Colombia News [Alt Earth 1900 - 2000]
December 1st, 1900
AP - Bogata, Colombia
Weeks after the New Colombia Party came to power through a minor coup, changes have already been announced. Vincente Sewell, Head of the Party and new Leader of Colombia has laid down firm plans for a large road and railway system across Colombia. A map was submitted by his Minister of Transportation, shown here:
Mapington! (
The President and his Cabinent is indeed hoping that this new transportation system helps in the distribution of not only food products but also luxury merchandise. Many ports are connected along the Northern Coastline along with the western pacific port cities.
Buenaventura and Cali should see a massive boost in trade oppertunities within the Pacific Ocean but also amongst the rest of South America. Barranquilla, Santa Marta, and Riohacha along the Carribean Sea should see trade with Europe and North America blossom. Farming of Cocoa, and other products is expected to recieve subsidiaries from the government, growing the economy to compete with Colombia's neighbors. Coal and Valuable Minerals will be mined and exported to nations in the Northern Hemisphere. In return, Colombia will be looking for Steam Engines for its new Railway network. (109 are needed, 4 are in service)
In another new move, the government will be introducing Nation-wide education systems, opening more than 480 Public Schools, 215 Secondary Schools, and 4 Universities, two of which are located in Bogata. Education will span from 5 year olds to 14 year olds, grades K to 8. The next level, 4 years of Secondary education. Post-Secondary education will not be mandatory, but heavily promoted. Institutes, and Community Colleges are expected to pop up around Colombia over the next decade.
14 New Hospitals are expected to be built within the next three years. In order to pay for these improvements for Colombia, taxes have not been raised, but the standing military has been considerably downsized to just a 5,000 man professional fighting force. A delegation from Colombia will be leaving to Great Britain to discuss many issues; including: Economics, Trading, Partnerships, Alliances, and Military Issues.
Vincente Sewell has extended the hand of friendship to his neighbors, paticularily Venzeuala and Brazil in hopes of furthering South American ties.
ooc: Anyone can reply in this thread! Especially about building materials for the transportation network, interest in trade, agreements, etc.
Galveston Bay
04-07-2005, 02:05
Official note from the US government
To the Colombian Government
The United States has determined the the isthmus of Panama is the best place to build a canal connecting the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the US wishes to propose a partnership between our two nations.
The US will build and operate the canal, and defend it, while civilians from Colombia will be trained to operate the canal as well as time moves on. Profits from tolls would be split between our two nations, with tolls initially being used to pay off expenses, and the profits that remain being allocated between us. In addition, the US Government is willing to offer $90 Million (in gold) as seed money to the government of Colombia to get things started.
John Hay, Secretary of State
The US only paid $90 Million to Spain after stealing Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and Guam from it, so its a good money offer in that time and place. This is a much better deal than Panama ultimately got. By the way, Colombia owns Panama at this point.
ooc: Im aware about owning Panama.
Colombia formally accepts this offer from the United States of America. If the United States would not mind, we wish to use the $90 Million on constructing the infrastructure needed to support such a massive undertaking. This means that the money to directly build the channel may have to come from America in order to see its completion.
ooc: I plan to build up Ports and the like around it, giving it a more trade port of the world type feeling.
To: President Vincente Sewell, Colombia
From: President Roca, Argentina
Re: Latin American Council
Having arranged a meeting of diplomats from Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Venezula we would be more than happy to include one of your delegates in our negotiations. Please reply if interested.
To: President Roca
From: President Vincente Sewell
Re: Re: Latin American Council
Colombia would be more than happy to send representatives to this discussion.
One full Division, the 2nd Rifle Division, has been deployed to Panama, along with the 127th Regiment. A total of 15,750 Colombian soldiers are now stationed in Panama, with the Battleship Cali (Ex-Texas) and four Gunboats on Patrol along the Atlantic Coastline of Panama. No word as to why this movement has taken place, but some believe that unrest in Panama maybe to blame.
Galveston Bay
27-07-2005, 06:13
In Colon, Dr. Gorgas and the new head of the engineering project for construction of the canal, John Stevens, were deep in conversation. They had inspected everything the French had built, and were the workers had lived, and were mulling over what it all meant. Yellow Fever was the key factor, unless it was defeated, a canal simply couldn't be built.
Everything depended on licking that scourge. No forts would be built, no dams constructed, no digging, nothing. A way had to be found.
nasty stuff Yellow Fever, it laid low thousands during the French effort, and a large number during the American effort to.
Both men noticed the sudden increase in Colombian troops too, and so did the Consul. A visit was called for, and Rooney Lee, the former Consul General to Cuba in 1898, son of the famed General Lee, and a veteran of the Civil War himself, planned to make some visits to see what was going on. (ooc well, actually in real life he isn't there, but he is too colorful to leave out)
Abourd the Gunboat USS Petrel, anchored in Colon harbor, Captain Phil Hartman watched as the old battleship steamed by. He forgot what the Colombians called it, Cali maybe? It was interesting to see it being handled by another navy. She wasn't worth much now, most European and all of the newer US battleships were twice her size, but he had served aboard her as a Lieutenant, and she had a special place in his heart.
A couple of miles out, the Submarine D2, one of the newest American submarines, was quietly watching as it moved along on the surface. The calm waters of the Caribbean were a lot easier to conduct training in then the rough waters of the Atlantic. Besides, tonight they were going to practice sneaking up within torpedo range of a battleship. Something all submariners dreamed of.
Then back to Gitmo and the tender.
When the soldiers arrived in Panama, two things happened. The 127th Regiment moved to the Isthmus, setting up tents, lodgings, mess area's, and habitation for future workers. They also built small defendable points around the workcamps.
Not only were the soldiers building these things, but many were also involved in clearing away trees, filling bogs and swamps. The Colombians hoped that the destruction of habitats native of the Yellow Fever might ease the threat to the workers, but of course it only put Colombian soldiers in danger. 78 were sent to the field hospital, while another 5 had to be sent by rail back to an actual hospital, their situation became so critical. Having realized the issues involved with such construction, Colombia has moved up labour to Panama to build 3 more Hospitals; Two on the South Eastern side of the Isthmus, the other opposite.
The other thing that happened, would be the 452nd Regiment broke from the 2nd Rifles Division, and moved north of the Isthmus, splitting it 3,000 North and 9,000 South.
ooc: So when do I get me destroyers and cruisers ;)
Galveston Bay
27-07-2005, 18:27
Not only were the soldiers building these things, but many were also involved in clearing away trees, filling bogs and swamps. The Colombians hoped that the destruction of habitats native of the Yellow Fever might ease the threat to the workers, but of course it only put Colombian soldiers in danger. 78 were sent to the field hospital, while another 5 had to be sent by rail back to an actual hospital, their situation became so critical. Having realized the issues involved with such construction, Colombia has moved up labour to Panama to build 3 more Hospitals; Two on the South Eastern side of the Isthmus, the other opposite.
ooc: So when do I get me destroyers and cruisers ;)
figure 1904 for the destroyers (construction times), the old cruisers can be delivered now (well, mid 1903 as the crews have to be trained) but if you want new onces, figure sometime in 1904 (construction times again)
Dr. Gorgos continued to work on his plan. The discovery that the mosquito was the culprit, thanks to work done in Cuba by Cuban and American doctors, was of world shaking importance. The cause of Malaria and Yellow Fever where finally known. The discovery that quinine helped somewhat was good to know as well.
Engineers began laying out the plans for work camps, hospitals, mess halls, and the countless other details needed for the project. The first workers were to be hired for actual construction toward the end of the year, and everything had to be ready. Meanwhile, other engineers were examing the Gatun River and looking for a the best site for the proposed dam, while others looked at the mountains to look for the best place to make cuts.
With this discovery, The Colombian Government immediatly moves into action, destroying general habitats of Mosquitoes such as marshes, swamps, dense jungle, and stagnant ponds.
New Shiron
27-07-2005, 19:27
With this discovery, The Colombian Government immediatly moves into action, destroying general habitats of Mosquitoes such as marshes, swamps, dense jungle, and stagnant ponds.
just remember, this will take a WHILE! After all, Panama is a glorified swamp with some troublesome mountians thrown in.
The Colombian Government, in an attempt to create jobs, increase trade, and encourage growth, has created two new shipyards and ports. Each shipyard will be capable of handling 50,000t's each.
One Port (which is attached to the shipyard) will be located on each ocean bordering Colombia. It is hoped that Colombia will become a hub for trade between the east and west. Small merchant vessels will be created and sold at the shipyards, as the Colombian shipbuilders gain experience.
Roads in and around the ports have been expanded and improved, along with accomodations for visitors to the ports.
In other news, it would appear factories have been popping up around Colombia, along with large processing plants for coffee and cocoa. Other agricultural products are beginning to be heavily exported as well, as production moves from sustainment to surplus. Cattle is becoming big in northern-central Colombia, which has yet to become large enough for major export, but enough surplus is created for internal consumption. Poultry has also become quite a large business within Colombia, but only within.
Fish, has now become a major industry in western Colombia, however the government is somewhat adverse to such an industry. This is because the fish/whaling industry can be fickle, and many may find themselves unemployed.
Several banks have opened in Bogota and Cali, with plans to expand to other major towns. At the moment, Colombia is looking to be a pretty good place to invest.
Colombia has finally recieved both the 4 newest American destroyers, but also several thousand Springfield 1903 Bolt-Action rifles to equip the army.
There are still several items that the Colombian armed forces are looking for, such as Machine Guns, Artillery, Lorries, and a few Cruisers that Colombia has designed.
Work on the Canal is underway, but the clearing operation to rid the area of pesky mosquitoes is in full swing. More soldiers have been sent to hospitals for treatment. Many are quite lucky that Hospitals are nearby now, having been recently built.
Mines have been popping up along the Central Mountains. Often there is a small town surrounding them, and a railroad station. Most minerals found are exported, but alot of the iron and coal are being shipped to the two shipyards, which are still under construction. Currently they are able to handle about 10,000t's of the proposed 50,000. 4 Colombian Gunboats are under construction, expected to be completed in a few months.
Any valuable minerals found within these mines are sent into Bogota or Cali, where the industrial centers have arrisen. Here they are refined and shipped out for export.
In the new shipyards of Colombia, the four gunboats, the first ever created by Colombia, were completed earlier this month. Two deployed on either side of Panama, and will allow for reinforced patrolling of Colombian waters.
With Venezuala being attacked and sacked for debt payments, President Sewell has vowed to not allow this to happen to Colombia. The entire Colombian army will go on maneuvers throughout the year, on a rotation basis. It is hoped that the United States will send some military advisors to assist in the further training of Colombian infantry.
The military itself is preparing to recieve new rifles; the Springfield 1903. They are still waiting for artillery in the form of 105mm to 155mm, as well as lorries. No nation has been willing to sell some to Colombia thus far.
Another issue, regards Colombia's domestically designed cruiser, the Bogota. The Navy wishes for four of the Armoured Cruiser to be built, but the Colombian Shipyards would only be able to build one, and its quality at this point could be questionable. The United States or Italy is hoped to offer to construct these vessels for Colombia. After all, a stronger Colombia, is a stronger America.
In economic news, resources flow from the mines built in early 1904, straight to the ports for trade, not to mention the north-south pan-america railway. Education continues to flourish, and the countries previous political jumps have cooled off. Colombia is becoming increasingly stable and even profitable for foreign investors. Refining plants are creating lots of jobs, as well as factories that produce clothes, shoes, coffee, and steel/iron.
Much of this is exported, but also finds a large market within Colombia, as standards of living become higher as jobs are created to meet these standards. Many find themselves working in the shipyards, creating fishing boats, whaling vessels, and cargo ships. Most fishermen recieve subsidies and attractive loans from the government banks to purchase boats.
With the introduction of banking, many people are saving their money now, reducing the amount of inflation. However, the government is still trying to find a happy medium to allow for both import and export.
Galveston Bay
07-08-2005, 06:07
The US government extends a formal invitation to the Colombian government to attend a Pan American conference in 1905 to discuss Debt issues, as well as modifying international law to prevent another occurance similar to the German occupation of Venezuela, and to discuss joint security issues. The Brooklyn Naval Shipyard will cheerfully take orders for the Colombian ships.
Better artillery isn't really available from the Americans just yet though, the US Army is working on improving its artillery as well. However, the British make good guns, almost as good as German guns, and so do the French (who have historically good relations with Colombia as well)
The German Government has suggested that a competition be held between the three main shipbuilders; Germany, America, and Italy. The best ship completed in an appropriate amount of time while not sacrificing quality would recieve future larger Colombian naval orders.
Colombia will also contact France in regards of Artillery.
Anyhow, Colombia would be more than happy to attend, as this happens to be occuring right next door. Such things are bad for business.
((Check TG's GB)
The battleship "Texas" receieved from the United States has moved to the new shipyards for massive refit. Armour is being upgraded to 12" belt with 6" on the belt and upper portions.
The 6 - 6 inchers, 12 - 6 pounders, and 6 - 1 pounders have been removed. In their place two Barbette-Turrets have been added to the decks along the centerline. One fore and aft. Each turret mounts two 10" naval guns. The original side-mounted Barbette-Turret 12" guns have been replaced with dual 10" guns. The 57.9 Hotchkiss guns have not been replaced, and infact multiplied.
Speed has not greatly changed, but the engine was replaced. Now producing 12,000shp, and using Steam Turbines with a hydolic gear system. Range has been slightly reduced, but overall speed is now 18.8kts, 19.5kts at full sprint.
ooc: PS I plugged all of this into Springsharp, it all checked out.
New Shiron
08-08-2005, 23:04
The battleship "Texas" receieved from the United States has moved to the new shipyards for massive refit. Armour is being upgraded to 12" belt with 6" on the belt and upper portions.
The 6 - 6 inchers, 12 - 6 pounders, and 6 - 1 pounders have been removed. In their place two Barbette-Turrets have been added to the decks along the centerline. One fore and aft. Each turret mounts two 10" naval guns. The original side-mounted Barbette-Turret 12" guns have been replaced with dual 10" guns. The 57.9 Hotchkiss guns have not been replaced, and infact multiplied.
Speed has not greatly changed, but the engine was replaced. Now producing 12,000shp, and using Steam Turbines with a hydolic gear system. Range has been slightly reduced, but overall speed is now 18.8kts, 19.5kts at full sprint.
ooc: PS I plugged all of this into Springsharp, it all checked out.
it will probably take about a year though....
anywhere from 8 months to a year. I'll slice it in at a year.
West Cedarbrook
09-08-2005, 03:22
To: President Vincente Sewell, Columbia
From: President Alberto Molina, Chile
I wish to discuss measures regarding European intervention in South America with you. Former President Echuarren and I, as you are aware have been horrfied by recent events in Venezuela. President Echuarren has responsed by accelerating our payment of debts to European powers. We beilieve that national soverignty demands.
As I review foreign responses to this intrusion in my first month in office I have not seen much response from Brazil or Argentina. Given that attitude, and the upcoming Pan-American conference I beleive we should discuss Pacific costal security in a bilateral manner. Chile will continue our naval and transportation upgrade but we are concerned about possible interventions in Peru and Bolivian. I believe that with the guidance of the United States of America our nations can insure against intevention on the Pacific coast.
To: President Alberto Molina, Chile
From: President Vincente Sewell, Columbia
I completely agree. Our two nations can handle our own defence, but what of Peru? So yes, we agree entirely.
There is something you should know regarding Brazil. It is believed in Colombia that Brazil sides with the Germans. Not only does this alienate us, it betrays the rest of the continent. What is the purpose of gaining independance, only to have it retaken by the Europeans?
ooc: Got AIM or MSN?
The Colombian Government has recently discovered many things regarding its neighbor, Brazil.
Colombia has found out that rather than come to Colombia for its Merchant Vessel needs, it has gone to the Europeans. Rather than support a neighbor, a friend, it has given Colombia the cold shoulder. Not only this, but Brazil has begun building up its military, but for what purpose? Does Brazil intend to support Germany perhaps, in an ambitious plot to seize South America?
Being an ally of the United States of America holds certain advantages.
The following is being constructed in Colombia as of right now:
1. Wireless Telegraph Network
2. Improved Plumbing Networks
3. Dams and generators
4. Munitions Factories, fabrication plants, and refining plants.
5. Improved watersupply and electricity to isolated locations of Colombia.
6. Larger and expanded mines.
The following military items are being constructed:
1. Artillery of 152.4mm caliber. (A copy of general 6" naval guns)
2. Artillery of 127mm caliber. (A copy of general 5" naval guns)
3. Artillery of 76.2mm Caliber. (A copy of general 3" naval guns)
4. Barbed Wire and Mines to be placed along border with Venezuala.
5. Forts to be positioned strategically along border with Venezuala.
6. Fortified Trenches to be built along South-Eastern border with Brazil.
7. Troop Transports
8. Design of a coastal defence submarine
9. 5-Ton Lorries
10. Copies of Maxim MG's
11. 8 more Destroyers.
ooc: not a lot of time for detailed posts.
*)(#%$*(@%$_*#@&$@ I hate jolt. Eat my long ass post.
ooc: repost of what was eaten earlier. Its gonna be crappy.
Colombia has recently been attempting to create a middle class, so far successful.
Modeled upon the United States, inflation has been slowly decreasing, but not at an alarming rate, to prevent foreign investment. Colombia has formally asked Henry Ford to build an automotive plant in Colombia.
The forts under construction have 12 6" guns, and 24 3" guns. The frontal wall is 1.5m thick. Each fort is spaced 3km away from each other, with fortified trench works between them. Each fort can accomodate upto 250 soldiers, but only requires 80 to fully operate it. (there are also a crap load of gun slots and Maxim's)
Every 100m between the forts are 3m by 3m pillboxes that have three Maxim-Machine Guns and three crew. This provides a 270* field of fire. Within the trenches there are underground concrete reinforced bunkers. Some bunkers house ammunition, others are barracks, hospitals, messhalls, etc.
