Operation Nightbringer: The Continued Extermination of the Huntarian Jedi(semiclosed)
Darth Aelikes stared out into the oncomming nebula, where he knew the enemy forces were waiting for him. Onboard the Aphotic (an Aphotic Class Super Star Destroyer), the crew anxously waits for battle.
The Emperor is buisy training another apprentice and he has placed Aelikes incharge of the battle. There are a total of 4 seperate fleets in the up comming war, and all of them will appear at random times, causing further chaos in the war.
The first fleet consisted on the Aphotic as the flag ship, and several other SD's as well.
"My lord, we're receiving a top secret message from the High Command. It's Lord Aunshi."
"Let's see that datapad then Ensign"
To Darth Aelikes;
The Emperor has just recently bought a planet from a certain dealership and will beable to bring you clone armies within several years (5-6 RL days). Just a heads up incase you need to know where to go for resupplies.
Untill we meet in battle,
Lord Aunshi.
OOC: For Rp purposes, I'm listing the fleets which I'll be using in this battle, and up comming battles. Note that the only fleets listed with full compliment of ships are the emperor's personal fleet, and Season's Greetings. The fleet's in this Rp is actually smaller than what they are. The other ships are used to keep an eye on the rest of Huntarian Space.
Fleet 1) (Current fleet in system)
Commander: Darth Aelikes
1 Aphotic Class Super Star Destroyer
50 Petulant Class Star Destroyers
100 Paragon Class Star Destroyers
150 Consternation Class Star Destroyers
200 Goliath Class Star Destroyers
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk IV
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk V
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk VI
100 Everquest Class Star Cruisers
100 Retrebution Class Star Cruisers
Secret from IC:
Fleet 2) (AKA: SPECTER FLEET) To be seen in battle, note that at first it will look like the SSSD Nemesis is alone and unescorted. The Rest of the Fleet is cloaked ships.
1 Sovereign Class Super Star Destroyer
Commander: Lord Shelintiave
2000 Huntaer Class Star Destroyers
TBA -Assimilator Class (not yet released)
Also Consists of the new Huntarian Specter Tie Series Fighters, and the Vampire Starfighters (all have cloaking devices)
Fleet 3) (Fleet of Death)
Commander: Lord Vorman
1 Super Star Destroyer
500 Consternation Class Star Destroyers
500 Nova Class Star Destroyers
500 Goliath Class Star Destroyers
500 Kirtir Class Star Destroyers
Fleet 4) (Season's Greetings)
(Not being seen in this battle, reserved)
Commander: Lord Aunshi
1 Goliath Class Battle Station
1000 Goliath Class Star Destroyer
1000 Kirtir Class Star Destroyer
1000 Nova Class Star Destroyer
1000 Consternation Class Star Destroyer
1000 Huntaer Class Star Destroyer
100-Petulant Class Star Destroyer
30-Paragon Class Star Destroyer
20-Imperator Class Star Destroyer Mk IV
20-Imperator Class Star Destroyer MK V
20-Imperator Class Star Destroyer MK VI
Fleet 5) (The Kirtir's Revenge) The Emperor's personal command fleet
Commander: Emperor (Darth) Trilkan
(Could be seen in this battle)
1 Appocalypse Class Battle Station
1500 Kirtir Class Star Destroyers
1500 Goliath Class Star Destroyers
1500 Huntaer Class Star Destroyers
1000 Consternation Class Star Destroyers
1000 Nova Class Star Destroyer
100-Petulant Class Star Destroyer
30-Paragon Class Star Destroyer
20-Imperator Class Star Destroyer Mk IV
20-Imperator Class Star Destroyer MK V
20-Imperator Class Star Destroyer MK VI
2000 Retrebution Class Star Cruisers
2000 Everquest Class Star Cruisers
Note that me being a member of the G.E., some of the G.E. members could pop in as it is I'm supposedly protected by the G.E.'s fleet and army and they may bring in some troops to help with my side, should they wish.
Also, before any shots are fired at eachother, it's huntarian tradition (both light and dark) to send a holographic transmission to each of the leaders in the area to acknowledge that their first fleets are here. After that, all of the other dirty tricks then come in.
“A long standing tradition of our proud Elven people has been to expand the good nature within all things. It appears as if you will be need to be cleansed of your lives in order to maintain peace in the universe! ~ Empress Ge'lio IX”
The standard issue of declaration of war for Tanthan.
Tanthan's 1st Fleet
Amirgo - Hyper-class Assault Capital Ship
-under General Tso'Xja
Armia - Theater Shield ship (Aid's Amirgo)
30 Athenia Class Destroyers (200 Fighters (Type B's))
50 Zetania Class Carriers (5000 fighters a ship (3000 Type B, 2000 Type A))
100 Escort Hunters (no fighters, but powerful shields)
1100 Cruisers (Main battle ship)
2000 Ammo-ships
300 First aid ships
Clan Ansu
28-06-2005, 05:02
OOC: Just a bit of number crunching.
Ansu Mercenaries Accompanying Huntarian Forces:
Fleet 1:
Commander: Fedor Ansu (Clan Leader) - Aboard the "Black Dawn"
"Black Dawn" - Vanguard Class Cruiser
Crew: 4,000
Troops: 10,000
Craft: 60 'Claw' Class Mandalorian Fighters
5 Transports (Not present. Cargo space allocated to 40 Basilisk
War Droids)
400 Basilisk War Droids (Main Hold)
Eight Kuat Drive Yards Lancer Class Frigates
Crew: 850
Troops: 300
Craft: 18 Basilisk War Droids (Main Hold)
Additional 16,000 Troops, and 1,300 Basilisk War Droids aboard Huntarian vessels (Vanguard Troops - Planetary Assault and Boarding Actions).
Standard Equipment Per Mandalorian Infantryman:
1xDurasteel Mandolorian Battle Armour (Inc. Wrist Launcher, Wrist Blades, Strangulation Wire, Wrist Flamer. Suit can be sealed against gas and vacuum for periods of time)
1xMandalorian Jetpack
Approx 2xBoot Knife
1xEE-3 Blaster Carbine (Scoped)
12xEE-3 Clips
1xDL-44 Blaster Pistol (Scoped, Flash Supressor)
3xWrist Rockets
1xFlame Canister
1xKIT = Water Purifier, three days food, flask.
Joseph Seal
28-06-2005, 05:04
OOC: First of all Huntaer... WOW. I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of your fleet... Second... I'm going to be taking a partially neutral stance in this war. The partially because I'm going to open up trade routes for both sides.
IC: The nation of Joseph Seal announces that it will open up trade relations with both sides of this war, but will not commit military forces to either side.
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 12:17
Joseph, the Family Vespeterium respecfully asks if you would harbour the youngest member of the family, my seventh brother, Rexes Sallam Roderrek Maxiz Vespeterium, on your planet so as to avoid his discovery and assasination by the Jedi. As a reward, the Enterprise will give you 10 trillion off the next planet we sell or offer you massive arms contracts at half the price.
And our respectful ally Huntaer, we would like to send you 100,000 slave labourers, on loan. They are some of the most skilled engineers in the Universe, and they may help for repairs on your ships after any brutal conflicts. The Family will begin complete mobilization of our fleet very soon.
Respectfully yours, Paul Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
Vespeterium Minor it self it soon going to be eclipsed with Tanthan's 1st Fleet. They just now enter long-range scanners, and themselves are completely aware that Vespeterium Minor and the Family Vespeterium know of their whereabouts.
Crew preparations completed.
Fighters ready for launch.
Time until target Vespeterium Minor is in range, 30 minutes.
Current location, edge of Vespeterium Minor's solar system.
General's Mood: Slightly Mad and Prideful!
Crew general opinion of Target: Easy Prey!
Formation, 3-d, hectagon with Amirgo - Hyper-class Assault Capital Ship -under General Tso'Xja and Armia - Theater Shield ship in the center. A projected shield, comprised of exotic matter, the Forcewall, bubbles the fleet. This extremely hard to break forcewall prevents nearly all physical and energy weapons from breaking through. (As previously researched and discovered earlier*)
Transmission to Vespeterium Minor: "It's a good day to die today!"
Tactical style- Highly psychological warfare, ship-to-ship firing, advanced movements and ambush tactics expected.
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 13:20
You are prepared to attack the entirley neutral state of Vespeterium Minor? Well thats not very Jedi like. And by the way, our fleet isn't based in the state. Thats the advantage of being an independent corporation. Our fleet is arming millions of miles away. Thats why I have also dispersed the family to different systems. If you attack Vespeterium Minor, all you'll be attacking is buildings and civilians. Better luck next time. And good luck tracking down the Fleet and the Family. We have scrambled any signals alerting to their wearabouts. Best Wishes.
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
OOC: Does that mean you surrender the planet into Tanthan?!
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 13:31
I don't surrender anything. If you want to become aggrresor by invading a neutral state, so be it. I've taken everything of use with me to my hideout. The Family is wholly unconcerned with the state of Vespeterium Minor. By the way, visit the Golden Palace. You'll find it quite an explosive trip.
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
“Hmm, these bugs just willingly give over their planet without even a slight hint of war? Let’s burn it to the ground, loot the place and rip the resources apart and destroy the planet! Leave nothing for them to return to! YA HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!”
For a mere second and a half the forcewall was lowered, allowing 100 Cruisers a closer look at the planet and its defenses. Extremely alert they proceeded into the upper atmosphere of the planet to pick up readings and information.
As the cruisers headed down across the planet, a key team of 5 elite rangers move into this Golden Palace, the house of the Vespeterium Family, as they believed it to be.
"Suja ib! Rinno! Nih eh!" yelled Riki.
"Pafyna uv dnybc! Drao yna puiht du aqecd rana!" responded the first.
"Oac! Drao sicd pa lynavimmo bmylat, E caa hu upjeuic uhac." quivered the second in fear, but in agreement.
They wandered around the place, scoping for bombs and traps, carefully using the language to prevent eavesdroppers from understanding them.
OOC: a copy of the post from http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=428360
By the way, the spies, are already in every house of the Family Vespeterium, before they left the spies as disguised in the thread said: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9134894.
Enjoy, I planned ahead for this.
A message suddenly appears without warning within the home of Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, left clearly in plain view, the letter written in crimson blood, had not even fully dried yet, the message was written mere minutes ago from the way it was done.
"I will assassinate you for tainting the honor of the Great General Tso'Xja!"
At the end of the message, the blood collected as if the underline 'Great General Tso'Xja', a sinister use of large letters to make a dreadfully bold line when it pooled to the bottom of the paper.
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 13:52
Steal, burn, pillage if you will. We've taken everything that we value from the planet.
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
Universal News:
"Today, without a single shot being fired, Tanthan has captured Vespeterium Minor. Of the one hundred cruisers deployed to maintain this area, we spoke to the leader of the team assigned to Golden Palace."
The beautiful blue-haired angel took off her helmet and winked at the camera cutely.
"Pakeh dra haqd bryca!" she spoke cheerfully.
Then she spoke clear having laid the secret message back to the military.
"It is a good day indeed. I hope that the rest of the war will go a little more challenging then this, but of course we were dealing with a Vargus-type government, in which the business uses money and power to rule."
She then smiled once more and headed into another building to scope out for traps that may have been left for Tanthan as the Family Vespeterium fled.
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 14:04
The Family Vespeterium wants to announce to the international Commuinty that they have wired the entire city with highly powered explosives due to go off at the touch of a button. We control them completley and you will not disarm them all by the time we set them off. I will give you five minutes to avoid as many of your deaths as possible. I advise that you run my friend. Run or die.
"Fryd ec drec? Y pusp? Y PUSP!" screamed the girl as soon as she was off camera. Running out of the building she quickly ran back to the ship and heard the message.
"That bastard! Our assassin will rip him to shreds!"
They took off within three minutes, fleeing the scene, until they were high above the city, hoping that the stratosphere would protect them from even a nuclear explosion. Standard Tanthan procedure prevented them from traveling any farther without permission.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
28-06-2005, 14:14
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 14:26
A massive Field of Energy surrounded the planet, just below the Tanthan fleet. 'The New and improved Force Field' announced Reeiin Vespeterium, the Families Sales Manager and elsdest brother, to an audience of entrepeuners and busniness men. 'Will stop anything reaching the planets surface now, for up to two weeks, depending how well charged it is. Unfortunatley, it also stops anything getting out, so we can't provide the people of Vespeterium Minor with food, but the research team is working on that.' He then turned to the camrea. 'We didn't get to be one of the top business firms by telling the truth. You didn't really think we would abandon our precious city to your hordes did you? We just needed that extra time to charge the shield. Looks like you'll just have to kick yours heels for a while until the Shield goes off. Remember that brains and trickery can be the match of any military machine. Better luck next time'. The transmission then ends.
While the ninety-nine other carriers were left on the planet the poor Bastillin which was now trapped outside the shield retreated back to the safety of the fleet. The general was already beginning to power the capital ship to pierce through the shield.
“Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III….Allow me to introduce myself, I am Li’Arca. Li’Arca of the Tsuho. Better known as Li’Arca the Killer! Your killer!” said the disguised house-keeper.
Instantly, the optical camouflage faded to reveal the true form of the girl. In dark blue assassin’s vest and culotte, she advanced on the two of them. Drawing the powerful A-19 the proud Elven smirked and muttered a curse over the rest of the Vespeterium Family.
“I shall place your skull over my mantle, a long with my others. You are quite a prize, but ever so easy to track down. The whole Vespeterium Family appears to be cowards! Draw your weapon! Let’s fight to the death here, in your house!”
Well prepared for battle, the assassin has many kills and great senses. Her prowness of hunting, tracking and the art of killing made her one of the best in all of Tanthan. She is not one to be under-estimated.
Ooc: This section from the assassin message in http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=428360&page=3
A picture of the assassin gear and pose: http://img184.echo.cx/my.php?image=assassin7qr.jpg
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 14:50
'Well, your remark about cowardice is probably reasonably accurate. I didn't get this job by fighting my own battles' responded Paulo Von Gerrit 'And I'll be damned if I'm fighting you'. With a push of a button Paulo teleported himself out of the house. He reformed in the mothership of the Vespeterium Defensive Fleet, where his brother Reein Codus Maxwell Sorbus Vespeterium IX had been speaking to the business men. 'Put up the shields immediatley Reein' Paulo said to his brother, 'These Tanthan scum have tracked us down. Inform the rest of the family that we're going to move into the Huntaerian fleet, they should protect us from the Tanthan.'
The other nine members of the Vespeterium Family began to form on board the ship, six brothers and three sisters. 'Oh and by the way' Paulo turned to his brother, 'kill all the businessmen on board, any one of them could be a Tanthan spy.' With the shields up to maximum, the Craft sped toward the Huntaerian fleet under a cloak of invisibility.
"Cowards....too easy" mocked the assassin.
Oh wow, this is almost too easy, all you need to do is scare them a little and they flee together. Well time to finish our little battle, she thought.
Quickly pulling out the tracker, she had placed on him during his stay at the hide out, she relayed the location and ship that had teleported him.
Instantly being teleported from the house across the system through long-range Gate Ships. She then was beamed, alone. Aboard the very ship her prey beamed to, and pointed the gun at the back of his head.
"My, my, my. You've been predictable to the end. One who cares for others would trade their life for the rest of the family. Selfish aren't we?"
She gloated and mocked him, any second she can pull the trigger.
"Will you take me up on my offer? Or will you attempt to slay me, causing the bomb I have injested to explode? Just give yourself to me and you'll save this entire ship."
Vespeterium Minor
28-06-2005, 16:32
The shields of the ship prevent the invasion of the ship by hostile forces. The event you have just posted is therefore impossible (come on, the Family are cowards, they need somewhere to hide where they are safe.)
For compromise though, lets say that the assassin has not reached the Family, but the shield over Vespeterium Minor has been shut down. That should make the Forum fair. Yes?
New Dornalia
28-06-2005, 16:37
Junko looked at the situation. The Huntarians had assembled a massive armada, capable of frying anything it touched. It made the People's Navy look like a mere flotilla by comparison.
She knew that it would have to be a war of subterfuge and guerilla tactics in order to stymie this menace. A War of National Liberation, like the wars of old in Vietnam or Africa.
Her People's Acolytes numbered some 10,000 now on Earth, 60,000 all over the Workers State, many recruited from pools of Abhumans, Shaolin monks and other asetics, orphans, and those in general who were Force sensitive. They had access to Komsomol fighters and other war machines, and they could deputize armies at will. But this would not be enough.
They would need to launch commando strikes at the Huntarian Fleets or Forge Worlds; this would cripple the enemy's ability to produce war materials. They would need to supply guns and ammo to the Huntarian Jedi, and fight with them in their War of National Liberation. They would need to engage in piracy, harassing fleets and moving in and out of enemy space.
This necessitated cloaking devices. And lots of firepower. Mobile firepower.
OOC: THis is all secret IC, mind.
"Move the fleet towards the Tanthan fleet. It appears they're charging straight for our ships. Fire at will."
"Aye sir. FIRE AT WILL!"
Alarms soon started to blare red alert. The troops onboard the Aphotic all rushed to battle stations.
"Target the Axiel laser at the largest Tanthan ship. We will not let the bastards win. Also, launch all fighters. I want the whole nebula to appear as though the fighters were a cloud charging towards them."
Joseph Seal
28-06-2005, 17:56
Joseph, the Family Vespeterium respecfully asks if you would harbour the youngest member of the family, my seventh brother, Rexes Sallam Roderrek Maxiz Vespeterium, on your planet so as to avoid his discovery and assasination by the Jedi. As a reward, the Enterprise will give you 10 trillion off the next planet we sell or offer you massive arms contracts at half the price.
And our respectful ally Huntaer, we would like to send you 100,000 slave labourers, on loan. They are some of the most skilled engineers in the Universe, and they may help for repairs on your ships after any brutal conflicts. The Family will begin complete mobilization of our fleet very soon.
Respectfully yours, Paul Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
We will accept your youngest brother and assure you he will be cared for like he was the emperor himself.
The nation of Joseph Seal, in return, would like the massive arms contracts at half the price, and the promise that if we are attacked, you will come to our aid.
Thank you.
-Joseph Seal
We will accept your youngest brother and assure you he will be cared for like he was the emperor himself.
The nation of Joseph Seal, in return, would like the massive arms contracts at half the price, and the promise that if we are attacked, you will come to our aid.
Thank you.
-Joseph Seal
Also note, that your family is welcome in huntaer's capital, Huntaria. THE SAFEST place within huntarian space. We have our top-noch security there, not to mention the presence of the emperor himself, as well as the strongest planetary shielding. It will be impossible to enter the Huntarian System (the system which huntaer originates).
Joseph Seal
28-06-2005, 18:11
OOC: No one else can read this but Huntaer and I.
We will keep your offer in mind for the future, and thank you for your concern.
We would also like to become allies with you, so that, in return for a small discount at your store front, we will give you resources and manufactured products instead of trade them. Our resources include:
Our manufactured products include:
Ceremonial Iron and Gold Weapons
The emperor awaits your response.
-Joseph Seal
Along the stars, all cruised and seen, as they twinkled with a diligence in the black sky, with space enclosed them all. Quiet seemed to linger, with no sound but only faint whirring noise in the distance, as the object began to move much closer. They slowly swifted away, and began to drift, and whoever looked at these stars would see soemthing was not faintly correct, but unbearably wrong.
As it seemed, an apathetic figure loomed past the endless horizon, with a flash of a long, chasmic ship, broken at it's hull, but still kept in peace and in one fray that made it alive and whole. All the silence remained, until another wave of emnities smahed out from hyperspace, their fleets revealing their whole selves. They began to swarm, and with an enclosed bevy, the ships wrapped their movements around this massive ship, the boards still hung broken and the wires lashing out dangerously, as if the shock from it's hulls were a weapon itself.
Atop the edge of the bridge, there were slaves, hung to life, as they had given all their souls to stay alive, but only to serve their leaders. Farther down, teeth-like eyes of the lights twinkled dazzling blood red rays, with a distinct motion of wavering distortion. Further on, sat a chair, a large chair, hewned out of rock and metal, enflamed and molded together by a sheer power unknown; a throne. And on this throne, that overlooked the bridge of the ship, sat a figure, tall and menacing.
In his times, people did not know what he represented, only the emptiness inside of him consumed their thrall. Many have fallen at his powers, but not by the blade of his saber, but the thrall of control that emanated from his presence, his powers. He was called many names in the past, but only one can now be of concern to him. His name was Totalius, a Sith Lord, but not one who would follow the Sith to victory. He was one that would consume them, to only feed his never-ending pain.
Totalius heard the battle, felt it's call, and the pain that would ensue, but yet he did not see it. Only stars and motions of the masses could have been recognized by the remains of his eyes, and yet they could not be distinguished easily for him from the depths of space. But still, he could hear, and from across the galaxy the Force fed him his sounds, and with the traditions of his allies from long ago, the Huntarian Empire, Totalius stated his first fleet, as they came from the planet Hizz'zith, codenamed the 'Catastrophe'.
