NationStates Jolt Archive

Let's travel the world, signup thread

Green Sun
21-07-2005, 22:52
Every month or so, Jordan's grandfather, Earnest, held a grilling party, inviting the whole family and most of the Government officials. Many citizens treied their best to make their way in, but Earnest would only take a few that had earned his trust. Jordan was usually the toats of these parties, usually telling them something incredibly stupid that the leader of another nation did. This time it was Emperor JWolf, who tried to fool Jordan with a phony video of several Ceyolian government officials doing horrendous acts. After the story was told, Jordan made his way to his father, who was enjoying a rather large cup of lemonade.
"Oh, I love being emperor, father, it's so much fun. I get to meet all sorts of people from so many worlds and then laugh at them behind their backs," he told his not-so-there parent.
"Yes, you do have your mother's knack for politics. He's twice the politician I am. I've always been more of a General.
"Did someone call me?" General Homer asked over the crowd.
"No, just talking about old times!" Ishmael shouted back.
"Honestly, I think you're the best leader Green Sun has ever had. You've got your mother's knack for it, you grandfather's sense of humor, and you look just like me, not to mention you fight like I do."
It was true. Becuase of Ishmael's old age and the grey hair gene that ran dominate in Jordan's mother's side of the family, they looked exactly alike, save for Ishmael's worn-out appearance. They were both very hansome men and both were very adept at fighting and politics. However, Ishmael had grown quite senile and eventually was registered as clinically insane.
"Only because you're such a damn good teacher. We spent four years together training me as if I were a member of the Forge Force."
Ishmael tooka sip from his glass. He turned and smiled at Jordan.
"You know, that's all the time we really spent together. We ought to have more father-son bonding time together."
"You're right, father, we should."
"I know, let's travel the world. Let's see the giat statues, fiddle with forbidden tech, piss off national leaders worldwide, and nearly get ourselves killed! How does that sound?"
"That sounds absolutely brilliant, father. Just you and me, traveling the world."
"Oh, no, not just you and me. I haven't spent any time with your sister during our lives, it seems. We should drag Heidi along, too."
"Well, I don't see why not. I'll bring up a list of leaders that wouldn't mind having us ver for a few days."
OOC: Okay, so Emperor Jordan, the Duchess Heidi, and their father are basicly going on a road trip around teh world. If you wish to have them over for dinner, I think you will find it rather amusing to see what we can write up. So if you want to meet Jordan and his insane father, and possibly fall for his sexy sister, please make an IC or OOC post here and I'll sign you up.

Signed up: Theo
Candrian Empire
21-07-2005, 22:59
This sounds interesting, put me as a stop on the tour/trip.
The Candrian Empire
21-07-2005, 23:25
Put me in! I'll be a random restricted airspace, requiring a diversion.
21-07-2005, 23:27
I'd like to be somewhere they end up accidentally.
Green Sun
21-07-2005, 23:42
You three have been added.
Green Sun
22-07-2005, 00:39
22-07-2005, 00:48
Green Sun
22-07-2005, 00:51
They'll visit those nations in order they're on the list.
22-07-2005, 01:04
When is this starting? I'd like to see how they would protray Jenrak as...;)
Green Sun
22-07-2005, 01:09
I was going to wait for more nations to sign up, but maybe I'll start it now with Theo. You up for it now, Theo?
22-07-2005, 01:16
I'm ready
Green Sun
23-07-2005, 01:55
23-07-2005, 02:01
can i join? i just wanna be a stop on thier travel, a long one if possible
28-07-2005, 00:40
You can feel free to visit Kelgrad. Might be interesting, considering our recent remilitarization and boost in national pride.
28-07-2005, 01:32
I'll join up... You know Prime Minister Strummer's single...
Green Sun
28-07-2005, 01:42
If you're thinking of Heidi, I have plans for her with Camewot, but he seems to be offline too much to ship her off to another player.
29-07-2005, 01:27
I'll definitely sign up.
02-08-2005, 02:27
I'll sign up.
02-08-2005, 02:39
Im in