Declaration of War: Korrellia
03-07-2005, 12:37
In response to the unfair treatment of members of the muslim faith in the nation of Korrellia, we feel it is imperitive that we act agaisnt them.
The Al-Haidya Defence Force has been mobilized:
2,000 Elite Infantry :mp5:
250 APCs
300 Attack Helicopters
400 Large Transport Helicopters
All being sent in on the "Holy Flame" carrier ship.
(OOC: in proper RP form i will wait for a response by Korrellia before making any attack. And yes, he does know about this, it was argued over telegram)
The Fallen Races
03-07-2005, 13:42
This just in! The Al-Haidye Defence Force has been mobilized on Korellia!
"Sir, what should we do?" the military messenger asked.
"I will wire a message personally to Al-Hadiye at once. Ask the special forces to be on high alert at once," the Tetra-Assassin replied
"Yes sir!"
Coded message from The Fallen Races to Al Haidye: Do you have any support of these claims?
Court of the Emperor Tryleem IV
Your majesty! I have news of the utmost importance for you...
The Emperor turned his head uncaringly towards the aid now bowing on one knee before him. He waited more than he should have, just to make the man nervous. Men had been killed for interrupting the Emperor at inopportune times, even for news of the utmost importance. This man would live, but the Emperor wanted to make him sweat.
Speak... Before I change my mind
The aide took a deep breath in, a caged look in his eyes. He quickly pressed aside his fears and delivered his news, however.
Al-Haidye has declared war on Korrellia, you majesty. This stands to weaken our interests there. We should endeavour to come to their aid at once!
The man had slipped up. No one gives advice to the Emperor or tells him something he already knows. The man didn't know it yet, but his life had just been considerably shortened.
Hmm, indeed.The Emperor turned to his military aide. Assemble the military council at once. No delay!
He then turned back to the aide who had dispensed advice. This man obviously has something wrong with him. I'm no doctor, but I believe he is developing a 9mm brain hemorrhage. Take him away and give him a proper "examination"
The man's eyes suddenly shot wide open and he dropped to his knees, begging for his life as the guards began to drag him away. So many always did this, none ever accepted their fate like men. So sad, so few real men in this nation. Nevertheless, something more important was now crossing the Emperor's mind.
Official Statement from the Emperor Tryleem IV
The Empire has vested interests in the nation of Korrellia. This invasion puts those interests at risk. The Empire will not allow this. The Empire will endeavour to protect it's interests with all it's available might.
The nation of Al-Haidye shall stand down from it's aggressive stance or fight the Empire as well as Korrellia. Imperial Armed Forces have been placed on high alert. There shall be no war, if Al-Haidye stands down. Should they fail to do so, they will feel the wrath of the Empire.
The Empire has also unilaterally declared Korrellia an official protectorate of the Empire. It shall remain this way until it is no longer in the Empire's interest to protect Korrellia.
03-07-2005, 21:57
The muslims in my country are free to practice their religion in whatever way they see fit. Our policies on religion and personal freedoms is that of complete and total allowance.
The threat of war is completly unjustified and i will allow any nation to inspect my nation to varify my claims.
In this time of turmoil the KDF (Korrellian Defence Force) will be put on high-alert. The FNA (Free Nations Army), my region's army, has yet to be formed and so i can not respond to these attacks in a pre-emptive strike as the KDF is only a mobilzed infantry army, nothing of the size of Al-Haidye's.
Under my control are:
200,000 KDF Infantry
2500 bradley fighting vehicles w/anti-tank rockets
1500 UH-60 helicopters
1000 UH-60Q helicopters (medivacs)
1000 f-14 fighters
We are prepared to fend of any invasion force that reaches the shores of our fair nation. We hope that a diplomatic solution can be found before this escalates into a regional conflict.
I warn you Al-Haidye, once the Senate Hearings are completed on the FNA you will have the might of 4 nations comming down upon you.
As a party neutral to this conflict and with no previous interest Scellia will volunteer to conduct the investigation that Korrellia has given permission to have conducted. Assuming that these investigations show no evidence of wrongdoing then Scellia will move to support the nation of Korrellia. Even if evidence does surface it is the right of a nation to run itself to a point, and simply restricting freedom does not breach this point. If there is worngdoing then we will support neither side, but Korrellia's willingness to have investigation at least shows some measure of cooperation on their part.
