Islamist coup in Algeristan!
26-07-2005, 23:31
Historical background to the coup.
Algeristan is a large nation in the Arabian Gulf.
Its population of 270 million are all sunni muslim, apart from a 2% Jewish population.
Since Algeristan's independence from Saudi Arabia 29 years ago, Algeristan has been under the rule of the government of President Sayeed al Bakr.
Under Bakr, Algeristan's economy had grown to massive proportions.
Tourism and hi-tech industries along with the more traditional Arabian industries of oil and gas had made Algeristan one of the richest in the Middle East and one of the most fastest growing economies in the world.
This had brought great prosperity to the people of Algeristan.
But along with that prosperity and economic growth, came a wave of Western culture and more liberal social attitudes that shocked and angered the more devout muslims.
The political system of Algeristan is an autocratic secular state, with President Bakr having total control over Algeristan's parliament and opposition parties having to go underground.
Western values has flourished at the expense of Islamic values.
Women are allowed to drive cars.
Women don't have to wear the hijab.
Women can vote.
Women can work and study.
The Quran is not taught in the schools, save the privatley run Islamic schools.
Alcohol is legal to buy and drink.
The Algeristani government does not really lend it's support to the Islamic struggles in occupied Iraq and Palestine.
Homosexuals have began to gain a semi-legal status and have become more visible.
All of these trends horrified the faithful amongst Algeristan's population.
About three years ago, those devout muslims in Algeristan formed their own underground Islamic political party;
The Hizb al Thawri Islaami, the Party of Islamic Revolution (PIR).
The aims of the PIR are :
*To overthrow the secular regime of Bakr by ANY means.
*To establish an Islamic State of Algeristan.
*To bring back Shira Law and the Holy Quran to be a guide of Algeristan's legal and political system.
*To destroy ALL un-Islamic people and ways of life in Algeristan.
*To give Algeristani support to the Islamic struggles in Palestine, Iraq and Saharistan.
*To use Algeristan as a base for a global Islamic revolution and the establishment of a worldwide Islamic state.
The PIR has over the years being building it's support amongst the middle ranking officers in the Algeristani military and is known to favour coming to power through a coup d' etat.
26-07-2005, 23:33
Reports are coming in that military forces have occupied several positions in the capital city of Algeristan.
Local reporters have talked to us via videophone and e-mail and have said that all of Basra has been shut down and that tanks and APCs are now patrolling the streets.
All of this indicates a military coup and it is not known if the Algeristani President, Sayeed al Bakr, is still alive or if he has been captured by the rebel military units.
Political and diplomatic experts have said that there is a good chance that if this is indeed a coup, that the Islamic fundamentalist Party of Islamic Revolution (PIR) would be behind it.
The PIR have been the main source of opposition to Bakr's secular but autocratic regime, which the PIR accuses of corruption and of moving the Algeristani nation away from the ideals of Islam.
This coming in, we have confirmed that ALL communications with Algeristan and the outside world have been cut off.
This indeed looks more and more like a coup.
26-07-2005, 23:37
Official bulletin-Algeristani Islamic News Agency (AINA)
Dear Algeristani Islamic compatriots!
The evil reign of the infidel tyrant, President Bakr, is now over.
Steadfast Islamic fighters under the vanguard of the Party of Islamic Revolution (PIR) have formed a new government.
And now the new Algeristani President, Hassan Tarbani, will make this statement:
"Dear Algeristani Islamic compatriots!"
"Today, the vanguard of the Islamic faith, the PIR has removed the evil regime of Sayeed al Bakr. Our forces have had him captured and executed. No longer will his evil reign last."
"The new government, under my leadership, has declared ALL political parties illegal and that ONLY the PIR has the right to exist. The PIR will now be the only party of government and of the Algeristani Islamic Nation."
"The death penalty shall be used for all of those who oppose the PIR, the new Presidency and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Algeristan."
"The new government shall oversee the creation of a pure Islamic nation and the birth of the move towards a global Islamic state. Infidels must now shake in fear for we shall show no mercy to you and your evil regimes."
"May we all unite under an Islamic Algeristan and with this untiy we can overcome all enemies and evils."
