[IC: CLOSED ALT HISTORY E1900-2000] British News Thread - Page 2
Ottoman Khaif
24-09-2005, 01:32
To:British Government
From: Ottoman Government
Topic Plances
The Ottoman Government would be interested in buying your latest fighter aircraft and bomber aircraft, we need 100 of each. We are going to paid top dollar for these plances.
Lesser Ribena
24-09-2005, 18:23
A team of engineers and construcion supervisors have been sent to Brazil, they will begin construction immediately upon arrival. The majority of the factories are likely to be situated on the coast near to the town of Fotaleza, a port will also be constructed here for the docking of large cargo vessels. The following factories are likely to be built:
Steel Mills (coal, Iron Ore and Manganese)
Alloy Manufacture (Nickel, Tin, Chromite, Beryllium, Copper, Tungsten, Zinc)
Aluminium Manufacture (Aluminium)
Acid Battery Production (lead, Sulphur)
Gold Manufacture (Gold)
Furniture Factories (Lumber)
Food Processing (Fruit, Cocoa, Coffee)
Subsideries of these industries such as arms manufacturing, automobile companies, aircraft companies etc. have also been set up. It is hoped that Britain will be able to get much of her manufactured goods from Brazil in the future. Also Britain sets up the aforementioned medical centres and commissions to appease the government. Together Brazila nd Britain can grow rich on the fruits of the nation.
24-09-2005, 19:36
A team of engineers and construcion supervisors have been sent to Brazil, they will begin construction immediately upon arrival. The majority of the factories are likely to be situated on the coast near to the town of Fotaleza, a port will also be constructed here for the docking of large cargo vessels. The following factories are likely to be built:
Steel Mills (coal, Iron Ore and Manganese)
Alloy Manufacture (Nickel, Tin, Chromite, Beryllium, Copper, Tungsten, Zinc)
Aluminium Manufacture (Aluminium)
Acid Battery Production (lead, Sulphur)
Gold Manufacture (Gold)
Furniture Factories (Lumber)
Food Processing (Fruit, Cocoa, Coffee)
Subsideries of these industries such as arms manufacturing, automobile companies, aircraft companies etc. have also been set up. It is hoped that Britain will be able to get much of her manufactured goods from Brazil in the future. Also Britain sets up the aforementioned medical centres and commissions to appease the government. Together Brazila nd Britain can grow rich on the fruits of the nation.
We would like to point out to Britain that there may be military operations in the area against possibly rebellious landowners. We will not obviously attack British businessmen but as a fallout there could be danger. That is why we will provide a 5,000 strong buffer force between the sectors of British investment and sectors of possible incursions. We will not let harm come to our friends and we are greatly pleased at the investment and trust you have placed in us. We formally wish prosperity on both of our nations. Also, once hostilities have ended with any rebellious landowners, further opportunities will be open for investment in the land they have vacated. We would rather appoint foreigners to positions of authority in previously dissentful areas than allow more possibly corrupt members of the business class to take over. Please think on this possibility and consider our previous plans to be underway.
Deepest Regards,
Brazil's Politburo and Parliament.
Lesser Ribena
24-09-2005, 20:01
From: British Government
To: Ottoman Government
Topic: RE: Planes
The British are proud to be able to sell our Ottoman friends military aircraft, I hereby authorise the next 100 SE5a scout/fighter aircraft to be delivered to the Ottoman Empire. the cost for these aircraft is £5000 each for a total of £500k. This payment will be gratefully recieved by our ambassador in Istanbul (or Constantinople).
Lesser Ribena
24-09-2005, 20:20
To Brazil:
We accept this offer of placements of British citizens in positions of authority in the factory regions once hostilities are over. Further investment will be forthcoming at that time.
Britain announces military investment in colonies!
Britain will put more money into arming it's dependancies against any possible hostile action. Mr Churchill announced this change in policy in a speech to the House of Commons earlier today. He proclaimed that "Britain and her colonies need to be prepared for any eventuality and this includes increased military spending, would any man here like to see us give up territory to the dreaded communists just because we can't afford to arm ourselves?". The new legislation is likely to include the following clauses (NB, colony in this case means direct British rule not the dominions, though they are neocuraged to raise militais and equip them but Britain cannot enforce anything upon them. Ireland is not classed as a colony either but part of the UK):
-Donation of 100 SE5a fighter aircraft to each of: Australia, Canada and South Africa.
-Donation of 25 SE5a fighter aircraft and increased pilot training in everny other colony/dependency.
-Rapid increasement of militia recruitment in every colony.
-More weapons donated to militias, including new Lee-Enfield mk VIs, older artillery pieces and heavy machine guns.
-Increased training of colonial militias to include arms drill and a short medical course.
-Allocation of transport to militias including motorcycles, trucks and armoured cars.
-Increased recruitment of regular batallions from the colonies. A minimum of 3 batallions to be raised by each colony. Of thse 2/3rds will remain based in their home colony while the other 1/3rd will be allocated to the British colonial army, the batallions will be rotated between home and foreign service.
-The new colonial army to be used to police and protect British territory and not for direct foreign service. Examples at this moment in time would be to put down rebellions in Ireland or to fight the tribes in Afghanistan.
Also tacked onto the bill is the increasement in number of the landships with 3 more brigades to be recruited and built in the next 3 years.
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2005, 01:19
From: British Government
To: Ottoman Government
Topic: RE: Planes
The British are proud to be able to sell our Ottoman friends military aircraft, I hereby authorise the next 100 SE5a scout/fighter aircraft to be delivered to the Ottoman Empire. the cost for these aircraft is £5000 each for a total of £500k. This payment will be gratefully recieved by our ambassador in Istanbul (or Constantinople).
To: British Government
From: Ottoman Government
Topic:RE:RE: Planes
We thank our allies of British Empire, the paynment will be send to your ambassador in Istanbul.
Ottoman Khaif
25-09-2005, 19:04
To: British Government
From: Ottoman Government
The region of Afganistan is a region of rebellions and waste of your troops. The Ottoman Government would to offer about 11.5 million pounds to buy all of Afghanistan, this would release your nation of the duty of holding so many far off regions, and allow your troops to go else where. Also any British assets in Afghanistan will be in the hands of the British Companies in the area. All that we ask of you is to sell us this region to the Ottoman Empire.
Lesser Ribena
26-09-2005, 20:40
To: Ottoman Government
From: Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain
Topic: Afghanistan
My Ottoman friends,
Whilst I must inform you that under no circumstances would the pride of British public allow Afghanistan to be sold to a foreign power, I am pleased with your interest in security in the region. As proposed by my foreign secretary (ie. in your news thread) Britain is interested in conducting joint operations in the region. British troops will assist Ottoman forces to help clear enemies out of Persia if the Ottomans reciprocate by assisting British troops in Afghanistan. This should allow us to effectively hunt the rebels against both our governments and to cross our international borders in search of these rebels freely. I hope that you will consider this unique opportunity that we now have to rid oursleves of these troublemakers and bring peace to the region.
Lesser Ribena
27-09-2005, 13:48
British forces begin efforts to counter rebels in Afghanistan:
SEMI-SECRETLY (ie. spies and local people etc. will know, as well as allies):
Britain begins reinforcing the garrisons in Afghanistan to prepare for anti-rebel operations. One division of troops from India has been sent alongside a regular British brigade, a brigade from Pakistan, a brigade from Egypt and a brigade from Canada. Artillery support is provided by divisional and brigade level artillery (alongside smaller batallion level field and mountain batteries) and MG units attached as standard practice (see military thread). Standard scout attachments (including armoured cars and motor cycles) are also sent. The 1st Landship Independent Brigade also mobilises a regiment of landships (tanks) from their depot in Egypt and they are sent by ship to Pakistan and dispatched under Pakistani infantry escort towards Afghanistan. Several irregular cavalry units are also raised from India and Pakistan.
The Palistinian and Ottoman governments are informed that the operation has begun and they are free to send forces to assist.
As the troops arrive in Afghanistan the infantry and irregular cavalry are immediately dispatched to the hills to deal with some particularly troublesome rebels encamped there whilst the other units proceed under escort to Kabul to reinforce the garrison there and to establish a depot.
Permission to cross Ottoman borders in persuit of the rebels has been granted and the Ottomans and Palestinians have granted military assistance in the matter, on condition that rebels are also hunted in Ottoman territory.
Lesser Ribena
27-09-2005, 14:15
PM Reaffirms Stance On European Affairs
The Prime Minister has today made a strong statement in the House of Commons condemning recent actions by the Warsaw Pact in Denmark. Mr Churchill stated that:
"We cannot allow this red menace to go on unchecked, we must make a stand somewhere. The vile tendrils of communism and socialism are being allowed to spread to the civilised Western European world, if they are permitted to continue where might we end up? Would the populace of Britain stand in The Mall or Trafalgar Square to salute some jumped up dictator hundreds of miles away in Moscow or Berlin?
What I propose is that Britain leads the way, as she has always done, in the quest for world peace. Britain will defend the sovereign states of the world against the threat of communism and I call upon everyone of our citizens at home or in the Commonwealth to give us full support in this matter or else, I fear, Britain may end up surrounded by a red tide of opression and subjugation.
Our friends in America have categorically stated that they will assist us in this matter and we can stand united in effort alongside the brave nations who have signed the London Treaty Alliance in aid of promoting peace and the rights of sovereign nations worldwide. We would be neglecting our duty to the world if we shrugged off these responsibilities and ignored the threat that stands against us.
As I speak to you now British and Commonwealth forces are reoccupying Afghanistan and bringing fair and just rule to it's people. They have long feared the rebels that have roamed their nation and now can instead feel civilised and free under the protection of the Britihs Empire. This is just one example of what the kind British people have done for the world and now we must once more face our historic duties and stand against tyranny and opression in all it's forms.
To this end I today propose that a meeting of London Treaty Alliance nations takes place to sign a document that will bring peace to Europe, a document guaranteeing that the alliance will step in if the vile threat that we face determines to force it's ideals upon any more sovereign nations and to further ensure that the neutrality of Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland and all other such nations is observed and abided by.
If all British moral and material forces and convictions are joined with the world's own in fraternal association, the high-roads of the future will be clear, not only for us but for all, not only for our time, but for a century to come."
The resultant proposal for a treaty is overwhelmingly voted into effect by the MPs in the Commons and it meets widespread approval in the House of Lords, King George V is in favour of it and the public appears to be overjoyed by the idea.
OOC: Basically, any members of the LTA who are interested in signing a document supporting the neutrality of The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland etc. should post their intentions here along with any vocal support for the proposal. I know this is already endorsed by the US but a message of cooperation would be useful.
oh and incase you haven't guessed much of the above is propaganda (Churchill historically hated Communism in all it's forms).
Vas Pokhoronim
27-09-2005, 16:21
Vilhelm Buhl, Prime Minister of the Danish Provisional Government, issues the following rebuttal to Churchill's speech before his own House of Commons, the Folketing:
"Today I have heard that the British Prime Minister has vowed to defend other states against 'German aggression.'
"I wonder, though, we did he not raise his voice in our defense before the Germans came?
"Why is it that no-one has asked the Danes how we felt during the old regime's Reign of Terror? Why have none of these self-proclaimed 'Defenders of Freedom' shown the slightest concern for the murders, the beatings, the molestations, the rapes, the late-night kicking in our doors, the ruffians vandalizing our homes and shops, the police openly mocking our pleas for justice – why have the Western Powers ignored that? It was not just Communists who suffered these things, not just socialists, not just liberals, but Danes from every walk of life, of every political stripe. No voice was raised in the House of Commons protesting the Government's crimes, far worse than those of our occupiers by any reasonable measure. We are a free people, and we love our freedom. We do not want the Germans here forever. We have no wish to subjugate ourselves to Godless bureaucrats in Warsaw or Moscow. Yet that is not how would describe our Russian and German comrades, who showed concern for our humanity and our safety when the Allies ignored us. As for dictatorships, Mr. Churchill was not elected the leader of his country. Comrade Bukharin was. And Herr Liebknecht as well, though he came to power first through a war against injustice. More than I can say for Mr. Churchill’s career as a soldier for White European power in distant Africa.
"But let us return to the question: why have the Allies not asked us how we feel?
"Could it be that their hatred of Berlin is greater than their concern for anyone's humanity or national sovereignty? I think the answer is quite clear. And there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the Danish Provisional Government made the right decision in affiliating itself with the Council of Warsaw rather than the war-mongering colonial powers of London.
"I am not a Communist, but a social philosophy that has as its aim the defense of the oppressed cannot be condemned so lightly (1), at least not without showing the true character of its judge.
"Mr. Churchill, you have no concern for the people of Denmark. No concern for the people of Burgundy, or Belgium, or Holland, or even England. They are colors on a map to you, and that is all.
"Mr. Churchill, I am not a color on a map. I am not a simple mouthpiece for Karl Radek in Warsaw. I am a living, breathing, actual Dane, whom you have shown no concern for.
"I sincerely hope, Mr. Churchill, that at the next elections the British people are wise enough to see you for the fraud you are, and toss you out on your ear.
"Good day, sir."
<The Folketing gives Buhl a standing ovation for this speech>
1 This is a quote, or rather a close misquote, of Marx himself.
OoC: Seriously, the Danish king and his handpicked "legislature" (the Landesting) would not have been popular with the historical Danes, who after all maintained the Social Democrats in power for nearly eighty years during the twentieth century - even under the Nazi Occupation, at least briefly. If not for Moorington’s constant and blatant god-modding, there would have probably been a coup d’etat in Denmark several years ago. Whether the liberal Danes will truly get along with Germany and Russia for an extensive period of time is questionable (as a Mod I suspect they lean more to the French . . .), but I do think that Buhl’s speech is probably a fair representation of the resentment a lot of Danes have to the Allies right now - “Where the hell were you when we needed you against our own government?” I think Danes are suspicious of the Germans, who have a bad reputation, but are willing to wait and see what will happen.
Galveston Bay
27-09-2005, 17:43
The United States supports completely the British government in their stance to defend Belgium, the Netherlands, Burgundy, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden and Portugal. These nations remain neutral, and an attack on them would be viewed as a hostile act by the United States government.
As to Denmark, the US government feels that Denmark was indeed a democracy before the Germans conquered it, and if given time, would have resolved the unconstitutional measures taken by the previous government on its own, through legal means, without having to resort to force. If force had been needed, then the Danish people should have had the opportunity to decide their own destiny just as Russians and Americans were allowed to decide their destinys during their civil wars. Denmark would have indeed removed the unconstitutional government that had exceeded its power if given the opportunity to do so. A massive invasion was unneccessary, excessive, and killed far more Danes than the inept government was doing in the short few weeks between the institution of unconstitional measures and the German occupation.
well what else would you expect the US government to say....seriously though, I agree with Vas on this. The Danish parliament would have long ago removed a government that acted in some of the ways that player was acting. The conquest of Denmark was partly game driven, but also a decision taken by Vas and me to eliminate a problem. However, I do feel that within a year or two the honeymoon is going to be over (such as it is) and Denmark once its regains home rule will probably seek its neutrality again if possible.
Lesser Ribena
27-09-2005, 18:20
Mr. Churchill thanks the Americans for their support.
Yeah, I know about the Denmark invasion being partly for gameplay purposes. I hope Denmark will return to neutrality again soon as well.
Indeed Churchill has yet to face his first election, this should come in 1924 (next year?, I can never keep track of what year it is anyway) which he should hopefully carry with a fair majority as the tories did historically. Historically in this election the British Communist Party actually got a seat!
Galveston Bay
27-09-2005, 18:39
Mr. Churchill thanks the Americans for their support.
Yeah, I know about the Denmark invasion being partly for gameplay purposes. I hope Denmark will return to neutrality again soon as well.
Indeed Churchill has yet to face his first election, this should come in 1924 (next year?, I can never keep track of what year it is anyway) which he should hopefully carry with a fair majority as the tories did historically. Historically in this election the British Communist Party actually got a seat!
its Tuesday, so therefor its March / April 1924. I suspect the British Communist Party won't be getting a seat this year due to backlash over Denmark, but the Socialists might.
Whats going on with Ireland? The Easter Rebellion has not happened, primarily because the British were not involved in the Great War. However, Irish Nationalism would still be a driving force, and at the very least they are going to want the same status that Australia, Canada and South Africa have, especially since you are offering it to India.
Lesser Ribena
27-09-2005, 19:08
OOC: 1924 already, wow. Election results will be up tomorrow, the soicalists will probably gain seats and I expect Churchill will remain in power but i'll do some random dice rolls to determine other seats as there hasn't been much in the way of contraversial policy to bias voting. Ireland will also be offered dominion status the same as with India to try and subdue any nationalist rebels.
Vas Pokhoronim
27-09-2005, 19:31
It's only 1923.
It's only 1923.
(OOC: oh thank god, for a while there LR had me thinking i'd missed out an entire year of history)
The Union of South Africa fully supports Great Britain in its efforts to protect neutral nations from the vile threat of Communism.
Jan Smuts
Prime Minister
Of the council of clan
27-09-2005, 22:32
The Empire of Japan also supports the Signing of a treaty to guarantee neutral naitons their Neutrality especially against the Global Communist Threat.
Prince Hirihito
Crown Prince of Japan
27-09-2005, 23:10
OOC: The date is currently March/April 1923, GB got it wrong. The date is listed on the main thread, link here:
IC: Message from the Albanian Government
Could not Albania be qualified as a neutral nation worthy of protection?
Secret Section of the Message
Since the Frence Government has stepped away from it's promise to defend Albania in the event of attack, what guarantees can England give.
Vas Pokhoronim
27-09-2005, 23:14
well what else would you expect the US government to say....seriously though, I agree with Vas on this. The Danish parliament would have long ago removed a government that acted in some of the ways that player was acting. The conquest of Denmark was partly game driven, but also a decision taken by Vas and me to eliminate a problem. However, I do feel that within a year or two the honeymoon is going to be over (such as it is) and Denmark once its regains home rule will probably seek its neutrality again if possible.
I seem to recall I condemned your invasion of Venezuela in fairly similar terms, though as a player I thought Washington was basically in the right. I know how badly I'd freak out if Great Britain declared, say, Bulgaria to be a protectorate. Bas, bad things would happen. Sometimes, you know, we just have to fight for fighting's sake. No hard feelings at all.
And we're still in agreement on Denmark. German militancy is pretty unsettling to Danish liberals, and the Eastern European chimaera that is the USDR is culturally alien. Unless something unforeseeable occurs, the Danes will sooner or later seek their own way in the world, possibly through neutrality, possibly in alignment with Blum's France.
Galveston Bay
27-09-2005, 23:32
OOC: The date is currently March/April 1923, GB got it wrong. The date is listed on the main thread, link here:
IC: Message from the Albanian Government
Could not Albania be qualified as a nuetral nation worthy of protection?
Secret Section of the Message
Since the Frence Government has stepped away from it's promise to defend Albania in event of attack, what guarantees can England give.
too many antihistimines this week
27-09-2005, 23:56
OOC: I can't wait till I move. This lame ass house I am in has only fucking dial-up, and it has disconnected me like 5 times while trying to post this. If it disconnects again, I will personally kill every employee of Verizon, and all former Verizon employees. :mad:
Italy of course supports Britain in its endeavors to promote peace and prosperity over Europe, and Italy will sign any treaty to that effect.
Message to the Government of Britan
The government of France notes that it already has treaties dictating that it protect the nuetrality of Switzerlan, Belguim, and Burgundy. It sees no need to give in to Churchill's anti-leftist position and sign yet another document that will push the world towards war. Parliament has also voted to withdraw from the LTA. France does not want war and will no longer join in an alliance that would leave France as the only principle member having to face combat on their homeland. It is unacceptable and uses France as a buffer between England and other nations.
Good Day
Galveston Bay
28-09-2005, 00:20
The United States, while that vote is underway, quietly reminds France that pulling out of the LTA would also mean that Japan, Britian and the United States would no longer be required to assist France in defending French Vietnam, should that become an issue again between France and China.
28-09-2005, 00:23
Italian Response to the French Message
We remind our French allies that Italy is currently the only state in the LTA to border Germany (OOC: remember, the Germans have Austria...), and that any attack that does not go through Belgium or Burgundy would go through Italy. We ask France to reconsider its position on the LTA.
28-09-2005, 01:10
OOC: That trumped up dictator would be in Warsaw anyways...
IC: Germany does not believe that it needs Britain to protect the neutrality of the Buffer States, as Germany has sworn to uphold such ways. Also, the Buffer states have acted in ways that are pleasing to the Workers. Therefore, Britain should keep to her own racist matters in Africa and India.