Message from Darth Totalius
Esteemed warriors of the battle of such, I am Darth Totalius, ally to Trilkan, and with such a momentous affliction in this war, I shall join by his side and aid his forces, with such I have stated.
1 Pessimism Class Flagship
200 Capital Ships
2000 Boarding Transports
30,000 Sith Fighters
I intend to see that this war changes with time. My apprentice Narmion will take care of any 'relations' as such between my fleet and any's there.
And with that message, he turned the communications off, and told his forces to speed full for ahead, towards the battle, while still a few hours away.
New Dornalia
28-06-2005, 18:19
Junko soon began to put her plans into motion. Phone calls were made to Jensen, the Paris Commune and Karl Liebknecht Shipyards, and all of the Earth and colonial based manufactories, which were already busy, were ordered to speed up production of the new Peter Townshend Mobile Suits and Komsomol II mecha-fighters, and the other ships....she gave them an impossible deadline, six months, but she knew they could do it. Training for the Acolytes was intensified, shortened from four months to two.
Meanwhile, she set about acquiring some shuttles to sneak Acolytes into Malkir territory. She would also be commanding some trade ships with legit cargo, so if the Huntarians got suspicious, they would pass as merchants.
Another sip, another hour before the fleet moved closer to the world of the Vespertium Minor empire, and Totalius felt powerful once again, feeling the wrathing Force begin to rejeuvenate his shatter body.
"Move the fleet towards the Tanthan fleet. It appears they're charging straight for our ships. Fire at will."
"Aye sir. FIRE AT WILL!"
Alarms soon started to blare red alert. The troops onboard the Aphotic all rushed to battle stations.
"Target the Axiel laser at the largest Tanthan ship. We will not let the bastards win. Also, launch all fighters. I want the whole nebula to appear as though the fighters were a cloud charging towards them."
Unless you have no prep. and instant transmission through a solar system to right outside the planet. I don't think you can just suddenly appear and not even give a spot. Please, give it some time, i am no where near your established sector.
OOC: oh..my turn i guess.
"Sir....there is a large fleet coming closer to ours." mentioned the girl watching the detectors.
The general stood up, drew his sword and said, "Rip them apart with our fighters!"
With that command the fighters were quickly deployed at the rate of 500 a second total for all the ships. They would split the forces up and raid the ships quickly. Tanthan didn't have the surprise they wanted, but the Fighters cloaked themselves and used their small size to speed past the incoming fleet to catch them from behind before they went to attack.
"If a really keen scanner is watching they might be found, sir." she thought softly.
"Nonsense! The battle is already over! Now....let the massacre begin in two minutes, just as they enter our range!"
SSC Headquaters, Sapherion Prime (E.S. Homeworld.)
Onboard the first Mantha class D-Base, Xei, Supreme commander of all E.S. military activities in the Far Reach Sectors, sat in her office and looked out at her homeworld behind her. The station held itself in a geosynchronous orbit around Saph Prime, and currently, the behemoth station was entering the morning phase. The light from the Seion, the system's sun was just breaking from over the planet's "horizon".
A quiet tone sounded, and Xei responded, "Come." without turning around.
A man of slight stature walked in, holding a pad, from which a holographic display was visible. As he walked over to Xei's desk, he turned his head, and took a quick glance around the room. He noted the fish in the bowl in the corner of the room seemed to be sleeping. He looked up to see the sun just beginning to blind his eyes, as its light broke over from the side of the planet. The large observation windows automatically adjusted, and dimmed the light. Xei turned around, "Yes, what is it ensign?"
He took his attention away from the window, and looked at Xei. "Latest intel reports from the Reach, ma'am." He said, as he handed the padd over to Xei.
Xei took the report and glanced at the top of the holo-diplay, which was now popping out from the padd. In large bold, red font, it read,
[]Priority Report: Huntarian Hostilities imminent.[]
---Massive fleet movements detected. (Sector: 1-3 Alpha Zero)---
A large...
Xei read over the rest of the report. Behind her, the window had now dimmed to full, and had become opaque.
"No..." Xei whispered.
The Ensign had never seen such a look of determination, mixed with anger, and fear before. Xei turned up,
"Get the fleets moving..."
Announcement of Battle deployments:
Far fleet: To begin active deployment, and expected to arrive in Saph Prime Staging grounds in Sector 10-5 in Fringe systems in 2 hours. Regular Eclipse Class SDs that normally accompany this fleet will remain in Saph Major.
500 Preamus Battle Carriers
60 E.S. Marine Assault Carriers
20 Harbinger "Space artillery Vessels
30 Logistical supply vessels
Main Battle Strategy: (Refer to fact book in sig.)
Hellion Fleet: Already actively deployed Primary fleet makeup is similar to the Far Fleet.
300 Preamus Battle Carriers
20 Harbinger "Space Artillery" Vessels
50 Logistics vessels
Main Battle Strategy: (Refer to fact book in sig.)
Fire Fleet: Currently deployed in the Unknown Regions. Expected to arrive in
2 Preamus Battle Carriers
500 Harbinger "Space Artillery" vessels
200 Quasar Class Super annihalators. (Essentially large black hole detonators.)
10 Logistics Vessels
Main Battle Strategy: (Refer to fact book in sig.)
All other fleets are to remain in Saph system.
All other system's military bases are placed in high alert.
Listening ouposts have had their stealth detection and Psi sensors powered up to 2 lightyear detection range.
Fold systems are active in all other planets.
(OOC: If anyone is wondering why these fleets are comparatively smaller than the huge fleet of Huntaer, keep in mind that we don't focus on big battleships, but rather HOARDS of fighters... Little bees mind you, but little bees with a sting. But yeah, we also have enough large battleships, so don't you worry. Fold systems are simple, large fleet comes, half of it gets warped out of the way. Sure, they can come back later, but now we only have to deal with half of your fleet!)
New Dornalia
28-06-2005, 19:15
Junko finally, after several months of intense work, had a fleet ready.....
1st Fleet-Karl Leibknecht, 2nd Fleet-Georgi Zhukov:
15 Mao Zedong II Battleships
20 Zaitsev ISD's
15 William Haywood Support Ships (Modified Mao Zedong I's)
10 Zhukov Battle Barges (Modified Mao Zedong II's, troopships)
300 Peter Townshend-class Fleet Superiority Mobile Suits
150 Keith Moon-class Fast Attack Mobile Suits
3rd Fleet- General Giap, 4th Fleet- Robespierre (disguised as frieghters of the Universal Exports Company, Ltd.)-
15 frieghters
10 Gagarin shuttles
10 Zhukov Battle Barges (disguised as freighters)
5 Mao Zedong II Battleships
The first two would engage in piracy, and lead raids on Huntarian worlds-the other two would go to the Malkir and provide aid, by shipping goods back and forth.
Meanwhile, the whole of New Dornalia was placed on high alert, and a war footing was activated. All reserve fleets and reserve forces were on guard-they never knew what was coming.
Mini Miehm
28-06-2005, 19:16
OOC: Here's some real bugs for you. And now Huntaer sees why I needed those Leviathans.
OOC2: I'm appearing in a random emty spot in space, then we'll move to where Tanthan wants us, assuming they want us anywhere.
The warp opened and out came a massive swarm, Guardians and Mutalisks and Queens, Scourges and Overlords and Devourers, they all appeared from the rift, and following them, Carriers and Scouts and Shuttles, Arbiters and Observers and Corsairs, and then, adding insult to injury, all of New Gettysburg Shipyards were emptied, Battlecruisers and Wraiths and Valkyries, Science Vessels and Dropships and Grizzly Gunships, all had come to aid the Huntarian Jedi.
OOC: oh..my turn i guess.
"Sir....there is a large fleet coming closer to ours." mentioned the girl watching the detectors.
The general stood up, drew his sword and said, "Rip them apart with our fighters!"
With that command the fighters were quickly deployed at the rate of 500 a second total for all the ships. They would split the forces up and raid the ships quickly. Tanthan didn't have the surprise they wanted, but the Fighters cloaked themselves and used their small size to speed past the incoming fleet to catch them from behind before they went to attack.
"If a really keen scanner is watching they might be found, sir." she thought softly.
"Nonsense! The battle is already over! Now....let the massacre begin in two minutes, just as they enter our range!"
"Sir, they have just released a massive amount of fighters which just recently went into cloak. We have no clude whre they'll attack!" One of the officers on the bridge reported.
"Yes, we will have an idea on where they are. Give me a moment."
Darth Aelikes sat down and meditated. ::Where are you... Bastards?:: He continued to search space for the oncomming fleet. All he gets is... Nothing. ::Still searching.... Ah, what do we have here?:: He soon found a loose mind and began to pull at it.
Totalius was imminently tired of the suspense, and in his fragmented mind, he spoke to all allies that could have had their thoughts opened for him to invade.
Allies, where is the battle, and the suffering? My powers grow complacent, and I have need of much pain and destruction quickly. Show me the direction of your attacks.
Totalius was imminently tired of the suspense, and in his fragmented mind, he spoke to all allies that could have had their thoughts opened for him to invade.
Allies, where is the battle, and the suffering? My powers grow complacent, and I have need of much pain and destruction quickly. Show me the direction of your attacks.
::Follow my ship. 21 km is hard to miss:: Aelikes "force messaged" to Totalius.
::Tanthan is about to strike::
Mini Miehm
28-06-2005, 19:49
OOC: My forces currently available:
Zerg Units:
100,000 Guardians
100,000 Devourers
1,000,000 Scourges(they're tiny, each only counts as 1\2 of a population unit)
500,000 Mutalisks
100,000 Queens
170,000 Overlords
Terran Units:
5,000 Leviathans
500,000 Wraiths
500,000 Valkyries
100,000 Grizzlies
100,000 Dropships
Protoss Units:
5,000 Carries(full interceptor bays, 32 interceptors per bay, 4 bays)
250,000 Scouts
250,000 Corsairs
500,000 Shuttles
100,000 Observers
100,000 Arbiters
This is my entire Space navy. Minus a few thousand Grizzly escorts and their equivalents, as well as a few thousand transports from each unit type.
[] Holo-net DataStream []
To: Huntaer
From: The Eshirian Sovereignty
Subject: Open hostilities
As top diplomat of the E.S., and by request of the E.S Diplomatic Corp, I, Tsu,chin, would like to inquire the possibility of establishing some sort of order in this crisis. Intel indicates that you are the driving force behind the latest string of hostilities, and we Eshirians, as peace loving and honorable people, would like to try and minimize the number of casualties brought about by this conflict.
We request that diplomatic channels be opened immediately. (In another thread of course.)
If such arrangements cannot be made, either out of blood lust, or a simple refusal to see the greater force of peace, we warn, we will be forced to intervene. Peace at all costs is our ideal, and we will defend it.
Sovereign Diplomatic Corp.
(OOC: The main reason behind this post is establish some sort of political aspect in this conflict. As we all know, sometimes politics can be more damaging than any Death Star, so if my nation is to as enlightened as I claim them to be, we need to have a damn good reason to enter this war, and an even better reason why we shouldn't have diplomatic channels opened with you.
New Dornalia
28-06-2005, 21:10
The 3rd and 4th Fleets left New Dornalian space, and eventually, after several hours, arrived near Huntarian Jedi space and began to proceed at the fastest possible speed to try and get the war materials to the Malkir as fast as possible...
Meanwhile, the 1st and 2nd Fleets began to take a similar path, but soon, they diverged from the 3rd and 4th and began to stalk the lanes, looking for prey.......
Huntarian Alliance
28-06-2005, 21:39
The Affliction followed by the exploration fleet, dropped out of hyperspace near the edge of the sectors which the Alliance has taken back from the evil Galactic Empire of Huntaer. Jorrus watched as the Huntarian Fleet started to move towards the Tanthan fleet.
"Well, let's get this war over with shall we?" Councilor Jorrus stated.
Another figure walked up behind Jorrus, wearing the traditional Malkir robes. "Yes. Let's get this war over with. Contact my successor, Darth Aelikes." This was no longer Darth Deshoonde, for Deshoonde finally realized the corruption of the dark side. Jorrus had helped Deshoonde free his mind from darkness. Now he is Master Margriel, Darth Deshoonde is no more. "Lets send that vile fleet into the abyss!"
The ships uncloaked, all the ships surrounding the larger ships. All at once a green blast of anti-shield fire suddenly pulsed, delivering the same force as the ships crashed into solid core planets. Rocketing the ships and shaking them up, but dealing no structural damage. Weak turrents and defenses would be destroyed if the fire kept up.
"SURPRISE BASTARDS!" yelled the general and from the center of the fleet a massive blast came from his ship. A 30 kilometer super-concentrated plasma blast, shot for the right flank of the ships, hoping to burn away a clean shot to the Capital ship.
The fighters soon moved unpredictably, moving in all directions, as the four engines on the ship allow them to rocket as great speed in any direction. Except for when they completely changed course it was a like a game. The fighter ships being almost insignifantly smaller, but out numbered them by over 5000 to 1, were abusing the Star Destroyers stationary guns and defenses.
A swarm of A-types began to head for the ports of the Star Destroyers, to invade or wreck all the hangars and effectively cut off all defenses. It would be a minute before they would be perfectly in line to prevent the fighters from successfully passing the fusillade of fire.
The rare and often over looked Type-D, specifically driod pilots, began to transmit data and targets to the 30 Destroyers, using pin-point plasma weapons to project shots aimed at the bridges of the ships. Within two minutes the Goliath Class Star Destroyers, Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk IV, Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk V, Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk VI, Everquest Class Star Cruisers, Retrebution Class Star Cruisers would all have their bridges fired upon and engines, as a way to render these much weaker craft unusable.
As the first wave of 300 Cruisers, a 1/16th the size of the Star Destroyers rushed into battle, they began to blur in and out of sight, using Bubble-space time to randomly appear to 'flicker' as a psychological confusion and to prevent standard targeting systems from landing hits on these agile cruisers. Though much slower, it would take 5 minutes to enter firing range. Only at this close range would the cruisers one weakness be exposed and weapon systems can easily target them.
New Dornalia
28-06-2005, 23:09
OOC: Huntaer, you don't mind a few commerce raids, do you?
(OOC: Just got off the phone with Huntaer:
ND: Your fleet shouldn't be able to strike the forge worlds yet, as they are well within Huntaer Space. Await his response to your infiltration attempt before continuing on.
Tanthan: Huntaer sees that your stuff as godmodding, and at first, so did I. I've since reread what you've posted up, and the things that first registered as godmods turned out to be just fine. I'll have to explain this to Huntaer when he gets back home.
However, this whole battle is about to be ignored by him, as he just saw your other post saying that you were no where near him in the first place. Therefore, he is going to delete his other posts about charging you and whatnot. )
Clan Ansu
28-06-2005, 23:14
OOC: You utter bastards. I was halfway through a really good response/counterattack to Tanthan's post when I saw yours.
OOC: You utter bastards. I was halfway through a really good response/counterattack to Tanthan's post when I saw yours.
(OOC: Save it! Huntaer plans on going up against him later, just not right now. So he expects the battle to play out exactly the same way, just later on in this war. Same to you Tanthan, Huntaer plans what I just said above, so save your responses, as you'll most likely wind up using them again anyway.
Ummm...CA, sorry?)
Clan Ansu
28-06-2005, 23:21
OOC: Meh. Just so long as it's not wasted time.
OOC: Huntaer doesn't understand well I think. Droid ships are extremely efficent and maximize usefulness. Besides if anything i am undercutting the number of ships that could be held on a Star Destroyer size carrier. (Insides hollow and square-like compaction over multi-level docks. Well Kyanges....what you want to do? o.o
OOC: Huntaer doesn't understand well I think. Droid ships are extremely efficent and maximize usefulness. Besides if anything i am undercutting the number of ships that could be held on a Star Destroyer size carrier. (Insides hollow and square-like compaction over multi-level docks. Well Kyanges....what you want to do? o.o
(OOC: It's not the droid thing, he just misinterpreted some of your claims. Like the speed at which your fleet would be doing certain things. For example, the two minutes it'd take to do one, thing and the five minutes it would take to do something else. The way you wrote it sort of made it seem like they were claims that "Your ships would pwn his within five minutes." or something like that.
Instead, after rereading a bit, they just turned out to be saying, "In five minutes my ships will do this... Your move." So, basically, no problem.
According to my info, a SD is 1.6 km long. Huntaer however goes by 1.5 km. So, work with those figures, and you're all set.
As for what I want to do, I want to establish a reason for my nation to go to war. My national mind set of "Peace at all costs." isn't good enough to me. Hence the reason for the previous request of diplomatic channels between Huntaer and I. Depending on how the negotiations go, I'll either be really pissed off and go to war directly, or, have a favorable outcome in our negotiations, and only try to undermine his war effort secretly with raids similar to what ND is doing. With this, I intend to add a little more depth into the conflict, with a little bit of secretive action, political intrigue, and a faction in the war not ready to be like almost every other FT nation out there and revolve around "MY UBER FLEET PWNS JOO! I"M BAD, AND YOURE GOOD, DIEE!!!!!!!!"
Either way, I'm having a peaceful diplomatic discussion first, so, as of right now, my nation is in high alert, but no action is to be taken yet.)
OOC: Then start a comm. conf. with me to do that!
OOC: Then start a comm. conf. with me to do that!
(OOC: Communication conference? With you? Why?)
OOC: Political debate to add a third dimension of course, allies remain allies in war for certian reasons which in peacetime they would argue about. Let's have differences change the compatibilty of our alliance.
OOC: Political debate to add a third dimension of course, allies remain allies in war for certian reasons which in peacetime they would argue about. Let's have differences change the compatibilty of our alliance.
No. It's a one to one meeting. Similarly, any other diplomatic talks will go on in a one to one manner with you, and you alone.
I might end up fighting on Huntaer's side, and these talks will determine that, and I obviously can't have you anywhere near those...
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 00:29
OOC: If you guys really want me to do anything my fleet needs a message soon, I'm about to be in a second war and if you don't need me I'm gonna pull out.
OOC: If you guys really want me to do anything my fleet needs a message soon, I'm about to be in a second war and if you don't need me I'm gonna pull out.
(OOC: we most definately need you. Tantha should respond to your fleet. Huntaer is driving this thing along, and since most of us good guys are defending for now only, you'll have to wait for Huntaer's next move. Be patient. Not all Jedi wipeouts are going to go as quickly as in Episode III . ^_^ .)
You know...I haven't come up with a decent enough response to justify anything, but several weak reasons about playing neutrality when you have picked sides. Though for story developement and drama, that would be present in a real war, exist for the purpose of simply deeping the character developement and social structure and government beliefs that make a story interesting.
As I did in my earlier posts, i put ETAs, but didn't use the words to change the power of my meaning to give a sense of doom and dread, when if you re-read and carefully see it the word choice was perfect for the audience. Huntaer. I managed to play on his emotions by listing numbers and times until certian actions are ready, this direct approach by my country and by my willingness to press the power of it got a strong negative response to him and his country when to a person who doesn't have it apply to them sees a much more docile post, with precise listings, showing a different nature and interprets it differently.
So for the sake of the story, open a meeting for the sides, one on one, to add some spice to it.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 00:40
(OOC: we most definately need you. Tantha should respond to your fleet. Huntaer is driving this thing along, and since most of us good guys are defending for now only, you'll have to wait for Huntaer's next move. Be patient. Not all Jedi wipeouts are going to go as quickly as in Episode III . ^_^ .)
OOC: alright, you've got me, for now, if nothing happens needing my attention within three days half of my fleet is pulling out, three days later the rest will pull out if they're still not needed.
OOC: alright, you've got me, for now, if nothing happens needing my attention within three days half of my fleet is pulling out, three days later the rest will pull out if they're still not needed.
Uh Mini Miehm i am not good in whatever Homeworld or game these units come from, the names are familiar, but I do not know the specs or sizes even. The number also seems......unusually high.
"Zerg Units:
100,000 Guardians
100,000 Devourers
1,000,000 Scourges(they're tiny, each only counts as 1\2 of a population unit)
500,000 Mutalisks
100,000 Queens
170,000 Overlords
Terran Units:
5,000 Leviathans
500,000 Wraiths
500,000 Valkyries
100,000 Grizzlies
100,000 Dropships
120,500 Science Vessels
Protoss Units:
5,000 Carries(full interceptor bays, 32 interceptors per bay, 4 bays)
250,000 Scouts
250,000 Corsairs
500,000 Shuttles
100,000 Observers
1,000,000 Arbiters"
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 00:49
Uh Mini Miehm i am not good in whatever Homeworld or game these units come from, the names are familiar, but I do not know the specs or sizes even. The number also seems......unusually high.
OOC: Starcraft, they're a very large portion of my entire fleet(about 80%) and they are pretty powerful, you can get specs from some of them from Huntaer, assuming he accepted them, the rest I'll give them if you want them.
They're mostly small and on the mid to low end of the power scale, except for the Leviathans and the Carriers, but the rest are all one man craft, or in the case of the gunships ten man craft.