26-07-2005, 23:44
To avoid another n00b war, like in my other thread with the same titile as this one, if you want to go to war over my new regime, TG me and tell me how you want to RP.
This way I can eliminate the n00bs and the retards from any RP war that Ill get into.
Also, if you want war, after TGing me, we will have to make a new thread, I want to keep this one for just posting info on the new regime.
26-07-2005, 23:50
*Official Diplomat of the Bretarian Repubic; Endar Forn*
The Republic of Bretar mourns the loss of personal freedoms in Algeristan, but it is a view point of The Republic that other nations should be allowed to goveren how they see fit, be it Islamic Fundalmentalism or not.
Should this coup boil over into a conflict between nations, The Republic will offer humanitarian aid to any who need it, on either side of the conflict. (Note, this will come in the form of food stuffs delivered to civillians, this will in no way be millitary aid at this point.)
27-07-2005, 08:37
The Constitutional Monarchy of Nadderud will remain neutral EXCEPT that all Algeristan citizens will be DISMISSED and i will do a trade embargo on you. My citizens fled on the last passenger ship to Nadderud from Algeristan
Big Long Now
27-07-2005, 09:04
The United Republic of Big Long Now would like to announce that we are considering possible actions in the region of Algeristan. We however, will not sign an official declaration of war, which in turn only enables our military to deploy 1,000,000 troops to the affected area, and allocate $1,000,000,000 for the cause. Please note that we are not taking action as of this message, and that it is only in debate in our legislature.
Algeristan is free to submit any commentary to our debate, we will consider what interests are best, and take a vote on whether or not Big Long Now should intervene in the conflict.
John Cleannet
Secretary of War, Big Long Now
27-07-2005, 09:07
I have deployed 1 aircraft carrier and escorts, plus several landing ships for my marines to land with in case of any action by Algeristan
Dyelli Beybi
27-07-2005, 11:19
I have deployed 1 aircraft carrier and escorts, plus several landing ships for my marines to land with in case of any action by Algeristan
OOC: Better to rephrase that next time and cut out the 'I'. National Governments very rarely phrase things in the first person.
Dyelli Beybi found the whole matter rather alarming. Dyelli Beybi had a large Islamic minority, and certainly didn't want them getting any ideas that overthrowing the Government was a good idea. They didn't want them to think that Dyelli Beybi was anti-Islam, so instead came up with something else...
From: The United Socialist Republics of Dyelli Beybi
To: Algeristan
Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Dyelli Beybi wishes to open Diplomatic relations with the new government of Algeristan. We are sure we can come to some form of working relationship which will avoid unnecessary violence.
Commisaar F. Dzerzhinsky
Secretary to the High Chancellor
(OOC: Dyelli Beybi is ICly quite happy for Islamic jihad to go ahead, so long as they stay out of Dyelli Beybi, and use Dyellian weapons.)
North Matttvia
27-07-2005, 12:37
From: King Leopold I Head of State for North Mattvia.
To: The President of Algeristan.
Subject:Regime Change
The nation of North Mattvia, supports you to the very end in your new religious cause. Not Muslim ourselves, the nation of North Mattvia has many religions within our borders, because of this there is a lot of religious hatred in our borders with terrorists groups like the CLF and other extremists to one religion or another.
The Government and I, hope that we may be allowed to deploy a squadron of Jaguars in your territory.
Please reply to me, or to the North Mattvian Embassy in your capital City.
27-07-2005, 12:51
OOC: OOOHHH fun....
IC: The Nation of Illior congratulates you on doing whatever the hell you like within your own borders. We could truly care less if you murdered your own citizens, as long as it stays in your own borders. Oh and Congradulations on the new government.
~Jake Heller
Secretary of Foreign Relations
27-07-2005, 12:57
Im not going to have a repeat of the n00b godmode war that occured in the last thread I did on this coup.
Like I said, If you want war, you have to message me and ask my permission!
Im not going to just accept people saying that their forces have landed in my nation.
Try landing a force on the coast of the US, it would get blown away.
Algeristan has a HUGE army and it would be difficult to land anyone on my shores!
retract that post, if you want war, message me and Ill discuss how we can fight, and any war will have to have a new thread.
North Matttvia
27-07-2005, 13:01
Check the thread CLF Bombs North Mattvia.