25m infront of the trenches is a minefield, which then proceeds into 50m's of dense barbed wire, and another mine field. Hidden within the barbed wire are long steel sharpened polls on an angle of 25*. These will jam into any vehicles trying to cross the barbed wire, or impale calvary.
Two Regiments (1000 Infantry each) have been moved to Barriquillo where they will board troop transport vessels. These vessels will then leave port where they will meet up with 4 Destroyers, 2 Olympia Cruisers, and 2 Bogota Cruisers. 4 American Gunboats purchased years ago will also be traveling with the group. They will be steaming towards Europe.
Galveston Bay
14-08-2005, 05:21
The US Ambassador politely asks if the Colombians are going to war with someone.
I missed something clearly
14-08-2005, 08:32
The German fleet, missing something, is intrigued at the Colombian's movement. The bases in the Azores and Madiera are put on moderate alert of any possiblility. Maracaibo is also put on low alert.
The factory currently producing Artillery for the Colombian Military has switched entirely to 152.4mm Guns, and a small amount of 127mm (5") artillery. (80:20 ratio).
A nearby munitions factory has gone into overdrive to produce the necessary munitions for the armaments.
Two new dedicated factories will be built, entirely for the purposes listed above, in order to alieviate some pressure and produce higher numbers.
ooc: Post orders here.
France would like to buy as many as you can produce as fast as you can produce them.
16-08-2005, 07:32
Germany wishes to buy as many as you can make for twice what France pays.
France will pay double what Germany pays you.
Colombia currently offers the following guns:
152.4mm (6") High-Velocity Artillery Piece
(muzzle to rear end of breech mechanism) 3.7 m
(excluding breech) 3.6 m
152.4mm (6") High-Angle Long-Range Artillery Piece
(muzzle to rear end of breech mechanism) 3.35 m
(excluding breech) 3.25 m
127mm (5") Mid-Weight Artillery Piece (Compromise in velocity, range, and angle)
(muzzle to rear end of breech mechanism) 3.4m
(excluding breech) 3.3m
Colombia can produce roughly half a dozen batteries a month, for both countries. Munitions can be supplied at a further cost.
Future Artillery Pieces currently design:
280mm Mortar
76mm Mountain Gun
105mm Light Field Piece
16-08-2005, 07:53
Germany realizes that however excellent Colombian arms may be, war is costly and thus, will stick with its original proposal, and will accept whatever arms Colombia will offer it.
This is acceptable, and production will commence immediatly.
Six guns per battery, approximate orignal cost per battery was: $950,000.
Germany agreed to pay double, thus $1,900,000 per battery. France agreed to pay double what the Germans would pay, and thus $3,800,000.
Total Income Each Month: $34,200,000
Construction Expences Per Month: $9,000,000
Profit Per Month: $25,200,000
Eight Months until new Factory Opens: $201,600,000
Should any nation require extra munitions, it is $5.00 a shell (Translated to pricing today, thats just over $100, Im using a converter for all of these prices.)
Once the new factory is opened, 280mm (11") Mortars will be available as well as 76mm Mountain Guns and 105mm Light Guns. A small workshop will be built as well to produce 203mm Howitzers.
24-08-2005, 01:36
OOC: This is based upon our conversation earlier on MSN, I thought some of those ideas were pretty funny so I have decided to incorporate them in *small* ways.
Secret Message to Colombia:
Greetings to Colombia. As we can see, the war in Europe is making Colombia quite wealthy with all its arms sales. However, it is to our understanding that Colombia needs a good trading outpost. We also understand that Colombia would not like our business to go to rival arms producers such as Great Britain, and we have a most interesting proposal for Colombia:
So, what we propose is that Italy provide Colombia with a trading outpost outside of Syracuse, complete with 1,000 German and Ottoman (evenly divided) prisoners. We will also try to convince the French that giving Colombia a portion of one of the German colonies would be a nice thing, though we can make no promises.
In exchange, Colombia will sell artillery to France, Italy, Spain, and Austria-Hungary at 5% reduced rates. These rates will be secret and not disclosed to Germany, Russia, or any allies of those nations. Regardless of the Colombian reaction, we wish to purchase as many High-Angle Long-Range Artillery 6" guns as Colombia can produce, along with as much ammo as possible.
Secret Message to Italy:
You have picked a good time to request arms from Colombia; Our second artillery production factory has just opened and we were about to open bidding for our guns. Your offer however, has pursueded us. We would indeed like the port at Syracuse.
As for the Artillery; We are already supplying France with 6 Batteries of Artillery a month, as well as Germany. We will lower France's price in light of your generosity and longtime French-Colombian relations. In your respects, we will provide you with the 5% discount. Our new factory can produce 12 Batteries of Artillery a month. This is where your choice comes in. You, Italy, can have all twelve batteries a month, each being 152mm High-Angle Long-Range, or 203mm, etc. Or you could have 6 batteries to Italy, 6 to Austria. When profits reach a high enough point, in the future we may be capable of offering a lend-lease type deal. Ammunition will not be an issue as we produce quite a substantial amount.
24-08-2005, 02:50
OOC: Slavery?!?!
I guess you will be pulling French rates to 3x what they originally agreed to pay for ;)
Galveston Bay
24-08-2005, 03:05
So, what we propose is that Italy provide Colombia with a trading outpost outside of Syracuse, complete with 1,000 German and Ottoman (evenly divided) prisoners. We will also try to convince the French that giving Colombia a portion of one of the German colonies would be a nice thing, though we can make no promises.
better hope the Americans don't find out about that, Roosevelt has already made statements about insisting that the Belligerents honor the Geneva Convention and that is definitely a violation.
24-08-2005, 03:07
OOC: Yay America! (I never thought I'd say that...)
Lesser Ribena
24-08-2005, 13:00
Better hope the British don't get news of this as well. We will not be too happy I can assure you. Putting prisoners to work is a direct contravention of the Geneva Convention and Britain (as one of the first nations to outlaw the slave trade in 1807 and slavery outright in 1833 and a great supporter and signatary to the Geneva Convention). Germany and Turkey are signatories of the Geneva Convention and hence would expect her troops to be bound by it's conditions. Indeed Colombia herself is a signatory to the First Convention, if Britain discovers POWs working for the arms industry she is likely to attempt to revoke Colombias signature from the convention and hence remove any protection given to Colombian POWs.
ooc: I never made any statement regarding the POW's... they have merely come under my control.
The Colombian fleet in the Adriatic Sea have already vacated and made port at Syracuse. The two regiments will now be stationed in Syracuse, providing much of the labour force. The harbour and surrounding area will be altered significantly to make space for trading with the European Powers. There will be room for the Colombian Fleet, and a considerably large amount of Merchant Vessels.
The POW's themselves have been taken within the newely constructed walls, and are now being fed and taken care-of. The first arrival of Merchant Vessels from Colombia are expected soon, carrying munitions, artillery, coffee, and food.
25-08-2005, 01:04
Secret Message to Colombia
We thank the Colombians for accepting our offer, and we hope that with the aid of the Colombian artillery Italy will now have the significant artillery strength it needs to tip the balance of this dreadful European war. We will take the 152mm artillery, mainly for logistics concerns (we don't need 999999 different shells, none of them compatable in different guns)
ooc: Of course, but my artillery guns generally follow Naval Gun sizes... for compatibility. Oh well.
In order to prevent further economic recession, the Colombian government will be using its funds saved from military arms sales to procure the outstanding artillery that was not delivered. A minimal amount of money was given to the factories to switch over to mining and refining machinery. These have been nationalized.
By doing this, the Colombian government can produce the machinery needed to improve the Colombian economy and prevent any further falling. This is done by offering the machinery at such a cheap cost, that the other companies will be willing to spend money, keeping people employed, and in-turn still purchasing. The machinery industry will take a rather large hit, but it is nationalized, therefore the Colombian Government is willing to foot the bill until they can raise prices to meet the expanded economy.
Colombia has decided upon a 10 year action towards the building of a navy. It will be in two steps. The entire navy, save for two older BC's will be scrapped to produce the material necessary.
2 Battlecruisers (expanded to four later)
2 Small Carriers (Built by America from Colombian Ships)
4 Heavy Cruisers (expanded to 6 later)
20 Destroyers (Hopefully to be purchased from United States)
14 Submarines (To be purchased from Italy)
2 AA Cruisers - (To be built around 1925-1929)
Calico Class Heavy Cruiser
Displacement: 10,750 tons standard; 14,450 tons full load
Dimensions: 590 pp, 630 oa x 68.25 x 16.25 feet
Propulsion: 4 shaft geared turbines, 8 3-drum boilers, 80,000shp. = 32.5 knots
Range: 3,100 miles at 31.5 knots, 13,300 miles at 12 knots; 3,400 tons fuel oil
Complement: 700
Armament: 8 dual 11.5-inch / 50 Mk 3; 4 single 4-inch / 45QF Mk 2 HA; 2 quad 2 pdr; 2 quad 0.5-inch MG; 2 quad 14-inch TT; 1 seaplane (Must purchase from Britain or USA)
Armour: 1 to 4 inch magazine box protection; 1.375 inch deck ; 1 inch side-plating, turrets and bulkheads; 6.5 inch Main Belt;
Calico (1920)
Cali (1920)
Caspian (1921)
Colombia (1921)
Cambridge (1932)
Conqueror (1932)
Sheridan Class Battle Cruiser
Displacement: 28,870 tons standard; 33,450 tons full load
Dimensions: 705 x 105 x 28.5 feet
Propulsion: 4 shaft geared turbines, 9 3-drum boilers, 130,000shp. = 31.5 knots
Range: 1,900 miles at 29.5 knots, 14,300 miles at 12 knots; 4,200 tons fuel oil
Complement: 920
Armament: 9 triple 14.5-inch / 50 Mk 3; 8 double 5.9-inch / 45QF Mk 3 HA; 4 quad 2 pdr; 6 quad 0.5-inch MG; 2 quad 14-inch TT; 2 seaplane (Must purchase from Britain or USA)
Armour: 5 inch magazine box protection; 3 inch deck, 4 inch over Magazines; 1.75 inch bulkheads; 10" inch Main Belt; 12" Turret Faces; 6" Turret Sides; 4" Turret Tops;
Sheridan (Laid down 1920)
Savior (Laid down 1920)
Salvador (Laid down 1931)
Seperatist (Laid down 1931)
We inform you that we want to have an alliance with you. We will fight any war you start. We also want to have a embassy in you capital city. We will also set up a trade market between us.
Jose Luis Tamayo President of Ecuador
We would like to know your stance on Communism first. After this is determined, we will discuss future relations.
The Union of South Africa is interested in establishing diplomatic ties to the nation of Colombia. We wish to send an embassy to Medellin, and invite Colombia to send an embassy to Pretoria.
Martin Oduber,
Minister of External Affairs
Colombia accepts this proposal, and will send staff immediatly.
The Ecuadorian army has crushed a revolt to overthrow the president. It was led by the communist leader Pedro Saad. We found him and hanged him. There is now a new leader , Agustín Farabundo Martí, has take over and attacked rural villiages. We have been hunting them. The rebels have also been going over the border to Columbia. We must have embassies in each others countries. We must have are armies work together to crush the communist swine. Once we have taking down the communist we could open up diplomatic relations between are countries. If you agree to this please send 500 men to destory the communist swine on our border. We don't we to start shooting to your country because your civilans might think were invading you. I hope one day to become great allies in South America.
Jose Luis Tamayo President of Ecuador
West Cedarbrook
09-09-2005, 03:21
Chile wishes to join the alliance with Equador and Columbia. We believe this will guarantee the Pacific coast against undue extra-hemispheric (namely, commie) influence.
Colombia will enter into this alliance. A single division will be sent south to deal with any communists; Colombian Scout aircraft will be used in conjucture with scouts on the ground.
Work has begun on the new navy, while plans are underway to investigate an indigiouness aircraft.
Ecuador will sign this alliance. We must band to together to get rid of the swine.
In the interest of greater South American prosperity, Argentina has announced it's desire to send 200,000 pesos worth of food and medical supplies to Ecuador, in lieu of signing the treaty. While Argentina simpathizes with Ecuador's plight, they are not yet willing to commit to an all out war against Communism/Socialism.
To: Colombian Government
From: Bolivian Interim Government
As the Colombian government may know, the Coup D'etat in Bolivia has ended and the dictator Guerra has been deposed. But, much of the countryside has been destroyed as a resault and some of La Paz has been burned down. Any aid Colombia can send will be most helpful.
Also, we have some intrest in you "anti-comunist" alliance but are military is depleated, so we may join when it gets back to full strength.
To: Colombian Government
From: Bolivian Interim Governmet
We are not completely familiar with the Pan American threaty, so can you give us a basic outline of it. We apprieciate that you will be aiding us in this time of need.
ooc: I have heard the treaty mentioned several times but I don't know any of the details
10-09-2005, 11:38
*sigh* Yet again the anti socialist/communist pact is rearing its ugly head. I suppose I am the target yet again being socialist? Thanks to Argentina for their restraint.
Dear Colombia
We must make a pact. Can you try to make a name for the pact? I will make a new thread for it. The countries that are going to be in it are Zion, Chile, Ecuador, and you. Also this is not just for communist, but if South America is under attack. If we don't band together we will fall.
Jose Luis Tamayo
We shall do no such thing. Even though Brazil has attempted to insult us several times, the proposed idea behind your alliance offends our global interests, and paticularily, our interests in peace. We have decided that Brazil can do whatever it wants in Brazil, as long as it stays in Brazil.
Stats and such coming soon.
That's avery WW2 looking tank. Anything you have would be along the lines of the FT-17 or the earlier World War 1 tanks.
Galveston Bay
11-09-2005, 06:27
Stats and such coming soon.
I have to agree with Jensai on this one.. what is it based on?
Lesser Ribena
11-09-2005, 11:11
OOC: the tank design also has very short tracks, it would not be able to cross trenches particularly well. Also the design of the turrets looks a bit modern, all turrets at this tine were hand cranked for aiming and you'd have to fit a gunner, loader and probably the commander in there.
Just my opinion.
I want to be part of this treaty between Argentina, Chile, and you. I think the pact is dumb. Anyways i don't want Brazil attacking us because of some dumb pact. You are one of my best allies and we must not threaten a country like Brazil.
Jose Luis Tamayo
ooc: Actually, its based quite heavily on the T-19. And who said I'd be building this in the 1920's... jeez guys jump all over it why don't you.
And actually its not stubby; Like most early tanks, the wheels are just huge. The turret looks modern simply because its slanted.. so I might change that.
ooc: Actually, its based quite heavily on the T-19. And who said I'd be building this in the 1920's... jeez guys jump all over it why don't you.
And actually its not stubby; Like most early tanks, the wheels are just huge. The turret looks modern simply because its slanted.. so I might change that.
Well, we are in the 1920's so I assumed any tank designs coming out are going to be built in the '20s.
ooc: This will be built late 20's... as most designs, it popped up several years before it would be put into production. And the only version that will be produced, will be "A" as it mounts only 14.5mm MG and a Flamethrower. The other two mount a low-velocity 76.2mm gun and a high-velocity 57.9mm gun. Because these are so heavy, the crankshaft turret won't work, and as such, cannot be built yet. Thus they will be built after innovations take place :P
The Ecuadorian government has seen the new design for your tank. The government is very intersted. We want to buy 20 tanks. We will pay 1/3 now and 2/3 on the arrival.
Jose Luis Tamayo
Unfortunatly, they are just drawings at the moment. They will be entering the prototype phase in March 1922. After a year of trials, we will consider production, and if that takes place, expect deliveries around late 1923.
We would like to buy 100 sniper rifles from you. We will pay you 1,250 for all the rifles.
Ok all the money is being transfred to your accounts. It's nice to work with a ally. It should just take a day to get the rifles.
Colombia has begun a new program involving a large portion of soldiers. 10% of the Colombian Military will be trained in advanced aid giving, and battlefield medicine.
A completely seperate Regiment will be raised specifically trained as field surgeons, medics, and apothacaries. They will be fully armed, but are not expected to fight on the frontlines. It is hoped taht with their prior military experience, they would be able to adequately defend themselves should they be attacked.
Several trucks in the Colombian inventory are being transfered to this Regiment, the 1st Medical Regiment. The trucks should allow for rapid withdraw of wounded personell and save lives.
ooc: Too soon?
Galveston Bay
16-09-2005, 14:39
Colombia has begun a new program involving a large portion of soldiers. 10% of the Colombian Military will be trained in advanced aid giving, and battlefield medicine.
A completely seperate Regiment will be raised specifically trained as field surgeons, medics, and apothacaries. They will be fully armed, but are not expected to fight on the frontlines. It is hoped taht with their prior military experience, they would be able to adequately defend themselves should they be attacked.
Several trucks in the Colombian inventory are being transfered to this Regiment, the 1st Medical Regiment. The trucks should allow for rapid withdraw of wounded personell and save lives.
ooc: Too soon?
common practice and already assumed after the Great War
Is it ok if I send 5 Infantry Battalions? Also do not ask, but I will be sending 5 trucks with it. Were not trying to invade you were just senting supplies. The forces are going to Venezuela to help with the occupation like you are. Maybe you and I can have joint occupation when the U.S. leaves.
Jose Luis Tamayo
Colombia has now made plans to leave the Pan-American treaty. Any and all economic and political agreements with Colombia will be wiped clean. If you wish to change your policy with Colombia, now would be the time. Any offers will be recipracated; ie: You lower tariffs, we'll lower tariffs. You give us a non-aggression pact, we'll give you a non-aggression pact.
The reason for this sudden change? Much of South America's has shifted in the past year, quite wildly. Unfortunatly much of the southern countries views Colombia as an American bootlicker, which is unfortunate. Perhaps there is some sort of reason why Colombia's people enjoy better democratic freedoms, and a higher GDP per capita then its neighbors.
