NationStates Jolt Archive

OFFICIAL NEWS: Parliment outlaws far-right parties, protesters fill streets

The Conservative Union
12-07-2005, 22:17



"In a move similar to the law outlawing communist parties, parliment announced today that all far-rightwing parties, specifically the Facist Party of the Union, are outlawed. The move indicates the new policy of maintaining moderacy in the government. While other laws allow peacful demonstrations by far-right groups(specifically allowing the Nazi party to hold parades), this legislation would prevent them from operating inside the Union. While this does not specifically prevent them from holding rallies or protests, it does specify that they can not have headquarters in Union terrirtory. This new policy has led to hundreds of arrests, though most have been released.

In response to this announcment, thousands of far-right protesters filled the streets of Dominion, the capitol. Some elements of the crowd began to behave violently, and President Trakias sent in the mounted division of the Dominion militia to break up the crowd. This move sparked even more violence as the crowd began pushing towards the parliment building. Eventually, an entire division of Federal Guard troops moved into the city to break up the crowd. 36 protesters and 4 soldiers were killed in the clashes. The president has ordered a re-deployment of all Union forces throughout the country to quell any other protests.

In other news, widespread deforestation in the Union has led to the endangerment of the cougar according to a recent study. The deforestation is an effort to harness uranium deposits in the lush rainforests within the Union.



12-07-2005, 22:32
The Vintovian Foreign Minister questions wether a government that bans political parties can be condsidered 'Moderate'?
The Conservative Union
12-07-2005, 22:39
The Vintovian Foreign Minister questions wether a government that bans political parties can be condsidered 'Moderate'?

We feel that by erradicating(in the non genocidal sense) the more radical elements of the political system, we can prevent a slide into any direction of radicalism. While seemingly extreme, it is actually a policy of preservation. We may not be the most 'open' society, but we refuse to allow radicals of any stripe to infiltrate our system and pollute it with fundementalism or other forms of radicalism. This also helps eliminate the possibility that a genocidal government(like that of Emperor Baedor) can ever come to power again.
Joseph Seal
12-07-2005, 23:07
The nation of Joseph Seal is pleased that TCU is becoming more moderate, but points out that outlawing political parties, even if they're extreme and both sides are outlawed, is not the right way to achieve democracy and moderation.

The nation is also appalled by the deforestation, and condemns it, mainly because the leading party is environmentalist.
13-07-2005, 12:12
The Education Minister believes that, the government should educate its people better about political and social issues, so that they may formulate their own view, with out being pulled left or right by radical views.
13-07-2005, 12:27
With great respect, how can a country truely be democratic if it outlaws political parties?
13-07-2005, 12:31
Farmina strongly opposes this move. What is the point of democracy if the only choice is stand for nothing moderates? Democracy is about choice, but the mad men that head the Conservative Union, clearly aren't interested in choice.

Our nation has only recently achieved true democracy. I assume your nation doesn't need a little push in the correct direction.

Daniel Rickhart
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
The Parthians
13-07-2005, 18:50
We find it hypocritical that imbecilic left-wing nations who condemn the slaughter of communist animals as genocide and the end of them as a legal political movement repression worthy of blockade that a repression of holy Right Wing movements is treated as fine. We fully condemn both the leftist scum who hold this mentality and the government of the misnamed Conservative Union.

-Shah Khosru III
13-07-2005, 19:21
We find it hypocritical that imbecilic left-wing nations who condemn the slaughter of communist animals as genocide and the end of them as a legal political movement repression worthy of blockade that a repression of holy Right Wing movements is treated as fine. We fully condemn both the leftist scum who hold this mentality and the government of the misnamed Conservative Union.

-Shah Khosru III

I've never heard a more eloquent way to put how I feel about this nation. I will subsidize $2 million US to pay for giving the world such a beautiful response.
Overlord Slave Masters
13-07-2005, 20:14
Unlike some 'democracies' we in the Union prefer to focus on the purity of a the stability democracy brings, as opposed to the 'liberty' inherent in a free society. Freedom of speech and expression must have boundries otherwise it consumes it self. If a radical fundementalist is allowed to spread propoganda and dangerous lies about their political radicalism, what is to stop them from convincing their followers to overthrow the government, or stage a revolt? In order to preserve our society, we must eleminate the elements that are hostile to it. If the kind of protests that were staged by the right-wing radicals yesterday are allowed, how can we insure the saftey of our upstanding citizens who obey the law? It is nessecary to limit the influence of these dangerous parties and their radical followers in order to prevent the spread of anti-government propoganda.

We would also like to point out that this law is based on targeting radicals in any form, not right-wingers. Conservatism is the basis of our society, and we pride ourselves on our right-wing heratige. To preserve this, we must erradicate the people who want to change the system to meet their own warped dictatorship.

-Press Secretary for the President
El Caudillo
13-07-2005, 20:22
We find it hypocritical that imbecilic left-wing nations who condemn the slaughter of communist animals as genocide and the end of them as a legal political movement repression worthy of blockade that a repression of holy Right Wing movements is treated as fine. We fully condemn both the leftist scum who hold this mentality and the government of the misnamed Conservative Union.

-Shah Khosru III

"I fully concur with my good friend the Shah."

--Emperor Anastasio VI--
The Conservative Union
13-07-2005, 20:35
OOC: Since I've managed to make enemies of both the radical left and right, why don't they ally and attack moderacy wherever they find it?

The president could care less what the world thinks about our Democracy and wishes to exprees his sincere disgust with the radicals, fundementalists, and tyrants that are trying to subvert our efforts to stop radicalism in its tracks.

-Press Secretary for the President
13-07-2005, 20:35
Sir Rupert Randolph, Rammsteinburgian ambassador to The Conservative Union, sits in his office watching a news report on the outlawing of far-right political groups and the resulting protests.

"Oh my, this again," Randolph says to himself. "Haven't they learned what happens when you outlaw a political group?"

Ambassador Randolph sends a message to the president of the CU. It reads:

The Free German Commonwealth of Rammsteinburg opposes the outlawing of political groups, no matter how radical. Rammsteinburg opposed the now repealed "No Communist Left Alive Act", and we oppose this. I am shocked that you have not yet learned what happens when you ban political groups. It tends to result in a violent backleash. Please get rid of the ban on far-right parties.
13-07-2005, 20:40
The president could care less what the world thinks about our Democracy and wishes to exprees his sincere disgust with the radicals, fundementalists, and tyrants that are trying to subvert our efforts to stop radicalism in its tracks.

-Press Secretary for the President

Do you realize you are trying to stop radicalism in radical ways? Do you realize that radicalism will never be completely destroyed. You can try to stop people from adopting radical ideas, but you can never kill those radical ideas. I understand your desire to end radicalism, but I feel that you are tackling the issue the wrong way.

-Hauptoffzier Damian Engels.