27-07-2005, 13:10
North Mattiva, Im not really sure I want to have Algeristan get invloved in this CLF stuff.
I want to RP some wars against communist nations and leftist scum in general.
Feel free to join in on my anti communist wars if you want.
27-07-2005, 13:31
The Commandante frowns upon Algeristans McCarthyism, and reminds him that the economic blockade is still on. He also remins Algeristan that The United Socialist States of Peopleita have accepted some Jewish refugees, so they will aviod oppersion.
OOC: Are your nuke silo's still destroyed?
27-07-2005, 13:43
(OOC) Peopleita:
If you have noticed, that last thread was DELETED!
That war was unrealistic and many nations, including yourself did not know how to RP a war in the proper way.
I have INGNORED every attack in that last thread.
NO ONE has destroyed ANY of my silos.
You have NOT got any of my jews as you never made any posts on you getting them.
All the jews are still in my nation, as slaves at the moment, they are making my President rather rich.
If you want to have a trade embargo on my goods, then you can, Algeristan has an embargo in force on your nation and any nation that is left-wing/communist/socialist/pro-working class!
However, a blockade is something you cannot do, your nation is not large enough to enforce a blockade on a large nation like mine. Add to that if you block other nations ships who wish to trade with me, then they will go to war with you.
Im ignoring your 'blockade' until you learn how to RP war and other stuff right!
27-07-2005, 13:49
If that's the case, i as mentioned in a post that got deleted also have an embargo on you. And the citizens of yours in Algeristan may be sent home if you want them to
27-07-2005, 13:53
The Commandante is sending an ammnesty to free the Jews. They are welcome in my country. Also Peopleita has a reasonably large navy, do not forget that it single handedly destryoed the Omanistan navy, using only it's submarines.
OOC: What was wrong with a surprise bombing?
27-07-2005, 14:14
Ever hear of radar!!!
You know, the device that can DETECT air craft coming into a nation.
Algeristan has radars and a good AA system.
Omanistan was about the same size as your nation!!!
Peopleita: 12 million people
Omanistan: 10 million people
And many OTHER nations fought Omanistan!
However, at the moment your on your own against Algeristan, population 276 MILLION!!!
You know about the 5% rule on your military forces and your nation's population?
I can post a message to you on how to RP wars and terrorism.
27-07-2005, 14:17
OOC: I'm not on my on. Check ouy the Brothers In Arms Treaty.
27-07-2005, 14:23
The Commandante is sending an ammnesty to free the Jews. They are welcome in my country. Also Peopleita has a reasonably large navy, do not forget that it single handedly destryoed the Omanistan navy, using only it's submarines.
OOC: What was wrong with a surprise bombing?
Also add that, albeit not having being tested in combat, the Royal Nadderud Navy is relatively powerful. We have 6 ships of a unique type, the aircraft/submarine carrier, which can carry planes and launch submarines at the same time. We also have 5 aircraft carriers and as many submarines as Peopleita. If any hostile action taken against the Jews, Peopleita or us will be regarded as WAR
27-07-2005, 14:26
OOC: Also I was using Dragonbirds, they can avoid AA and radar, as Talios will tell you
27-07-2005, 14:29
Ever hear of radar!!!
You know, the device that can DETECT air craft coming into a nation.
Algeristan has radars and a good AA system.
Omanistan was about the same size as your nation!!!
Peopleita: 12 million people
Omanistan: 10 million people
And many OTHER nations fought Omanistan!
However, at the moment your on your own against Algeristan, population 276 MILLION!!!
You know about the 5% rule on your military forces and your nation's population?
I can post a message to you on how to RP wars and terrorism.
He's not alone, i have lended him small-arms support
27-07-2005, 14:35
Message from the Office of the Presidency of the Holy Republic of Algeristan:
To: Peopleita
The Holy Republic of Algeristan will NOT engage in any hostile moves on YOUR nation and will allow Peopleita to have it's communist system, even though Algeristan knows that communism has failed time and time again.
In return Peopleita will cease any plans of blockades or any other acts of a hostile nature against Algeristan.
Algeristan also asks you to cease it's interference in the internal affairs of our nation, including our slave trade.
Peopleita must also stop spreading communism to other nations.