You know...I haven't come up with a decent enough response to justify anything, but several weak reasons about playing neutrality when you have picked sides. Though for story developement and drama, that would be present in a real war, exist for the purpose of simply deeping the character developement and social structure and government beliefs that make a story interesting.
As I did in my earlier posts, i put ETAs, but didn't use the words to change the power of my meaning to give a sense of doom and dread, when if you re-read and carefully see it the word choice was perfect for the audience. Huntaer. I managed to play on his emotions by listing numbers and times until certian actions are ready, this direct approach by my country and by my willingness to press the power of it got a strong negative response to him and his country when to a person who doesn't have it apply to them sees a much more docile post, with precise listings, showing a different nature and interprets it differently.
So for the sake of the story, open a meeting for the sides, one on one, to add some spice to it.
(OOC: Apparently you didn't understand. I already started one.
I also already mentioned adding in greater depth to the story, and hence, my request to Huntaer for diplomacy.
Second, I also already mentioned that I'm adding political aspects to the story because politics can sometimes be more powerful than a death star.
All of this I already said. Thank you.
As for your second paragraph, there was nothing docile about that post, no matter who read it. This was characterized by the huge "Surprise bastards." wrote in there.
Finally, there was nothing but a "wtf" brought about in Huntaer. Believe me, I just talked to him about it.)
OOC: Huntaer is not online, can you post them. Then make a fleet with the units? I see no logistical, capital or defining center of ships. These seem like...just random ships. I'm sure stats can fix that. :)
Also plan how your gonna send all of that to the battlefield. :)
OOC: Starcraft, they're a very large portion of my entire fleet(about 80%) and they are pretty powerful, you can get specs from some of them from Huntaer, assuming he accepted them, the rest I'll give them if you want them.
They're mostly small and on the mid to low end of the power scale, except for the Leviathans and the Carriers, but the rest are all one man craft, or in the case of the gunships ten man craft.
(Yeah, He's right on this one Tanthan. In SC, these units aren't all that powerful, but in these numbers, they're going to be decent.
The only thing that I'm worrying about is the lack of ground units. You're going to need a hell of a lot of marines, hydralisks, ultralisks, zealots, templars, and the like. Especially marines... mmm, nothing like fried space marine goodness. Oh, and you can't leave out our Arclight Siege tanks, goliaths, Reavers...)
(OOC: Apparently you didn't understand. I already started one.
I also already mentioned adding in greater depth to the story, and hence, my request to Huntaer for diplomacy.
Second, I also already mentioned that I'm adding political aspects to the story because politics can sometimes be more powerful than a death star.
All of this I already said. Thank you.
As for your second paragraph, there was nothing docile about that post, no matter who read it. This was characterized by the huge "Surprise bastards." wrote in there.
Finally, there was nothing but a "wtf" brought about in Huntaer. Believe me, I just talked to him about it.)
Umm sure....that's nice and all, but I meant Kyanges to Tanthan, not Kyanges to Huntaer.
Second part, yes that part was clear, but it was listed before as why he would do that, so don't consider it shocking, least i didn't use the bad swear.
Umm sure....that's nice and all, but I meant Kyanges to Tanthan, not Kyanges to Huntaer.
Second part, yes that part was clear, but it was listed before as why he would do that, so don't consider it shocking, least i didn't use the bad swear.
(OOC: I didnt consider anything shocking. I just mentioned that as a sign that the post was obviously violent. In response to your claim ..."when to a person who doesn't have it apply to them sees a much more docile post..."
And I know that you meant. Once again, I also said the following: "...any other diplomatic talks will go on in a one to one manner with you, and you alone."
Read, man, read.)
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 01:10
(Yeah, He's right on this one Tanthan. In SC, these units aren't all that powerful, but in these numbers, they're going to be decent.
The only thing that I'm worrying about is the lack of ground units. You're going to need a hell of a lot of marines, hydralisks, ultralisks, zealots, templars, and the like. Especially marines... mmm, nothing like fried space marine goodness. Oh, and you can't leave out our Arclight Siege tanks, goliaths, Reavers...)
They'll be detailed when we get to the land battles, I don't want to post numbers because I expect to lose Dropships and it'll be easier to just figure out the numbers then, although they already have a troop ratio set up so the only change is the number of troops involved.
The Leviathans and Carriers are my capitol ships, and the Overlords are the command structure for my Zerg, as well as being my transports.
So your troops are ground only, and near the ground, not space-based?
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 01:27
OOC: Huntaer is not online, can you post them. Then make a fleet with the units? I see no logistical, capital or defining center of ships. These seem like...just random ships. I'm sure stats can fix that. :)
Also plan how your gonna send all of that to the battlefield. :)
There are three Armadas(one for each unit type) and fleets of a certain size within each armada, the ships are mostly transported in their Capitol ships, which have provisions for a year onboard(the capitol ships are 2 miles for Terrans and three times that for protoss, they're so big because they carry the single ships and have little armament of their own)
They're devided ten capitol ships to their support units makes one fleet, and they operate as fleet groups of 100 fleets, meaning they might be able to take one of your fleets, if they attack just right.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 01:35
So your troops are ground only, and near the ground, not space-based?
I have space based,(what has been previously posted) as well as ground forces that I'll post when I know what losses my dropships, shuttles, and overlords have taken.
Joseph Seal
29-06-2005, 01:40
OOC: No one else can read this but Huntaer and I.
We will keep your offer in mind for the future, and thank you for your concern.
We would also like to become allies with you, so that, in return for a small discount at your store front, we will give you resources and manufactured products instead of trade them. Our resources include:
Our manufactured products include:
Ceremonial Iron and Gold Weapons
The emperor awaits your response.
-Joseph Seal
OOC: Just wanted to remind Huntaer. ^.^
"...Mini Miehm, my lady. The fleet is in danger. We must send General Bright Light Diamond!"
The Empress pondered her decision for some time, pacing back and forth slowly in her aristocratic robes. The noble wearing a beautiful rich robe herself were at the peak of power in Tanthan. At last she spoke her mind.
"Tell Diamond, he may take the Fortress, and his army. He will intercept the 2nd fleet here. This shall prove enough to stop them in their tracks."
Introducing: General Bright Light Diamond
Age: 260
Height: 6'7"
Hair: Majestic Blue
Rank: General, 3rd Class
Psychological Problems: Uses the beat of music to determine his mood! UNPREDICTABLE! ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY STARK-RAVING MAD!
Sky Fortress.
A massive floating palace that hovers around a planet. Crystal powered. Cannons and laser weapons. 800 kilometer radius. Dome shield. Forces combat on a manical playground. Capable of space travel.
Message to Mini Miehm from General Bright Light Diamond:
"Music is the path to the soul! My burning soul will scorch you from my palace if you are not careful! Land on my Fortress, let's play my game!"
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 01:50
"...Mini Miehm, my lady. The fleet is in danger. We must send General Bright Light Diamond!"
The Empress pondered her decision for some time, pacing back and forth slowly in her aristocratic robes. The noble wearing a beautiful rich robe herself were at the peak of power in Tanthan. At last she spoke her mind.
"Tell Diamond, he may take the Fortress, and his army. He will intercept the 2nd fleet here. This shall prove enough to stop them in their tracks."
Introducing: General Bright Light Diamond
Age: 260
Height: 6'7"
Hair: Majestic Blue
Rank: General, 3rd Class
Psychological Problems: Uses the beat of music to determine his mood! UNPREDICTABLE! ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY STARK-RAVING MAD!
Sky Fortress.
A massive floating palace that hovers around a planet. Crystal powered. Cannons and laser weapons. 800 kilometer radius. Dome shield. Forces combat on a manical playground. Capable of space travel.
Message to Mini Miehm from General Bright Light Diamond:
"Music is the path to the soul! My burning soul will scorch you from my palace if you are not careful! Land on my Fortress, let's play my game!"
The NORAD 3 dispatched one of its shuttles, brining General Edmund Duke of Alpha Squadron in to meet the strange general of his allies, he decided that playing some metallica was contraindicated in this case, opting for Morning from Peer Gynt(standard cartoon morning music, very soothing) instead.
(OOC: Just checking something. You know he's on our side right, Tanthan?)
The General kindly allows them to take the very edge of sky and the whole place has a very, video-game aura. This man is deeply disturbed and the beautiful landscapes filled with buildings and pre-dug bunkers. Like a map from the old Command and Conquer series.
Upon their arrival the General sends them a video message:
"Welcome to the edge of the planet, a world outside of the world! I shall give you a few hours to prepare, let's start off nice and simple...old Earth, let's say late 18th cent. The place will be feudal Japan, but just for fun, let's have the Meiji-era started on a slightly different, modernized look! Break through the defenses and march on. We'll test your history and skills! AHAH HAH HAH HA HAH!"
The beautiful landscape outside resembles a forest and hilly plains. The whole place reeks of melted metal and gun-powder. This general is toying with them. A major weakness.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 02:01
(OOC: Just checking something. You know he's on our side right, Tanthan?)
OOC: I sure hope he does, but huis general might not, not with somebody that crazy.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 02:03
The General kindly allows them to take the very edge of sky and the whole place has a very, video-game aura. This man is deeply disturbed and the beautiful landscapes filled with buildings and pre-dug bunkers. Like a map from the old Command and Conquer series.
Upon their arrival the General sends them a video message:
"Welcome to the edge of the planet, a world outside of the world! I shall give you a few hours to prepare, let's start off nice and simple...old Earth, let's say late 18th cent. The place will be feudal Japan, but just for fun, let's have the Meiji-era started on a slightly different, modernized look! Break through the defenses and march on. We'll test your history and skills! AHAH HAH HAH HA HAH!"
The beautiful landscape outside resembles a forest and hilly plains. The whole place reeks of melted metal and gun-powder. This general is toying with them. A major weakness.
General Duke sends his dropship back for reinforcements, he only has his tank and some assault marines with him now, so he put his tank into Siege mode, the assault marines dig in, and they wait for backup to arrive.
(OOC: Just checking something. You know he's on our side right, Tanthan?)
Yes, i know. Still this guy and his escorts are crazy, they aren't going to play fair or nice. There isn't going to be real killing....just a little 'fun'.
OOC: I sure hope he does, but huis general might not, not with somebody that crazy.
(OOC: Lol.)
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 02:08
Yes, i know. Still this guy and his escorts are crazy, they aren't going to play fair or nice. There isn't going to be real killing....just a little 'fun'.
OOC: fun, I'm bringin in Raynor, he knows how to have "fun", much better than duke.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 02:12
The next dropships came from the Hyperion, Jim Raynors flagship, and he had twenty with him, ten bearing Goliath and Hellmaker(goliaths outfitted like firebats with heavier armor as well) assault armor and tanks, the rest packed with vultures and assault marines, they landed, deployed their forces, and once Duke was ready, they moved out.
General Duke sends his dropship back for reinforcements, he only has his tank and some assault marines with him now, so he put his tank into Siege mode, the assault marines dig in, and they wait for backup to arrive.
The floor of the command center falls down and reveals a secret elevator. On this the general, covered in bright white diamond armor and a beautiful black sword rises up to greet them.
"Welcome! How was that invitation?! Think it will work on the Sith and Huntaer?"
The general laughes and points to the Huntaer fleet outside.
"These fools! Set up your powerful cannons here on the north wing. Destroy the Huntaer fleet from space! The escape velocity at this point is so low a simple shell will exit if it travels over 100 kilometers/hour!"
A few Tanthan Elven rangers play skirmish with his troops in the background. The Elven cheerily bouncing from tree to tree, firing blanks at the soldiers. Its clear that though this general is not all proper in the head, but his troops are also just as carefree as he was.
"Relax, have a few drinks with me! I'll put on some music and we can make fireworks in the sky!"
"So before Huntaer sends more of their fleets, which ship you want to down?"
(Five hours from the last post...)
Xei remained in her chair. The window behind her returned to its transparent state. Against the beautiful backdrop of stars and a slight red-orange nebula, Saph Prime stood in silent majesty. From its surface, there were only a few visible lights from the most populated areas. Light pollution had long since been eliminated, and at night, the planet held as a dark jewel in the night expanse.
Xei looked over a few holo-padds on her desk. They gave the latest updates on the large conflict unfolding in the Fringe Worlds of the Sovereignty.
Using the PsiCommu network in the station, she opened a channel with the commander of the dreaded Talon Forces of the Tar'en Advanced R&D division. (Think Star Craft Ghosts, mixed with Templars and a dash of Archon. All that added with the good'ole fashion personality, culture, and professionalism of the Marines.)
In her mind, the image of the commander slowly came into focus...
"What's the latest sir?" came the voice of the commander.
"Nothing. The battle those...Elves...got into has held steady so far. They're locked in a stale mate..."
"Yeah, that's right, I saw the Holo-net stream... Look, you know that we can't just sit around on our hands? If we keep playing nice, out there and behind the scenes... I'm sure I don't have to explain everything. It's not going to be pretty."
"You're right, you don't have to tell me. I'll get Ki on the line. We'll get an exec order."
"Roger that."
"Xei, out."
Xei closed her eyes, and let the commander's image slip from her mind. When it was gone, the PsiLink was severed.
She then moved a few padds out of the way, and waved her hand over a button on the desk. A holographic display activated, and the image flickered into view. The line she had just opened was a secure line from her desk, right to the President, who was currently on a goodwill visit with the Cle'ien Race out in the Unknown regions. Ki's face flickered into view.
"Yes, what is it? Oh, Xei? Let me guess, some kind of crisis" She spoke.
"Eh, yes, Ms. President. I'm sure you've heard."
"Of course. And I already know what you want..."
"Your approval on the SpecOps deployment I sent to you earlier."
"Yes. I'll make this simple, keep that war a small as possible. I can't have the E.S. being sucked into another galactic catastrophe."
"Yes, Ms. President."
"Good, Ki'menoshi out."
Xei, sighed, and deactivated the display, which disappeared in an instant. She turned out again to face Sapherion Prime. At this stage in its orbit, Saph Major and Minor could be seen in the horizon.
(Two Hours later...)
A small vessel Folded out near the Huntaerian fleet. It quickly engaged its Stealth, and silently positioned itself near the core of the armada...
Inside, 50 Talon SpecOps Operators sat quietly, the interior was nothing more than a small room. There lights were cut, and only a dim red glow provided any illumination. The Talons awaited the call to strike...
Introducing: General Bright Light Diamond
Age: 260
Height: 6'7"
Hair: Majestic Blue
Rank: General, 3rd Class
Psychological Problems: Uses the beat of music to determine his mood! UNPREDICTABLE! ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY STARK-RAVING MAD!
Before I start ranting, I just want to say I like the discription of your general. It's rather funny.
Sky Fortress.
A massive floating palace that hovers around a planet. Crystal powered. Cannons and laser weapons. 800 kilometer radius. Dome shield. Forces combat on a manical playground. Capable of space travel.
NVM. Evidently, I once again "misunderstood" my collected information.
Still, 800 km is too large for any station.
NOTE: If 800 KM is a typo and was suppose to be 800 m(eters), that's something else.
kyanges, was our negotiation thread ever created by you while I was at swim practice?
The Pessimism, following the ship of Lord Aelikes
Past the stars, cruising along their allies, the Sith Fleet wavered in and out, as Totalius watched from aboard his throne, waiting and complacent, sitting without worry or fear of anything to happen. He felt squanderously hungry, and summoned his greatest apprentice, Lord Nahaza, to bow low before her master's slippery figure. "A great battle awaits on the horizon, apprentice."
"Yes, Lord." Nahaza replied, her eyes still gazing fixed at the floor as she stood low.
"There is the enemy far off beyond the stars."
"Yes, Lord."
"I have placed you in charge, Darth Nahaza, to bring the forefront of my minions to your thrall."
"Yes, Lord."
"I expect victory or at least, a betterment of chaos. Should you fail in your mission, kill enough and I shall be pleased."
"Because then I can live another while longer, to continue the shatter of this wretched galaxy of unwanted scum."
"Yes, Lord." Nahaza spoke, as she stood up and walked off, her eyes in deep thought with a simple glaze. Steps were heard, as the slaves hissed and rumbled, slowly dripping to their knees, as Totalius lifted his fingers, and long purple lines of erratic energy sifted into his body.
But the hunger was not sufficed. He could not drain enough to sustain that pain, and he lurched violently on his throne. More, chaos... He thought, as he grasped his stomach in dreading attitude.
The first fleet moved onwards, following the Lord Aelikes' forces closely. So close, they seemed, that they looked as one fleet in the distance. But close up, the broken shackles of the Pessimism and the tattered but swift flying fighters swirling around were in stark contrast to the new, sleek and powerful looking ships of the Kirtir.
Totalius felt another swerve in his stomach, and he knew that at that second, his second fleet had arrived from Hyperspace, to their location. He began to bolster their numbers.
OOC: Jenrak, would you also like to do a diplomacy thread about the war?
It would be interesting for our lords to meet and discuss tactics.
kyanges, was our negotiation thread ever created by you while I was at swim practice?
(OOC: No. You can get one started. A good thing would be to respond to my previous request earlier in this thread.)
OOC: Sure. Are you making it?
Joseph Seal
29-06-2005, 03:15
OOC: No one else can read this but Huntaer and I.
We will keep your offer in mind for the future, and thank you for your concern.
We would also like to become allies with you, so that, in return for a small discount at your store front, we will give you resources and manufactured products instead of trade them. Our resources include:
Our manufactured products include:
Ceremonial Iron and Gold Weapons
The emperor awaits your response.
-Joseph Seal
OOC: Sorry for being a nag, I just don't want to be ignored. ;)
Hyperspatial Travel
29-06-2005, 03:21
OOC: My forces currently available:
Zerg Units:
100,000 Guardians
100,000 Devourers
1,000,000 Scourges(they're tiny, each only counts as 1\2 of a population unit)
500,000 Mutalisks
100,000 Queens
170,000 Overlords
Terran Units:
5,000 Leviathans
500,000 Wraiths
500,000 Valkyries
100,000 Grizzlies
100,000 Dropships
120,500 Science Vessels
Protoss Units:
5,000 Carries(full interceptor bays, 32 interceptors per bay, 4 bays)
250,000 Scouts
250,000 Corsairs
500,000 Shuttles
100,000 Observers
1,000,000 Arbiters
This is my entire Space navy. Minus a few thousand Grizzly escorts and their equivalents, as well as a few thousand transports from each unit type.
OOC:Either you change those numbers, or earn yourself a perma-ignore from me. You do realise Arbiters are the equivalent of cruisers, Carriers are capital ships, and the minor fact the Zerg, Protoss and Terran generally don't co-operate, not to that level..
I mean, look at this. (Note the fact I use NS population as a limit for an army) You have 1/10th of my population. You have 300 million people. You have a weaker economy, and you have defense "On the Agenda".
It's doubtful you'd have 1/10th of those numbers. I mean, look at this.
"5,000 Leviathans
500,000 Wraiths
500,000 Valkyries
100,000 Grizzlies
100,000 Dropships
120,500 Science Vessels"
I'm assuming a Leviathin is a capital ship similiar to a Battlecruiser. That means you have 11 000 capital ships. Assuming you have 300-400 crew on each, that's about 2 MILLION in crew.
A Wraith has 1 pilot, a Valkyrie perhaps ten. Thats another FIVE MILLION crew. Let's say Grizzlies have five, that's another five hundred thousand. Dropships can carry 8 troops... Another million. Science Vessels are huge. If you've played SC, you'd have seen the movie in which a demolition team goes onto destroy it, and it's easily 100 times the size of a wraith. They carry perhaps TWENTY people, making another 2 million pilots.
You have about TEN MILLION PEOPLE crewing your ships. This is both stupid and unrealistic. Having 3% of your population (Not counting Protoss and Zerg) as pilots, not counting military forces, means your economy would collapse, the cost of building, maintaining, and giving food to these people and repairing the ships would essentially destroy commerce, and kill your nation, due to hunger and revolutions.
Please be reasonable, or I will be forced to ignore you, which is something I don't want to do to anyone. (Oh, and copying stuff straight out of a game is another good way to burn every single little bit of respect you may have. People respect you for making your own ships, just copying them shows laziness and the fact you don't really care about RPing)
IC: Lord Admiral Tarn was mightily pleased with himself. He had managed to muster a fleet within the smallest possible time, all outfitted with the new Singularity X engines, apart from the smallest fighter craft.
The twelve representatives of the Jedi on his dreadnought, the Genone, stood solemnly around him, watching the fleet mobilise. Although markedly smaller than most, his fleet was comprised completely of state-of-the-art technology, probably far ahead of what the younger nations could produce.
He flourished his hand, and placed it on a touchpad. A readout began to appear on the main screen, showing the exact numbers and location of every ship in his fleet.
