Axis Nova
06-08-2005, 07:46
A number of nations in this thread would be wise to take heed:
The problem with deterence is that sometimes there are people who just don't scare worth a damn. It only works if someone is actually intimidated by your strategic nuclear arsenal.
It's also worth noting that traditional MAD doesn't even work on NS; since instead of just two powers with lots of nukes, there are many. Therefore, even if you flushed the magazines to kill one nation, the next nuclear power to come along owns you.
06-08-2005, 16:07
OOC: You would also be wise to take heed of that advice Axis Nova. And some nations on NS have such large arsenals they CAN wipe out an entire country and still have plenty more nuclear weapons to continue to serve as a deterrant.
Oh, and I posted a IC response to this thread in the middle of the huge debate about your policy.
Oh, and I posted a IC response to this thread in the middle of the huge debate about your policy.
A while back I worried about the whole IC/OOC thing in this thread, but seeing as everyone had broken it and Axis didn't seem too worried about it, I'm sticking with the idea that this thread is now a OOC discussion about Nuclear Weapons and the SD.
The problem with deterence is that sometimes there are people who just don't scare worth a damn. It only works if someone is actually intimidated by your strategic nuclear arsenal.
No, the problem is that too many nations in NS aren't realistic in their view of how dangerous nuclear weapons are... even with a rather good SDI defence system that isn't godmodded to hell, it's still not 100% affective and many nations make a point of being able to take advantage of that fact.
When we are talking about PMT and FT nations, then I can understand that the nuclear deterrent becomes less of a threat and more of an inconvenience, though it's still worthy of note in many cases. But for MT nations the threat a nuclear deterrent provides is very real and we still find many nations who cling to the idea of MT still ignoring these deterents despite the fact that realistically MAD is a serious concern.
But meh, nevermind. Keep ignoring the whole deterrent if it pleases you... your policy clearly doesn't place you in a dangerous situation because you are immune to the dangers of nuclear weapons.