26-07-2005, 01:21
====Basic Infomation of MegaCities====
CorpSac Major
Megacities are pritty much that, massive over populated cities that house 1/3 of the Population of the MegaCorp in each. The Land of Raven is infact mostly covered by the 3 MegaCities of the MegaCorporation (96.00%) with the few miles of land between the cities being wastelands.
The cities produce there own food mostly Syn food sold to the Civilans and real food sold to the Citizans higher class's wit hte lower class Citizans getting more of a mix. Meat is a rare thing and is mainly imported but this doesnt stop the illigal Blackmarket in meat with Sector police raids on illigal culling houses up by 22%, a rather profitable thing to sell on the blackmarket.
Each city is split up into just over 4 Sectors and 4,000 sub sectors. Slum sector, Industrial Sector, Outer Corporate Sector and the Corporate Sector each with there own Sector Police HQ and sub sector stations.
The slum Sector is located in the outerrims and house most of the civilans and gangs that have open wars. The area is pritty much a warzone but is also home to most of the Black Market drug labs for Stem, smack, crack and other illigal drugs not aproved and sold by the corporation. The slums is a sector not only of open war but one of the only sectors that is layered, you have the ground level where no sunlight ever tutches to the 8th level on the top area. The Gaps between the levels is 10 stories high allowing for VTOLs to operate and with the lighting system worked so that it pritty much came on when the sun came up in the same way and when it went down.
Industrial sectors are just that, massive tall Industrial buildings that spew out polution into the area. Much of the Civilans work here leaving the Citizans to work on more important things (teaching, poltics etc), the Industrial sector is not layered like the Sulms but do have massive bridges and platforms.
OOC: to be finished
CorpSac Major
Megacities are pritty much that, massive over populated cities that house 1/3 of the Population of the MegaCorp in each. The Land of Raven is infact mostly covered by the 3 MegaCities of the MegaCorporation (96.00%) with the few miles of land between the cities being wastelands.
The cities produce there own food mostly Syn food sold to the Civilans and real food sold to the Citizans higher class's wit hte lower class Citizans getting more of a mix. Meat is a rare thing and is mainly imported but this doesnt stop the illigal Blackmarket in meat with Sector police raids on illigal culling houses up by 22%, a rather profitable thing to sell on the blackmarket.
Each city is split up into just over 4 Sectors and 4,000 sub sectors. Slum sector, Industrial Sector, Outer Corporate Sector and the Corporate Sector each with there own Sector Police HQ and sub sector stations.
The slum Sector is located in the outerrims and house most of the civilans and gangs that have open wars. The area is pritty much a warzone but is also home to most of the Black Market drug labs for Stem, smack, crack and other illigal drugs not aproved and sold by the corporation. The slums is a sector not only of open war but one of the only sectors that is layered, you have the ground level where no sunlight ever tutches to the 8th level on the top area. The Gaps between the levels is 10 stories high allowing for VTOLs to operate and with the lighting system worked so that it pritty much came on when the sun came up in the same way and when it went down.
Industrial sectors are just that, massive tall Industrial buildings that spew out polution into the area. Much of the Civilans work here leaving the Citizans to work on more important things (teaching, poltics etc), the Industrial sector is not layered like the Sulms but do have massive bridges and platforms.
OOC: to be finished