Also, Germany believes Albania violated her neutrality when she asked for Italian assistance and then blatantly insulted Communism.
28-09-2005, 01:23
The Albanian Communist Party, which won 11 seats in the November Elections, sends a message to the German Government stating that "they missed a good opportunity to shut up".
Message from the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Albania is a small country which is unable to project power or threaten it's neighbors. Our agreements with Italy we feel are neccessary for our national security and economic advancement. Also we would like to remind Germany taht Italian troops are currently banned by law from setting foot on Albanian soil. We are as neutral as Belgium.
Vas Pokhoronim
28-09-2005, 01:34
The Albanian Communist Party, which won 11 seats in the November Elections, sends a message to the German Government stating that "they missed a good opportunity to shut up".
Okay. That's really funny.
28-09-2005, 01:45
I found it funny too, because, from what I remember, only Russia, Spain yourself, and myself knew about the Cordova conference. And somehow, a leak got out.
Now, Russia and myself have no reason to do that, and Spain doesn't wish to compromise itself. For Yugoslavia to do anything else, would be political, and total suicide. That leaves YOU.
After a horrendous amount of debating and the weighing of the pros and cons French parliament sqeaks the LTA through on a (relatively) narrow margin.
Lesser Ribena
28-09-2005, 11:34
Prior to the election Mr Churchill announced the Home Rule of Ireland as a dominion, it will function in the same way as other British dominions and still provide troops for Britain and be responsible to Westminster for Foreign Affairs but will otherwise be totally home ruled by a government in Dublin.
Results of British General Election:
(Party, Seats, % Share of Total Vote)
Conservative, 414, 43.6
Labour, 151, 33.3
Liberal, 40, 17.3
Independent, 3, 2.6
Irish Nationalist, 2, 1.0
Socialist, 2, 0.8
Other, 0, 0.4
Winston Churchill increases the Conservative lead significatly (as happened in RL) with his stance on the Danish occupation and Communism winnign him many votes from the middle and upper classes whilst his proposed reforms of the social system has won him the lower class voters.
28-09-2005, 23:04
OOC: This is the 1923 elections?
Of the council of clan
29-09-2005, 04:59
:: Shortly before noon on September 1st a massive Earthquake with an Estimated magnitude of 8.3 has Struck Tokyo with an Epicenter in Sagami Bay and stretching for miles around. Few details have gotten out since the magnitude of the devastation has prevented any real communication from getting out of the Disaster Area word is that the palace has been damaged and the status of the emperor is unknown at this time. Japan is calling out to the international community to give any aid at all possible to this disaster. A massive firestorm erupted due to the earthquake and the wooden and paper structures incinerated untold thousands.::
OOC: ouch..........
Lesser Ribena
29-09-2005, 18:07
Amestria OOC: These are the results for the 1923 elections, There were elections in 1923 and 24 but those in 24 were only as a result of a hung parliament from the 1923 elections. The tories did very well out of the 1924 elections due to a good manifesto (promising the safeguard of British industry, a reduction in unemployment, defence matters) and so I have brought this manifesto forwards a year due to Churchill being more charismatic and wanting to win the election.
Japan IC:
Britain will stand by her allies in Japan in their moment of need. It is important that we all work together to combat this natural disaster. Britain will send the following items:
-Food supplies (including grain, processed foodstuffs)
-Water Supplies
-Engineering staff, including building experts
-Pre fabricated building materials
-Emergency tent shelters
-Rescue personnel
-Medical staff
The material supplies are being shipped immediately from various British Pacific possessions (small islands, Australia, Hong Kong etc) and should be with you shortly, they are being shipped by the British merchant navy.
The personnel are being sent mainly from Britain and the African colonies and are all volunteer staff and have been dispatched by passenger vessels.
More supplies are available but they are in military bases in the Pacific and the only available vessels are of the Royal Navy. We will requre permission to enter your territroial waters with warships, they will be flying the red cross flag denoting their peaceful useage and will obey any required protocol but we do need your permission first.
I offer my sincerest sympathies to any of your citizens who have lost anything in this disaster.
Of the council of clan
30-09-2005, 02:35
Amestria OOC: These are the results for the 1923 elections, There were elections in 1923 and 24 but those in 24 were only as a result of a hung parliament from the 1923 elections. The tories did very well out of the 1924 elections due to a good manifesto (promising the safeguard of British industry, a reduction in unemployment, defence matters) and so I have brought this manifesto forwards a year due to Churchill being more charismatic and wanting to win the election.
Japan IC:
Britain will stand by her allies in Japan in their moment of need. It is important that we all work together to combat this natural disaster. Britain will send the following items:
-Food supplies (including grain, processed foodstuffs)
-Water Supplies
-Engineering staff, including building experts
-Pre fabricated building materials
-Emergency tent shelters
-Rescue personnel
-Medical staff
The material supplies are being shipped immediately from various British Pacific possessions (small islands, Australia, Hong Kong etc) and should be with you shortly, they are being shipped by the British merchant navy.
The personnel are being sent mainly from Britain and the African colonies and are all volunteer staff and have been dispatched by passenger vessels.
More supplies are available but they are in military bases in the Pacific and the only available vessels are of the Royal Navy. We will requre permission to enter your territroial waters with warships, they will be flying the red cross flag denoting their peaceful useage and will obey any required protocol but we do need your permission first.
I offer my sincerest sympathies to any of your citizens who have lost anything in this disaster.
British Warships are Welcome in our Waters
Lesser Ribena
30-09-2005, 17:31
TO JAPAN: Military Supply vessels are on their way to the region and militart personnel from these vessels will begin assisting civilian workers in the rescue and reconstruction efforts.
(GB, the war mod, says it will be about a year before all rebels in the area are cleared out)
The British and Empire and allied forces in Afghanistan have moved onto phase two of their anti-rebel operations. Having cleared out the majority of Afghan rebels in the area they have begun to round up the remainder and also hunt down any which have escaped across the borders.
The tanks of the 1st regiment, 1st Independent Landship Brigade have achieved great success in chasing down the rebel infantry on open plains and over rough defence works, and have even faced light artillery successully. The local commander has desicrbed them as "remarkable machines, extremely useful for offensive engagements" and the government is likely to expand the 3 current brigades to at least 5 and to invest in developing new versions of the machines.
Other formations also fought well in the terrain, the motorcyclists, and armoured cars attached to brigades as scouts fought well in mixed groups with the motorcyclists acting as an infantry guard for the cars, leaving their bikes behind at a safe point guarded by a small detachment. It is expected that trial regiments consisting solely of troops mounted in such a manner will be established by the war office soon. Such regiments may also feature mounted infantry who excelled themselves in Afghanistan by hunting down and overunning rebel positions. The army is set to continue to hunt down rebels in Ottoman territory and has established a thick cordon on the Russian border to prevent rebels crossing it (in either direction).
The army is expected to begin rebel hunting operations in the Ottoman Empire by the middle of August (RL: Today).
Independent Macedonia
02-10-2005, 20:05
Yugoslavia here, just wondering if we will be recieving our ships that we requesting ontime(tomorrow RL time). We have made sure that our payments have been current and the sum will be payed off by the planned time that they are to be delivered.
Galveston Bay
02-10-2005, 20:12
by winter, the British have reduced the problems in Afghanistan to occasional banditry... the normal situation. British losses were minimal, especially as they used aircraft to bomb hostile villages until they submitted to government authority.
(ooc based on the British solution to a similar problem in Iraq historically at this time)
03-10-2005, 00:13
December 1, 1923 - Royal Palace, Sofia
From: Queen Catherine of Bulgaria and Home Secretary Anastacia Dominerev
To: Prime Minister Winston Churchill
We are happy about the results of the Election of 1923, but it comes with some sadness and regret for us for we are in a volatile world in which one mistake can always prove to be costly towards those who reside in the world. It is clear the world is meant to change, but it was not designed for the strong to destroy a group who is helpless and without their own voice... It is clear that both of our nations must be careful about what we have gotten ourselves into and try to figure out what would be the best option for the world not only for Britain's, Bulgaria's, America's, or France's interests, but for everyone's interest especially for the "weak and powerless nations and societies".
We are sorry if we sound too winded during our letter or not as adept at speaking as those in Westminster would expect us to be as nationals of another London Treaty nation and as leaders of a said nation...
03-10-2005, 01:00
Secret IC:
To: The British Government
From: The Italian Government
Italy hereby proposes that the London Treaty Alliance, minus the traitorous French who side with the Germans, take a hard line against the disruption of Albanian sovereignty. We cannot let another free nation fall to the dire threat of communism, and we cannot stand being hemmed in by communists and socialists on all sides. France and Germany border us, and a nearby Albanian puppet is too much to stomach.
We feel that if the Germans and French cannot be made to leave Albania by diplomacy, we must resort to the sword. Let us pray that they accept diplomacy, or there will be many dead French, Russians, and Germans that need not have died.
Vas Pokhoronim
03-10-2005, 03:40
Secret IC:
Too slow.
Lesser Ribena
03-10-2005, 16:33
To Yugoslavia:
Your ships will be arriving on time as per our agreement and we can confirm receipt of your payments. They will be sent by a skeleton British crew who will return to the UK by passenger ferry.
To: Queen Catherine of Bulgaria and Home Secretary Anastacia Dominerev
From: Prime Minister Winston Churchill
Your Highness, Thankyou for your congratulations on my election to office, I am always glad to here from Britain's friends in Bulgaria. Indeed I welcome further diplomacy between our nations and would like to continue this converstaion about increased cooperation between our nations. It is clear that we both have much to gain. Do not worry about your communications skills, I understood your message and I am sure that your English is much better than my Bulgarian.
Ottoman Khaif
04-10-2005, 00:29
To: The British Government
From: Ottoman Government
Topic lands
Dear Sirs
We know how British Empire does not wish to hand over any of its lands to other empires. Yet we ask to hear us out on this matter, we ask the following lands should hand over to Ottoman rule by the 1946, here is a list of these lands, we wish to be to hand over completely to the Ottoman Government.
Here is the list Aden Colony (now part of Yemen), Aden Protectorate (states under British protection; now part of Yemen), Bahrain ,Kuwait ,Muscat and Oman (now Oman) ,Qatar ,Trucial States (states under British protection; now the United Arab Emirates) and Egypt(which is at the moment Joint rule).
We ask we set up a process for these lands to be handle over to Ottoman rule, we ask that by year 1932, that all these expect Egypt which is already under Joint rule, to become under Joint British Ottoman rule by that year. Note the Suez Canal will remain under the British-French Trust. Also we are willing to pay the British Government around 40 million pounds for taking these lands over by 1946. All that we ask of you is to think about this and give a reply as soon as you can.
OOC: Your now wondering why hasn’t the Ottoman learn the first time the British are not going to give them the land they want so badly, well the Ottomans thought up a new way to get their lands over the course of time. Also if Britain agree to this plan, it would insure the Ottomans would never attack Britain or risking losing these lands. That they so badly want.
Of the council of clan
04-10-2005, 03:27
To: Prime Minister Winston Churchill
From: Emperor Hirohito(old empereror died I'll do a post on it tommorrow)
RE: Freedom of the sees
The Warsaw Pact is threatening to claim an entire ocean, one of which has a vast coast on a British Dominion (Canada) And also the United States. They also claim to charge for commerical Fishing/whaling of these waters(Arctic Ocean). So we as the Empire of Japan ask that Britain as a fellow Sea Faring nation that also has a vested interest in this area to stand with the Empire of Japan in protecting rights of International Waters and Freedom of the Seas. The Blatant Expansionism of the Warsaw Pact and the spread of Socialism/Communism is very worrysome to my Empire and feel that we must stand together strong, or fall apart weak.
Galveston Bay
04-10-2005, 05:10
To: Prime Minister Winston Churchill
From: Emperor Hirohito(old empereror died I'll do a post on it tommorrow)
RE: Freedom of the sees
The Warsaw Pact is threatening to claim an entire ocean, one of which has a vast coast on a British Dominion (Canada) And also the United States. They also claim to charge for commerical Fishing/whaling of these waters(Arctic Ocean). So we as the Empire of Japan ask that Britain as a fellow Sea Faring nation that also has a vested interest in this area to stand with the Empire of Japan in protecting rights of International Waters and Freedom of the Seas. The Blatant Expansionism of the Warsaw Pact and the spread of Socialism/Communism is very worrysome to my Empire and feel that we must stand together strong, or fall apart weak.
The United States government does not recognize any claims by any nation concerning the Arctic Ocean, especially the few parts that are navigable, and will ensure it continues to have access to the waters near Greenland and Alaska and ensure Iceland continues to have access to its waters. Which of course applies to all LTA nations.
Lesser Ribena
04-10-2005, 13:26
From: The British Government
To: Ottoman Government
Dear Sirs,
Whilst I understand your reasons for enquiring into this matter and note that we have a very close diplomatic relationship, I fear that I must refuse your offer to takeover some of our territories. Public opinion at this time is such that the public believes that it is in their best interests to hold onto as many colonies as possible in this era of tension. Of course further discussions as to a joint ownership of middle-eastern territories is welcome especially if you were to reaffirm your allegiences by becoming allies of our nation.
Yours, PM Winston Churchill
Britain has always been a staunch defender fo shipping rights across the world and believes that international waters (all those outside of recognised nautical claims from a land territory) should be free to use by commercial, private and government craft. It is in light of this stance that Britain hereby officially ignores the German claim of ownership of the Arctic. Canadian and British fishermen are encouraged to continue in their useage of the waters.
A small British flotilla (consisting of 3 destroyers, a cruiser and a squadron of ocean going submarines) departs Scapa Flow for the Arctic circle, officially to engage in naval exercises, iunofficially to keep an eye on things.
Lesser Ribena
04-10-2005, 13:55
Britain announces the trial of the new Avro Andover aircraft and increases funding for development of new bombers following successes in Afghanistan.
The Fairey aircraft company is contacted and they respond with designs for a long range monoplane which they have been working on. The first feasable time for this design to be prototyped is 1928 and is expected to be able to cover extremely long distances with the only range limit being on fuel carried. (This is the first aircraft to be able to fly from the UK to India) It is hoped by many in the RFC that this aircraft can be converted to a long range bomber.
Lesser Ribena
04-10-2005, 14:11
Britain hereby announces the bestowal of protectorate status upon the territories of Abyssinia and Yemen. These areas have long been highly dependent upon the British both militarily and economically. Now they have been assured continued British investment and protection, garissons have already moved in and preparations begun for investment in social welfare, education and medicine in the areas as well as increased industrial expenditure. The troops freed up from guarding the borders have been dispatched to reinforce the French African border and Gibralter.
OOC: I cleared this with GB first.
Vas Pokhoronim
04-10-2005, 15:09
Britain hereby announces the bestowal of protectorate status upon the territories of Abyssinia and Yemen. These areas have long been highly dependent upon the British both militarily and economically. Now they have been assured continued British investment and protection, garissons have already moved in and preparations begun for investment in social welfare, education and medicine in the areas as well as increased industrial expenditure. The troops freed up from guarding the borders have been dispatched to reinforce the French African border and Gibralter.
OOC: I cleared this with GB first.
As Moderator, I've challenged this ruling. See Colonial Possessions Thread for details.
Galveston Bay
04-10-2005, 15:48
As Moderator, I've challenged this ruling. See Colonial Possessions Thread for details.
I am reading about present day Yemen and Ethiopia now.. what hell holes they are too. Yemen is a matter of simply paying off the tribal leaders and planting occasional garrisons at the oasis. The Ethiopians will agree to a British base at Mesewa (their only port) and the Foreign Office finesses a deal in which the Emperour of Ethiopia hires a British Army regiment as a bodyguard in Addis Ababa which also serves the function of training his army.
Mainly to ensure the Italians don't try to invade again more than anything else.
Logistically a large garrison isn't really practical due to cost. Even today there are few roads in Ethiopia. Even fewer roads in Yemen.
Lesser Ribena
04-10-2005, 15:59
Logistically a large garrison isn't really practical due to cost. Even today there are few roads in Ethiopia. Even fewer roads in Yemen.
I only need a small garrison in each territory just to make sure that no other country snaps it up and to ensure there's some sort of British presence.
Vas Pokhoronim
04-10-2005, 16:02
From: The British Government
Britain has always been a staunch defender fo shipping rights across the world and believes that international waters (all those outside of recognised nautical claims from a land territory) should be free to use by commercial, private and government craft. It is in light of this stance that Britain hereby officially ignores the German claim of ownership of the Arctic. Canadian and British fishermen are encouraged to continue in their useage of the waters.
A small British flotilla (consisting of 3 destroyers, a cruiser and a squadron of ocean going submarines) departs Scapa Flow for the Arctic circle, officially to engage in naval exercises, unofficially to keep an eye on things.
While of course the principle of liberty of the World's Seas beyond the Three-mile Limit is an uncontroversial one, and British seacraft, even warships, may travel wherever they wish, nevertheless it is my duty to inform you that any exercises conducted east of Nord Kapp would be quite unwelcome in Moscow's view, and perceived as gratuitously aggressive at an inauspicious time of rising tensions in many areas. We hope that the honorable Mr. Churchill and the Admiralty will consider this in determining the deployments of the Royal Navy.
Secret OoC: Just so you know, the Baltic Squadron laid a lot of mines just East of Nord Kapp when they were redeployed to the Pacific. Moscow and Hamburg have the only charts.
The Ethiopians will agree to a British base at Mesewa (their only port) and the Foreign Office finesses a deal in which the Emperour of Ethiopia hires a British Army regiment as a bodyguard in Addis Ababa which also serves the function of training his army.
Mainly to ensure the Italians don't try to invade again more than anything else.
I'll go along with this, though I think Tafari (not Emperor yet, by the way) will strongly object to the word "Protectorate" and insist instead that London call him an "Ally." That actually happened in WWII, after all.
The Yemen thing I think still stands, though. Aden is already British, and while they could (quite easily) detach North Yemen from the Ottomans, the latter would be pretty damn upset if that happened.
Lesser Ribena
04-10-2005, 16:17
IC: Mr. Churchill informs the Russian government that no exercises will be taking place anywhere east of Nord Kapp and that the Russian advise wil be accepted. Our ships will only operate in waters to the south and west of the northern ice cap.
OOC: As to Yemen, I didn't realise that the Ottomans owned any of it. In that case, i'll abandon any claims I made to North Yemen. Oh and Ethipia can officially be termed an ally, to please the ruling parties and to explain the presence of my troops defending an "ally's" territory.
Vas Pokhoronim
04-10-2005, 16:31
IC: Mr. Churchill informs the Russian government that no exercises will be taking place anywhere east of Nord Kapp and that the Russian advise wil be accepted. Our ships will only operate in waters to the south and west of the northern ice cap.
OOC: As to Yemen, I didn't realise that the Ottomans owned any of it. In that case, i'll abandon any claims I made to North Yemen. Oh and Ethipia can officially be termed an ally, to please the ruling parties and to explain the presence of my troops defending an "ally's" territory.
Moscow appreciates the Admiralty's wisdom and the Prime Minister's consideration in this matter, and will reciprocate in full good faith. SIC Moscow does not support German claims to "ownership" of the Arctic Ocean. One day, with the abolition of Nationhood itself after the triumph of Communism, the Seas of the World will be owned by all Mankind. In the meantime, however, we must muddle through with the World as it is. We are requesting that Berlin drop its claim.
Ottoman Khaif
04-10-2005, 23:13
To:British Government
From: Ottoman Government
Dear sirs,
Very well it not press this issue upon you for now. As for becoming allies with the British Empire, we welcome and hope it would open new doors between our nations. But yet again we request if are to become allies, can we press the issue of Joint rule for the following regions of the Aden Colony (now part of Yemen), Aden Protectorate (states under British protection; now part of Yemen), Bahrain ,Kuwait ,Muscat and Oman (now Oman) ,Qatar ,Trucial States (states under British protection; now the United Arab Emirates) and Egypt(which is at the moment Joint rule).
OOC: Yes, I do still own Northern Yemen, and I'll be unhappy if the British were to march into our holdings and claim it for themselves...yeah bad idea.
05-10-2005, 03:22
OOC: Oh well lol. I didn't expect it to carry through as long as it did. Durn Japs.
What about all of the Arctic from Russia to the North Pole? That leaves the other 2/3rds to everyone else.
Lesser Ribena
05-10-2005, 09:59
Ottomans: Now that we are allies Britain will allow joint ownership of Yemen (minus the Aden colonies) as a gesture of good will. The other territories will have to wait for a while (I guess til after the next big war) before further discussion.
