OOC: anyone want to have a proper MT RP'd war with me
Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 10:38
I am only interested in experianced rpers, who are active, have a map of their nation and are good at thinking up storylines etc.
Anyone interested?
I am only interested in experianced rpers, who are active, have a map of their nation and are good at thinking up storylines etc.
Anyone interested?
OOC: I could revive all my old maps and lands and weapons if you want, there seems to be few good FT tech RPers currently on the forums, and I am itching to have a good battle this summer.
If your interested, just respond here, I tagged the thread. If you want to keep it deep and between just the two of us, that is perfectly ok.
OOC: I'll give you a go, I presume this is a simualation.
The Fallen Races
06-07-2005, 13:54
Do you mind if I join this RP'ed war, Grand Master Mark?
OOC: It's up to Grand MAster Mark, I have no problem with it.
Warta Endor
06-07-2005, 14:08
May I join? I've some experience in Earth V RP's and other small RP's.
Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 16:52
Yes you all can. Its good to see some interest. Tanthan, could you please do that it would be great. Aust, when you talk about a simulation what do you mean? Now we have to decide on a story line and where the war is to be held
any ideas?
So if I go and kill all your people and destroy your nation it won't have really happened, it's a simulation for a 'real war'
Warta Endor
06-07-2005, 20:07
So if I go and kill all your people and destroy your nation it won't have really happened, it's a simulation for a 'real war'
Sounds good, but isn't it almost the same as war games?
ps. I'm working on a new map of Warta Endor :D
Kaiser Martens
06-07-2005, 20:36
OOC - I'd like to be in, if that's allright.
Grand master Mark
06-07-2005, 21:16
Yes Kaiser you can be in. No I'd like this to be a real war not a simulation though I don't expect someones nation to be totally destroyed! That would be stupid. So I have an Idea for a storyline....
The GMM Emperor has decided to once again extend the outer regions of The Empire and is planning on invading Warta Endor with the help of a nation (whoever wants to) other nations willing to participate may enter in many ways eg siding with a nation, they feel this would threaten them,etc
Pschycotic Pschycos
06-07-2005, 21:44
Would you mind if I were to join too?
And how far do you mean by MT? I mean, what is the specific tech limit?
Warta Endor
06-07-2005, 21:46
Yes Kaiser you can be in. No I'd like this to be a real war not a simulation though I don't expect someones nation to be totally destroyed! That would be stupid. So I have an Idea for a storyline....
The GMM Emperor has decided to once again extend the outer regions of The Empire and is planning on invading Warta Endor with the help of a nation (whoever wants to) other nations willing to participate may enter in many ways eg siding with a nation, they feel this would threaten them,etc
*gulp* :D
06-07-2005, 21:57
Don't worry I wont do anything bad and if i do take over it will be fun cos u will be able to rp in a different way and you'll have a n allie etc
pretty good me thinks :p
OOC: You can invade me! I need to test my defences.
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 13:21
I dont think I'd stand much of a chance as you have a po of over 5billion and mine is only approx 2.14 billion
I dont think I'd stand much of a chance as you have a po of over 5billion and mine is only approx 2.14 billion
Get some allys in.
And thats why i was suggesting a simulation.
Warta Endor
07-07-2005, 16:49
I also support a simulation. And pop doesn't really matter, it's a very negative point for the other side, but it's also a challenge. (don't use this to pile on me :D )
I also support a simulation. And pop doesn't really matter, it's a very negative point for the other side, but it's also a challenge. (don't use this to pile on me :D )
:D You 2 are as big as me anyways.
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 16:54
I still don't want to do a simulation but I will invade Aust then but Aust as Im planning to do If I win, if you defeat me don't be evil if you know what I mean. Don't destroy my country and wreck everything. If you are to take control of GMM if you win lets make it in an interesting way to make rping more exciting not the typical destroy them, leave them penniless thing. No what I mean? Also Aust can you supply me with a map so I can plan routes for the attack etc and decide on some storylines which your nations Geography would play a part in.
