NationStates Jolt Archive

RK Space Project - "The Ark" Concept Space Module Announced

Random Kingdom
30-06-2005, 21:43
The blueprints for the Ark A1, the main payload of the Space Project of 2054, have been drawn up. The Ark will be made up of 4 separate sections that will be sent up simultaneously and connected once out of the Earth's atmosphere. Each will eventually contain a series of cryogenic pods, each containing a human (except for the top section which will contain both plant samples and geckoids). This modular structure also means that the A1 can adapt to transport needs. NOTE: THIS IS <<NOT>> CURRENTLY BEING PRODUCED!

L = left section
R = right section
C = central area/bridge
T = top laboratories
W = (side view) flank
= = (actual view) engine


CC | /--\
CCCCCC | / /\ \
LLLCTTCRRR |/- || -\
LL CTTC RR || |-||-| |
LL CTTC RR || | || | |
LL TTTT RR ||=| || |=|
CCTTCC | | \/ |
CTTC | |\ /|
CCCC | |====|


TTTTT | /-----\
TTTTTT | | \
CCCCCCCCC | /----------\
CCCWWWWC |=|_/ /-----\/
CCCCWW | \__\--\ |
WWWWWW |=|---------/

Name: Ark A1 (Left Flank)
Status: Design/Concept
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Small L-shaped module with small engine and wing on left-hand side. Vertically shaped like a U and will fit around node on central section, with engine on the lower arm. Will contain scientists in cryo missions.

Name: Ark A1 (Right Flank)
Status: Design/Concept
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Flipped version of left wing, will contain non-scientists in cryo missions.

Name: Ark A1 (Top Flank)
Status: Design/Concept (development not yet started)
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Fits onto top of module, contains no engines (will be transported by usage of a separate propulsion device) and will extend the capacity of the Ark.

Name: Ark A1 Central Unit (or Ark A1 Base Module, or simply Ark A1-B)
Status: Design/Concept (highest priority)
Cost: Calculating...

/--\ |
/ \ | /----------\
\\--// |=|_/ | || ||
|\/| | \___\_/\_//
|||| |
|||| |
/ \/ \ |
\ / |
| | |
|==| |

The A1 core will contain a central computer (to autopilot and detect anomalies and awaken humans to fix the problem), a container of oxygen to sustain humans roused in emergencies, cryogenic pods and weapons storage.
30-06-2005, 21:52
OOC While the design is commendable, I do see one thing that should be changed. Flying all those sections from the surface of Earth to be assembled in space is costly, time consuming, and unnesicary. If you invest in a spacedock (somewhat like what the ISS is being built for), you could build the ship entirely in space, thereby saving money on materiels (becasue it would never need to be near gravity) and you would have a launching point for future ships.
The tokera
30-06-2005, 21:57
is this FTor MT
Random Kingdom
30-06-2005, 23:04
is this FTor MT
It's in-between (PostModern Tech). In RK currently it is 2054.

Einhauser: RK is in a rush to get this project started, having never done anything in space other than the MT norm of probing with telescopes, and therefore the idea of a spacedock may be used later, but right now the assembly is really the only way... The 4 sections would in theory be connected without much construction, using interlocking and rubber sealing, only requiring the heat insulators to be connected outside. After this the crew would set the computer and seal themselves inside the cryogenic pods.
Random Kingdom
01-07-2005, 00:18
OOC: Any ideas for the price of one of these?
01-07-2005, 00:21
OOC: I'd say somewhere in the range of $15-$30 billion. Maybe $25 billion? Depends on a number of factors: if you're building it on Earth or space, the sophistication of the AI, the material the hull is made of, the range, the power plant, some other factors I'm doubtless forgetting about.
Random Kingdom
01-07-2005, 20:45
OOC: Answers to the above questions...

It's going to be built on Earth, and on missions the modules will be combined once out of the atmosphere.
The AI will only autopilot the Ark, self-detect obvious flaws and control the cryogenics equipment.
The hull will be made of complex materials, mostly involving aluminium and ceramics, to keep it light but cool.
The range should be just enough to pilot to the next system.
It will use a nuclear-fission power plant to keep costs and heat (hot fusion ruled out) down.
01-07-2005, 20:47
OOC: Answers to the above questions...

It's going to be built on Earth, and on missions the modules will be combined once out of the atmosphere.
The AI will only autopilot the Ark, self-detect obvious flaws and control the cryogenics equipment.
The hull will be made of complex materials, mostly involving aluminium and ceramics, to keep it light but cool.
The range should be just enough to pilot to the next system.
It will use a nuclear-fission power plant to keep costs and heat (hot fusion ruled out) down.

OOC: RK, want me to make a 3D rendering of that for you?
01-07-2005, 20:55
OOC: RK, want me to make a 3D rendering of that for you?

OOC: I take it you're good with those types of programs. If you have time, could you take a look at my spacecraft? I've no experience with 3D rendering or image manipulation at all, and am thus lacking a picture. The thread is here:

I will now cease my pseudo-threadjacking.
Random Kingdom
02-07-2005, 16:44
OOC: RK, want me to make a 3D rendering of that for you?
Well, I don't have any (web)space to put one, otherwise I would have drawn a 2D picture instead of ASCII (I can't 3D)
02-07-2005, 19:06
Well, I don't have any (web)space to put one, otherwise I would have drawn a 2D picture instead of ASCII (I can't 3D)

Alternatively, I could host the picture on my Photobucket, and give you the link.