08-07-2005, 07:48
With the rising discussion about exactly how to deal with newer players, and the ways that they roleplay, I figured it would be a good idea if we could put together a thread on how exactly they should be dealt with.
A. N00bs
A n00b is a player that either has no interest in learning the correct way of roleplaying (not that there is necessarily a 'correct' way to do it, just a proper way), or someone who is out to create humor, usually by creating a puppet nation, or even someone who really has no idea how to roleplay, and needs some guidance as to exactly how they can go about roleplaying in a proper fashion.
The "I Declare War!!11" thread
This is an example of what a n00b does. They create a thread for something that absolutely no one will understand with absolutely no intentions of creating something appropriate out of it. This type of thread needs to be ignored, and reported to the moderators so that they can close it. Do not post in the thread and mock the poster or anyone participating in it.
B. Newbs
Newbs are players that make some sort of attempt at roleplaying, and have shown a willingness to learn by asking logical questions about the game, and by reading the stickies, and showing that they have by the way they roleplay. Many of the older players were considered newbs when they just started the game. It isn't a bad thing, to be called a newb. All it means is that you're new to the forum, and that you just need to get more familiar with the rules. Reading this: The One-Stop Rules Shop ( will help you to understand how this forum works.
C. The Difference Between N00bs and Newbs
There is a huge difference between both terms. A n00b is a very insulting term for classifying someone. An example of a n00b is someone who registers for the forums, posts a thread about declaring war on an enemy, and never coming to the forums again. They have no intention of actually getting to know the forums and how to roleplay, they just wanted to post something. N00bs aren't necessarily always new players. Some players decide to go into the forums for the first time many months after they created their nation. Just because your nations' population is big doesn't mean that you automatically aren't new.
Newbs are the newer blood of Nationstates, who could very well be the future of the website. They make an honest attempt to get to know the forums by reading the stickies, posting in threads, and refining their RP skills as they go along.
D. How To Respond Respectfully to N00bs in II
When you run across a thread in International Incidents where a nation "NUKES ZEH W0RLD", instead of lashing out, and calling them a n00b, give them constructive criticism.
Bad Response: OMG, You're such a n00b. This thread sucks!
This is just as bad as the poster. You didn't contribute anything meaningful to the thread. Posting such a thing makes you look like a n00b as well.
Good Response: If you're seriously considering becoming a regular, you should check up on the stickies in each forum and read the advice that they give you. Here's a link you might want to check out: II Consolidation Sticky (
Once good advice is offered, or if the thread deteriorates because of OOC bickering or just others mocking the poster, it probably would be a good idea to request a lock on the thread.
Remember: The Moderators do no police roleplay. They will only close threads that are clearly spam.
Sometimes, there are some threads that its best to just not respond at all, especially if you feel like you're going to say something nasty about the poster. In that case, just report it to the moderators if you are positive that the thread will be considered spam.
Remember, responding in the right way could turn a n00b, who has no intentions of playing NS, into one of the best roleplayers that the site has seen. If you entered a forum and posted in it (not knowing all of the rules, but really wanting to try), and got flamed and beaten down for it, you probably wouldn't want to come back. Sincere and informative responses are really the only thing that we need here, to make sure that everyone is given a fair chance.
More Ways At Helping New Players
Another good way to help newer players to get used to NationStates is to start a roleplay with them, perhaps, a way to teach them on how to improve their own roleplaying skills. I know that when I first joined NationStates, and actually went into the forums, I posted in here about how my nation was peaceful (ironic because 99% of n00bs post about how they're going to declare war on everyone), but nevertheless, I got mocked, ridiculed, and called a 'another n00b'. Of course, after that, I didn't come back to the forums for a long time.
This sort of reaction can really get to a newer player, and bring their spirits down. I know that when I first seen that, I was a bit hurt, because I did try my best to create a roleplay. I read all of the stickies, and I even read other peoples' threads for a few weeks before posting, to actually get familiar with how other people post. What we need to do is make sure that, not only International Incidents, but all of the roleplay forums are ready and willing to take in newer players, help them with what they need to get more familiar with the forums, and build them up (hypothetically) so that they can go out on their own, and roleplay. I suppose you could say I'm introducing an analogy having to do with parents and their children, seeing as there are quite a lot of similarities. If we can eliminate the harsh words, and name calling from people when they see a new player make a post, then the forums can be a more friendly place.
I do understand though, that name calling will probably always exist, and that trying to eliminate it completely may not be a realistic goal, but we can always do our best to make sure that the newer players feel comfortable with coming into the forums, knowing that they are wanted.