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 16:56
Warta Endor will you be my ally in this war? So as to make it a fair fight and I need another good rper for my side
I still don't want to do a simulation but I will invade Aust then but Aust as Im planning to do If I win, if you defeat me don't be evil if you know what I mean. Don't destroy my country and wreck everything. If you are to take control of GMM if you win lets make it in an interesting way to make rping more exciting not the typical destroy them, leave them penniless thing. No what I mean? Also Aust can you supply me with a map so I can plan routes for the attack etc and decide on some storylines which your nations Geography would play a part in.
I don't have a map but I ahve a discription, I'll post a bit of it here, also look at my NS Wiki page. I'll find it in a second.
Oh and ddon't worry I won't destroy you because my nation isn't like thgat-that would be dishonourable.
It is a mountainus country, which was, until 10 years ago, land locked, but after the Nuevo Kowloonian war, it gained the provence of The Bambinio Corrocor which gave it the city of Bambinio, and a route to the sea, the bambinio corrodor is 100 miles long and 10 miles wide. Austs 4 main city's are Tanka, Al-Ling, Bambinio, and Aust City.
Aust City
Aust City
Aust City is one of the largest citys in the world, over 35 miles winde and with a population of 2.5 billion, it is covered in towering skyscrapers, that dwarf most in other countrys. The side products of this huge city is it's vanubilitys to enermy air raids.
In the center of Aust City stands the Imperial Palaces, over 1000 storys high, it is the largest building in Aust and is home to the Emporer and the 99th Royal Guards legions
[edit]Royal Familly
Todays Austian Royal familly has only 3 members, plus there partners, after a terrorist attack killed the rest.
Emporer William, is 16 and is Lord High Commander of Austian forces, and known to be a millitary genius. A master of sword player, an d a proficant gun-slinger Wlliam has forght many battles always leading from the front in his immaculet white uneform. Incredably though he has not once been shot or killed, seeming to lead a charmed life.
Prince Matt is the Emporers aide, the illegitamet son of a nobalman, thus excluded from succestion, he works tirlessly to instute reforms in Aus. He has been head of the Durma for `12 years now and has over seen increases in Education spending.
Prince James is only 14 and is currently courting the Princess of Thrashier
Aust's millitary is very standidised. A mainly infantry based force, the Austian army has only 6 tank Corps at its desposal. the main army has 5 levals: The Reserves: Old men/ ex-conscripts, the reserves are a 'man and his gun' force that is dedicated to defending Aust, every male and fenale are required to jouin unti they are 50 and they meet once a week. A reserve plotton is of 100 men led by a former ASS officer.
The Conscripts: These are 16-19 year olds conscripted into the millitary, they get basic fighting practace, and collage/university education. they are only use in the defence of Aust. At the end of the tenuture they are presented with a weapon and told to join the reserves.
The Aust Legionarrys: These are the main professinal fighting forces of Aust, over 4 million men are in this army and they are the best and brightest to come out of the conscription proccess, they have 2 years training before they come into action and are organised into 400 legions of 10,000 men. Each legion has a fleet of APC's to ferry the men around and a heavy wepons detacment.
The ASS: Aust Special Services, the best Aust has, after the Legionarys 2 years training they are assesed and and the top 2000 are moved from the legions to the ASS Legions. They have a further 3 years training and are some of the best Aust has to offer, and can be counted on to preform anything that is wanted of them. They are organised into 10 legions of 5,000.
The ASS deaths head: The best 5000 troops Aust has to offer, these men and women are the very best, depending on how many of them die or retire each year, only a select few are allowed to join there ranks and have the 5 years hard training. Once they come out of training they are 26 and have been trained for 7 years, they are armed to the best Aust can give them, and are some of the most powerful forces in the world.
Airforce The Austian Airforce is one of the best, and most well funded in the world, occuping 45% of the millitary buget it is well equiped, trained and funded, with some of the best minds in the world working for it.
Standidised, as with the rest of the Austian millitary, it is devided into 3 groups of 10,000 planes: Fighters: Fighter Bombers and bombers. The groups are subdevided into wings of 500 planes, which are further sub-devided into Ishtung(100 planes) and from there to squadrons (10 planes.)