Capital Ships: (My capital ships are destroyers to cruisers, larger ships are placed in a different category)
Isthumus Class - 12
Origami Class - 7
Ojiiran Class - 24
Frigate Ships -
Support Frigates -
Haiu - 76
Ikimas - 45
Missile Frigates -
Tsshka - 17
Heavy Combat Frigates -
Fuido - 34
Gui - 19
Fighter Ships -
Bomber -
Ihta - 1000
K'tai - 750
Interceptor -
Wing - 350
Gorea - 175
Fighter -
Shino - 775
Arean - 1225
Command Ships -
End of readout.
OOC: Sorry for being a nag, I just don't want to be ignored. ;)
I saw it the first time, and I have it in my mind.
Kyanges, I'll start it in a while.
Jenrak, yes. I'll start it (actually, it'll consist of all of the leaders for the dark side party, thought it would be easier)
Joseph Seal
29-06-2005, 03:35
I saw it the first time, and I have it in my mind.
OOC: Ah, I apologize. You just didn't respond, and I assumed you didn't notice.
OOC: Ah, I apologize. You just didn't respond, and I assumed you didn't notice.
On another note:
Diplomacy threads have been posted up for Huntaer and Kyanges only.
Another thread has been posted up for the Sith/Kirtir forces.
Only Includes:
Clan Ansu
Vespeterium Minor
OOC: The sky fortress size was not a typo it is literally 1600 km in diameter.
Vespeterium Minor
29-06-2005, 14:19
This is a private message to Huntaer.
The Family Ship is approaching your Fleet. Please do not fire. We would like to take refuge within the masses of your Space Fleet. We can offer many excellent Engineers for maintainence purposes. Respectfully yours.
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III.
OOC: The sky fortress size was not a typo it is literally 1600 km in diameter.
IGNORED FOR GODMODDING. If you actually expect me to beleive that you have a 1,600,000 meter fortress in diameter, YOU'RE GODMODDING. No one in NS even has a ship over 300 Km. Why? A) To hard to manage with economy and budgets. B) Godmodding. C) Absolutely unrealistic size to create a station of ANY SORT.
I suggest you really re-look at your fleet before you continue to fight. Otherwise, I will force people who godmod to win, out.
IGNORED FOR GODMODDING. If you actually expect me to beleive that you have a 1,600,000 meter fortress in diameter, YOU'RE GODMODDING. No one in NS even has a ship over 300 Km. Why? A) To hard to manage with economy and budgets. B) Godmodding. C) Absolutely unrealistic size to create a station of ANY SORT.
I suggest you really re-look at your fleet before you continue to fight. Otherwise, I will force people who godmod to win, out.
OOC: Ya....well you Kyanges said that....8 months ago with Archangel? Why can i not use Archangel here? It took a MONTH to build the base for it. Its not godmodding when it took 3 months to complete. Its not a ship either.
If you remember Archangel, it was a superior force in modern tech, which projects launched my future tech, the NS base story for the creation of the Elven race (book it wasn't built). Well since you clearly don't remember it..think of the Sky fortress as a continent that replaces a moon for a planet, one which is actually very important and provides a secondary use as a defensive measure for a planet.
This thing is a joke for Star Destroyers, it can't move fast to avoid anything, the shields are pretty old, it cannot fire into space, but the massive flat platform, with the rising tower for the dome-like shield. If you take this thing out, Mini Miehm's fleet goes with it (whenever the number are sent arrive). Its the only thing under this General's control. He doesn't have space-based craft. Its for control of Vespeterium Minor. It is the fortress which replaces an entire fleet and many armies to control one planet. This allows my fleet to move and attack elsewhere while holding the planet in very safe terms.
Remember the picture i posted.....that is it. Your Star Destroyer fleet will rip this thing apart, its practically defenseless, but it offers an advantage for ruling costs. A few nobles and a small military force can rule over the planet with only several billion a day! Compared to the cost of fueling an entire fleet of over 1500 ships, which aren't even the costs for the armies to control the planet!
Archangel became Sky Fortress (NS year time advancement was 300 years between Modern and Future-tech so it all within reason, but isn't a good fighter against space forces. The top is like a pan-cake that allows ships and lasers to fire out only. (Star war-era shields))
P.S. What is your IM for yahoo or something else Huntaer?
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 19:35
OOC:Either you change those numbers, or earn yourself a perma-ignore from me. You do realise Arbiters are the equivalent of cruisers, Carriers are capital ships, and the minor fact the Zerg, Protoss and Terran generally don't co-operate, not to that level..
I mean, look at this. (Note the fact I use NS population as a limit for an army) You have 1/10th of my population. You have 300 million people. You have a weaker economy, and you have defense "On the Agenda".
It's doubtful you'd have 1/10th of those numbers. I mean, look at this.
"5,000 Leviathans
500,000 Wraiths
500,000 Valkyries
100,000 Grizzlies
100,000 Dropships
120,500 Science Vessels"
I'm assuming a Leviathin is a capital ship similiar to a Battlecruiser. That means you have 11 000 capital ships. Assuming you have 300-400 crew on each, that's about 2 MILLION in crew.
A Wraith has 1 pilot, a Valkyrie perhaps ten. Thats another FIVE MILLION crew. Let's say Grizzlies have five, that's another five hundred thousand. Dropships can carry 8 troops... Another million. Science Vessels are huge. If you've played SC, you'd have seen the movie in which a demolition team goes onto destroy it, and it's easily 100 times the size of a wraith. They carry perhaps TWENTY people, making another 2 million pilots.
You have about TEN MILLION PEOPLE crewing your ships. This is both stupid and unrealistic. Having 3% of your population (Not counting Protoss and Zerg) as pilots, not counting military forces, means your economy would collapse, the cost of building, maintaining, and giving food to these people and repairing the ships would essentially destroy commerce, and kill your nation, due to hunger and revolutions.
Please be reasonable, or I will be forced to ignore you, which is something I don't want to do to anyone. (Oh, and copying stuff straight out of a game is another good way to burn every single little bit of respect you may have. People respect you for making your own ships, just copying them shows laziness and the fact you don't really care about RPing)[/i]
Ok, you will note that this is almost my ENTIRE NAVY, these people(the terrans at least) were almost all criminals at one point, they are paying their debt to society, they recieve room and board, and that is it, no pay except for the senior officers(colonel and above), next, many nations have uber huge fleets, you have this for your first fleet:
1 Aphotic Class Super Star Destroyer
50 Petulant Class Star Destroyers
100 Paragon Class Star Destroyers
150 Consternation Class Star Destroyers
200 Goliath Class Star Destroyers
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk IV
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk V
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk VI
100 Everquest Class Star Cruisers
100 Retrebution Class Star Cruisers
Those ships are almost all much larger than mine, I think the Leviathans are about one third the crew of your Retrebution Cruisers, with not nearly as musch armament, without those numbers I am horribly outgunned, ten Leviathans might be able to beat a single Imperator, but at least 8 of them would be dead when the fight was over, your Retrebution Cruisers have about double the guns of my Leviathans, all my ships have going for them is toughness and half way decent vaguely protoss shields.
I did forget about the Science vessel movie, that was an oversight on my part, and I honestly cannot remember why I even put them in there.
Arbiters are simply massive single ships, all Protoss ships are single ships, the Carrier is crewed by a single protoss at the core(final movie, Tassadar VS the Overmind, only tassadar crews the Ganthiror).
And it is generally considered that 5-7% of your population can be used for the military, more if necessary buit it's not advisable.
So the total for my ships population is
2605000 Protoss
1470000 Zerg
4500000 Terran
8575000 Total
Approximately 4.4% of my population is in the military, that's Navy and Ground forces combined, so that's still very much feasible.
EDIT: And don't rag on me for not making things up, your stuff is almost all straight from SW, a movie, making you little different from me, taking my stuff from a game is just like you taking your stuff from a movie, and I've modified almost everything I borrowed, Leviathans now have shields, Dropships hold ten, Valkyiries have a bomb attack for ground targets, most ground units have recieved modifications or equipment variants, everything has at least one modification, everything, even the Zerg units.
2nd Edit: oops, that was Huntaers fleet I put in there, anyway, you get the idea, if Huntaer has an issue with it I'll change it, until then ity stays as is.
29-06-2005, 20:06
OOC: Where are the fleets?
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 20:12
OOC: Where are the fleets?
OOC: Which ones, mine, huntaers, someone elses?
29-06-2005, 20:20
OOC: Which ones, mine, huntaers, someone elses?
OOC: Yours, huntaer's, everyone's
Joseph Seal
29-06-2005, 20:22
(Oh, and copying stuff straight out of a game is another good way to burn every single little bit of respect you may have. People respect you for making your own ships, just copying them shows laziness and the fact you don't really care about RPing)
OOC: ... so... does that mean I'm a bad RPGer just because I don't have the time or skills necessary to make my own stuff? Having original stuff is NOT all of what RPGing is about. It's about HOW you RPG. How you post, if you're fluent, have minimal spelling/grammar mistakes, and if you don't godmodd. Please do not generalize. It really annoys me.
Vespeterium Minor
29-06-2005, 20:24
My Fleet is on the edge of the Sivieen system. It is now on the move toward the main Huntarian fleet.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 20:38
OOC: Yours, huntaer's, everyone's
Most of mine is in the Vespetium system(60%), the rest is scatterd and looking for Huntaers forces everywhere in Alliance space.
10% of my forces (Droid mainly) is on Vespeterium Minor's space. The rest remains around Tanthan, enjoying peace and are ready for battle, but haven't recieved the signal.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 20:49
Mine's behind Huntaer's.
Well put(seriously, I actually got alot of use from that statement.)
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 20:52
OOC: So, seriously Huntaer, do you want me to pull my numbers back to a more "reasonable" :rolleyes: level, or are they okay as is?
29-06-2005, 20:54
OOC: And Huntaer's?
Vespeterium Minor
29-06-2005, 20:58
Everybody in my space are breaching Vespeterium Trading Space recognised by Intergallactic law. By the law I am allowed to comandeer your space craft, or alternativly, destroy them. Be warned, soon my fleet will unite with the Huntarian Fleet. We will then destroy you.
Have a nice day!
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
Everybody in my space are breaching Vespeterium Trading Space recognised by Interrgallactic law. By the law I am allowed to comandeer your space craft, or alternativly, destroy them. Be warned, soon my fleet will unite with the Huntarian Fleet. We will then destroy you.
Have a nice day!
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
OOC: I thought that the thing was unsaid in war....if not, well i been capturing technology and vehicles for too long of time! AHAHAHH!
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 21:27
OOC: And Huntaer's?
OOC: Hiding of course, but in plain sight, you'll find them if you look carefully.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 21:31
Everybody in my space are breaching Vespeterium Trading Space recognised by Intergallactic law. By the law I am allowed to comandeer your space craft, or alternativly, destroy them. Be warned, soon my fleet will unite with the Huntarian Fleet. We will then destroy you.
Have a nice day!
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
If that is how you wish to fight, then so be it, we will not fall before you or your dark allies, we are Chaos, and you are mearly our pawns.
"Pawn he is, Pawn he was, Pawn to what he is and what he chooses not to become, the pawn is in play, and the play is a trial."
"But what of the Game?"
"I know not, I See only that this shall be a greater conflict than any involved truly realize."
The general showed General Duke a map of the fortress.
"You see this place? It's defended well from the bottom, but not from space. If the capital ships of Huntaer were to break through and fire on the tower, we'd all perish! Keep firing to draw the fire to the less key important parts of the fortress. The planet should be no problem to hold then."
The general knew his hollow fortress wa weak against the fleets around him. Though he hoped the plan could fool them with superior size.
"If you want I'll show you a video of our glorious creation of the fortress! It goes back to my grandfathers time! It was incredible!"
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 21:52
The general showed Mini Miehm a map of the fortress.
"You see this place? It's defended well from the bottom, but not from space. If the capital ships of Huntaer were to break through and fire on the tower, we'd all perish! Keep firing to draw the fire to the less key important parts of the fortress. The planet should be no problem to hold then."
The general knew his hollow fortress wa weak against the fleets around him. Though he hoped the plan could fool them with superior size.
"If you want I'll show you a video of our glorious creation of the fortress! It goes back to my grandfathers time! It was incredible!"
OOC: it's General Duke, not Mini Miehm, please fix that, just part of my insanity, only people in RL get to call me Mink Miehm.
"I see, well, I'll get Jim and the rest of our forces prepared to defend this place, and I'll send the troopships off to assault some of Huntaers inner worlds, along with some of my grizzly gunships, arbiters, and devourers and mutalisks, that should be enough to break through any planetary defenses Huntaer might have."
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 21:57
All of the transports with General Duke were dispatched, heading off towards Huntaers outer colonies, and in one case, a strike at the inner worlds, but that was mostly a forlorn hope, they were accompanied by all of the arbiters, 80% of the Grizzlies, and 80% of both the devourers and mutalisks, who would be little help against Huntaers mighty fleets.
OOC: The Taliosa Mercinary forces as hired by Vespeterium Minor are here, just a note that that I have no idea what is going on... so... and update would be nice.
James recovered from the jump as the Taliosa ships appeared. They were near the Vespeterium Minor home world, but not to close, just outside the furthest planet in that system.
"Send a message, Taliosa forces are here and requesting orders. All ground forces are aboard transport ships," James said to the communications operator to his right.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 23:31
OOC: The Taliosa Mercinary forces as hired by Vespeterium Minor are here, just a note that that I have no idea what is going on... so... and update would be nice.
James recovered from the jump as the Taliosa ships appeared. They were near the Vespeterium Minor home world, but not to close, just outside the furthest planet in that system.
"Send a message, Taliosa forces are here and requesting orders. All ground forces are aboard transport ships," James said to the communications operator to his right.
The translation of the invadig forces from hyperspace was easily detectable from the planets orbit, and the General swiftly returned to his flagship, the NORAD 3, then he went to full burn towards the approaching hostiles, with most of the heavy fleet elements in tow.
Vespeterium Minor
29-06-2005, 23:33
Ahhhh, stop James. The entire Family is currently located in the accomidation at the centre of the Huntarian Empire. The mercinary fleet should be sent there. If your Fleet would join up with the combined fleets of the Huntarian Empire and the Family Vespeterium then that would be great.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 23:35
Ahhhh, stop James. The entire Family is currently located in the accomidation at the centre of the Huntarian Empire. The mercinary fleet should be sent there. If your Fleet would join up with the combined fleets of the Huntarian Empire and the Family Vespeterium then that would be great.
OOC: too late for that, his six ships are mine now, he'll never reciev a transmission in time to escape, and if he leaves it'll be because of OOC information, a big no-no.
[Aborad the TSF Renlar, Tenlar Class Battleship, Command deck]
"Sir, we have a fleet incoming, they do not appear to be friends," The sensors operator said.
"Have you hit them with the IFF?" James asked.
"Yes sir, nothing," The IFF was Identify Friend or Foe, it allowed them to check whether the ships were, well, friend or foe.
"Set Alert Condision One though out the fleet, get the gun drones out, bring the sheilds up and charge weapons."
The Tenlar class battleship was the first of it's kind, it was covered in Mass To Plasma weapons, better known as MTPs. These weapons sent a huge bolt of energy at the enamy along a small partical beam, the first thing the bolt touched was superheated and normaly turned into plasma.
Plasma can only exist at super low pressures, meaning that the plasma, once created, expands explocivly, vaporising just about anything it touches. Once it cools down the plasma recoilesses as a solid again, typicly as random bits of metal.
"Fleet reports ready for a battle. sheilds are up, jump drives are ready and weapons have their mark. Ready for orders," said the communications operator.
"Begin standered defence pattern, tell the transport ships to get out of here. As soon as those ships open fire, return it."
"YES sir!"
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 23:47
The NORAD 3 and the Hyperion both opened fire at the same time, unleashing all 6 of their laser batteries against a single point of the enemies shields, while the rest of the Leviathans concentrated their fire in a similar manner, the Carriers, Destroyers, and Motherships of the Protoss forces deployed their interceptors or readied their SCARAB torpedoes to fire, but they would probably not be needed, outnumbered as they were the enemy was likely doomed to a quick and agonising death.
OOC: You really should have read the numbers that you would begoing up against in the Vespetium system before you entered the RP, you're outnumbered at least ten to one, more like twenty to one.
Vespeterium Minor
29-06-2005, 23:49
OOC: too late for that, his six ships are mine now, he'll never reciev a transmission in time to escape, and if he leaves it'll be because of OOC information, a big no-no.
Then I'll just E-Mail him ;) (only joking) I'm sure he can wriggle his way out of this one. This'll just be a test to see how good he is.
Mini Miehm
29-06-2005, 23:51
Then I'll just E-Mail him ;) (only joking) I'm sure he can wriggle his way out of this one. This'll just be a test to see how good he is.
OOC: unless he godmods his ships are gonna get reamed out by the superior numbers, although debatable firepower of mty Leviathans.
[Aboard the TSF Renlar]
"Sir, the Tenlof is taking fire, first and secondary sheilds are down... their making their savior jump," the sensors operator reported. The savior jump was when the jump drive kicked in and jumped the Ship to the back of the allied fleet, it allowed it's twin shield layers to reform and for the captain to reissue orders.
"Incoming fire!"
The ship shook as a barrage of laser fire hit the outer most sheild layer. The Renlar had much more powerful sheilding arrays then the Tenlof, and they held.
"Return fire, all main MTPs on lead ship, all point defence only anything that gets in range," James ordered.
The ship openned fire, the bolt they fired travled at the speed of light down the partical beam, which was turned on just before the weapon fires, giving the target a split second to respond. Most of the MTPs were targeted to enamy laser batteries, the plasma feilds would expand enough to do alot of damage to everything else anyways.
The gun drones that surrounded the fleet, about 40 of them, did what they were made to, blow the enamy up. They accelerated in, they had a single MTP cannon on them, and two smaller point defence MTPs. They also had basic sheilds, but they were made to be expendable. Their main offencive weapon, however, was increadably powerful ECMs, which jammed the enamies sensors and created false targets for them to shoot at, insted of the actual ships.
"The rest of the fleet is responding, they are all firing on the lead ship."
"Make sure we have an Alamo jump ready," James said, the Alamo jump was the jump that the entire fleet made if they were loosing a battle, it was normaly to a near by system or something. There they could regroup, repair and stuff.
Vespeterium Minor
30-06-2005, 00:10
There you see. Thats the Family Vespeterium way. If you can't win, run and hide. Thats what I do.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 00:13
The NORAD 3 was hit repeatedly, it's shields held but they were badly weakened, it wouldn't take much mre of this before it was taking a pounding instead of its shields, but it continued to fire, now targeting everything it could with its burst laser batteries, while the Hyperion continued to pound the heavier ships of te enemy fleet alongside the rest of the Leviathans.
Artanis' Flagship, Ganthiror 2, was the pride of the Protoss fleets, boasting 4 interceptor bays and 4 SCARAB torpedo launchers, it was a mass of deadly purpose, and it released it's weapons against the enemy as they assaulted their allies, sending out all 128 of its interceptors, along with the rest of the fleet, and the destroyers and the rest of the motherships opened up with their SCARAB torpedoes, the enemy was doomed, they were outnumbered and now outgunned by the Protoss onslaught, they could either run or be destroyed entirely.
"Savior jump!" was the only warning they had before the ship made the gut wrenching jump to the back of the fleet.
"Report!" James yelled out once they were done with the jump.
"We haven't lost any ships yet, most of their weapons fire is being misdirected by the gun drones, but they still are hitting us occationaly... and that seames to be enough."
"If two more ships make savior jumps, we're pulling out. continue full barrage weapons firing. let's try to down atleast one ship before we pull back."
"Sir, we have incoming fighters..."
"Point defence MTPs will handle them."
Although point defence MTPs were smaller then normaly cannon sized ones, they would still create a plasma feild on the fighters large enough to compleatly vaporise the fighter, and there were 10 times more of them on each ship then there were the cannon sized MTPs.
"The Unilof has made its Savior jump."
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 00:33
"Savior jump!" was the only warning they had before the ship made the gut wrenching jump to the back of the fleet.
"Report!" James yelled out once they were done with the jump.
"We haven't lost any ships yet, most of their weapons fire is being misdirected by the gun drones, but they still are hitting us occationaly... and that seames to be enough."
"If two more ships make savior jumps, we're pulling out. continue full barrage weapons firing. let's try to down atleast one ship before we pull back."
"Sir, we have incoming fighters..."
"Point defence MTPs will handle them."
Although point defence MTPs were smaller then normaly cannon sized ones, they would still create a plasma feild on the fighters large enough to compleatly vaporise the fighter, and there were 10 times more of them on each ship then there were the cannon sized MTPs.
"The Unilof has made its Savior jump."
The interceptors were engaged by the gun-drones, their shields stopped the first hits, but any that were hit twice were destroyed, meaning that the inmterceptors were dropping almost as fast as the gun drones they were attacking, but they had numerical superiority over the invaders and they were using it for all it was worth, as well as using their small size and maneuverability to mostly survive the enemies attacks, while the SCARAB torpedoes were homing on any target without the proper IFF.
The first Leviathan took true damage, its shields dropping and the plasma blast getting through, vaporizing a pair of laser implacements, and punching a hole through the hardened Neo-steel armor of the tough warship.
