings from the kingdom of Rumania to our neighbors on the black sea, we would like to congratulate your exellency on your accession to the throne of bulgaria and hope for a bright future for both our nations.
Vas Pokhoronim
28-07-2005, 00:52
Her (?) Excellency Elisabeta Seleinova, Loyal Premier of the Kingdom of Bulgaria
Sankt-Peterburg is certainly willing to assist the Slavic states of the Balkans to the full extent of our abilities. Our prior commitments to the independence of Macedonia must be borne in mind in any arrangements made between Sankt-Peterburg and Sofiya, but otherwise we are elated to see Bulgaria emancipated at long last from her own Tartar Yoke to join the free nations of the world.
Russia is willing to provide Bulgaria with arms and military advisers, as well as assistance with developing the Bulgarian transportation system, and with recruiting Bulgarian students to come to Russian universities where they can acquire knowledge to help their country upon their return. Furthermore, we will encourage Russian businessmen to invest in Bulgarian enterprise.
In exchange, we would ask for modest naval stations at Varna and Burga (the latter following harbor improvements, of course, which we are willing to undertake ourselves), as well as that Sofiya commit to honoring Russian arrangements with the Macedonians, as previously noted, and the Turks. Chiefly these consist of the recognition of Bulgaria's present borders as definitive and legitimate, and the promise that Muslims will be allowed to practice their religion unmolested and that they be not subject to legal prejudice.
We hope that these terms are agreeable to your government. If there is anything problematic regarding them, or further specific requests of Russia, please do not hesitate to reply.
With Respect,
Graf Vladimir Nikolayevich Lamzdorf, Foreign Minister for the Empire of All the Russias
28-07-2005, 23:02
From: Premier Elisabeta Seleinova of Bulgaria
To: Foreign Secretary Graf Vladimir Nikolayevich Lamzdorf of the Empire of All Russias
We will accept the offer for the naval bases and operations as well as the rest of the pact with the Turks and Macedonians...Obviously, our declaration of 1903 clearly has religious freedom in mind and we will have no problem with any person's faith or belief system. The rest of the pact is straightforward and very acceptable for everyone involved. Hopefully everything will go very smoothly and without much difficulty.
_Premier Elisabeta Seleinova of Bulgaria
29-07-2005, 00:14
July 1903- Rome, Italy.
King Ferdinand I and daughter Princess Anne of Bulgaria were at attendance at the Royal Court of Rome and at the Parliament in Rome while on vacation (joined by a male acquintence of King Ferdinand as well as Anne's "boyfriend"). The trip went well until a member of Parliament who was disturbed mentally attacked one of the royal security guards when arguing with Princess Anne over a national policy that was under consideration in Parliament...everyone escaped injury or harm, but the parliament member was arrested by Italian police.
July 6, 1903- Sofia
Today, Western Union's Sofia Branch started full service to Bulgaria and the surrounding lands with both telegram services as well as money transfer and various other services all over Bulgaria.
29-07-2005, 21:22
August 10, 1903 - University of Varna, Varna
Students at the University of Varna were involved in a demonstration this midday that ended up being violent and deadly when a group of "trouble makers" rioted against the local police and a slaughter insued with bodies laid out all over the courtyard of Varna's main university. Several were killed and at least 30 people were injured in the attacks.
August 18, 1903 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
It is clear that tourism to Bulgaria has tripled over the last few months especially with the opening of Varna and Burgos' main ports to everyone... Home Secretary Simone Minerinev and many others were grateful to the nations who have helped begin modernizing Bulgaria and helped Parliament pass yet another set of government and education reforms.
Vas Pokhoronim
01-08-2005, 14:40
OoC: Russian engineers, mechanics, and investors appear in Varna and Burgas to establish the new naval stations and their necessary infrastrustures and services. They will use local labor where they can.
Russian assistance and supplies also go into the Bulgarian rail networks. Some supples and personnel are also sent West to Macedonia.
Finally, around the end of the year, the Black Sea Squadron of the Imperial Navy shows up for a visit at the Naval Station in Varna, even though the base is still under construction at the time.
01-08-2005, 16:28
January 19, 1904 - Sofia
Royal Governor of Sofia Mikhael Romonev was murdered in a botched robbery of a local merchant where Mr. Romonev was a bystander and shot to death by accident by the out of town "highway robber" who mistook him for one of the leaders of a new opposition faction FLB... The FLB has staged several attempted attacks on several different student groups and on police in various provinces in the last few months. The main individuals involved were arrested by the City Guard and local officers...
03-08-2005, 11:03
March 8, 1904 - Sofia Parliament House...
The results of Bulgaria's first parliamentary election was as follows:
Progressive Liberal: 120 seats (inc. Prime Minister Seleinova)
People's Liberal Front: 62 seats
Conservative Party: 24 seats
Social Democratic Union: 18 seats
Constitutional Party: 10 seats
National Socialist Union: 4 seats
Homefront: 1 seat
National Worker's Union: 1 seat
Total Members of New National Parliament: 240
All Members of the Cabinet were re-elected except for Finance Minister Alexander Schelinev who was ousted from his seat by Ecaterine Romanova, the governor of the local bank in Varga.
This was the first election in Bulgaria's History that women were allowed to vote as well as run for parliament and local offices under the Royal Constitution of 1903.
04-08-2005, 13:25
To:Premier Elisabeta Seleinova of Bulgaria
From: Prince Gheorghe Cantacuzino, forign minister of the kingdom of romania, representive of his majesty king Carol I
Greetings and saluations to our esteemed bulgarian neighbors, we come to you with a proposal for our mutual benefit.
