NationStates Jolt Archive

Urcea attacked again; town is quarentined

14-07-2005, 23:40

Good evening. Our top story is another Urcea tradgedy. In another town not too far from Washington, some armed unknowns cut all communication systems, and then proceeded to a Biological weapon testing plant; they threw a grenade inside which in turn set off the biological weapons. A team was sent in and they tested it, it came out positive. The town is quarentined. Expect President Exelor to adress the nation again.

Thank you, and good night.
14-07-2005, 23:46
We strongly recomend these weapons facilities either be better secured or closed down. Undefended facilities such as these risk allowing terrorists to gain access to biological weapons, which poses a threat to all nations, not least of which is your own.
If action is not taken to prevent this nightmare scenario from occuring, we may feel forced to take action ourselves to prevent these weapons falling into the hands of terrorists in order to protect our citizens from your negligence.
15-07-2005, 00:10
The main entrance and entrances into rooms with any comprimisible material in it are guarded. The terrorists threw it into a window too small for entry.

President Exelor

"Today, we have been attacked before we can recouperate. Investigations prove they are the same nationality as the last attack's bombers. We will find out what country, and they will mean the iron fist. This is a proclomation; Keep it up, and when we find who you are., you will be dealt with. Thank you, and God bless Urcea."
15-07-2005, 00:41
The nation of Lanquassia fully supports the nation of Urcea, and pledges to assist Urcea in finding these terrorists.
15-07-2005, 00:49
President O'Neil send a message "They werent from the Earth Republic, they dont use terrorists......but we are in a MUCH more dire situation."