Colombia's reserves will also be reduced to just 150,000.
Galveston Bay
21-09-2005, 16:04
did Colombia join the London Treaty Alliance? It and Chile were invited to do so
ooc: Yes Colombia signed that treaty.
The Union of South Africa would like to quietly ascertain as to whether or not Colombia and the Cape still view one another as friends.
[OOC: I can't do it officially, since I'm not technically supposed to have a foreign policy, but I want to ICly make sure that there are still anti-communists in South America.]
Ecuador will still like to keep a alliance with you. I will lower my tariffs with you. If you come under attack i will help. Plus you and I are controlling Venezuela right now. I would like to also give you a non-agression pact. I hope you can still be great allies.
Jose Luis Tamayo
South Africa: We are certainly still friends, and yes, we are still avowadly anti-communist.
Ecuador: Everything you said seems fine to us.
Ecuador want to buy a heavy crusier from you. I will pay 1/3 now and 2/3 on the arrival. Also what are we going to do with Venezuela from German invaders? Once the U.S. leaves we will be in control. Plus in Venezuela we don't want communism spreading.
From your Ally,
Jose Luis Tamayo
Sel Appa
22-09-2005, 20:37
The Republic of Haiti wishes to open relations with Colombia. We have valuable coffee, sugar, and bauxite up for trade. In return, we require silver, copper, cement, lumber, and steel. We also are in need of skilled workers to help train our citizens(teachers, engineers, doctors...).
Colombia has its own coffee, but we will sell you steel, wood, silver, and copper. Bauxite in return would be nice.
We can send some engineers and teachers as well.
Do you have a heavy crusier you want to sell? I will pay 1/3 now and 2/3 on the arrival.
Jose Luis Tamayo
23-09-2005, 20:17
Do you have a heavy crusier you want to sell? I will pay 1/3 now and 2/3 on the arrival.
Jose Luis Tamayo
ooc: can Ecuador man a heavy cruiser or even afford one?
Galveston Bay
23-09-2005, 20:59
ooc: can Ecuador man a heavy cruiser or even afford one?
short answer is no, and at this point, only the Japanese actually have any heavy cruisers. The remaining big navies are still figuring out what they want a heavy cruiser to look like.
Quito Daily News
President Jose Tamayo plans on building a military base in Venezuela. It will be located near the capital. It will fort will hold 5,000 men. It will take a least two years to be finished. He also said after the fort is done all troops will leave, execpt a 5,000 men force.
Political Standings with Colombia
Ally/Extremely Close
United States
Great Britain
South Africa
Argentina (Even though Argentina critizeses Colombia, they are still seen as friends with a common goal.)
Ecuador (Their attempts to create a military base in Venezeula adds to the list of things that Ecuador has done to distablise much of South America.)
Albania (Albania is seen as a steady rock of freedom in the violent sea of Communism that surrounds it. This makes Albania look very good in the general populous eyes.)
Italy (Viewed the same as Albania)
Ottoman Empire (Colombia trusts Ottoman empire, and respects their government for good leadership.)
Brazil (Even though Colombia does not see eye to eye at all with Brazil, and has much general distrust with Brazil, we still wish to have a prosperous friendship with Brazil, our neighbor.)
Russia (Although ideologies are wildly seperate, Colombia still has and shows respect to the Bear. Relations are hoped to improve despite the differences.)
France (Colombia feels that France has abandoned its post in not only Europe but also South America.)
Germany (Very complicated relations, generally on the negative side, but Colombia refuses to declare their relations as dismissive or even hostile.
Bolivia (Its frequent critizisms of Colombia has paticularily insulted Colombia, which no longer views Bolivia in a positive light. At all.)
Spain (with their government turning communist and abandoning much of its population, Colombia can not view Spain as a friend any longer. Colombia is embarrased whenever someone recalls that it was once a colony of Spain.)
Open Conflict
In regards to the Brazillian rebels... all of Colombia wishes them the best, but the Government will only recognize a government that is democratically elected.
Fine i will not make a fort. I don't want to ruin are alliance over something dumb. My troops will leave in a month. I'm also sick of Bolivia being two sided. They are friendly with the Brazilian rebels. But are neutral and want to get land from the Brazilian government.
Jose Luis Tamayo
Fine i will not make a fort. I don't want to ruin are alliance over something dumb. My troops will leave in a month. I'm also sick of Bolivia being two sided. They are friendly with the Brazilian rebels. But are neutral and want to get land from the Brazilian government.
Jose Luis Tamayo
ooc: Um, what do you mean, me being two sided? I am not neutral to the Brazilian government. I marked my relations as "other" since I am trying to get land out of the war, which is what I get if the rebels win, while I am trying to look neutral to issue so the Brazilian government does not notice.
West Cedarbrook
27-09-2005, 03:32
The London Treaty is under debate in the Senate at this time. It appears to have stong support, but may wait until after the 1924 election for ratification.
Of the council of clan
29-09-2005, 04:57
:: Shortly before noon on September 1st a massive Earthquake with an Estimated magnitude of 8.3 has Struck Tokyo with an Epicenter in Sagami Bay and stretching for miles around. Few details have gotten out since the magnitude of the devastation has prevented any real communication from getting out of the Disaster Area word is that the palace has been damaged and the status of the emperor is unknown at this time. Japan is calling out to the international community to give any aid at all possible to this disaster. A massive firestorm erupted due to the earthquake and the wooden and paper structures incinerated untold thousands.::
OOC: ouch..........
ooc: Forgot to post this!
ic: (Early 1923) Colombia has developed an indigiouness aircraft based on the two aircraft from the US and UK, and the mono-plane from China. The experience gained has lead to the TC1A;
Crew: one, pilot
Length: 20 ft 11 in (6.38 m)
Wingspan: 26 ft 7 in (8.11 m)
Height: 9 ft 6 in (2.89 m)
Wing area: 222 ft² (11.67 m²)
Empty: 1,210 lb (550 kg)
Loaded: 1,735 lb ( 788 kg)
Maximum takeoff: 1,988 lb (902 kg)
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Jaguar V8 engine, 245-hp
Maximum speed: 118 mph
Range: 225 miles
Service ceiling: 9,500 ft
Rate of climb:
Wing loading: lb/ft² ( kg/m²)
4x .303 in (7.76 mm) forward-firing Vickers machine gun with interrupter gear
A year later, the aircraft was already obsolete. There was a large amount of space left in the frame for an improved engine, so Sewell Aeronautic Engineering created the Sewell Leopard-A V12 engine, with 345-hp. The engine was deemed perfect for the TC1B, the ground attack version; The speed remained the same, but it was able to carry a heavier armament.
Crew: one, pilot
Length: 20 ft 11 in (6.38 m)
Wingspan: 26 ft 7 in (8.11 m)
Height: 9 ft 6 in (2.89 m)
Wing area: 222 ft² (11.67 m²)
Empty: 1,210 lb (550 kg)
Loaded: 2,035 lb ( 925 kg)
Maximum takeoff: 2,288 lb (1040 kg)
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Leopard-A V12 engine, 345-hp
Maximum speed: 115 mph
Range: 215 miles
Service ceiling: 8,000 ft
Wing loading: lb/ft² ( kg/m²)
1x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 gun on Foster mount on fusalage (Rear Mount)
2x 20mm Hotchkiss Cannon, with interrupter gear.
4 x .303 in (7.76mm) Vickers Machine Gun (two in each wing)
2 x 75lb bombs
1 x 150lb bomb
The TC1A was upgraded to the TC1C; The engine from the TC1B was reused, which allowed for higher speeds and longer ranges. A foster-mounted M2 .50 caliber gun was added infront of the cockpit. Visiblity restriction is minimal, and now the pilot can attack from above or below with the gun.
Crew: one, pilot
Length: 20 ft 11 in (6.38 m)
Wingspan: 26 ft 7 in (8.11 m)
Height: 9 ft 6 in (2.89 m)
Wing area: 222 ft² (11.67 m²)
Empty: 1,210 lb (550 kg)
Loaded: 1,735 lb ( 788 kg)
Maximum takeoff: 1,988 lb (902 kg)
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Jaguar-B V8 engine, 265-hp
Maximum speed: 128 mph
Range: 245 miles
Service ceiling: 11,500 ft
Rate of climb:
Wing loading: lb/ft² ( kg/m²)
4x .303 in (7.76 mm) forward-firing Vickers machine gun with interrupter gear
1x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 gun on Foster mount on fusalage (Forward Mount)
Even now, with advancements in Aircraft Design, a new version, the TC1D is being developed. It is to be lengthened, to incorporate the new Sewell Engine, designed to provide even more horsepower. Design features are not limited to an enclosed cockpit, and aluminum body. Of course it will be a few more years before these advancements are tested enough for full production. The Frontmounted M2 mount will be removed due to dedundency, along with the 4 .303 Vickers Machine Guns. Instead, two 20mm Hotchkiss Cannon, with interrupter gear will be installed in the wing root, while a M2 .50cal gun will be installed in each wing.
Model: Sewell Cheetah-12
Type: 12 cylinder, liquid-cooled, Vee
Displacement: 1,145 cu. in.
Maximum Horsepower: 440
Max. RPM: 2,350
(TC1D not shown; Aircraft are in order of mention)
Colombian Aircraft, 1924
100 - Curtiss Trainers
75 - British Trainers
25 - P-2's
20 - TC1A
15 - TC1C
2 - TC1D (Prototypes)
20 - Chinese Monoplanes
20 - TC1B
1 - CDB1 Dive Bomber (prototype)
Two cruisers have been scrapped, along with four destroyers to meet military budget requirements.
Hundreds of Anti-Aircraft batteries are being set up around Colombia in jungles, on mountains, around bridges, etc. A battery generally consists of 8 tri-40mm guns, 5 57.9mm fast-firing guns, 4 80mm flak guns, and 2 127mm Flak Guns. This layered defence system should provide a very effective anti-aircraft system.
Any large clearings are covered by large fortifications to discourage Paratroopers from landing, and if they do, it will be ensured that they will not make it very far. Beach defences will have large fortifications, along with tank ditches, mines, and large metal poles on a 45* protruding about 20 feet from the shoreline. They are designed to rip/puncture the bottom of any landing craft, or atleast slow them down so shore artillery can bring fire on them. All direct-fire artillery positions are concealed so as to prevent effective pre-landing bombardment.
Outside of harbours, subnets will be placed to prevent inflitration.
Colombia formally declares war on France, in regards to their declaration of war towards a London Treaty Alliance member, as well as a direct ally of Colombia.
An Additional regiment has been raised in Syracuse for defencive purposes; Syracuse itself may be used by LTA forces as a jumping point. An airfield is being constructed as well;
What is your position in World War 2? Also can you help me with my airplane factory? Can you send advisors?
From your ally
Jose Luis Tamayo
Galveston Bay
08-10-2005, 07:34
Hundreds of Anti-Aircraft batteries are being set up around Colombia in jungles, on mountains, around bridges, etc. A battery generally consists of 8 tri-40mm guns, 5 57.9mm fast-firing guns, 4 80mm flak guns, and 2 127mm Flak Guns. This layered defence system should provide a very effective anti-aircraft system.
Any large clearings are covered by large fortifications to discourage Paratroopers from landing, and if they do, it will be ensured that they will not make it very far. Beach defences will have large fortifications, along with tank ditches, mines, and large metal poles on a 45* protruding about 20 feet from the shoreline. They are designed to rip/puncture the bottom of any landing craft, or atleast slow them down so shore artillery can bring fire on them. All direct-fire artillery positions are concealed so as to prevent effective pre-landing bombardment..
Your legislature wants to know why so much money is being spent on fortifications that won't be needed unless the Pact gains control of the oceans? The navy wants to build a lot more minesweepers and destroyers, the army wants to spend more money on training and less money on artillery for now.
seriously, you don't need that unless the Pact is getting ready to invade, and if that happens, you have a lot bigger problems.
If the legislature would like to shift the primary spending allocations, then they may. If the navy wants destroyers and minesweepers, then we would have to drop a cruiser. If that is what they wish, they can go through it.
The Army will recieve more money for training, and we will cut back on Artillery.. especially since we've met the quota.
Having recieved $5 Billion from the United States government, the money is placed straight into the growing Co-Air Initiative, creating two new aircraft. A dedicated Divebomber with dive-brakes which can also be converted to a torpedo bomber with limited to no physical conversion. The other is a high speed, all metal mono-plane pursuit fighter.
TC2A Cavalier
Crew: one, pilot
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Lion twelve cylinder inverted-Vee liquid cooled engine rated at 895hp
Maximum speed: 325 mph
Range: 401 miles
Service ceiling: 28,000 ft
Climb Rate: 945 meters/min (3100 ft/min).
Armament: 4 x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 guns outside of propeller arc.
DBC1A Banshee
Crew: two, pilot and rear gunner
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Tiger twelve cylinder inverted-Vee liquid cooled engine rated at 1042hp
Maximum speed: 305 mph
Range: 378 miles
Service ceiling: 32,000 ft
Climb Rate: 891 meters/min
Armament: 4 x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 guns outside of propeller arc.; 4 150lb bombs and 2 500lb bombs OR 8 150lb bombs OR 4 500lb bombs OR 1 Torpedo and 4 150lb bombs OR 1 Torpedo and 2 500lb bombs
Of the council of clan
11-10-2005, 07:25
Having recieved $5 Billion from the United States government, the money is placed straight into the growing Co-Air Initiative, creating two new aircraft. A dedicated Divebomber with dive-brakes which can also be converted to a torpedo bomber with limited to no physical conversion. The other is a high speed, all metal mono-plane pursuit fighter.
TC2A Cavalier
Crew: one, pilot
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Lion twelve cylinder inverted-Vee liquid cooled engine rated at 895hp
Maximum speed: 325 mph
Range: 401 miles
Service ceiling: 28,000 ft
Climb Rate: 945 meters/min (3100 ft/min).
Armament: 4 x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 guns outside of propeller arc.
DBC1A Banshee
Crew: two, pilot and rear gunner
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Tiger twelve cylinder inverted-Vee liquid cooled engine rated at 1042hp
Maximum speed: 305 mph
Range: 378 miles
Service ceiling: 32,000 ft
Climb Rate: 891 meters/min
Armament: 4 x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 guns outside of propeller arc.; 4 150lb bombs and 2 500lb bombs OR 8 150lb bombs OR 4 500lb bombs OR 1 Torpedo and 4 150lb bombs OR 1 Torpedo and 2 500lb bombs
I was looking at Dive bombers of the early thirties, good luck on getting anything more than 1 500 lb bomb and maybe 2 150lbs on the wings., the plane you are talking about wouldn't be available i would think till the early 40's
but then thats just my two cents
forgot to mention, the fighter is based on the BF-109... and GB approved my Dive Bomber about a week ago. But if he wants me to drop down its armament I will.
Oh, and its two 150lb bombs on each wing, and a 500lb bomb on each wing root.
Of the council of clan
11-10-2005, 07:31
forgot to mention, the fighter is based on the BF-109... and GB approved my Dive Bomber about a week ago. But if he wants me to drop down its armament I will.
Oh, and its two 150lb bombs on each wing, and a 500lb bomb on each wing root.
Really, Well I guess I could rush the A6M Zero in then?
I was under the impression that we weren't going past 1932 tech. Hell in 1932 everything was still more or less open cockpit Biplanes let alone All Metal Monoplane fighters with closed cocpits and over 300mph performance I mean hell if we're allowed I'm all for it I'm just a little shocked.
Hell this is what I was going with
Japanese Naval Aircraft
Nakajima type 91
Mitsubishi B2M
Dive Bomber(not quite sure of the year on this one)
Aachi D1A1 (i've got the A2 coming out in 34 but I can't find when the A1 came out)
Galveston Bay
11-10-2005, 07:51
forgot to mention, the fighter is based on the BF-109... and GB approved my Dive Bomber about a week ago. But if he wants me to drop down its armament I will.
Oh, and its two 150lb bombs on each wing, and a 500lb bomb on each wing root.
apparently I missed the post on those two aircraft... no at this point the low wing monoplanes like the P26 and Claude fighers are cutting edge.. these two are too 1940s
So not yet Artisa on these two aircraft
besides, Colombia got $500 million in export credits for US war materials
Colombian Navy, 1925
2 Sheridan Class Battlecruisers
Sheridan (Laid down 1919, Completed 1923)
Salvador (Laid down 1920, Completed 1924)
Displacement: 28,870 tons standard; 33,450 tons full load
Dimensions: 705 x 105 x 28.5 feet
Propulsion: 4 shaft geared turbines, 9 3-drum boilers, 130,000shp. = 31.5 knots
Range: 1,900 miles at 29.5 knots, 14,300 miles at 12 knots; 4,200 tons fuel oil
Complement: 920
Armament: 9 triple 14.5-inch (3 turrets)/ 50 Mk 3; 8 double 5-inch DP guns/ 45QF Mk 3 HA; 4 quad 2 pdr; 6 quad 0.5-inch MG; 2 quad 14-inch TT; 2 TC9S Seaplane
Armour: 5 inch magazine box protection; 3 inch deck, 4 inch over Magazines; 1.75 inch bulkheads; 10" inch Main Belt; 12" Turret Faces; 6" Turret Sides; 4" Turret Tops;
Notes: Centralized Fire Control, Wireless Communications, Enhanced and Effecient Damage Control, etc.
ooc: I put this through Springsharp which limits your armaments by the year that you enter... this was apparently fine.
2 Small Carriers (Built by America from old Colombian Armoured Cruisers)
??? Galveston... you built these for me from my old Armoured Cruisers so I dunno.