Germany: Britain still opposes any ownership of the Arctic on the basis that there is no actual land to claim and it's the same as staking a claim on, say, the Atlantic Ocean. British vessels will be informed to ignore any statement to the contrary and carry on tradiing regardless.
Lesser Ribena
05-10-2005, 10:15
Britain follows the world's lead and officially removes it's signature from the Washington Treaty. An increase in ship production is announced and the following ships are planned for the next 3-5 years:
Hood Class Battlecruisers: (NB, new version of the class restarting production)
Howe (not built) RENAMED HMS Cornwallis
Rodney (not built) RENAMED HMS Beresford
Anson (not built) RENAMED HMS Napier
5 New Heavy Cruisers (a prelude to the 1928 County Class)
2 Emerald class Light Cruisers (production brought forwards)
11 A class destroyers (production brought forwards)
40 R class submarines (old model from 1919 put back into production)
Lesser Ribena
05-10-2005, 17:28
Further to previous naval expansion, Britain lays keels for 5 new aircraft carriers. They will be of a similar type to the existing HMS Hermes they are to be known as HMS Poseidon, HMS Ares, HMS Athena, HMS Hephaestus and HMS Apollo. This class will now be know as the Olympian class with plans for a further 6 vessels of teh same class will also be drawn up for future production.
The Army also undergoes a period of expansion with all of the colonies providing a tithe of their militia for overseas service. These forces can only be called out with a warrant signed by the Prime Minister or his deputy in times of extreme need. This will be 50% of their strength and these units will recieve extra training accordingly and will also be provided with the standard regular army issue Lee Enfield no.1 Mk. 6 rifles. The following militias consist of the following strengths:
German East Africa - 15 battalions
Hong Kong (On lease from China until 1997) - 4 battalions
Christmas Island - 1 company
British Honduras - 4 battalion
British Guiana - 6 battalions
Gambia - 6 battalions
Sierra Leone - 8 battalions
Gold Coast - 10 battalions
Nigeria - 25 battalions
South Rhodesia - 15 battalions
North West Rhodesia -10 battalions
North East Rhodesia - 10 battalions
British East Africa - 10 battalions
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan - 35 battalions
Egypt - 25 battalions
British Somaliland - 15 battalions
Oman - 6 battalions
Kuwait - 2 battalions
Aden - 2 companies
Burma - 20 battalions
Malaya - 6 battalions
Sarawak - 4 battalions
Brunei - 3 battalions
North Borneo - 3 battalions
New Zealand - DOMINION
Jamaica - 10 battalions
Gibraltar - 3 battalions
British Central Africa - 3 battalions
Ceylon - 2 battalions
Malta - 2 battalions
Cyprus - 3 battalions
The Falkland Islands - 2 companies
New Hebrides - 2 companies
Maldive Islands - 2 companies
Italian Somaliland - 2 battalions
Eritrea - 2 battalions
Afghanistan -12 battalions
Western Samoa - 2 battalions
Chatham Islands - 2 companies
Kermadec Islands - 2 companies
Soloman Islands - 2 companies
Vanatu Islands - 1 company
Tuvalu Islands - 1 company
Fiji Islands - 2 companies
Tonga Islands - 1 company
Nive Island - 1 company
Tokelau Islands - 2 companies
Phoenix Islands -1 company
Gilbert Islands - 2 companies
Cook Islands - 2 companies
Line Islands - 2 companies
Christmas Island Chain - 2 companies
Pitcairn Islands - 1 platoon
American Samoa - 2 companies
Palau - 1 company
Naura - 2 company
South Aden - 2 battalions
The regular military is also rejuvinated with an advertising campaign initiated and pay rates lifted to attract more recruits.
The Military Intelligence departments also begin recruiting in secret by approaching post graduate university students.
Lesser Ribena
06-10-2005, 17:27
Improved defenceworks are begun on the foreign borders in the following colonies:
The Gambia
Sierra Leone
Gold Coast
British (and ex-German) East Africa
Hong Kong
The defenceworks mostly consists of barbed wire, big fences, a few trenches and bunkers etc. with crossing points in between for immigration control. The British government makes a statement to all bordering nations that they are concerned by immigration levels and want to keep tighter control over the people allowed into the Empire.
Old vessels to be scrapped/mothballed/sold to dominions:
Lord Nelson class: HMS Agamemnon, HMS Lord Nelson (1906)
Protected Cruisers
Diadem, Amphitrite, Andromeda, Argonaut, Ariadne, Europe, Niobe, Spartiate (1898)
Powerful, Terrible (1897)
Highflyer, Hermes, Hyacinth, Challenger, Encounter (1899)
Arrogant, Furious, Gladiator, Vindictive (1898)
Eclipse, Diana, Dido, Doris, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Talbot, Venus (1896)
Medea, Marathon, Magicienne, Medusa, Melpomene (1889)
Light Cruisers
Pelorus, Pandora, Pegasus, Perseus, Pactolus, Pioneer, Pomone, Prometheus, Prosperpine, Psyche, Pyramus (1897)
Arrogant class
Arrogant, Furious, Gladiator, Vindictive (1896)
Highflyer class
Highflyer, Hermes, Hyacinth (1898)
Beagle class 2 ships, 1889
Albert class 2 ships, 1894
Phoenix class 2 ships, 1895
Condor class 6 ships, 1898–1900
Lesser Ribena
07-10-2005, 17:00
The Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, makes a rousing speech in parliament along the lines of supporting our allies and standing for freedom in the world. Shortly later a vote is taken on whether to declare war against the agressors (The Union etc.). This is passed almost unanimously and messages are sent to the Union and France that unless they withdraw declarations of war against the US that Britain will be forced to declare war upon them.
(I am presuming that will not happen)
Following their refusal to comply Winston Churchill makes a speech to his public:
"In all her long years the proud men and women of this Empire have stood for freedom and liberty. Now is our chance to prove to the world that we can fight,a nd win, for our ideals of independence and sovereignity. In light of the recent declaration of war between the United States of America and the Union of Russia and Germany parliament today held an emergency meeting. The result of that meeting was to send an ultimatum to the agressors that unless peace was restored Britain would be forced to intervene. I can tell you that they refused to cooperate and that subsequently a state of war now exists between our great nation and the communist opressors.
Whilst the coming fight may be long and will certainly be hard fought Britain cannot allow her allies and friends to stand alone against the vile threat from the continent. We will succeed!"
The military is mobilised, reserves and colonial militias called up etc. Ammunition factories are instructed to move to a war footing and all foreign borders are reinforced by military units.
President Emilio Jarez Corvalan:
"In this hour of crisis, where the entire world seems on the brink of war, we are unable to remain neutral and hope for it all to blow over. Argentina must set an example, by supporting it's ally Great Britian. With the Godless Communists and Socialists forming a block against the freedom loving Christian nations of the world, we have a choice: Do we sit back and hope that they collapse under the weight of their own sin and degredation as the previous administrations have done? Or do we stand up together as one to drive them back and send their heathen souls to hell? Well I for one stand shoulder to shoulder with my British allies, and I say all of Argentina shall do the same!
With the legislature's permission, Argentina has declaired war on the following countries: Russia, Germany and France. May the war be swift and end quickly, with God's side prevailing. God Bless Great Britian, God Bless Argentina!"
07-10-2005, 17:19
Our Government would like to hope that, although we are at war with the United States, we would not go to war with Great Britain if at all possible. We would like to keep relations cordial and will not attack British forces if the gesture is reciprocated.
Deepest Regards,
Brazil's Politburo and Parliament.
Lesser Ribena
07-10-2005, 17:21
Mr. Churchill thabks the Argentinians greatly fo rtheir help and reassures them that they've made the right choice in siding with their allies against the godless communists.
Lesser Ribena
07-10-2005, 17:31
To: Brazil's Politburo and Parliament.
Whilst we have always had amicable relations and currently enjoy a non-agression pact and many trade treaties, the US is one of Britain's closest allies and a declaration of war cannot be ignored by the parliament. However I can assure you that Britain will not declare war upon you unless the US government wishes it to occur. This is in recognition of our non-agression pact but, as I am sure you will know, such a pact is less binding than an alliance and the alliance must take precedence.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
In response to the declaration of war all Russian, French and German citizens in Britain are arrested and held whilst their countries do the same in preparation for a swap.
The Russian, german and French embasies are also shut down after allowing them time to destroy secret papers, their non-military staff are held in the same situationa s the above. The British Embassies in these other countries are told to expect similar action and to destroy immediately all secret documents and coding machines present in their embassies and to comply directly with any foreign personnel.
07-10-2005, 17:36
To: Brazil's Politburo and Parliament.
Whilst we have always had amicable relations and currently enjoy a non-agression pact and many trade treaties, the US is one of Britain's closest allies and a declaration of war cannot be ignored by the parliament. However I can assure you that Britain will not declare war upon you unless the US government wishes it to occur. This is in recognition of our non-agression pact but, as I am sure you will know, such a pact is less binding than an alliance and the alliance must take precedence.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
In response to the declaration of war all Russian, French and German citizens in Britain are arrested and held whilst their countries do the same in preparation for a swap.
The Russian, german and French embasies are also shut down after allowing them time to destroy secret papers, their non-military staff are held in the same situationa s the above. The British Embassies in these other countries are told to expect similar action and to destroy immediately all secret documents and coding machines present in their embassies and to comply directly with any foreign personnel.
We duly thank the British Government for this gesture and reassure them we shall not declare war on your nation unless it is declared on us first, either formally or by an act of war.
Deepest Regards,
Brazil's Politburo and Parliament.
Vas Pokhoronim
07-10-2005, 17:51
In response to the declaration of war all Russian, French and German citizens in Britain are arrested and held whilst their countries do the same in preparation for a swap.
The Russian, german and French embasies are also shut down after allowing them time to destroy secret papers, their non-military staff are held in the same situationa s the above. The British Embassies in these other countries are told to expect similar action and to destroy immediately all secret documents and coding machines present in their embassies and to comply directly with any foreign personnel.
Mr. Churchill:
I have received reports that you have in all seriousness ordered the arrest of Union citizens. We have arrested no-one so far. Let our people go now, or there will be consequences.
- N.I. Bukharin
OoC: I am a little offended, too, that you keep calling us "Russians." Just so you know. IC it's one thing - I expect that kind of insult. OoC it's different.
Lesser Ribena
07-10-2005, 17:59
OOC: I presumed that the arrest and exchange of foreig nationals was a standard procedure in times of war to prevent possible spies etc.
Sorry if I offended you by calling you Russians. I didn't think there'd be a problem. What would you like me to call your country/people instead?
I don't think i've ever referred to you as Russian OOCly, though please forgive me if I have.
Vas Pokhoronim
07-10-2005, 18:14
OOC: I presumed that the arrest and exchange of foreig nationals was a standard procedure in times of war to prevent possible spies etc.
Sorry if I offended you by calling you Russians. I didn't think there'd be a problem. What would you like me to call your country/people instead?
I don't think i've ever referred to you as Russian OOCly, though please forgive me if I have.
OoC: I don't know, it probably is. The leadership of the Union is mostly a bunch of Revolutionaries who wouldn't necessarily know that, though. I get sticky about the "Russian" thing from time to time. Especially right after my innocent citizens (well, mostly innocent) have been pre-emptively arrested and I've just been called - utterly unjustly - "oppressive." Those ticked me off more, I think. The "Russian" comment was icing on the cake.
Anyway, I just assumed my diplomatic staff all left when the declarations of war started flinging back and forth. I didn't RP it, because I've been pretty busy with planning and moderating, as you can probably imagine. Let's just say it blows over, and gives me one more thing to hate the British for.
Lesser Ribena
07-10-2005, 18:38
OOC: Right, sorry VP. I accept that your citizens will all have left (probably weren't that many here anyway). I'll try to refer to your country an dpeople as The Union in the future, and I hope that you accept that all the "opressive" and "agressor" stuff was propaganda conjured up by the rabidly anti-communist Churchill.
Anyway, back on with the RP...
After discussions with top military leaders and key members of the Volksraad, and following a rousing speech in Cape Town by Jan Smuts, Prime Minister Hertzog expressed solidarity with Churchill, and announced that 'a state of War now exists between South Africa and any nation-state currently at war with Britain.'
Smuts responded to this declaration, saying that "the British Empire is the greatest stimulant of organised freedom which the world has ever known. By geography, by experience, by practical idealism, by political maturity, by character, the British have a part to play which no other race could do so well. It our sacred duty, and our honor, to aid them now against the godless foe."
OOC: Luckily, Smuts had enough clout within the military to pull this off (he did, after all, orchestrate the attack on Cape Town in 1900). Otherwise, we'd be in trouble right now.
07-10-2005, 23:25
OOC: Unless they're all detained or gone...
IC: The German Embassy in London is hurredly evacuated and the building is completely abandoned, all documents were thrown in the fire. Immediately, a ship is taken to the Republic. Also, all German citizens are informed to leave Britian immediately.
The French politely contact the British government and inform them that will be sending over an unarmed transport with citizens of both the United Sates and Britan aboard, along with the embassy and diplomatic staff. They request that French citizens and diplomatic staff be sent back aboard the transport and, if possible, will exchange the embassy military personell as well.
Lesser Ribena
08-10-2005, 20:07
A few replies:
SOUTH AFRICA: Britain extends her thanks for South African sensibilities in declaring war against the evil communists and hopes for a short and light war etc.
Germany: Your embassy staff leave fine with no hitches as do mine in your country, the passage of the merchant ship carrying them remains unhindered.
France: We will gladly exchange citizens and military personnel, a boatload of all recorded French citizens leaves Britain from Portsmouth for a rendezvous with the French vessel moving in the opposite direction before completing their journey to France. All French military personnel will be swapped as well. We kindly request that the French transport disembarks at an uninhabited part of the coastline where it will be met by local police forces who will supervise the offloading of the British citizens and check papers etc. The captain of the British transport has been instructed to comply with all similar French requests.
OOC: Oh what a civilised war!
The French ship will comply with all requests. France makes similar requests of the British ship.
Lesser Ribena
18-10-2005, 16:16
PM Winston Churchill has today announced the results of Britain's war efforts to the populace.
"To all citizens of the British Empire, I am speaking to you today to inform you all of the great victories our forces have been winning across the world. I am sure that you are all aware of the great work of the Royal Navy in attacking and destroying many of the enemies vessels in the seas and their other operations. But I have news that will please you all.
Just recently British forces alongside those of the our brave allies the South Africans, Argentinians and Colombians; have liberated the island of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean, from the clutches of the French. This is the last major bastion of The Pact in the Southern Hemisphere and it's loss spells the end for their tyrannic plans. Losses were extremely light on the Aliied side and the entirity of the French garrison was captured and now languishes in PoW camps in South Africa.
Not content with this action our Army has recently arrived in Italy to support our allies there. They form the major reserve for the Italians and will assist them if aid is requested though the Italians seem to be enjoying success already! A major French attack was beaten last month and it seems that we shall soon be able to jump onto the offensive and strike back.
Further to this our army has been fighting alongside tribal forces in Afghanistan against a horde of Russian invaders. The army has aquitted itself nobly and has killed a good few attackers. They have now retired a short distance to regroup, resupply and await reinforcements from our forces in India. It is not long before they will again go on the offesive and attack the enemy before driving them back to Russia and fighting on the enemy's soil.
In closing, please continue to do what you can to support the war effort and ensure that you waste as little as possible in terms of material. It is important that as much as possible can be saved to equip and mainatin our bold fighting men abroad and every little helps. I expect that the war will be over soon and that all can return to normal with communism crushed and destroyed so that it may never taint this fine world again!"
Ottoman Khaif
22-10-2005, 18:59
To: British Government
From:Ottoman Government
Dear Sirs, We of the Ottoman State, request for the lands of Kuwaits to handle over to the Ottoman state. Its been key issue between our two states. We have alway been your loyal friends...we are even now supplying your war effort with oil, all that we ask is for compete rule of Kuwait...we will allow your nation to maintain a base in the area, but all we ask is for Kuwait. As your good friends and supplier of oil for your war effort, all we want is Kuwait.
OOC: Britian could you please get on Chazty
Lesser Ribena
22-10-2005, 19:45
Britain would be glad to hand over the territory of Kuwait to the Ottoman government on a few conditions:
- A British garrison be mainatined there and basing rights be granted to the British military
- Any oil in the area be exploited exclusively by the Anglo-Ottoman oil company
-Joint rule is established in North Yemen, ie. Britain gains rights to a garrison there but will not interfere in the runnings of local politics etc.
At discretion of Ottoman government, a friendlier stance with Britain would result if the following happened:
- Exports of metals to Pact nations immediately ceased
- Political pressure apllied to the Union over the invasion of Afghanistan
Britain hopes that the Ottoman government sees these conditions as acceptable and hopes for a long and peaceful future between our nations and asks that Britain's favourable history with the Ottomans in the past is remembered (ie Egypt joint rule etc.).
Ottoman Khaif
22-10-2005, 20:09
Semi Secret
To: British Government
From: Ottoman Government
Topic: Kuwait treaty
- A British garrison be mainatined there and basing rights be granted to the British military( Agree)
- Any oil in the area be exploited exclusively by the Anglo-Ottoman oil company( Agree)
-Joint rule is established in North Yemen, ie. Britain gains rights to a garrison there but will not interfere in the runnings of local politics etc.( Agree)
At discretion of Ottoman government, a friendlier stance with Britain would result if the following happened:
- Exports of metals to Pact nations immediately ceased( Disagree)
- Political pressure apllied to the Union over the invasion of Afghanistan( Agree, we're state our opinions on the matter.)
Lesser Ribena
22-10-2005, 20:13
Britain welcomes the newly renewed friendship with the Ottomans and agrees to the enaction of the terms.
Lesser Ribena
10-11-2005, 19:10
Prime Minister Winston Churchill has today announced his intentions to resign as Prime Minister, in a stirring speech made to parliament today he stated that “I have done my duty to this fine nation in bringing us through that terrible and bloody war and I am now doing the honourable thing by handing over power to a successor. This successor will rebuild this nation from it’s losses in the war and will do a much better job of it than I can possibly ever hope to. My successor will be the Right Honourable Stanley Baldwin who has long been a close friend and who will make an excellent peacetime leader. He will take over within the month and begin the rebuilding process”
Once Mr. Churchill had finished naming his successor he moved on his last proposals proposal. He stated that “I would have this house rule on the creation of a National Health Service, this NHS will replace our current system of private health care with a government funded public health care service. I forsee a future in which all British people will be able to enjoy the bounty of free health care no matter their status or wealth and that no citizen will ever need to pay for healthcare provision ever again. This service will be set up with the employment of doctors and nurses from the private sector and the establishment of hospitals bought from private institutions under the Compulsary Purchase Act. The required funds for such a move will be paid for from the surplus left over after the cancellation of all outstanding Defence purchases and the defence surplus from post war downsizing, as well as the introduction of a national insurance tax on citizens’ salaries. It is hoped that this health service will be running at full capacity within 5 years and that a full budget can be proposed for it at the next budget report.
Now to my final proposal, I would have this house vote on a most pressing matter, that which I have promised to our dominion leaders before the war and which I believe is their god given right. I propose that the following dominions receive full independence from Great Britain: Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland. These nations shall break away from their current status and become full sovereign nations under the rule of the current Dominion Prime Minister. Their only requirement is that a vote be held within each nation to determine that the people support such a matter, that elections are to be scheduled within 6 months of independence and that they agree to remain a member of the Commonwealth of Nations unless grave circumstances dictate that the other members are forced to demand the withdrawal of said nation and that a vote determines this desire.
Now I see many confused faces before me as I mention this Commonwealth of Nations, I will admit that I lied when I said that the previous proposal was to be my last as Prime Minister, for this one must be passed first. I propose that the house votes on the creation of a Commonwealth of Nations. This Commonwealth will work for the improvement of it’s members Economically, Socially and Environmentally. Members will be entitled to have no tariffs charged on goods moving through the Commonwealth, they will receive scholarships for their citizens to British universities, they will benefit from free NHS healthcare as long as their government agrees to pay surcharge to cover the costs of treatment. Therefore I recommend that the house now holds a short recess befor ewe vote on these most important matters.”
The government is currently voting on the matter and a result is expected shortly.