We understand that we share a common view: The health of this region would depend on every nation in the region doing what ever is necessary to survive as well as help everyone. Therefore we would like to propose a treaty of mutual defense in which we vow to protect each other from any unwarranted acts of violence from an outside power.
We would like also to inform you that we would like to seek closer not only to your nation but also to other nations in the region including serbia and greece and will seek treaties of mutual defense with them aswell we hope that this will promote a sense of unity in the region. We hope that we have your support and urge you consider taking similar steps.
We hope for closer and prosprous relations between our nations.
05-08-2005, 02:00
May 27, 1904 - Parliament House, Sofia.
From: Premier Elisabeta Seleinova of Bulgaria
To: King Carol I of Rumania and Prince Gheorghe Cantacuzino, Foreign Secretary of Rumania
It is clear that your telegram should be sent to Serbia and Greece, but Macedonia may want to get involved in affairs as well if it is required of them to do such... It is clear that there may still be ill-blood in the waters, but hopefully we will fight to overcome such history yet learn from those mistakes...
05-08-2005, 22:28
To:Premier Elisabeta Seleinova of Bulgaria
From: Prince Gheorghe Cantacuzino, forign minister of the kingdom of romania, representive of his majesty king Carol I
We are pleased that we have your support in the matter and we hope that we obtain the support of the serb and greek goverment aswell. As for Macedonia, If you believe we should include them then we have no objections.
06-08-2005, 18:19
To: HRH Crown Princess Catherine of Bulgaria
From: HRH King Carol I of Romania
Agreed, If you should suggest a suitable meeting place I would be glad to meet up with you and confirm our comitment.
09-08-2005, 03:38
January 11, 1905
To: King Carol I of Rumania
From: Crown Princess Catherine of Bulgaria
Hopefully the venue for these meetings must be peaceful, yet close to home where we hold these meetings. It would have to be in a neutral forum somewhere in Europe if possible over than Italy (my sister Anne got attacked by a crazy memeber of Parliament months back)... It could be held anytime this coming year in theory...
09-08-2005, 12:35
To: Crown Princess Catherine of Bulgaria
From: King Carol I of Rumania
I fear that I cannot personally attend any meetings this year as I wish to be by the side of my dear kaiser Wilhelm who as you may already know is in a very serious condition. However ,if you have no objections, my most trusted advisor prince Gheorghe Cantacuzino , who I trust so much that I plan to appoint him as premier after we conclude these negotiations, will be able to meet with you.
As for the location of the meetings I suggest the island of crete, I hear that the weather is quite comfortable during this time of year.
10-08-2005, 08:18
May 3, 1905
Crete would be fine...for the meeting.
-hrh Princess Catherine...
13-08-2005, 08:45
To:HRH princess Cathrine
Due to the outbreak of hostillites between Russia and Austria-Hungary, I'm afraid that meetings will have to be postponed till more peaceful times.
With regret,
Premier Gheorghe Cantacuzino of Romania
15-08-2005, 09:19
December 24, 1905 - Royal Parliament, Sofia.
Parliament passed an act that starts a conscription draft for all men (18-25 years of age)who are in a non-necessary order to strengthen the Military as a result of the Austria v Russia war started earlier in the year, but it has not been declared...
16-08-2005, 09:11
March 7, 1906 - Parliament House, Sofia
The first session of the 4th Year of Parliament began miserably for the Homefront Party and its members as the rest of the major political factions accused them of having a part in the attacks that have raged all over Bulgaria's Provinces for the last several months. The Homefront is the FLB's political organization and major supporter for the severance of the Bulgarians from the complete rule of Istambul's Ottoman Government as well as the royal government of King Ferdinand.
March 10, 1906 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
It has been rumoured that one of King Ferdinand's own attendants is now about to be confirmed to be pregnant with a new little woman they planned to call Anastacia...
17-08-2005, 04:47
The Kingdom of Bulgaria has officially declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the 27th of March 1906...
Ottoman Khaif
17-08-2005, 04:56
To:Bulgarian government
From: Ottoman General Staff
Since you have declare war on Austians, we ask for your permission to have access you railroads to that we can supply our troops in Romania and build a support force to support the Ottomans forces in Romania.
19-08-2005, 18:51
From: HRH Crown Princess Catherine
To: Ottoman General Staff
You can go ahead just as long as you are careful and you do not do anything treacherous...
22-08-2005, 03:28
December 24, 1906 - Governor's Palace, Sofia
It has now been announced that 5 seats in the Assembly are up for an interim election in May of 1907. The seats up for election are 4 out of the SDU's 18 seats and the only Homefront seat.
December 29, 1906 - Main Courtyard, National University, Sofia
Several members of the LFB and Homefront attacked several individuals at a local trade union meeting leaving several dead and twenty injured in the attack and in the panic that insued while leaving the meeting centre...
23-08-2005, 07:54
March 3, 1907 - Parliament House, Sofia
The First Session of the 5th Parliamentary Year in Bulgaria was a very busy and rough day for almost everyone...Several land reform and education reform packages were signed in the first 90 minutes of the session and the pace did not slacken until the late afternoon recess was called at 16 hours. In total, the National Assembly passed a assortment of modernization reforms, some of the 1908 National Budget, defence spending as well as welfare reform packages all in about 7 hours. (The Assembly started at 8:00 and was only stopped by a few muslim prayers during the session...)
25-08-2005, 18:51
May 17, 1907 - Sofia
The Five Seats that are up for election have been declared...
Social Democratic Union of Bulgaria regained 2 seats,
Conservative Party of Bulgaria won 1 seat,
Liberal - Democracy Party won 1 seat and
National Agriculture and Workers Party won the final seat in the New National Assembly of Bulgaria.
