Past Alliances, Future Friendships(Attn: Deatharon, Republic)
23-07-2005, 07:56
It had been a few years since the reforms were made in the Republic, and things were adjusting nicely. Everything was working out well, and things were even better today. Due to diplomatic talks between Emperor Kellerman of Taledonia and Emperor Akarth Von Antheron, the nation of Deatharon would perhaps rejoin the new Republic.
It would all be decided tonight, as an invitation to the Imperial Palace on Taledonia had been extended to the Deatharon leaders where the final talks would take place to decide the future of the event.
Now all that was needed was to wait until the Deatharon leaders arrived....
(OOC: Hey Deatharon, don't worry about my energy field, just pretend it's turned off so you don't need to check in at the border, just proceed right to Taledonia.)
23-07-2005, 08:07
The Antaran Greenfleet led by Adrimal Noiem was personally esscorting the Leaders of the Empire and the Hegemony. The Antaran Central Command was also attending. The leaders were on board the new Deatharon Flagship Ravager which was a highly advanced Antaran Command Cruiser. They approached the Taledonian Capital world and hailed: This is the Imperial delegation. The ships halted and waited for permission to beam the leaders of Deatharon down to the planet.
OOC: The Hegemony is the Antaran Government.
23-07-2005, 08:25
Deatharon Delegation, you are clear to beam down to the Imperial Palace. The Emperor and many other important figures are awaiting your arrival in the meeting room.
Meeting Room
It wouldn't be long until this now quite room would be filled with conversation. The room was sqaure, but large. It had marble walls, with a large bay window looking out at the courtyard. The floors were coverd with an imperial red carpet, and tapestries depicting both the Kellerman family crest and the Taledonian flag hung on the walls.
In the room, two half circle tables sat in the middle of the room. They would make a full circle but they were seperated by about a meter on each side. Behind each table, sat enough chairs for the members of both parties at their respected table. This design allowed for a sort of neutral zone feeling when meeting with foreign nations.
On the Taledonian side, at the head of the table sat Emperor Mathew Kellerman. To his left sat Senator Gulay, Senator McCracken, Senator Sallustius, Senator Anthony, and Senator Marcellus. To his right sat Senator Douglas, the Senator Africanus, Senator McKensy, Senator Augustus, and Senator Constance. On the table in front of all of them sat a crystal glass, and a crystal pitcher of water. The same could be found on the opposing table for the foreign delegation.
23-07-2005, 08:36
The Ravager beamed down the entire Delegation. The Antaran Central command (about 10 Antarans) Hegemon Minax and Emperor Akarth Von Antheron and 25 Panther Marine. They all appeared on there side of the room. The Imperial Council had stayed behind to run the Galaxy while Emperor Akarth was away. The Emperor hoped to renew old ties and hoped the Republic did not bear a grudge over Emperor Mavis's actions.
23-07-2005, 08:40
The Taledonian delegation stood up at the arrival of the Deatharon delegation. They did a half bow to the delegation.
"Please, sit." said Kellerman in a polite tone. He himself and the rest of the Taledonian delegation sat down, most of them even poured themselves some water.
23-07-2005, 08:48
The Emperor follow suite and so do the Antarans, The Antarans do so very relauanticly the idea of them bowing to an inferior species. was almost an insult to them. The Antarans being the black hole Civilization sit silently only Emperor Akarth seems willing to say anything.
OOC: The Antarans consider non Elder Races as inferior, They will however work with them if they have no choice thus why they are with the Empire. The Antarans are notrious for there Arrogance and secretcery thus being called a Black Hole Civilization, they take all the knowledge they can but do not let any one else have it.
23-07-2005, 09:15
(OOC: Ok, I'll keep that in mind.)
"We have alot to talk about. But let's start with the main reason why we are here. The Republic has gone throught alot of changes, and now asks that you rejoin our ranks." said Emperor Kellerman, paying no attention to the apparent discomfort of the Antarans, "It would be most benificial to both the Republic and the Deatharon Empire. And to further our trust in one another once again, we are prepared to offer you full citizenship once again."
Senator Sallustius got up, "If your delegation could please look over this, it will give you all the details of what will happen if you rejoin the Republic." Walking over to the opposite table, he passed a folder to Emperor Akarth, then returned to his seat.
The file read:
In accordance with bringing the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony into the Republic, the following will be brought into effect.
Section 1, Paragraph 1,
The Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony will be subject to any and all laws and regulations of the Republic and will enforce the said laws within their territory.
Section 1, Paragraph 2,
Both the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony must allow, and cooperate with, the Praetor and any member of the Praetorian Guard of the Republic to enter their territory and allow access to all information and areas they request access to.
Section 2, Paragraph 1,
In accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic, the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony must donate the required amount of forces requested upon by the Republic Defense Force.
Section 2, Paragraph 2,
Both the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony will act as one nation and will therefore only have to donate a combined force in accordance with the Republic Defense Force.
