NationStates Jolt Archive

EPIC BATTLE: Anti-communism versus communism!

The Conservative Union
11-07-2005, 05:28
OCC: Hmmm, I leave my computer for a day and come back to find the world bearing down on me. I suppose its justified. This thread is to organize the forces for communism, and forces anti-communism.


The Armies of the Dominion stand ready to fight to the last. Our citizens are signing up to fight in droves, our propoganda campaign to stir nationalist mania is a success, and the allies aligned against communism are strong. RALLY OH FOES OF THE COMMUNIST SCOURGE!! Let the Dominion be reduced to rubble and ashes if need be! This will be the epic battle between the forces of glorious capitalism, and the evil communist virus! WE SHALL CLEANSE THE GLOBE OF THIS ABOMINATION!!!

I, Emperor Baedor, hereby request that any and all anti-communist nations rush to Dominion soil to stand against the socialist bloc. Let the death of my nation serve as an image martyrdom to all those with vested intrest in freedom, liberty, and jusitce for all!!

1.2 million soldiers
120,000 Federal Guard
9 bird of prey war fighters
50 MIG-21 Fighters
3 ICBM Nukes
6 bomber-deployed nukes
60 B-52 bombers
Anti-balistic missle intercepts
Capsules of poison for every soldier, politician, and person of intrest to prevent capture by the foul communist dogs.

This is our small force. It will stand to the last.
Green Sun
11-07-2005, 05:31
OOC: Small? That force is HUGE! That's over 15% of your population! How do your people EAT?
The Hoth system
11-07-2005, 05:33
It will stand to the last.

OOC: I predict, however, that this thread won't be standing very long at all. Instead of fighting over something as idiotic as a false generalization about a broad class of economic systems, why not simply argue your case in a political forum and prove yourself more convincingly and without unnecessary hostilities?
Green Sun
11-07-2005, 05:35
OOC: As of this moment, the Conservative Union is hereby ignored. None of your posts matter unless they are actually backed some reason.
The Conservative Union
11-07-2005, 05:40
WAR, was declared on me. That is all. My people understand the need of sacrifice.
11-07-2005, 05:45
OOC: Try 5-8% of your nation in the military, not 15%. I have 1.5%, which turns out to be 45 million, so 5-8 is VERY high. 15% is not reasonable, I hope that you change it.

Declaration of War

The New Empire of Scellia is tried of your baseless rhetoric, insulting threats and general propagation of policies against communist nations that demand future military action. We hereby and officially declare war on the nation of The Conservative Union, we offer you the chance to surrender peacefully, but we doubt you will accept.
Green Sun
11-07-2005, 05:50
OOC: And you need to learn how to use commas. Good day.
The Conservative Union
11-07-2005, 05:56
OOC: Try 5-8% of your nation in the military, not 15%. I have 1.5%, which turns out to be 45 million, so 5-8 is VERY high. 15% is not reasonable, I hope that you change it.

Declaration of War

The New Empire of Scellia is tried of your baseless rhetoric, insulting threats and general propagation of policies against communist nations that demand future military action. We hereby and officially declare war on the nation of The Conservative Union, we offer you the chance to surrender peacefully, but we doubt you will accept.

Our army is composed of conscripts(Check my homepage). In addition to that, any able bodied person is being drafted(regardless of the situation regarding arms and ammunition, think Russia, think Stalingrad). We consider any one older than 15 to be fit for service. Furthermore, I never declared war, nor did I want this war. I have strong convictions regarding communism. If the communists feel it is nessecary to declare war over a few comments, and and anti-communist leauge, so be it. But this is a war declared without just cause. The ACL has never attacked or provoked any commi nation. Do I care if the Union is destroyed? Do I expect to win? Not on my own.
Beth Gellert
11-07-2005, 06:07
(OOC: I'm not planning to get involved directly in this, but I feel compelled to point out that suddenly conscripting that many people likely means that they're unarmed, apart from anything else. Especially since nobody's left around to manufacture arms for them. Seems odd to do that to your nation if you've not actually decalred war and aren't yet being invaded and grasping at the last strands of national life. But I don't mean to derail things if you already recognise these concepts, and will let you carry on, now.)
Joseph Seal
11-07-2005, 06:18
The Imperial Seal Federation of Joseph Seal pledges to support the communist nations by monetary and resource aid. If thisngs get "hairy", Joseph Seal will supply troops.