May 19, 1907 - Varna, Bulgaria
Bulgaria's first fleet of battleships is starting to take shape with the completion of the new Caterina, Maria, and the new ship Anna...all three of them will fly the new naval ensign as well as the Ottoman's naval flag to celebrate the over five century reign of the Ottomans over Bulgaria which ended officially in 1906.
27-08-2005, 09:45
September 19, 1907 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
The Leader of the Homeland Liberation Movement, Mikhail Golovinenev was shot to death by several gun men during a LFB rally near the National Parliament Building in Sofia. The attackers were caught and sent into the prison system excluding one of the attacks who is still at a nearby hospital recovering from his wounds.
November 2, 1907 - National Bank Main Office, Sofia
The New Royal Lev is now introduced and will be pegged to the American Dollar with an original ratio of 4 levs per 1 U.S. Dollar... The new currency will need a few years to circulate around and should be regularly used beginning by September of 1908 at the earliest. The old money could still be used while the conversion is occuring and for the next few years until everything is stable.
29-08-2005, 19:46
Bulgaria Has Signed the new Geneva Convention...
30-08-2005, 14:17
To: HRH Crown Princess Catherine
From:HRH King Karl I of Romania
I would like to express my gratitude to you and your father, with your help freedom and liberty in the Balkans may finally rejoice. I hope that this is not the end of our mutual cooperation , rather the begining, for much can be done with us working together.
With everlasting gratitude,
King Karl I, King of the United Kingdom of Romania
31-08-2005, 21:58
April 3, 1908
Progressive Liberal (PLP) 136 (135+Prime Minister Seleinova)
People's Liberal (NLP) 50
Conservatives 20
Constitution Party (KB) 17
National Social Democrats (BSDP) 13
National Worker's Party (BNZS) 4
03-09-2005, 01:40
September 11, 1908 - Bulgarian Consulate, London
Princess Maria-Louise and several members of the Bulgarian National Assembly attended a series of lectures by the greatest readers and lecturers in London, Oxford and Cambridge well as gave a few messages in front of the British House of Commons during their trip to London which also involved attending events related to the Olympic Games in London...
07-09-2005, 00:51
April 1, 1920 - Parliament House, Sofia.
The new seats in the National Assembly are as follows...
Social Democratic Union of Bulgaria (and PM Machelinev) 134
Progressive Liberals 79
Royal Conservatives 21
National Trade and Workers Union 6
All members of the Cabinet were re-elected...
07-09-2005, 19:47
Stara Nova Royal News Service...
May 1, 1920 - Student Union Building, University of Sofia
The students of the University of Sofia started to celebrate the May 1st Celebration and several were assaulted by members of the Homefront for Liberation of Bulgaria inside the courtyard. The attack turned into a full scale riot when another group of demonstraters against the policies towards the UDSR and the new German governments joined in with the celebrating students. The Secretarina (the Royal Guard) had to break up and disperse the celebration/riot with a loss of 5 students and 1 HLB member and about 29 injured in the worst student riot in the Kingdom since 1903.
Queen Catherine was clearly appalled at what happened at the University Student Union and declared an emergency session of the National Assembly to deal with and eliminate the threat of Student Riots towards Bulgaria.
Vas Pokhoronim
07-09-2005, 19:51
The Union extends its deepest sympathies for the loss of life, and most sincere hopes that Sofia may resolve its internal affairs wisely and peacefully.
- L.B. Kamenev, People's Commissar for International Affairs
10-09-2005, 03:48
August 7, 1920 - National University of Sofia
From: Princess Maria-Louise (Catherine's Sister)
To: L.B. Kamenev, USDR's People's Commissar for International Affairs
It is clear that we do need a sound mind and a sound spirit on such internal affairs and concerns for the well being of our very nation... It is clear that these situations must be dealt with the best way even if it maybe a bit hurtful in the short-term... It is obvious that the Student Unions need to do a better job in controlling the students in their way. Those hopes are well founded and well desired for us as a nation.
12-09-2005, 01:51
September 1, 1920 - Parliament House, Sofia
HRH Queen Catherine signs the Convent of the Society of Nations making Bulgaria one of the original members of the new peace-loving and welfare organization...
19-09-2005, 02:27
December 21, 1921 - Parliament House, Sofia.
The Head Supreme Court Justice Nikolas Stepanev was sworn in after the death of his predecessor Simeone Goterinov. Justice Goterinov fell by natural causes at the age of 71 years...
22-09-2005, 01:41
May 13, 1922 - Queen Caterina Park, Sofia
Bulgaria's first FA Cup Finals were held at the Queen Caterina Park today where powerhouse side CSKA Sofia defeated Lokomotive Plovdiv by the verdict of 2-1 after extra time...the final goal came when Mikhail Detrinev scored for CSKA in the 27th Minute of Extra Time to clinch CSKA's first Royal Cup.
The second game of the day featured Bulgaria winning at home against favoured Romania by the score of 3-2... Bulgaria scored in minute 85 to clinch all of the spoils on the night while Romania fought well, but just did not complete the game in the way that was necessary to get half of the honours...
26-09-2005, 22:23
March 3, 1923 - Parliament House, Sofia
The first meeting of the 21st National Assembly Year began with a bang when five members of the the Progressive Liberal Parliamentary Bloc decided not to run for election in 1924 as well as several major members of the Conservative Parliament Bloc who wanted no part of a contreversal amendment to the national court system as well as major reforms to the government...
27-09-2005, 14:22
The second game of the day featured Bulgaria winning at home against favoured Romania by the score of 3-2... Bulgaria scored in minute 85 to clinch all of the spoils on the night while Romania fought well, but just did not complete the game in the way that was necessary to get half of the honours...