03-07-2005, 22:32
Nebarri Prime will aid Korrellia and will send a standard Nebarri strike force to help Korrellia in the case of an attack.
Strike force includes
10,000 Infantry
1,000 APCs
500 Tanks
50 SAMs
500 Aircraft
1 Carrier
1 Battleship
3 Subs
2 Cruisers
4 Destroyers
4 Frigates
OOC: I don’t know if you have a cost or not. And the above is only combat forces, logistics/none combat units are never included in my list of forces.
As Al-haidye has no right to assault Korrellia for its own practices, Willink officialy supports the government of Korrellia and will provide the following for its defense if you do not stand down.
1. 65,000 soldiers, armed with SA-80's, M16A3's, and UMP's
2. 245 tanks, 145 Black eagle and 100 type 95's
3. 80 MI-28 havoc assault choppers
4. 45 MiG-35/37 fighters
5. 4 Kongo class destroyers, 1 CVN-21 carrier, WNF Freedom.
6. 2 SSBN subs, armed with conventional warheads.
7. 8 La feyette Class corvettes, for defense of the carrier task force and naval operations.
04-07-2005, 00:12
the nation of amurashakur has voted to go to war with al-haiyde for threatening world peace, we will not defend the country it is attacking but will attack them instead. All military forces are on high alert and ready to destroy al-haiyde.
ooc:My military
60,000 troops equipped with light machin guns ak-47's and 9mm handguns
10,000 ams10 tanks
500 amsabt fighter bombers
1500 cruise missiles
10 500 kiliton nuclear missiles
200 B-52 bombers
600 transport planes
04-07-2005, 00:17
The general turns gives the order to begin bombing all major military compounds and key positions in al-hayide.
The planes begin to launch off of the run ways. The B-52 bombers are goin to carpet bomb the tiny nation. The fighter bombers will have strategic military positions to take down. The bombs are going off all over the tiny nation. The report is the bombing went off without a hitch due to the suprise of the attack. No one even saw it coming and before they knew it the B-52's and amsabt's were gone
04-07-2005, 00:34
The People's Republic asks that Al-Haidye provide evidence of the alleged human rights abuses occuring in Korrellia. If it can be shown that minority groups are the victims of human rights abuses, we will be willing to support any actions to end such abuses.
In the meantime, a carrier battle group has been sent to the area so that support can be given, should the need arise.
04-07-2005, 01:50
The report is the bombing went off without a hitch due to the suprise of the attack. No one even saw it coming and before they knew it the B-52's and amsabt's were gone
OOC: this could be called godmoding. either ask if you can go untuched, rp taking loses or don't finish the attack and see what they do.
04-07-2005, 02:04
ooc: By went off without a hitch doesnt mean i didnt lose any planes it just means i completed my mission by bombing his military installations? am i supposed to account my loses b4 he even attacks? this is my first real rp... sorry for bein a noob
04-07-2005, 02:10
How do you know your planes weren't intercepted before dropping their payloads? The B-52 has a RCS the size of a house, so it's not like they'll be able to slip in undetected.
04-07-2005, 03:10
(The posts by Amurashakur will be ignored as they are out of line and not in proper RP form)
We shall allow a delegate to be sent to Korrellia. When they return we shall make a desiscion on our course of action. We are still ready for attack and all our armed forces are on high alert.
In addition to the original forces sent for Korrellia the follow will be readied for war:
600 Bomber Planes
2,000 Elite Infantry
500 Fighter Planes
We pray to God that the nation of Korrellia is not mistreating its citizens as we thought as this will be a bloody war.
04-07-2005, 16:39
OOC: i too wil ignore Amurashakur as he was out of line and obviously doesnt know how to RP a war.
Have any nations sent any fact-finding teams to my nation yet? None have officially announced themselves to my government and i would appreciate not having to deal with spies. Thank you.
The Fallen Races
04-07-2005, 19:27
Transmission Protocol UMBRA: Coded message to Korellia from The Fallen Races:
I request a delegation of 15 'SlipStream' Human Rights Violation Spotters be allowed into Korellia to investigate such allegations.
Transmission Protocol Expired: Coded message sent and terminated
Scellia has voluntered to send investigators, but are not going to send any until the Government of Korrellia confrims that they will be welcome. We look forward to this confirmation and the results of any inquiry.
The Empire is willing to head an international fact-finding team to Korrellia. We volunteer Colonel Obrage Tyle ( Secret IC: A Talaaxian Tal Shiar agent ).