Lesser Ribena
10-11-2005, 19:24
The Hosue of Commons has returned the following votes for the above proposals:
National Health Service Establishment Bill:
For - 367
Against -233
Abstain - 46
Passed by a majority of 134
Creation of the Commonwealth of Nations Bill:
For - 333
Agaisnt - 296
Abstain - 17
Passed by a majority of 37
Independence of Dominions Bill:
For - 321
Against - 312
Abstain - 13
Passed by a majority of 9
It is hereby announced that the NHS shall be created under guidelines set out by Winston Churchill PM and the Department of Health. Also the following dominions are required to hold a vote whether to secede from the British Empire: Ireland, Canada, South Africa, India, Austalia, New Zealand. Finally a Commonwealth of Nations is ot be created and a constitution written up.
Lesser Ribena
10-11-2005, 21:45
Commonwealth Constitution
I All Commonwealth nations are to be sovereign and independent states, free to pursue their own foreign and domestic policy.
II Commonwealth nations are to charge minimal trade tariffs on goods moving between Commonwealth nations.
III Commonwealth nations to assist each other when neccessary in terms of supplies neccessary for war purposes but are under no obligations to declare war upon each others enemies.
IV Commonwealth nations are free to resign their membership at any time.
V Nations may be expelled from the Commonwealth by a majority vote from other nations.
VI Citizens from Commonwealth nations may vote in any British election whilst resident in that country, this may be reciprocated by foreign governments in that they may allow British citizens to vote in their elections but this is not a requirement.
VII The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Initiative be established to promote the taking up of scholarships for Commonwealth citizens to other Commonwealth nation universities as well as the sharing of research and scientific assistance.
VIII Commonwealth citizens to be afforded the right of abode into the UK and this is to be reciprocated amongst other Commonwealth nations.
IX Commonwealth nations to maintain a democratic system of government
X A nation is to be an ex-British (or other Commonwealth nation) territory in order to enter the Commonwealth and must have signed this constitution.
XI Amendments to this constitution to be decided by a majority vote of Commonwealth nations.
OOC: Any comments? Especially Malkyer, but opinions from everyone welcomed. If I recieve no comment i'm going to assume that Canada, New Zealand, India and Southern Ireland will vote for self-rule and that they will sign this document but i'll leave it to Malkyer and Cylea to decide what South Africa and Australia will do.
One thing I don't know is whether Ireland will sign the consitution as they hate the British but are pretty dependent on them economically and the Commonwealth will aid this.
The above terms are pretty vague as well but all judgements of Commonwealth nations will be made by ither Commonwealth members. Ie. if someone charges excess trade tariffs then the Commonwealth members may well vote to issue a warning or even an expulsion.
Recent elections in Australia have produced the following results. 59% in favor of independence. 86% in favor of joining the Commonwealth. Like a daughter fondly leaving the house of its mother, Australia wishes to maintain the friendship and alliances that our two great nations have always enjoyed.
Upon hearing of Mr. Churchill's final proposal, Prime Minister Hertzog called an emergency session of the Volksraad in Pretoria. The National Party-dominated government voted overwhelmingly in favor of independence, though Prime Minister Hertzog, with some urging from the Ministry of Defence, has promised to hold a general election as soon as possible to confirm this decision.
After the voting of the emergency session, Prime Minister Hertzog gave a brief, impromptu speech in which he addressed his hopes for South Africa's role in the newly-formed Commonwealth, and in the larger world. The speech was given in Afrikaans, rather than English or Dutch, which has been interpreted as an important political move.
"De dag dat wij ongeveer hebben gedroomd en vocht voor voor zo snak ten slotte is gekomen, kom naar alle broers onder de Zuid-afrikaanse vlag. Terwijl wij ten slotte vrij van buitenlandse imperialisme zijn, moeten wij die naties niet vergeten die ons langs de weg geholpen hebben. Groot-brittannië, hoewel hun wreedheid geen grenzen tijdens de Tweede Oorlog van de Onafhankelijkheid kende, heeft gewerkt deze schandelijke last op te heffen en ik bedank persoonlijk hen voor hun hulp in het herbouwen van Transvaal en de Sinaasappel Vrystaat. Argentinië toonde zich om een onmisbare kameraad in onze strijden, zowel thuis als in het buitenland tijdens de jaren van oorlog te zijn. De andere naties van de Commonwealth, Australië en Canada, Nieuw-zeeland en Indië, evenals Ierland, mogen niet stemt iedereen voor onafhankelijkheid, maar ik zal met onze goede relaties met deze Heerschappij voortdoen.
Begroet naar Zuid-afrika! Begroet naar het Vaderland!"
"The day that we have dreamt about and fought for for so long has finally come, come to all brothers under the South African flag. While we are finally free of foreign imperialism, we must not forget those nations that have helped us along the way. Great Britain, though their cruelty knew no bounds during the Second War of Independence, have worked to lift this shameful burden, and I personally thank them for their assistance in rebuilding Transvaal and Orange Free State. Argentina showed themselves to be an indispensable comrade in our struggles, both at home and abroad during the years of war. The other nations of the Commonwealth, Australia and Canada, New Zealand and India, as well as Ireland, may not all vote for independence, but I will keep up our good relations with these Dominions.
Hail to South Africa! Hail to the Fatherland!"
The Lightning Star
11-11-2005, 02:01
In the Indian Parliament
Prime Minister Jinnah stood in front of a bristling Parliament. The Indian people had fought long and hard for this day, and finally, the British government was giving India the chance to be free once again. As the MP's began to realize he had arrived and began to quiet down, Jinnah began to speak.
"My fellow Indians, Muslims, Hindu, Sikh, and Buddhist alike, today is a great day in the history of India. Today, we will be able to vote for independence. Of course, we will maintain ties with Great Britain, but now we will be a free and independent nation. From the N.W.F.P to Bengal, from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu, the Indian people rejoice. It is time for us to make history, gentlemen! So let us get to it!"
Voting then began to see if India would be independent or not. 700 representatives voted, and the results were:
In favor of Independence: 686
Against Indepdendence: 14
In favor of joining the Commonwealth of Nations: 547
Against joining the Commonwealth of Nations: 153
After the results were confirmed, Jinnah walked up to the podium of the Parliament and exclaimed: Long live Free India!
And with that, the Federated States of India was born.
Lesser Ribena
11-11-2005, 23:27
Canada, New Zealand, Ireland Votes
For: 235
Against: 126
For: 193
Against: 168
For: 67
Against: 13
For: 59
Against: 11
For: 212
Against: 19
For: 125
Against: 116
Therefore every dominion of the UK has been given indpendence and henceforth is a memebr of the Commonwealth.
Churchill's successor the Right Honourable Stanley Baldwin has made a speech to parliament praising the willingness of his ex-dominion prime ministers to sign the Commonwealth Constitution and promises that large sums of British aid will be provided to Commonwealth countries to set up domsestic systems once the economy has returned to it's pre-war levels. He also reminds the Commonwealth leaders that British garrisons and navy forces will remain in their nations until a healthy domestic military can be trained and set up. He also states that Britain would welcome any form of military alliance with Commonwealth nations but that one is not neccessary for coninued membership.
The Lightning Star
12-11-2005, 00:38
OOC: Does India get Afghanistan?
Vas Pokhoronim
12-11-2005, 01:03
OOC: Does India get Afghanistan?
The Lightning Star
12-11-2005, 01:45
OOC: Just asking! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez....
Vas Pokhoronim
12-11-2005, 02:11
Okay. That was funny.
Lesser Ribena
16-11-2005, 19:10
The Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst (recently formed by a merger with the Woolwich Academy), the Brittania Naval College and RAF college Cranwell(as well as lectures to NCOs and Private servicemen in barracks) has begun lectures to British officers on lessons learned from GWII (2nd Great War). Lectures will focus on new tactics and strategies developed during the war including great leaps in communications, armaments and other technologies. New and existing servicemen will be taght the necessary new tactics that have resulted from the war including improved offensive and defensive formations and doing away with older obsolete formations and strategies.
Courses are also offered to Commonwealth military personnel on condition that their governments settle a small tuition fee to support the Colleges and Academies prior to enlistment on the course.
Lesser Ribena
17-11-2005, 20:55
Upon receipt of American RADAR research British scientists are commisioned by the Ministry of Defence to conduct a feasability study on a large scale RADAR detection system for use as an early warning aid around the British Coast as well as to support the locating of friendly military and civilian flights. The results come back that such a thing is possible but will require years of research and investment from the government. This is seen as a fair trade off to the MoD and a specialist team is immediately commisioned into designing and building prototypes for further testing.
OOC: Basically the early research into the Chain Home (CH) system.
Is this OK to the mods?
It's about on par with history as we are currently at 1936 tech. The basic idea is that after around 2 years of research a limited CH system will be built (at great cost, I should imagine), but further research (say another year or so) will reveal a better system of Plan Position Indicators (PPI) is within grasp and will replace and expand the system with newer and better PPI detectors. These are basically the stereotypical RADAR systems with the sweeping detection beam and the circular CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilliscope) display, they were invented in 1936 and put into military useage at around 1940.
Australia wishes to inquire if your offer of selling older ships in the navy to newly independent Commonwealth members is still valid. In addition to cash we would be willing to offer the islands of Mauritius and Reunion as outposts in the Indian Ocean.
Galveston Bay
17-11-2005, 22:20
Upon receipt of American RADAR research British scientists are commisioned by the Ministry of Defence to conduct a feasability study on a large scale RADAR detection system for use as an early warning aid around the British Coast as well as to support the locating of friendly military and civilian flights. The results come back that such a thing is possible but will require years of research and investment from the government. This is seen as a fair trade off to the MoD and a specialist team is immediately commisioned into designing and building prototypes for further testing.
OOC: Basically the early research into the Chain Home (CH) system.
Is this OK to the mods?
It's about on par with history as we are currently at 1936 tech. The basic idea is that after around 2 years of research a limited CH system will be built (at great cost, I should imagine), but further research (say another year or so) will reveal a better system of Plan Position Indicators (PPI) is within grasp and will replace and expand the system with newer and better PPI detectors. These are basically the stereotypical RADAR systems with the sweeping detection beam and the circular CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilliscope) display, they were invented in 1936 and put into military useage at around 1940.
yes that is perfectly fine... the US has radar stations at Hawaii, the Philippines, Truk, Casablanca, Panama and several areas around the US
The Chain Radar thing should be fine. You can have it up and running around 1935 - 1940.
Lesser Ribena
18-11-2005, 18:41
Australia wishes to inquire if your offer of selling older ships in the navy to newly independent Commonwealth members is still valid. In addition to cash we would be willing to offer the islands of Mauritius and Reunion as outposts in the Indian Ocean.
Indeed, our Commonwealth friends are welcome to purchase older RN vessels. Is there any particular vessel you're after? I have a surplus of almost any class that would otherwise be destined for the scrap heap. Perhaps the old Renown and Repulse battlecruisers? They're pretty up to date (1916-17 commissioned) and are worthless to the streamline Royal Navy. I would be willing to exchange these ships (plus 10 W class destroyers, built 1918-1919) for the islands or you can have a few cruisers instead of the battlecruisers or whatever. It depends how you want to begin your navy. Training will of course be provided to RAN personnel and extra vessels can be provided in return for a token amount of cash to cover the transport costs and scrap value of the vessels.
Galveston Bay
18-11-2005, 18:54
Indeed, our Commonwealth friends are welcome to purchase older RN vessels. Is there any particular vessel you're after? I have a surplus of almost any class that would otherwise be destined for the scrap heap. Perhaps the old Renown and Repulse battlecruisers? They're pretty up to date (1916-17 commissioned) and are worthless to the streamline Royal Navy. I would be willing to exchange these ships (plus 10 W class destroyers, built 1918-1919) for the islands or you can have a few cruisers instead of the battlecruisers or whatever. It depends how you want to begin your navy. Training will of course be provided to RAN personnel and extra vessels can be provided in return for a token amount of cash to cover the transport costs and scrap value of the vessels.
Australia probably wouldn't want the Renown, as they were manning the Repulse when she got destroyed by the Chinese off the coast of Malaya during the war.
Australia probably wouldn't want the Renown, as they were manning the Repulse when she got destroyed by the Chinese off the coast of Malaya during the war.
Wait, I thought I remembered that happening, but what ships are available to buy then (battlecruisers i mean).
Galveston Bay
18-11-2005, 19:07
Wait, I thought I remembered that happening, but what ships are available to buy then (battlecruisers i mean).
the British still had the Hood (battlecruiser), Renown (sister to Repulse), 4 Queen Elizabeth class battleships (Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Malaya, Barham), and 2 Nelson class (Nelson, Rodney) left at the end of the war.
Lesser Ribena
18-11-2005, 19:19
Ah yes, I forgot about that!
I would prefer to keep the QE and Nelson class vessels (I believe I modernised them in some post-war redevelopments, but I could be mistaken), but wouldn't mind parting with the Hood or Renown if they're wanted.
Fair enough. I'll take the Hood and Renown in exchange for the islands and would also like to purchase two cruisers to complement them for cash (if that is alright). Thanks in advance (and OOC: I'll try to keep Hood away from anything named Bismarck)
Fair enough. I'll take the Hood and Renown in exchange for the islands and would also like to purchase two cruisers to complement them for cash (if that is alright). Thanks in advance (and OOC: I'll try to keep Hood away from anything named Bismarck)
I believe it was the Tirpitz that sank the Hood.
Ottoman Khaif
19-11-2005, 05:41
I believe it was the Tirpitz that sank the Hood.
OOC: It was the Bismark not the Tirpitz...I am 100 percent sure and have check my facts..
thanks for the support--usually pretty good about WW2 history and this backs me up: http://www.voodoo.cz/hood/
Back to the whole purchasing of boats thing, do you just say "i pay for them" or is there some sort of actual budget i should be aware of?
Lesser Ribena
19-11-2005, 20:27
The money is largely insignificant in relation to the build points system and other economy stuff. It'd only be a few hundred thousand pounds anyway which is a small drop in the ocean compared to budgets. I think that we can safely assume that the money is transferred and that's the end of it.
As I remember it Bismarck sank the Hood at the Battle of Denmark Strait and caused us British chaps to begin the "great chase" in revenge which ultimately resulted in the demise of the Bismarck (caused by a Swordfish torpedo bomber damaging her rudder and leaving her vulnerable to gunfire).
Ottoman Khaif
19-11-2005, 20:34
OOC: Britiain, how exactly nowsday is Egypt being run by us...its kindly confusing, I know we have Joint rule over it...but how does it work..
Galveston Bay
19-11-2005, 20:57
OOC: It was the Bismark not the Tirpitz...I am 100 percent sure and have check my facts..
the Bismark sank the Hood, took a torpedo hit a couple of days later that allowed the HMS Rodney and King Geroge V to catch her and pound her to pieces.
The Tirpitz saw action only once, shelling Spitzbergen. It was attacked many times
once by carrier planes (serious damage requiring several weeks of repairs)
a minisub (which permanently prevented her from going to see)
and finally, a squadron of Lancasters dropped 12,000 pound bombs on her, capsizing her (which took care of her for good).
Lesser Ribena
19-11-2005, 23:34
Britiain, how exactly nowsday is Egypt being run by us...its kindly confusing, I know we have Joint rule over it...but how does it work..
It is kind of confusing, but basically it amounts to a 50/50 (British/Ottoman officials) split of a governing body (a parliament or senate or whatever) based in Alexandria who share responsibility for rule of teh country and decision making, collecting taxes etc.
I always thought it was the Tirpitz that sank the Hood. I was under that assumption since I remember the Hood being sunk near Scandavaia, and the Tirpitz was in that general vicinity before being sunk herself. I remember that the Tirpitz was on a mission to protect the heavy water shipment being manufactured in Norway for Germany's nuclear program efforts. I may be wrong yet again- I have too much WW 2 knowledge that I can't really catalog them well. :(
Thanks for the correction, guys.
The money is largely insignificant in relation to the build points system and other economy stuff. It'd only be a few hundred thousand pounds anyway which is a small drop in the ocean compared to budgets. I think that we can safely assume that the money is transferred and that's the end of it.
So done deal then, just to make it official?
Lesser Ribena
20-11-2005, 16:53
Yep consider it done.
Lesser Ribena
20-11-2005, 16:54
Yep consider it done.
Also the map is being reworked at the moment and an updated map thread should be up over the next few days.
20-11-2005, 17:46
To: The British Government
From: Regia Aeronautica
The Regia Aeronautica is in the process of reorganizing, and we feel that our own designs are not sufficient to meet our needs. We wish to liscense the Hawker Hurricane for production in Italy for the Italian Regia Aeronautica. In exchange, we offer bases in Djoubiti.
Lesser Ribena
20-11-2005, 20:17
The British government would be delighted to offer our Italian allies the opportunity to purchase quantities of Hawker Hurricane aircraft and have instructed the Hawker Aircraft Company that it is free to pursue a defence contract with your nation and the Italian Regia Aeronautica company. There is expected to be no problem in bringing about the deal.
In return Britain would welcome basing rights for her navy in Djibouti and humbly requests minimum space in the docks for one light battleship or carrier, a pair of cruisers and 6 destroyers. These vessels wil not be based there (only a singular cruiser and a few destroyers will be adequate for the area) but the extra space would be welcome in case extra forces are required in times of emergency. The RAF and Fleet Air Arm have also requested a space near to the naval base for a small airstrip for refueling of naval aircraft passing through the Suez Canal and for use in emergencies, you are under no obligation to grant this wish but the RAF and FAA would be grateful for any help the Italian government can offer.
Finally I must warn you not to upset your new Abyssinian (Ethiopian) neighbours, they are technically part of the British Empire but officially they are allies and under no laws of Britain, they have a long tribal history of warfare and it would be wise not to antagonise them. A British garrison is in place in Abyssinia and will keep order there but should a problem arise it woul dbe best to solve it diplomatically rather than forcefully.
20-11-2005, 21:59
The Italian government will comply with all of the British requests, including the construction of an airfield. We will have the bases up and running as soon as is possible, and will contact Britain once they are completed. In addition, we will not interfere with our neighbors.
Ottoman Khaif
27-11-2005, 04:36
To:British Government
From: Middle Eastern Union
Topic: Investments
Dear Sirs,
We of the MEU, request that your nation to invest in the growing industies of the Union. We are opening up our industies for investments, our growing industral areas in Turkey, Greater Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq, Iran and the joint rule state of Egypt are in need for investments from outside nations so that we grow more..with your investments we can grow and your investers will make some money on the side, please think of our offer.
Lesser Ribena
27-11-2005, 15:21
From:British Government
To: Middle Eastern Union
Topic: Investments
Britain is always interested in foreign investment opportunities and would be glad to support our Middle Eastern friends and neighbours. British companies have been approached on this matter and the following proposals have been made:
-Improve oil extraction and discovery methods with new improved technology (recently researched), relevent to the Anglo-Ottoman oil company and hoped to greatly increase production from oil fields owned by said company and returning profits to both Britain and the Middle East.
-Improvement to infrastructure, particularly roads and railways in order to better service industry in the area. Expansion of current railroad network over the Suez Canal so that more trade can flow between Africa and Asia.
-Setting up of British industrial companies in MEU territory to employ local workforces. Thereby returning profits to the UK and supporting the local economy via taxes and employment opportunities.
Many other companies are interetsed in investment in your nation but are interested in what advantages can be offered to them as opposed to more conventional locations.
The government is currently considering inproving British Africa's transport and infrastructure network greatly to improve domestic and international trade. Amongst other plans this includes: increasing width and depth of Suez Canal to take larger vessels, connecting British West Africa to the Cape-Cairo Railroad, increasing capacity of Cape-Cairo Railroad from a double track to a 4track or even 6 track system, improving African roads to make the continent more desirable to industry, improving airport and seaport capacity and quality and adding more stations, ports and airports to the area.
It is hoped that continued investment in the MEU will assist this plan and that both of our nations will benefit from increased trade as a result.
Lesser Ribena
27-11-2005, 20:25
I thought it was just that we couldn't give other nations our government spending points? I didn't think there was anything wrong with private companies investing abroad, doesn't that happen already? I have had British companies in Italy, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil etc. before, should that have happened or not?
I'm willing to abide by the decision of the mods, it's just that I wasn't aware that I was breaking the rules in this manner, as it's happened before and it's private companies doing the investing and not HM government. If not then I apologise and will wait until 1935.
Vas Pokhoronim
27-11-2005, 20:41
Yes, it's happened before, but things have changed since then. We're now in the process of working out a comprehensive economic system, and I would appreciate it if you and others would stop pushing the limits of it by trying to bribe other countries with your economic surpluses - when you shouldn't even know yet if you have economic surpluses, because the system isn't fully defined.