Nevertheless Romanian sports minister congratulates his Bulgarian counterpart, finds consulation in that the Romanian team fought well and treats the bulgarian to dinner and promises that next time the buyer will not be Romania again.
28-09-2005, 04:32
April 17, 1923 - Sofia Aerodrome
The first flight display of the Royal Air Force's newest fliers was held at the aerodrome this day where airplanes from several nations and different types were displayed and tested in front of a local crowd including several designs from Germany, USDR, France, United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Bulgaria and several other nations including Sweden... This show will eventually be a catalyst for the future of Bulgaria's civil and military aviation for years to come.
02-10-2005, 01:25
October 13, 1923 - Eastern Palace, Sofia.
The Prime Minister Alexander Machilinev will not be running in the elections in April of 1924... every seat of the 240 seats is now up for re-election plus the Prime Minister's seat is also available which is promising to be one of the tightest and most combative races for Parliament since 1904...
05-10-2005, 22:28
May 4, 1924 - Parliament House, Sofia
Social Democratic Party 119 (New Prime Minister Andrey Lapolechev)
Conservative 71
National Workers' and Trades Union 35
Constitutional Bloc 10
Liberal Party 5
May 17, 1924 - Queen Caterina Park, Sofia
Bulgarian FA Cup Final: CSKA Sofia 3-1 Sparta Varna
Bulgarian Division 1 Champions: Lokomotive Sofia (CSKA 2nd)
May 21, 1924 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
It has been confirmed that the father of the new Home Secretary Anastacia Dominerova was killed in an accidental shooting involving a major adultery scandal outside of the Royal Court (He was the innocent party who got shot because a man mistaked him for the one who was sleeping with the vengeful husband's own wife).
07-10-2005, 02:21
July 24, 1924 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
Queen Catherine has started a new military draft programme due to the war about to unfold as well as the Parliament passing a major national education scheme and some major human welfare acts which would establish a formal permanent Military academy as well as establishing health and welfare packages in rural communities all over Bulgaria...
09-10-2005, 01:10
Parliament House - Sofia
The latest vote for Bulgaria entering The Great War II is deadlocked with 118 for the war, 118 against with 3 abstaintions, 1 other not voting due to illness... The member who is sick may be replaced with a New Member.
The new member may be Viktor Lochenov of Plovdiv (the new leader of the National Communist Union)... Lochenov was the first communist to run for the Assembly, but lost to a member of the SDU and to a Liberal Party member in the May Elections, but is starting to emerge as a possible candidate in 1928 for Prime Minister even if his party has only a small representation in the regional parliaments in the rural areas and in Plovdiv...
10-10-2005, 02:49
August 5, 1924 - Parliament Courtyard, Sofia
Several Members of the infamous LFB came back to try to assassinate Prime Minister Lapoleychev during a rally on Student Government day and were arrested by the Securateria and the City Guard during the failed attempt... One of the suspects had his gun jammed while trying to do the hit while the other 4 suspects tried to finish the job, but were caught in the chaos that insued. All five are now facing possible death sentences for attempted murder as well as treason against the Crown and the State...(The kingdom adopted Hanging as a capital punishment).
17-10-2005, 04:44
27 December 1924 - Parliament House, Sofia
The Royal Assembly votes down an offer to join the new Central Powers by a margain of 210 to 29 with 1 absent member...
28 December 1924 - Central Rail Station, Plovdiv
The Royal Army is starting to be very nervously looking towards Yugoslavia at this time and soldiers are starting to get worried at every town near the Yugoslavian border and they are waiting for Queen Catherine to drop her pact of neutrality and join the Allies...
24-10-2005, 09:31
Sofia - Parliament House.
The Parliament has voted for increase in benefits to Farmers and Shipping over the last few months while adding a new division to the Royal Army and a shipping Package for 1926... Factory improvements are scheduled for the next few years as well... Bulgaria is starting to look promising by the 1930's under the plans of Queen Catherine and the Court...
(ooc: Kirstiriera here, Adrasuvare is a puppet)
27-10-2005, 16:38
January 1, 1926- Bulgaria's Government Owned KSN Radio Service is now active all in major towns in Bulgaria.
January 12, 1926- HRH Queen Catherine of Bulgaria and the National Assembly announced a new scheme to improve the practices of miners all over the nation and abolished child labour for most fields of vocation in Bulgaria ... (No worker is now allowed to be under the age of 13 unless in education[as students]or in part-time roles in exempt fields if necessary.
February 1926- Several Members of Parliament were enraged with the Pact activities in the Afghanistan and the Middle East and are trying to write up a declaration of betrayal. Princess Maria-Louisa is starting to get nervous at this point and wants Catherine to support a campaign to fight the war as a member of the Allies, but Catherine wants nothing to do with the war at this point for Bulgaria is not ready for yet another major disasterous conflict...
01-11-2005, 21:08
Sofia - February 1, 1926...
Students marched onto the courtyard of the home park for CSKA's football club in protest of a new student aid restriction that was added to a Parliamentary act without any vote or review by the Assembly or by the royal cabinet... Many of the students were known to have carried the Student Union and Social Union Flags during the protest session and rally which was held in front of hundreds of spectators and was a peaceful demonstration in nature unlike the infamous riots of the early monarchial period.
04-11-2005, 18:06
February 13, 1926
Sofia - Queen Caterina's Park
CSKA Sofia had to abandon their match with Lokomotive Sofia due to Political Based Aggro by Lokomotive supporters against the CSKA supporters (many Lokomotive supporters are clearly against the war while the CSKA fans are for increased Military activity) that left many injured and the local Securateria arrested 17 during the riot for various crimes committed within the first 15 minutes after CSKA scored a goal... The result was changed by the Bulgarian FA to become Lokomotive 0-3 CSKA (in Bulgaria, the away team wins by forfeit if a match is abandoned unless it is in a cup competion...)
