02-07-2005, 20:45
[B]British India, Delhi[B]
Sitting at a large table with other wealthy or influencial Indians Roa Vajpayee begon to speak to the others:
"This is a moment to never forget, founding of the Hidiustanion Union or the HU.
This is a union between all citizens of the Peninsula of Hindustan. It will cast a bond between all strong enough to gain self control. Strong enough to take its rightfull place on the stage of the world. As our first action we wil notify the populace of our founding and gainig more members. And not to forget send a message to the great english."
After this speaach an other one was given to the people of Hindustan including about the sam information.
And the message that was send was this:
To:Great Britain
We hereby request more control over our nation also in the goverment.
06-07-2005, 14:03
British India,Delhi
The HU was growing in support in its quest to create a strong India.
With the lack of response of Great-Britain they re-send the message.
Also a project was started to build factories across India to start a path for a modern nation.
Starting with one in Delhi.
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2005, 16:37
To: The Hidiustanion Union
From: Great Britain
We welcome support from Indians to become a stronger nation and begin industrialisation, we also welcome changes in local government to provide more power to Indians. We would also consider the setting up of a national assembly to provide a forum for Indian views. This would have the power to set local tax rates and control welfare and educational departments. However, in exchange for this increased freedom we would request that India still be considered part of the British Empire and that all foreign and diplomatic decisions rest with our parliament as well as the continued drawing of soldiers from your population as has become traditional over it's history. Further to this, military power shall remain with Britain and a governer shall remain in place.
We hope taht you will accept this offer as it provides much in terms of power and economical growth for your people whilst remaining part of our empire.
07-07-2005, 12:31
From: The Hidiustanion Union
To: Great Britain
We gladly accept your offer it is an blessing to be part of the British Empire.
And we hope that one day we can stand next to Great-Britain.
Furthermore we request financial assistance in the building of our country.
Lesser Ribena
07-07-2005, 17:25
To: The Hidiustanion Union
From: Great Britain
We are glad that you find our terms acceptable and hope for a great future for our nations. We can see your need for funding for modernsiation and can pledge that fully 25% of taxes recieved from India will be allocated for modernisation and industrialisation. Further to this amount a large number of British companies are expected to invest in factories and other facilities in India and bring a great deal in terms of economic and social gain as well as contributions to the government for modernisation in the area.
08-07-2005, 11:14
British India,Delhi
The HU introduced a 10 year plan to begin the industrialisation.
First all over India Factories and mines will be build.
To establish this Roa Vajpayee took a large loan at a british bank.
Furthermore they apoint to the national assembly only members of there orginasation. And they final point of the plan was to unify India religously.
This the HU tried to achieved by encouring the sending of Hindoustic
missionaries across the land.