The fighters and fighter bombers used are F/A25B Hound, configured for bombing and for dogfights resectivly. The bombers used vary, from Stelth to heavy Bombers.
There are two other wings that deal with logisitcal support.
navy The 'poor men' of Aust, the navy is an undvalued and dishonourable position in Austian society, lacking the daring and the honour of air and ground operations, with just 7% of the Austian Millitary budget the navy make do with what they can.
Ranks Army: Lord High Commander, Lord Commander, Commander, Major High General, Major General, General, Lutent General, Leader, Lutent Leader, Major, Captain, Lutent, Ensign, sargent, Corpral, Private
Airforce: Lord High Air Comander, Lord Air Commander, Air Commander, Wing leader, Ishtung leader, Squadron Leader, 3 Leader, Plane Commander
Navy: Lord High Admiral, Lord Admiral, Lutent Admiral, Admiral, Junior Admiral, Group Commander, Captain of the Fleet, Midshipman, 3rd man, Leader, Sailor
Aust the first recorded history of Aust was when 30 Indian men and Women landed in Antartica some 2500 years ago. They somehow survived and prospered, seperating into rival tribes. during the next 500 years they forght propered and developed towns, and in 0 AD Hisnus Trini, concored all the tribes and formed into one large state-Aust.
he was the first emporer and over the next 1500 years Aust Expanded and took on a very seperate cultural idenity, fcusing on Honour and Culture. In AD 1505 there was a great explosian on a nearby Volcano and the times of great termoil began, in which mountains where raised and the climate changed, becoming more hospitable, and making it possable to grow crops in the long summers.
In 1550 the Emporer Trigan the 5th was desposed and the Tyranical regime of the Kings began, which ended in 1950, when Emporer Justin took power. He introduced many reforms, banning slavery and taking Aust into international poltics. The developed strong ties with Credonia and Nuevo Kowloon. But his heir fell under the influence of Palpatien the 3rd, a decendent of the old kings, and was overthrown, and Palpatine took Aust into a serise of huge wars, culiming in the destruction of Nuevo Kowloon.
He was overthrown by Emporer Justin the 2nd, who was killed in a terrorist attack 4 years ago, along with most of the royal, except for Palpatine the 4th, his 2nd Youngest son, prince Matt, Prince William(The Emporers Twin) and Prince James.
Thus Palpatine, though only 10 at the time of the attack took contol and guided Aust, over the next 4 years he guided Aust through much termoil and developed strong relationships with Dumpsterdam and the RWC, Aust was once the Vice-Presedent of that organisation.
However he left the RWC to defend Dumpsterdam against Automagfreek and recently died after falling off the top of the Imperial Palace while ringing the great bell. Myth has it that the ringing of the bell indicates that the times of termoil are coming again.
His twin brother, William took over to ebcome Emporer William of Aust.
There a load more not yet published, language ect-fighter plane types I can post that.
If you want a more in deaph discription ask.
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 17:05
Good, thanks! :)
Do you want a better discription?
Oh, and i'm baised in the sentre of Antartica, other IA nations round the side (Though i won't bring them in.)
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 17:08
You don't mind me playing on our weaknesses described in that extract?
You don't mind me playing on our weaknesses described in that extract?
Which one-the navy? It's a old peice, but my navy still crap-it's dilberate.
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 17:29
Yeh that and the fact that your capital is in danger of air attacks due to the enormous skyscrapers
*makes a note of the weaknesses*
Need every advantage i can get :)
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 17:54
So I presume Tanthan you are on my side, I hope so anyway because I'm going to need all the help I can get
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 18:21
Bumpity Bump Bump
07-07-2005, 18:38
I'd like to join in, I don't have a lot of experience with MT, so I won't do a huge amount.
Since it seems to be everyone vs. Aust, and I have established diplomatic relations with him, I think I'll come in on his side, but again, I won't offer that much support.
Warta Endor
07-07-2005, 19:46
I'll join in at GMM's side then. Or I stay neutral at the beginning and join later in, or something. I'm still working on my map, but it's sh*tty so I started another one.