February 16, 1926
Sofia - Royal Palace
Princess Maria-Louisa has confirmed that she is pregnant with another girl on the way... Some in the royal house are starting to get a little scared that they need a male heir or things could get messy for a while after Queen Catherine leaves the throne. [Next in line to the throne is Princess Anne, then Princess Maria-Louisa]
08-11-2005, 21:02
May 10, 1926- Queen Caterina Park, Sofia
Levski Sofia wins their first Bulgarian FA Cup over the side from Lokomotive Sofia by the result of 3-2 with Levski scoring a goal with only a few minutes remaining... Levski also won its first regular season title as well while defending champions CSKA were eliminated in the semifinals and finished 3rd in the league table...
May 14, 1926- National University of Plovdiv
Several members of the LFB and the Homefront movements held a convention in Plovdiv in which fellow members could protest the government peacefully and safely under police protection...The convention proved to be a success for the LFB and the Homefront group as they hope to turn away from their terrorist actions and become a part of Bulgaria's society...
11-12-2005, 03:35
Full Name: The Kingdom of Bulgaria
Short Form: Bulgaria
Monarch: Queen Catherine I (since 1919)
Prime Minister: Anastacia Dominerova (since January 1, 1934)
Capital: Sofia
Parliament is a directly elected unicamerial body known as the National Assembly. (240 Members) Multiple political parties are involved in a similar system to the English Parliament...
Population: 5.3 million people
Major Religions: Bulgarian Orthodox, Islam, and several other faiths are prevalent and practiced in the Kingdom.
Currency: Lev (Currently Exchanges at about 2 Lev for 1 Dutch Guilder)
18-12-2005, 04:01
The Kingdom hopes to send a Olympic delegation to the Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, German SFSR...
November 2, 1935... Princess Maria-Louise of Bulgaria came down with a nervous breakdown after a deadlocked session in the National Assembly... She was sent to the royal hospital in Sofia and is there for treatment and observation for a little while...
November 3, 1935... Political Campaigning for the 1936 Elections is now starting to build and develop with a total of 3 possible parties after the National Assembly's 2nd Position in the order (behind the Social Democrats) and may break the dominance of the SDPB...
21-12-2005, 00:07
January 1, 1936: Early Parliamentary Elections result in Dominerova's re-election as Prime Minister (only the 2nd female premier in Bulgaria's history to be re-elected) and the Communists and National Conservatives add several important seats while the Social Democrats hang on to a total of 165 seats.
February 6, 1936: Bulgaria's Queen Catherine, Crown Princess Anne and Princess Maria-Louisa march in the parade of nations at the Winter Olympics (Princess Anne carried the "U S A" placard while the "Bulgarien" placard was carried by Sophia Demeleren of Germany SFSR). The Winter Games turned out to be a success with everyone involved, but the Bulgarians' medal did not come in Bavaria... maybe it will be our time to Medal in Cortina or in Sapporo in 1940...or even in Berlin this summer with a lot of Olympic Hopefuls to grace the former German capital...
27-12-2005, 01:32
January 18, 1937 - Paris, France
Several members of the Bulgarian Parliament visited the World's Fair venue in Paris to review the plans for Bulgaria's involvement as well as the Kingdom's relations with the other nations of the World... One of the members who visited was National Communist Union leader Viktor Lochenov who was excited about the Agricultural and Labour Pavillion plans as well as Prime Minister Anastacia Dominerova who prefered the Art Pavillion as well as the Medical and Croix Rouge Pavillions... Bulgaria will look forward to Paris in a different light this Spring...
30-12-2005, 23:27
July 17, 1937 - Embassy Row, Sofia
Arsonists burned down the residence of the Governor of Sofia's Province in a successful assassination attempt on the Governor and his wife for allowing a group called the National Social Labourer's Party of Bulgaria to rally at the University of Sofia's Courtyard to have a rally scheduled for the start of August of 1937. The attack itself was politically motivated from inside the Kingdom. Several of the attackers are facing charges of Murder, Attempted Murder, Arson, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Rape and various other crimes. (Rape, Treason and Murder are among the crimes that Bulgarians could be sentenced to death if guilty and condemned)
July 19, 1937 - Bulgarian Pavillion at Paris' World Fair
Queen Catherine was sent back home and Crown Princess Anne is now heading the Bulgarian Pavillion in Paris (as a possible tune-up to becoming the Queen herself)... Catherine was sent home because of the event in the Ottoman territory as well as attend the funeral of Sofia's Provincial Governor who was murdered in an assassination/arson...
12-01-2006, 01:06
The situation in Bulgaria has changed massively in the last 24 Months... Now, Queen Catherine wants Bulgaria to get ready for a very messy situation with no margin for error or failure in regards to the Middle Eastern Bloodbath that is starting to occur...
All Bulgarians in any capacity are ordered to leave and/or stay out of the Ottoman Empire and its other territories as soon as humanly possible and return home until further notice for their safety and security...
The Royal Army and Navy are to be prepared to get involved if anything gets worse and the spending and machinery of war shall be increased for all armed forces effective May 1, 1939...
23-01-2006, 19:15
Bulgarians have been largely spared from the War in the Middle East and in the rest of the ex-Superstate...,but the war has changed Bulgarian Politics in a severe fashion. First Prime Minister Anastacia Dominerova retired in 1941 and was replaced with Simone Lapinachov (who was then sacked after a few months by new Prime Minister Stefan Domaniarev), then in 1943 - Queen Catherine the first was taken ill and was dead at the age of 67 due to natural causes in the Eastern Palace in Sofia and now Queen-regent Anne's son officially became King Simone I of Bulgaria on the 22nd of March 1943.