You may have noticed that it's really getting on my nerves.
Galveston Bay should be back sometime today, and he and I can start trying to develop some kind of workable system.
Lesser Ribena
27-11-2005, 20:52
OOC: As I say i'm sorry, I didn't mean to be "pushing the limits of the system" I just didn't fully understand the rules of it (a pretty common occurence until we finish tweaking, i'll bet). Until a workable (and hopefully fairly simple) system is worked out, I'm prepared to bide my time; so to speak.
As the saying goes: "All good things come to those that wait"
Once again, I apologise profusely for inadvertantly breaking the rules.
Vas Pokhoronim
27-11-2005, 22:54
Thanks. Sorry I was so - forceful.
Lesser Ribena
28-11-2005, 18:34
OOC: Don't worry about it, now i can see how it looked as if I was cheating the system.
(mostly secret military stuff)
Britain's RADAR advancements continue apace, around half of the RAF's aircraft are due to be modified with millimeter RADAR systems early next year with the remaining half to be converted the year after (1934), it will provide better detection of enemy aircrafta nd also limited ground mapping capabilities.
The existing Chain Home RADAR detection system is set to be upgarded as well, the Plan Position Indicator system of a sweeping line display is being implemented and is expected to be complete by the end of 1934 allowing for a greater degree of success with detection.
By 1935 the Military Intelligence Service is likely to be in for another overhaul with regional HQ's established to tackle information gathering in a more effective manner.
The army is likely to see the adoption of a newer Lee Enfield, No.4, Mk.I Rifle after some further testing has take place (probably by the middle of 1935). BREN guns are also likely to be adopted as the sqaud LMG by this time.
The military is also thought to be pursuing new tank designs in hopes of updating the armoured elements by 1936.
The Royal Navy has requested an increased budget for 1934-6 to increase it's power at sea and to bring it's vessels up to date in light of recent foreign developments.
The RAF is quite happy with it's current funding, having recently upgraded many aircraft and will accept a reduced 1934 funding until it wishes to upgrade it's aircraft (probably around 36-37).
Of the council of clan
29-11-2005, 01:29
OOC: Don't worry about it, now i can see how it looked as if I was cheating the system.
(mostly secret military stuff)
Britain's RADAR advancements continue apace, around half of the RAF's aircraft are due to be modified with millimeter RADAR systems early next year with the remaining half to be converted the year after (1934), it will provide better detection of enemy aircrafta nd also limited ground mapping capabilities.
The existing Chain Home RADAR detection system is set to be upgarded as well, the Plan Position Indicator system of a sweeping line display is being implemented and is expected to be complete by the end of 1934 allowing for a greater degree of success with detection.
By 1935 the Military Intelligence Service is likely to be in for another overhaul with regional HQ's established to tackle information gathering in a more effective manner.
The army is likely to see the adoption of a newer Lee Enfield, No.4, Mk.I Rifle after some further testing has take place (probably by the middle of 1935). BREN guns are also likely to be adopted as the sqaud LMG by this time.
The military is also thought to be pursuing new tank designs in hopes of updating the armoured elements by 1936.
The Royal Navy has requested an increased budget for 1934-6 to increase it's power at sea and to bring it's vessels up to date in light of recent foreign developments.
The RAF is quite happy with it's current funding, having recently upgraded many aircraft and will accept a reduced 1934 funding until it wishes to upgrade it's aircraft (probably around 36-37).
I think you mean Centimeter band radar. and 10cm band at that(thats late WWII levels historically) Millimeter band is something that is new NOW.
Lesser Ribena
29-11-2005, 18:07
yep, that's just an error on my part. Thanks for pointing it out, the above should read cm and not mm. That's what happens when I post when i'm tired...
Australia thanks you for passing on RADAR and other technologies to us in the past, but we feel we must enquire about the possibilty of receiving modern aircraft designs from you. The war in China has put our put our population into considerable unease, and as of now we have no airforce to defend ourselves. On that note, we also must ask what Britain's stance on the China incident is right now. There is considerable tension in our Parliament right now over the proper course of action and guidance from the mother country might help to break the deadlock. Thank you.
France is willing to sell fighter aircraft to Australia and provide instructors.
Britain would gladly supply Australia with sufficient Hawker Hurricane aircraft to meet her needs. There will be a substantial discount of course given our close ties and treaty arrangements.
OOC: Just moving this back to the page it belongs on. No reason to clog the frenchies up with it
IC: Australia is happy to hear it. We have one pilot unit, so I assume we would need one fighter unit to match. However we are slightly concerned by Yugoslavian claims that they posses a superior aircraft. As such, we would like to send observers to England to watch the Hurricane in action and report back later.
Secret IC: The Yugolavians invited us to watch wargames of them vs the MEU and maybe the Union to see the IK-3 in action. Assume that we will choose the Hurricane based on discounts but that we try to gather intel on Pact military capabilities while we are there. (OOC: would GB need to know about this to make a ruling or is it irrelevant?)
07-12-2005, 23:38
Communique to British Ministery of Defence
We are looking for fighter aircraft to purchase with which we are going equip the airforce that we are constructing with your countries' most appreciated aid to Viet Nam.
We would therefore like to purchase enough Hawker Hurricane Fighters to equip a single combat unit.
Defence Minister,
Lu Tranh Ho
Ignore my secret IC: I got my answer already. So, next yr ('35) Australia has permission to build one unit of Hurricanes?
Lesser Ribena
09-12-2005, 16:24
Australia: Certainly, I hope you enjoy these topr of the range machines.
Vietnam: Britain will gladly supply Hurricanes to your country as part of the foreign aid deal to improve Vietnam's armed forces. Production is running high at the moment with the need to provide for the RAF and also the Australian Air Force but we are sure that we can set aside enough aircraft for Vietnam. I also promised you some shipping units on your own thread. In return for a info on whether you are ready to attack Indo-China or whatever.
if it will take some slack off (and we know it isnt much) Australia is more than capable of building the fighters ourselves (OOC: I think....) and we have the points to do so. We just needed permission/the designs. Thanks by the way.
09-12-2005, 19:08
The People of Vietnam thank you for you kind help in our mission to secure rhe territory of our fellow South East Asian comrades.
As to your request for infomation about when our forces will move into Indochina, the first army was ordered to begin moblisation for months ago and by now should have taken up positions on the border between t he whole Indochina and China, and some forces should now be securing the interior of Laos and Cambodia.
Once again thank you for your generous aid.
Defence Minister,
Lu Tranh Ho
Vas Pokhoronim
11-12-2005, 17:20
The Union wishes to reassure our British friends that we have no intention whatsoever of permitting the present Asian conflict to spill over into the rest of the civilized world. Were it not for the inadvisable involvement of the French (which we of course protested, but you know the French) the Union would not have become embroiled in this terrible affair at all.
The Red Army currently has withdrawn all Mobile Forces from Europe. This should show, much better than any words that I can give you, how little of a threat we pose to Great Britain at the present time, as well as how committed we are to reëstablishing peace and stability in Asia.
In truth, the Union rather hopes that the British people and government might contribute in some way to the efffort to restrain Japanese aggression.
- Aleksandra Kollontai, Union Minister for International Affairs
Lesser Ribena
12-12-2005, 15:28
AUSTRALIA: Certainly feel free to use the Hurricane designs, any deduction from our foreign aid budget is a good thing.
Neville Chamberlain - Chancellor of the Exchequer
VIETNAM: Thankyou for your kind reassurance, I can confirm the continued flow of British aid into your treasury for the next year (amounting to 8 points) and wish you well in your upcoming campaign.
Lord Halifax - Secretary for War
I thabkyou kindly for your reassurance of the containment of the Asian conflict within that continent and therefore the continued safety of the rest of the world. Indeed Britain has a long history with the French and we have known them for their stubborn and naive views of the world, it is unfortunate that your great nation has become enbroiled in what can only be a costly war due to negligence on their part.
My colleague Lord Halifax, the Secretary for War, has agreed that the Union has made a great symbol of it's wish for cooperation with the West by the withdrawal of all mobile military units from Europe and that this bodes well for a swift end to the troubles in Asia.
Britain will do all in it's power to prevent the present conflict erupting into any more troubles. But I have to state that it cannot interfer with the sovereignity of Japan no matter how troubling it is to the world that this fresh conflict stains our great history of peace.
Galveston Bay
13-12-2005, 01:18
Argentina wants to buy 500 Mosquito bombers from Great Britian. In addition, Argentina wants to trade its half of Madagascar to Britian for sole possession of the Malvinas Islands.
Lesser Ribena
13-12-2005, 16:42
Walter Runciman President of the Board of Trade for the British Government has authorsied the De Havilland Company to allow Mosquito Bomber exports to Argentina. Further payments are to be made to them but it is understood that the order will be filled quickly as Britain's order for these aircraft has already been fulfilled.
Lesser Ribena
14-12-2005, 11:32
Today's issue of The Times carries a celebrationary montage of Argentinian and British cooperation over the Falklands Islands and Madgascar. One segment shows the British flag being taken down cermoniously from the fort at Port Stanley; another the breaking of the flag over Fort Morondava at Madagascar; another shows British and South African troops meeting at the border on Madagascar and a final image shows Stanley Baldwin, teh British Prime Minister, shaking hands with his Argentinian counterpart.
The article declares a new age of cooperation for Britain and Argentina and rumours of a new revival of the Anglo-Argentinian alliance abound.
Ottoman Khaif
20-12-2005, 05:41
To:British Government
From:MEU Government
Topic: Egypt
Dear Sirs,
The MEU government asks the British Government join the MEU in granting Egypt compete independent from their rule. The MEU asked the Britain would support the MEU goal to give these people full independents by 1938. Also it would best to set up government in the region that is pro British and MEU, and also we won't have to garrison our troops in the region to protect our interest if a pro MEU and British government is in power, we wait for your word on the matter.
20-12-2005, 15:32
Brazil would like to enquire about the possibility of purchasing 250 Mosquito bombers from the United Kingdom. We need to completely restructure our airforce and these high quality bombers seem the place to start. We await your reply.
Snr. Oliveira, Secretary of State for Defence.
Galveston Bay
20-12-2005, 18:48
Brazil would like to enquire about the possibility of purchasing 250 Mosquito bombers from the United Kingdom. We need to completely restructure our airforce and these high quality bombers seem the place to start. We await your reply.
Snr. Oliveira, Secretary of State for Defence.
The US will quietly let the British know that the US government has no objections.
Lesser Ribena
20-12-2005, 19:54
To:British Government
From:MEU Government
Topic: Egypt
Dear Sirs,
The MEU government asks the British Government join the MEU in granting Egypt compete independent from their rule. The MEU asked the Britain would support the MEU goal to give these people full independents by 1938. Also it would best to set up government in the region that is pro British and MEU, and also we won't have to garrison our troops in the region to protect our interest if a pro MEU and British government is in power, we wait for your word on the matter.
To:MEU Government
From:British Government
Topic: Egypt
As Britain has made perfectly clear in the past, Egypt is not up for negotiation. The MEU has a good joint-control system with Britain and has worked cooperatively with them in the past. Britain is unwilling to cede independence unless the Egyptian people vote for it. If such a vote occured Britain would honour it but only if the Naval base at Alexandria is permenantly given to Britain or at least leased indefinately to continue to control the Suez canal and also the policing of the Meditteranean.
Brazil would like to enquire about the possibility of purchasing 250 Mosquito bombers from the United Kingdom. We need to completely restructure our airforce and these high quality bombers seem the place to start. We await your reply.
Snr. Oliveira, Secretary of State for Defence.
The government will pass your enquiry over to the De Havilland Company and provide them with the necessary documentation to carry out this order. It is expected that they will agree to this order and fulfil it shortly.
Ottoman Khaif
20-12-2005, 20:01
To:British Government
From:MEU Government
Topic: Egypt
Then Sir,
We shall allow the Egyptian people vote for independence, and let them decide their future. I belive the Egyptians would allow your nation rights to an naval base and rights to the Suez canal. We at the MEU wish to allow Egypt to makes it own choices without the MEU and Britain telling them what to do. The MEU wish to withdraw from Egypt and allow Egypt set its own path for its people.
Lesser Ribena
20-12-2005, 20:21
To:MEU Government
From:British Government
Topic: Egypt
Then it is settled the UK will cooperate with MEU officials to set up free and fair voting stations for the Egyptian people and will abide by the results.
OOC: A good thing considering the rumbles of a anti-foreign feeling in Egypt.
Ottoman Khaif
20-12-2005, 20:24
To:MEU Government
From:British Government
Topic: Egypt
Then it is settled the UK will cooperate with MEU officials to set up free and fair voting stations for the Egyptian people and will abide by the results.
OOC: A good thing considering the rumbles of a anti-foreign feeling in Egypt.
OOC: When shall we have these elections for the Egypt by Dec.1,1936?
Galveston Bay
20-12-2005, 20:31
OOC: When shall we have these elections for the Egypt by Dec.1,1936?
as a mod, I would prefer March April 1936 as this weekend will be busy and so will next weekend (as that date will place it on Sunday, New Years Day, and I will be travelling that day).
Ottoman Khaif
20-12-2005, 20:34
as a mod, I would prefer March April 1936 as this weekend will be busy and so will next weekend (as that date will place it on Sunday, New Years Day, and I will be travelling that day).
OOC: Well then I can live with the date for the election to be on April 15, 1936
Galveston Bay
21-12-2005, 07:08
The US suggests that the League of Nations send observers to monitor the elections.
Meanwhile, British and American engineers test fly a jet at Muroc Dry Lake Bed (Edwards Air Force Base today)
Lesser Ribena
21-12-2005, 13:07
OOC: That date's fine with me. I'm sure we've all got better things to do over the next 2 weeks anyway!
Oh and woohoo, a jet! Even if it's a long way from a workable aircraft.
21-12-2005, 13:32
Comunique to the British Government
With the recent Education and Welfare Act passed we are lookin into creating scholarship programs to other country's universities. We would be greatly honoured if you government would agree to participate in such a program.
Minister of Education
Xuan Nguyen
Lesser Ribena
21-12-2005, 13:53
Dear Mr. Nguyen
Britain would be delighted to participate in a foreign exchange program with the USEAS. We already have great experience in this matter from the Commonwealth Scholarship program and would welcome USEAS students into our universities.
Yours Sincerely,
Oliver Stanley - President of the Board of Education
Lesser Ribena
23-12-2005, 16:41
Recent British News
Edward VIII has abdicated so that he could marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. He has relinquished his royal claims and the couple have taken the titles of Duke and Duchess of Windsor. They have purchased a house in Neuilly, France and intend to settle there.
OOC: Britain in this timeline is more liberal so there was not as much of an outcry at their announcement to marry but the royal constitution is still the same and so they cannot be King and Queen. Probably a good thing as they held pretty pro-fascist views, and indeed met Hitler and other key Nazi party members as well as some Italian fascists/nationalists.
Egypt has also been given full independence from British and Turkish protection and is expected to be free of foreign troops by January 1st 1937. A British port will remain at Port Said and the Suez area will be guarded and policed by British troops and remain a solely British protectorate area.
Vas Pokhoronim
23-12-2005, 17:22
I have to say I always found it ironic that, while it was an English king who provoked a religous schism and holy war in order to get himself a divorce in the first place, by the Twentieth Century another English king provoked a major scandal and was forced off his throne because he wanted to marry somebody else who was already divorced.
It's a funny old world.
New Dornalia
23-12-2005, 17:32
To: British Government
From: Our Majesty Emperor Gang, Speaker Syngman Rhee, Korea
Regarding the present state of Asian affairs, Korea is placed in a precarious position, as it must contend with an aggressive Japan and a powerful and enigmatic Soviet Union (whose actions are at once benevolent and malevolent). While we have been able to keep our independence so far, the situation may turn dangerous.
To that end, we would like to ask about the acquistion of aid in building a modern air force and air defense system from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations.
Lesser Ribena
23-12-2005, 18:05
From: Lord Halifax - Secretary for War, British Government
To: His Majesty Emperor Gang, Speaker Syngman Rhee, Korea
Britain will gladly assist the Koreans to modernise their airforce to western standards. Britain can provide training for pilots, build aircraft and FLAK defences for your country as part of a foreign aid deal. It is believed that a fairly substantial number of De Havilland Mosquito Fighter-Bombers should make up the core of your airforce as they are extremely adaptable to almost any situation and are the fastest combat aircraft available at the moment (certainly in their field). Britain will provide the training necessary for Koreans to pilot these vehicles on a site of your choosing in Korea. Finally Britain will ship out enough 3.7-Inch Quick Firing Anti-Aircraft guns and ammunition to Korea to protect the first airbase that will be established in that country by the Korean government. Britain, whilst the leading member of the Commonwealth of Nations, cannot refer financial or economical matters to them directly as the constitution does not allow for it. However you have the British governments full support to approach these governments directly if you so wish (OOC: Some of the NPCs such as Canada may also wish to help).
OOC: essentially I can provide several points of foreign aid for your country this year (though not many as I am already dedicated to providing substantial aid to India as well as Egypt), I can probably stretch to building 2 pilots, 1 artillery unit and 2 aircraft units (probably durable mosquito fighter-bombers) in the first year, though this could increase in following years. I would be able to build them with greater ease if there were some Korean investment, but I can probably just about afford them without it. It's just a matter of balanceing my foreign aid budget this year!
OOC: VP, indeed, I never understood why such a fuss was made of it either. Still it was different times I suppose...
New Dornalia
23-12-2005, 23:00
From: Lord Halifax - Secretary for War, British Government
To: His Majesty Emperor Gang, Speaker Syngman Rhee, Korea
Britain will gladly assist the Koreans to modernise their airforce to western standards. Britain can provide training for pilots, build aircraft and FLAK defences for your country as part of a foreign aid deal. It is believed that a fairly substantial number of De Havilland Mosquito Fighter-Bombers should make up the core of your airforce as they are extremely adaptable to almost any situation and are the fastest combat aircraft available at the moment (certainly in their field). Britain will provide the training necessary for Koreans to pilot these vehicles on a site of your choosing in Korea. Finally Britain will ship out enough 3.7-Inch Quick Firing Anti-Aircraft guns and ammunition to Korea to protect the first airbase that will be established in that country by the Korean government. Britain, whilst the leading member of the Commonwealth of Nations, cannot refer financial or economical matters to them directly as the constitution does not allow for it. However you have the British governments full support to approach these governments directly if you so wish (OOC: Some of the NPCs such as Canada may also wish to help).
OOC: essentially I can provide several points of foreign aid for your country this year (though not many as I am already dedicated to providing substantial aid to India as well as Egypt), I can probably stretch to building 2 pilots, 1 artillery unit and 2 aircraft units (probably durable mosquito fighter-bombers) in the first year, though this could increase in following years. I would be able to build them with greater ease if there were some Korean investment, but I can probably just about afford them without it. It's just a matter of balanceing my foreign aid budget this year!
From: Our Majesty Emperor Gang, Speaker Syngman Rhee, Korea
To: Lord Halifax - Secretary for War, British Government
Your offer is generous. Some domestic anti-aircraft units are being produced, so we will not be in need of the FLAK defenses. However, we would like to look into licensing the FLAK technology you have described.
The airbase in question is the old HQ of the Korean Air Force, the Sunan Air Base. British personnel and British Mosquito Fighter-Bombers may arrive there to train our men. As for the offer to build planes, perhaps we could obtain license to have half our needed numbers of Mosquitoes produced in Korea.
OOC: Basically, I'll offer to pay half of the cost of the Mosquitoes, you pay for the pilots in full, and you don't have to pay for the flak.
BTW, in Korea, a small ahistorical leap, nationalist sentiment ensures the proper title for the Emperor is "Our Majesty." Just sayin'.
Lesser Ribena
27-12-2005, 17:59
Not sure where to post the following but it'll be here and on the NPC thread.
Britain attempts to bring her Pacific territories closer together politically (not geographically!) and has established a central government for the following islands:
Western Samoa. Chatham Islands, Kermadec Islands, Soloman Islands, Vanatu Islands, Tuvalu Islands, Fiji Islands, Tonga Islands, Nive Island, Western Samoa, Tokelau Islands, Phoenix Islands, Gilbert Islands, Cook Islands, Line Islands, Christmas Island Chain, Pitcairn Islands, American Samoa.
The government will be representational and Members of Parliament for it will be established on a constituency basis with each constituency of around 1000 people sending their own representation (who gets to vote is down to each local governer). The government will have the power to apply several domestic matters and is able to control aspects of trade and defence in the region. Local island based governments will still control all local issues including local defence matters and tax collection. The regional government can accept donations from members to better aid the running and welfare of the area as a whole but the majority of funding will be diverted from the British Treasury.
