NationStates Jolt Archive

Looking for some Allies

Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 22:24
I would liek to start an alliance with some nations who are willing to help each other and aid each other in times of war and crisis. Are their any nations willing?
The masters of crime
06-07-2005, 22:29
ummmm, yea, i geuss.

like yea, you mean nations or regions up there?

cuz The Mafia is too become kool, and we would like some allies here
06-07-2005, 22:31
The USSI would welcome such an alliance, Comrade, provided an appropriate treaty be drawn and the terms set.

-This message approved by Comrade Pitrovsky, Premier
The Vuhifellian States
06-07-2005, 22:43
Well, I can provide special forces support but not full governmental support.

I.E. Small squads of 60 men, 5 dropships, 4 tanks deployed to slow down incoming enemies, but thats the best I can do without breaking the Farbanti Protocol.
Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 22:45
Manucian-USSI Treaty
The treaty has 3 terms:
1.An non-aggression pact
2.A free trade pact
3. A promise of protection

Now I will describe each subsection

1. Non-Aggression pact
This pact states that all parties signed below do hereby agree to not conduct any military aggression against the other party. There fore Party A may not and will not attack or threaten Party B.

2. A free Trade Pact
This pact states that trade from companies from either party will be conducted with no taxes upon either or parties.

3. A promise of Protection
This states that in times of war or trouble Party A must help Party B to the best of their ability or vice versa.
06-07-2005, 22:50
i would welcome such an alliance, for 1000 kilometers of territory and 5,000,000 Euros.
Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 22:54
Look I'v a bigger po than you so I'm not going to pay you! I maybe would of helped you if you'd wanted to be my allie but thats just ignorant
06-07-2005, 22:55
hmmmm... no money and 250 kilometers. Final Offer
06-07-2005, 22:58
Manucian-USSI Treaty
The treaty has 3 terms:
1.An non-aggression pact
2.A free trade pact
3. A promise of protection

Now I will describe each subsection

1. Non-Aggression pact
This pact states that all parties signed below do hereby agree to not conduct any military aggression against the other party. There fore Party A may not and will not attack or threaten Party B.

2. A free Trade Pact
This pact states that trade from companies from either party will be conducted with no taxes upon either or parties.

3. A promise of Protection
This states that in times of war or trouble Party A must help Party B to the best of their ability or vice versa.

Very well, your terms are acceptable. I am pleased to honor your request and enter into an alliance. Comrade Pitrovsky, Premier of the United Socialist States of Iroqouia hereby recognizes Manucia as an official ally and trade partner.
Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 23:00
Emperor Angelus Gramil Manu III recognizes the USSI as an ally, trade partner and friend
07-07-2005, 00:46
Tichang would like to offer a treaty to the leaders of Grand master Mark containing the following terms.
1) Cultural and Economic exchange
2) Mutual Defense Pact
3) Intelligence and Espionage exchange
4) Non-agression pact

1) The cultural exchange will involve the following
-Citizens of country A will not need passports or other paraphenalia to travel into country B, allowing that the citizen of country A will not remain for more than 30 days without obtaining a visa.
-The traveling citizen of country A will be registered on a list containing the following personal information: Name, age, and intended destination. The list will be open to agents of both governments for tracking fugitives, evacuation, and ejection from country B for overstaying their visa.
-No tariffs, taxes, or other penalties of any kind will be levied on imports from the other country

2) The mutual defense pact will involve the following
-If either country's sovreignity is violated by a third party, both nations will be obligated to defend their ally until all opposing forces that have invaded one country have been ejected from the pre-war borders of the invaded country.
-The armed forces of either country shall not be required to request permission to move through portions of the other country designated "low population density" unless asked to leave by an agent of the country that is hosting troops.
-Low population density shall be designated as a population density of <4 people/square mile

3) The Intelligence and Espionage exchange shall entail the following:
-Intelligence operatives from either country shall not enter the territory of the other country unless being trained/accompanied by operatives of the other country's intelligence division
-Intelligence judged by one intelligence agency to have partial or serious bearing on the other country shall be made open to the other country's intelligence service.

4) The non-agression pact shall entail the following:
-No member of any armed force shall attack any citizen of the other country.
-Any agent of a country who does attack a citizen of the other country shall be tried for treason in his home country, sentenced, and then extradited to the other country to be sentenced for assault/attempted assault/murder/attempted murder, sentenced, then returned to his home country to have the punishment executed.
07-07-2005, 01:18
Barkozy would be willing to join in an alliance.

There won't be any terms, just an offensive and defensive alliance.
07-07-2005, 01:24
Nistolonia would be interested in an alliance, if you join the United Imperial States. We can offer protection, our intelligance service, a non-aggression pact, and the guarantee to not place covert ops/terrorist cells anywhere in your nation. (how can you refuse?) We are also willing to agree to terms that you supply. Any of the other countries would be welcome as well.
-Warmaster Khral of the Most Holy Empire of Nistolonia
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 10:08
Tichang I accept your agreement and The Impirial Soverignty of GMM now recognizes Tichang as a friend, ally and trade partner.
07-07-2005, 10:57
I've sent you a telegram.