A. N00bs
A n00b is a player that either has no interest in learning the correct way of roleplaying (not that there is necessarily a 'correct' way to do it, just a proper way), or someone who is out to create humor, usually by creating a puppet nation, or even someone who really has no idea how to roleplay, and needs some guidance as to exactly how they can go about roleplaying in a proper fashion.
The "I Declare War!!11" thread
This is an example of what a n00b does. They create a thread for something that absolutely no one will understand with absolutely no intentions of creating something appropriate out of it. This type of thread needs to be ignored, and reported to the moderators so that they can close it. Do not post in the thread and mock the poster or anyone participating in it.
B. Newbs
Newbs are players that make some sort of attempt at roleplaying, and have shown a willingness to learn by asking logical questions about the game, and by reading the stickies, and showing that they have by the way they roleplay. Many of the older players were considered newbs when they just started the game. It isn't a bad thing, to be called a newb. All it means is that you're new to the forum, and that you just need to get more familiar with the rules. Reading this: The One-Stop Rules Shop ( will help you to understand how this forum works.
C. The Difference Between N00bs and Newbs
There is a huge difference between both terms. A n00b is a very insulting term for classifying someone. An example of a n00b is someone who registers for the forums, posts a thread about declaring war on an enemy, and never coming to the forums again. They have no intention of actually getting to know the forums and how to roleplay, they just wanted to post something. N00bs aren't necessarily always new players. Some players decide to go into the forums for the first time many months after they created their nation. Just because your nations' population is big doesn't mean that you automatically aren't new.
Newbs are the newer blood of Nationstates, who could very well be the future of the website. They make an honest attempt to get to know the forums by reading the stickies, posting in threads, and refining their RP skills as they go along.
D. How To Respond Respectfully to N00bs in II
When you run across a thread in International Incidents where a nation "NUKES ZEH W0RLD", instead of lashing out, and calling them a n00b, give them constructive criticism.
Bad Response: OMG, You're such a n00b. This thread sucks!
This is just as bad as the poster. You didn't contribute anything meaningful to the thread. Posting such a thing makes you look like a n00b as well.
Good Response: If you're seriously considering becoming a regular, you should check up on the stickies in each forum and read the advice that they give you. Here's a link you might want to check out: II Consolidation Sticky (
Once good advice is offered, or if the thread deteriorates because of OOC bickering or just others mocking the poster, it probably would be a good idea to request a lock on the thread.
Remember: The Moderators do no police roleplay. They will only close threads that are clearly spam.
Sometimes, there are some threads that its best to just not respond at all, especially if you feel like you're going to say something nasty about the poster. In that case, just report it to the moderators if you are positive that the thread will be considered spam.
Remember, responding in the right way could turn a n00b, who has no intentions of playing NS, into one of the best roleplayers that the site has seen. If you entered a forum and posted in it (not knowing all of the rules, but really wanting to try), and got flamed and beaten down for it, you probably wouldn't want to come back. Sincere and informative responses are really the only thing that we need here, to make sure that everyone is given a fair chance.
More Ways At Helping New Players
Another good way to help newer players to get used to NationStates is to start a roleplay with them, perhaps, a way to teach them on how to improve their own roleplaying skills. I know that when I first joined NationStates, and actually went into the forums, I posted in here about how my nation was peaceful (ironic because 99% of n00bs post about how they're going to declare war on everyone), but nevertheless, I got mocked, ridiculed, and called a 'another n00b'. Of course, after that, I didn't come back to the forums for a long time.
This sort of reaction can really get to a newer player, and bring their spirits down. I know that when I first seen that, I was a bit hurt, because I did try my best to create a roleplay. I read all of the stickies, and I even read other peoples' threads for a few weeks before posting, to actually get familiar with how other people post. What we need to do is make sure that, not only International Incidents, but all of the roleplay forums are ready and willing to take in newer players, help them with what they need to get more familiar with the forums, and build them up (hypothetically) so that they can go out on their own, and roleplay. I suppose you could say I'm introducing an analogy having to do with parents and their children, seeing as there are quite a lot of similarities. If we can eliminate the harsh words, and name calling from people when they see a new player make a post, then the forums can be a more friendly place.
I do understand though, that name calling will probably always exist, and that trying to eliminate it completely may not be a realistic goal, but we can always do our best to make sure that the newer players feel comfortable with coming into the forums, knowing that they are wanted.