OOC: Essentially just to give some indepedence to these islanders. Most MPs will be the traditional Tribal Chieftans anyway and it'll just ensure that the region gets a bit less fragmented and more centralised. Also a prelude to supply British social aid to the area once I get some population figures.
OOC TO KOREA: Righto, thanks fo rcovering some of the production. I can licence production of our AA cannon to you (currently a Quick-Firing 3.75 inch cannon) as well as the DH Mosquito aircraft. Oh and i'll try to ensure that I use the "Our Majesty" style in future. So I'll designate 7 points to you this year (should cover 2 pilots (@2 points ea) and 1 Mosquito unit (@3 points ea, as they are twin engined). Leaving you to cover the cost of 1 Moquito unit and any AA defences you may need.
New Dornalia
27-12-2005, 22:01
OOC TO KOREA: Righto, thanks fo rcovering some of the production. I can licence production of our AA cannon to you (currently a Quick-Firing 3.75 inch cannon) as well as the DH Mosquito aircraft. Oh and i'll try to ensure that I use the "Our Majesty" style in future. So I'll designate 7 points to you this year (should cover 2 pilots (@2 points ea) and 1 Mosquito unit (@3 points ea, as they are twin engined). Leaving you to cover the cost of 1 Moquito unit and any AA defences you may need.
OOC: Thank you SO much! Especially for the licensing.
Ottoman Khaif
29-12-2005, 01:50
To: British Government
From:Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh of MEU
Dear Sirs,
I ask of your nation to help us in our fight againist the rebellion by not allowing the rebels to enter your protectorates in Arabia, don't allow them to set up a base in your lands or get supplies thought your protectorates. MEU has alway a good yet stain relationship with British Empire, yet we want an good everlasting relationship with your nation. All we ask of your nation to prevents the rebels from using your nations as bases against the MEU and whatever aid you can send us in the fight against the Rebellion would useful.
Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh
Lesser Ribena
29-12-2005, 18:59
To: Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh of MEU
From: , British PM.
Britain has always maintained strict immigration controls, especially in it's colonies and during this period there will be no exeptions. You can rest assured that extra military patrols will take place on our borders and no known illegal immigrant will be allowed to remain on British soil. You have my word that the British government will never cooperate with or abbet terrorists in any way and these rebels will not knowingly be allowed to escape justice from your courts.
Neville Chamberlain
New British Cabinet Ministers (May 1937), no election as the previous PM has voluntarily resigned.
Neville Chamberlain - Prime Minister and Leader of the House of Commons
Lord Hailsham - Lord Chancellor
Lord Halifax - Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Lords
Lord De La Warr - Lord Privy Seal
Sir John Simon - Chancellor of the Exchequer
Sir Samuel Hoare - Secretary of State for the Home Department
Anthony Eden - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
William Ormsby-Gore - Secretary of State for the Colonies
Malcolm MacDonald - Secretary of State for Commonwealth Affairs
Leslie Hore-Belisha - Secretary of State for War
Lord Zetland - Secretary of State for Asian Affairs
Lord Swinton - Secretary of State for Air
Walter Elliot - Secretary of State for Scotland
Duff Cooper - First Lord of the Admiralty
Oliver Stanley - President of the Board of Trade
Lord Stanhope - President of the Board of Education
William Shepherd Morrison - Minister of Agriculture
Ernest Brown - Minister of Labour
Sir Kingsley Wood - Minister of Health
Leslie Burgin - Minister of Transport
Sir Thomas Inskip - Minister for Coordination of Defence
31-12-2005, 13:08
Communique to Leslie Hore-Belisha, Secretary of State for War
The USEA is looking to expand it's airforce with a dedicated bomber unit.
We would therefore like to ask whether the purchase of a unit of DH Mosquito and the training of Southeast Asian pilots to fly them would be possible.
The USEA would cover all costs incurred and hopes that such a deal is viable.
Minister of Defense,
Dinh Tu
(OOC: This means that I will give you the 5 points that is required for the production and training. [though the last point will come next year before the pilots are fully trained.])
Lesser Ribena
31-12-2005, 18:58
OOC: Sorry no time for an IC reply. I can certainly build these items for you, I have no problems with you paying me a point later than the rest. I'll have to include them in next year's (1939) budget as I have already completed my 1938 budget and I don't wish to alter it yet.
Lesser Ribena
04-01-2006, 18:13
In Britain the Ministry of Defence begins work on a prototype version of what has been designated on plans as the model A41 tank. It has been designed as a "Universal Tank" and is hoped to be able to stand up to most modern anti-tank fire. It originally was designed with a weight limit of 40 tons, to accomodate current tank carriers. This has since been upped to allow for thicker armour (up to 118mm at the front) and a new tank gun that the MoD has been developing for such a tank (the 20 pounder). It is hoped that when finished this vehicle will be able to be modified to fulfil every possible role that the army may need and hence standardise spare parts and training across the whole service.
OOC: This will eventually evolve into the brilliant Centurion Tank, which was introduced in 1945. Will eventually (1959 RL) be upgunned to th famous 105mm gun and extra armour. It will feature many varients including:
AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) vehicles (with a massive 165mm main gun)
artillery observation vehicles
ramp carriers
recovery vehicles
They will standardise the tank forces of the British army and will feature prominently in any conflict from our E20 late 40's to well into the 1980's.
I am working on the basis that we are still 5 years ahead in terms of military technology and as the prototype was first released in 1943, this is on schedule.
Lesser Ribena
04-01-2006, 20:25
William Ormsby-Gore, The Secretary of State for the Colonies, has today announced that new measures are to be taken by the government for the provision of her colonies abroad. Britain has already instigated several social service programs in her colonies and can proadly boast of ensuring that everyone of her citizens abroad now has access to comprehensive schools, health clinics, public hospitals, universities, and assistance for the elderly, disabled, infirm and young. Mr. Ormsby-Gore stated that "I believe Britain should do more for our hardworking friends in the colonies and should work to ensure that industrial output is increased, unemployment is reduced, education improves, health provision is improved and that life as a whole gets better for our colonial population. I would like to introduce self-government for many of our territories, including Cameroon, Tanzania, Chad, Ubangi-Shari (Central African Republic), The Congo, Gabon, Honduras, Guiana, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, Rhodesia, Sudan, Somaliland, Burma, Malaya, Ceylon, Malta and Cyprus. These territories will join the recently formed Pacific Island government in furthering the self-rule of the colonies by their people and in the interests of their people.
"These territories will not be independent and will still depend upon the generosity of the British government for their social services and will still contribute economically to the country but will be able to institue their own laws and customs and also be able to see to all other domestic issues. Foreign interaction will still be controlled by the British governors but otherwise each territory will function as a semi-autonomous state.
OOC: Essentially a big step forward in colonial rights and should avoid some conflict in the future when independence becomes an issue.
05-01-2006, 00:52
110mm armor? 100mm guns? Wow. Umm... that seems quite heavy for an all-around tank. Sounds more like heavy tanks. Plus, I think it is a bit early for mid-war tanks, considering the Brits had been at war for almost 5 years when they came out with that prototype. I think early war stuff is as far as we would be going. Development is a lot slower especially with all the peace that the Empire has had...
Galveston Bay
05-01-2006, 00:57
Parthini']110mm armor? 100mm guns? Wow. Umm... that seems quite heavy for an all-around tank. Sounds more like heavy tanks. Plus, I think it is a bit early for mid-war tanks, considering the Brits had been at war for almost 5 years when they came out with that prototype. I think early war stuff is as far as we would be going. Development is a lot slower especially with all the peace that the Empire has had...
anything 1943 is available, and the Centurian began development then, as did the JSIII, and the Pershing. For that matter the Sherman was given 90 mm and 105 mm guns later on (by the Israelis). So he is ok as far as that goes. The Centurian started with a 17 pounder gun in late 1945, while the Pershing showed up in March 1945 with a 90 mm gun and the JSIII showed up in time to attack Berlin in April 45 with a 122 mm gun.
05-01-2006, 01:08
I guess... The armor is what scares me the most. That's a crapload of armor. The tanks is bound to be mighty heavy. Oh well.
The Tiger was like 120mm...
05-01-2006, 01:46
I know that. But the Tiger was a heavy assault tank, not a basic all-around tank. I would expect something more like the T-34 with 70mm armor to be something universal.
Galveston Bay
05-01-2006, 01:53
Parthini']I know that. But the Tiger was a heavy assault tank, not a basic all-around tank. I would expect something more like the T-34 with 70mm armor to be something universal.
the British built 2 types of tanks, an infantry tank, which is essentially an assault tank, and the cruiser tank, which is more of a medium tank. The best British tanks of World War II were the Centurian (which didn't reach operational units in time) and the Comet. However, a Sherman with a 17 pounder gun could knock out Tigers, Panthers and T34s fairly routinely, as could a Pershing or M36 with a 90 mm gun. I don't expect to see 105 guns on medium tanks for another few years, but within 2 years 88 -90 mm guns should be standard on heavy tanks and tank destroyers.
Lesser Ribena
05-01-2006, 18:42
The Centurion was really the forerunner of todays Mobile Battle Tanks (MBT) and was seen by many as the best tank of it's era. It really is a revolutionary model, but as with all great designs will require a couple of years to get right first. The main reason was that it managed to get thick armour, a hefty 17pdr gun and 25mph off road and 37mph on road speeds. This was largely to do with the fantastic Rolls Royce Meteor 650 hp engine in the beast. It also weighed in at a massive 57 tons.
Galveston Bay
05-01-2006, 19:17
The Centurion was really the forerunner of todays Mobile Battle Tanks (MBT) and was seen by many as the best tank of it's era. It really is a revolutionary model, but as with all great designs will require a couple of years to get right first. The main reason was that it managed to get thick armour, a hefty 17pdr gun and 25mph off road and 37mph on road speeds. This was largely to do with the fantastic Rolls Royce Meteor 650 hp engine in the beast. It also weighed in at a massive 57 tons.
that is correct, the US and British eventually merged the Heavy and the Medium tank into the main battle tank, of which the Pershing and Centurian were the first.
Galveston Bay
07-01-2006, 05:34
FDR is sending Vice President Harry S. Truman to meet with the British government before he goes to Africa.
Lesser Ribena
07-01-2006, 20:56
Britain's reply is made on the USA thread.
Secret communication to Great Britain
From: Sovereign Republic of China
We would like to open discussions on how to improve our relationship, open trade, and perhaps even some treaties. We would like to mend our fences, considering that China is finally a democratic society, where the people have their say.
I truly believe it is time for us to look toward to a better future together, as two great democratic nations that believe in freedom of speech, economy, and most importantly, of life.
Thank you and go in peace,
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
Lesser Ribena
07-01-2006, 23:16
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
Indeed, it has been long since our countries have seen eye to eye on many issues. However I am dedicated to mending these gaps in diplomacy and to forget any past differences we may have had. Britain will welcome open trade with China, an improvement in diplomatic exchanges and would gladly welcome some treaties with your nation. What would you have in mind?
Yours hopefully,
Neville Chamberlain, British PM
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
Indeed, it has been long since our countries have seen eye to eye on many issues. However I am dedicated to mending these gaps in diplomacy and to forget any past differences we may have had. Britain will welcome open trade with China, an improvement in diplomatic exchanges and would gladly welcome some treaties with your nation. What would you have in mind?
Yours hopefully,
Neville Chamberlain, British PM
Secret communication to Great Britain
From: Sovereign Republic of China
I am honored that you have shown an interest in mending fences with China. I truly believe it is time for a fresh start between the Chinese and British people, seeing that there is a new government regime in China which is fully democratic. The Chinese people are ready to repair relationships with its original benefactors, the Americans and the British.
We are prepared to re-establish our embassy in London and we openly welcome your embassy personnel back into Beijing. From there, we can improve diplomatic communications and avoid misunderstandings and mis-communications.
We welcome open trade with Britain as well. We are currently rebuilding our commerce trading and merchant fleet. Perhaps we could export some exotics, tea, silk, and foodstuffs to Britain. What items of trade would you be willing to sell to China?
We could start with a non-aggression pact and a Open Trade treaty, then work our way towards a Friendship treaty, then an eventual alliance if we are able to mend our fences sufficiently. This would allow our people to re-develop trust and friendship with each other instead of rushing into things. If we rush things, misunderstandings and tensions may arise which would do more harm than good.
Please inform me of your thoughts on this.
Go in peace and prosper.
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
Lesser Ribena
08-01-2006, 13:02
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
A re-establishment of embassies would be welcome and I have assembled a diplomatic team under an experienced ambassador to start an embassy in China. Office space for a Chinese embassy is being readied in London.
We would be glad to accept your offer of improved international trade. Our trade has never really restarted since the last war and this is a golden opportunity to do so. In return for your offer of exotics, tea, silk, and foodstuffs, Britain would perhaps be able to supply agricultural and industrial machinery, automobiles or other such technological aids.
In accordance with your proposal to begin to repair our international relationship gradually, I would gratefully accept your offer of a non-agression pact and an open trade treaty. Both our populations are weary of any more war and these agreements can only bring our countries closer together.
Neville Chamberlain
Vas Pokhoronim
09-01-2006, 02:15
[Your nation-name] has been invited to The Antarctic Conference (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=10230000#post10230000).
OoC: Yes, I know it's boilerplate. It's a lot of countries. Sue me.
Vas Pokhoronim
13-01-2006, 23:26
President Kirov extends his compliments to Prime Minister Chamberlain for the latter's civilized and respectful response to India's recent moves to separate itself further from the Empire. He also offers his reassurance that Warsaw has no intentions of seeking to supplant London's influence over Delhi, and is gladdened to see the increasing stabilization of the situation on the Sub-Continent.
Lesser Ribena
14-01-2006, 21:27
Mr Chamberlain thanks President Kirov for his compliments and is reassured by the latters intentions regarding the stabilisation of the region. Mr Chamberlain hopes for continued good relations between our two great nations and that peace will be maintained in the world.
OOC: some hopes...
Ottoman Khaif
14-01-2006, 21:41
To:British Government
From:Middle Eastern Union Governments
In interest of keeping the peace between our nations, The MEU government request that British Government sign a Non Aggression Pact with us in the hopes of maintaining peaceful relations between our nations.
Lesser Ribena
15-01-2006, 21:33
Neville Chamberlain will put his name to a non-agression treaty on the condition that it may be revoked if either nation is beligrant in any manner towards the other (including militarily and economically). He hopes for continued good trade relations between the two nations and continued good will in the future.
Ottoman Khaif
15-01-2006, 22:00
Neville Chamberlain will put his name to a non-agression treaty on the condition that it may be revoked if either nation is beligrant in any manner towards the other (including militarily and economically). He hopes for continued good trade relations between the two nations and continued good will in the future.
The Middle Eastern Union goverment would asked this question, we have a treaty with the Soviets that allows us basing rights and free use of the Dardanelles, for instance. Would honoring that be a violation? We wait your answer.
Lesser Ribena
16-01-2006, 17:58
In the opinion of the British Ministry of Defence the Soviet basing rights would certainly become a violation if war broke out between the Union and the United Kingdom. Especially if such bases aided the Soviet war effort by allowing units based there to strike out against British or allied targets.
The use of the Dardanelles would only be a violation if the same rights were not afforded to other foreign vessels, if permission for Soviet useage was refused during times of war or conflict then Britain would have no qualms with such an agreement.
Ottoman Khaif
17-01-2006, 04:23
In the opinion of the British Ministry of Defence the Soviet basing rights would certainly become a violation if war broke out between the Union and the United Kingdom. Especially if such bases aided the Soviet war effort by allowing units based there to strike out against British or allied targets.
The use of the Dardanelles would only be a violation if the same rights were not afforded to other foreign vessels, if permission for Soviet useage was refused during times of war or conflict then Britain would have no qualms with such an agreement.
Middle Eastern Government agrees to the British Government terms for the NAP treaty, and we will deny access to the Soviets for using the Dardanelles during wartime.
This Treaty is here by sign into effect by the MEU government by June of 1939.
Lesser Ribena
17-01-2006, 16:08
Britain has been attacked by the Union and teh country is now in a state of war.
In Britain the newspapers make late reprints and their headlines cry out warning of the "Cowardly Red", and his "Devious Attack on the Home Fleet". A state of national emergency follows with Neville Chamberlain taking the lead as Prime Minister in reassuring the populace:
"My people, Britain has been attacked. The Communist fleet has assailed our Home Fleet just off Dogger Bank in teh North Sea. In a cowardly assault just after 10.00 am this morning what is believed to be a torpedo from a submerged submarine struck the destroyer HMS Zulu, causing a hit on the forward magazine and resulting in it sinking. The Home Fleet immediately responded with a valourous attack made by the cruisers HMS Derby, Yarmouth, Dartmouth, Chester and supporting destroyers against superior numbers causing much damage and chaos amongst the enemy fleet. It is my sad duty to inform you that it is during this brave engagement of a superior force that both Admiral Harwood and Lord Mountbatten were struck down in their line of duty. It is known that both men refused to leave their stations until the very end and that they died fulfilling their duties. Their brave efforts resulted in bloodying the enemy and causing them to cease their agressive stance untila withdrawal of remaining ships could be made.
"Shortly after thisincident the Hoem Fleet launched a major airstrike against the vile attackers resulting in major damage to the enemy fleet sinking one carrier and damaging another. It is such that whilst we have been cowardly wounded today the enemy has suffered much worse and has been forced to stall his attacks. Meanwhile a major British counterattack is planned and we will surely beat these erstwhile invaders before teh end of the week.
"I have just recently recieved the official Union declaration of war, some hours after the engagement this morning. This shows how cowardly our foe is, that he cannot be trusted and must resort to surprise tactics in order to outfight us. The British Empire will use no such tactics and we will simply outfight our adversaries whether on the ground, at sea or in the air.
"I have just recently come from an emergency meeting of the parliament, I put forward a motion that an official state of war be existent between the British Empire and Warsaw Pact. This was duely passed with no opposition and we are now officially engaged in war with the Union and its allies. I also proposed that a coalition war governmentg be created so that there will be no bickering over matters of national importance. This was also passed by the House of Commons and as the more experienced and charismatic man I have given the Prime Minister position to Mr Winston Churchill. I will become Chancellor of the Exchequer of the coalition government and elections will be run after the war is over to elect a new government.
"I have organised meetings with our LTA and Commonwealth allies and our military strategy will be determined from there. Though I have no doubts that the British Empire will triumph over our adversaries I urge everyone of you to do your duty and support this fine country, whether that is in the armed forces, the factories, offices or as a public service provider. The Army, Navy and Airforce will naturally be recruiting more and more people to fight the red menace and I urge any citizen of the United Kingdom to join up at your nearest recruiting station and help to fight the enemy, be it as a soldier, sailor, aircraftman, nurse, flight controller or any other of a multitude of jobs. Just know that this government will continue to do its utmost to eradicate threats to world peace, and above all remember the heroes of Dogger Bank!"
Britain declares that a state of war now exists between Britain and the UNion and her allies.
Britain also offers to evacuate the Belgian government and her Army, Navy and Airforce, if the situation in Belgium becomes lost and there is no other alternative but evacuation. Mr Churchill also suggests that arrangements be made to destroy equipment of the Belgian military to prevent it falling into Union hands.
New British Coalition War Cabinet:
Winston Churchill — Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Leader of the House of Commons.
Neville Chamberlain — Chancellor of the Exchequer
Clement Attlee — Lord Privy Seal and Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, Deputy Prime Minister,
Lord Halifax — Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, leader of the House of Lords
Lord Beaverbrook — Minister of Aircraft Production,
Ernest Bevin — Minister of Labour
Herbert Morrison — Home Secretary,
Lord Woolton — Minister of Reconstruction
The British government confirms the MEU treaty and asks (nicely) for it's conditions to be put in place. Britain states that it will uphold this treaty in it's entirity and will not engage in any activity that will adversely affect teh Middle Eastern Union.
Britain begins a period of increased recruitment for it's military and a propaganda campaign is launched to show the Union as a creeping, hippocratic, imperialistic menace that will not stop until it has enslaved the whole world with it's brand of communism.
New Dornalia
17-01-2006, 22:21
To: Prime Minister Churchill
From: Our Majesty Emperor Gang
Korea desperately needs the aid of the United Kingdom. We apologize for the tone of the message, but it is one of the highest urgency. We send this to you because we trust you.