4 Calico Class Heavy Cruiser
Calico (1920, Completed 1923)
Cali (1920, Completed 1924)
Caspian (1921 Completed 1923)
Conqueror (1921 Completed 1925)
Displacement: 10,750 tons standard; 14,450 tons full load
Dimensions: 590 pp, 630 oa x 68.25 x 16.25 feet
Propulsion: 4 shaft geared turbines, 8 3-drum boilers, 80,000shp. = 32.5 knots
Range: 3,100 miles at 31.5 knots, 13,300 miles at 12 knots; 3,400 tons fuel oil
Complement: 700
Armament: 8 dual 11.5-inch (So 4 turrets)/ 50 Mk 3; 4 single 5-inch DP/ 45QF Mk 2 HA; 2 quad 2 pdr; 2 quad 0.5-inch MG; 2 quad 14-inch TT; 1 TC9S Seaplane
Armour: 1 to 4 inch magazine box protection; 1.375 inch deck ; 1 inch side-plating, turrets and bulkheads; 6.5 inch Main Belt;
Notes: Centralized Fire Control, Wireless Communications, Enhanced and Effecient Damage Control, etc.
20 Bogota Class Destroyers
D.21 (laid down 1915, completed 1917)
D.22 (laid down 1915, completed 1917)
D.23 (laid down 1915, completed 1917)
D.24 (laid down 1915, completed 1917)
D.25 (laid down 1915, completed 1917)
D.26 (laid down 1916, completed 1918)
D.27 (laid down 1916, completed 1918)
D.28 (laid down 1916, completed 1918)
D.29 (laid down 1916, completed 1918)
D.30 (laid down 1916, completed 1918)
D.31 (laid down 1918, completed 1920)
D.32 (laid down 1918, completed 1920)
D.33 (laid down 1918, completed 1920)
D.34 (laid down 1918, completed 1920)
D.35 (laid down 1918, completed 1920)
D.36 (laid down 1919, completed 1921)
D.37 (laid down 1919, completed 1921)
D.38 (laid down 1919, completed 1921)
D.39 (laid down 1919, completed 1921)
D.40 (laid down 1919, completed 1921)
Displacement: 3,110 tons standard; 3,050 tons full load
Dimensions: 295 x 48.25 x 12.25 feet
Propulsion: 3 shaft geared turbines, 6 3-drum boilers, 60,000shp. = 34.5 knots
Range: 2,985 miles at 34.5 knots, 13,300 miles at 12 knots; 3,400 tons fuel oil
Complement: 200
Armament: 8 dual 5-inch DP(So 4 turrets)/ 50 Mk 2; 12 dual 2-inch DP/ 45QF Mk 2 HA; 4 quad 2 pdr; 8 quad 0.5-inch MG; 1 quad 21-inch TT;
Armour: 1 to 2 inch magazine box protection; .775 inch deck ; .875 inch side-plating, turrets and bulkheads; 2.5 inch Main Belt;
Notes: Centralized Fire Control, Wireless Communications, Enhanced and Effecient Damage Control, Main Anti-Aircraft Vessel.
4 American Built Submarines (Cannot Remember Class)
Galveston Bay
12-10-2005, 16:02
everything is fine except the cruisers should only have 8 inch guns as you signed the Washington Naval Treaty and they were covered. The two carriers are essentially the same as the US Roosevelt class...18,000 tons, 30 knots, 55 aircraft, 12 x 3 inch AA guns and I need names for them
Ah, I think you may have forgotten... I had originally fitted them for the big guns, then just threw on some smaller guns for the Washington Naval Treaty... once that dissolved, I threw the big-uns back on. Thats why we kept them... to be evil. Anyways, what were the subs... any idea?
Aircraft Carriers:
Vincente Sewell and Santiago
Galveston Bay
12-10-2005, 19:14
Ah, I think you may have forgotten... I had originally fitted them for the big guns, then just threw on some smaller guns for the Washington Naval Treaty... once that dissolved, I threw the big-uns back on. Thats why we kept them... to be evil. Anyways, what were the subs... any idea?
Aircraft Carriers:
Vincente Sewell and Santiago
the Submarines are US S boats
I am ok with you having kept the big guns, but the treaty only got cancelled a few months ago, and refitting those cruisers is a 1 year job, 6 months if rushed. Which means they would not be available until October at the earliest. The weight will also be substantial, so they can be 2 gun turrets but not 3 gun turrets without a serious loss in performance for that cruiser class.
the Submarines are US S boats
I am ok with you having kept the big guns, but the treaty only got cancelled a few months ago, and refitting those cruisers is a 1 year job, 6 months if rushed. Which means they would not be available until October at the earliest. The weight will also be substantial, so they can be 2 gun turrets but not 3 gun turrets without a serious loss in performance for that cruiser class.
I thought that I could just nip them on.. as that was the general idea of the Colombian Navy... they wanted turrets that could be easily interchangable for this purpose. And the weights and such are given for the 3 turrets. I could drop it to three double turrets?
Galveston Bay
12-10-2005, 22:47
I thought that I could just nip them on.. as that was the general idea of the Colombian Navy... they wanted turrets that could be easily interchangable for this purpose. And the weights and such are given for the 3 turrets. I could drop it to three double turrets?
6 months is easily interchangable... it would be even longer if you had to manufacture them. 3 double turrets with 11 inch guns still makes them the most heavily armed cruiser running around
Thats what I was hoping for ;)
Deployments of January 1926
1st Alpine Corp - Returning to Colombia from Spain
1st Mechanized Corp - In Colombia (moving to Venezuelan Border)
1st Infantry Corp - Gutted, being disbanded. Soldiers will be moved to Airforce positions.
2nd Reserve Infantry Corp - Colombia (moving to Venezuelan Border)
3rd Reserve Infantry Corp - Colombia (moving to Venezuelan Border)
1st Fighter Wing - Italy
2nd Fighter Wing - France
3rd Fighter Wing - France
4th Fighter Wing - Colombia
Navy (Capital Ships only)
[Carrier] Vincente Sewell - sunk
[Carrier] Santiago - sunk
[Battlecruiser] Sheridan - sunk
[Battlecruiser] Salvador
[Heavy Cruiser] Calico
[Heavy Cruiser] Cali
[Heavy Cruiser] Caspian
[Heavy Cruiser] Conqueror
All Naval vessels will return to Colombia for refits; The Salvador will get 15" guns, but range will suffer.
ooc: For GB, I would say... Defence 8 or 9 (Look at that belt armour mang) Range 2 Power 5 (Guesstimate?) Speed 4? I dunno... Thats for the Battlecruiser. The Heavy Cruisers well.. I dunno.
Also, did I get the sunken ships correct? Is there more? Less? Wrong ones? Oh, and the Salvador is now the Flagship.
Colombia makes an offer to Venezeula in the order of joining Colombia to once again form Grand Colombia. Huge economic benefits are included with a modernization process, free healthcare, and free education.
~TAG~ for check-up later today.
02-11-2005, 16:55
Colombia makes an offer to Venezeula in the order of joining Colombia to once again form Grand Colombia. Huge economic benefits are included with a modernization process, free healthcare, and free education.
ooc: I'm not sure if this is secret but Brazil would not allow this. If and when we find out about plans for unification we will be most displeaed.
Galveston Bay
02-11-2005, 17:02
ooc: I'm not sure if this is secret but Brazil would not allow this. If and when we find out about plans for unification we will be most displeaed.
if handled peacefully and the Venezuelans are willing, the US will have no objections and ensure there is no interference from other nations
02-11-2005, 17:08
bah humbug. we will probably make a fight of it this time.
Vas Pokhoronim
02-11-2005, 17:25
I'm not sure that it's even feasible. Yes, the Colombians are offering a lot, and their occupation wasn't dreadful, but there are sound reasons why Gran Colombia dissolved after only nine years back in the 1800's, chiefly having to do with incompatible sectional economic and political differences.
It's a real pain in the ass that you'd think of doing this now, Artitsa (though of course I can't blame you, with the world - and the moderators - distracted by the war in Europe, it's the perfect time for sneaky little grasping weasels to try to expand their empires). It's going to take some massive research to determine how receptive the Venezuelans are going to be to Colombia's proposal.
What I'm going to say, however, is that it's too quick. Proceed incrementally, with a common defense treaty and economic integration. The latter is going to be trickier, since Colombia and Venezuela are very different.
Galveston Bay
02-11-2005, 17:39
I'm not sure that it's even feasible. Yes, the Colombians are offering a lot, and their occupation wasn't dreadful, but there are sound reasons why Gran Colombia dissolved after only nine years back in the 1800's, chiefly having to do with incompatible sectional economic and political differences.
It's a real pain in the ass that you'd think of doing this now, Artitsa (though of course I can't blame you, with the world - and the moderators - distracted by the war in Europe, it's the perfect time for sneaky little grasping weasels to try to expand their empires). It's going to take some massive research to determine how receptive the Venezuelans are going to be to Colombia's proposal.
What I'm going to say, however, is that it's too quick. Proceed incrementally, with a common defense treaty and economic integration. The latter is going to be trickier, since Colombia and Venezuela are very different.
as a referee I tend to agree with Vas, but I am not going to get involved in the ruling unless a tiebreaker is needed because frankly I have too much to keep track of already
02-11-2005, 18:03
Also, if Brazil does get wind of this it will be less than pleased and will doubtless support Venezuealan independence groups.
ooc: Brazil, we don't really care if you would be displeased. And if we find any Brazillian in Venezeula we would automatically assume that they were spies and we would deal with them as such.
And yes Vas, Im moving now because it would seem that everyone is busy with the war... who would notice little old Colombia.
EDIT: Yeah I am moving pretty fast, and I might use your method... and I wouldn't use Grand Colombia as a national name... Maybe something like the South American Union.. or such.
Vas Pokhoronim
02-11-2005, 20:17
And yes Vas, Im moving now because it would seem that everyone is busy with the war... who would notice little old Colombia.
EDIT: Yeah I am moving pretty fast, and I might use your method... and I wouldn't use Grand Colombia as a national name... Maybe something like the South American Union.. or such.
Heh. I very nearly didn't . . . I've observed you're already starting aid, and that will help - Bogota isn't exactly unpopular in Venezuela, anyway. Venezuelans in general are more ambivalent than anything, and ambivalent towards everybody, not just Colombia.
Anyway, continue posting your plans and whenever I get a chance I'll check in and try to give you their results based on what information I can dig up.
02-11-2005, 20:29
ooc: Brazil, we don't really care if you would be displeased. And if we find any Brazillian in Venezeula we would automatically assume that they were spies and we would deal with them as such.
And yes Vas, Im moving now because it would seem that everyone is busy with the war... who would notice little old Colombia.
EDIT: Yeah I am moving pretty fast, and I might use your method... and I wouldn't use Grand Colombia as a national name... Maybe something like the South American Union.. or such.
ooc: you are a rather hostile little person aren't you? that comment wasn't exactly threatening towards you personally and I think that was a rather brisk reply ooc. and ic? you would kill/imprison any brazilian person found in venezuela? thats a bit extreme. nevertheless carry on.
Brazil will be doing the same as Colombia, fostering support for an independent Venezuela and covertly promising backing for independence sympathisers.
ooc again:
Just to clarify, Venezuela doesn't currently have any foreign troops on its soil does it? Like, the Colombians left after the elections yes? And also, off topic a bit, but is my civil war finished yet? All arms supplies dried up a while ago and most of the leaders were arrested after they were betrayed by the yanks.
Galveston Bay
02-11-2005, 20:47
Just to clarify, Venezuela doesn't currently have any foreign troops on its soil does it? Like, the Colombians left after the elections yes? And also, off topic a bit, but is my civil war finished yet? All arms supplies dried up a while ago and most of the leaders were arrested after they were betrayed by the yanks.
At this time Venezuela is independent and has 1 corps (a 4 point infantry corps). No foreign troops remain in Venezuela, and it has remained neutral during the war, benefiting from brisk oil sales to the LTA which has helped it recover completely from the last 25 years of its history (at least economically). There is sentiment for both the Germans and the Americans and sentiment against. There is some sentiment for unification with Venezuela, and significant sympathy for Italy, Spain, and France (Catholic countries all) and significant feeling that the French and Spanish governments were foolish to tangle with the Americans to begin with.
There is some respect for the Colombian army which fought well in Italy defending a Catholic country from Socialist invasion. That also extends to the Spanish who fought bravely against the Americans but less so for the French who attacked a Catholic country (Italy).
None of this sentiment is decisive in itself to make any changes to its neutral course at the moment. Venezuela has 2 production points a turn, 1 of which goes to the US, the other for internal consumption and that 1 point has been used for domestic spending (improving its seaport to handle more tanker traffic).
As to the Brazilian Civil War... several thousands hard core fanatics remain spread around Brazil, and are mostly a police problem with occasional need (when they are located in numbers of 50) for Army action. A very low grade insurgency not much different than having a high crime rate.
However, arms shipments to Brazil have dried up, as they have to all other neutrals. The biggest arms producers are using their arms to fight the war, and unless the Japanese or Swedes sell to Brazil, then Brazil is on its own to obtaining weapons. It can produce the small arms and ammunition it needs, and artillery ammunition, but vehicles, ships, aircraft and artillery simply will have to be found outside of the country.
However, Brazilian experts predict that after the war there is likely to be plenty of everything available except for warships. Speaking of which, your navy will need some significant repairs postwar, as spare parts aren't available for your ships, and for that matter your aircraft, tanks and trucks.
You might want to consider concentrating points on building a factory so that you can manufacture your own spares (it will take 12 points and 6 turns to do that)
02-11-2005, 23:03
At this time Venezuela is independent and has 1 corps (a 4 point infantry corps). No foreign troops remain in Venezuela, and it has remained neutral during the war, benefiting from brisk oil sales to the LTA which has helped it recover completely from the last 25 years of its history (at least economically). There is sentiment for both the Germans and the Americans and sentiment against. There is some sentiment for unification with Venezuela, and significant sympathy for Italy, Spain, and France (Catholic countries all) and significant feeling that the French and Spanish governments were foolish to tangle with the Americans to begin with.
There is some respect for the Colombian army which fought well in Italy defending a Catholic country from Socialist invasion. That also extends to the Spanish who fought bravely against the Americans but less so for the French who attacked a Catholic country (Italy).
None of this sentiment is decisive in itself to make any changes to its neutral course at the moment. Venezuela has 2 production points a turn, 1 of which goes to the US, the other for internal consumption and that 1 point has been used for domestic spending (improving its seaport to handle more tanker traffic).
As to the Brazilian Civil War... several thousands hard core fanatics remain spread around Brazil, and are mostly a police problem with occasional need (when they are located in numbers of 50) for Army action. A very low grade insurgency not much different than having a high crime rate.
However, arms shipments to Brazil have dried up, as they have to all other neutrals. The biggest arms producers are using their arms to fight the war, and unless the Japanese or Swedes sell to Brazil, then Brazil is on its own to obtaining weapons. It can produce the small arms and ammunition it needs, and artillery ammunition, but vehicles, ships, aircraft and artillery simply will have to be found outside of the country.
However, Brazilian experts predict that after the war there is likely to be plenty of everything available except for warships. Speaking of which, your navy will need some significant repairs postwar, as spare parts aren't available for your ships, and for that matter your aircraft, tanks and trucks.
You might want to consider concentrating points on building a factory so that you can manufacture your own spares (it will take 12 points and 6 turns to do that)
I actually stated that I was building a factories a few turns back in one of the threads. I think I said
'I know I'm not involved in this war much, so just allocate my points to building factories'. I could find where I said it but it would take ages and I honestly did say it. Anyway thanks for the update.
ooc: Its just to bad for the Brazillians that they supported the side that wanted to invade the holiest of holy places in the Catholic world. Its also a shame that they are allies with the godless-communists.
Galveston Bay
03-11-2005, 00:01
I actually stated that I was building a factories a few turns back in one of the threads. I think I said
'I know I'm not involved in this war much, so just allocate my points to building factories'. I could find where I said it but it would take ages and I honestly did say it. Anyway thanks for the update.
consider it done.. I do remember that, I just can't find it either. What are you using your 3 points a turn for in 1926?
03-11-2005, 00:09
I'm not really sure, I'm fairly out of touch with the points system. Would spending it on infrastructure sound a good idea?
So... should I just keep pouring money into Venezuela?
Vas Pokhoronim
07-11-2005, 03:06
ooc: you are a rather hostile little person aren't you? that comment wasn't exactly threatening towards you personally and I think that was a rather brisk reply ooc. and ic? you would kill/imprison any brazilian person found in venezuela? thats a bit extreme. nevertheless carry on.
Artitsa can be a perfectly decent guy a lot of the time, but he can frequently be one of the biggest jerks on the Forums. Even more so than me.
I have yet to figure out his pattern.
ooc: Im crazy during Rugby off-season.
Vas Pokhoronim
07-11-2005, 04:56
What's weird is that actually makes sense.
I believe a fair compromise would be that Colombia will need to spend 10 - 15 production points on Venzeula to represent hospitals, roads, sewer systems, schools, etc. before Venezeula would be willing to join Colombia.
Towards this end, the maximum amount of points Colombia can spend per turn towards this goal would be 2 points a turn- that will give Colombia the time it needs to convince the Venezeulans (propganda and indoctrination) and can be finished by 1928 at the latest.
Galveston Bay
08-11-2005, 07:18
I believe a fair compromise would be that Colombia will need to spend 10 - 15 production points on Venzeula to represent hospitals, roads, sewer systems, schools, etc. before Venezeula would be willing to join Colombia.
Towards this end, the maximum amount of points Colombia can spend per turn towards this goal would be 2 points a turn- that will give Colombia the time it needs to convince the Venezeulans (propganda and indoctrination) and can be finished by 1928 at the latest.
I agree
ooc: Okay, so we've commited 6 points this year around... next year we'll pop it up another 12? for a total of 18 points invested in Venezeula... and then the next year another 6 should do it I think. Not just to win them over, but to also continue upgrading their infrastructure.
ooc: Okay, so we've commited 6 points this year around... next year we'll pop it up another 12? for a total of 18 points invested in Venezeula... and then the next year another 6 should do it I think. Not just to win them over, but to also continue upgrading their infrastructure.
