Ressurection, FT Closed (Attn Neo Zeta)
Secret IC:
Attn Leaders of Neo Zeta, The CDA requests That you begin ressuurecting various demons for use as generals in the CDA.
Neo Zeta
20-07-2005, 17:45
Secret IC: What is in it for us? We need a good reason and profit for us to do such a thing.
Secret IC: Money, and lots of it.
Neo Zeta
20-07-2005, 20:44
Secret IC: Money would not be enough in this case. Demons have been the tools of others to long. We are creating a new population not a army. Demons will atlast be treated as equals.
Secret Ic: 70% of our population are demons. We also grant you the use of our fleet as a First Strike force.
Neo Zeta
20-07-2005, 22:22
Secret IC: We can give you the DNA of the demons Goshinki, Juromaru ,and Kageromaru.
Secret IC: do you have the DNA of Naraku, Inuyasha, and sesshomaru?
Neo Zeta
21-07-2005, 02:33
Secret IC: We cant not answer that is a highly guarded secret.