Korean shipping has been attacked. My people are beginning to complain in the streets, and the Russian may move on us anytime, if the Japanese does not first. We need help. Anything. Supplies, military intervention, please. We need help. If we do not get help, I fear a Red Revolution may occur.
18-01-2006, 00:11
Ok, how the hell did Churchill just become PM again? That has to be so illegal.
Lesser Ribena
18-01-2006, 13:01
From: Prime Minister Churchill
To: Our Majesty Emperor Gang
The United Kingdom will do everything in it's power to assist our Korean allies. However I must confess that our power in the Pacific is limited severely at the moment and that the majority of my military forces are currently concentrated in Britain to deter a possible invasion. We would liekto aid the Korean people but are not currently in a position to do so. (I suggest that you contact teh Americans who have a much larger force available in teh Pacific than the United Kingdom and who will likelya ssist you in this matter.
Ok, how the hell did Churchill just become PM again? That has to be so illegal.
It is customary in times of war in the UK to transfer power over the government to a Coalition government so that there is no opposition party and no potential splits. A new war cabinet is formed from leading members of the old cabinets from both government and opposition. Therefore the cabinet I listed above consists of the best potential members of parliament from both parties. This includes Chamberlain and Churchill's Conservative party and the opposition Liberal party. I surmised that given the brutal start to this war Chamberlain may reckognise the immediate threat to his country from abroad and appoint a more experienced wra leader to the prime ministerial position. As Churchill lead the country through the last war and was currently First Lord of the Admiralty, in charge of the defence of the UK he seemed to be a good choice. I just thought taht with this war erupting so close to home with such loss of life in the North Sea that Mr. Chamberlainwould acknowledge his limitations as a war leader and revert to the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer to which he is more suited. However if the mods find that this is a problem I will revert to having Mr. Chamberlaina s the Prime Minister, I just thought that he might display some sense with the war being so close to home and hand over power gracefully to a better war politician to avoid being embarassed later on when his shortfalls become apparent. But as I say, i'll go with whatever the mods say.
The Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand wish to inform His Majesty's government that on October 15th, 1942 the Parliament of Australia and the Parliament of New Zealand voted to unify their two nations into the one that presents itself to you today. We ask your blessing on this union, as a small example that even in times of great world suffering, there are those that can find happy common ground.
Lesser Ribena
31-01-2006, 11:27
The British government is glad to see some signs of hope in this war stricken world. King George VI is glad to place his blessing upon the merger of New Zealand and Australia and His Majesty's government will welcome such a move. It is only by such adaptions can we hope to maintain civilisation in this fearful modern world.
Prime Minister Churchill makes a statement to the nation on Radio and Television:
"It is with great relief and pride in this fine country that I can today announce that the vile communist has surrendered. The Russian government has surrendered to LTA forces at Novosibirsk and the war has ended. The world has suffered many hardships these past few years and has seen the advent of massed biological and nuclear warfare. More than 150 million people are known to have died and we will never know the final cost of the war. Britain has suffered greatly, much of our industry has been destroyed and many of you will have lost brothers, husbands and fathers fighting in the war. Still further of you will know of innocent victims who died at home or at workas a result of the beastly Russian bombings. It is only through hard work in the future that we can rebuild this fine nation and her Commonwealth and make sure that civilisation will endure.
"In accordance with my promises at the start of this conflict I am stepping down as leader of this country in January 1944 to make way for a new elected government. In addition semi-independence will be given to all British colonies in the form of Dominion status.
"Furthermore Britain will support the return of the Hohenzollern dynasty to the German Throne and the rebuilding of that nation. It is hoped that by doing so the British and German people and once again be united against their enemies as they were in the past before the tendrils of Communism stretched into Europe."
Galveston Bay
07-02-2006, 02:26
Royal Navy end of the war
Heavy carrier: Ark Royal (under construction, available 1945)
Fleet carriers: Hermes, Eagle, Vindictive
Light carriers: Glorious, Argus
5 carrier pilots, 5 carrier planes (1 Sea Vampire, 4 Sea Fury)
18 inch gun battleship: Vanguard
16 inch gun battleships: Thunder, Lion, Temeraire, Conqueror
15 inch gun battleships: Hood, King George V, Duke of York, Prince of Wales, Anson, Howe,
old battleships: Rodney, Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Valiant, Malaya,
8 inch gun (heavy) cruisers: Hawkins, Raleigh, Frobisher, Effingham, Drake, Centaur, Caledon, Ceres, Caroline, Cambrian,
6 inch gun (light) cruisers: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Falmouth, Nottingham Chatham, Weymouth, Birkenhead, Birmingham Worcester, Bristol, Dartmouth, Chester, Dublin, Abergaveny, Gloucester, Chichester, Liverpool, Belfast, Lowestoft, Manchester, Hull, Edinburgh,
plus 150 destroyers, 30 frigates, 120 corvettes, 90 submarines, 2 amphibious fleets (which form 6 amphibious groups), 12 transports (which form 36 transport groups or can be sent back to form 12 shipping units or placed in reserve)
Parliament and some Admirals are ready to say goodbye to all but maybe 3 battleships… 1 each Home, Mediterranean and Far East Fleet as command ships, but will settle for just 1 battleship. The Light carriers are obsolescent and need replacement. The Navy wants to keep as many cruisers as it can, but upgrade them as soon as possible into missile cruisers.
RAF end of the war
12 jet fighter units (forms 60 jet fighter units under new rules)
6 fighter bomber units (forms 30 fighter bomber units under new rules)
6 Mosquito bomber units (forms 12 bomber units under new rules)
3 C54 transport units (forms 6 under new rules)
6 C47 units (forms 12 under new rules)
pretty bloated, I would shrink that a lot.
Parliament wants 3 fighter units (Vampire), 3 Fury fighter bombers, 3 Mosquito bombers, 3 C54 transport, 3 other transports, and maybe a Lincoln bomber unit converted into tankers or maybe even a surplus US B50 wing. RAF wants a larger force naturally, and to replace Vampires and Meteors with the new Hunters.
Parliament wants the British Army shrunk. Infantry divisions are cheaper then garrison units, and 4 in France, 4 in Germany should do it, plus 1 HQ each place. Plus 1 parachute brigade, 1 marine light infantry brigade, and 2 armored divisions, plus a light infantry division for Malaya, Burma, East Africa, and West Africa (along with colonial forces already factored in).
you could have done this during 1944 so that in 1945 you could begin new construction
To: British Government
From: PM Jan Smuts
Dear Sir(s),
It is by now apparent that the British colonies of North and South Rhodesia, and the Nysaland protectorate, have become so economically dependent on South Africa as to be indistinguishable from the greater South African Union itself.
I write to ask for the formal transfer of power over these territories to the South African government, that we may better facilitate development and continued economic growth in these regions. If the British government so desires, South Africa would be willing to offer such monetary compensation for these territories as we are able, and an agreement to assist in the defense of British interests in eastern Africa.
Jan Smuts
ooc: reply in the new SA news thread: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=10380349#post10380349
Lesser Ribena
08-02-2006, 11:44
British Military Deployment
The Army
2 HQ units (1 France, 1 Germany)
1 highly trained mechanized divisions (West Africa)
1 highly trained armoured divisions (Germany)
1 highly trained mechanised field artillery units (East Africa)
1 elite mechanised brigades of marines (UK)
7 standard infantry units(for LTA/UN garrison duty) (4 France, 3 Germany)
Royal Navy
Home Fleet
18 inch gun battleship: Vanguard
1 Heavy Carrier Battlegroup (HMS Ark Royal)
3 attack submarine units
8 squadrons of 5 destroyers
1 patrol of 20 corvettes
1 flotilla of 10 frigates
1 group of 40 missile boats
1 amphibious assault group
3 Heavy cruiser(HMS Raleigh, HMS Frobisher, HMS Effingham)
4 Light cruiser(HMS Bristol, HMS Chatham, HMS Weymouth, HMS Birkinhead,
Meditteranean Fleet
1 Fleet carrier battlegroups (HMS Hermes)
2 attack submarine units
4 squadrons of 5 destroyers
1 patrol of 20 corvettes
1 flotilla of 10 frigates
1 group of 40 missile boats
2 Heavy Cruisers (HMS Cambrian, HMS Centaur)
3 light Cruisers (HMS Birmingham, HMS Manchester, HMS Glasgow)
Pacific Fleet
2 Fleet carrier battlegroups (HMS Eagle, Argus)
3 attack submarine units
8 squadrons of 5 destroyers
1 patrol of 20 corvettes
1 flotilla of 10 frigates
2 groups of 40 missile boats
3 Heavy Cruisers (HMS Caledon, HMS Ceres, HMS Carlisle)
3 Light Cruisers (HMS Edinburgh, HMS Falmouth, HMS Nottingham)
Naval Reserves
Ships that have been mothballed are kept in drydock at Portsmouth and other naval bases until scrapped or recalled to service.
16 inch gun battleships: Temeraire, Conqueror, Thunder, Lion
15 inch gun battleships: Hood, King George V, Duke of York, Prince of Wales, Anson, Howe,
old battleships: Rodney, Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Valiant, Malaya,
1 modernised HMS Hood
1 ASW carrier battlegroup (HMS Courageous, HMS Glorious, HMS Furious)
Fleet Air Arm
4 carrier based Sea Fury units
1 Sea Vampire carrier plane
5 naval aviation pilots
The Royal Airforce
4 Mosquito bombers, (2 UK, 1 Germany, 1 Singapore)
3 Fury fighter bombers (2 UK, 1 Germany)
3 Vampire fighters (2 UK, 1 Singapore)
3 Lincoln air tanker (2 UK, 1 Singapore)
3 C54 air transport (1 Uk, 1 Germany, 1 East Africa)
16 pilot units
The Army Reserves
Mostly territorial army units (30 days training per year), yeomanry cavalry units which are now mechanised and ex-servicemen who are still on the reserves list. Alll currently at bases around teh UK
1 mechanised artillery units
4 mechanised divisions
1 HQ unit
1 armoured divisions
The Merchant Navy
35 merchant shipping units
10 Tech 6 Ocean Liners (represents 20 Queen Mary sized ocean liners). Protection 2, range 5, speed 6,
Merchant Airforce
2 pilots
1 domestic airline
1 international airline
Other Defences
4 Flak artillery (Coventry, Dover, London, Scapa Flow)
Changes during 1945:
50 frigates to join various fleets
3 Hawker Hunter Aircraft to replace Vampires
1 B47 bomber to join UK RAF
all 18 cruisers (8 heavy, 10 light) upgraded to missile cruisers
The Lightning Star
08-02-2006, 19:28
The government of the Federated Asian States would like to apply for re-admission into the Commonwealth of Nations.
09-02-2006, 05:02
OOC: I assume all parts of the Treaty of Daresalaam are still in effect? If so, does the docking part work with Commonwealth nations too?
Lesser Ribena
09-02-2006, 17:56
Clement Atlee becomes British Prime Minister in 1943 and instigates several measures to rebuild the UK. Demobilisation occurs in the military and all arms of service are curtailed with government spending reigned in considerably. The money saved is used to nationalise much of the "great British industry" in order to ensure a prosperous future. The following companies are forcibly nationalised under the Nationalisation Bill of 1943:
British Coal, British Gas, British Petroleum, British Rail, British Steel, British Leyland, British Airways, the Bank of England, British Telecom and the Central Electricity Generating Board.
New British Cabinet:
Clement Attlee: Prime Minister and Minister of Defence
Lord Jowitt: Lord Chancellor
Herbert Morrison: Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
Arthur Greenwood: Lord Privy Seal
Hugh Dalton: Chancellor of the Exchequer
Ernest Bevin: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
James Chuter Ede: Secretary of State for the Home Department
George Henry Hall: Secretary of State for the Colonies
Lord Addison: Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs
A. V. Alexander: First Lord of the Admiralty
Jack Lawson: Secretary of State for War
William Wedgwood Benn, Lord Stansgate: Secretary of State for Air
Ellen Wilkinson: Minister of Education
Joseph Westwood: Secretary of State for Scotland
Tom Williams: Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
George Isaacs: Minister of Labour and National Service
Aneurin Bevan: Minister of Health
Sir Stafford Cripps: President of the Board of Trade
Emanuel Shinwell: Minister of Fuel and Power
Patrick Gordon Walker: Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations #
A National Service Bill is passed and states that every man over the age of eighteen wil be expected to serve in the armed forces for eighteen months, and remain on the reserve list for four years thereafter. Promising recruits may well be asked if they wish to consider a career as an enlisted man in the armed forces. Those with the required education may be offered a commission into the military. National Servicemen will be tested upon beginning their service and will be seconded to the appropriate service depending upon the results.
The readmission of the Federated Asian States into the Commonwealth is supported by Britain and will be put before the other Commonwealth members for consideration at the next meeting (OOC: ie. i'll ask them).
Patrick Gordon Walker: Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations
The British government confirms that the treaty of Daresalaam is still in effect and that German vessels are welcome into British ports. However there is some question of the legality of applying this procedure to nations which have later seperated from the UK and now form sovereign nations. The attorney-general, Sir Donald Somervell, has decreed that the best course of action to follow would be to seek individual treaties with these nations or else to put forward a motion to the Commonwealth as a whole to vote on whether to apply the Treaty of Daresalaam to the Commonwealth of Nations as well as to the UK.
Ernest Bevin: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Patrick Gordon Walker,
I have been instructed by my government to abstain from voting on the issue of the admission of the Federated Asian States into the Commonwealth of Nations. South Africa feels that India proved itself to be an unreliable member of the Commonwealth, leaving said organization and seeking aid from the former Soviet Union. In addition, South Africa protests the gross overreaction of the FAS in response to isolated remarks by certain members of the Colombian government.
The Union will not vote for or against Indian readmission, and will abide by the decision of the Commonwealth as a whole.
Ambrose Fischer
South African Minister to the Commonwealth of Nations
Australia feels that it must follow South Africa's example on the vote to readmit India into the Commonwealth. Its government has proved itself inconsistant to the point of danger--it cuts its losses with no regard for previous obligations and acts acts extremely belligerant to other nations with little provocation--the recent incident with Gran Colombia stands out.
We do not vote against a reunion between the FAS and the Commonwealth, however, Australia shall abstain from voting in favor of it.
Leonard Williams
Australian Minister to the Commonwealth of Nations
The Lightning Star
09-02-2006, 22:54
Mr. Patrick Gordon Walker,
I have been instructed by my government to abstain from voting on the issue of the admission of the Federated Asian States into the Commonwealth of Nations. South Africa feels that India proved itself to be an unreliable member of the Commonwealth, leaving said organization and seeking aid from the former Soviet Union. In addition, South Africa protests the gross overreaction of the FAS in response to isolated remarks by certain members of the Colombian government.
The Union will not vote for or against Indian readmission, and will abide by the decision of the Commonwealth as a whole.
Ambrose Fischer
South African Minister to the Commonwealth of Nations
The Federation of Asian states wishes to respond to Mr. Fishers statement. We did not apply for aid for the Union, nor had we received any within 5 years of the Great War. We did buy weapons plans from the Union, yes, but we also bought weapons plans from the LTA.
Secondly, we would like to remind you that this was not India's War. The Union did not attack us, hurt us, or plan to hurt us in any way. We joined the war due to loyalties to nations that have always stood by us, and also when we realised that our alliance with the Middle Eastern Union was a ploy for us to try and harm our good friends. Therefore, we joined the Great War on your side, and we ended up loosing 40 million innocent citizens.
Thirdly, we would like to apologise for the embargo placed upon Gran Colombia by our government. Our leader, M.A. Jinnah, lost many family members in the great war, including his dearly beloved sister. This, coupled with his old age, led him to abuse the powers granted to him by the Parliament of the Federated States of India, and if you hadn't noticed, we have ceased the embargo and are debating wether to remove Mr. Jinnah from office.
However, we would like to add that the Indians are a proud people, and this, coupled with the fact that every single Indian citizen lost at least one person dear to them due to the war, means that the Indian people do not take kindly to insults upon their dead loved ones. Even in this day and age, human emotions can make reasonable people do unreasonable things.
We hope that this statement at least makes you consider voting yes for the F.A.S. to join the Commonwealth of Nations.
Ayub Khan, head of the Indian Commonwealth Committee.
Lesser Ribena
09-02-2006, 22:55
Concerned with Commonwealth opinions of India, Britain will also abstain from this forthcoming vote and leave it down to the rest of the Commonwealth to decide whether to readmit India. Britain is determined that it will not seem that she is stamping her will on the Commonwealth nations by voting on the matter.
Britain will also now begin to make movements towards all it's colonies to assertain which ones would like independence and which desire to remain a part of the Empire. In those colonies which desire independence, British officials will be gradually replaced with local personnel and low level elections for local leaders will be implemented in line with total independence within 8 years.
Lesser Ribena
09-02-2006, 22:55
Concerned with Commonwealth opinions of India, Britain will also abstain from this forthcoming vote and leave it down to the rest of the Commonwealth to decide whether to readmit India. Britain is determined that it will not seem that she is stamping her will on the Commonwealth nations by voting on the matter. (OOC: I have posted on the NPC thread so that GB can decide for the NPC Commonwealth nations.)
Britain will also now begin to make movements towards all it's colonies to assertain which ones would like independence and which desire to remain a part of the Empire. In those colonies which desire independence, British officials will be gradually replaced with local personnel and low level elections for local leaders will be implemented in line with total independence within 8 years.
09-02-2006, 23:26
From: Dr Hugo Eckener
To: Ernest Bevin
I, as well as the Kaiser can understand the problem posed by the Treaty. We agree that the Attorney General's opinion is one of wisdom. Therefore, we would like to propose the Commonwealth poses the question of the application of the Treaty in Commonwealth nations so that Anglo-German relations can continue with fruition.
Lesser Ribena
10-02-2006, 17:26
To: Dr Hugo Eckener
From: Ernest Bevin
Indeed sir, I will propose the question at the next Commonwealth members meeting. Be sure that a fair decision will be reached by the members.
OOC: Sorry more Commonwealth stuff:
I speak before you today to bring you news of a German proposal for the Commonwealth. The German government wishes to extend the Treaty of Daresalaam to cover the entire Commonwealth of Nations instead of just Britain. This treaty has lain dormant since it's first inception in 1906 and the resultant absorption of Germany by the Union. However since the UN has smashed the Communist threat and the rightful German government replaced at the head of Germany the treaty has been reactivated and applied to the UK. The treaty calls for all signatories to support others in times of war by indirect means such as the supply of foodstuffs or ammunition. The treaty also allows signatories the limited rights to harbour warships in each other's ports. It is Britain's intent to vote for the application of such a useful defensive treaty to the Commonwealth and I believe that such an arrangement can only further Commonwealth ties with Europe and the rest of the world as a whole. However Britain will abide by whatever majority decision is reached.
Patrick Gordon Walker, British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations
Australia will cautiously support this treaty. It is true that such an arrangement is useful in defense, although it seems such a document could also draw nations into an unwanted war. However, Mr. Walker's points are valid.
ooc: think maybe we should have a Commonwealth thread started for things like this? It would consolidate a lot of posting.
10-02-2006, 23:10
OOC: Who is King now? Just curious to know how he is related to Young Bill
IC: Kaiser Wilhelm sends his regards to the British Embassy and requests a meeting with the British people. A goodwill mission of sorts to reestablish good ties with the old allies. Possible topics with the King include: reconstruction, Asia, and the Commonwealth.
I speak before you today to bring you news of a German proposal for the Commonwealth. The German government wishes to extend the Treaty of Daresalaam to cover the entire Commonwealth of Nations instead of just Britain. This treaty has lain dormant since it's first inception in 1906 and the resultant absorption of Germany by the Union. However since the UN has smashed the Communist threat and the rightful German government replaced at the head of Germany the treaty has been reactivated and applied to the UK. The treaty calls for all signatories to support others in times of war by indirect means such as the supply of foodstuffs or ammunition. The treaty also allows signatories the limited rights to harbour warships in each other's ports. It is Britain's intent to vote for the application of such a useful defensive treaty to the Commonwealth and I believe that such an arrangement can only further Commonwealth ties with Europe and the rest of the world as a whole. However Britain will abide by whatever majority decision is reached.
Patrick Gordon Walker, British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations
Mr. Walker,
South Africa will support this treaty, but reserves to right not to commit its armed forces to assist a signatory nation that aggressively begins a conflict.
Ambrose Fischer,
Minister to the Commonwealth
Galveston Bay
11-02-2006, 00:22
In Cyprus, rioting breaks out between the Turks and Greeks and rapidly becomes bloody. The British Governor is forced to call for reinforcements and requests at least 1 infantry division and some warships to prevent the further smuggling in of arms to either side.