Works for me. You should have Venezeula by 1928 and you can continue to work on it in 1928 and even 1929, then from that point onwards, treat it as an extension of Colombia in terms of resources, economy, soldiers, transportation, etc.
08-11-2005, 20:01
Brazil will be displeased and will consider military action if the production points really are poured in as you say they will be.
Galveston Bay
08-11-2005, 20:12
Brazil will be displeased and will consider military action if the production points really are poured in as you say they will be.
the United States privately warns Brazil that military action against Colombia by Brazil will result in the resumption of hostilities by the US against Brazil as that would be a breach of the peace treaty signed between the US and Brazil in 1924.
In addtion, the US urges Brazil to make note of the current military situation, and the fact that the Second Great War appears to be drawing to an end. Which will leave a lot of American troops, warships and aircraft available to deal with a resumption of hostilities by Brazil.
Colombia would like to remind Brazil that we do have a Non-Aggression Pact, and violating that could bring severe reprecussions.
08-11-2005, 21:06
Colombia would like to remind Brazil that we do have a Non-Aggression Pact, and violating that could bring severe reprecussions.
Ah but we would consider it a violation that you, an undeniably rival power, is showing expansive desires on a country so close to our borders. Yes it would not be direct hostility, but it would certainly be threatening to our interests.
08-11-2005, 21:07
the United States privately warns Brazil that military action against Colombia by Brazil will result in the resumption of hostilities by the US against Brazil as that would be a breach of the peace treaty signed between the US and Brazil in 1924.
In addtion, the US urges Brazil to make note of the current military situation, and the fact that the Second Great War appears to be drawing to an end. Which will leave a lot of American troops, warships and aircraft available to deal with a resumption of hostilities by Brazil.
We accept this as well but we have been bullied out of taking any other action that might pee off the US so we may as well go down fighting. To be frank, the domineering attitude that is being taken by the US is annoying me overly as it seems to want a finger in every pie so we will probably make a fight of it.
ooc: you'd be thrown out of office. National Suicide means Political Suicide; Good luck with that. You'd also lose quite a bit of your military trying to go threw the Amazon to reach us ;)
..Plus all those fortifications I built a decade or two ago.
08-11-2005, 22:34
ooc: you'd be thrown out of office. National Suicide means Political Suicide; Good luck with that. You'd also lose quite a bit of your military trying to go threw the Amazon to reach us ;)
..Plus all those fortifications I built a decade or two ago.
thrown out of office for quite obviously defending national interests against the expansion of a neighbouring power with her hated allies? You forget our army is probably one of the most experienced in the South America at the moment. It fought a conventional war in the early stages of the civil war and since then has been keeping its skills sharp hunting guerillas with extensive succeses.
Your armies may have fought in Europe but not to the extent of combat experience mine has had.
Galveston Bay
08-11-2005, 23:15
thrown out of office for quite obviously defending national interests against the expansion of a neighbouring power with her hated allies? You forget our army is probably one of the most experienced in the South America at the moment. It fought a conventional war in the early stages of the civil war and since then has been keeping its skills sharp hunting guerillas with extensive succeses.
Your armies may have fought in Europe but not to the extent of combat experience mine has had.
you military takes one look at the military situation and asks politely if you are nuts. First of all, you cannot get help from overseas because the LTA literally destroyed or drove into internment or mothballs every Pact surface fleet. Submarines of the day cannot carry any signficant supplies, so they are out. The Americans have 6 carriers, plus 10 more under construction that can be finished in a year, plus have more than sufficient experience in amphibious warfare to get ashore pretty much anywhere in Brazil they want.
Basically, either the Colombians or the Americans can blockade your coasts at will and have more than ample numbers of ships to do so.
In addition, the only way any kind of military operation can be conducted against Venezuela and Colombia at this point in time is by sea. You literally cannot move signficant bodies of men and material up the Amazon and through the jungles and mountains that seperate the Amazon basin from the Orinicco basin and Colombian Highlands.
In short, it cannot be done. Bluster all you want (its normal anyway in politics and diplomacy) but you cannot get at Colombia and Venezuela if the US or Colombian Navy doesn't want you too.
Your army also has zero experience fighting a regular army equipped with artillery, aircraft and vehicles. It is more like the Argentine Army of 1982, good against guerillas, but completely out of its depth fighting a conventional war.
In addition, every single one of your primary population centers and economic centers are well within range of amphibious forces. Falling back into the jungle is an option only if you are willing to give up all of your ability to build new forces or replace them. Experience does not an army make. The Iraqi Army in 1991 was on paper far more experienced than the US Army. It was perfectly trained and equipped to fight the Iranians. However, the Coalition was in no way shape or form the Iranians and crushed it utterly in every straight out fight, even when outnumbered significantly.
Also, as war moderator, I would really appreciate it if everyone would give peace a chance for at least a week.
Now you are within your rights as a player to declare war if you want to, but I am warning you as a referee and as a player, if you do, you will be seriously crushed. Your political and military leaders certainly are capable of acting rashly and even perhaps insanely. But as a player I think you would be better served to let it lie.
08-11-2005, 23:54
you military takes one look at the military situation and asks politely if you are nuts. First of all, you cannot get help from overseas because the LTA literally destroyed or drove into internment or mothballs every Pact surface fleet. Submarines of the day cannot carry any signficant supplies, so they are out. The Americans have 6 carriers, plus 10 more under construction that can be finished in a year, plus have more than sufficient experience in amphibious warfare to get ashore pretty much anywhere in Brazil they want.
Basically, either the Colombians or the Americans can blockade your coasts at will and have more than ample numbers of ships to do so.
In addition, the only way any kind of military operation can be conducted against Venezuela and Colombia at this point in time is by sea. You literally cannot move signficant bodies of men and material up the Amazon and through the jungles and mountains that seperate the Amazon basin from the Orinicco basin and Colombian Highlands.
In short, it cannot be done. Bluster all you want (its normal anyway in politics and diplomacy) but you cannot get at Colombia and Venezuela if the US or Colombian Navy doesn't want you too.
Your army also has zero experience fighting a regular army equipped with artillery, aircraft and vehicles. It is more like the Argentine Army of 1982, good against guerillas, but completely out of its depth fighting a conventional war.
In addition, every single one of your primary population centers and economic centers are well within range of amphibious forces. Falling back into the jungle is an option only if you are willing to give up all of your ability to build new forces or replace them. Experience does not an army make. The Iraqi Army in 1991 was on paper far more experienced than the US Army. It was perfectly trained and equipped to fight the Iranians. However, the Coalition was in no way shape or form the Iranians and crushed it utterly in every straight out fight, even when outnumbered significantly.
Also, as war moderator, I would really appreciate it if everyone would give peace a chance for at least a week.
Now you are within your rights as a player to declare war if you want to, but I am warning you as a referee and as a player, if you do, you will be seriously crushed. Your political and military leaders certainly are capable of acting rashly and even perhaps insanely. But as a player I think you would be better served to let it lie.
This is getting fairly elitist. I don't think I can actually do anything of my own free will. Despite being on friendly terms with some of the most powerful nations in the world and having friends in South America as well (we are fairly okay with Argentina), we are completely helpless. We seem to develop very slowly and despite extensive outside investment and grants from both the Union in the past and from America and the UK in the present, we still seem to be considered completely backward and incapable of anything both militarily and economically. We are the largest country in South America yet we get what, 3 build points is it? Despite all the money from the US and the UK currently pouring in in the form of industry (UK) and hard cash (US) we are a third world country still when compared with say, Colombia, despite us recieving equal or more investment than them from one foreign power or another over the past years.
09-11-2005, 00:23
Its not being elitist. It's sensible. I promise, if I could, I would help you rape the Colombians (the French beat me to it ;) ), but frankly, I'm tired of war. Believe me, I would love to help liberate the Venezuelans, but I just can't do that.
Galveston Bay
09-11-2005, 00:30
This is getting fairly elitist. I don't think I can actually do anything of my own free will. Despite being on friendly terms with some of the most powerful nations in the world and having friends in South America as well (we are fairly okay with Argentina), we are completely helpless. We seem to develop very slowly and despite extensive outside investment and grants from both the Union in the past and from America and the UK in the present, we still seem to be considered completely backward and incapable of anything both militarily and economically. We are the largest country in South America yet we get what, 3 build points is it? Despite all the money from the US and the UK currently pouring in in the form of industry (UK) and hard cash (US) we are a third world country still when compared with say, Colombia, despite us recieving equal or more investment than them from one foreign power or another over the past years.
economic power doesn't immediately become military power... and I didn't say you were backwards, I said that the military equation is massively against you at the moment.
You also suffered substantial damage to your economy during your Civil War (which was intended), and Canada is the largest country in the Western Hemisphere in terms of size, but has 10% of the US in population. So yes, you are still a third world country, but a lot better of than say, Liberia. For that matter, Greece and Yugoslavia aren't much better off than you are, and worse of in some ways. Most of the territory of Brazil in the 1920s is wilderness, and yes, you only get 3 build points. The reason you have that many is because of the foreign aid you got after the peace treaty which allowed you to restore your economy.
However, as you haven't posted directly what you are building, but said you were building factories, I assume it will go up at some point to 4 or 5 build points. Which is pretty good.
Argentina replies that it is "cautiously optimistic" about the Colombian plans for Venezuela. It's leaders wonder openly if Colombia might have any alterior motivations than mearly increasing the living conditions of their neihboring country. Argentina remembers her own foray into territorial expansion and the opposition, including Colombia, who threatened war.
Argentina is too civilized for that, but hopes it's fears are misguided. Clearly, like all South American countries, political boundries remain cultural ones as well (OOC: why Gran Colombia failed, and why Guatemala failed to hold on to Central America... i.e. The people owe more loyalty to their local government dislike the idea of people lording over them for afar). As such, Argentina remains "cautiously optimistic" that this is just Colombia's way of "sharing the wealth" with it's poorer, unlucky neighbors to the East.
09-11-2005, 18:07
economic power doesn't immediately become military power... and I didn't say you were backwards, I said that the military equation is massively against you at the moment.
You also suffered substantial damage to your economy during your Civil War (which was intended), and Canada is the largest country in the Western Hemisphere in terms of size, but has 10% of the US in population. So yes, you are still a third world country, but a lot better of than say, Liberia. For that matter, Greece and Yugoslavia aren't much better off than you are, and worse of in some ways. Most of the territory of Brazil in the 1920s is wilderness, and yes, you only get 3 build points. The reason you have that many is because of the foreign aid you got after the peace treaty which allowed you to restore your economy.
However, as you haven't posted directly what you are building, but said you were building factories, I assume it will go up at some point to 4 or 5 build points. Which is pretty good.
Yes I only recieved aid from the US and the UK after the war, but before the war my army was, and technically still is, supervised by French officers and trainers, and the Union helped me build extensive modern rail networks AND aided my agricultural sector hugely.
1932 - Bogota
Colombia and Venezeula Unite Together!
In an astounding vote held in Venezeula, the people have decided to join with their Colombian Brethren. It has been promised that the mistakes of Gran Colombia will not be repeated. As this is written, Venezeulan Hospitals, Schools, Roads, Railways, Ports, and other infrastructure is being brought upto the same level as Colombia.
In other news, Colombia has announced the creation of two Domestic Airlines, and one International Airline in the near future. Airports are being built in Caracas, Bogota, Cali, Maracaibo, Panama, Tucupita, David, Barranquilla, and Cayenne in French Guyana. International Airports will be located in Bogota, Caracas, and Panama.
TC3A Conquistidor
Crew: one, pilot
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Cheetah twelve cylinder inverted-Vee liquid cooled engine rated at 1265hp
Maximum speed: 361 mph
Range: 495 miles
Service ceiling: 38,000 ft
Climb Rate: 990 meters/min (3500 ft/min).
Wing Area: 21.42m2
Armament: 4 x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 guns outside of propeller arc.
Designed to be Super-Maneuverable, this new Aircraft will replace the TC2A Cavaliers previously used in the Colombian Airforce. Design is expected to continue into 1935, when first shipments of the aircraft are expected to begin. Current teams are inspecting downed Japanese Aircraft to determine how they are able to defeat Chinese Aircraft so easily.
Pilots flying the TC2A and TC3A will have their training intensified, and more flight time is assured. The Colombian Pilots would not be as untrained and undisiplined as the Chinese Airforce.
A Divebomber is also in the works right now.
Galveston Bay
15-12-2005, 23:40
The United States makes a proposal to the government and people of Colombia
Comminque to Colombia
From: The Sovereign Republic of China
We are honored that the Colombian people stood up with the true China, and lent us your support. China would like to ask for your support once again, as these are very trying times for China. However, we shall repay your support threefold as we never forget our true friends as well as our true enemies.
I would like to make inquires into Colombian aid in rebuilding some of the destroyed Chinese factories, infrastructure, and economy. Perhaps some Colombian capital could be donated to rebuild several infrastructure centers, so that China can pull itself together and recover from the horrific acts by the Japanese.
Please contact me as soon as possible so that we can hopefully work together to become stronger as a whole.
Thank you and go in peace.
Chiang Kai Shek
Galveston Bay
18-12-2005, 00:27
The US government will provide 10 points of aid for 1936, this will be the final year of the aid package.
Vas Pokhoronim
18-12-2005, 16:51
For nearly fifteen years, the Sovereign People's Conciliar Union and its constituent republics have extended no diplomatic recognition to Gran Colombia and its constituent republics.
The Union has long regarded Colombia as an interfering, adventurist irritant. We are sure that Bogotá's assessments of Warsaw are similarly unflattering.
We feel that things have gone far enough in the direction of hostility, however. In truth, the Colombian system provides an interesting alternative example of social democracy (if not conciliar social democracy), that may yet possibly develop into true socialism. It is possible that our peoples may have more in common with each other than our history of antagonism over specific events has thus far shown.
Warsaw is therefore inquiring as to the receptivity of Bogotá to the possibility of restoring normal diplomatic relations, with an eye towards reducing, even gradually, the animosities between our two powers.
- Theodor Liebknecht, Federal Premier of the Sovereign People's Conciliar Union
Bogotá is highly receptive to the idea of reopening relations with the Republics of the Sovereign People's Conciliar Union. While we do not believe in the immediate application of Socialism, if that is what occurs over time, then that is what the Lord has wished for Gran Colombia and her people.
Perhaps a meeting should take place between Vincente Sewell and a representative from your Republics should take place, sometime in the near future. We look forward to cooperation with the democratically and spirtually free peoples of the Sovereign People's Conciliar Union.
Vas Pokhoronim
19-12-2005, 06:46
Take the fleet carrier. I just found out I have more important things to spend the points on.
And I'll get back to you soon on scheduling an official meeting.
19-12-2005, 20:07
(if and when Brazil hears about this)
Brazil applauds this thawing of relations and we hope it will in turn lead to more healthy relations between our country and the nation of Gran Colombia now that you are reconciled with one of our greatest comrades in the Union.
Vas Pokhoronim
23-12-2005, 03:22
Bogotá is highly receptive to the idea of reopening relations with the Republics of the Sovereign People's Conciliar Union. While we do not believe in the immediate application of Socialism, if that is what occurs over time, then that is what the Lord has wished for Gran Colombia and her people.
Perhaps a meeting should take place between Vincente Sewell and a representative from your Republics should take place, sometime in the near future. We look forward to cooperation with the democratically and spirtually free peoples of the Sovereign People's Conciliar Union.
Former USDR Premier Bukharin would be honored to represent the Union at the summit with Señor Sewell. We suggest the Principality of Monaco as a location.
Former USDR Premier Bukharin would be honored to represent the Union at the summit with Señor Sewell. We suggest the Principality of Monaco as a location.
Colombia will gladly send Sewell to Monaco, to meet with the Premier. What date did the USDR have in mind?
Vas Pokhoronim
23-12-2005, 06:41
OoC: We changed our name since Bukharin was Premier, by the way, when the USDR merged with Germany and shifted the capital to Warsaw. Now we're the SPCU. I don't blame anyone for the confusion, though - when you're running a revolutionary state, it's supposed be changing all the time . . .
Anyway, I chose Bukharin because he was the Russian leader way back during the Ukrainian Drought.
Comrade Bukharin will propose the 4th of March next year.
OoC: Tuesday. I'm pretty busy this weekend. If only the ACLU would finally win the War on Christmas. It makes me wonder what I keep paying my membership dues for . . .
In a the 1938 election, Eleazar López Contreras has been voted in as President of Gran Colombia. He is the first Venezuelan to be elected to this position. His running mate, Juan Demóstenes Arosemena is Panamanian, with selected Foreign Minister, Alfonso López Pumarejo, a Colombian. This new government is the most diverse government since the creation of Gran Colombia, and heralds a new age in equality.
In Military news, Colombian Arms Manufactor's are currently designing a long barreled high-velocity 77mm Tank Gun, and a short barrelled low-velocity 76.5mm infantry support gun. While the chassis and turret are currently under design, a suitable engine is still needed. The Infantry Support Tank is to be around 25 to 30 tons, and the Cruiser Tank to be in the upper 30 ton range.
ooc: Fingers are crossed for a meteor engine!
Comminque to Gran Colombia
From: Sovereign Republic of China
We were wondering if the Colombian people would be willing to provide China with defensive tools to protect itself aganist any future Japanese incursion. We have heard that the Colombian people are creating several wonderful defensive weapons that could aid China immensely in its development of strong defenses. Towards this end, we would like to make inquiries into what the Colombian people are willing to offer to China.
We truly hope we can continue our close relationship, as your people have stood by China in her times of need. The time is drawing near when China will be able to repay all the wonderful assistance that the Colombian people have provided.
Thank you and go in peace.