Section 3, Paragraph 1,
All vessels that do not belong to, or are not associated with the Deatharon Empire, the Antaran Hegemony or the Republic must leave Deatharon and Antaran territory immeadiatly unless they attain a permit from the Republic to enter Republic territory.
Section 3, Paragraph 2,
Forces from the Republic Defense Force will be posted in both Deatharon and Antaran territory in order to help protect Republic space.
Section 4, Paragraph 1,
All hostile actions, unless in defensive mesures, must cease between both Deatharon and Antaran forces that may be directed towards foreign nations.
Section 4, Paragraph 2,
In accordance with the Posting Laws, no hostile actions may be conducted towards foreign nations without prior approval from the Imperial Senate of the Republic.
Section 4, Paragraph 3,
In the event of hostile actions being sanctioned by the Imperial Senate of the Republic, both Deatharon and Antaran forces must operate with, and if ordered, under other nations of the Republic in accordance with military rank.
Section 5, Paragraph 1,
Trade between both the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony and the Republic must be free and non-restricted unless otherwise stated in the laws of the Republic.
Section 5, Paragraph 2,
All trade between the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony involving foreign nations must be expanded to trade between the entire Republic and said foreign nations.
Section 5, Paragraph 3,
All alliances between the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony involving foreign nations must be expanded to involve an alliance with the entire Republic and said foreign nations.
Section 5, Paragraph 4,
All organisations that the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony may be in must be contacted and told that both the Deatharon Empire and the Antaran Hegemony are suceeding from said organisation. Instead, an alliance between the entire Republic and said organisations will be created.
23-07-2005, 09:27
Emperor Akarth stands up and saids, "The Empire and the Hegemony are obligated to help the Gaian Ascendancy in there upcoming war agaisnt the Dark Eternals and we currently have a non-aggression pact with the nation of Calpe and We have an alliance with the Grand Dominion Axis."
23-07-2005, 09:33
Kellerman took a sip of water to clear his dry throat, "I would have thought your alliance with the Dominion Axis was over, considering your current state with it's leader, Neo Zeta. As for your non-aggression act with Calpe, in accordance to the file we just handed you, you may keep that treaty, but all of us in the Republic will also do the same, so there is no harm there."
Senator Africanus interupted the Emperor, "We have had a fairly neutral standing with the Gaian Ascendancy so far, but we have never heard of these "Dark Eternals" as you call them. Please, tell us about them and the deal you made with the Gaians, perhaps we can come to some agreement there."
23-07-2005, 09:42
The Antaran Hegemon Minax stands up and saids, "The Neo Zetan Dominion was being lead by outside organizations known as the Band of Seven. The situation between our two nations is tense but still allied."
The Emperor then clears his throat and responds, "The Empire and the Hegemony in an agreement agreed to help the Gaian Ascendancy in there war agaisnt an Elder Race known as the Dark Eternals and evil civilization that enslaves countless species and Galaxies with there technology and uses them to invade other nations. The Gaians offered a Galactic Supercluster in exchange for Imperial/Hegemonic assitance in there upcoming assualt to elieminate them once and for all."
23-07-2005, 09:46
The Emperor thought for a minute, the spoke up, "If you are still allied with the Dominion Axis, I'm sure we can arrange something. They helped us out before and we are on pretty good terms with them, so an alliance between the Republic and the Dominion would be most appropriate."
"As for helping the Gaians. I'm sure that if I am elected onto the Imperial Senate of the Republic, along with a few other people who I could convince to see things my way, I'm sure we could get them to agree to support the Gaians." the Emperor chuckled a bit, "I'm sure our technology would give them a run for their money."
23-07-2005, 09:53
The Antaran Hegemon replies, "We also share a city with the Eternals and they have claim over it do to the fact they built it. Does this mean we have to pull out of that system?"
The Emperor then adds, "I think that is the last of our affairs."
OOC: The Eternals are the good Elder Civilization. The Dark Eternals are the evil one.
23-07-2005, 21:24
The Emperor looked at the Antaran in a sort of curiosity. At the start of this it seemed as if he would not say a word, but he had spoken twice in this meeting.
"No, you would not have to pull out of that system. Even I share a system with the nation of Chronosia, and we are not obligated to pull out." he said, "But you'll have to allow Republic forces to be stationed on the planet to ensure no hostilities arise from either side." He stood up and walked around the table to shake hands with all the Deatharon delegation, and the rest of the Taledonian delegation followed suit.
Shaking the hand of the Deatharon Emperor, Kellerman said a few last words, "And thus, concludes our immeadiate business."
23-07-2005, 21:32
The Emperor Akarth looks at Hegemon Minax with an awed look. Normally she would not speak unless she had to. The Emperor Akarth shook Emperor Kellerman's hand and gave an order to notify the Imperial Government of the rejoining with the Republic.
24-07-2005, 07:02
Standing aside and saluting(putting right hand on chest), the Taledonian delegation waited for their guests to once again be beemed aboard their ship so that they could get back to business.
24-07-2005, 07:28
The Deatharon Delegation Salutes including the Antarans and they are beamed up all together. The Emperor gives orders to head home using Antaran made Dimensional drive systems.