-Arfus Sealous: Emperor of Joseph Seal
11-07-2005, 06:31
OOC: Why not, so far his nation is outnumber five to one by my soldiers. Unless some else REALLY doesn't like it I don't mind. IC post with intial attack soon.
11-07-2005, 06:55
Farmina is advising all sides in this conflict to step down. Any attack against the Conservative Union, or provision of weapons to a nation attacking the Conservative Union will be considered hostile by Farmina. If the Conservative Union makes what the Farminan Grand Council decree an unwarranted attack; Farmina shall embargo the Conservative Union and provide it no military aid.

Please sort this out with minimal death, if decided to intervene all nations involved will be wishing that the fighting never started.

Daniel Rickhart
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
Joseph Seal
11-07-2005, 07:04
The Imperial Seal Federation reminds Farmina that The Conservative Union essentially started this war by provoking and threatening other communist nations. Joseph Seal will not supply arms until shots are fired.
11-07-2005, 07:04
The Holy Imperial Empire of Empire will give its full economic support to the Conservative Union and help them finance there grand and noble endeveor with an Imperial grant of 400 billion dollars.
11-07-2005, 07:08
Farmina is advising all sides in this conflict to step down. Any attack against the Conservative Union, or provision of weapons to a nation attacking the Conservative Union will be considered hostile by Farmina. If the Conservative Union makes what the Farminan Grand Council decree an unwarranted attack; Farmina shall embargo the Conservative Union and provide it no military aid.

Scellia won't back down from this war, especially not based on the threats of a nation such as yours. Soon the other nations that have declared war, notably Constantinoplis, will enter this war and any nation supporting TCU will be bround to rubble. We are tried of threats wildly made about communism and its perceived evils, and since these vicious anticommunists want to threaten so much they may learn what a real threat is. Our Taskforce Platinum is currently being dispatched to you country, and several of our armed space stations are changing orbit as well. Our ships will keep out of your territorial waters, as long as you don't make hostile moves toward them.

Transmission; Grand Taskforce Gold
Encryption Level 7...
Uplink Established...
Transmission Received...

Admiral Hawter, the time has come. Too long we have suffered TCU, and now they will pay the price for their threats and bluster. You are fully authorized to land troops and engage an forces attempting to stop, those are not limited to the nation of TCU.

Good Luck Admiral, High Command is with you this night.
Scellian High Naval Command

Transmission Ended

Admiral Hawter stared in shock at the writing sprawling across screen, and the authorization code that came with it. In her long history of twenty years in the Scellian Navy she had never ordered a ship to fire a shot in anger, and now she had a third of the Scellian Navy under her command with orders to commence bombardment of the TCU.
“Captain, new orders to all vessels. All Quay-class vessels are to prepare for amphibious assault, all carriers are to launch aircraft and all warships are to begin shore bombardment of TCU. All arsenal ships are to hold positions, if they shoot now it will take hours to reload.”
“Sir, are you sure sir?”
“Yes Captain, I am”

The massive guns of the fleet turn toward TCU shoreline, and whatever defenses have been set up on the coast. After two minutes of careful preparation all the guns were ready to fire, with a deafening roar every single gun within the Grand Taskforce Gold fired. Already planes were being launched from the assorted carriers with the taskforce, in less then two hours 1520 fighters, fighter-bombers and bombers would circle the battle group supported by 100 tanker aircraft. The guns fired as one, over half a kiloton of high explosive screams away from the taskforce, but the missile batteries stood strangely silent.

40 30in/762mm shells
108 20in/508mm shells
220 12in/305mm shells
152 8in/203mm shells
24 6in/153mm shells
64 5in/127mm shells

Estimated Total Yield: 590 tons of HE

The Quay-class ships began to arm up their troops and prepare vehicles for landing, once all aircraft had launched the transports would begin their assault. Overall the 80 Quay-class had two infantry divisions and one armored divisions with logistics, and plenty of ammunition to keep them fighting. Already transports burdened down with 100 Infantry Divisions and 30 Armored Divisions were leaving Scellia, many in a flotilla of amphibious attack ships.