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
TANK PROTOTYPE - P40A1, P40A2, P40A3, P40A4
P = Pesado = Heavy
40 = Development Year
Armament: 77 mm Gun*, MG 8 mm, Co-Ax MG 8mm, Commanders Gun mount .50 Cal.
Crew: 4
Armor (max.): 81 mm
Dimensions: 6.05 x 2.90 x 2.52 m
Weight: 35 ton
Engine: Cadillac V12 510hp
Fuel: Gasoline
Performance: 39kmh On Road, 24mph Off Road
Range: Unknown
Armament: 76.5 mm Gun**, MG 8 mm, Co-Ax MG 8mm, Commanders Gun mount .50 Cal.
Crew: 4
Armor (max.): 81 mm
Dimensions: 6.05 x 2.90 x 2.52 m
Weight: 34 ton
Engine: Cadillac V12 510hp
Fuel: Gasoline
Performance: 40kmh On Road, 26mph Off Road
Range: Unknown
Armament: 90mm Gun***, MG 8 mm, Co-Ax MG 8mm, Commanders Gun mount .50 Cal.
Crew: 4
Armor (max.): 70 mm
Dimensions: 6.05 x 2.90 x 2.52 m
Weight: 34 ton
Engine: Cadillac V12 510hp
Fuel: Gasoline
Performance: 35kmh On Road, 24mph Off Road
Range: Unknown
Armament: 80mm Gun****, MG 8 mm, Co-Ax MG 8mm, Commanders Gun mount .50 Cal, Bow Mounted Flamethrower.
Crew: 4
Armor (max.): 68 mm
Dimensions: 6.05 x 2.90 x 2.52 m
Weight: 32 ton
Engine: Cadillac V12 490hp
Fuel: Diesel
Performance: 31kmh On Road, 26mph Off Road
Range: Unknown (Far greater though)
P40 Series of Colombian Medium-Heavy Tanks
Mounting a long barreled (48 calibers) high-velocity 77 (17 pounder) gun, the P40A1 has proven to be lethal to most tanks. The gun is generally powerful enough to knock out a Tiger, Panther, or T-34. The armour can withstand a shot from an 88mm anti-tank fixed gun position from 1500m*
Manueverability is excellent, provided by a true christie suspension system. The tracks are roughly 24", allowing for a more dispersed weight than most systems, including the Sherman Tanks. This allows the P40A1 to traverse paticularily muddy area's.
Excellent engine performance comes in the form of a gasoline V12 Cadillac Engine, with 510hp. While the use of Gasoline hinders range, and raises temperatures, it allows for a higher top speed.
Essentially the same tank, one ton lighter, due to a different armament. The Gun featured on the A2 is a low velocity 76.5mm L24 gun, paticularily useful in infantry support, deploying high-explosive and canister rounds.
The Engine, suspension, and armour remains the same, with some slight improvements to speed due to the reduced weight.
An enlarged turret features a 90mm High velocity gun of 50 calibers. This gun could easily knock out a Tiger, Panther, KV-1/2/3, or a JS-1/2. The Armour remains the same, but a major cost to increased weight. The P40A3 is unlikely to see production, as the engine was not replaced. The speed has been reduced dramatically, which prevents the P40A3 from remaining in formation with other tanks. Suspension has also suffered, and it is noted that the P40A3 may not be able to handle Colombian or Venezuelan terrain.
It has been recommended by staff that the impressive 90mm gun be transfered to a larger platform, with a larger chassis for an improved engine. Work has already begun on this, named the P42A1. The stronger engine and larger frame will also allow for more armour.
Replacing the A2 before it even entered production, the A4 is meant as an infantry support vehicle. Its diesel engine allows it a greater range to keep up with advances, but speed suffers. It is believed however, that if it is used in conjuncture with infantry, the lower speed will not be of too much concern.
Mounting a low velocity 80mm L24 cannon, the weight has also increased as well. The shell can, however, reduce buildings and earthworks to rubble. Although not powerful enough to breach a bunker, it mounts a flamethrower which would do the job quite admicably. This adds to the reasons for a diesel engine, as diesel is far less flammable than gasoline, and should the flamethrower fuel tanks become ignited, it will not cause an internal explosion. Also, the diesel engine produces less heat, and will not be as discomforting for friendly troops around the vehicle.
ooc: And yes, the picture is the actual Italian P40 Heavy Tank.
TC3A Conquistidor
Crew: one, pilot
Powerplant: 1x Sewell Cheetah twelve cylinder inverted-Vee liquid cooled engine rated at 1265hp
Maximum speed: 361 mph
Range: 495 miles
Service ceiling: 38,000 ft
Climb Rate: 990 meters/min (3500 ft/min).
Wing Area: 21.42m2
Armament: 4 x .50 in (12.7 mm) M2 guns outside of propeller arc.
Designed to be Super-Maneuverable, this new Aircraft will replace the TC2A Cavaliers previously used in the Colombian Airforce. Design is expected to continue into 1935, when first shipments of the aircraft are expected to begin. Current teams are inspecting downed Japanese Aircraft to determine how they are able to defeat Chinese Aircraft so easily.
Pilots flying the TC2A and TC3A will have their training intensified, and more flight time is assured. The Colombian Pilots would not be as untrained and undisiplined as the Chinese Airforce.
A Divebomber is also in the works right now.
Comparison with A6M5 Zero:
Speed: 351mph
Climb Rate: Climbing speed of 3,000 m in 9 min 30 sec (Mine is 3800m)
Service Ceiling: 38,520ft
Armament: two 20 mm cannon and two 7.7 mm machine guns.
Wing Area: 21.30m2
The Colombian C2M2 Conquistador matches or surpases the A6M5 Zero in all aspects except range, where the A6M5 can carry more fuel. This results in a heavier aircraft than the C2M2. Generally in terms of maneuverability, the lighter aircraft will always have the upper hand. This was shown in WW2 during fights between the Zero and the heavier American counterparts. The C2M3 will actually bridge the weight gap between the two planes, and increase the fuel for a longer range aircraft. Generally the Navy will recieve the C2M3, but some Airforce units will recieve them as well.
Speed is almost the same, but the C2M2 pulls out by 10mph. Climbing rate is also greater in the C2M2, but cannot reach the same altitude as the A6M5, but only be 500m.
Its armament of 4 12.7mm HMG's allows it to tear through the relatively light armament of a A6M5 Zero.
To recap: C2M2 is faster, more maneuverable, climbs faster, and is slight less expensive.
Armament: 83.4mm Gun (20 Pounder), Co-Ax MG 8mm, Commanders Copula Gun mount .50 Cal, Engineers Copula Mount 20mm AA
Crew: 5 (Commander, gunner, loader, driver, radio operator/engineer)
Armor (max.): 120 mm @12° (Upper Hull, 35° lower hull) Turret: 120mm @ 60°, and 120mm @ 10°)
Dimensions: 8.4 x 3.43 x 2.7 m
Ground Clearance: 0.48m
Weight: 55t
Engine: Cadillac V12 795hp
Fuel: Gasoline
Performance: 37kmh On Road, 22.1kph Off Road
Turning Radius: 2.1m
Fording Depth: 1m without gear, 3.96m with
Trench Crossing: 2.65m
Vertical Obstacle: 0.8m
Wheels each side: 6 in pairs
Track Length: 9' 9"
Track Width: 2'2"
Suspension: True Christie
Design Notes:
The 20 pounder, 83.4mm (71 calibers) gun can knock out a Tiger Tank at 2000m or greater. Of course most tank battles are fought closer, and the 20 pdr achieves 300mm of penetration at 500m, and 280mm of penetration at 1000m. Using British made APDS rounds, the gun can easily knock out any tank in the world, with an exception to the Chinese tank in design. A new optics system allows the tank to engage other targets at far longer ranges than its peers. A Mark III Radio system allows the tanks to remain in communication during combat, and the Command Tanks have some of the ammunition removed to allow for more equipment.
Replaces the 83.4mm gun with that of the American 90mm M3 model. Not sure which is superior, as the British Sabot appears to have better penetration than the American HVAP.
ooc: Note, the Ferdinand, which resulted from this chassis, actually had 200mm of armour according to some sites, which I refuse to believe. Thats why this armour is 120mm. You can however, bolt another plate of around 70mm to some area's.
Middle Snu
11-01-2006, 02:38
Argentina proposes join exercises with the Colombian military. It is suggested that the 1st mechanized corps and 2nd infantry corps be sent to Colombia to engadge in joint exercises.
Colombia immediatly accepts. We would also recommend bringing a fighter group as well. Colombia will assign the 2nd Alpine Corp, 1st Mechanized Corp, 4th Air Group, and the 1st Bomber Group for this training.
Recommended training is in the Colombian Mountains, and plains in central Colombia.
Other News
The Alpine Corps have begun recieving P40A1's and A2's with a few P4200A1's. The Mechanized Corp is slated to recieve Many P4200A1's and several P40A1's A2's and A4's.
ooc: GB, can you tell us the results of the wargames/training.
Middle Snu
11-01-2006, 02:57
Argentina agrees to the location, and sends the 2nd fighter group as well.
Galveston Bay
11-01-2006, 04:12
Argentina agrees to the location, and sends the 2nd fighter group as well.
it will take a bit of time to get to Colombia, figure a couple of months to move everything, and then the exercises would take place in May. The Argentine troops, who are from a temperate climate, have to deal with tropical heat and humidity, and are deficient compared to the Colombians in doctrine, level of training and small unit leadership. In short, they get clobbered on the ground. In the air, they do well, as well as the Colombians with the only advantage being that the Colombians have slightly better aircraft (the Argentines are still equipped with the Zeros they got from Japan a couple of years back, which are becoming obsolescent).
Middle Snu
11-01-2006, 04:42
it will take a bit of time to get to Colombia, figure a couple of months to move everything, and then the exercises would take place in May. The Argentine troops, who are from a temperate climate, have to deal with tropical heat and humidity, and are deficient compared to the Colombians in doctrine, level of training and small unit leadership. In short, they get clobbered on the ground. In the air, they do well, as well as the Colombians with the only advantage being that the Colombians have slightly better aircraft (the Argentines are still equipped with the Zeros they got from Japan a couple of years back, which are becoming obsolescent).
The army, embarrassed by their defeat, takes lessons learned and begins to train harder, hoping to avoid another crushing loss. The air force brags about their "victory", although they do put in a request to have their fighters replaced with more recent craft.
The military requests a rematch next year in Argentina.
Colombia agrees to next years games; In the meantime, Colombian Pilots will undergo more intense training, but it hasn't been decided whether or not a new fighter will be made. Colombia is considering waiting for jet aircraft before spending money to design an obsolete aircraft type. (we would buy P51's if they were out.)
Also, the Colombian Groundforces will learn from both their mistakes and triumphs. Key issues will be dealt with, while strengths will be noted.
Galveston Bay
11-01-2006, 23:58
Colombia TG me
In addition, time is frozen for 24 hours as the Jolt has been flaky and to give everyone a chance to read what has happened so far
With the introduction of Messerschmitt's new aircraft, the Me-17, Colombia has sought a new plane to already succeed it in speed and maneuverability. It was a young Colombian Engineer, by the name of Marco Chavez that introduced the new idea. Based on the Original Me-262, the Me-19 would have two higher-power Valencio-Sewell jets, built closer to the body of the aircraft, in two streamlined pods, that fit in with the contours of the aircraft.
The overall design reduces drag considerably, as the cockpit has been moved back right into the tail root, conforming with the smooth lines. Armament will come in the way of 4 23mm cannons, and underwing pylons to mount two rocket-pods (and later missiles ;)) under the wing, and one bomb along the center line. Guestimated speed is supersonic, but classified at the moment. Of course still a design, the Me-19 will not enter production for another couple of years.
Gran Colombian President Out!
In a wild turn of events, the Gran Colombian opposition party, headed by Juan Contaraz Pumalonjo, passed a vote of non-confidence, collapsing the current government. The vote has been attributed to Eleazar Lopez Conteras recent comments regarding India, mishandling of Colombian Money, Intolerance, and accepting bribery.
Galveston Bay
13-02-2006, 05:15
the birth rate in Colombia falls to below 1% (an effect of industrialization). However, the net population increase remains at 2% due to immigration from Central America and the Caribbean.
Costa Rica has industralized with US aid. (has 1 production center) and Costa Rica becomes a major producer of clothing (mirroring real life a half century early). Increasingly, the Central American economy (less Mexico) is becoming a part of the Colombian economy (no point gain, just an economic reality. In case of war, the Central American economic points will now go to Colombia instead of the US).
Haiti has another coup, and the US asks Colombia to step in and restore order as the US is fully committed elsewhere.
Colombia will send 1 Mechanized Division and two Mountain Regiments to the Domincan. A few more regiments will be available for use if necessary.
Whats the chances I could have part of central america join meee
Galveston Bay
13-02-2006, 05:30
Colombia will send 1 Mechanized Division and two Mountain Regiments to the Domincan. A few more regiments will be available for use if necessary.
Whats the chances I could have part of central america join meee
none, they don't really have much in the way of deployable armed forces. Costa Rica has no army at all, Honduras a militia unit (national police), the other nations have 1 or 2 garrison units and thats it. Cuba will send a few troops though (some engineers). By the way, light infantry would be more useful in Haiti then mechanized forces (Haiti has reallly lousy roads, and a lot of hills and mountians)
ooc: Then 4 Mountain Regiments.
My quesiton was actually if they would join Gran Colombia.
New Shiron
13-02-2006, 05:46
ooc: Then 4 Mountain Regiments.
My quesiton was actually if they would join Gran Colombia.
they lack the unity for that right now, and I have been pondering that, and for now, no, not yet. Gradually that will change though.
Juan Contaraz Pumalonjo, of the Conservative Party of Gran Colombia has been elected, 37% to the opposition liberal party's, 32%, while the Democratic Peoples Party (Socialists, but not radical) recieved 21% and 10% to Gran Colombian Centrist Party.
Pumalonjo has immediatly declared a third and final year of national effort, but has promised the people of Gran Colombia great benefits. He has also promised free Milk and Water to every home, tax cuts and financial assistance to families with three children, and higher wages. Already, the new Opposition party has warned that if the National Effort goes through to 1947, there will be another election.
The Conservative Party has also reshuffled the entire electoral system, with much approval from the other parties, except the Liberals. Now, there will be a Parliment in each territory of Gran Colombia. In order for a bill to become a law, it must be legislated through each parliment. The legislation will be done at roughly the same time, and no member of the parliment will be exposed to results from other territories. This is to ensure that no territory is treated unfairly in legislation, and each will have their say on a Bill. If the bill is struck down, each Parliment will make ammends to said bill, and they will be examined by a Superior Court, made up of one representative from each territory (But they are not allowed in the parliment)
The Superior Court will then ammend the bill, and it will be sent through once more. If it is not ratified the second time, it will face ammendments, with the third time being the final time. Once it is passed, the Superior Court and the Head of State will review it, and add their signatures to the bill.
The members of the Superior Court that represent each Territory will often bring forward the requirements for their territory to pass the bill, which will be included. There is expected to be some bartering, convincing, and cooperation during the ammendmant phase.
21-03-2006, 23:01
To the Columbian Government,
First off, I am sending this letter to the Gran Columbian government because you brought the nation of Columbia out of a hole and into prosperity. I hope to do the same. However, I am not sure if our nation will be successful unless we have economic aid from other nations. I would like to formally ask you, under the banner freedom and for the good of all Latin America, to help the nation of Brazil in this endeavor. Any type of aid would be much appreciated and welcome. Brazil would be grateful if the government of Columbia would look into this situation with much consideration.
General Pereira da Costa
The FNS government is more than happy to supply the Brazilian Government with 10 points of economic aid this year, and anywhere from 25 to 50 points the following year. We would recommend putting these points towards your infrastructure, perhaps matching it to ours.
22-03-2006, 19:26
The FNS government is more than happy to supply the Brazilian Government with 10 points of economic aid this year, and anywhere from 25 to 50 points the following year. We would recommend putting these points towards your infrastructure, perhaps matching it to ours.
Pereira da Costa sends the following message to the FNS government,
Iwould like to personally thank you for your contribution to the Brazilian people. The support you have shown towards your neighbor will not be forgotten. Also, I have indeed directed the funding your government into our infrastructure and once again would like to thank you and your people on behalf or Brazil. Moreover, thank you for informing the status of our nation to the French.
Pereira da Costa
OOC: I built 2 shipping and 1 air terminal = 10 points
New Bomber:
M-50 Bounder
Type: Supersonic Strategic Bomber, Missile Platform
Country of Origin: Gran Colombia
Powerplant: Four wing-mounted 13,000kg (28,860lb) Sewell-Porsche-Messershcmitt D-15 turbojets
Performance: maximum speed at altitude 1950 km/h (1,212mph)
Altitude: 70,000+
Range: 10,000 km
Weights: Approx. 70,000lbs of armaments; 30,500kg
Dimensions: wing span of 35.1 meters and a length of 57.5 meters
Armament: 1 23mm cannon; Internal Bomb Bay carrying Stand off nuclear weapons. Capable of launching Anti-shipping missiles, Air to surface missiles, and eventually, ASAT missiles.
16 AS-15 Kent type missiles
6 AS-6 Kingfish type missiles
10 AS-5 Kelt type missiles
12 M-61 Cruise Missiles (1000km range)
Crew: 5; Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, Weapons Officer, Communications Officer.
26-03-2006, 08:26
OOC: I was wondering how many points you were gonna aid Brazil with next year, I just need to know for my build. Thx.
Brazil would like to let the FNS know that Brazil is planing on haveing free elections within the next 2 weeks.
