Re-thinking The East (IC Thread)
(Sign-up here in this ( thread before posting in this one, and all OOC posts should go there. Thanks.)
So far this is open to:
Lanquassia (Judea)
Golgu-Shanaat (Gaza)
The Lightning Star (Palestine)
This will be the only OOC post in this entire thread.
25-06-2005, 09:59
The Conferance Room
Jakob Cohen, representative for both the Roman Jews and the Hebron Jews, sat easily in his seat at the conferance table. Today would be the first step in reclaiming the land God had promised Abraham and his sons, land taken away by Rome - and now, in the fits of irony that the Hebrews have become used to - and given back by Rome.
He looked down at his notes, and nodded. The Synod in Hebron made the decision to horsetrade with the Palestians, a bit of the land that the Jews hold for the bit of Isreal that the Palestinians hold, indipendance with offer of forming a federation for the Gazans, and...
"And this year, Jerusalem," Jakob said softly to himself, with a smile. Soon, the diaspora will be over for good.
The Scandinvans
25-06-2005, 10:10
OCC: This is not to ge a tag or a spam rp:
This thread holds some very good rpers so far so this should be an intresting devepolment that is worth becoming part of and will moost likely intresting andentertaning....
Consul Maderia grinned as he saw that the Jewish, Palestinian and Gazan delegations had arrived to talk, giving him the signal to start the talks. He was worried that the three would escalate into one huge and heated argument, but hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Besides, at least he has his coffee...
"Okay. So who would like to begin? I'll give each of you 10 mins. (OOC: one post) to explain your positions here, from which we will start discussions. The floor is open to you."
26-06-2005, 11:51
--==| The Conferance Room |==--
The three representatives from the area in question looked at each other warily. Whoever went first would have the advantage of laying down their opinions down in the Romans' minds first... but at the same time, whoever went after would have the chance to work in an ad-hoc attack on the first representatives views and statements.
Sighing softly to himself, Jakob Cohen rose to his feet, "As since none of us wishes to take the floor first, I guess it falls upon me to speak."
"First, I would like to thank Consul Valerius Maderia of the Roman Empire for gathering us all here, and I fear I must apologize for the abscene of King Simon Benamin. A summer cold has hit him, and he felt he was unable to speak more than three words without coughing violently. He sends his apologies, and should his condition improve will take my place at this conferance."
Turning to each of the two other leaders, "I would also Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine, and (OOC: Insert name here) of Gaza, for attending. I understand that our peoples have not always gotten along, but hopefully this conferance can being us on the long road of peace, and stop the needless shedding of blood in the Holy Lands."
Turning back to the Consul, but making certain that those in attendance also knew that he was addressing them, "Gentlemen, Hebron's wishes are for a united Isreal. When Rome withdraws its governance from the region, there will be one nation of the Jews, from Egypt to Lebenon, from the Medditeranian to the Dead Sea. The ancient division as told in the Torah will have ended, as will the diaspora enforced upon our people, first by the ancient Bablyonians, and then by the ancient Roman Empire."
He pauses for a bit, then continues: "It is an irony, as many of those abound in our history, that both diasporas, the scattering of my people, were both ended by peaceful means by both civilizations. We were allowed to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians, and now we are being united once again - this time by the Romans, and to that," with a Roman salute and half bow to the Consul, "My people thank Rome."
As Jakob comes back up, he re-established eye contact with the other members of the table. "However, there are three main issues, central to that of a united Isreal, that affect the other soon to be nations in the region."
Moving his hand up slowly, and then his index finger, "First, is the nature of the Gazans. King Benamin has stated that while he would not mind having that land under the control of his nation," Cohen offers the Gazan leader a wry smile, his hand going down. "He has also said that he has no wish to force the government of Isreal onto those who do not wish it, and that he will recognize any and all claims of a free and soverign Gaza, and would wish to enter into treaties for trade between Isreal and Gaza."