The logistical machine of Scellia turned as well, spare parts and ammunition being turned out by the ton from Scellia’s massive industrial complex. Three armed space stations had arrived in orbit over TCU, having been told to move long before the declaration of war. A steady stream of ships depart from Scellia’s harbors and main Fleet Base, escorted along the way be elements of Grand Taskforce Silver, always vigilant to enemy threats.
11-07-2005, 07:21
FBC Live News Feed

...Alarming news today President Tobias Grey has signalled that Farmina will be moving to Red Alert Level 1, from Green Alert Level 2. President Grey is declining to comment before tonights emergency parliamentary gathering, only stating that small nations can not use large allies to justify their actions.

In other new, the President has again ordered the return of all suspects implicated in the murder of over 600,000 Socialists...
11-07-2005, 07:31
By the power granted to the Holy office of the Inquisition by the Emperors office, Grand Inquisitor Tarkin has decreed that as of now the Conservative Union is an Temporary Honory Colonly of the Holy Imperial Empire and granted all the rights and privelleges of the said position including defense by the Empire in case of war.

Thus any attack against the Union shall be seen as an attack against the Empire itself and shall be met with Imperial Reprisals against the attacking nation.
11-07-2005, 07:36
OOC: Thats a little late now isn't it, seeing as I already fired on them.

Scellia wishes to know if this is a roundabout way of declaring war on us, and why was war simply not declared instead of saying any attack on TCU is an attack on Belem after we had declared war and started attacking. Our Admiral Hawter is currently plugged into this line, and also awaits your answer.

Edit: Platinum Taskforces orders have been rescinded, thankfully they had not yet left port. Orbital and aerial monitering of all Scellian territory has doubled and any questionable civilian ship is being warned off.
The Lone Alliance
11-07-2005, 09:17
The Lone Alliance, with the alliance with the Communist Legion, Declares war upon The Conservative Union, Naval forces were already En-route before offical declariation

Current attack force includes:
2,000 Elite Alpha Squad troops.
40 Alliance Class E-Boats
2 Carrier Modified Iowa class battleships.
5 Destroyers
1 Ageis Air defense Cruiser
1 BattleCruiser (Flagship)(Missile equipped)
50 LSH Landing Craft.
2 Resupply ships
1 Artillery Tanker.(Custom ship)
20 AV-07
10 A-10s
16 AAV7A1 (LVTP7) Amphibious Assault Vehicles

In reserve:
20,000 Marines
12 DANA Self Propelled Artillery
12 LVTP7
Un confirmed number of support craft

(O.O.C: Really they were, check past posts. Also, those who don't have a homepage where is a link for your nation?)
11-07-2005, 09:31
As the Lone Alliance ships are enroute they are contacted by Admiral Hawter, who is in command of the Scellian forces involved in TCU conflict.

Message #002369

"TLA ships, please be advised and warned. There is a Belem battle group in the area, with the Belem government making hostile moves and with war possible between the Communist nations and the nation of Belem. It is suggested that you place the Scellian Gold Taskforce between yourselves and the Belem fleet. While small compared to a Grand Taskforce the Belem fleet has enough firepower to easily sink your ship. We do not want our allies taking indue causalties."
The Lone Alliance
11-07-2005, 09:45
~Bridge, Battle Cruiser Lawis~
Admrial Thompson looked over the Transmission from Admiral Hawter.
And quickly sent a reply.

##Transmission to Scellian Gold Taskforce##
Message recieved, moving into defensive positions at the rear of your fleet, our forces are well trained in Flanking tatics, should the Belem fleet engage your forces you have full command of our forces if need be.
-Admrial Thompson Naval Task force Beta.
The Conservative Union
11-07-2005, 18:11
Costal defenses destroyed, several logistical centers decimated, and yet the war has hardly begun...

