Death From Above ((Closed FT))
25-07-2005, 11:02
The Planet Perch
Local Time 0944 Hours.
The Sounds of Kroot speech could be heard across the caverns of the planet. The Geane Pool was stagnating, the message cried, we need new meat. New Geanes, we will be supplied. Already the Carnavor Squads where mustering.
They gathered in the massive Kroot Sphere, their bodies prepared for the journy. It was a ten hour trip in the poorly consturucted ships. They began their journy.
Local Time Seven Hours Past noon.
The Ship exited the warp above the planet, and within seconds massive amounts of pods began raining down apon the ground.
On the Ground, Kroot began to emerge, their tall thin forms acomponied by the brutish looking rifles they held in their hands. They fired apon the Calpian people, and then began their feasts.
And all without the Tau've's authority.
The Council Ship
Shai Alyt Korek was on the Council Ship for the first time. While wondering why he has been called before the Grey Council, he could not stop from feeling a sentiment of admiration for the great ship that carried the leaders of the nation for so many generations.
`Shai Alyt`, called an acolyte, `the Council is ready to see you now`.
He turned and followed the acolyte, entering the great dark room that knew so many secrets and history like noone else.
He stood in the center of the circle, surrounded by the nine, all with their faces covered by their hoods. One of them took off his hood and begun speaking, a warrior caste Satai.
`Shai Alyt Korek, you have been called before us to entrust you with a mission. We have received reports that our colony in the disputed system of Jukna has been atacked by Kroot troopers. We dont believe that this is with orders from the Naggeroth, but we must save our people at all costs. Go there, deploy Sentinel legions and clear the planet of the Kroot threat. If the Naggeroth send troops, then you may fight them. Our territory and colonists must be protected at all costs. Understood?`
`Yes Satai. It will be done as you command.`, said Korek with a slight tremble in his voice, at the thought that battle was near. Battle, honour and death.
With that he left, and started preparing for the war to come.
Six hours later, in the system of Alsuran, ten heavy cruiser squadrons were preparing to make the jump. Ten Victory Heavy Destroyers and Fifty Sharlin warcruisers, loaded with Sentinels all, made the jump to hyperspace. Eight hours later they were in the Jukna system, making the jump back to normal space.
One thing and one thing alone caught their attention when they arrived, and it was the Kroot ship that released the pods. The fire was unleashed upon it, and sixty massive capital ships concentrated their fire on the enemy vessel.
26-07-2005, 04:26
Fire Warrior Kal'shu looked at his reports, a worried look on his face. This was not as it was ment to be, the orbit of the planet was a Kroot Sphere, which ment only one thing. The Kroot had landed on the planet, looking for new Breeds.
His face became worried, and he began to spirnt back towards the Compound, where the Ethereals existed. At his arrival, a Water Caste official was sitting talking about something...budget, what ever that was. Without mercy he shoved aside the poor Tau, his own message far more important.
"Ethereal," he said, with a highly Mechinzed voice through his helmate. "I have news, a Kroot sphere has been sighted in orbit. I would suggest gaining more of a garrison. Perhapse a few hundred thousand."
The Ethereal looked at the warrior before him. "What is your position?"
"Forgive me Ethereal, I am a mear Warrior, I have but no rank."
"How have you served?" The Ethereal asked.
"I searved in Three wars, one against the Trials of the Human Auxlia, one in the Eldar wars and one in the Kroot wars."
"Then you are now Shas'ui" He nodded, and turned. "I will gain you Ten thousand marines, As well as Twenty Thousand Human Auxilia and a legion of Fire Warriors." He nodded. "You will lead us to victory, For the greater good!"
"For the Greater Good." Kal'Shu Echoed.
As the fleet destroyed the Kroot sphere, soon they begun to deploy Sentinels on the ground. By shuttle or by beaming them, in about three hours there will be one hundred thousand of them on the planet, screaming their terrible war song, and seeking revenge.
Legion after legion they were deployed on the ground, and begun to search for survivors and for the beasts that atacked them, killing them on sight, and taking no prisoners.