Bringing his hand back up, this time raising his index and middle finger, "Second, is the current holdings of land between the province of Isreal, the Kingdom of Hebron, and the province of Palestine. The Kingdom of Isreal, using what land is held by Hebron and the Province, would hold territory that both Torah scholers and King Benamin agree is not traditionally Jewish territory, specifically the lands of Trans-Jordan. At the same time, Palestine currently holds several territories, including the city of Tel-Aviv, that are most definatly Jewish. We would ask for a trade of these lands, and the establishment of one or more Palestinian cities on the coast, so that Palestine may have access to the sea. I am willing to hear the proposeal from Mahmoud Abbas, on what he feels about this. In other words, we're willing to dicker."
His hand, which had dropped down during his last speech, comes up again, thumb, index, and middle fingers extended. "Third, and the final issue, is that of Jerusalem. It is our city, and in ancient times was the center of our faith. Even today, the ruins of the great Temple still stand in Jerusalem, and it is God's will that we one day return, rebuild, and reconsecrate the Temple in his name. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Isreal before the split into Judah and Isreal, and it remained the capital of the true kingdom of Judah until Rome came. It is the city of our people, and it will become the capital of the unified Kingdom of Isreal."
His hand dropping down, Jakob Cohen's voice went firm. "King Benamin and the Knesset are willing to discuss any other points, but on this we remain firm. Jerusalem is to be ours, and the capital of our people. It is the center of our faith, and has been historicaly the center of our nation. It was built by the ancestors of Abraham, and we, the descendents of Abraham, would like to see it back in the family."
With a final 'soft' salute to the Consul, the representative sits back down.
*bump* for people who have signed up.
30-06-2005, 08:11
OOC: *bumped, edited reply*
06-07-2005, 04:05
OOC: Drink Jerusa-Cola, the only drink for the future capital city of United Isreal!
The Lightning Star
06-07-2005, 04:26
Mahmoud Abbas, seeing that the Jewish delegation had finished, stepped up to say his introduction.
"We are glad to see that the Jews are open to discussion and debate, for that is what the nature of diplomacy is. They have raised valid points, such as both sides hold lands that are not traditionally theirs."
"Unfortunatly, diplomacy also leads to arguements over things that both sides hold dear. While we would be perfectly satisfied with the Trans-Jordan area, the issue of Jerusalem still must be debated."
"The Jews may call themselves the people of Abraham, but many of our people would argue so are we. We worship the same god, follow the same rules, our Holy Book is nearly the same. Abraham is a key figure in both our religions. We at least have a say in the future of Jerusalem."
"We want Jerusalem, but we are willing to make concessions. We would be perfectly fine with just East Jerusalem, for it is in this area that that Al-Aqsa mosque stands. We will give up Tel-Aviv, and many other cities, but throughout the many thousands of years of history, Jerusalem has become not just a Jewish city, but a Palestinian city as well. Who were the care-takers of the city when the Jews were cast out? Our ancestors and ourselves were. When we ruled Jerusalem, there was equality and peace between all. Jews, Muslims, Christians, all could pray at their holy sites. However, making the city belong to one religion and one religion only will only incite violence and despair."
"On the topic of Gaza, we will fully support the Gazans in their efforts to gain a homeland around the city of Gaza."
"That is all we have to say for now."
06-07-2005, 04:37
OOC: ...unless Gaza wants something, it looks like it's got free reign. :D
"Mr. Cohen, Mr. Abbas, thank you. Gaza, you're up."
Maderia smiled. Well, so far so good, he thought. I just hope we can keep this up... He took another sip of his coffee while waiting for the Gazan delegate to speak.
OOC: I don't have much time for a better response now, as I'm just getting ready to log off now. Thank you for the responses TLS and Lanquassia- you two were the big ones. Hopefully now Gulgat-Shanaat (Gaza) will post...
OOC: To keep this moving, I'll post for Gaza until Golgu-Shanaat posts.
IC: The Gazan Delegate, Hasib al-Mustain began to talk after the signal from Maderia.
"My dear friends in Palestine, our demands are simple- independence. We have nothing against our Roman friends, but we feel that it is time that we are given control over our own affairs. Gaza was once a great city, and now is the time that regains that greatness.
As far as Jerusalem is concerned: we don't have as much of an interest in Jerusalem that Mr. Abbas and Mr. Cohen do, but we feel the need to stress that it must be open to all Muslims and all Jews, as anything less would be unsatisfactory."
al-Mustain then took his seat.
"Okay then," said Maderia. "Now will be the time for questioning. Whoever wants to begin can start."