Commander Holton walked briskly into the holding bay in the Command Bunker, far below the surface of the earth. 1000 'soldiers' stood in formation, 20 by 50. The first 5 rows had guns, the next five had only extra ammo, and the last 10 had little more than assorted knives and crude weapons. Some were just children, others bordered on elderly. Women were also present in the ranks. But this sad sight was not demoralizing in the least.

Holton stepped up to the podium facing the crowd. He began speaking quietly "Good Evening..." and slowly his voice rose, within minutes he was shouting and pounding his fist on the podium. "...we will destroy these invaders with all the might..." his impassioned voice bellowed and his speech resonated throughout the bay. When he finished there was a roar from the troops signaling their undying allegiance to the cause, no matter how bad the tactical situation...




"Emperor Baedor has been deposed. A coup carried out by members of parliment and the military has ousted the former leader from power. Citing reasons of 'impractical and suicidal policy' as justification. Deputy Alexi Feral announced he was taking control of the government from Baedor. Feral has renamed himself Emperor and is calling for national unity and peace.

'All members of the former government have been arrested and put in jail. While we maintain an anti-communist sentiment, consistent with popular support, we are now willing to discuss peace before our nation is destroyed. The 'martyrdom' Baedor proclaimed is no longer the policy of this government.
We are also willing to dicuss the nessecary consessions for peace.'

In other news, the hundreds of thousands of conscripts inducted into the army in recent days were officially discharged. While an official stand down order has been issued, not all commanders are following it..."




New Dominion Announcment

I, New Dominion Emperor Alexi Feral, decree an immediate cease-fire of all Dominion troops. If the enemy nations do no not recipricate this action, I will seek assitance with the United Nations.

In good faith, I decree the 'No Communist Left Alive Act' null and void, and all communist detainees realeased. Discussions over the furture of communist political parties are taking place in parliment as we speak. Any allies of the old regime and any inavding forces are asked to leave our territory.
11-07-2005, 18:28
The guns fell silent, the deep throated roars of the heavy thirties to the crackling booms of the five inchers, all noise dropped away. The Quay-class ships stopped their advance, but the troops upon them still prepared for combat. No one knew how long this truce would last, or if this was a lasting peace. The gun barrels smoked and steamed in the light fog, and crews took the chance to reload every gun and allow in to cool. Over two and a half kilotons of HE had been fired in the last hour and a half, equal to a tactical nuclear weapon, and spread over the entire coastal area.

Annoucement from Scellian Government

We will accept the ceasefire, and the surrender, on two conditions. The first being that laws are passed that make it impossible for the goverment to start a genocide against any people. The second is for democratically held free elections for all officials, we don't care who is elected as long as the elections are free. We hope that you find these conditions acceptable, we would hate to have to have any futher loss of life on either side.
The Lone Alliance
11-07-2005, 18:39
The Admrial watched through a scope at the burning coastline of The Conservative Union as the Message from the New Government finished. "Stand down, all forces to stand down," He ordered, "Start moving a majority of our forces out, and give a command for one of our supply ships to put out at least one dock fire, should for some reason a group would need to use it." He turned and quickly made out a reply to The Conservative Union.

=To Emperor Alexi Feral=
From: Task Force Beta Commander Admrial Thompson, Lone Alliance forces

If Scellian Government Agreements accepted, a majority of forces will be called off, as commanded, a small force will remain to try and salvage your harbor areas from the effects of coastal bombardment.
11-07-2005, 18:41
***Official Declaration***

The Holy Empire has had enough of this. Unlawful attacks on communist nations will be met with the full extent of the Holy Empire's armed forces. We are now preparing the 1st Aerial Company, 4th Division, Bombing Wing is being prepared for combat readiness. This flight group of 150 AC-01 Garrison Aircraft will attack any troops from The Conservative Union if they pass into any Communist and/or Socialist nation.

The 1st Company, 11th through 20th Division of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps and 1st Company, 191st through 200th Division of the Shazbotdom Marines "Black Ops" Special Forces are also set on standby for imediate departure.

You have 30 hours to retract your declaration of war.
The Conservative Union
11-07-2005, 18:43
Annoucement from Scellian Government

We will accept the ceasefire, and the surrender, on two conditions. The first being that laws are passed that make it impossible for the goverment to start a genocide against any people. The second is for democratically held free elections for all officials, we don't care who is elected as long as the elections are free. We hope that you find these conditions acceptable, we would hate to have to have any futher loss of life on either side.