09-02-2006, 19:36
June 1, 1945 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
The first radio broadcast of a live Parliamentary Session was held today and was broadcast on the Government-owned SNKB Radio network all over Bulgaria...The broadcast was meant to give Bulgarians a look at how parliament operates as well as gives people a chance to get involved with Bulgaria's government in a new way.
June 2, 1945 - Queen Catherine Park
The FA Cup Final went into Golden Goal as CSKA and Levski Sofia were drawn in regular time. The replay started as a stalemate until the 54th Minute when Levski pulled ahead of the Army team with a shock goal. CSKA answered Levski at the 80th Minute and drew even 3-3 on aggregate. CSKA finally won back the FA Cup on the 7th Minute of the first Extra Session with a sparkling match winning goal. (Bulgaria's league is the only domestic league to have a "golden goal system")
20-02-2006, 01:41
January 1, 1947 - Sofia's Royal Palace
The Queen-regent Anne (King Simeone's Mother) passed away just 21 Seconds before the Midnight hour on New Year's Eve...
All Bulgarian Flags are to be lowered to Half-Staff immediately and are to stay at half-staff until March 1st in respect to Bulgaria's new "Lost Queen".
20-02-2006, 02:16
Kaiser Wilhelm III sends his utmost condolences to Bulgaria for loosing her great Queen.
20-02-2006, 04:49
The Japanese government also sends its condolences, and the hope that the heir will be as fair a ruler as the queen
Lesser Ribena
20-02-2006, 17:32
The British government and Royal Family send their condolences to the people of Bulgaria upon heraing of the Queen's untimely death.
21-02-2006, 12:46
The President and the Prime Minister extend their condolences along with the rest of the Republic to the Bulgarian people on their loss.
26-02-2006, 00:35
Prime Minister Dominerianev is in a severe battle with Anna Scheleneva for his seat in Parliament as well as with Social Democratic leader Stanislav Molotine for the Prime Minister's Office. The Communists have 15 seats and hope to add more as things get more intense in the National Assembly as 19 long term members will retire after the last session of 1947 including Former House Speaker Constantin Nicholinov...
04-03-2006, 21:21
The May 1948 Elections turned out to be a disaster for a lot of Parliament members as the Parliament Suffered a severe reshuffling as well as accusations of voter fraud and collusion in several provinces...
The May results for several provinces were rejected by the Supreme Court (the retiring 19 were not affected in the ruling) and the Supreme Court of Bulgaria was forced to order Re-Elections for January of 1949.
10-03-2006, 22:51
SDU wins the Prime Minister's Seat... Bulgaria's next prime Minister is Stanislav Molotine of Varna Province. PM Molotine chose to keep most of the pre-existing members of the cabinet unlike his predecessors who got rid of there cabinets and refunished with new members. The SDU won or held 134 seats while the Liberals now have 79 seats. The Communist Party has 19 seats in the new Parliament and is starting to be important in several major races in the Provinces especially in Plovdiv, Sofia and the rural provinces...
15-03-2006, 19:28
March 3, 1950 - Eastern Palace, Sofia
The 48th Year of Independence began with a large gathering of many different nations (among them the US, Germany, Scandia, Burgundy, Great Britain, France, Turkey, Romania, Yugoslavia, Russia, Belgium and many others to start the National Assembly session as well as honour the memories of the former Queen Catherine and "Crown Princess" Anna... King Simeone the first lead the presession into the the now famous Throne Room and delivered his annual speech to the Nation. (The government run radio network had its highest ever ratings for a single non-regular program as well as having a relatively great broadcast on the Television which has just starting to develop in the Kingdom.)
April 1950 -
Bulgaria's FA Cup champions are now Levski Sofia (who also won the regular season title again for the third time in five years). CSKA finished in second place with Lokomotive Sofia in third place.
The Bulgarians failed to qualify for the 1950 FIFA World Cup in Germany and the Bulgarians are wishing to do better in the Olympics in Lake Placid and Marseille.
28-03-2006, 04:44
1952 Elections and Olympics are near for Bulgaria... The elections look to be not as competive as the 1948 race, but it will hopefully be not as crooked. The Election Reform panel has tried to create new voter registration rules at every polling place in Bulgaria.
Bulgaria's Olympic dreams may also take flight in Lake Placid and Marseille as we send our largest Winter and Summer games teams ever with many chances to win Bulgaria's first Olympic Medal of any colour...
31-03-2006, 17:31
Bulgaria's elections went smoothly and Prime Minister Molotine's entire cabinet survived the first re-election campaign quite convincingly. The SDU will now have 139 seats in the New General Assembly while the 101 other seats will be divided in this way: 52 Liberals, 25 Conservative, 15 Communist, 10 National Worker's Union.
The Olympic Experience was grand for Bulgaria's athletes when they competed in Marseille, France. The Bulgarian team only managed a Bronze medal...their first ever medal in an Olympic Games.
16-04-2006, 05:32
Bulgaria's first FIFA World Cup Appearance since the Wars was a success in reaching the Quarterfinal round by finishing second in Group C... In the Quarterfinals, Bulgaria was outclassed by the German side who would eventually finish in second place. (the Home Nation Brazil defeated Germany in the Grand Final).
17-04-2006, 11:32
Greetings and goo tidings,
We would like to invite you on behalf the EEC to participate in formal talks on the possibillity of holding an inter-European cultural exchange program to enhance the sense of cooperation between European nations.