It's not right that other nations have to suffer from communist attacks.
In return, Algeristan will dissolve Global Jihad, our own terrorist group.
I hope this can create a framework for our two nations.
27-07-2005, 14:36
The Commandante has stated that all Algeristani Multi-National companies operating in Peopleita will Nationalised. All owners have been adequetly compensated.
27-07-2005, 14:37
(OOC) In real life, Iraq got small arms support, but the Americans still won in their invasion of Iraq.
Algeristan could be compared to France or Japan, a very rich nation with large population and a very large air force and army and nuclear weapons!
27-07-2005, 14:38
Algeristan']Message from the Office of the Presidency of the Holy Republic of Algeristan:
To: Peopleita
The Holy Republic of Algeristan will NOT engage in any hostile moves on YOUR nation and will allow Peopleita to have it's communist system, even though Algeristan knows that communism has failed time and time again.
In return Peopleita will cease any plans of blockades or any other acts of a hostile nature against Algeristan.
Algeristan also asks you to cease it's interference in the internal affairs of our nation, including our slave trade.
Peopleita must also stop spreading communism to other nations.
It's not right that other nations have to suffer from communist attacks.
In return, Algeristan will dissolve Global Jihad, our own terrorist group.
I hope this can create a framework for our two nations.
I am lifting the trade embargo on you because of your suggestion for peace talks. I will even let you get some of my small arms and attack helicopters if you want. Once again, beware that any hostile action taken by Algeristan will cancel all orders
North Matttvia
27-07-2005, 14:39
Algeristan, if you do not support use in our war on terror, then we can not support you on your war on communism, fair is fair. It also seems that u need all the allies you can get on the worsening crisis.
27-07-2005, 14:39
The Commandante accepts, the blockade has been called off. Although he will not stop the funding of other Marxist parties, and will not privatiese the Algeristani companies until the slave trade ceases to exist. He thanks Algeristan for it's cooperation and will be stopping all military activity in the area.
27-07-2005, 14:41
Why do you say 'peace talks'.
Im only putting out a framework for which we can discuss any problems that exist!
There are NO plans for a war!!!
27-07-2005, 14:43
The Commandante accepts, the blockade has been called off. Although he will not stop the funding of other Marxist parties, and will not privatiese the Algeristani companies until the slave trade ceases to exist. He thanks Algeristan for it's cooperation and will be stopping all military activity in the area.
Agreed. My military has been withdrawn also, however, i must agree with you, i will not allow Algeristani companies to establish in Nadderud until the slave trade ceases to exist
27-07-2005, 14:45
Aribatorpedo is glad to learn that Algeristan is rich in fuels, and wishes to initiate trade. Being an Industrial-Atheist state we do not care for religious matters or Oppression of non-aribans, and slavery is legal inside Aribatorpedo.
we await you reply
Lord Commander Ulan Celeti,
External affairs.
27-07-2005, 14:46
Thats a fair deal, since both of your nations are small, the profit return on my companies in your nations would never have overtaken the profit I make from slaves.
Im keeping the slave trade.
27-07-2005, 14:50
So you can confirm that Global Jihad is no more?
27-07-2005, 14:51
So you can confirm that Global Jihad is no more?
I would say its true
Red Tide2
27-07-2005, 15:20
OOC:You know Algeristan, a stealth bomber can only be detected by certain radar. However, the bombers that Peopleita and friends used would have a Infrared signature.
Official Message From Tech-Com Corporation To Algeristan
"We notice you have been threatened by nations in possession of high tech, ultra-high altitude bombers. We have the perfect solution to these problems, the MDM-5B.
MDM-5B:The MDM-5B Ultra High Altitude SAM/ABM is designed for the purpose of taking out ultra high altitude aircraft. It similtaneously searches for radar AND Infrared signature. The MDM-5B launcher carries two MDM-5B Missiles, the missiles themselve are two staged, the first stage being a regular rocket motor with a ceiling of 95,000 feet. At this height, the first rocket booster falls away and the second rocket booster ignites. This can send the missile a further 60,000 feet. The radar array that comes with it is capable of detecting stealth aircraft and Intermediate Ranged Ballistic Missiles, the latter of which the MDM-5B is equally suited to taking out. The cost? 300 million American dollars per battery with radar array."