I, New Dominion Emperor Alexi Feral accept your offer. However, for the time being I believe that elections should be postponed for a while. While our nation has a strong tradition of regular elections, I believe the current situation requires a stable government, one that has enough sense to make sure the conflict is not re-started. I will also be re-organizing the government to put in check the power of the Emperor and the parliment. I also hope that the anti-genocide laws you are asking for would not prohibit us from prosecuting and executing terrorists...
The Conservative Union
11-07-2005, 18:46
***Official Declaration***

The Holy Empire has had enough of this. Unlawful attacks on communist nations will be met with the full extent of the Holy Empire's armed forces. We are now preparing the 1st Aerial Company, 4th Division, Bombing Wing is being prepared for combat readiness. This flight group of 150 AC-01 Garrison Aircraft will attack any troops from The Conservative Union if they pass into any Communist and/or Socialist nation.

The 1st Company, 11th through 20th Division of the Shazbotdom Marine Corps and 1st Company, 191st through 200th Division of the Shazbotdom Marines "Black Ops" Special Forces are also set on standby for imediate departure.

You have 30 hours to retract your declaration of war.

Perhaps if the Holy Empire would care to read all posts in the thread, they would see an end to hostilities has already been declared.
11-07-2005, 18:48
As long as someone is not considered a terrorist smiply because of political or religious affiliation, if these people engage in terrorist actions then they deserve whatever fate is in store for them. We see the need for a stable government, especially now, and only ask that you have free election within a reasonable timeframe. About a year and a half at most, unless circumstances beyond your control come up and you are unable to do so.
11-07-2005, 19:07
Perhaps if the Holy Empire would care to read all posts in the thread, they would see an end to hostilities has already been declared.

We will be watching you in the future then. The bomber wing is still on alert till we find reason to take them off. They will be stationed on a Holy Empire controlled island 200 miles away from your nation.
Soviet leaders
11-07-2005, 19:36
Location of Transmission planet:Teragath
We the Furian Empire of Soviet leaders is glad that this did not end in any form of long war and that there can be peace made out of a war and that then goverment of The Conservative Union has forund that the war would of ended in millions of people dead and nations entering nuclear war we know how humans normaly finish wars with nuclear weapones and that ends in the destruction of the human race as we now it we would like to trade with The Conservative Union telegram me and we can work out a trade agreement.The Council has voted 290/0 on getting rid of order 120.
Emperor: Alexander,Romakov

Good day...The war on earth between Anti-Communist and Communist ended in only about 5-10 hours...The Planet Deragath have gone on full alert due to a terrorist group attacking a 300 km farm and a factory that makes 9,000,000,000,000 bullets a day.....
11-07-2005, 19:49
Leafanistan has just realized what has happened and retracts its retraction of help. If you wish, you can join the Glorious Republic as an "affliate" nation meaning, you have full autonomy underneath Leafanistani law. You shall send 2 senators to our Republican Senate and Leafanistan will protect you.

We welcome the new emperor.

OOC: Nice way to get out of a devastating war. Anywho, if you accept this you get a 25% discount in my storefront along with full protection under Leafanistan.
11-07-2005, 20:37
I am very very stupid.
11-07-2005, 21:00
I am very very stupid

OOC: No arguement here. ;)
12-07-2005, 08:31
I, the President of Evinsia, hereby retract all aid that we have given to the Conservative Union and the rest of the Anti-Communist League. It was a noble endeavour, but due to circumstances that are beyond me, we lost. Thus, as our government considers the surrender of the Conservative Union and the whole war as a 'Dishonorable Affair', we will get all weaponry granted to the members of the ACL back. We expect all weaponry to be back on Evinsian soil within the next 96 hours. If we do not get any particular individual weapon back within the time limit, we will buy it back for an amount 2% higher than the estimated market price.

We are glad that the war was short, and ended with a minimal loss of human life. Our nations' condolences go out to all who were killed or wounded in this war and their loved ones.

-President of the Republican Republic of Evinsia, Gene Cross