Galveston Bay
26-03-2006, 10:14
New Bomber:
M-50 Bounder
Type: Supersonic Strategic Bomber, Missile Platform
Country of Origin: Gran Colombia
Powerplant: Four wing-mounted 13,000kg (28,860lb) Sewell-Porsche-Messershcmitt D-15 turbojets
Performance: maximum speed at altitude 1950 km/h (1,212mph)
Altitude: 70,000+
Range: 10,000 km
Weights: Approx. 70,000lbs of armaments; 30,500kg
Dimensions: wing span of 35.1 meters and a length of 57.5 meters
Armament: 1 23mm cannon; Internal Bomb Bay carrying Stand off nuclear weapons. Capable of launching Anti-shipping missiles, Air to surface missiles, and eventually, ASAT missiles.
16 AS-15 Kent type missiles
6 AS-6 Kingfish type missiles
10 AS-5 Kelt type missiles
12 M-61 Cruise Missiles (1000km range)
Crew: 5; Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, Weapons Officer, Communications Officer.
1958 at the earliest for this... its pushing the technlogy of the day a bit.
the real M-50 Bounder was designed in the early 1950's and first prototype flew in 1957 and last flights were in 1961.
Galveston Bay
26-03-2006, 18:21
the real M-50 Bounder was designed in the early 1950's and first prototype flew in 1957 and last flights were in 1961.
26-03-2006, 21:38
OOC: I was wondering how many points you were gonna aid Brazil with next year, I just need to know for my build. Thx.
Brazil would like to let the FNS know that Brazil is planing on haveing free elections within the next 2 weeks.
just a reminder if u didnt see it
Sharpe, Michael. Attack and Interceptor Jets. Amber Books Ltd (1999): London. Pg 216
Type: Two seat all-weather interceptor
Powerplant: two 8119kg (17,900lb) Sewell-Porsche F31-SP-03 Turbojet
Performance: Max speed at high altitude 2414km/h (1500mp/h); Service ceiling over 60,000ft; Range 2817km (1750mi)
Weights: 12,700kg empty
Dimensions: span 12.4m; length 18.31m; height 5.02m; wing area 50.58sq m;
Armament: four long range missiles under fuselage; two wing pylons for middle range missiles or four short range missiles; 23mm cannon in fuselage. Four wing pylons for tanks bombs or other stores t a maximum weight of 6220kg (13,500lb)
Breakthroughs in RADAR technology have allowed the Federación de Naciónes Suramericanos improve the air search RADAR held within the nose of the Me-121 allowing it a considerable advantage over other interceptors of its type. The Me-121 is also designed to work with AWACs aircraft specifically those made by the US; the compatability allows ease of joint missions with the Federations largest and most prominent ally. Unfortunatly the trade off would be a inferior ground-attack ability, And infact, the ground attack capability is almost unknown.
(Im going to suggest Air Combat Ability 14, Ground Attack 1 or even 0 but maybe cost of 4pts)
Oh, and pic coming soon.
NOTE: Im spending a shit load on the technology for the aircraft over the next year.
Galveston Bay
27-03-2006, 05:18
Sharpe, Michael. Attack and Interceptor Jets. Amber Books Ltd (1999): London. Pg 216
I stick with my guess estimate on availability, and make it 1960
from the link
One writer commented that it was "an outstanding failure which revealed an embarassing lack of understanding of the problems of high-speed flight."
Galveston Bay
27-03-2006, 05:19
Type: Two seat all-weather interceptor
Powerplant: two 8119kg (17,900lb) Sewell-Porsche F31-SP-03 Turbojet
Performance: Max speed at high altitude 2414km/h (1500mp/h); Service ceiling over 60,000ft; Range 2817km (1750mi)
Weights: 12,700kg empty
Dimensions: span 12.4m; length 18.31m; height 5.02m; wing area 50.58sq m;
Armament: four long range missiles under fuselage; two wing pylons for middle range missiles or four short range missiles; 23mm cannon in fuselage. Four wing pylons for tanks bombs or other stores t a maximum weight of 6220kg (13,500lb)
Breakthroughs in RADAR technology have allowed the Federación de Naciónes Suramericanos improve the air search RADAR held within the nose of the Me-121 allowing it a considerable advantage over other interceptors of its type. The Me-121 is also designed to work with AWACs aircraft specifically those made by the US; the compatability allows ease of joint missions with the Federations largest and most prominent ally. Unfortunatly the trade off would be a inferior ground-attack ability, And infact, the ground attack capability is almost unknown.
(Im going to suggest Air Combat Ability 14, Ground Attack 1 or even 0 but maybe cost of 4pts)
Oh, and pic coming soon.
looks a lot like the Avro Arrow, or is it based on something else?
Arrow and Phantom... it looks like the phantom but longer and a little more pronounced RADAR dome.
1960?! Daymn... That writer was western... and not much is actually known about the aircraft. How about 1958 if I keep sinking points into its research?
and no it wasn't just copy and paste, I did it freehand looking up and back down. Why change a good thing right ;)
Also, it should appear about the same time as the F4
28-03-2006, 22:31
Brazil is interested in Columbia's offer. We ask that you just send us the information (cost, ratting and such) about the plane and would also like to know when it would be available.
So whats going on with my plane?
11-04-2006, 20:28
Pereira da Costa sends a letter to the FNS informing them of a military expansion soon to take place. The letter basically says that Brazil knows that it would be, "stupid" to go into a military build up with very little experienced personnel. Also that Brazil would like to ask the FNS to send troops to train Brazilian soldiers. Moreover, that Brazil would like to purchase FNS made equipment due to the advances that the FNS has made in military tech and would like only the best.
He closes with thanks and hopeing that this could be that “start of a great relationship” Pereira da Costa
Galveston Bay
18-04-2006, 07:41
for the FNS to join in with the American Space program, the US will need 6 points this year from the FNS to build the launch center at Cayenne so that a communications satellite launch facility can be built, and the US will accept FNS astronauts for training for upcoming Gemini missions.
ooc: 6 points is certainly less than what we are paying now. I'd imagine there would be a launch center there anyways since I've been putting money into my space program for two years now.
25-04-2006, 22:04
Brazil sends a proposal to the FNS. It basicaly states that Brazil is in need of new technology to support its newly created naval fleet (missle tech for cruisers and such). In return, Brazil promises to supply the FNS with an alternate fuel. (ethanol when it becomes avalible, US is helping Brazil research it).
Ethenol will certainly ease our oil constraints. We will share our technology with the Brazilians on the conditions of a Non-Aggression Pact, Mutual Defense Pact, and both must recognize the sovereignty and independance of each other.
New Bomber:
M-50 Bounder
Type: Supersonic Strategic Bomber, Missile Platform
Country of Origin: Gran Colombia
Powerplant: Four wing-mounted 13,000kg (28,860lb) Sewell-Porsche-Messershcmitt D-15 turbojets
Performance: maximum speed at altitude 1950 km/h (1,212mph)
Altitude: 70,000+
Range: 10,000 km
Weights: Approx. 70,000lbs of armaments; 30,500kg
Dimensions: wing span of 35.1 meters and a length of 57.5 meters
Armament: 1 23mm cannon; Internal Bomb Bay carrying Stand off nuclear weapons. Capable of launching Anti-shipping missiles, Air to surface missiles, and eventually, ASAT missiles.
16 AS-15 Kent type missiles
6 AS-6 Kingfish type missiles
10 AS-5 Kelt type missiles
12 M-61 Cruise Missiles (1000km range)
Crew: 5; Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, Weapons Officer, Communications Officer.
Having run into significant design problems, a new prototype has been built;
Picture! (
M-52 Dragon
Type: Supersonic Strategic Bomber, Missile Platform, Reccy, Naval Interdiction
Country of Origin: Venezuela
Powerplant: six Sewell-Porsche-Messershcmitt D-17 turbojets achieving 28,000lb of thrust each
Performance: maximum speed at altitude Mach 3.1, 3,800 km/h (2,360 mph)
Altitude: 77,350 ft (23,600 m)
Range: 4,288 mi
Empty weight: 210,000 lb (93,000kg)
Loaded weight: 534,700 lb (242,500kg)
Armament Weights: 50,000lb
Dimensions: wing span of 105 ft and a length of 185.10 ft
Armament: 1 23mm cannon; Internal Bomb Bay carrying Stand off nuclear weapons. Capable of launching Anti-shipping missiles, Air to surface missiles, and eventually, ASAT missiles. Generally carries 4 free-fall nuclear weapons, and two to four stand off or cruisemissile type weapons.
8 AS-15 Kent type missiles (Entire Payload)
4 AS-6 Kingfish type missiles (Entire Payload)
6 AS-5 Kelt type missiles (Entire Payload)
10 M-61 Cruise Missiles (800km range) (Entire Payload)
8 B55 Nuclear Weapons
4 M-61 Cruise Missiles, 4 B55 Nuclear Weapons (I am unsure of the kilotons that it should have... GB?)
2 AS-15 Kent ASM, 4 B61 Nuclear Weapons
Crew: 2;
Color code for land attack package
Color code for naval attack package
07-05-2006, 03:54
OOC: What missile tech do you have, i just need to know what tech Brazil got from the agreement.
South American Incorporated Army
1st Specialized Infantry Division (Hand-Picked Training)
1st Mechanized Division "The Fighting First" (Elite Training)
2nd Mechanized Division "Liberties Boys" (Elite Training)
3rd Mechanized Division "Faithful Third" (Elite Training)
4th Mechanized Division "Fourth Native" (Elite Training)
5th Mechanized Division "Rolling Hell" (Elite Training)
6th Mechanized Division "Breakthrough Division" (Elite Training)
1st Armoured Division "Hammer" (Elite Training)
2nd Armoured Division "Anvil" (Elite Training)
2nd Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 1st Mountain Brigade
- 2nd Mountain Brigade
3rd Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 3rd Mountain Brigade
- 4th Mountain Brigade
4th Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 5th Mountain Brigade
- 6th Mountain Brigade
5th Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 7th Mountain Brigade
- 8th Mountain Brigade
6th Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 9th Mountain Brigade
- 10th Mountain Brigade
1st Army
1st Air Artillery Division
2nd Air Artillery Division
South American Incorporated Airforce
11 Elite Pilots
5 Elite Pilots
8 Jet Fighter Wings (M-121)
1 F12 High Altitude High Speed Interceptor
1 Intercontinental Jet Bomber Wing (Tu-95)
3 E121 Aircraft
1 KC-130 Refueler
500 ICBMs /w MIRV
400 AS-14 Kent type missiles
1200 Nuclear Warheads
South American Incorporated Navy
1st Fleet
1 Heavy Carrier
2 Heavy Missile Cruisers
2 Light Missile Cruisers
2 AA Cruisers
15 Destroyers
20 Frigates
40 Missile Boats
2 Nuclear Submarines
2 Replenishment Ships
2nd Fleet
1 Heavy Carrier
2 Heavy Missile Cruisers
2 Light Missile Cruisers
2 AA Cruisers
15 Destroyers
20 Frigates
40 Missile Boats
2 Nuclear Submarines
2 Replenishment Ships
3rd Fleet
1 Heavy Carrier
2 Heavy Missile Cruisers
2 Light Missile Cruisers
2 AA Cruisers
15 Destroyers
20 Frigates
40 Missile Boats
2 Nuclear Submarines
2 Replenishment Ships
16 Nuclear Submarines
10 Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines
[Place holder for some cool story telling eh WOT.]
The Nukak Natives in the Colombian and Venezuelan Amazon will be recruited into the 1st Infantry Division or the Nakak Special Operations Forces (N-SOF). Their superior hunting and warrior abilities provide them with a better training base than those from the cities.
For the first year and a half, the Nakak will be selected from rigerous trials and combat. They will then enter further conditioning and integration with the South American Military and the current military weapons. They will be taught to use their traditional weapons (The poisoned blow-pipe) effectively in certain conditions such as assassination or reccy where stealth is required.
Every Nakak warrior will carry his blowpipe, a long knife, an M14, flak jacket, 6 magazines, 4 grenades, and a disposable rocket.
The Australian government secretly forwards a request to the FNS that any information regarding the crisis in the United States be forwarded to us through our alliance. Australian intel resources are extremely limited in this matter and the security of our participation in the OA could be in jeoprady should this instability continue.
FNS replies that it is currently in the dark regarding this matter. We will not assist the United States should they launch a pre-emptive strike upon Asia.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 04:25
FNS replies that it is currently in the dark regarding this matter. We will not assist the United States should they launch a pre-emptive strike upon Asia.
Kennedy is forced to make a painful phone call to the President of the FNS explaining he doesn't have control of his nuclear forces and may not for several more hours.
The President of the FNS states that he will stand with the American People in their time of need. When the dust clears, we will be there to help.
29-06-2006, 15:48
México asks FNS about the possibility of a loan. What we have in mind is 10 points to be paid to Mexico in the revised build of 1964, and Mexico will pay FNS 1.5 points back for 8 years starting in 1966.
06-07-2006, 04:42
At 2.5 points apiece, the CSPS is asking to purchase a number of Kfir fighters from the FNS to be delivered immediately.
Federation of South American Nations Military (End of 1970)
South American Incorporated Army
1st Specialized Infantry Division "Nukak Specialists" (Hand-Picked Training)
1st Mechanized Division "The Fighting First" (Elite Training)
2nd Mechanized Division "Liberties Boys" (Elite Training)
3rd Mechanized Division "Faithful Third" (Elite Training)
1st Armoured Division "Hammer" (Elite Training)
2nd Armoured Division "Anvil" (Elite Training)
3rd Armoured Division "Sword" (Elite Training)
4th Armoured Division "Shield" (Elite Training)
2nd Airborne Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 1st Airborne Brigade
- 2nd Airborne Brigade
3rd Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 3rd Marine Brigade
- 4th Marine Brigade
4th Airborne Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 5th Airborne Brigade
- 6th Airborne Brigade
5th Airborne Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 7th Airborne Brigade
- 8th Airborne Brigade
6th Infantry Division (Elite Training)
- 9th Mountain Brigade
- 10th Mountain Brigade
1st Army Head Quarters Unit
2nd Army Head Quarters Unit
1st Mobile Artillery Unit
1st Air Artillery Division
2nd Air Artillery Division
6 Reserve Garrison Divisions
South American Incorporated Airforce
20 Elite Pilots
16 Average Pilots
8 F4Gs
4 Stuka II's
3 F-14's
5 Kfir Fighters
5 Kfir Fighters with ECM/Jamming Capabilities
2 Pucara Light Bombers
1 F12 High Altitude High Speed Interceptor
1 Intercontinental Jet Bomber Wing (Tu-95)
1 High Altitude High Speed Bomber (B-70)
2 E121 Aircraft
2 KC-130 Refueler
4 Transport Helicopter Units
3 Combat Helicopter Units
5 C-5 Galaxys
4 C-130 Hercules
South American Incorporated Navy
1st Fleet
1 Heavy Carrier
2 Heavy Missile Cruisers
2 Light Missile Cruisers
2 AA Cruisers
15 Destroyers
20 Frigates
40 Missile Boats
2 Nuclear Submarines
2 Replenishment Ships
2nd Fleet
1 Heavy Carrier
2 Heavy Missile Cruisers
2 Light Missile Cruisers
2 AA Cruisers
15 Destroyers
20 Frigates
40 Missile Boats
2 Nuclear Submarines
2 Replenishment Ships
3rd Fleet
1 Heavy Carrier
2 Heavy Missile Cruisers
2 Light Missile Cruisers
2 AA Cruisers
15 Destroyers
20 Frigates
40 Missile Boats
2 Nuclear Submarines
2 Replenishment Ships
16 Nuclear Submarines (Second Gen)
10 Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines (Laid Up)
In Offensive Action, military will be seperated into Three Armies;
Army Group One will consist of:
1st Army Head Quarters Unit
1st Mechanized Division "The Fighting First"
2nd Mechanized Division "Liberties Boys"
1st Armoured Division "Hammer"
2nd Armoured Division "Anvil"
3rd Armoured Division "Sword"
4th Armoured Division "Shield"
1st Mobile Artillery Unit
1st Air Artillery Division
2 Helicopter Gunship Unit
Army Group Two will consist of:
2nd Army Head Quarters Unit
3rd Mechanized Division "Faithful Third"
1st Specialized Infantry Division "Nukak Specialists"
Two Helicopter Transport Units
6th Infantry Division
Two Helicopter Transport Units
3rd Marine Division
2nd Mobile Artillery Unit
2nd Air Artillery Division
1 Helicopter Gunship Unit
Army Group Three will consist of:
2nd Airborne Infantry Division
1 C-5 Galaxy Transport Wing
4th Airborne Infantry Division
1 C-5 Galaxy Transport Wing
5th Airborne Infantry Division
2 C-130 Hercules Transport Wing
Group one presents a highly mobile force with extreme strength, in the form of four Armoured Divisions and two Mechanized Divisions capable of driving through any force presented before it in open combat. Support comes in the form of an AA Division, and Artillery Division as well as two AH-1 flights.
Group two presents a solid invasion force from the Sea; Airborne Assault Units and Marine Divisions would create a beach head for the Mechanized, Air Artillery, and Mobile Artillery Divisions to deploy. This group features the Nukak Special Forces, along with a second infantry division capable of Air Assault thanks to four Helicopter Transport Units. Once the Beachhead has been established, Army Group Two is exceptionable ability to handle Urban Combat situations.
Group Three represents the Airborne Detachment of the South American Military. They would strike deep into the enemy while Groups One and Two would work toward them, or, the three Divisions could theoretically split and reap havoc behind enemy lines such as destroying railroad systems, supply dumps as well as supply lines.
06-07-2006, 16:52
OOC: If this I couldnt have found out about this sale, then nevermind, but if I do, then here goes.
Russia, amazed to see the FNS supporting the enemies of so many former and present OA members, immediately cancels any plans for a peace conference in Caracas, the neutrality of the site lost. In addition, Russia's ambassador leaves and sets up a temporary office in El Salvador (which falls under his watch as well).
Well, sale is pretty secret, as shown in my build. And what do you mean falls under his watch?