End Message
27-07-2005, 15:21
Aribatorpedo is glad to learn that Algeristan is rich in fuels, and wishes to initiate trade. Being an Industrial-Atheist state we do not care for religious matters or Oppression of non-aribans, and slavery is legal inside Aribatorpedo.
we await you reply
Lord Commander Ulan Celeti,
External affairs.
We can offer to build you a Thermal Deploymerization plant (MT, this does exist in real life), that creates oil from any carbon based substance for only $35-40 a barrel, and it will only cost you $40 million US for the production rights and your first plant.
27-07-2005, 15:23
I would say its true
That is a lie and we know it. Our intelligence can confirm that Global Jihad is behind the coup in Algeristan, the rhetoric, and the ideals are the same. So are the tactics, this can't be the work of many organizations all evolving down the same path. I believe that Global Jihad is alive and well, we would embargo the nation of Algeristan, but we already have during its participation against us in the Monitgnac Civil War.
-Minister of Defense
27-07-2005, 15:28
Carbon based substance you :D
We will be very happy to take one off your hands
27-07-2005, 15:30
Carbon based substance you :D
We will be very happy to take one off your hands
We'll be selling it to you, and people tend to yeild not as much as pure organic waste like sewage sludge, because the bones are mostly calcium, so you'd have more fertilizer rather than more oil. Plastic tends to work best. Just wire us the $40 million US and you have yourselves a plant and the production rights.
27-07-2005, 15:32
$40 million = 49600000 Ariban energy credits, a bargain. wiring it through to your government account now....
Red Tide2
27-07-2005, 15:32
OOC:Well... maybe he can go into the fertilizaer buisness.
27-07-2005, 15:35
fertilizer is worth almost as much as oil in the harsh and barren climate of Aribatorpedo
27-07-2005, 15:35
OOC:Well... maybe he can go into the fertilizaer buisness.
Thermal deploymerization produces 4 primary waste products, all of which are sterile due the process of high temperature and pressure, Water, Oil (usually light oils perfect for giong straight to gasoline or heating oil), Natural Gas (for powering the plant), and mineral excess, which usually is a great fertilizer, depending on what goes in, this amount varies. Fertilizer is terribly useful anyway.
27-07-2005, 15:39
(OOC) Leafy, can you do your business deals in another thread!
Unless you have anything more to add on the coup.
BTW, if your Marxist, how the fuck do you do business????
Red Tide2
27-07-2005, 15:42
OOC:Algeristan, can you please respond to my earlier post?
27-07-2005, 16:10
Algeristan'](OOC) Leafy, can you do your business deals in another thread!
Unless you have anything more to add on the coup.
BTW, if your Marxist, how the fuck do you do business????
OOC: I can field this one. Marxists are not against business; We belive the state should control businesses so that no unfair multi national monopolies devlop, which rip off people. An example of this is Microsoft. Microsoft charge about £200 for their latest product, yet it only costs about £25 to make. They are ripping off the consumer because there is no real alternative, its a lose, lose situation.
27-07-2005, 16:15
it would also cost £0 via a peer-toi-peer program
27-07-2005, 16:17
To: Red Tide 2
The Holy Republic of Algeristan will buy 40 of your anti-aircraft SAMs for 12 billion USD.
Please deliver the weapons to the port of Tripoli.
27-07-2005, 16:18
To Peopleita:
Is that your personal political beliefs or just that of your NS nation???
Please don't tell me that is what you REALLY think!
Red Tide2
27-07-2005, 16:19
Official Reply
"Very well, they will arrive by ship soon, if you wish we can offer you a small catolog that shows part of the inventory of weapons we have avaible."
End MEssage
27-07-2005, 16:19
Algeristan']To: Red Tide 2
The Holy Republic of Algeristan will buy 40 of your anti-aircraft SAMs for 12 billion USD.
Please deliver the weapons to the port of Tripoli.
OOC: If you need niche aircraft... there's a link in my sig...
27-07-2005, 16:21
To Peopleita:
Is that your personal political beliefs or just that of your NS nation???
Please don't tell me that is what you REALLY think!
Well, most capatilists would agree that a monopoly isn't a good thing for the consumer.
