NationStates Jolt Archive

Database of Open, Modern Tech RP Threads

Generic empire
10-07-2005, 03:38
In the past several months I’ve noticed that the trend for RPs in the II forum is shifting ever further away from the dominance of the open modern tech RP that existed last summer when I joined. Now it would seem that the open MT RP is becoming an endangered species, if you will, being replaced by closed, earth related, or future tech roleplays. Therefore, realizing the annoying nature of surfing pages and pages for the types of roleplays we MT RPers enjoy, I have concluded that it would be a great service to create a database where such threads can be posted.

I ask that all threads advertised here be initially open (at the time of their posting; threads can of course be closed after a number of nations join to eliminate confusion), non ‘Earth’ related (as in set on the ‘NS Earth’ as opposed to one of the specific member-only earths out there), and based in a world where the technology used is generally accepted to be modern or even moderately near future. A brief description or summary of the thread would also be useful, but is not necessary. I have noticed similar ideas in place, but none that are specifically geared towards the modern tech roleplayer.
10-07-2005, 03:59
I am a new MT RPer who is playing out a civil war at present -
Holy Paradise
10-07-2005, 04:05
I have an end-of-the-world type MT RP called Apocalypse. Here's the link:
Generic empire
12-07-2005, 18:21