FNS notes that at this point there is no UN embargo on the Scandic Union. Besides this fact, the FNS is not the one building the aircraft, rather a company within Argentina is, and the FNS has not placed the Scandic Union on a black list of any kind.
FNS will remind Russia that weapons... better weapons... are available to the Russians.
And in regards to OA nations; How quick they all were to disband the organization. No loyalty to other nations it would seem. South America owes them nothing.
New Dornalia
06-07-2006, 18:44
Well, sale is pretty secret, as shown in my build. And what do you mean falls under his watch?
And in regards to OA nations; How quick they all were to disband the organization. No loyalty to other nations it would seem. South America owes them nothing.
OOC: Ignore this message if the above statement was for the Russians only:
Then perhaps you may want allies who are dependable and reliable. Like Korea and our allies. We may have been the victim of atomic war, but at least we will not turn on you, in good times or bad.
06-07-2006, 22:45
OOC: Many times nations will have an embassy that represents its interests in more than the country it is in. Many embassies in Australia also "cover" Pacific nations, as it isn't worth building an embassy in each. Russia's FNS embassy would cover central America, the Washington embassy would cover the caribbean, etc.
IC: Russia, thinking the system was similar to their own (where the government must approve foreign arms sales), was hasty in its actions, and issues a quick retraction.
08-07-2006, 23:04
México asks FNS about the possibility of a loan. What we have in mind is 10 points to be paid to Mexico in the revised build of 1964, and Mexico will pay FNS 1.5 points back for 8 years starting in 1966.
Australia informs the FNS that it is more than welcome to use its ports as a base during operations against Pakistan.
Primary Function: Long-range, multi-role, heavy bomber, low level infiltration
Builder: Sewell-Messerschmitt-Porsche Industries
Power Plant: Two Sewell-Porsche MK094-C-52 turbofan engine with afterburner
Thrust: 55,000-plus pounds with afterburner, per engine
Length: 45.46 m (149 ft)
Wingspan: Spread (20° sweep): 23.30 m (76 ft 5 in)
Swept (65° sweep): 34.28 m (112 ft 6 in)) swept aft
Height: 11.05 m (36 ft 3 in)
Empty weight: 199,000 lb
Max takeoff weight: 407,800 lb
Maximum speed: Mach 2.00 (2,300 km/h, 1,430 mph)
Rotate and Takeoff Speeds: 210 Gross - 119 Rotate kts / 134 kts Takeoff
390 Gross - 168 kts Rotate / 183 kts Takeoff
Landing Speeds: 210 Gross - 145 kts
380 Gross - 195 kts
Range: long, unrefueled with drop pods
Ceiling: Over 40,000 feet (13,000 meters)
Crew: Four (aircraft commander, pilot, offensive systems officer and defensive systems officer)
Guns: 1× GSh-23 cannon in remotely controlled tail turret
weapons bay for 21,000 kg (46,300 lb) of disposable ordnance
80 Mk 62
80 MK82
25 CBU 87
25 CBU 89
25 CBU 97
10 Mk 65
3× Raduga Kh-22 missile in weapons bay (precluded any other payload) or
3× internal rotary launcher six Raduga Kh-15 short-range nuclear missiles plus two more Kh-15 or Kh-27 on each wing pylon
Suggested Rating:
Air Combat: 17 (Defense Only)
Ground Attack: 19
Naval Strike: 10
Range: Long
Galveston Bay
28-07-2006, 02:01
Primary Function: Long-range, multi-role, heavy bomber, low level infiltration
Builder: Sewell-Messerschmitt-Porsche Industries
Power Plant: Two Sewell-Porsche MK094-C-52 turbofan engine with afterburner
Thrust: 55,000-plus pounds with afterburner, per engine
Length: 45.46 m (149 ft)
Wingspan: Spread (20° sweep): 23.30 m (76 ft 5 in)
Swept (65° sweep): 34.28 m (112 ft 6 in)) swept aft
Height: 11.05 m (36 ft 3 in)
Empty weight: 199,000 lb
Max takeoff weight: 407,800 lb
Maximum speed: Mach 2.00 (2,300 km/h, 1,430 mph)
Rotate and Takeoff Speeds: 210 Gross - 119 Rotate kts / 134 kts Takeoff
390 Gross - 168 kts Rotate / 183 kts Takeoff
Landing Speeds: 210 Gross - 145 kts
380 Gross - 195 kts
Range: long, unrefueled with drop pods
Ceiling: Over 40,000 feet (13,000 meters)
Crew: Four (aircraft commander, pilot, offensive systems officer and defensive systems officer)
Armament: NUCLEAR
80 Mk 62
80 MK82
25 CBU 87
25 CBU 89
25 CBU 97
10 Mk 65
12 Cruise Missiles
Guns: 1× GSh-23 cannon in remotely controlled tail turret
weapons bay for 21,000 kg (46,300 lb) of disposable ordnance
1× Raduga Kh-22 missile in weapons bay (precluded any other payload) or
1× internal rotary launcher for six Raduga Kh-15 short-range nuclear missiles plus two more Kh-15 or Kh-27 on each wing pylon
Suggested Rating:
Air Combat: 17 (Defense Only)
Ground Attack: 19
Naval Strike: 10
Range: Long
I will get back to you on this after vacation
Due to the Instability of Foreign Sales to American Allies, the Federation of South American Nations, in colaberation with India, has created its own Air- Superiority aircraft.
JF-30 (Joint Fighter)
Country of Origin: Federation of South American Nations; India
Similar Aircraft: F-15 Eagle
F-14 Tomcat
MiG-29 Fulcrum
Crew: one
Role: interceptor; air superiority
Length 65 ft (20 m)
Span 45 ft, 6 in (14 m)
Armament One 23 mm cannon
up to 7,500kg of missiles
4 Short Range Air to Air Missiles (SRAAMs) (Two on wing tips, two on outer wing pylons)
4 Medium Range Air to Air Missiles (MRAAMs) (Two on intermediate and closest wing pylons)
4 Long Range Air to Air Missiles (LRAAMs) (Hard points underneath intakes)
In-Flight Refueling: Yes
Internal Fuel: 6350 kg
Drop Tanks: Drop tank with 1600kg for 126nm range
Payload: 7500kg
Sensors: Pulse-Dopler RADAR, IRST and TV sensors, RWR, Balistic bombsight, Bistatic RADAR
Maximum speed: Mach 2.5+ @ 40,000ft
Maximum weight: 30,400 kg
Ceiling: 15240-19,700 m
Range: 1,500 km combat radius [typical]
1,800 km cruise radius
4,000 km maximum range
PROPULSION: Two 14,550 kg thrust Sewell-Porsche AF-K-19
User Countries: FNS, India, UIR
The Design of this aircraft is based off of two of the best designed aircraft in the world
at the moment. The idea by IAI industries in juncture with Messerschmitt was to remove the
design flaws from both aircraft and produce the best aircraft on the market.
The body of the Su-27 has proven to be exceptionally maneuverable with space for advancement
as technology hurdles forward. Taking on this design, the body was generally copied with few
changes in terms of aerodynamics and effeciency. The major fallbacks of the Su-27 lay in its
control surfaces, and electronic systems.
IAI has lead research and has decided to emulate the American fighter by placing a powerful
pulse dopler radar system in the nose. This gives the aircraft the ability to engage targets
above and below the aircraft, and also a much longer search range than the Su-27. In the
rear of the aircraft lies a Bistatic RADAR system as well.
Both the Engines and RADAR systems can easily be replaced should it be required due to
damage or obsolecence. Phased Array RADAR systems are in the works.
The Fiber Optic Towed Decoy (FOTD) provides aircraft protection against modern radar-guided
missiles to supplement traditional radar jamming equipment. The device is towed at varying
distances behind the aircraft while transmitting a signal like that of a threat radar. The
missile will detect and lock onto the decoy rather than on the aircraft. This is achieved by
making the decoy’s radiated signal stronger than that of the aircraft.
The head-up display projects on the windscreen all essential flight information gathered by
the integrated avionics system. This display, visible in any light condition, provides the
pilot information necessary to track and destroy an enemy aircraft without having to look
down at cockpit instruments.
The Design of the body allows extreme angles of attack at low speeds giving the pilot an
advantage over other aircraft.
A series of missiles is being designed as well for the aircraft.
The SRAAM will be the Rafael Developed Python AAM. Eventually it will use the Python III.
THe MRAAM will be the newly designed Anaconda AAM, with a BVR range of 50 to 100km
The LRAAM is a revised version of the Surface to Air Weapon, the HAWK. The missile features
an improved engine system, guidance updates, as well as new control surfaces. The range is
speculated as being over 175km but under 300km.
31-07-2006, 09:50
Bogotá, FNS, February 1968
A series of diplomatic talks are held between the various Presidents and Ministers of the FNS and a delegation led by UN delegate Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Indira Ghandi’s sister, which includs several prominent Indian Cabinet officials, including the Minister of Trade, the Minister of External Affairs, and the Minister of Commerce and Industry. At this cordial meeting the South American-Indian Subcontinent Friendship and Trade Agreement is signed between the two Governments.
Summery of the South American-Indian Subcontinent Friendship and Trade Agreement
The FNS and Republic of India agree to measures encouraging commerce, trade, and mutual private sector investment in each others economies. India pledges to work to recruit additional nations of or in close proximity to the Indian subcontinent into the Agreement.
The Agreement establishes a mutual trade and defense pact between the Republic of India and the Federation of South American Nations. Both States in the Agreement pledge to come to the defense of the other in the event of an attack upon one of the signatories by an aggressor as well as to help preserve each others sovereignty and independence.
The FNS states that the border between India and United Islamic Republic controlled Pakistan is final and any violation of that sovereign and demilitarized border by the UIR will mean the FNS immediately coming to India’s aid in repelling that violation.
31-07-2006, 14:24
The FNS states that the border between India and United Islamic Republic controlled Pakistan is final and any violation of that sovereign and demilitarized border by the UIR will mean the FNS immediately coming to India’s aid in repelling that violation.
Generally the FNS player would announce this
31-07-2006, 14:53
Bogotá, FNS, February 1968
A series of diplomatic talks are held between the various Presidents and Ministers of the FNS and a delegation led by UN delegate Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Indira Ghandi’s sister, which includs several prominent Indian Cabinet officials, including the Minister of Trade, the Minister of External Affairs, and the Minister of Commerce and Industry. At this cordial meeting the South American-Indian Subcontinent Friendship and Trade Agreement is signed between the two Governments.
Summery of the South American-Indian Subcontinent Friendship and Trade Agreement
The FNS and Republic of India agree to measures encouraging commerce, trade, and mutual private sector investment in each others economies. India pledges to work to recruit additional nations of or in close proximity to the Indian subcontinent into the Agreement.
The Agreement establishes a mutual trade and defense pact between the Republic of India and the Federation of South American Nations. Both States in the Agreement pledge to come to the defense of the other in the event of an attack upon one of the signatories by an aggressor as well as to help preserve each others sovereignty and independence.
The FNS states that the border between India and United Islamic Republic controlled Pakistan is final and any violation of that sovereign and demilitarized border by the UIR will mean the FNS immediately coming to India’s aid in repelling that violation.
OOC - This shouldn't be acknowledged until FNS posts it.
Galveston Bay
04-08-2006, 07:55
Due to the Instability of Foreign Sales to American Allies, the Federation of South American
Nations, in colaberation with the UIR and India, has created its own Air- Superiority
JF-30 (Joint Fighter)
Country of Origin: United Islamic Republics; Federation of South American Nations; India
Similar Aircraft: F-15 Eagle
F-14 Tomcat
MiG-29 Fulcrum
Crew: one
Role: interceptor; air superiority
Length 65 ft (20 m)
Span 45 ft, 6 in (14 m)
Armament One 23 mm cannon
up to 7,500kg of missiles
4 Short Range Air to Air Missiles (SRAAMs) (Two on wing tips, two on outer wing pylons)
4 Medium Range Air to Air Missiles (MRAAMs) (Two on intermediate and closest wing pylons)
4 Long Range Air to Air Missiles (LRAAMs) (Hard points underneath intakes)
In-Flight Refueling: Yes
Internal Fuel: 6350 kg
Drop Tanks: Drop tank with 1600kg for 126nm range
Payload: 7500kg
Sensors: Pulse-Dopler RADAR, IRST and TV sensors, RWR, Balistic bombsight, Bistatic RADAR
Maximum speed: Mach 2.5+ @ 40,000ft
Maximum weight: 30,400 kg
Ceiling: 15240-19,700 m
Range: 1,500 km combat radius [typical]
1,800 km cruise radius
4,000 km maximum range
PROPULSION: Two 14,550 kg thrust Sewell-Porsche AF-K-19
User Countries: FNS, India, UIR
The Design of this aircraft is based off of two of the best designed aircraft in the world
at the moment. The idea by IAI industries in juncture with Messerschmitt was to remove the
design flaws from both aircraft and produce the best aircraft on the market.
The body of the Su-27 has proven to be exceptionally maneuverable with space for advancement
as technology hurdles forward. Taking on this design, the body was generally copied with few
changes in terms of aerodynamics and effeciency. The major fallbacks of the Su-27 lay in its
control surfaces, and electronic systems.
IAI has lead research and has decided to emulate the American fighter by placing a powerful
pulse dopler radar system in the nose. This gives the aircraft the ability to engage targets
above and below the aircraft, and also a much longer search range than the Su-27. In the
rear of the aircraft lies a Bistatic RADAR system as well.
Both the Engines and RADAR systems can easily be replaced should it be required due to
damage or obsolecence. Phased Array RADAR systems are in the works.
The Fiber Optic Towed Decoy (FOTD) provides aircraft protection against modern radar-guided
missiles to supplement traditional radar jamming equipment. The device is towed at varying
distances behind the aircraft while transmitting a signal like that of a threat radar. The
missile will detect and lock onto the decoy rather than on the aircraft. This is achieved by
making the decoy’s radiated signal stronger than that of the aircraft.
The head-up display projects on the windscreen all essential flight information gathered by
the integrated avionics system. This display, visible in any light condition, provides the
pilot information necessary to track and destroy an enemy aircraft without having to look
down at cockpit instruments.
The Design of the body allows extreme angles of attack at low speeds giving the pilot an
advantage over other aircraft.
A series of missiles is being designed as well for the aircraft.
The SRAAM will be the Rafael Developed Python AAM. Eventually it will use the Python III.
THe MRAAM will be the newly designed Anaconda AAM, with a BVR range of 50 to 100km
The LRAAM is a revised version of the Surface to Air Weapon, the HAWK. The missile features
an improved engine system, guidance updates, as well as new control surfaces. The range is
speculated as being over 175km but under 300km.
wouldn't it have been easier just to develop the F18, which is the direct descendent of the YF17?
Figure your aircraft will show up around 1975, stats to be determined
what?! What happened to 1971 and the same stats as the F15? Did a South American piss you off on your vacation or something? :(
In related news, I planned on having both the YF-17 and the JF-30.
Galveston Bay
04-08-2006, 08:41
what?! What happened to 1971 and the same stats as the F15? Did a South American piss you off on your vacation or something? :(
In related news, I planned on having both the YF-17 and the JF-30.
no, nobody pissed me off
seriously I will review it again tomorrow when less groggy
04-08-2006, 18:51
Gah! No!
Or at least, sure, let me buy F-15s :)
So... any idea of the stats of my bomber and aircraft? Note that UIR has been taken off production countries.
05-08-2006, 23:19
So... any idea of the stats of my bomber and aircraft? Note that UIR has been taken off production countries.
EDIT- you still have the UIR listed as a nation that helped make it
South American Incorporated Military 1970:
4 Armored Division (elite)
3 Mechanized Divisions (elite)
3 Airborne Divisons (elite)
1 Commando Division (1st Nukak Specialists) (handpicked)
2 HQ unit
1 Marine Division (elite)
1 Mountain Division (elite)
1 Mechanized Artillery Unit
2 Anti-Aircraft Divisions
4 Attack Helicopter Units
4 Transport Helicopter Units
2 Cargo Helicopter Units
8 Elite Pilots
Reserve Army
1 Infantry Division - Bogota
1 Infantry Division - Caracas
1 Infantry Division - Lima
1 Infantry Division - Buenos Aires
1 Infantry Division - Santa Cruz
1 Infantry Division - Cayenne, St Martinque, Guadaloupe
Native Defense Forces
4x Militia Unit [Elite & Reserve]
3 Heavy Air Wing (includes F14s)
6 Tech 8 Heavy Missile Cruisers
6 Tech 8 Light Missile Cruisers
6 Tech 8 AA Missile Cruisers
45 Tech 7.5 Destroyers
60 Tech 7.5 Frigates
120 Tech 7.5 Missile Boats
6 2nd generation SSN
8 3rd generation SSN
Laid up: 6 2nd Generation SSN, 10 2nd Generation SSBN
Air Force
8 x F4Gs
5 x Kfir's
5 x Kfirs /w Wild Weasel
4 x Stuka II's
2 x Pucura Light Bombers
1 x F12 High Altitude Interceptor
1 x Tu-95 Wing
1 x EB-70 Wing
1 x E-3 Sentry
2 x E-121
2 x KC-135 Wings
5 x C-5 Galaxys Wings
4 x C-130 Hercules Wings
500 Cruise Missiles
27 Elite Pilots
14 Average Pilots
Force Deployments:
2nd South American Incorporated Fleet - Indian Ocean
Two Battalions of the 1st Nukak Specialist Brigade - India
1971 Upkeep: 100pts
Ottoman Khaif
08-08-2006, 00:56
Brazilian Times, Jan.12, 1970
The Brazilian and the FNS governments have created to customs union between the nations in order to being to two respect states closer together and one step further for integration of the two nations. The President of Brazil hails it has a step forward for the two nations.
Two Battalions of the 1st Nukak Specialist Brigade will be sent to India by C5 Transport to assist in putting down insurgencies.