"Main target's sheilds are down! Incoming torpedos," the sensors officer reported, like one of they guys who works at a auction.
"EWO," James shouted, turing to the Electronic Warfare Officer, "Lead as many of those torps away, the rest should be handled by Gun drones and point defences. Consentrate all fire on the target with no sheilds, once it's down, lets get out of here."
By now the Renlar had returned to the 'front lines' of the battle, since it's sheilds were back up. No other ships had made their savior jumps yet, they simply ducked back behind another ship that had full sheilds still.
"All weapon away!"
"Ok, lets jump out of here, leave the remaining gun drones to cover our escape, their ECMs should confuse them enough so they won't see us leave. Alimo jump after next salvo," James ordered, and everyone nodded, they were out matched here.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 00:51
"Main target's sheilds are down! Incoming torpedos," the sensors officer reported, like one of they guys who works at a auction.
"EWO," James shouted, turing to the Electronic Warfare Officer, "Lead as many of those torps away, the rest should be handled by Gun drones and point defences. Consentrate all fire on the target with no sheilds, once it's down, lets get out of here."
By now the Renlar had returned to the 'front lines' of the battle, since it's sheilds were back up. No other ships had made their savior jumps yet, they simply ducked back behind another ship that had full sheilds still.
"All weapon away!"
"Ok, lets jump out of here, leave the remaining gun drones to cover our escape, their ECMs should confuse them enough so they won't see us leave. Alimo jump after next salvo," James ordered, and everyone nodded, they were out matched here.
OOC: Have you ever seen Protoss SCARABs, like the Reavers use, yeah, that's them, only bigger, so any hit will most likely drop your shields, thought I'd warn you.
The Leviathan was crippled, the crew was abandoning their ship, but only 100 would make it out as the ships colossus reactor went critical and destroyed every other person onboard.
The rest of the fleet concentrated all of their fiere onthe single ship that had destroyed one of their own, determined to destroy it, while the interceptors flitted about and dealt with the Drone guns that remained.
"Salvo away, jumping!" Just as the enamy ship began to evacuate the Taliosa ships dissapeared. The ECMs from the remaining gun drones covered the ships jump so that the enamy continued to see targets.
Moments later the ship reappeared at a near by system. They took count of what was left, fule wise, and began collecting the Hydrogy that fuled them. It would be a couple hours before they had more gun drones and were compleatly refuled.
A message drone was sent to the Vespeterium Minor planet soon after they jumped, asking for orders. Message drones only had the jump drive, a transmitter-recever and some ECMs, that hid it from sensors. And it was small enough to jump mostly undetected.
Hyperspatial Travel
30-06-2005, 01:01
Ok, you will note that this is almost my ENTIRE NAVY, these people(the terrans at least) were almost all criminals at one point, they are paying their debt to society, they recieve room and board, and that is it, no pay except for the senior officers(colonel and above), next, many nations have uber huge fleets, you have this for your first fleet:
1 Aphotic Class Super Star Destroyer
50 Petulant Class Star Destroyers
100 Paragon Class Star Destroyers
150 Consternation Class Star Destroyers
200 Goliath Class Star Destroyers
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk IV
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk V
20 Imperator Class Star Destroyers Mk VI
100 Everquest Class Star Cruisers
100 Retrebution Class Star Cruisers
Those ships are almost all much larger than mine, I think the Leviathans are about one third the crew of your Retrebution Cruisers, with not nearly as musch armament, without those numbers I am horribly outgunned, ten Leviathans might be able to beat a single Imperator, but at least 8 of them would be dead when the fight was over, your Retrebution Cruisers have about double the guns of my Leviathans, all my ships have going for them is toughness and half way decent vaguely protoss shields.
I did forget about the Science vessel movie, that was an oversight on my part, and I honestly cannot remember why I even put them in there.
Arbiters are simply massive single ships, all Protoss ships are single ships, the Carrier is crewed by a single protoss at the core(final movie, Tassadar VS the Overmind, only tassadar crews the Ganthiror).
And it is generally considered that 5-7% of your population can be used for the military, more if necessary buit it's not advisable.
So the total for my ships population is
2605000 Protoss
1470000 Zerg
4500000 Terran
8575000 Total
Approximately 4.4% of my population is in the military, that's Navy and Ground forces combined, so that's still very much feasible.
EDIT: And don't rag on me for not making things up, your stuff is almost all straight from SW, a movie, making you little different from me, taking my stuff from a game is just like you taking your stuff from a movie, and I've modified almost everything I borrowed, Leviathans now have shields, Dropships hold ten, Valkyiries have a bomb attack for ground targets, most ground units have recieved modifications or equipment variants, everything has at least one modification, everything, even the Zerg units.
2nd Edit: oops, that was Huntaers fleet I put in there, anyway, you get the idea, if Huntaer has an issue with it I'll change it, until then ity stays as is.
OOC:I'm not saying my ships aren't bigger or more powerful, I'm simply debating the amount of economic power it would take to maintain this huge amount of ships. Of course, I may be assuming you repair every ship correctly, and use huge amounts of workforce to make these ships, but you may just simply put every ship that can fly into service, regardless of whether or not the pilot may live past his first battle. If this is the case, I apologize. (Also, 4% of your population is a huge amount to take into battle.
That's about 5-10% of your workforce, and would REALLY hurt your economy) I mean, if you chose to completely disavow all standards and safety procedures to make this fleet, while draining your government's budget, it could be feasible. (By the way, I'm not really angry at you, I'm just trying to make sure all the sides have relatively equal forces with no huge numbers or anything so this RP turns out decently) Oh, and a piece of advice. Send 1/4 of the fleet home. It wouldn't be too hard to locate your home planet, and anyone hostile against you wouldn't have to engage your fleet.
IC: A fragment of the fleet materialised right next to the Mini Miehm fleet, the admiral gleefully showing off the superior capabilities of his advanced fleet. However, when he arrived, he gaped for a moment. "I didn't realise it was so....big...", he exclaimed. He opened a short-wave broadcast, and contacted what appeared to be the capital ships, the Hyperion and Norad.
"This is Lord Admiral Tarn, commander of this fleet. We have arrived in order to aid you in the assault on Huntaer. I'm assuming we can work out a strategy between us. I've prepped my ships for long-range bombardment, I should be able to disable any planetary defense, and then you can land for the ground campaign. If we act decisively, we can easily disable any defenses the Huntaerans have before they can reinforce their defense.
What do you say?"
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 01:15
OOC:I'm not saying my ships aren't bigger or more powerful, I'm simply debating the amount of economic power it would take to maintain this huge amount of ships. Of course, I may be assuming you repair every ship correctly, and use huge amounts of workforce to make these ships, but you may just simply put every ship that can fly into service, regardless of whether or not the pilot may live past his first battle. If this is the case, I apologize. (Also, 4% of your population is a huge amount to take into battle.
That's about 5-10% of your workforce, and would REALLY hurt your economy) I mean, if you chose to completely disavow all standards and safety procedures to make this fleet, while draining your government's budget, it could be feasible. (By the way, I'm not really angry at you, I'm just trying to make sure all the sides have relatively equal forces with no huge numbers or anything so this RP turns out decently) Oh, and a piece of advice. Send 1/4 of the fleet home. It wouldn't be too hard to locate your home planet, and anyone hostile against you wouldn't have to engage your fleet.
IC: A fragment of the fleet materialised right next to the Mini Miehm fleet, the admiral gleefully showing off the superior capabilities of his advanced fleet. However, when he arrived, he gaped for a moment. "I didn't realise it was so....big...", he exclaimed. He opened a short-wave broadcast, and contacted what appeared to be the capital ships, the Hyperion and Norad.
"This is Lord Admiral Tarn, commander of this fleet. We have arrived in order to aid you in the assault on Huntaer. I'm assuming we can work out a strategy between us. I've prepped my ships for long-range bombardment, I should be able to disable any planetary defense, and then you can land for the ground campaign. If we act decisively, we can easily disable any defenses the Huntaerans have before they can reinforce their defense.
What do you say?"
OOC: I actually have considered sending about half of it home at one point, but instead I decided I'd send the Zerg units that hadn't been sent away back, because they really won't help much in offense, and they should be able to delay any assault long enough for reionforcements to arrive. Also, Terran ships have a nasty tendency to be rather spotty on quality control, which makes them cheap, although their armor is extremely strong, as well as their shields, their other systems are much less effective, meaning my protoss units are the heaviest hitters I have, and there are alot less of them than there are Terrans.
"This is General Edmund Duke, commander of this fleet, and I greatly appreciate the offer, we already sent most of our ground forces on towards Huntarian space with most of our gunships, while our heavier units stayed here and covered the system until reinforcements could arrive, but I think that instead I'll keep my fleet here, and maybe I could ask you to go and back up my troops from space while they hit the enemy on the ground, if that's all right with you, we already had one assault and lost a few of our units, meaning we need to stay here and get repairs underway, asap.
Duke out.
Secret transmission to the family of Vespeterium:
"This is the Prime minister of Taliosa, and I have only recently been informed of the scope of the situation. As such, I have authorised the mobilisation of the 1st Space fleet, which is about triple the size of the one currently helping you out. It will come at a cost triple that of the one you are currently paying for.
Also, I can will include supplies, food, medicine and other supplies at current market price. They will be transported by the fleet.
If there is anything else you require please send me a message.
Prime Minister Lantash Wilder, Taliosa"
[Back aboard the TSF Renlar]
"Sir, our gun drone bays are full again, and we have full fule tanks," one of the may logisicts officers reported.
"Good, signal to the Black Hawk that they are clear for undocking," James replied. A number of supply ships had Jumped to them with lots of Gun drones. Before then they fleet officers had met aboard the Renlar and they had planned on their next move.
I had been disided that they would jump back to the system, but in a very eccentric orbit at a high pitch level, meaning they would always either be in the Star's Corona or Magnetic blind spot, both places they would be almost invisable from sensors. They would still get minor resesption, but they could always launch sensor drones.
Once again the ship jumpped, appeared above the local star, hidden from sensors of anyone who was on the planatary disk.
"Prep a number of sensor drones," James said, once he was sure they hadn't been spotted. "Launch when ready."
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 01:45
Secret transmission to the family of Vespeterium:
"This is the Prime minister of Taliosa, and I have only recently been informed of the scope of the situation. As such, I have authorised the mobilisation of the 1st Space fleet, which is about triple the size of the one currently helping you out. It will come at a cost triple that of the one you are currently paying for.
Also, I can will include supplies, food, medicine and other supplies at current market price. They will be transported by the fleet.
If there is anything else you require please send me a message.
Prime Minister Lantash Wilder, Taliosa"
[Back aboard the TSF Renlar]
"Sir, our gun drone bays are full again, and we have full fule tanks," one of the may logisicts officers reported.
"Good, signal to the Black Hawk that they are clear for undocking," James replied. A number of supply ships had Jumped to them with lots of Gun drones. Before then they fleet officers had met aboard the Renlar and they had planned on their next move.
I had been disided that they would jump back to the system, but in a very eccentric orbit at a high pitch level, meaning they would always either be in the Star's Corona or Magnetic blind spot, both places they would be almost invisable from sensors. They would still get minor resesption, but they could always launch sensor drones.
Once again the ship jumpped, appeared above the local star, hidden from sensors of anyone who was on the planatary disk.
"Prep a number of sensor drones," James said, once he was sure they hadn't been spotted. "Launch when ready."
OOC: 18 instead of 6, not much reinforcement going on there.
OOC: were adding 18 ships, and considering 6 took on your entire fleet and live to tell about it, another 18 is a big thing. It means that they can do their savior jumps 3 times as much, and still not loose a ship. It also means another 120 gun drones, so you won't be able to hit anything...
Hyperspatial Travel
30-06-2005, 01:50
The flagship moved slightly, and suddenly, the shields were powered.
The Lord Admiral inclined his head slightly towards General Duke, and replied rather hastily, "General. The fleet is mobilised, and the pitiful Sith should pose no problem for us. Should the Hunataeran Star Destroyers mobilise, we shall obliterate them. If you could provide cover for us via the Terran fleet, assuming the enemy mobilise a fleet in time to counter us."
The sleek ships moved out, arriving at the planet within a few minutes. Engineers frantically scuttled about the ship, with many tools, attempting to prevent any possible problems before they occurred.
The weapons were activated, and the accurately named FEAR torpedoes were primed to destroy cities. The admiral barked at an aide, who began to transmit a message.
"All troops on the planet. We are going to drop bio-destroying torpedoes upon all areas suspected of being occupied by the enemy military. (Locations transmitted) You have seventeen minutes to move before cleansing will begin. Furthermore, we are sending elite troops down to help secure any vital points. (Troop info transmitted) Do not fire on these troops. We thank you for your bravery in this war, and your continued co-operation."
The fleet moved into a strategic position, the fighters prepped and ready, the larger ships spaced apart, yet within support range. A few hundred sleek black shuttles began to fly down towards the surface, each carrying fifty marines, three medics, and their commander.
(OOC: Naturally, I'm expecting the Sith fleet to pop out of space from somewhere. So I'm getting ready)
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 01:56
The flagship moved slightly, and suddenly, the shields were powered.
The Lord Admiral inclined his head slightly towards General Duke, and replied rather hastily, "General. The fleet is mobilised, and the pitiful Sith should pose no problem for us. Should the Hunataeran Star Destroyers mobilise, we shall obliterate them. If you could provide cover for us via the Terran fleet, assuming the enemy mobilise a fleet in time to counter us."
The sleek ships moved out, arriving at the planet within a few minutes. Engineers frantically scuttled about the ship, with many tools, attempting to prevent any possible problems before they occurred.
The weapons were activated, and the accurately named FEAR torpedoes were primed to destroy cities. The admiral barked at an aide, who began to transmit a message.
"All troops on the planet. We are going to drop bio-destroying torpedoes upon all areas suspected of being occupied by the enemy military. (Locations transmitted) You have seventeen minutes to move before cleansing will begin. Furthermore, we are sending elite troops down to help secure any vital points. (Troop info transmitted) Do not fire on these troops. We thank you for your bravery in this war, and your continued co-operation."
The fleet moved into a strategic position, the fighters prepped and ready, the larger ships spaced apart, yet within support range. A few hundred sleek black shuttles began to fly down towards the surface, each carrying fifty marines, three medics, and their commander.
(OOC: Naturally, I'm expecting the Sith fleet to pop out of space from somewhere. So I'm getting ready)
OOC: my troopships and such are dispatched to other planets, my fleet was going to cover the system while yours went to help my ground assault on Huntaers planets. and apparently there is a shield over the entire planet that doesn't let anything in or out :headbang: , which I disagree with, but I'll let him keep it for now.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 01:57
OOC: were adding 18 ships, and considering 6 took on your entire fleet and live to tell about it, another 18 is a big thing. It means that they can do their savior jumps 3 times as much, and still not loose a ship. It also means another 120 gun drones, so you won't be able to hit anything...
OOC: they took on the terran third of my fleet, only a few protoss ships were engaged with the attack on your ships, but ok, I'll accept that.
Vespeterium Minor
30-06-2005, 10:39
OOC: my troopships and such are dispatched to other planets, my fleet was going to cover the system while yours went to help my ground assault on Huntaers planets. and apparently there is a shield over the entire planet that doesn't let anything in or out :headbang: , which I disagree with, but I'll let him keep it for now.
Look, I've never done this before. If a put something unfair or unreal then just tell me and I'll fix it.
Vespeterium Minor
30-06-2005, 10:43
And Taliosa, we would be happy to pay out for triple the fleet. The Family has just committed to a merger with Zactarn Prime Intergallactic Planet Real Estate, combined making us the biggest corporate business in the Universe. Soon we hope to merge with other Businesses, then nobobdy will be able to stop us. NOBODY (well exept maybe the Jedi, I hate them soooo much).
Paulo Von Gerrit Vespeterium III, Chairman of the Family Vespeterium.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 15:35
Look, I've never done this before. If a put something unfair or unreal then just tell me and I'll fix it.
OOC: the unbeatable shield is technically a Godmod, but since nothing can get out, and I hold the orbitals of your planet, I'm not going to call you on it, this time, just remember that in the future all of your equipment has to have one exploitable weakness.
The 18 ship fleet soon appeared at the Renlar's position, turning the 6 ship fleet into a 24 ship one. It was much like the first one, it had 6 Tenlar Class battleships, 8 Tenof class cruisers, 2 drone carriers and 2 sheild buster ships.
The drone carriers did just that, carry drones, but they could also make them. They had lots of fun kinds of drones. Anti-sensor drones made it almost impossible to hit itself and drones around it. Burst drones carried nuclear weapons which they detonated on the surface of ships.
The Shield busters were ships that had a huge spike that extended from its front. They electrfied the spike and accelerated towards then enamy ship. It could only attack one ship at a time, but the heavily armored ships did a very good job of breaking the sheilds and hulls of ships.
"Coms, tell the drone carriers to start launching Burst and anti-sensor drones against the enamy fleet. 4 burst drones per anti-sensor drone, blow apart anything that isn't ours," James ordered.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 18:48
The 18 ship fleet soon appeared at the Renlar's position, turning the 6 ship fleet into a 24 ship one. It was much like the first one, it had 6 Tenlar Class battleships, 8 Tenof class cruisers, 2 drone carriers and 2 sheild buster ships.
The drone carriers did just that, carry drones, but they could also make them. They had lots of fun kinds of drones. Anti-sensor drones made it almost impossible to hit itself and drones around it. Burst drones carried nuclear weapons which they detonated on the surface of ships.
The Shield busters were ships that had a huge spike that extended from its front. They electrfied the spike and accelerated towards then enamy ship. It could only attack one ship at a time, but the heavily armored ships did a very good job of breaking the sheilds and hulls of ships.
"Coms, tell the drone carriers to start launching Burst and anti-sensor drones against the enamy fleet. 4 burst drones per anti-sensor drone, blow apart anything that isn't ours," James ordered.
The enemies return was easily noted by General Duke on NORAD 3, his fleet was on the ragged edge of falling apart, but the entire protoss fleet was in much better condition, and though they were smaller than his fleet they were also more powerful, their interceptors and SCARAB toropedoes were moere powerful than anything but the Yamato gun, and only NORAD and Hyperion had been retrofitted with it, along with 6 other ships, making 8 Yamato blasts they could send against the enemy, not enough, but it was all they had, so The General and his Protoss allies again moved to intercept the enemy fleet, buit his time they had help, and things were much better for the defenders, cause they had SDs and similar ships on their side this time, almost doubling their firepower with a single fleet.
"Sir, the enamy is approching the drone fleet, they are just bringing their sheilds up... and I have nuclear detonations. I won't get a good read of how much damage was done untill the radiation clears, but they won't be able to see us," sensors operator reported.
"Have the drone carriers launch some decoy drones, you know the ones that make themselves appear to be bigger then they are. And a small fleet of gundrones, and have burst drones in there for fun," James said, imagining what would happen when the enamy fleets got there only to have more nukes go off on their sheilds.
It took a while to launch all those drones, but it would be worth it.
"Make the jump to the planet," James ordered, and moments later they were there. The enamy fleet would head for the orgional position of the fleet, only to have more ships blow up, then relize they'd been played, and head back. It would easily give enough time for the Fleet to off load their supplies.
"Tell them that we need an opening to send down our supply shuttles," James told the communications officer.
OOC: drones are so much fun...
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 19:15
"Sir, the enamy is approching the drone fleet, they are just bringing their sheilds up... and I have nuclear detonations. I won't get a good read of how much damage was done untill the radiation clears, but they won't be able to see us," sensors operator reported.
"Have the drone carriers launch some decoy drones, you know the ones that make themselves appear to be bigger then they are. And a small fleet of gundrones, and have burst drones in there for fun," James said, imagining what would happen when the enamy fleets got there only to have more nukes go off on their sheilds.
It took a while to launch all those drones, but it would be worth it.
"Make the jump to the planet," James ordered, and moments later they were there. The enamy fleet would head for the orgional position of the fleet, only to have more ships blow up, then relize they'd been played, and head back. It would easily give enough time for the Fleet to off load their supplies.
"Tell them that we need an opening to send down our supply shuttles," James told the communications officer.
OOC: drones are so much fun...
OOC: most of the terrans are still at the planet, only 8 Leviathans went out with the protoss, and there are still the SDs to deal with.
The protoss small-craft were all clustered around the planet, the scouts and corsairs were waiting for the rest of the fleet to return, as the great majority of the Terrans(all but 8) took up positions above the planet, right up until the enemy fleet appeared in their midst, then they began to bring their shields to full and target their lasers, as the commanders shouted their orders over the call of GQ alarms and the shriek of proximity warnings.
"Come to me my beutiful cowards." muttered the assassin. A monitor showing exactly where the Huntaer fleet was with its cowardly targets in the center.
"Point defence weapons firing!" The weapons co-ordinator shouted. It was normal for all point defence MTP weapons to fire on near by targets. The target still had it's sheilds down so it was probably a goner, but never can tell.
