Random Kingdom
30-06-2005, 21:43
The blueprints for the Ark A1, the main payload of the Space Project of 2054, have been drawn up. The Ark will be made up of 4 separate sections that will be sent up simultaneously and connected once out of the Earth's atmosphere. Each will eventually contain a series of cryogenic pods, each containing a human (except for the top section which will contain both plant samples and geckoids). This modular structure also means that the A1 can adapt to transport needs. NOTE: THIS IS <<NOT>> CURRENTLY BEING PRODUCED!
L = left section
R = right section
C = central area/bridge
T = top laboratories
W = (side view) flank
= = (actual view) engine
CC | /--\
CCCCCC | / /\ \
LLLCTTCRRR |/- || -\
LL CTTC RR || |-||-| |
LL CTTC RR || | || | |
LL TTTT RR ||=| || |=|
CCTTCC | | \/ |
CTTC | |\ /|
CCCC | |====|
TTTTT | /-----\
TTTTTT | | \
CCCCCCCCC | /----------\
CCCWWWWC |=|_/ /-----\/
CCCCWW | \__\--\ |
WWWWWW |=|---------/
Name: Ark A1 (Left Flank)
Status: Design/Concept
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Small L-shaped module with small engine and wing on left-hand side. Vertically shaped like a U and will fit around node on central section, with engine on the lower arm. Will contain scientists in cryo missions.
Name: Ark A1 (Right Flank)
Status: Design/Concept
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Flipped version of left wing, will contain non-scientists in cryo missions.
Name: Ark A1 (Top Flank)
Status: Design/Concept (development not yet started)
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Fits onto top of module, contains no engines (will be transported by usage of a separate propulsion device) and will extend the capacity of the Ark.
Name: Ark A1 Central Unit (or Ark A1 Base Module, or simply Ark A1-B)
Status: Design/Concept (highest priority)
Cost: Calculating...
/--\ |
/ \ | /----------\
\\--// |=|_/ | || ||
|\/| | \___\_/\_//
|||| |
|||| |
/ \/ \ |
\ / |
| | |
|==| |
The A1 core will contain a central computer (to autopilot and detect anomalies and awaken humans to fix the problem), a container of oxygen to sustain humans roused in emergencies, cryogenic pods and weapons storage.
L = left section
R = right section
C = central area/bridge
T = top laboratories
W = (side view) flank
= = (actual view) engine
CC | /--\
CCCCCC | / /\ \
LLLCTTCRRR |/- || -\
LL CTTC RR || |-||-| |
LL CTTC RR || | || | |
LL TTTT RR ||=| || |=|
CCTTCC | | \/ |
CTTC | |\ /|
CCCC | |====|
TTTTT | /-----\
TTTTTT | | \
CCCCCCCCC | /----------\
CCCWWWWC |=|_/ /-----\/
CCCCWW | \__\--\ |
WWWWWW |=|---------/
Name: Ark A1 (Left Flank)
Status: Design/Concept
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Small L-shaped module with small engine and wing on left-hand side. Vertically shaped like a U and will fit around node on central section, with engine on the lower arm. Will contain scientists in cryo missions.
Name: Ark A1 (Right Flank)
Status: Design/Concept
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Flipped version of left wing, will contain non-scientists in cryo missions.
Name: Ark A1 (Top Flank)
Status: Design/Concept (development not yet started)
Cost: Unknown as of yet
Specification: Fits onto top of module, contains no engines (will be transported by usage of a separate propulsion device) and will extend the capacity of the Ark.
Name: Ark A1 Central Unit (or Ark A1 Base Module, or simply Ark A1-B)
Status: Design/Concept (highest priority)
Cost: Calculating...
/--\ |
/ \ | /----------\
\\--// |=|_/ | || ||
|\/| | \___\_/\_//
|||| |
|||| |
/ \/ \ |
\ / |
| | |
|==| |
The A1 core will contain a central computer (to autopilot and detect anomalies and awaken humans to fix the problem), a container of oxygen to sustain humans roused in emergencies, cryogenic pods and weapons storage.