We hope that you would take time to consider this.
The French Forign Office
23-04-2006, 00:10
King Simeone I is now very scared and concerned about what is occuring in Germany and in Scandia at the moment.
May 2, 1955 - Students rioted all over Sofia during the final of the FA Cup between CSKA Sofia and Akademia Sofia. The students were protesting against the Germany-Scandia War and for a peaceful resolution as well as the scandals that have started in engulf several provinces over the last few months in regards to voter fraud as well as policy failures by several provinces. The match had to be abandoned with the scoreline of CSKA 2-2 Akademia (in the 67th minute) and the rest of the match will be played on the 9th May at Queen Catherine's Park in Sofia.
May 3, 1955 - Several members of Parliament were tried for various acts of corruption and fraud stemming from the Germany-Scandia affair. The members were all charged and convicted by the Supreme Court and sentenced to terms that varied from a year to around 10 years in the new Slatribor Prison in Sofia. The seats that were occupied by the 15 guilty MPs are all up for replacement in the near future and will be excluded from the National Election of 1956 under Bulgarian electoral policy...
May 4, 1955 - All non-essential Bulgarians are being asked to leave the areas of hostility immediately to return to security... Also, all citizens must also be very careful when travelling out of the country for any type of excersion or business opportunity.
Bulgaria is about to rebuild the military and become ready for any kind of attack if necessary.
The government regrets the situation's downward spiral and wishes that both Scandia and Germany and their allies can try to settle these issues without a massive loss of life or broken dreams....
30-04-2006, 03:09
The Parliament for the New National Assembly sessions are as follows:
Social Democratic Union - 130 Seats, Liberal - 65 Seats, Conservatives - 26 Seats, Communists - 10 Seats, Home Front Union - 8 Seats, and National Socialists - 3 Seats.
Bulgaria scored another 5 Medals in Melbourne at the Olympics...1 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze was the medal haul for the Kingdom's Youth.
02-05-2006, 23:41
February 9, 1957 - United Nations Pavillion-World's Fair site in Rome, Italy.
Several important members of the Bulgarian UN delegation, government and several major agencies including Prime Minister Molotine went on a little holiday to Rome to inspect and to help with the construction of several major pavillions of this Summer's long awaited Expo 1957 in Rome. The new pavillions on the building list for the "sofia delegation" included the construction of the Red Cross, United Nations, IOC House and several national pavillions in which the most notable are the American, French, German, Russian, Chinese and the Greek Pavillions. The World's Fair begins around late April of 1957 and lasts into November of 1957. "A New World and A New Resolve" is one of the large mottos place in poster form around the main sites of the World's Fair and at the main Palaces of Rome and the Italian Government itself...
07-05-2006, 00:10
September 19, 1957-
The Kingdom of Bulgaria must provide research and develop nuclear on a larger and more complex scale by the creation of the Jadernaja project and the creation of a new production complex near Sofia.
The military of the Kingdom must be refunished and revived to ensure the safety and security of all Bulgarians. The government has pledged to restructure and renew the military with the help from our allies and neighbors...and from others if possible...
22-05-2006, 20:17
Sofia - 1 January 1960
As we enter the 1960s, Bulgarians are in a state of confusion and a sense of change is starting to come over the people of Bulgaria as King Simeone reigns over the start of the most tumultous decade in Bulgaria's modern history. Bulgarians now have to choose their National Assembly behind a backdrop of tragedy and horror after the attacks on 15 May 1959.
The Royal FA has declared the 1959-1960 Football Season as the "healing season". Defending Superliga Champion Levski Sofia and Defending Cup Champion CSKA Sofia are both now chasing 1st place Lokomotiv Sofia and Akademia Sofia. CSKA Sofia's Basketball team is leading Basketball's Superliga in the early stages of the season.
24-05-2006, 21:17
March 7, 1960 - Sofia
Prime Minister Stanislav Molotine is re-elected as Prime Minister for a third term, but this term he will have to lead Bulgaria's first minority parliament ever...
The Seats of the New Parliament:
117 - Social Democratic and Liberal Party of Bulgaria
70 - Royal Conservatives
21 - National Socialist Worker's Union of Bulgaria
19 - Communist Party of Bulgaria
11 - Home Front Party
2 - Bulgaria's Green 58
25-05-2006, 01:12
SIC: The German Ambassador approaches his contacts in Bulgaria about the possibility of Bulgaria joining the EEC.
30-05-2006, 21:55
The Kingdom is now in the process of joining the European Community after a passed referendum on the ballot.
In major national stories: (February 3, 1961) The Kingdom's Treasurer Aleksander Relevinov has been sacked due to a series of allegations involving fraud, match fixing, adultery and attempted murder against his best friend and his fiancee. Relevinov was arrested at the office after he was told to clean out his desk by Prime Minister Molotine and Interior Minister Natalia Scheilenova. Relevinov's replacement is not yet been chosen, but one of the main candidates would be SNB Financial Head Andrey Dimocarilev.
(February 7, 1961) The Super Liga and the Bulgarian FA now have a new scheme of alignment as of the 1961-1962 season. The Superliga would stay at 16 teams with the bottom two sides sent down to Liga 2 (Now, the 14th place team would play against the Liga 2 playoff winner for a birth in the Superliga). Liga 2 will now have 24 teams. 3 teams will be removed from the new Liga 2 and sent to Liga 3... and so on down the league system.
30-05-2006, 22:33
Russia, seeking to repair relations with Eastern European nations damaged by Union rule, begins by opening dialogue with Bulgaria. A signifigant trade partner (now that our only major ports are on the Black Sea) deserves some mutual discussion and agreements.