It is rapidly determined that the rioting has no real cause, other then traditional emnity aggravated by Greek and Turkish fighting in Turkey.
ooc: Sort of assuming you want to pay attention to this...
Lesser Ribena
11-02-2006, 23:45
Sorry not much time today, i'll just post some OOC stuff and flesh it out tomorrow:
RE: German Treaty: passed into Commonwealth constitution, will not force military action on anyone.
I'll make a Commonwealth thread tomorrow when I have more time.
Current King=George VI, I believe the old Kaiser was his great uncle. Don't know what that makes him to new Kaiser
RE: Cyprus: 1 Infantry division from Germany transferred. Also 2 cruisers (perhaps first outing for the new missile cruisers?), half a dozen destroyers and 10 frigates from Med fleet to be sent.
RE: John Curtin funeral. British PM, foreign secretary and Commonwealth secretary will go as will the King, his wife, Elizabeth, and his daughters Elizabeth and Margaret.
As I say, i'll post some more IC stuff tomorrow afternoon. Sorry for the lack of depth ICly tonigh tbut I am extremely short of time.
Lesser Ribena
12-02-2006, 21:05
As promised IC replies:
To Australian and South African Governments:
Britain would like to reassure her allies in the Commonwealth of Nations that the recently ratified Treaty of Daresalaam will never force military action upon any signatory. The decision of whether to participate in any conflict remain with the troop's governments. The only provision that the treaty includes is that the signatories provide some form of aid/relief for other signatories participating in a conflict. This aid can be in any form: Food, Capital, Arms, Amuunition or, indeed, military intervention.
Patrick Gordon Walker, British Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations
In response to the British governor's plea for assistance Britain has transferred 1 regualr infantry division to the areafrom the German garrison and has also dispatched 2 heavy missile cruisers, half a dozen destroyers and 10 frigates from Medditeranean fleet to try to ensure peace in the region and to attempt to maintain stability there.
The British nation is saddened at the news of John Curtin's premature death and there are amny within the government who wish to attend his funeral. In the interest of numbers the following people have been permitted to attend: British PM, foreign secretary and Commonwealth secretary, the King, his wife, Elizabeth, and his daughters Elizabeth and Margaret.
A book of condolence has been started at parliament and will be dispatched to Australia after 2 weeks.
Lesser Ribena
12-02-2006, 21:36
The BBC restarts broadcasting of it's Television channel once more. Services were suspended during the last war for security, staffing and technical reasons.
Lesser Ribena
12-02-2006, 22:00
New Commonwealth Discussion Thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=10411597)
Mr. Patrick Gordon Walker,
Given the instability of the eastern Mediterranean area at this time, South Africa would like to offer the assistance of our armed forces in peacekeeping operations in Cyprus, so that British forces may be freed up for tasks elsewhere, should the United Kingdom decide to increase its commitment to the area.
Ambrose Fischer
OOC: I posted this also in the NPC Thread, if you'd like to respond there.
Lesser Ribena
15-02-2006, 11:32
OOC: See my reply in NPC thread. Britian is grateful for Commonwealth aid in this difficult situation.
Lesser Ribena
16-02-2006, 20:32
The new expansion of international routes for the state owned British Overseas Airways Corporation sees the arrival of new airliners such as the new jet liner De Havilland Comet,
The Bristol Type 175 Britannia turboprop has made it's first flight and are expected to join the fleet witin 4 years. The Vickers Viscount turboprop is expected to come into useage within 18 months.
The de Havilland DH.114 Heron introduced last year continues in use as a smaller aircraft for lighter useage domestic flights.
OOC: Using the 5 years ahead of RL tech developments thing...
Also historically in 1946: A British Avro Lancastrian powered with Rolls-Royce Nene turbojets is credited with the first international passenger jet flight from London to Paris on November 23 1946. The flight time was just 41 minutes.
16-02-2006, 22:50
The new expansion of international routes for the state owned British Overseas Airways Corporation sees the arrival of new airliners such as the new jet liner De Havilland Comet,
The Bristol Type 175 Britannia turboprop has made it's first flight and are expected to join the fleet witin 4 years. The Vickers Viscount turboprop is expected to come into useage within 18 months.
The de Havilland DH.114 Heron introduced last year continues in use as a smaller aircraft for lighter useage domestic flights.
OOC: Using the 5 years ahead of RL tech developments thing...
Also historically in 1946: A British Avro Lancastrian powered with Rolls-Royce Nene turbojets is credited with the first international passenger jet flight from London to Paris on November 23 1946. The flight time was just 41 minutes.
*cough, cough* Praps a flight to Berlin may be more prudent;)
Lesser Ribena
17-02-2006, 15:02
OOC: OK will do...
IC: The first passenger jet flight has taken place on November 23 1946, the flight was from London to Berlin. The flight was made from London's Heathrow Airport, the airport itself is currently enjoying a multi-million pound redevelopment project to allow it to operate larger and larger aircraft. A similar scheme is in operation at London Gatwick, Birmingham Airport and others around the country. The flight was completed by a British made Avro Lancastrian powered by 4 Rolls-Royce Nene turbojet engines and operated by the state owned British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC). The flight arrived at Berlin's Tempelhof International Airport within 120 minutes and it is believed that jet engines will become a new standard on all of BOAC's flights.
21-02-2006, 01:27
The German Empire, carefully watching the joint-Anglo nuclear research projects, begins to question the British Government about the possibility of using the nuclear energy for peaceful means.
(Basically, I'm trying to get the first Nuclear power plant built, and this is my pitiful excuse for a start)
Lesser Ribena
21-02-2006, 15:37
Britian would be glad to pool resources with her German allies in the persuance of the use of nuclear energy for electricity generation. The government has set up the The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and is persuing plans to develop a reactor at Calder Hall (Sellafiled, Cumbria) where the Ministry of Defence houses it's weapons research reactors. Research is to commence shortly on Magnox reactors in which Magnesium alloys are used to contain fission products.
The Calder Hall reactor was the second commercial reactor in the world(1956) with an initial capacity of 45 MW (later 196 MW). It was only preceded by the Russian plant at Obninsk, which won't be built in this timeline. After some research funds I reckon we'll be on schedule for an operational plant at Calder Hall around 1950 (6 years ahead of RL) with another in Germany a short while later. Calder Hall will probably be the first plant of the two as it already has the required personnel and materials on site and has good supply links whilst remaining pretty remote from population centres.
Lesser Ribena
22-02-2006, 09:53
OOC: I could really use some points from Germany for the niclear power project. It'll cost us 24 points a turn for 3 turns so perhaps 12 points each is a good set up? I can't afford much more as I am still pursuing nuclear weapons at the same rate. I'd be grateful for any help received.
22-02-2006, 13:06
The Republic of France approachs its neighbor across the channel and asks for the possibility of arranging a good-will visit between our two states.
Lesser Ribena
22-02-2006, 20:08
The British Prime Minister, Clement Atlee will make an official visit to Paris to inspect the redevelopment work going on. He will be accompanied by Ernest Bevin, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and both their immediate families. The King, George VI, and his family have also expressed an interest in seeing Paris again.
A French visiting party would be welcomed to London and equally welocme to tour the capital (and the country) if they wish. It is hoped that an agreement regarding French interests in redeveloping West Africa can be reached (OOC: See NPC thread).
22-02-2006, 23:09
OOC: Sure, I'll throw 12 points into the Nuclear thingy. Question is, where would we put it? Heligoland :p
Also, I think we should inbred some more. Perhaps, since the Danish and Greek monarchies are gone, you could have Lizzy marry Prince Frederick, the son of the current Kaiser. How would that be for irony :) Prince Louis Ferdinand married a Russian so... why the hell not!
Lesser Ribena
22-02-2006, 23:28
OOC: Thanks for the points. The project will begin next year, where you want your power station is up to you, you will have 3 years to decide anyway!
As to inbreding, i'm all for it. Let's have Elizabeth marry your Frederick then. It;s about the right time anyway (Lizzy got married in 47, and Frederick in 45).
26-02-2006, 01:45
OOC: When are we going to have the kids marry?
Galveston Bay
26-02-2006, 02:26
the US is going to invest substantially in former French Equatorial and West Africa next year (which are currently under British / Moroccan UN Mandate)
Lesser Ribena
26-02-2006, 11:11
OOC: When are we going to have the kids marry?
Whenever you like. You know more about it than I do and we can have them marry in Germany if you wish with a big ceremony to which all the monarchies of Europe (and maybe the world?) will be invited, plus other important representitives eg. from the republican countries.
the US is going to invest substantially in former French Equatorial and West Africa next year (which are currently under British / Moroccan UN Mandate)
Britain would be pleased to welcome US aid to West Africa as Britain itself is considering more dispatching more aid to British Africa in order to promote development and industrial progress there.
OOC: How many points will I need to invest to get Africa more industry or another tech level? I am guessing quite a few, but it'll hopefully be worth it once the African states gain independence. That and I am willing to invest over several years.
Lesser Ribena
26-02-2006, 11:20
OOC: Scratch that last idea, I hav ejust run ove rmy builds and with the amount of nuclear research I am undertaking I am unable to afford to buy any production centres for Africa. Though I will still, of course, provide free social services (level IV) to all of the British colonies.
IC: Britain announces plans to allow Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia and other parts of British West Africa complete independence by 1950-52
Galveston Bay
26-02-2006, 19:00
OOC: How many points will I need to invest to get Africa more industry or another tech level? I am guessing quite a few, but it'll hopefully be worth it once the African states gain independence. That and I am willing to invest over several years.
each part of Africa is treated individually. A transportation upgrade will help move each area move faster to tech level 6
27-02-2006, 12:36
The prime minister and president send their regards and congratulations on the gracious occasion of the engagement of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Freidrich.
On another note we would like to inform you that a grand celebration is to be held on the 15th of September in Paris to celebrate the reconstruction and recovery effort of France and all of Europe. We hope that his exellency, King George VI would grace with his prescence in the upcoming event.
27-02-2006, 13:12
OOC: Minor quibble. It's Freidrich and Elizabeth who are marrying. Hubertus is going to be the next Kaiser. With a name like that.... great things will come!
Lesser Ribena
27-02-2006, 17:30
In a major speech the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps, announces plans to introduce funding for social services into her UN mandate territories (Northwest Africa, Equatorial Ghana), these services are likely to be on par with those currently supplied to British colonies (level 4). 20 million people live in these areas and will recieve many social security and healthcare benefits courtesy of the British government. This is intended to allow local resources to be spent on improving the area prior to independence. Financial aid to newly independent Burma, and the British territory of Ceylon is also expected to be included, as is the usual aid to India.
The budget announcement also alluded to the possibility of manned "sub-space" missions later in 1949, an exciting opportunity made by the combined efforts of the Anglo-Germanic Queen Victoria research station on Heligoland. Sir Cripps also stated that the British and German work into Nuclear Power was coming along quickly and that a functioning power station could be in place as soon as 1950.
King George VI would be delighted to represent Britain at the upcoming celebration marking the reconstruction of Europe. He is said to be pleased with the prospect of surveying the new Eiffel Tower and the reopened Louvre gallery.
28-02-2006, 14:45
OOC: Also a minor quibble. The Louvre has been rebuilt to house the parlament, and the old assembly has rebuilt to become the gallary.
You know when you took all thse paintings I had to bring some dignity back to the old building.
Lesser Ribena
11-03-2006, 21:41
Britain's first nuclear test is made on the Australian Pacific Territory of Swain's Island. It is a 20 kiloton sized detonation and scientists are beginning to study effects of the fallout and detonation on the area's flora, fauna and landscape. British experts have been brought in to contain the radiation to the immediate region as far as possible, though effects are expected to be extremely minimal due to the isolated location chosen. Half a dozen bombs are expected to be ready by the year's end (minus the one already detonated) with one of them being donated to the Australian government/military for their own testing and weapons program. Production of the bombs is expected to be fully operational by next year with 12 bombs being produced per annum, one of which will be donated to Australia. Production of Hydrogen bombs (via knowledge gained from the USA) is expected to reach the same levels. Though no Hydrogen bombs will be made available to other nations as this was the condition on the use of US technology.
News reel footage of the explosion is shown on the BBC and in cinemas around the Empire (and is offered to Commonwealth nations and Germany for useage there) in an attempt to demonstrate the fact that Britain can stand up for itself and it's allies in this modern world.
Secret IC: Two of the bombs are transferred to the Stettin base in Germany by a C54 transport aircraft as soon as they are produced. They are placed under a heavy armed guard in a hanger at the base alongside the B54 nuclear capable aircraft present there.
Lesser Ribena
12-03-2006, 12:29
The European Space Agency has announced that it's first sub-orbital flight has been made. The flight was launched from the ESA launch facility in Sierra Leone. It was ably piloted by an unamed German test pilot and reached heights of 116.5 miles (187 km). After reaching the peak height the craft began to descend through the atmosphere. Both it's heat shielding and parachutes functioned correctly and the craft touched down around 300 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. The radio location devices functioned almsot perfectly and the craft was soon located by a helicopter from the aircraft carrier HMS Vindictive, which had been seconded from the British Navy Atlantic Fleet for this purpose. Both the spacecraft and the pilot were recovered the the Vindictive and taken back to Sierra Leone.
Footage of the flight was broadcast across the world and the ESA hopes to reach true space within three years.
OOC: I gave a 10% chance of each major system (parachute, heat shields, recovery etc.) failing and a 30% chance of this failure being serious. As it happened no failures occured and the craft completed it's mission adequately.
12-03-2006, 15:57
Our government expresses its warmest and heartiest congratiolations upon the succes of the launch, this brings new hope and confidence in the partnership between our nations. We look forward for the further fruits of the future!
Vive' Le' Europe!
On a side note, would you consider selling us 2 Handley Page Hastings Transport wings for 8 points?
Lesser Ribena
12-03-2006, 18:06
On a side note, would you consider selling us 2 Handley Page Hastings Transport wings for 8 points?
OOC: Certainly, I don't have any spare at the moment but can authorise purchase of these aircraft from new. Ie. you pay 3 points per unit as usual and get them from military thread.
12-03-2006, 19:43
ESA Manned Mission a Success!
German Pilot Günther Rall First Man to Reach Sub-Orbital!
Three days ago, the ESA announced that the first manned mission was a complete sucess. They also announced that a German had been the pilot. Günther Rall, a veteran of the Eurasian War was chosen. He was known as one of the Top Aces of the Volksluftwaffe. While many in the ESA were against the use of members of the old regime, Walter Dornberger, a resident during the old communist reign himself, has universally decided that "these young boys, like their esteemed Chancellor, have their loyalty to Germany, not that who leads it."
This is in continuation of the Kaiser's policy of Reconciliation and Reconstruction, which has been identified by the use of many of the competent members of the old Volksreich to rebuild the Empire.
The Egyptian Republic would like to congradulate the United Kingdoms on it's accomplishments.
We would also like to purchase 2 Hawker Hunters, for the proposed price of 3 points each. Our former aircraft is outdated and has already been through two wars. Additionally, Egypt is the main force facing the Turkish Military Build-Up which threatens the entire Middle East.
Lesser Ribena
13-03-2006, 19:35
Permission is granted for the Egyptian government to purchase two hundred Hawker Hunter aircraft (enough for two units) for defence purposes.
15-03-2006, 04:06
Shouldn't we get a nuclear power plant this year?
Lesser Ribena
15-03-2006, 10:21
Shouldn't we get a nuclear power plant this year?
Indeed yes, folowed by a few more (around 3 or 4) next year and then we're up to being able to roll out new plants almost when we like.
I almost forgot about that, thanks for reminding me. There's also the next flights of the space program to sort out.
16-03-2006, 11:33
Aga Khan III (also known as Sultan Mahommed Shah), a distinguished leader in the People's Republic of South Asia, awarded the the distinction of a Knight Commander of the Indian Empire by Queen Victoria in 1897 (and later Knight Grand Commander in 1902 by Edward VII) also a member of the Privy Council since 1934 (OOC:?) writes a letter to his majesty King George of the United Kingdom:
"Your highness,
I, your humble servent, write to you in a matter of grave importance relating to the situation in India.
It has come to my knowledge that British and Commonwealth have decided to intervene in India on the bequest of the Central government there, this has been understandable since it has come to be believed that India has volunteraly joined the commenwealth and is entitled to such aid.
What may be not known that the decision to enter the commonwealth was not put before the parlament and has been directed only by Yahya Khan the current leader of the central government. Although I can , assure you your highness that the decision itself was not without merit, but the way that it was made raised much concern; for Yahya Khan is the same man who deposed M. Jinnah in a most millitary fashion and this, coupled with his independant decisions in the forign affairs of the nation, verified the fear of a dictatorial rule and sparked the waves of violence now showing.
I fear, your highness, that the further involvement of the royal armed forces may deepen the undue prejudice against the commonwealth, making matters matters worse by generating an unjust feeling that colonialisim is returning to India.
I implore you, your highness, to direct your gvernment to allow India to work out its own problems, the shedding of the blood of many good englishmen is not nessecary and will lead to the unjust feelings I have put before you above.
I have the utmost faith in your judgement,
Your humble servent,
Aga Khan III GCIE"
OOC: Now as France:
The government of France would like to express how we have found our dealings with you to be always just and forthright, we would like to approach yet again in hopes of working out a deal.
It has come to our knowledge that you have developed the technology for the construction of a facility that utillises nuclear energy for the production of power.
We would like to know if it is possible to work out a deal for the construction of one of these facillities in France in the near future?
Lesser Ribena
16-03-2006, 17:14
also a member of the Privy Council since 1934 (OOC:?)
OOC: a Privy Council is a group who advises the monarch on matters. It is led by either the leader of the Commons or Lords. Holders are entitled to the prefix "The Right Honourable" unless already holder of an equal or higher prefix, in which case they receive the suffix PC.
By the way, as a GCIE Aga Khan III is entitled to have the prefix "Sir".
Aga Khan III is assured that the decision to intervene in the war was not taken lightly but was gravely considered at the highest levels by all parties. Such a decision became unobjectable when the USEA declared thier intervention in the war. Britain will not stand by whilst a Commonwealth Nation is ravaged by internal wars especially if foreigners are already aiding that nation.
To France
We would be delighted to share our knowledge concerning nuclear power with the French people. However you should know that at present (1950) only one power station can be built and that a site in Cumbria has been chosen for this honour as it already holds a military nuclear processing facility. However 3 or 4 stations are expected to be constructed next year, intended for Britain and Germany. If the German government agrees we could perhaps build such a facility in France, but would require a German approval first. Construction of facilities after this period is expected to increase and so perhaps more facilities can be constructed in France then.
16-03-2006, 20:10
From: Minister Bruning
To: Prime Minister Atlee
It has come to my attention that plans for four more powerplants, excluding the one build in Cumbria, are to be built within the next year. I must say, the German people are delighted to see that such progress is made! However, I come to you with an offer. We understand the French desire to have a powerplant built in their nation. However, is it not true that they have not put any assistance into the endevour? While I am not judging the French, our economic partners, fiscally, I think it would be foolish to just give a powerplant to one who had the capability to build one. However, I am more than willing to share with them the know-how, or even share some of the power. Therefore, I propose this plan for the placement of the four new powerplants:
1 near Essen to power the Rhineland
1 in Burgundy to power Bavaria and to be shared with France and Burgundy
1 in Belgium to be shared with Germany, France and Britain, as well as use for the Belgians
1 in the Netherlands to share power with Britain (across the sea) and Germany as well as by use for the Dutch
This would allow for an equal distribution of the Nuclear power among the 3 powers as well as the three minors. If you feel there should be an amendment to this, please propose it!
Sincerely, Dr. Heinrich Bruning.
OOC: Do we just get the next 4 power plants, or do we have to pay for them? Also, what are the benefits to having them? And I'm not opposed to the French having one, I just think we should get first pick :p
OOC2: I also assume we don't have to pay 12 points a turn anymore?
Lesser Ribena
16-03-2006, 20:37
OOC: That situation is agreeable. We can lay underwater cables at this stage (I think) so we can link up the electricity grids quite easily.
The plants are free, but are limited in number we can build per year. Their only real use in the game is to remove reliance on oil and coal for generation and hence if supplies are cut off (eg. a war in the middle east) then there will be alternative generation methods and oil and coal will be reserved for essential useage, eg. the military and government. Otherwise they have no direct effect, other than to make us look cool.
Yep no more funding is required.