07-07-2005, 20:10
I don't know if I'll need a map, but I don't really know how to make one that's good.
07-07-2005, 20:12
I could also be neutral at the start if that would be preferable.
Grand master Mark
07-07-2005, 22:50
Thats ok Caladonn you don't need a map. Warta Endor I think the best way of you joining the rp is that Aust is seen as a threat by your nation and you want to help to "take care" of that threat. Caladonn you can back up Aust when I threaten him but id prefer if you withheld from using FT though I may allow it to be used in surveillance purposes. maybe. Aust could you post here to confirm your in this
Sure, I'm ready. You'll have to get past my airforce first.
The Fallen Races
08-07-2005, 13:25
I, too, will stay neutral at first. But if any nation goes over-excessive, I WILL use force to get you to back down.
Islamic Daingean
08-07-2005, 13:29
I am only interested in experianced rpers, who are active, have a map of their nation and are good at thinking up storylines etc.
Anyone interested?
Cant i just fight you and take over your country, infidel?
The Fallen Races
08-07-2005, 13:55
I advise you to stay out, Islamic Daingean. You need permission from GMM to join this war.
Islamic Daingean
08-07-2005, 14:00
I advise you to stay out, Islamic Daingean. You need permission from GMM to join this war.
Dont be so stupid.
You dont get permission to start a war. Look at the good old U S of A. They started a war with no backing.
Besides, i just ended the war. Unlucky there, ladies.
The Fallen Races
08-07-2005, 14:03
Tsk tsk tsk. Remember, RL has not effect on NS. Start paying attention, you n00bish troll.
Dont be so stupid.
You dont get permission to start a war. Look at the good old U S of A. They started a war with no backing.
Besides, i just ended the war. Unlucky there, ladies.
F-off 'kay-this is closed.
Islamic Daingean
08-07-2005, 14:07
Tsk tsk tsk. Remember, RL has not effect on NS. Start paying attention, you n00bish troll.
Are you American or can you just not spell correctly? You're very close to getting a fatwah. Careful now...down with that sort of thing.
Are you American or can you just not spell correctly? You're very close to getting a fatwah. Careful now...down with that sort of thing.
He spelt nothing wrong-or havn't you read the stickys? And Fatwah/
Islamic Daingean
08-07-2005, 14:20
He spelt nothing wrong-or havn't you read the stickys? And Fatwah/
'n00bish' isn't a word.
If you want to find out what a 'fatwah' is, look up www.explanationsforthickpeople.com
It's internet slang, he spelt it perfectly.
n00b=New Player, adjective, ofter used as a insult agianst people who do not know the rules.
Islamic Daingean
08-07-2005, 14:37
It's internet slang, he spelt it perfectly.
n00b=New Player, adjective, ofter used as a insult agianst people who do not know the rules.
If something is internet slang, that doesn't automatically make it a word.
And the word is 'against'
08-07-2005, 14:39
And the word is 'against'
OOC: Look at his signature.
I'm Dislexic, okay.
Be less critical.
Thank you AMF, and Fahwah isn't in the english dictionary
Jihad Jihad
08-07-2005, 15:19
Fatwah is in the dictionary.
Islamic Daingean
08-07-2005, 15:21
Fatwah is in the dictionary.
08-07-2005, 17:45
When did we get into all this about 'Fatwah' or 'n00b' being in the dictionary? IT DOES NOT MATTER. This is an rp GMM is starting, and it looks like we have enough people. So leave, or ask GMM if there's room for you.
Back to the topic, that's fine GMM, but now that I've thought about it I would prefer to start neutral at the beginning, and take sides later. It's true I'm usually a FT nation, but I have MT stats and a military.
Ready for U 2 make the freind Grand Master. :D MAke sure it's closed.
Tichang wishes to inform Grand Master Mark that as his ally, he will stand behind him with as much force as is necessary. OOC: that said, maybe we could think of a better reason for GMM to attack Aust. As democracy, your people have a large part to play in political decisions, and you'd have to find a really good reason for most of your people being that angry. Maybe a terrorist strike, then (maybe wrongly) it is decided that Aust is harboring the terrorists? Just a suggestion.