27-07-2005, 16:33
(OOC) What is you real personal political beliefs Peopleita.
Im an atheist in real life, born catholic, so my Islamic nation has no real bearing to my beliefs.
But you said it costs $25 to make a PC, if you sell it for $25 you make NO money and therefore what incentive do you have to make stuff or sell.
You have to make a profit.
As to your ideas on state run industries, well business people should have the money, not the government.
27-07-2005, 16:40
OOC: I am Catholic, but I am also Socialist. The reason I'm not a Communist, is because they want to wipe out religion, which I disagree with, aswell as a few more social issues. There has never been a true Communist state in the Marxist sense, Cuba has probably come the closest. Microsoft make operating systems, not computers, and are relativley cheap and easy to develop and mass produce. Agreed if sold for £25 no profit is made, but if sold for £200 800% profit is made which rips off the consumer. If they sold for £30, they'd still be billionaires.
27-07-2005, 16:40
i'm a die hard capitalist supporter, and believe in a group of companies competing with each other the best economic model. state run industries lose their oomph to compete.
27-07-2005, 17:19
***Official Proclamation***
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Made by: Multiple Persons (Signitures Below)
The Holy Empire still doesn't not care about the happenings in the nation of Algeristan. We though have issued a message to all Shazbotdonian civilians vacationing within the nation of Algeristan to return to the Holy Empire. Corporations have issued trade limitation clauses within their companys and the Port Athority has issued inspection protocals for any ships comming from the nation of Algeristan. Any threats by the nation of Algeristan upon a nation allied with the Holy Empire will result in trade embargo's placed upon the nation of Algeristan.
Signed on this Holy Day, April 28th:
Galen Q. Leotardia
Mr. Larry Williams
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr. John J. Adams
Speaker of the Parliament
27-07-2005, 17:27
the company is now owned by Aribatorpedo, and thus has no links with the Algeristani government. Ariban ships will soon be trading at A.S.S owned ports along the Algeristan coastline.
27-07-2005, 17:44
OOC: Trouble in Algeristan...what a surprise. :rolleyes: The SWC is watching you, my friend...
However, I'll be gone on vacation for awhile, so no official response from me now. If this thread is still alive, I might post then, but I probably won't. For reference, though, our official IC position is one of wary disapproval; that is, we're not pleased that Bakr was deposed, despite his misguided support for Kolgev in the Monitgnac Civil War, but we won't take action against the new regime unless it does something to warrant it.
Dyelli Beybi
27-07-2005, 22:45
OOC: I can field this one. Marxists are not against business; We belive the state should control businesses so that no unfair multi national monopolies devlop, which rip off people. An example of this is Microsoft. Microsoft charge about £200 for their latest product, yet it only costs about £25 to make. They are ripping off the consumer because there is no real alternative, its a lose, lose situation.
(OOC: Exactly. Communism, Marxism isn't anti-trade it just means anything traded is traded with the State not the individual company.)
28-07-2005, 09:30
there are tons of other operating systems out there. the most highly successful alternative is Linux, and it is free to download and can be run from a CD.
North Matttvia
28-07-2005, 11:11
From: Head of State of North Mattvia.
To: President of Algeristan
Subject: Diplomatic Relations.
A change of heart has occurred in my nation after the attack a few weeks ago as well new evidence has come to light and difficult international standing. This has lead me to not recognize the new Islamic Regime and to condemn what is happening in your nation.
A number of things that disturbs us and the international community is the new company that sells slaves to make them into fertilizer, this is low and inhuman.
Thus, my nation can not be affiliated with yours. A change in regime and a change in some of the things that are happening in your nation, may change our minds, but I doubt you will care or take any notice of these issues.
Your sincerely,
King Leopold I.
28-07-2005, 12:38
there are tons of other operating systems out there. the most highly successful alternative is Linux, and it is free to download and can be run from a CD.
OOC That's true but Microsoft still has an over 90% market share.
28-07-2005, 14:03
OOC That's true but Microsoft still has an over 90% market share.
Besides, us hardcore gamers think Linux sucks
28-07-2005, 14:36
i really don't see much difference to be honest :p
28-07-2005, 15:04
I officially declare a topic derailment.
28-07-2005, 21:43
quiet you....