We would propose increased sports competition between our nations, with teams playing against each other in both nations' stadiums. In addition, if the Bulgarian armed forces ever need any equipment, used or new, Russia has plenty of aircraft and land system designs.
17-06-2006, 02:55
We are in agreement with Russia and seek futher relations while the Kingdom is a member of the ECC...
17-06-2006, 11:46
The French Government contacts The allied Bulgarian Government and offers them to help to improve the Efficiency of the Bulgarian Armed forces.
OOC: I was wondering, what is the size of your military?
18-06-2006, 22:24
OOC: I have not looked at my military very much and I do know that there are a few divisions and garrisons on the borders with Yugoslavia and Romania with a small group on the border with Greece. The mlitary would also need to get up to standard with the rest of Europe, but within the obvious limits and with technology and upgrades... They have not fought in a major conflict since the First Great War at least and have been getting aid from Russia, Germany, France and several other nations. The size would have to be around 130,000 for all of the armed forces combined (Army, Navy, Air Force, Royal Guard) or a bit less.
The Waffen SS legion
19-06-2006, 06:06
In WW I Bulgaria had 800 000 men on the battlefields and even today its army is mostly infantry based so the number 130 000 is a bit too small considering the compulsory military service in Bulgaria
27-06-2006, 03:47
1 January 1964 - Sofia's National University
The March Parliamentary Elections may be the most defining moment in Bulgaria since our Independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1903... The Current Prime Minister Stanislav Molotine is in a really tight race for Prime Minister as well as several of his cabinet members desparately trying to earn another term in the Assembly. Many major scandals have hit several of the provinces and in local councils in the last four years. There is also some rumours of King Simeone I seeking advice on if he should step down from the Royal Throne.
03-07-2006, 01:00
23 February 1964 - Eastern Palace of Sofia
King Simeone I of Bulgaria has started the process of turning the throne over to the New Crown Princess Elisabeth.
Prime Minister Stanislav Molotine's former main opponent in the April elections was killed in a car bombing in Molotine's home riding by members of the Homefront and 15 May Organizations... The members responsible for this attack are now waiting to go to trial on several major charges.
25 February 1964 - Slatribor Prison, Sofia
Mikhail Rachinov, the leader of the Black Rose terrorist organization, has been hanged by the Kingdom for commiting treason against the Crown and in commission also murding a public servant (a member of the SM - the National Guard/Police)...
05-07-2006, 19:58
Nardoni Kino has just released a couple of films on the eve of the General Election of 1964... The first own is the "Nuclear Question" based on the events of the Siberian and the Rwandan Crises. The second film is called "The Angel of Innocence" which is a western-style romantic film set on the back drop of a world returning from a Nuclear Winter. (Nardoni Kino has support from several companies including Gaumont, Paramount, Canal +, UGC and several others in the West and in Asia...)
The Arab Federation government asks, nigh begs the Bulgarian government to intervene on its behalf in the UN. Bulgaria has a long tradition of wanting peace and the Arab Federation feels that Bulgaria, long renowned for its peace loving nature and common sense policy towards foreign affairs, may be one of the few nations willing to stand up for those nations that are being oppressed by larger, more powerful ones. The Arab Federation needs Bulgaria’s help in this time of need and feels that your intervention could save the Arab Federation for destruction.
13-07-2006, 00:58
May 3, 1964 - Sofia's National Parliament House
Stanislav Molotine has lost his re-election for the Prime Minister's position and now is the opposition leader due to a humiliating landslide... Conservative Leader Mikhael Dimeronev is now the first Conservative Prime Minister in decades. The only "old cabinet" member retained to the new Cabinet is Caterina Romanova (Minister of Agriculture).
The New Parliament will have
125 Conservatives, 76 Social Democrats, 18 National Socialists, 12 Communists and 9 Homefront Members.
13-07-2006, 08:33
Bulgaris is requested confedentially as per the Defensive Clause of the EEC pact to commit troops and or supplies to the conflict. As it is pointed out that The Scandic Union declared war on France, Britain and Russia following our legitimate response to the Ukrainian-Turkish unprovoked Aggression.
19-07-2006, 03:51
The Kingdom has officially declared war on the Scandic Union and its allies with the support of the French and the British while with heavy hearts and compassion towards the world's unfortunate civilians that were unnecessarily thrown into this nuclear winter by the uncaring and the uncareful actions of others...
The SuperLiga, Liga B and Liga C matches for this week are to be postponed until the next open week which would be the week of Christmas... For the first time ever Superliga matches will be played on Christmas Day.
The Nardoni Kino films turned out to be successful enough for Nardoni Kino to bring the films to the rest of the world including the Now Divorced States of America, France, Great Britain, Russia, China, Netherlands and many others...The N K management is hoping to enter one or both of the films into the category of Best Foreign Motion Picture at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles for 1965.
30-07-2006, 20:40
The Kingdom of Bulgaria.
Monarch: Empress (Queen) Elizabeth I (crowned 23rd February 1964)
Prime Minister: Mikhael Dimeronev (re-elected 5th March 1968)
Current Parliament {1968-1970}: (240 Members, Unicameral) Conservative 131, Social Democratic 75, National Workers' Union 17, Communist 14, Home Front 3.
17-08-2006, 06:10
The Sixth Full Year in Empress Elizabeth's reign has been a very silent year for Bulgarians...other than the FIFA World Cup 3rd Place. Obviously Bulgarians have been having a rough time making sure that people were working to improve their lives after the nuclear winters of several years ago...
17-08-2006, 13:13
Check the NPC thread for details, but you've been invited to join the NAM (Non-aligned/Neutral Action movement). I posted it there because 99% of the membership is NPC.