A Great Declaration(FT, ATTN: Republic)
11-07-2005, 01:03
With the Imperial Senate of the Republic captured and stored away in a secret location thanks to a group of hired assassins, there was nothing to stop it.
Official Statement made by Emperor Kellerman of Taledonia
As of today, I hereby declare myself Emperor of the Republic, and declare martial law until it is seen fit to once again return control of the region back to the Imperial Senate. To aid me in this, Chronosia and others have promised to send forces to enforce this statement and they have been given permission to enter Republican space.
That is all for now.
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 01:29
Imperator Arch Terrence had escapped the kidnapping.
He heard the announcement.
" You have no athority to declare martial law. Surrender now, or we will be forced to become hostile. I have direct control over my fleet and that of a few otehr nations.
I repeat, surrender now, or we will be forced to become hostile.
Imperator Terrence out."
11-07-2005, 01:39
Whatever force you could muster would do you no good. I have the help of several large nations in the GE, along with a few nations within the Republic itself. There are also other nations that have pledged support to me. If you want to save the bloodshed and let everyone go home happy, just sit back and let it happen, the senate will recieve it's powers again after I am done.
OOC: Sounds like a clasic SW plot. TAG and possible aid with Taledonia.
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 01:48
Your pathetic attempt at insurectoin will fail. I can garner support of plenty of nations. And we have more power than you can possibly imagine. And it isn't military power, it's another power."
11-07-2005, 01:48
(OOC: It's not total SW, I'm only taking power for a bit to smooth out some things within the Republic, then giving power back to the Senate. And thanks for the help.)
11-07-2005, 01:49
The Imperium pledges support to Taledonia in the effort of crushing the rebellious Republic. No longer shall warmongering gnats like Kazecistan hold any true form of power. Glory to the Imperium! Hail to the Emperor! Victory for the Servants of the Dark Gods!
11-07-2005, 01:51
Stellar Nations, what other power could you possible have? Do you not forget? I control the region! I control the forums! I control everything within the Republic.
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 02:02
OOC: I was referring to IC stuff, but still....
IC:ah, yes, there is that. But i have done worse than bringing down a website.
((OOC: Bah, you're forgetting that the rest of the people in your alliance thing can go "OK, this sucks, I'm out." And that's when ever they want to. Unless, of course, somehow they don't have any local leadership anymore. EDIT: Not to mention that if the others weren't told that you're gonna pull something like this off, they can ignore the whole thing if they want to, since freeform RP is consent based. If you don't like someone going "OMG I OWNZ U", you can ignore 'em.
That's also the main reason why Ermor hasn't killed everyone as of yet. I can't do anything to anyone if they don't want me to.))
Hyperspatial Travel
11-07-2005, 02:07
As a response to this illegal move, HT has seceded from the Republic, and the military is on a continued alert. Any ship entering HT space, regardless of origin, will be captured, and the pilot interrogated.
Any Taledonian or Chronosian ship will be destroyed.
Lord Commander Tss'yyik stood up wearily. She hadn't slept in twelve weeks, three weeks over the waking limit of one of her kind.
She'd managed to put the affairs of the former Lord Commander in order, and the Fleet was well-prepared. It was doubtful that either the GE or Taledonia could invade them successfully.
She had petitioned the Council of Lords to give her full power over diplomatic affairs during the crisis, and had her request granted. As such, a message flew across the endlessness of space, to Kazecistan and Stellar Nations.
"Although we have seceded from the Republic, we ask that we three form a temporary alliance. Alone, we will eventually be ripped apart, enslaved, and forcefully brought back into the Republic. Togethor, we can gather aid, and hold our own against the force of the warmongers. Six of the Seven Fleets stand ready to aid you, if you so need it. Pray, join us. We have great need of you, as, no doubt, you do of us."
Having finished the message, she pressed a small button. An asteroid would be put into orbit around Taledon, former seat of the Republican Senate. From there, it would produce milliosn of jamming signals, hopefully distracting them by delaying orders and the like.
Still awake, she started typing orders for the Fleet. Although it was easier to use ThoughtMaker, paper was unhackable, and still used for the high-up military dispatches.
Huntaer has decided to aid it's ally Chronosia and the conqueror Taledonia.
Should we deem necessary, we will send in several fleets to aid the war.
The Dark Side shall triumph against the Light. Hail the powers of our supreme emperor and the Dark Side god Skorm. May the Dark Side and Chaos unite.
OOC: Decided to borrow something from ya Chronosia.
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 03:12
Well, now. no need to get up in arms now. I belive the thing has been solved peacfuly.
Taledonia is indisposed for at least another few minutes, but i'm almost certain he will agree. And if he doesn't, i can convince him.
OOC: I don't suppose anyone would consider waiting for Kazecistan, who isn't here right now but really wants to be. Oh well, I suppose not but he would really appreciate it.
Scellia, merely a Republic ally, has no response at this time. Although we are seriously considering our continued association with the Republic, we will move to support any nation who is forcibly made to conform to this new development.
