Thomish Empire
25-07-2005, 23:17
We need a new P.M.!! You can choose! Vote in our Elections!!
Republican Party . Leader Mike Howard (P.M. at the moment!)
Likes to put most money into the Army and then into education.
He thinks taxes are the right thing too do! just they cant be too high!
Democratic Party. Leader Paul Rayder
Liked Education and Health care! Wants no war!
Thinks taxes are not high enough!
Labour Party. Leader Ayla Connors
Is for the Workers unions! Loves animals and hates war. thinks we need more taxes.
Liberal Party. leader Thomas flanagan
Thinks taxes are high enough and Likes war over Health and Education.(unlike other libs.)
Liberal Party. leader Thomas flanagan
Thinks taxes are high enough and Likes war over Health and Education.
(OOC: you have one crazy assed Liberal Party if they prefer war over health and education, just my humble opinion)
Thomish Empire
25-07-2005, 23:24
Its Him! not the whole party
25-07-2005, 23:32
I vote labour, assuming it's the old style socialist labour, and not the Bliar bastard labour
25-07-2005, 23:43
I voted Republican. I have a republican P.M. and maybe we could help each other
Call to power
26-07-2005, 00:17
random voter: I voted for the democrats because
A) they look like there trying to set up a national health system
B) the leader is pacifist which will bring peace to our nation
C) the party also seems to be aiming to create an intellectual nation which will lead to a boom in high paying jobs
Thomish Empire
26-07-2005, 01:02
Very close election!
Zactarn Prime
26-07-2005, 01:30
Well my ally Thomish is holding an election. Well I voted Ayla Connor. Why you may ask. Well it's because she is strong smart she loves and animals and because I accidentaly clicked her instead of Mike Howard
Voted Labour, but i think to get the real democratic experience you need a version of the OMRLP
Jesus is our king
26-07-2005, 02:03
Voted Republican!!
26-07-2005, 02:15
P.M. Howard elected to serve a historic 3rd term!! His govermen will continue! "we are very happy and well...kinda surprised" said P.M. Howard
26-07-2005, 02:17
the election is now offically over! Thanks for voteing!!
Sorry I wrote in here! This is my other country!!
OOC: i missing something here? i'm gonna assume "Chatualota" is a puppet lol
26-07-2005, 02:20
IM chatualota and T.E.
You should put in 'none of the above'.
26-07-2005, 03:55
Well my ally Thomish is holding an election. Well I voted Ayla Connor. Why you may ask. Well it's because she is strong smart she loves and animals and because I accidentaly clicked her instead of Mike Howard
^ :/