"drones lauching from all ships, we caught them with their pants down!"
"Is the rest of our fleet responding?" James asked.
"Yes sir, they all are focusing fire on the nearest ship and forming a parimeter, we already have an alamo jump ready once we do some damage."
"Good, start destroying ships."
The battleships formed the front of the attack, with cruiser supporting. The Carriers stayed at the center and continued to launch massive hoards of drones. Anti-sensor drones were everywhere, scrambling IFF codes between the enamy ships along with the sensors. Gun drones swarmed on ships, and burst drones tried to get under a ship's sheild before it was brought up.
"It appears that they sent the most powerful part of their fleet after our last position, they shouldn't recive any transmissions untill they have already reached our position," the sensor operator said, "But I still can't see though the radiation feild, so they might not recive the transmission at all."
"Focus fire on their battleships, disable their weapon systems, you know the drill."
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 19:42
"Point defence weapons firing!" The weapons co-ordinator shouted. It was normal for all point defence MTP weapons to fire on near by targets. The target still had it's sheilds down so it was probably a goner, but never can tell.
"drones lauching from all ships, we caught them with their pants down!"
"Is the rest of our fleet responding?" James asked.
"Yes sir, they all are focusing fire on the nearest ship and forming a parimeter, we already have an alamo jump ready once we do some damage."
"Good, start destroying ships."
The battleships formed the front of the attack, with cruiser supporting. The Carriers stayed at the center and continued to launch massive hoards of drones. Anti-sensor drones were everywhere, scrambling IFF codes between the enamy ships along with the sensors. Gun drones swarmed on ships, and burst drones tried to get under a ship's sheild before it was brought up.
"It appears that they sent the most powerful part of their fleet after our last position, they shouldn't recive any transmissions untill they have already reached our position," the sensor operator said, "But I still can't see though the radiation feild, so they might not recive the transmission at all."
"Focus fire on their battleships, disable their weapon systems, you know the drill."
The Protoss fleet was better informed than their opponents knew, the moment their foes appeared in the middle of the main fleet a psychic cry went out, calling to the heavy units of the Protoss divisions, bringing them back towards the planet as fast as possible, but they would not be fast enough, even as they turned around the first of the Leviathans was shattered by the MTP weapons of the attackers, but that was a minor setback, the rest of the Leviathans all had their guns on line and blazing away at the enemies shields, as the scouts, corsairs, wraiths, and valkyries all let loose with their various weapons, burst lasers and plasma gatlings, Halo missiles and disruption torpedoes, Hellfire missiles and neutron flares, they were all turned against their enemies shields, and in such numbers that something had to give under the assault, either the drones would be destroyed in their entirety or a few enemy ships would fall, and their escap jumps would not save them now, there were Dominion units throughout the enemy fleet, and no matter where they went they would be vulnerable.
[Back at the orgigonal fleet position, aboard the TSF Dart, Sheild Buster]
"Sir, they enamy ships are accelerating back towards the rest of our fleet."
"Damn it..." The captian cursed, "Link the drones and have them follow us, Max acceleration, run our spike up their butt."
The 8 massive engines on the Shield buster ship came to life, it could accerlate at easily 4 times any other ship it size, and they were smaller then the ships that were turnning around.
"Spike electrified, intertal dampners at full, shields formated for contact, ready to ram."
"Hit it."
The ship suddenly grew a huge tail of flame, it would next to impossible to miss them now, but they had enough sheilds and armor to protect them. They were travling so fast that the law of relativity cut in and they began experiancing time dilatation, where time was slower for them then the enamy fleet. But they couldn't move fast to do dodge them at this point.
What made it worse, is that there were two shield busters, both were now charing forward and incredable speeds. Close behind them was what appeared to be another fleet of ships, and tons of burst drones.
[Aboard the TSF Renlar]
"3rd savior jump made in the fleet. We've done massive amounts of damage to their smaller ships, but they have every ship around the planet headed this way," a tactical advisor said.
"Prepare to jump back to the staging grounds, focus all fire on the nearest battleship, lets take down a couple more ships before we jump out."
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 20:13
[Back at the orgigonal fleet position, aboard the TSF Dart, Sheild Buster]
"Sir, they enamy ships are accelerating back towards the rest of our fleet."
"Damn it..." The captian cursed, "Link the drones and have them follow us, Max acceleration, run our spike up their butt."
The 8 massive engines on the Shield buster ship came to life, it could accerlate at easily 4 times any other ship it size, and they were smaller then the ships that were turnning around.
"Spike electrified, intertal dampners at full, shields formated for contact, ready to ram."
"Hit it."
The ship suddenly grew a huge tail of flame, it would next to impossible to miss them now, but they had enough sheilds and armor to protect them. They were travling so fast that the law of relativity cut in and they began experiancing time dilatation, where time was slower for them then the enamy fleet. But they couldn't move fast to do dodge them at this point.
What made it worse, is that there were two shield busters, both were now charing forward and incredable speeds. Close behind them was what appeared to be another fleet of ships, and tons of burst drones.
[Aboard the TSF Renlar]
"3rd savior jump made in the fleet. We've done massive amounts of damage to their smaller ships, but they have every ship around the planet headed this way," a tactical advisor said.
"Prepare to jump back to the staging grounds, focus all fire on the nearest battleship, lets take down a couple more ships before we jump out."
Aldaris was the commander of the protoss units, he saw the attackers coming and did the only thing he could to save everyone, he recalled them, his arbiter was far from the system, but he still brought them through the rift to his location as the troopships rested for another jump towards Huntarian territory, unfortunately the attackers followed them through the rift, still crippling a pair of destroyers and brining their gun drones after them, but now the tables were turned, Aldaris and the arbviters had saved the fleet, and now they had trapped a small part of their attackers with them, beyond the reach of their allies assistance, but there were also thousnads of extremely vulnerable troopships in the system, and they had to be protected, so the arbiters drained the last of their reactors, putting them in stasis for a time, until the fight was over at least the troopships would be safe.
The fleets of single-ships that had accompanied the troopships were not prepared for the sudden appearance of enemies in their midst, but they reacted swiftly, moving to close with the offending ships and unleashing their weapons, and to the weaopons that the fleet around the planet faced were added the Arbiters phased particle cannon, and the zerg attacks, Glave-wurms and various acids, as well as suicide bomb scourges, all were trained on the few enemy ships in the system, and they all wanted revenge.
Around the planet the Terrans were holding their own against their foes technological superiority through sheer overwhelming numbers, for every ship destroyed there were three more to replace it, and three more to replace each of those if they were destroyed, and this time they were concentrating their fiere, every Leviathan that was left was firing at a single target, and when it made it savior jump there would be single-ships to attack it in its weakened state, mostly valkyries and corsairs, but there were a few wraiths and scouts in the mix against the savior units as well, although most were defending the Leviathans with the help of the grizzlies, and most odf the Leviathans were holding up admirably, three had been lost after the first, and ten were crippled, but the rest were more or less intact, and they showed it, attacking with every weapon at their disoposal.
"Ok men, lets get out of here," James said.
Once again, they left in a huge pulse of ECMs, leaving various drones behind to keep the fun up. The gun drones could chew through the smaller fighters like there was no tommarow, burst drones were reprogrammed to mine status, where the waited for the enamy to drop their sheilds, then move in. They would divert all power to their ECMs and remain hidden untill it happened.
The anti-sensor drones simply became a pain. They latched on to the enamies sheilds and stayed there, blocking sensors and communications from that ship. If the sheilds fell they would latch on to the hull and begin drawing power from the ship's network. They are very small targets, to blowing them off of the sheilds would be very difficult, even if you could find them.
[Aboard the TSF Dart]
The captain watched as the enamies fled through some kind of rift, he started to tell the helmsmen to turn away from it, but stopped. They'd make it. The moment they got through they hit one of the enamy ships, skwering it on their spike. Then power levels began to drop.
"Bring us about, target the biggest combat ship you can find," The captain ordered. The generators on the ship were enough to support most of the shields and the spike, even with the drain. The Engines had their own power supply system and were safe from the attacks.
They lined up on the next ship, the first destroyer they had hit had already melted off their spike from the eletrification, and they were ready for the next one. Their sister ship, the Hardbringer was also lining up on another target. They continued to accelerate, although, at this speed, it didn't really mean much.
Message to the Family Vespeterium:
"The commander of the operation fleet in your area would like to know if you plan on sending any more ships to help out. They are unable to do much more damage then they are doing. They can't keep attacking like this forever, so if you arn't sending more ships, they'd like to know."
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 20:32
"Ok men, lets get out of here," James said.
Once again, they left in a huge pulse of ECMs, leaving various drones behind to keep the fun up. The gun drones could chew through the smaller fighters like there was no tommarow, burst drones were reprogrammed to mine status, where the waited for the enamy to drop their sheilds, then move in. They would divert all power to their ECMs and remain hidden untill it happened.
The anti-sensor drones simply became a pain. They latched on to the enamies sheilds and stayed there, blocking sensors and communications from that ship. If the sheilds fell they would latch on to the hull and begin drawing power from the ship's network. They are very small targets, to blowing them off of the sheilds would be very difficult, even if you could find them.
[Aboard the TSF Dart]
The captain watched as the enamies fled through some kind of rift, he started to tell the helmsmen to turn away from it, but stopped. They'd make it. The moment they got through they hit one of the enamy ships, skwering it on their spike. Then power levels began to drop. And everything stopped. They were still moving at about 3/4s the speed of light so they streaked into the distance under the time stasis feild, taking the destroyers with them.
Message to the Family Vespeterium:
"The commander of the operation fleet in your area would like to know if you plan on sending any more ships to help out. They are unable to do much more damage then they are doing. They can't keep attacking like this forever, so if you arn't sending more ships, they'd like to know."
OOC: the dropships were put in stasis, the comabtants are still free to act, I should have made that more clear when I posted, also, if they're in stasis then time stops for them, they cannot effect or be effected by anything ouside the field, and motion counts, once the field wore off they'd immediately go back to what they were doing, but until then they would be stuck exactly where they were.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 20:37
The enemy fled again, but they hadn't done much damage, and their drones were a minor nuisance for the smallcraft of the fleet, and were quickly mopped up with minimal losses, but the mines claimed their first victim in minutes, the shields of one Leviathan had been badly damaged, and could no longer remain up, letting a mine in and destroying the Leviathan, but the rest of the mines were cold meat for the fighters, once they knew what to look for, they stopped looking for mines and looked for things where there was nothing instead, using their energy weapons on the targets they found, just like they solved the problem of the ASMs by using SCVs to get them off of the shields.
A lone fighter moved towards Taliosa's drones. Inside was one extremely ticked assassin. Her fighter dodged all the fire like a Jedi. Determined to wipe out as much of these weaklings as possible. Already knowing how the fighters get targeted by drones she sped up to reduce lock on and by pass them. Sending massive amounts of laser fire down on the drones as she sped through.
"EAT THIS!" she screamed as she concentrated on a mass of the droids. Her rage being fueled by the failure to kill her target when she had the chance.
This was one girl on a mission to kill, her will was so great that an a blue aura surrounded her in the cock pit. She would be incredibly hard to kill compared to normal fighter pilots.
The drones were destroyed easily, but they were made to be expendable. Another shipment of premade drones had met them at the staging grounds a couple systems away. Some of the ships had sustained hull damage, but it was easily repaired.
"Well, what's our next move?" James asked his advisors.
"Keep doing our hit and runs would be my answer," said the captain of one of the other battleships. "Jump in, blow some ships to hell, and jump out. Leave drones behind to keep them busy till we jump in again."
"ok, that will take a long time to get through, remember, the people down there are starving.. any other plans?"
"bigger fleet sir?"
"This is all we have, and we ain't getting any more."
"Sure... but they don't know that."
"I see... lets try it."
It took a couple hours to ready but it would be worth it.
[A couple hours later]
All the enamy ships would see is a massive fleet of Taliosian ships appear, it would look like over 5000 ships, which could easily chew through the enamy fleet with no trouble. They would see com traffic between the ships, get energy readings and even see sheilds on the ships. They could even watch as they began launching gun drones and such.
Then they would recive a communications from the fleet.
"This is the Taliosa high fleet, please stand down all sheilds and weapons and leave the system. This system has been put under the protection of the Taliosian space force, leave now or you will be destroyed."
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 21:14
The drones were destroyed easily, but they were made to be expendable. Another shipment of premade drones had met them at the staging grounds a couple systems away. Some of the ships had sustained hull damage, but it was easily repaired.
"Well, what's our next move?" James asked his advisors.
"Keep doing our hit and runs would be my answer," said the captain of one of the other battleships. "Jump in, blow some ships to hell, and jump out. Leave drones behind to keep them busy till we jump in again."
"ok, that will take a long time to get through, remember, the people down there are starving.. any other plans?"
"bigger fleet sir?"
"This is all we have, and we ain't getting any more."
"Sure... but they don't know that."
"I see... lets try it."
It took a couple hours to ready but it would be worth it.
[A couple hours later]
All the enamy ships would see is a massive fleet of Taliosian ships appear, it would look like over 5000 ships, which could easily chew through the enamy fleet with no trouble. They would see com traffic between the ships, get energy readings and even see sheilds on the ships. They could even watch as they began launching gun drones and such.
Then they would recive a communications from the fleet.
"This is the Taliosa high fleet, please stand down all sheilds and weapons and leave the system. This system has been put under the protection of the Taliosian space force, leave now or you will be destroyed."
The Dark Templar that piloted the corsairs foiled this simple plot, there were only 20 or so "ships" that had people on them, the rest had absolutely no mental energy aboard, meaning no ships, meaning a bluff, and they told the general almost immediately, the general was not happy, his eight units had not gone through the rift, because they were faster than the carriers, meaning that the 8 most powerful Terran units were still in-system, unfortunately the protoss were all gone, and that meant that only the Terran heavy units remained to stop the attacks, and they were being run ragged, the small craft were getting hit hard with every attack, and before long there wouldn't be much left to hold the planet, and now this stupid, arrogant, idiotic, simple-minded, bluff, someone was trying to bluff Edmund Duke, and they would pay, and pay dearly.
SIC: Tightbeam transmission to all Wraiths:
This is General Duke, all Wraiths are orderd to cloak and attack the enemny formation, the scouts and corsairs will follow you, also under cloak, but not until you have been gone for 5 minutes. Duke out.
"They fell for it, mostly, sir, Most of their ships already have gone through that rift thing."
"Good, are all the drones out?" James asked.
"Every single one... some of the enamy fighter just dissapered off our scanners," the sensors officer reported unhappily.
"Must be cloaking or something, well, the cruisers have ECCMs, right? those should give us some warning atleast. Anyways, they shouldn't be much of a threat to anything other then the drones, have point defence MTPs ready just in case. Move us into firing range, send the drones ahead."
The large formation of ships, 22 in total, along with tons of drones, numbering somewhere in the thousands, moved forward. A couple hundred drones were anti-sensor drones, and they scrambled any weapon's locks any enamy had on anything of any importance.
"Fighters decloaking, they by passed the drones and are trying to hit us."
"Are they locked?" James asked.
"Then turn them into plasma."
It was another couple seconds before the main MTPs openned fire on the main enamy fleet, the point defence weapons continued to fire at any fighters that appeared to close. Burst drones charged forward, homing in on enamy sensors or energy signatures.
From behind then enemy fleet the lone assassin approached, cloaked and attempting to sneak onboard the capital ship of Taliosa. This would be a defining moment in here career if she could capture a capital ship and destroy its fleet in the heat of battle!
She prepared to crash on board the capital ship, it would be just minutes until everything was on the line.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 22:17
"They fell for it, mostly, sir, Most of their ships already have gone through that rift thing."
"Good, are all the drones out?" James asked.
"Every single one... some of the enamy fighter just dissapered off our scanners," the sensors officer reported unhappily.
"Must be cloaking or something, well, the cruisers have ECCMs, right? those should give us some warning atleast. Anyways, they shouldn't be much of a threat to anything other then the drones, have point defence MTPs ready just in case. Move us into firing range, send the drones ahead."
The large formation of ships, 22 in total, along with tons of drones, numbering somewhere in the thousands, moved forward. A couple hundred drones were anti-sensor drones, and they scrambled any weapon's locks any enamy had on anything of any importance.
"Fighters decloaking, they by passed the drones and are trying to hit us."
"Are they locked?" James asked.
"Then turn them into plasma."
It was another couple seconds before the main MTPs openned fire on the main enamy fleet, the point defence weapons continued to fire at any fighters that appeared to close. Burst drones charged forward, homing in on enamy sensors or energy signatures.
OOC: wraiths don't decloak to attack, they only decloak when they run out of power.
The wraiths were ready, the scouts and corsairs were on their way, and something strange happened as they prepared to fire, a single massive signature jumped into the system, and every frequency was suddenly overwhelmed by a single tolling bell, and another, and a third time, 5 times the bell tolled, and from the third toll of the bell there came the wailing and grinding of guitars and the hammer of the drums, only one man would do this, and their suspicions were confirmed, moments after the guitars began their horrible screaming a single human face appeared in company with the howling music, his message was simple: "For whom the bell tolls you ask, well, the bell tolls for thee gentlemen." After the message went out it was obvious to every member of the Dominion forces exactly who it was and what that ship was, Admiral Alexi Stukhov, commander of the "Metal Militia", a more twisted man you would never meet in your entire life, as evidenced by the ending of the guitars wail, only to be picked up again, this time a man screaming "Gimme Fuel Gimme Fire Gimme that which I desire" presaged the musical assault of admiral Stukhov, and the battle began in truth.
Admiral Stukhovs Militia was a massive ship, the largest in the entire Dominion fleet, twice the size of a Leviathan it was armed with twin Yamato cannon, and no less than 20 dual, 50cm burst laser batteries, ten times the size of a single battery aboard a Leviathan class, and armored by the Protoss, as well as having shield heavier than any carrier, it was the flagship of the entire fleet, but Duke had called, and Alexi had come.
Now he moved his massive Militia into position, burning towards the enemy fleet, even as Dukes forces rejoiced, their voices unheard over the communications networks, the fleet advanced towards the enemy positions, all of it, every grizzly, every valkyirie, every half crippled Leviathan, they all advanced on the enemy, even as the swarms of single ships got over their shock and attacked they advanced, nothing could stop them now, the Militia had come at their generals call, and nothing could stop the militia.
In the back of the Renlar, the sensor suddenly picked up a spacial anomaly too close to the ship for comfort. Under normal condisions the command crew would be alearted, but now, a number of local point defence weapons wirred and fired upon the anomaly. The high power burst from the weapons should repell any anomalies, or destroy a cloaked ship, if that's what it is.
"Sir, massive siganature in the system... its.. a really big ship."
"How fast is it moving?" James asked.
"At glacial speeds," The sensors officer reported after a moment.
"We should be able to stay out of it's range then... send burst drones in, we have... how many left out there?"
"Enough to send a planet into a nuclear winter, with more then enough to spare."
"Good, take out it's engines, weapons, the works."
OOC: just a note, the TSF Dart is still about to scwer one of your ships over with your troop ships, just incase you forgot.
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 23:01
In the back of the Renlar, the sensor suddenly picked up a spacial anomaly too close to the ship for comfort. Under normal condisions the command crew would be alearted, but now, a number of local point defence weapons wirred and fired upon the anomaly. The high power burst from the weapons should repell any anomalies, or destroy a cloaked ship, if that's what it is.
"Sir, massive siganature in the system... its.. a really big ship."
"How fast is it moving?" James asked.
"At glacial speeds," The sensors officer reported after a moment.
"We should be able to stay out of it's range then... send burst drones in, we have... how many left out there?"
"Enough to send a planet into a nuclear winter, with more then enough to spare."
"Good, take out it's engines, weapons, the works."
OOC: just a note, the TSF Dart is still about to scwer one of your ships over with your troop ships, just incase you forgot.
OOC: your two ships have already skewered two of the carriers, I was waiting for you to respond to the sudden attack of the in-system defenders.
Also, how many drones did you send out?
The Militia was ready for the attack, it was expected that they would come after such a massive threat, and the point defense lasers of the militia handled the task admirably, destroying most of them, while the rest impacted on her heavy shields, nearly dropping them, but they held, barely. Then it was Dukes turn, the fleet had come burning out from the planet at their top speed, and the single-ships and grizzlies all made it to the battle before the Leviathans. The smallcraft all let loose with every weapon in their arsenal, unleashing lasers, missiles, neutron pulsses, plasma torpedoes, and plasma gatlings, concentrating half of their attacks on a single vessel, while the other half prepared to go after anything that made a savior jump, the second half was cloaked wraiths and scouts, with a few corsairs for good measure. The battle was starting, now to see who survived.
Using her shield disrupter shots she pushed a small hole through the shield and pushed through, firing on the armored ship. With a crash she burst in through the heavy armored Militia flag ship. The vacuum of space sucking the room out into space, until the fighter became lodged inside allowing her to escape and exit the room and onto the main part of the ship.