11-07-2005, 03:19
Peacefully? I'm surprised if your cabal knows the term. The Imperium knows that Taledonia would not back down so easily, save for some subterfuge or deceit of yours. You and your ilk are not worthy of rule; return the Republic to a reasonable ruler, and you shall spare the slaughter of your people.
We offer you a chance for mercy; pray do not overlook this rarest of offers.
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 03:21
Kazec'ds on some islands somewhere. So he kinda can't respond too often.
I'm about ready to say Hell with the republic and form my own region. Most members of the Republic would be invited. Others wouldn't be.
11-07-2005, 03:25
OOC: You'd give up that easily? Thats...lame, in the interest of story....
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 03:31
I didn't say that in response to your post. And I never said i'd give up. Just said i'm about to switch regions.
11-07-2005, 03:32
OOC: But then theres no point in us invading you...*pout*
OOC: You'd give up that easily? Thats...lame, in the interest of story....
OOC: Yeah, it's no fun if you withdraw so easily. Did the Rebellion give up even though they were out matched 100000:1? No! They continued on, fought, and defeted the evil Galactic Empire and REFORMED the Republic!
Though if you want help, I can have my light side puppet nation help you. Mind you, anything we do ICly between the Galactic Empire of Huntaer and you is an unknown to Huntarian Alliance and vice versa.
Your withdrawl from battle shows your cowardice light side puppet. You, fear us and we feed upon your fear. You fear the might of The Dark Side and Chaos.
OOC: I know that SN didn't include an OOC tag, but I think that his entire post was OOC, which means that you responded IC to an OOC. I could be wrong but the preface of Kazec being in the Virgin Islands means that it mostly likely is.
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 03:40
yes, that was OOC. Sorry.
and i'd rather not be invaded. Hell, if i make a new region, I can ally woth you guys. I can invade the Republic myself. So long as some people are still in it and otehrs not in it
11-07-2005, 03:43
OOC: Spoil sport :P
Besides, if you invaded the Republic with only those people left, we'd mostly support those people, if they were Tale:P
Stellar Nations
11-07-2005, 03:52
OOC: WEll, currently he plans on invading the Republic, so i don't really cosider him in it.
11-07-2005, 04:13
OOC; its more of a coup; from within
Hyperspatial Travel
11-07-2005, 04:52
We possess the might to face you, and will do so. All Seven Fleets are prepared to fight, and are armed. We do not wish, however, to face the might of the Galactic Empire, though we may win, the cost would be tides of endless blood.
OOC: For this war, can we just pair off? I'll fight Chronosia, being the biggest Republic nation, and we can go down from there, and when we run out of nations to fight, the rest can wait for the conclusion of the wars. I hate fighting more than one enemy at a time, you see. Could we do this?
I'm up for that, if everyone else agrees.
Hyperspatial Travel
11-07-2005, 05:08
OOC: Sure, if Chronosia agrees, we can go off and kill each other to our heart's content for awhile.
Hyperspatial Travel
11-07-2005, 05:23
A giant ant, popped out of nowhere in Chronosian space, and bumped into a planet.
OOC: Heh... Chronosia's just getting into fights all over the place. Just remember, there are other people out there with vested interests in the Empire's fall.
((OOC: "Yeah," it's no fun that you don't do what others tell you to. Freeform RP... It kind of means that you can't impose your own RP wishes on other people... You kinda need their consent before you can go "OMG I OWNZ U". As I said before. If it's non-predetermined (as in, you haven't coordinated anything with the people you wish to rule), well, others can do whatever they want. Not everyone wants to RP a "rebellion".
Not to mention that I can't see it actually being a rebellion, since you are more like trying a coup, as opposed to having done one successfully. If you're going with the "But they did it in teh SW!" analogy, you should realize that Palpatine didn't omg steal the head honcho's spot, no, they gave it to him. Stuff like that.
If you try to spoil other people's fun, be prepared for the fact that others can do it to you, too. NationStates roleplays still work both ways, you can't just impose your own stuff on others.))
Unified Sith
11-07-2005, 15:39
Galactic Empire
His Royal Majesty Emperor Palpatine would like to openly voice support for this current change in leadership throughout the Republic. The Galactic Empire is behind you, supporting and helping all willing nations throughout this turbulent change. For those who oppose the legitimate rule of Emperor Kellerman, and for those nations who have illegally seceded from the Republic, the Empire can only offer words of warning and forebode.
Your attempts to destabilise the Galactic community with your warmongering and repeated intentions to topple the delicate political framework can only end in detriment for your people and respected governments. We ask that you examine this situation from another more transparent angle and see, that only under a strong leader can your nations truly rise to prominence within the Galaxy……
OOC: First of all let me say that the Galactic Empire was approached by a member of the Republic to aid him in his cause, secondly let me reinforce that roleplaying, especially in an international community requires all RP’rs to answer challenges and threats (real life permitting of course). Random ignores of a threat that you could well lose, is in fact extremely poor in roleplay purposes.
