Lesser Ribena
29-06-2005, 10:00
To the people of Ireland (published in :
Our ancestors have long striven for freedom form the tyrannical grip of the English protestant oppressors and we have waited long for a chance to fight for our children's liberty. Well now is your time, Ireland, through us, summons her kinsmen to her flag and strikes for her freedom.
The Irish Republican Brotherhood has been reformed and fights for Ireland, though strong this organisation requires your help and we ask that you provide any member with all the assistance you can.
We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not destroyed us but only made us stronger and now that strength lies within the Irish people. In every generation we have asserted our right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the last three hundred years we have asserted it with arms and rebellion. Standing on that fundamental right to freedom we hereby proclaim the Irish Republic as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and the lives of our comrades-in-arms to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation among the nations.
The Irish Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Irishman and Irishwoman. The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation cherishing all of the children of the nation equally and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.
We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God. Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice. In this supreme hour the Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is called.
We hereby urge all men of the nation to take up any arms possible and take the fight to the opressors by destroying any such presence. Ireland can only be taken back by a guerrilla campaign against the enemy striking at his camps, his supply lines, his industry and his military.
We now leave the decision in the hands of the British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury and his cabinet to give us our free and sovereign nation by midnight of December 31st 1900 or suffer an extensive defeat and be forced to withdraw from our fine country.
Sean MacDermott, Secretary of the Irish Republican Brotherhood
Patrick Pearse, Member
Tom Clarke, Member
Bulmer Hobson, Member
Denis McCullough, Member
Other signaturies...
SECRET IC: To supporters of freedom and democracy:
We here in Ireland are uprising against an injust and foreign rule, we urge nations such as yourselves to supply us both humanitarily and militarily, we require food and clothing as well as weapons and equipment to continue our fight against teh British opressors. We ask that you supply whatever you can give and deliver it secretly to Ireland preferably to one of the many inlets on the south western coast where parcels will be collected by a member of our brotherhood.
Sean MacDermott, Secretary of the Irish Republican Brotherhood
OOC: much of the above was plagierised from the 1916 proclamation and events have been brought forwards a few years to step up the Irish campaigns against Britain which isn't too historically inaccurate.
Our ancestors have long striven for freedom form the tyrannical grip of the English protestant oppressors and we have waited long for a chance to fight for our children's liberty. Well now is your time, Ireland, through us, summons her kinsmen to her flag and strikes for her freedom.
The Irish Republican Brotherhood has been reformed and fights for Ireland, though strong this organisation requires your help and we ask that you provide any member with all the assistance you can.
We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not destroyed us but only made us stronger and now that strength lies within the Irish people. In every generation we have asserted our right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the last three hundred years we have asserted it with arms and rebellion. Standing on that fundamental right to freedom we hereby proclaim the Irish Republic as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives and the lives of our comrades-in-arms to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation among the nations.
The Irish Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Irishman and Irishwoman. The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation cherishing all of the children of the nation equally and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.
We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God. Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice. In this supreme hour the Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is called.
We hereby urge all men of the nation to take up any arms possible and take the fight to the opressors by destroying any such presence. Ireland can only be taken back by a guerrilla campaign against the enemy striking at his camps, his supply lines, his industry and his military.
We now leave the decision in the hands of the British Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury and his cabinet to give us our free and sovereign nation by midnight of December 31st 1900 or suffer an extensive defeat and be forced to withdraw from our fine country.
Sean MacDermott, Secretary of the Irish Republican Brotherhood
Patrick Pearse, Member
Tom Clarke, Member
Bulmer Hobson, Member
Denis McCullough, Member
Other signaturies...
SECRET IC: To supporters of freedom and democracy:
We here in Ireland are uprising against an injust and foreign rule, we urge nations such as yourselves to supply us both humanitarily and militarily, we require food and clothing as well as weapons and equipment to continue our fight against teh British opressors. We ask that you supply whatever you can give and deliver it secretly to Ireland preferably to one of the many inlets on the south western coast where parcels will be collected by a member of our brotherhood.
Sean MacDermott, Secretary of the Irish Republican Brotherhood
OOC: much of the above was plagierised from the 1916 proclamation and events have been brought forwards a few years to step up the Irish campaigns against Britain which isn't too historically inaccurate.