"Hmmmm, too easy..." she mumbled and drew her pole arm from her back. The polearm glowed and slashed the control panel and computers in the room. Running along cutting into the walls to wreak a little havoc and draw attention to herself, screaming down the long halls, "HERE I AM BOYS! COME AND GET ME!"
The rage of her body was shown in her blue aura, shining brightly on any camera that happened to see her. This was a bold call-out of all the troops, she wanted to start a blood-bath and knew how to draw it out.
The remaining burst drones were being launched from the carriers as they prepared to jump back the staging grounds. One of the Tenof class made a savior jump to the back of the allied fleet, took a number of hits to the hull, then made the alamo jump.
"Ok, lets get out of here, I have another idea," James said.
One last salvo of heavy MTP cannons was fired and then their fleet was gone. James took a moment to recover from the jump, each jump was different, and some worse then others, this one was the worst he had had in a while. The entire command crew was panting and one guy almost threw up. Once he was better, James called everyone to the meeting room.
OOC: about 1040 ish. 300 Anti-sensor drones, 440 gun drones, 280 burst drones, have fun!
Mini Miehm
30-06-2005, 23:51
OOC: that's it? 1040 against a 4 MILE long ship, with point defense along the entire length, that's pathetically easy.
The Leviathans were all damaged, NORAD 3 was nearly crippled, Hyperion had lost her cannon, it had been a nasty fight, but the templar had been right, only 22 ships were real, the rest were just drones, and the drones were cold meat against the single-ships of the Dominion fleet.
OOC2: I'm starting to get pissed here, I keep slugging at you with the most powerful weapons in my arsenal and you come off unscathed, I said they were weaker than most ships, I didn't say they were pelting you with BB guns, either accept losses or quit. A Yamato cannon is enough to destroy almost anything, it would at least bring your shields down, and you practically ignore them, it is my only "real" weapon and you treat it like a popgun, and I'm getting tired of it, it's a fucking NUCLEAR WEAPON for cryin out loud, it's gonna do something to your ships. I am admittedly quantity over quality, but no quality can win when its outnumbered by over 1000 to one.
OOC: they were staying out of range of you milita ship, if its 4 miles long then it dosn't move very fast, my smaller faster fleet could move much faster. And every time a ship makes a savior jump it's because it's sheilds are down. They jump to the center of their fleet's formation, so they are safeish there untill their shields are back up. The just don't jump elsewhere. If you focus all fire on a single ship, it jumps back, the rest of your shots miss entirly and ship will fully charged sheilds takes it's place. The computer automaticly jumps it back as soon as the sheilds go down. Theorecticly, you don't even see it's sheilds go down, it just disappers.
"Ok, you said you had a plan?" One of the advisor asked James.
"Sure, do you think these enemies have their communications on a seperate computer network from everything else? Or do they hook it all up?" Was his responce.
"You'd think they'd disconnect it, so others can't gain access to their computer network."
"I'm not so sure," James said, "they have a lot of ships and they manuver quite well togeather."
"So, what are you saying?"
"Computer virus. Scramble everything on their ships, if they press the 'fire' button the tolite in the captains quarters flushes, random stuff that changes constantly. change their sensors to pick up millions of targets. Their IFFs all change to different frequencies, so suddenly everyone is an enamy."
"It would take a while to program... but it's worth a shot. Plus, it will take about that long before the next drone shipment arrives."
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 00:08
OOC: they were staying out of range of you milita ship, if its 4 miles long then it dosn't move very fast, my smaller faster fleet could move much faster. And every time a ship makes a savior jump it's because it's sheilds are down. They jump to the center of their fleet's formation, so they are safeish there untill their shields are back up. The just don't jump elsewhere. If you focus all fire on a single ship, it jumps back, the rest of your shots miss entirly and ship will fully charged sheilds takes it's place. The computer automaticly jumps it back as soon as the sheilds go down. Theorecticly, you don't even see it's sheilds go down, it just disappers.
"Ok, you said you had a plan?" One of the advisor asked James.
"Sure, do you think these enemies have their communications on a seperate computer network from everything else? Or do they hook it all up?" Was his responce.
"You'd think they'd disconnect it, so others can't gain access to their computer network."
"I'm not so sure," James said, "they have a lot of ships and they manuver quite well togeather."
"So, what are you saying?"
"Computer virus. Scramble everything on their ships, if they press the 'fire' button the tolite in the captains quarters flushes, random stuff that changes constantly. change their sensors to pick up millions of targets. Their IFFs all change to different frequencies, so suddenly everyone is an enamy."
"It would take a while to program... but it's worth a shot. Plus, it will take about that long before the next drone shipment arrives."
OOC: Yes, it is very slow, but I meant the drones you sent to take it out.
Ok, most tech bases have a limit on how close you can be to a star and still make a FTL jump, most have it based on the stars size, I could say that since you're inside the stars hyper-limit then you can't even make those jumps, but I'm allowing it because I'm a generally nice guy, but I'm getting tired of pounding on your ships(and I've mentioned at least twice before this that I had forces to target anything making a savior jump) and you takin no casualties.
OOC: ok...mmmm... that cruiser that took some hits before it jumped out? jump drive faltered in mid jump, from the hits it took and it left a quarter of a lightyear long explosian in the middle of nowhere. I never said the drones would to a lot of damage, their expendables remember?
And, technicly, I'm not using hyperdrive, its a little subspace bubble thing they form around the ship, like a timed wormhole. the presance of a star would shift the center of the wormhole formation a little, but they can ajust for that easily enough.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 00:19
OOC: ok...mmmm... that cruiser that took some hits before it jumped out? jump drive faltered in mid jump, from the hits it took and it left a quarter of a lightyear long explosian in the middle of nowhere. I never said the drones would to a lot of damage, their expendables remember?
And, technicly, I'm not using hyperdrive, its a little subspace bubble thing they form around the ship, like a timed wormhole. the presance of a star would shift the center of the wormhole formation a little, but they can ajust for that easily enough.
OOC: I'm not sure if sub-space is affected by the stars gravity well or not, I'll have to ask around for second opinions on this one, oh well, back to killin each other for no good reason.
OOC: eh, you'd think stars have enough gravity to effect sub-space, atleast a little. They could easlily ajust for it anyways, since gravity is a mesurable force.
Oh, and your the one killing my hirers off for no apparent reason, I'm here for money.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 00:23
OOC: eh, you'd think stars have enough gravity to effect sub-space, atleast a little. They could easlily ajust for it anyways, since gravity is a mesurable force.
Oh, and your the one killing my hirers off for no apparent reason, I'm here for money.
OOC: my allies are engaged in helping the huntarian Jedi, he is helping the Huntarian sith, so I'm hurting him.
OOC: hey, anyone who pays! Anyways we don't know that. and I belive it's your turn to post...
OOC: Taliosa my assassin is on your flagship...please respond.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 00:28
The Metal Militia had finally moved in-system and taken up position holding the planetary orbitals, while some of the fleet jumped back to New Gettysburg for repairs, and the rest fixed what they could fix here, by the time their enemy returned they would all be battle-worthy again, although not in perfect condition they would be ready to fight, and the Militia tipped the scales in their favor.
OOC: ok... ummm
Using her shield disrupter shots she pushed a small hole through the shield and pushed through, firing on the armored ship. With a crash she burst in through the heavy armored Militia flag ship. The vacuum of space sucking the room out into space, until the fighter became lodged inside allowing her to escape and exit the room and onto the main part of the ship.
I saw this.... so... ya..
"We have an intruder on level 1, level is evacuated anyways, sealing off level and preparing to vent atmospher," the security guy rattled on to himself, he pulled a radio up to his mouth and hit the PTT button, "Secuirty forces, we have intruder on level 1, I'm venting atmospher now, please prepare secondary gaurd posts at standerd locations."
The security forces of a Tenlar class battleship was made up of 100 to 150 guys, all heavily armed with personal defence sheilds, small MTP weapons that could turn human flesh, clothing and most personal armor into plasma, but not the metal of the ship's bulkheads, making it a superb weapon to use in the ship. They also had head sets that gave them numorus types of sensors. Some even had bio-mechanical suits that used a small hydrolic system to more then double their streangth.
The level sealed tight around her and quickly deploying her shield, seperated herself from the plan to choke her to death.
"My....my...my..." she growled, "Looks like I need to make a point!"
She grabbed her polearm and slammed it through the ceiling and up into the duct of the ship, cutting through easily, her weapons designed for killing had a little trouble piercing the strong metal, but it was easier then blast doors which would cost precious time.
Slowly she worked her way up to another level, trying to find the bridge. Wondering when she would encounter defenses on this ship, it seemed too poorly guarded so hopefully the defensive measures would be a little stronger.
This time however she decided to not set off all the alarms, but carefully sneak around to throw the crew into a false security that their initial plan had worked, just as it would on any normal invasion force.
OOC: As you can see very resourceful and intelligent, weapons are much like that of a Jedi, except not the peaceful or calm type of person you'd expect from a Jedi. Like a Sith really.
"The intruder has moved into the air ducts, peparing to clear them with bolt of electrisity," the secuirty officer said into the radio.
All the air ducts could be electricly charged for a number of reasons, it allowed them to clean the air as it circulated, to chase any animles out of them, to circulate the air faster or slower, and, most importatly, kill anyone inside them.
The command crew was still in the meeting room, so they would be informed later. As such, he giuded the secuirty teams to follow the intruder.
"Buffers full, electrifing ducts."
He then pressed a simple button on his touch screen computer, and power flowed into the walls of the air ducts. Because of the nature of the ship there was more gravitational forces on the outer levels of the ship, level 1 was the furthest out, then 2, 3, 4.... This also means that there is no place in the ship that is without gravity except the rotational axis of the ship at the very center. The Command deck was at the very center and has the least amount of gravity.
"GAHHHHHHHHWHHHHHAA!" she screamed as electricity shocked her body. Her shield couldn't hold all of it back and lead a normally lethal charge through her body.
The electrical charge being asborbed by her polearm as she lodged it into the duct to short out the current, either blowing the generator or tripping the circuit. Either way her plans of sneaking in were foiled.
Bleeding on her palms and knees from conduction of the charges she winced and crawled along. Her body used to the punishment, but becoming considerably harder to move.
She rested after a short time and began to tend to her wounds in the open. Her medicine held in her Assassin's Vest. The medicine removed the pain and enhanced her physical abilities and senses. The drug's developed a long time ago was called Bloody Eye. A highly advanced neuro-toxin was added to Tanthan's special batch to enhance the bodies function for one earth day. Smell and sight instantly became much sharper. The very function of the brain was thrown into overdrive, as the concept of reality twists so that time is 12x slower for the user. This would give her an edge for this mission. Though its side effect was red-glowing eyes, like that of a devil!
OOC: The true origin of Bloody Eye was on Cowboy Bebop episode 1, Asteroid Blues. This toxin made the user able to dodge bullets by simply enhancing the reaction time so much that it allowed the trajectory of the bullet to be determined and easy to dodge then. If one goes back farther Accela, the medicine which was a nano-bot distorted time in a slightly different way. It was injested, while Bloody Eye was sprayed into the eyes. Tanthan has worked on biochemical enhancements for its special forces for a long time, Kyanges surely recalls the time when my commandos used the stuff to massacre enemy troops and perform otherwise impossible tasks.
"Target is still moving, preparing another jolt," the secuirty officer said as he watched the little red blip started moving in the ducts again. Once again he pressed the little button on the screen of his computer.
"It's approching a duct exit, prepare amush there if the intruder gets out," he said after he pressed the button.
"I'm preparing a contaiment feild it will come up the moment they leave the duct. They shouldn't be able to get out, but I going to leave you outside it just in case."
Hyperspatial Travel
01-07-2005, 01:59
The Lord Admiral let a slight frown mar his face. A High Fleet of Taliosa, eh? Very well. Move to intercept, activate the fighters. Luckily, we've already prepped the torpedoes, so it should be an easy fight.
The fleet moved in slowly, shields and weapons powering up.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 10:41
Killing, killing, killing a race for me. Da da da da da da da da, a business deal today!
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 16:04
Killing, killing, killing a race for me. Da da da da da da da da, a business deal today!
OOC: psst, Vespetrium, you're insane.
The Lord Admiral let a slight frown mar his face. A High Fleet of Taliosa, eh? Very well. Move to intercept, activate the fighters. Luckily, we've already prepped the torpedoes, so it should be an easy fight.
Hyper, please read the posts, my fleet has already been chased off again, and they, if anything, are mopping up what's left of my drones. And don't even try to find my staging area, It's a couple systems off, out of sensor range from anything.
And, just a note Tanthan, you tripped the ciruit breaker and it automaticly reset. Just incase you were wondering about what your pole arm thing did...
OOC: I might sound lazy, but I couldn't read all of this. So can anyone sum up what has happened so far?
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 20:22
OOC: I might sound lazy, but I couldn't read all of this. So can anyone sum up what has happened so far?
OOC: Me and Taliosa have been ripping each other to shreds, and that's about it.
She cut here way through the wall instead of coming out of the air ducts, it would be too obvious. Her enemy wasn't as stupid as she first thought, though she had an ace up her sleeve. Hoping her good looks and 'bedroom' abilities might let her get closer to the target and allow for the perfect taking over of the ship. Though they would never suspect it until it was too late.
She looked around the halls, preparing for a short, but intense battle.
OOC: Me and Taliosa have been ripping each other to shreds, and that's about it.
My assassin is about to take control of the Capital ship of Taliosa. She's a 'hero unit' and the top one I have, so I'm expecting a good mini-plot over it.
OOC: Me and Taliosa have been ripping each other to shreds, and that's about it.
OOC: I'm about to send in the second fleet against you too....
"Signal in Specter to jump in and fight the Mini Miehm fleet. Make sure that the cloaking systems are off on the Huntaer Star Destroyers. We want it to appear that the Nemesis is the only ship there," Aelikes ordered.
"Aye sir."
Lord Shelintiave stood in the command deck of the Sovereign Super Star Destroyer Nemesis. Her arms were folded as she watched the space battle ahead.
::Send in the Huntaer SD's. Nothing can jump out of the system now. Activate the Gravity Well Projectors.::
"Yes M'lady."
The GWP's activated from the Nemesis, now it would be impossible for ships to leave the system. All forms of FTL drives are nullified. Though now the Galactic Empire of Huntaer's ships are also effected, it didn't matter. The enemy fleet is about to face an invisible enemy.
::Move the HSD's underneath the battle between Tailosa and Mini Miehm fleets, and move slowly.::
Though it sounds like I'm controling what happens to the other ships, that is what the GWP does. Ships now must enter the fight outside the battle, mostly behind my fleet, Jenraks, and next to the Nemesis.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 20:39
OOC: I'm about to send in the second fleet against you too....
"Signal in Specter to jump in and fight the Mini Miehm fleet. Make sure that the cloaking systems are off on the Huntaer Star Destroyers. We want it to appear that the Nemesis is the only ship there," Aelikes ordered.
"Aye sir."
Lord Shelintiave stood in the command deck of the Sovereign Super Star Destroyer Nemesis. Her arms were folded as she watched the space battle ahead.
::Send in the Huntaer SD's. Nothing can jump out of the system now. Activate the Gravity Well Projectors.::
"Yes M'lady."
The GWP's activated from the Nemesis, now it would be impossible for ships to leave the system. All forms of FTL drives are nullified. Though now the Galactic Empire of Huntaer's ships are also effected, it didn't matter. The enemy fleet is about to face an invisible enemy.
::Move the HSD's underneath the battle between Tailosa and Mini Miehm fleets, and move slowly.
OOC: We're not fighting right now, he's run off, so you'll be attacking me all alone.
OOC: We're not fighting right now, he's run off, so you'll be attacking me all alone.
Well, sucks for you then. The HSD's are quite powerful, and they can't be seen as of now. Note that the HSD's will be launching the Specter Tie Series Fighters, those are invisible as well.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 20:45
Well, sucks for you then. The HSD's are quite powerful, and they can't be seen as of now. Note that the HSD's will be launching the Specter Tie Series Fighters, those are invisible as well.
OOC: I still know you're there, you forget, I have psychics, a few thousand very good ones, and I'm very good at using them.
OOC: I still know you're there, you forget, I have psychics, a few thousand very good ones, and I'm very good at using them.
Are they SC psychics, or of your own design? If they were SC, they wouldn't be that good, no offence, for SW cloaks are technically better than thus of SC (cool game though). SC is technically much more primative....
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 21:14
OOC: psst, Vespetrium, you're insane.
I'm glad you noticed. Technically, I'm the most active Sith alliance member, even though I'm not actually doing any fighting whatsoever. I hired someone to do it for me. Hahahahahahahahaha. Ohhhh splendid. :mp5: :mp5:
I'm glad you noticed. Technically, I'm the most active Sith alliance member, even though I'm not actually doing any fighting whatsoever. I hired someone to do it for me. Hahahahahahahahaha. Ohhhh splendid. :mp5: :mp5:
OOC: *Shakes his head.* Even I'm not that crazy.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 21:23
Are they SC psychics, or of your own design? If they were SC, they wouldn't be that good, no offence, for SW cloaks are technically better than thus of SC (cool game though). SC is technically much more primative....
OOC: Amped up protoss, the Corsairs are like my detector ships now, and the hundred odd observers I've got scattered around the system, but observers aren't psychic. And, yes SC was rather primitive, but it was a beautifully done game, and the units just beg to be used.
OOC: If a second fleet shows up then I am in big trouble. Huntaer you still have to deal with the Sky Fortress if you want the Family to have the planet back. Either way my fleet next to it would deal heavy damage if you were to attack it.
OOC: If a second fleet shows up then I am in big trouble. Huntaer you still have to deal with the Sky Fortress if you want the Family to have the planet back. Either way my fleet next to it would deal heavy damage if you were to attack it.
Remember, I'm sending in three fleets: One fleet at a time. The first fleet, which you've damaged (I've decided to see just where this goes) has backed off to the farthest part of the system, and the second fleet is comming in, invisible though you could tell there is a fleet just because of the SSSD Nemesis. It hardly travel's alone. The third fleet to arive,
Oh and Mini Miehm, I wasn't referring to SC being primitive, just the technology era it takes place in. The Yamatto Cannon isn't even 1/8th as powerful as an Axiel Super Laser.
Lord Shelintiave closed her eyes to prepair a force message to the invisible fleet, when she suddenly shivered. I feel something, presence I've not felt since.... DESHOONDE!
EDITED. Wasn't suppose to come up yet.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 21:41
Oh, we don't want our planet back anymore. We had a new one built by Zactarn Prime and placed in a different system. The scum that used to inherit my planet can all die. I hate them! I hate them all so much. In fact, I might just slip a deadly virus into the capital and watch them explode. Teehehehehe. Teach them to give up without a suicidal battle against overwhelming forces. They're all going to pay. (But don't tell them that, they might just try and rebel). And then I'd be in real trouble if the army joined the Jedi. But of course that'll never happen. Cos' if it does! :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5:
OOC: heh...k
IC: "
"What is Huntaer up to?" growled Tso'xja.
With that he slammed his table and ordered the entire fleet to pursue Huntaer into the outer part of the system. Prepping for battle, all the ships were charged and the target was the Capital ship of the fleet.
"Time to take them out!" he yelled seeing as they were entering range!
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 21:58
Remember, I'm sending in three fleets: One fleet at a time. The first fleet, which you've damaged (I've decided to see just where this goes) has backed off to the farthest part of the system, and the second fleet is comming in, invisible though you could tell there is a fleet just because of the SSSD Nemesis. It hardly travel's alone. The third fleet to arive,
Oh and Mini Miehm, I wasn't referring to SC being primitive, just the technology era it takes place in. The Yamatto Cannon isn't even 1/8th as powerful as an Axiel Super Laser.
Lord Shelintiave closed her eyes to prepair a force message to the invisible fleet, when she suddenly shivered. I feel something, presence I've not felt since.... DESHOONDE!
EDITED. Wasn't suppose to come up yet.
OOC: I know what you meant, and I meant the same theing.
"General Duke, I feel something, there are enemies approaching, invisible to the naked eye, they come from below, command us and we will reveal them."
"All right, just do it."
"Yes General."
The Corsairs moved towards the oncoming ships, hidden to sight, but broadcasting to everyone who could See that they were there, and those who saw let loose, firing Disruption webs to stop the enemy from firing, and then using their neutron flare to flay at the attackers shields and rip at their defenses whiole they wer still unable to shoot back.
OOC: I know what you meant, and I meant the same theing.
"General Duke, I feel something, there are enemies approaching, invisible to the naked eye, they come from below, command us and we will reveal them."
"All right, just do it."
"Yes General."
The Corsairs moved towards the oncoming ships, hidden to sight, but broadcasting to everyone who could See that they were there, and those who saw let loose, firing Disruption webs to stop the enemy from firing, and then using their neutron flare to flay at the attackers shields and rip at their defenses whiole they wer still unable to shoot back.
::Great. They're moving in invisible forces. All right, decloak and open fire all weapons at the nearest ships!:: Shilentiave ordered.
Moments later, the HSD's decloaked and quickly fired at all of the capital ships which were closest to them. At the same time, the Tie Phantom mk 2's, Tie Specters, Tie Poltergeists, and Tie Ghosts launched from each hangar bay and cloaked. The Poltergeists soon began to cause the clasic tie-engine screams though it looked like nothing was there, and they also began to "bump" into enemy fighters putting fear into the pilots.
Zactarn Prime
01-07-2005, 22:14
Holographic message from Zactarn Prime
"After confirmation from Huntaer the Republic of Zactarn Prime has joined the Sith and his fighting the Jedi." Yelps Darth Vaclavious. "The Jedi order think they are a match for us, they are foolishly mistaken the Sith will overcome all!" Darth Vaclavious stands up and walks out of room.
Message blurs then ends.
The Tanthan forces must have caught the Huntaer First Fleet off guard! Taking there chance to attack swiftly all the ships fired in a massive wall of deadly plasma. Aimed directly into the mass of Huntaer's ships. The concentrated blasts never let up. It was a massive cordinated barrage, aimed at destroying the capital ship of Huntaer's first fleet. For hundreds of kilometers the great light could be seen, blinding all infront of the blast.
General Tso'xja moved the ships in closer hoping to plow through the first fleet, their barrage was so compact between the thousands of fighters, thousand cruisers and 100 elite ships. It seemed as if the Sith were too busy with the second fleet to notice them!
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 22:22
::Great. They're moving in invisible forces. All right, decloak and open fire all weapons at the nearest ships!:: Shilentiave ordered.
Moments later, the HSD's decloaked and quickly fired at all of the capital ships which were closest to them. At the same time, the Tie Phantom mk 2's, Tie Specters, Tie Poltergeists, and Tie Ghosts launched from each hangar bay and cloaked. The Poltergeists soon began to cause the clasic tie-engine screams though it looked like nothing was there, and they also began to "bump" into enemy fighters putting fear into the pilots.
OOC: dude, you know what the disruption web does, right?
The Corsairs were still tearing away at the attacking ships, they were somehow unaffected by the disruption web, but the corsairs were still firing their Neutron flares into the enemy shields, clawing at their particles.
The capitol ships were bloody by now, they'd been hit hard repeatedly, and they were down by quite a bit from their starting numbers, but they entered the fray, Hyperion and NORAD 3 were still fighting hard, and the Militia was on its way to even the odds some more, along with a few of its own little surprises.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 22:25
Hooray. Soon the combined fleets of the Vespeterium and Zactarn corporations will enter the galaxy and crush all before them. Nobody will be spared. NOBODY. (I'll leave Zactarn to fight).
Hooray. Soon the combined fleets of the Vespeterium and Zactarn corporations will enter the galaxy and crush all before them. Nobody will be spared. NOBODY. (I'll leave Zactarn to fight).
OOC: Umm.. no...my assassins are still ready to kill you. I wouldn't leave.
OOC: dude, you know what the disruption web does, right?
The Corsairs were still tearing away at the attacking ships, they were somehow unaffected by the disruption web, but the corsairs were still firing their Neutron flares into the enemy shields, clawing at their particles.
The capitol ships were bloody by now, they'd been hit hard repeatedly, and they were down by quite a bit from their starting numbers, but they entered the fray, Hyperion and NORAD 3 were still fighting hard, and the Militia was on its way to even the odds some more, along with a few of its own little surprises.
:: Move the Nemesis closer to the fleet, then fire the Axiel Super laser.::
"Aye, ma'am.::
The SSSD moved into firing position and began to target the largest capital ship.
OOC: Your turn. Note, that the Axiel super laser has an ~30 km range. Width is about the same as the Death Star laser, but contains 2/3 the power. Still could destroy an entire planet's surfface and atmosphere though.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 22:33
Not the family buffoon. The military. I'm not going to send ten cowards in one ship to take on your fleet. And your assassins smell. Hahahahaha. Smell of terror. :eek:
New Dornalia
01-07-2005, 22:36
OOC: If this isn't cool, I can fix this.
Sensei Mifune, commander of the Acolyte Jihad, sensed through the Force that Mini Miehm, Tanthan and Huntaer were busy clobbering each other. He was torn: should he help them, or continue on his mission of commerce raiding?
He decided to disobey orders. "Damnit, we committed, and we're not doing any good sitting around!" he thought.
He called for reinforcements. Preferably some Relay class Mobile Suit Carriers and more Maos. The reply was that two more fleets had been mustered, and were coming in. They were instructed to meet them at a set of coordinates that was not too far from his position. He agreed, and soon went to meet the new fleets.
6th Fleet-Mujahadeen-e-Khalq, 7th Fleet-Ho Chi Minh:
15 Mao Zedong II Battleships
20 Zaitsev ISD's
20 Relay Class Mobile Suit Carriers
-105 Peter Townshend Fleet Superiority Suits, 55 Keith Moon Fast Attack Suits, 50 John Entwistle Guncannon Suits per Relay
Meanwhile, the 3rd and 4th Fleet opened a hailing frequency to the Huntarian Jedi:
"Malkir Forces-
This is the New Dornalian People's Navy. We have come to aid you in your War of National Liberation. We come with vital supplies for your war. Where can we meet?"
:: Move the Nemesis closer to the fleet, then fire the Axiel Super laser.::
"Aye, ma'am.::
The SSSD moved into firing position and began to target the largest capital ship.
OOC: Your turn. Note, that the Axiel super laser has an ~30 km range. Width is about the same as the Death Star laser, but contains 2/3 the power. Still could destroy an entire planet's surfface and atmosphere though.
Huntaer my forces are still attacking your first fleet.....you might want to do something.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 22:40
New Dornalia, why don't you help us. We'll pay you an unspecified amount.
New Dornalia, why don't you help us. We'll pay you an unspecified amount.
"Continued abuse of communications will lead to a Intergalactic War. The first that would occur would be the result of Vespeterium Minor's plea to corrupt allies! Make a note that Tanthan will be forced to fight all nations that Vespeterium Minor as dealt with if this continues. We are watching you Vespeterium Family." ~Anon
New Dornalia
01-07-2005, 22:50
New Dornalia, why don't you help us. We'll pay you an unspecified amount.
Dream on, capitalist pigs. We will never help you.
Junko Tadanobu
People's Acolytes
Official Reply from the Premier's Office:
We are in no way affiliated with the People's Acolytes, or their present Jihad in Huntaer. Their effort is entirely a private one, conducted with no help from us whatsoever. All corporations that are helping them are charging full export price for their efforts. All personnel from the Acolytes are being privately recruited, and they are not being allowed to deputize People's Navy resources for this effort; all People's Navy personnel in their service are volunteers.
Robert MacIntyre
Workers State of New Dornalia
Of course....this is not entirely true. Sure, MacIntyre's government wasn't fully aiding the Acolytes (they did have to do cash-and-carry for their stuff), but the allotment of fleets and other People's Navy resources, and the partial mobilization of their War Machine said something else....
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 22:50
I can abuse communications as much as I like. And what are you gonna do elfy? Kill us. Hahahahahahaha. Seriously though, we are terrified and ask that the Huntarians increase security around us.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 22:52
:: Move the Nemesis closer to the fleet, then fire the Axiel Super laser.::
"Aye, ma'am.::
The SSSD moved into firing position and began to target the largest capital ship.
OOC: Your turn. Note, that the Axiel super laser has an ~30 km range. Width is about the same as the Death Star laser, but contains 2/3 the power. Still could destroy an entire planet's surfface and atmosphere though.
OOC: Prevents weapons from getting out but lets weapons get in for a limited time.
The Corsairs were soon joined by the wraiths and the valkyries, while the scouts held back to handle the TIE fighters.
The remaining Grizzlies moved to cover the Militia, positioning themselves to block the shot with their own ships so that the Militia would survive to do some damage, maybe even maul a few SDs before it had to limp outsystem.
The remaining Leviathans opened up with every weapon they had, firing Yamato guns and laser batteries with near desperation at their almost untenable position.
New Dornalia
01-07-2005, 22:53
I can abuse communications as much as I like. And what are you gonna do elfy? Kill us. Hahahahahahaha. Seriously though, we are terrified and ask that the Huntarians increase security around us.
Typical running dog behavior. You think you own everything? The blades of Revolution will teach you if you mouth off at us once more.
Junko Tadanobu
People's Acolytes
I can abuse communications as much as I like. And what are you gonna do elfy? Kill us. Hahahahahahaha. Seriously though, we are terrified and ask that the Huntarians increase security around us.
"Your blood shall flow! Into a stream of blood that will only be the plateau upon which pain is built on! We will destroy you!" ~ Anon
Zactarn Prime
01-07-2005, 22:57
I'm releasing a fleet of ships consisting of 14 Vandarious X 193's and 13 Clagwire Cruisers.
"The 13 Clagwire Cruisers are being towed by 13 Vandarious X 193's and the 14th has the two Space Napalms Lord." Says Captain Sheankronothe. "Excellent send all of the Vandarious X 193's into Jet Engine Hyper Warp. That way they will arrive near the former Vespetrium Minor in minutes, but tell them to protect # 14." Said Darth Vaclavious in deep demonic tone. "Yes,yes at once Lord" said a very scared Captain Sheankronothe.
Zactarn Prime
01-07-2005, 22:58
"Your blood shall flow! Into a stream of blood that will only be the plateau upon which pain is built on! We will destroy you!" ~ Anon
OOC: Dude That's deep
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 23:02
But I do own everything! Don't hate me because I'm rich and cowardly.
The Sky Fortress spurs to life, the tower extends into space. The entire place becomes alive. With the fury of the General Diamond it begins final preparations to purge Vespeterium Minor's planet clean of all the waste it had made. The people had called them heros for removing the Vespeterium Family. Though General Diamond didn't like the Vespeterium Family or Vespeterium Minor itself.
"Vespeterium Minor, say hello to the reaper for me...." he laughed, putting on some dark speed metal to watch the end of the world!
There was no doubt about it. General Diamond was going to destroy the planet!
"How will the Sith feel when millions of lives perish in screams of fire and hell! How I wish they to will feel the fire! They will certianly feel this one! HAH HAH HAH HA!"
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 23:08
Teehehehehehe. Killing. Ahhh, I love it. But I thought it was the Jedi's who felt it when civilizations were wiped out not the Sith. Ohh Tanthan, your so sadistic and bloodthristy, we have so much in common. Its a shame we must fight.
"Containment feild active, they should be contained now, the feild inhibits movment absorbing all kenitic energy explosed to it, they should be stationary now. Your MTP weapons should still be good though." The secuirty officer said as the intruder burst out of the duct.
"They can talk breath and stuff, but thats about it."
The sergeant incharge of the security force nodded and turned towards the intruder.
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 23:16
OOC: Dude That's deep
Off the Deep end maybe...
Teehehehehehe. Killing. Ahhh, I love it. But I thought it was the Jedi's who felt it when civilizations were wiped out not the Sith. Ohh Tanthan, your so sadistic and bloodthristy, we have so much in common. Its a shame we must fight.
With a push of a button the beam began to melt and destroy the planet, vaporizing its surface into the atmosphere, a firey hell that both fleets could clearly see as the entire civilization was wiped out of existance. The very people who praised them now burned to death in the fiery hell of their savior's creation.
The General was turning the entire planet into a wasteland!
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 23:34
With a push of a button the beam began to melt and destroy the planet, vaporizing its surface into the atmosphere, a firey hell that both fleets could clearly see as the entire civilization was wiped out of existance. The very people who praised them now burned to death in the fiery hell of their savior's creation.
The General was turning the entire planet into a wasteland!
OOC: what are you doing, and will I have to kill you for it?
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 23:37
You fool, the Family was praising you. The scum left on the planet are no longer useful. Earlier, I expressed my wish to kill them all. I am on a new planet now in some other system, I forget which one. But killing is fun. Wipe them out and kill them, crush their bones and organs. Heeeeeyyyyy.
By the time it was over the entire planet was a lava covered wasteland which was inhabitable. Vespeterium Minor was dead.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 23:50
Well, boohoo. That planet sucked anyway. Now I can rebuild. Bigger and crazier than ever before. CRAZIER I say. CRAZIER!
Mini Miehm
01-07-2005, 23:55
By the time it was over the entire planet was a lava covered wasteland which was inhabitable. Vespeterium Minor was dead.
OOC: I repeat, what are you doing, and will I have to kill you for it?
OOC: Tanthen I do belive that your 'hero unit' is caught in a containment feild aboard my ship, do you wish to try and save her or should I turn her into plasma and leave it be?
Vespeterium Minor
02-07-2005, 00:00
He's wiping out innoccent civilians!!! Kill him, kill him!!!!!!!
Mini Miehm
02-07-2005, 00:07
He's wiping out innoccent civilians!!! Kill him, kill him!!!!!!!
OOC: no, I'll give him a trial and a summary execution, but I won't just butcher him.
Zactarn Prime
02-07-2005, 00:07
With a push of a button the beam began to melt and destroy the planet, vaporizing its surface into the atmosphere, a firey hell that both fleets could clearly see as the entire civilization was wiped out of existance. The very people who praised them now burned to death in the fiery hell of their savior's creation.
The General was turning the entire planet into a wasteland!
You are no better than what you are trying to stop. You will burn in the hell you created. I will make sure of that.
OOC: Tanthen I do belive that your 'hero unit' is caught in a containment feild aboard my ship, do you wish to try and save her or should I turn her into plasma and leave it be?
OOC: Please re-read my last post on that. :)
Vespeterium Minor
02-07-2005, 00:12
OOC: no, I'll give him a trial and a summary execution, but I won't just butcher him.
Oh, you're no fun.
OOC: I read it.. and I fail to see your point. It's standered procedure for containment feilds to be ready in all parts of a ship when an intruder is onboard. He hit that entire hall with a containment feild, then set up a smaller one just for you. Lets just say you a have 10 seconds untill the security team shows up now, instead of them being right there when you exit.
"Hmmm....nice field..." she says and smirks.
She calmly sits down, her polearm she places back on her back and hides the gun and knives away. Using her optical camoflage system she hides her weapons from them and smirks.
"Oh help! Help me! Am I doomed to die here!?" she cries.
Mini Miehm
02-07-2005, 01:19
The Terran Dominion is withdrawing all support from this war due to the atrocities our allies have just committed, we will leave in peace if you just let us go. Duke out.
Zactarn Prime
02-07-2005, 01:20
Darth Vaclavious rises and speaks
in a voice so Scary and hateful that even Hitler would be scared. "Tanthan has messed with our crazy ally (no offense Vespeterium Minor) for the last time. What he did was sick twisted and evil. He slaughtered millions of innocent people for what? To show he's strong by picking on unarmed citizens. What he did was despicable whether your a Sith or a Jedi. He must be stopped before he kills anymore innocents. Captain tell all fleets to target the Sky Fortress this will be a bloodbath he whilst not forget!!"
"This is the captain all ships destroy the Tanthan Sky Fortress at all costs. LET NOTHING STAND IN YOUR WAY!!!!!!!"
Zactarn Prime
02-07-2005, 01:24
The Terran Dominion is withdrawing all support from this war due to the atrocities our allies have just committed, we will leave in peace if you just let us go. Duke out.
I respect your desicion and Tanthan will go down hard and burn in the eternal Hell from which it came.
"HEHEHHEHHE! Now we have the battle we want!" laughed General Diamond. His hair all around him, a look of udder glee on his soul-less face.
The Fortress turned and spun slowly the thing was weak against space-based attacks, but had shields to hold them off until the first fleet sped back. The first fleet had devasted the Huntaer fleet and was sneaking up Zactarn Prime's fleet now. Cloaked and fully charged this would be a sudden destructive force on any fleet they dare attack.
The general twirled in his chair. "Oh you can try! Try to stop the almighty Diamond! Third class general!"
Mini Miehm
02-07-2005, 01:36
"HEHEHHEHHE! Now we have the battle we want!" laughed General Diamond. His hair all around him, a look of udder glee on his soul-less face.
The Fortress turned and spun slowly the thing was weak against space-based attacks, but had shields to hold them off until the first fleet sped back. The first fleet had devasted the Huntaer fleet and was sneaking up Zactarn Prime's fleet now. Cloaked and fully charged this would be a sudden destructive force on any fleet they dare attack.
The general twirled in his chair. "Oh you can try! Try to stop the almighty Diamond! Third class general!"
"Zactarn Fleet, this is Duke, my Corsairs tell me there's a fleet coming after you under cloak, watch your six. Duke out."
The first fleet sneaks up behind the fleet from below them, targetting the engines and underside of the ships. Preparing to fire they hope to get the enemy off-guard.
Zactarn Prime
02-07-2005, 02:29
The Clagwire Cruisers come equipped with energy detection radars so even under a cloak a ship can be sensed, but this was different. Private Raekayvich Maglonadore's radar showed energy below them. He assumed it was a glitch or maybe Darth Vaclavious had sent reinforcements. He looked out the ship window and sensed energy in the Force. He was a Sith Soldier meaning his power of the Force is raw and limited but even he could sense it.
He knew something was wrong and he ordered all Clagwire Cruisers to fully charge their weapons. He also ordered the Vandarious's to roll out all laser turrets. The ships now all fully charged and battle ready Maglonadore dropped a charge. The charge hit the ship bellow and temporarilly disrupting the cloak. One Clagwire Cruiser shot it's engine with a fully charged blast. The Vandarious X 193 then dropped a Napalm the ships quickly flew out of the way. The Napalm apparently made contact but the ship is still concealed.
Zactarn Prime
02-07-2005, 02:50
The ship bellow quickly raced out of the radar's range and they knew this was not over. They sensed danger but they still went on under cloak. The ships sped away and crept into the darkness to reappear at the first sign of Tanthan
The Clagwire Cruisers come equipped with energy detection radars so even under a cloak a ship can be sensed, but this was different. Private Raekayvich Maglonadore's radar showed energy below them. He assumed it was a glitch or maybe Darth Vaclavious had sent reinforcements. He looked out the ship window and sensed energy in the Force. He was a Sith Soldier meaning his power of the Force is raw and limited but even he could sense it.
He knew something was wrong and he ordered all Clagwire Cruisers to fully charge their weapons. He also ordered the Vandarious's to roll out all laser turrets. The ships now all fully charged and battle ready Maglonadore dropped a charge. The charge hit the ship bellow and temporarilly disrupting the cloak. One Clagwire Cruiser shot it's engine with a fully charged blast. The Vandarious X 193 then dropped a Napalm the ships quickly flew out of the way. The Napalm apparently made contact but the ship is still concealed.
Umm you don't get it... my technology on how they move. The ships are designed to operate in 'bubble-space' you can't simply force them to drop cloak, the ships themselves have signatures in space-time but don't exist on the same plane at all. You can track, but not hit unless you merge into the space-time bubble. Its like a object under the ground, you can see it, but not attack it until it goes for you.
(Cloaking can be used also in the manner of being invisible, but still you cannot land a shot on unless you target. When my ships are cloaked they aren't on the same plane and you cannot see them either. If they were cloaked and traveling under the space time bubble, otherwise you could see the ships but there matter would not exist on the same plane, allowing ghosting. Though still as soon as they stop they'd appear and be blown to bits.)
The secuirty sergeant runs up to the edge of the feild, tapping it once to assure it's location. He then pulls his radio out and turns away.
"This the intruder?"
"Aye," Came the responce moments later, "There is some kind of energy signature coming from them..."
"Her, and I'll check," the rest of the team runs up, they all have a strang mask on that covers their face, making impossible to tell if they are human or not. He turns and walks over to the feild again.
"lets see here..." He mutters switching from sensor to sensor on his veiw screen. "What the... Hey corpral!" He says, turning and yelling.
"Yes?" Says another one of the team member, running up. She has her MTP weapon slung on her back.
"Are you seeing something strange, look at her back on the sonar setting," the Sergeant says.
After a moment she nods, "Yup, there defintly is something reflecting the sound, but not the light, probably some cloaking thing or something."
"And do you have any idea what she's saying?" The sergeant asked.
"Sounds like a form of that language the Jedi use alot... but I'm no linguist," The corpral responded.
[Back on the Command deck]
"We belive the intruder to be armed, the weapon is hidden from light sources, but sound still bounces off it. I would like a moving contaiment feild so we can get her to a cell."
"Ok," Replied the security officer, "The containment feild should follow you around dragging her with it."
Meanwhile, the commander was just walking onto the deck from the meeting room one deck below.
"Is the drone shipment here yet?"
"Yes sir, they have just jumped in and I have already begun vectoring them into docking positions," The communications officer reported. "We should be combat ready within the hour."
"Very good, If you arn't needed here, everyone get some sleep, "The commander, looking about the command deck.
"Ummm, sir?" started the Secuirty officer, " I'm currenlty working on capturing an intruder we seem to have picked up here, I would like to finish that off before I hit the sack."
The Commander thought a moment before nodding, "Keep this ship safe."