You could expect any Austian to do that sort of thing-it's dishonourable, maybe GMM could be wanting to oppose democracy over my oppresive emporer (Who is also viewed as a living god.)
If there's room for one more, count me in. From the amount of people looking to get involved, it may be a far reach. However I can send some air and naval unit's if needed...
09-07-2005, 02:35
Let's get started!
I think that Aust has a good idea about the overthrow of the oppresive government, and I agree with Caladonn, let's get going.
09-07-2005, 04:09
Yes, that does seem like a good hook.
Of course the Austians won't agree, it's over to you GMM.
09-07-2005, 18:11
Well, of course they won't agree, but that, after all, is why wars are waged.
:D Comeon mark make the thread O' Doom
10-07-2005, 00:03
We're waiting... :p
10-07-2005, 14:55
BUMP-is he off for the weekend?
Looks like he is... :confused:
11-07-2005, 02:17
Yeah, it does.
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 15:22
Hey sorry all! My computer totally crashed and I had to reinstall windows and get drivers from dells website etc. Hope you're not mad! So before I post the thread everyone who can definatley be commited enough to participate post here with there position at the very start off the war eg attack,defence, neutral, and I can start. Again sorry about the delay and also I think I will go with the overthrowing Aust's emperor as It's a good hook and as he's seen as a god it will inspire great strenght and force in the Austanian (hope i spelt it right) troops.
Current nations participating:
GMM (attack)
Aust (defence)
Kjata Major
18-07-2005, 16:00
Too late for little Kjata?
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 16:14
Well im not sure, i'd like to let you in but i need to make sure you're very active and dedicated and a half decent rper. Have you rped before?
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 16:56
Bump! :)
Let him have a go GMM and if you want to create the thread soon.
18-07-2005, 17:00
Caladonn- Neutral
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 17:05
Ok he can be in. Ill start making the thread now and Aust can you give me some info on your emperor eg name, age, what hes done wrong, how he came to power etc
Empoer William (16)
Twin Brother of Emporer Palpatine the 4th who died after falling from the top of the imperial Palace while rringing the bell of Amon-Kuhn. Thus fufilling the prophacys of the seer Zar.
William took other (Aged 14) and took ASust safley through the times of trial that followed. He's done nothing wrong he may be overly obsessed with honour, a millitary genius who is repsonccable for reveloutionisinjg Austs armed forces and a Samuri and (reputably) the greatest swordsman in the world.
Oh and he's a orphan and a general good guy.
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 17:22
Before you said he was oppresive, is he?
If so I can use this as a way to justify my actions, if not ill think of something
Kjata Major
18-07-2005, 17:44
Before you said he was oppresive, is he?
If so I can use this as a way to justify my actions, if not ill think of something
OOC: GMM no worries, I am dedicated and able to RP quite well. Though Kjata needs to conquer Japan as well, it can handle a little of both. Remember Kjata is small though! Kjata is oppressive by the way.
Referring to myself in the third-person is just a cute habit I have. :)
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 17:54
OOC: GMM no worries, I am dedicated and able to RP quite well. Though Kjata needs to conquer Japan as well, it can handle a little of both. Remember Kjata is small though! Kjata is oppressive by the way.
Referring to myself in the third-person is just a cute habit I have. :)
I was talking about Aust when I said about the oppresive emperor but yeah thats fine we'll fine some role for you. ;) just post in the main war thread In character whos side you're supporting
Kjata Major
18-07-2005, 18:03
Not to act like a total idiot, but the The Strenght of the Iron Fist (closed MT RP ATTN: Aust and others) thread?
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 18:08
Not to act like a total idiot, but the The Strenght of the Iron Fist (closed MT RP ATTN: Aust and others) thread?
yes thats the thread
Grand master Mark
18-07-2005, 18:10
Bump to get Aust and everyone else to post in the Iron Fist thread in International Incidents
I'm still around for this, going to work now and shall reply for the Iron Fist thread when I get home. :)
Side: GMM