Throughout the Empires rise I have annexed nations repeatedly, however I have created a method which allows the player to do anything he/she wants, but allows the said victor to savour the victory. Defeat by the Galactic Empire, only requires you to join it. THAT’S IT. No annexation, no impediments of sovereignty, just a stronger more powerful alliance, which roleplays together for the further meant of the game.
((OOC: It's not poor roleplay if someone doesn't acknowledge your OMGness. What is poor roleplay is going "RAWR I OWNZ U" without working it out with the other player.))
Unified Sith
11-07-2005, 16:12
Lol, who said you had to accept Taledonias claim over the Republic, all you had to do was laugh it off, and simply tell him he’s out.
His claim is rather tenuous at best, but if you would like to talk out a possible rp please get in touch with me over msn. My address is Wardventure1@aol.com
((OOC: I'm not in the Republic. I'm just pointing out some of the less nice bits of this whole thing and that the people who're being screwed over have rights, too. Ermor would be the last nation to join any alliance, anyway. What with it being full of undead and being hell bent on killing everyone...))
Stellar Nations
12-07-2005, 03:13
OOC: If we're paring off, i'll take Taledonia.
Neo Zeta
12-07-2005, 12:24
Message from The Grand Dominion Axis.
We support Taledonia in their efforts. We have been asked by Taledonia to aid them. And after a short vote we have decided that its in our best intrest to aid them.
13-07-2005, 00:30
(OOC: Speaking of poor RPing, Stellar Nations is apparently very good at hacking into forums and has blocked me from the Republic's forums. Seriously, this is in very low character and you should be ashamed to even consider calling yourself a fair and resonable person. In fact, why don't you just return my forums to me, and run off and create your own little region like you said. Plus if we are going to partner up and destroy each other, I'd very much like to destroy SN, as he's an ass.)
The Republic officially accepts and thanks all the support flowing in from the GE and Dominion Axis, and both parties have been granted permission to enter Republic control space to help enforce the new order.
Emperor Kellerman
Neo Zeta
13-07-2005, 00:36
We will send in ships as soon as possible to aid you. The Jem'Hadar will fight to the death to aid you in any battle.
OOC: Yeah thats very low and very Illegal infact.
OOC: I haven't had any contact with Unified Sith, but it wouldn't be fair for me to fight the most of the other nations. If we are pairing off I'll take US, need stats though.
Hyperspatial Travel
13-07-2005, 03:01
Eh. A war would be cool. I didn't realise Taledonia got banned as a result of hacking, I thought it was just an Admin-power clash.
So, you GE guys. Are we actually going to pair off for a war, or should we just engage in some more...*sigh*... diplomacy.
13-07-2005, 03:25
(OOC: Ya, it was because SN knows how to hack into those forum things and we had a little war type thing that I had no way of winning. Anyways, I would prefer diplomacy as I don't want to really harm any nations in the Republic, but if war does arise, then I would prefer an open war, instead of us paring up as it were.)
Stellar Nations
13-07-2005, 03:29
PAring up is less confusing. And besides, it makes sense. I'm closer to you, HT is closer to Chronisia, at least distance wise.
And I had admin powers. I didn't hack into the forums. I can get into the forums but i didn't.
I simply kept the admin cp open, so i didn't have to lofg into it again.
and no, it wasn't my user that had admin powers. it was 'The Administrator' or whatever the thing that Kazec set up was. I think I deleted it though....
13-07-2005, 03:37
OOC: Take the OOC bickering to TGs and lets get on with our war. I'd happily pair up with HT :P I'm in the mood for a challenge.
Stellar Nations
13-07-2005, 03:40
OOC: I've got tog et a Tech thread up.
13-07-2005, 03:42
OOC: What does that have to do with anything...?
Stellar Nations
13-07-2005, 03:46
OOC: I can't do a war without ships, and people won't accept on-the-spot ship specs, will they?
13-07-2005, 03:50
OOC: *eyeroll* I don't have any specs or things; I just have mostly standard ships and heavy ships and flagships; few other things. Too many stats and numbers takes away from the purity of RP. I love character interaction, for example, like a Duel.
The Shivian Imperium
13-07-2005, 03:55
OOC if there is a war I am in, my new Dakgzl need a bit of blood.
13-07-2005, 03:56
OOC: Welcome to the fray, feel free to post in.
13-07-2005, 03:59
I'd suggest that if there is a war, we start a new thread for each battle, and make a new OOC thread with links to them all. Starting battles on this thread would be too confusing since it's already full of OOC. Everyone agree with me?
13-07-2005, 04:01
OOC: Totally, set up a starter and TG me the link; let the games begin! One and all!
The Shivian Imperium
13-07-2005, 04:01
OOC Thats fine, and chron, whats with the no msn?
13-07-2005, 04:07
I'll set up the OOC thread, but it's up to other Republic nations who don't want me being Emperor to start the actual battle threads because if I attack, it goes against my mission and if one of my allies attacks, then it also goes against me and makes me look bad. But I'll set up the OOC and post the link on here.
13-07-2005, 04:14
Ok, link to the OOC section is as follows: