First Journy (Open RP) (FT)
[Aboard the TSF Tenof, Command deck]
Aaron leaned back in his command chair. The command deck was one of the strangest on the entire ship. Inorder to protect it it was at the very center of the ship. Since they used a spinning cylinder to create 'gravity' aboard the ship, this ment that the command deck is in the very center of this. It was just that, a cylinder, people were working all around him, both left right, front back, and above him. The people on the far side of the cylinder appeared to be upside down, walking around on the celing, so it was a really strange feeling.
The TSF Tenof was the first of it's kind, a Taliosian Space Cruiser. It was realativly primitive by most standereds. First there was the cylindrical like look to it. The 4 main drives it had were placed out from the main hull on what they called the Protection hull. the Protection hull was 3 feet out side of the main hull, and was almost a foot thick and made from increadably strong metal. The main drives were placed at the rear at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 positions.
Sticking out from the hull were two side sponcends at the 3 and 9 positions, they each carried 2 battleship like cannons, and 1 of the more advanced matter-plasma weapons. On the top of the ship was a single 400mm turret with two cannons.
"Are we done yet?" Aaron complained.
"Yes sir," came the reply, it made Aaron jump
"We just need the order," by 'the order' he ment the one that everyone has been waiting to hear for the past couple months.
"Set course for jump orbit," Aaron said with satisfation, "Prep the FTL drives."
The most advanced peices of equiment were the FTL drives, 2 of them were actualy bought from an allied nation, the third was the same basic thing, only it was made by the Taliosians. The drives could be converted to create a sheild around the Tenof, to having 3 was a good thing.
The Tenof climbed in its orbit to a safe altitude to jump from. Their destination would be the nearest start to Earth, it would be a 5 second jump to get that far, or, so the people who sold it to them said.
"Safe altitude reached, FLT drives ready for jump."
"good," Aaron said, "if any one is not ready for jump, say so now."
A silence filled the command deck, Aaron looked around, everyone was looking at him.
"Alert Condition 3, jump when ready," Aaron said, and every jumped into action. A single buzzer went off, signaling AC3.
"Jumping in T minus 10 seconds," Aaron lowered his head and closed his eyes, not knowing what would happen.
"3... 2... 1... Juuummmm-"
The world spun, Aaron couldn't see anything, yet he could see everything. Stars flew by to fast to look at them. His perspective spun, he saw a dot in the distance that was coming right for him. He could feel that he was spinning, but his vision wasn't changing.
the dot got bigger, it was the Tenof, he was flying right for it. Aaron tried to brace himself, even though it wouldn't do him any good.
He closed his eyes, just as there was a huge snapping sound, and it all stopped. After a moment he looked up, he was back in the Tenof. It took a second for him to find himself. He was still in his chair, then entire command deck was in a daze.
"Are... are we there?" He asked, once he remembered how to speak. There was a long pause.
"Uhha, umm. actualy, yes sir. This looks like the place," dispite the fact that everyone was tired from the jump, they cheered weakly.
23-06-2005, 23:04
ooc: how can I join?
ooc: if you are FT, then one of your ships shows up and makes contact... if your MT.... then... well... unless one of your shuttles goes really really fast then... lol.
And I'm sure one of your ships could pick ours up as it appears there, and detect the jump... and stuff..
The ship was orbiting a moon of one of the inner planets.
"Captain, there is a ship that just arrived in system, orders?"
"Contact them."
To Unknown Ship.
Greetings, this is the Kopt. May we inquire what your intrest is in this system?
Dominion of Theao
A wormhole ruptres in space.....
Three smallish craft emerge... A SK-10 "Lancer" StarNavigator, and two SF-29 "Manta" starfighters.... The wormhole then effectively "evaporates".
SK-10 "Lancer"
SF-29 "Manta" Starfighter
"We're at rally point..." says Lt. Murdock, in one of the Manta's to his wingman....
"Rally point confirmed..." says Lt. Rainer, pilot of the Lancer. "Confirming with the Scimitar....... What the?"
"What is it?" responds Lt. Murdock...
"I've got scans on a vessel... it just appeared from nowhere...." says Lt. Rainer.
"FTL? Possibly? Jump maybe?" says Lt. Murdock....
"Lancer's sensors aren't detailed enough to confirm...." responds Rainer.... "Take your wing in and see what it is.... I'll send info to the Scimitar before she arrives..."
"Roger that...." replies Murdock, "let's move..."
The two Manta's press on full throttle, and zip at an impressive 1/2 light speed towards the unknown craft....
"Looks like an antique...." says Murdock.... "Judging by the exterior design, who ever built it doesn't have AG... I'm reading residule signatures consistent with jump technology...."
The Manta's scream by the ship, and then turn matching velocity and speed with the craft....
"Sir, we are getting a signal from with in the system," one of the guys on the far side of the command deck said, "We're trying to match frequencies... and... damn.. lost it."
"What do you mean, lost it?" Aaron asked, streatching his arms and back.
"I mean, I was able to see it there, but not recive it. It takes a moment to match frequencies. And since we don't know inter-steller frequency lists, we're lost out here sir."
Aaron grumbled for a moment, then spoke again.
"We have GAURD?" Aaron said, refering to the international frequency for airplanes.
"Yes sir."
"Send a greeting on it then," Aaron said, hoping they got the message.
The message:
'This is the TSF Tenof on an explorator mission, we mean no harm, please identifie yourself.'
"Bringing sensor online now... there is two more ships on our wing, under 200 meters, matching speed and everything."
"Hit them with the same message," Aaron said, "Set Alert Condition 2, that's too close for me"
The Kopt, received the message, and preformed a micro-jump, arriving a scant light-second away from the Tenof. It them re-transmitted the message on the same frequency as the Tenof had sent out.
To Tenof
Greetings, this is the Kopt.
Dominion of Theao
As they preformed that, one of the SenTechs, informed the captain of the new ships.
To Unknown Ships (Tekania)
Greetings, this is the Kopt. May we inquire what your intrest is in this system?
Dominion of Theao
Lt. Murdock keys up the channel...
"Roger that, Tenof...." says Lt. Murdock. "This is Lieutenant Murdock, Tekanian Stellar Navy, Manta outbound of TRSS Scimitar on scouting mission... TRSS Scimitar will be arriving shortly... Relaying to Lancer status as friendly..."
He then switches channels
"Lancer, Murdock.... Status is friendly, send to Scimitar, FC status on bogey."
"Roger than Murdock", responds Lt. Rainer... "Sending to Scimitar..."
A massive wormhole ruptures in space, much like before, only bigger... Out of it slips a massive 2.1km long vessel..... the TRSS Scimitar... A Tekanian Strike Carrier....
Scimitar Class Strike Carrier
Murdock switches to respond to the Theao....
"Roger your message... This is Lt. Murdock, we're scouting ahead of transit operations with TRSS Scimitar, Tekanian Strike Carrier... we're on out-system trials..." he says.
The two Manta's put on power, and stream away from the Tenof vessel, towards the Lancer and Scimitar....
Dracun imperium
23-06-2005, 23:39
A small fleet exited 'dark space', there name for hyperspace. They were the Heartless, a race from another galaxy to put it simply, but they had traveled and conquered so many any history of there origin was lost in time. The ships were massive, 1,275 meters long and armed to the tooth with the weapons of the heartless (Tech Thread at bottom of post) and there were six of them. They were Subjugator Destroyers one of the heavy hitters of the fleet.
They were under command of the Taskforce Controller (An admiral) Damien, who was a fierce but strategic admiral who knew the art of war very well. He was an older man, of around 48 but unlike the warrior caste (The summoners) he didn't look any older. The Summoners drew upon dark energy that morphed them into terrible creatures, still human but so deformed.
Now though, they were on a scouting mission from the High Summoner looking for nations who would be easy to secure and enslave their life force and they just may have found it. Although the fleet may have been overkill for a recon mission, since the Heartless were intent on conquest first contact always meant battle.
So now that the fleets of the various nations were gathering and 'conversing' it was time to engage and assault the enemy fleet, "This is Taskforce Controller Damien, prepare weapon systems, GPs online within fifteen minutes,."
He turned to the communication controller, "Send them a false message." The communication controller nodded.
This is Taskforce Wild, we are relaying a distress call, please response. This is Taskforce Wild, we are relaying.....
EDIT: OOC: If you guys don't want a battle just let me know :)
Tech Thread-
Aaron nodded, and was about to have his radio operator send another message when the sensors officer reported in again.
"The first ship to talk to us, the.... um.. the Cough or something, just appeared on our scanners, it's horrably blueshifted."
Aaron stared for a moment, "Meaning?"
"It's headed this way, quickly... wait.. its about 300,000 Km away, what they call one light second," The sensors guy said.
"Which means what for us?"
"It means they can get here really quickly."
"Ok, then I guess w-"
"New contact, it's easily double our size sir! and it's coming this way," the sensors guy yelled suddenly.
"Great, charge sheilds, if they arn't already, and sound general quarters," as Aaron said this klaxons started going off through out the ship, sending everyone to prebattle stations. "Have everyone prepare for acceleration."
Every single station in the 200 some odd man ship had a heavily padded chair, the chairs all swung to face the front of the ship, allowing them to accelerate safly.
"I want atleast a couple hundred Kms from the nearest ship."
"Ummmm sir.. space."
"Right, make that couple hundred thousend kms."
The four huge drives in the back of the ship exploded to life, and the ship began moving forward. Smaller manuvering jets on the front and back of the ship turned it so it was facing away from the on coming carrier. Then the drives ran up to max thrust, touching on 1.5 Gs before settling down to cruise acceleration. After a couple minutes they had a good speed away from the carrier, and an orbit that would keep them away.
"What's with all these ships arriving. Send the new people the generic message."
To Unknown Ships (D.I.)
Greetings, this is the Kopt. May we inquire what your intrest is in this system? Also what kind of assistance do you claim to need, as there is no damage to your ships.
Dominion of Theao
Watching closely, one Acquiel class cruiser, the ISS Takaran, stayed cloaked, only 800,000 km from the unknown ships.
`Whats going on lieutenant? Can you identify those ships?`
`Some of them sir. Many of them we dont have in our database.`
`Remain under cloak for now. Lets see how this goes. Maintain communications silence. I dont want them to detect us yet. Keep a message ready to be sent to Spaceforce Command asking for reeinforcements in case we need it.`
`Aye sir.`
ooc: the Acquiel class light cruiser
Length: 900m
Width: 420m
Height: 300m
Mass: 4,112,000 metric tonnes
Crew: 1200
1 Heavy Particle Beam cannon
6 pulse phaser cannons
9 torpedo launchers with 360 photon torpedoes
12 twin plasma cannons (24 guns total)
+ 32 fighters
the Mora fighter:
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 00:51
The Blackbird moon-base had been hidden on the far side of a planet from all of this until now, now the moon had made its circuit and was at a point where the sensors could detect the ships in the system, as well as the various communications going on between them, the base commander decided that dispatching a task group would be the best way to evaluate the new appearances in their neck of the woods, which is why there were suddenly three battleships, a pair of battlecruisers, a pair of heavy cruisers, five light cruisers, and ten destroyers headed towards the ships in system, transmitting to the apparent flagship of each group, the commander sen this message:
"I am captain Hunt, commander of Blackbird base, I am willing to meet with all of you in comfort aboard my flagship, or any other flagship, for talks and to meet with you in person as a gesture of trust, since when you're out on the back of beyond like this it's hard to know who to trust, but I'm willing to take that risk if it means contact with, by my count, at least three other interstellar polities."
24-06-2005, 01:04
ooc: I really need to get away from my cookie cutter entrances.
Ic: Just then, a massive signature arrived in-system. Once the flash dissipated, the giant, smooth, slate grey Super Cruiser could be seen. It was alone. After a suspenseful moment, a transmission is sent out, a fairly standard, first-contact message with information on Kazecistan and the Republic to which it belongs as well as wishes for trade, peaceful relations, and possibly an alliance.
Deployed wing, inbound to TRSS Scimitar...
"You're cleared for landing 'Lancer'...." says a voice over the comm.
"Roger than." responds Lt. Rainer, "lining up for approach...."
Shifting the controls, the Lancer lines up with the landing deck located under the Scimitar, slipping through the opening it touches down smoothly inside...
Meanwhile the two Manta's circle around for their landing maneuver...
Bridge, TRSS Scimitar, Commodore Henry commanding....
"Lancer is ondeck...." comes a voice over the comm....
"Acknowleged Flight..." responds COM. Henry....
"I've got inbound ships..." shouts the TO from the rear of the bridge... "They are relaying a distress signal..."
"What?!" blurts COM Henry.... "Status?"
"6 vessels, slightly smaller than the Scimitar.... Reading per ship, several gravity cannons and Ion cannons...." responds the TO.
"Flight," yells COM Henry over the comm... "Cancel landing on those two Manta's.... And prep the launch tubes, to deploy a full compliment wing...."
"Sir," says the FO over the comm, "the launch tubes haven't been completed yet... Shipyard is not scheduled to complete installation till next month..."
"Damnit, prep them on the flight deck...." commands the Commodore... "Weps, deploy armor, put weapons on standby..."
"Aye, sir" says the Weps.
The Scimitar's grey hull begins to darken, a thin layer of armor "Grows" over its hull, almost solid black.... Duranium alloys, and trace ammounts of neutronium can be detected in the substance just before the ships shields go online.... The weapons turrents remain dark and the point-defense system begins charging...
"Comm.... Send to incomming vessels..... Request status," commands COM Henry, "Tell them the Scimitar will be at their position soon.... Send to friendlies that the meetings will be delayed..."
"Yes sir...." responds the Comm.
Inbound Wing, Manta Starfighters....
"We're lining up for final approach..." says Lt Murdock over the comm.
"Negative Murdock, veer off, and form with VF-84 at launch, unknown vessels..." says a voice over the comm. "Prepare to dispatch for overview."
"Roger, Scimitar... veering off..." Murdock responds.... "Wing, veer, form in with Scimitar..."
The two Manta's pull down and slide under the ship, then turn and match speed along-side the Scimitar...
Flight Deck, TRSS Scimitar...
12 Mantas are being lowered by deck crews into position on the pads..... Pilots approaching their craft and giving them a once over, before they hop into the cockpits and begin spinning up their craft...
**** Transmission to Unknown Vessels ****
TRSS Scimitar, Tekanian Stellar Navy... Commanding Officer; Commodore Henry.
Unknown vessels, we are requesting full report of your status... Scimitar will be deploying flight operations for fly-by of your vessels, before arrival...
**** END ****
**** Transmission to Friendlies ****
TO: Blackbird Moonbase; Theaon and Taliosan vessels...
FRM: Commodore Henry, TRSS Scimitar...
Due to pressent activities, meeting will be delayed between our peoples. TRSS Scimitar moving to intercept unknown vessels and perform assessment. Battle-Readiness conditions are being set as precaution...
**** END ****
Dracun imperium
24-06-2005, 14:54
Damien began barking out orders "Do not answer, wait for them to commence their flybys and then commence the use of grappler cannons, also prepare boarding parties for launch, fighters are to launch as soon as enemy fighters are destroyed by grappler cannons."
"As you command." they all said in union. The fleet was just to sit there, no response was to be sent to the now confirmed enemy forces, and it was now their move
To TRSS Scimitar
Understood, we shall await till you are willing to talk.
Kopt, Dominion of Theao
"Captain, the 'distressed' vessels havn't responded."
"Then ignore them, at least unless they do something."
"Yes sir."
24-06-2005, 15:08
A diplomatic relations vessel tore free from the confines of the Warp, a hulking gothic craft with more in common with a cathedral than a battlecruiser. Yet amongst the archaic and detailed design, there lay countless weapons, ready and able to be used; the very epitome of Chronosian might.
Strength in mind and in body, and especially in Spirit.
The ship slid forth, trailing with the shimmering afterbirth of the warp, glimmering fragments of that other realm.
A great signal was sent forth,. not only to the unidentified craft, but to all the crafts gathered here.
"We are the Chronosian Imperium; servants of the true Gods. We would have discourse with you."
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 15:41
To all respondents:
"We can meet on Blackbird, since there seems to be some trouble, however, our meeting will have to be delayed until it is all sorted out."
Transmission to TRSS Scimitar
"If the unidentified ships that we detect turn out to be hostile we will deploy against them and assist you."
Dracun imperium
24-06-2005, 17:10
A Summoner entered the command room of The Tides of War, his long cloak gliding across the floor, "Damien, a darkness has entered this sector of the galaxy... explain it now."
Damien turned, he hated the Summoner caste, thinking they were all powerful and such but it was death to say such thoughts, "A ship has exited dark space asking for a diplomatic meeting." Damien couldn’t' see the Summoner's face but he could of sworn he was smiling, "Good, good, dispatch several of the Summoner to the this meeting."
"Lord Summoner is that such a wise decision? You know we aren't supposed to make allies-" That's when Damien stopped and grabbed his head, tremendous pain filled it as thousands of nightmares and fear suddenly became realities and he fell to the floor screaming, "Do not question me, remember your place Controller." And the Summoner spat at Damien and released the Damien from his dark grip.
Damien slowly rose, not able to see straight, "Y-yes Lord Summoner."
The Summoner turned, and walked away and out of the command room leaving Damien to his thoughts and pain.
A small ship exited the cramped hangar bay of The Tides of War, carrying twenty Summoners it was a long black ship, with black wings extending from the sides. It made its approach to the Chronosian ship.
24-06-2005, 17:50
The Chronosian ship stood ready to recieve it. In the docking bay, guards moved and rallied; Marines held their bolters ready at their sides. Obliterators stood, their flesh and armor merged, slithering across each other, forming weapons within their dark flesh. Terminator Guards stood to the sides, their powerclaws crackling with dark promise, their eyes raised as their master descended a stairwell.
The armored figure of High Diplomat Stefan, stood forth, and his eyes showed only a cruel and callous hunger. He smirked wryly as he reached the landing level, waiting for the strange craft to land.
'Who do we have here?" He wondered aloud.
Aaron watched the little 3D projection of the system, they had guessed the position of the 'evil' ship, which their scanners couldn't reach. They were still two days from the jump home point.
"How far are we from than estimate point of conflict?" Aaron asked his aside.
After a brief chat with a couple sensors operators he responded.
"It estimate that contact will start here, less then a light second away at closest, and here... almost a light minute away at furtherest."
"That's too damned close!" Aaron nearly yelled, stomping his foot.
"Launch the gun drones. I want them just inside our sheilding, should we need them or it. We can recover them easily enough before we jump."
The only seperate vehicals the Tenof had on it were 8 gun drones, and 4 sensor drones. The gun drones were there to fight off any enemies that should appear, but they were only armed with 4 50. cal machein guns, so how much damage they'd do is in question.
The sensor drones were biult to expand the Tenof's sensor capasity, by going on long missions around a star or planet and relaying all sensor data back to the Tenof, they didn't have time for a 4 month voyage by a sensor drone, so they didn't launch any.
"Tell every one here that we are on an exploration mission and will be leaving in peace in a couple of days," Aaron said, looking at a radio operator, then he added under his breath, "and please don't kill us."
Message to: all ships in system
"This is the TSF Tenof on a exploratory mission, we will be leaving in a couple days and mean no one any harm."
OOC: if you want a battle, its ok by me, just catch me before I jump off...
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 18:07
Aaron watched the little 3D projection of the system, they had guessed the position of the 'evil' ship, which their scanners couldn't reach. They were still two days from the jump home point.
"How far are we from than estimate point of conflict?" Aaron asked his aside.
After a brief chat with a couple sensors operators he responded.
"It estimate that contact will start here, less then a light second away at closest, and here... almost a light minute away at furtherest."
"That's too damned close!" Aaron nearly yelled, stomping his foot.
"Launch the gun drones. I want them just inside our sheilding, should we need them or it. We can recover them easily enough before we jump."
The only seperate vehicals the Tenof had on it were 8 gun drones, and 4 sensor drones. The gun drones were there to fight off any enemies that should appear, but they were only armed with 4 50. cal machein guns, so how much damage they'd do is in question.
The sensor drones were biult to expand the Tenof's sensor capasity, by going on long missions around a star or planet and relaying all sensor data back to the Tenof, they didn't have time for a 4 month voyage by a sensor drone, so they didn't launch any.
"Tell every one here that we are on an exploration mission and will be leaving in peace in a couple of days," Aaron said, looking at a radio operator, then he added under his breath, "and please don't kill us."
Message to: all ships in system
"This is the TSF Tenof on a exploratory mission, we will be leaving in a couple days and mean no one any harm."
OOC: if you want a battle, its ok by me, just catch me before I jump off...
Transmission to the TSF Tenof:
We would like to meet with you on Blackbird, it is a moon of one of the gas-giants, and open diplomatic discussions with you if possible.
The Radio operater brought Aaron a feed sheet showing the message, it took a while for them figure out the channle and scramble they were using.
We would like to meet with you on Blackbird, it is a moon of one of the gas-giants, and open diplomatic discussions with you if possible.
"How in the hell would I get there," Aaron asked no one, "Cling to one of the gun drones and hold my breath?"
"Sir," the aside said, "I did the calculations, and for us to get there, with the Tenof, it would take a couple months. Since we can't calculate a jump there, we'd only be able to use the Ram rockets."
"Well, tell them that steller geometery is against us, and we won't be able to make it. Unless they come here, sorry," Aaron said, after turning to one of the radio operators.
Message sent to: Blackbird
We are unable to make it to you with good time, the soonest we could be there would be 3 orbits of that moon. We are willing to let you on board here, but you are only allowed 1 light gaurd. and you will only have a couple days before you would have to leave.
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 18:29
The Radio operater brought Aaron a feed sheet showing the message, it took a while for them figure out the channle and scramble they were using.
"How in the hell would I get there," Aaron asked no one, "Cling to one of the gun drones and hold my breath?"
"Sir," the aside said, "I did the calculations, and for us to get there, with the Tenof, it would take a couple months. Since we can't calculate a jump there, we'd only be able to use the Ram rockets."
"Well, tell them that steller geometery is against us, and we won't be able to make it. Unless they come here, sorry," Aaron said, after turning to one of the radio operators.
Message sent to: Blackbird
We are unable to make it to you with good time, the soonest we could be there would be 3 orbits of that moon. We are willing to let you on board here, but you are only allowed 1 light gaurd. and you will only have a couple days before you would have to leave.
We will send one of our ships, it should reach you with an hour of your reciept of this message.
The light cruiser Fearless was dispatched to pick up the party that would meet with them on Blackbird base.
Dracun imperium
24-06-2005, 18:39
The ship landed with a thud and the ship was silent for several minutes before a small portal appeared on the side of the ship and a small ramp extended revealing the group of Summoners who descended one by one there black cloaks covering there faces from view, the leader of the group was Karnos and he was a fierce fighter but cunning as well and was deadly opponent.
He approached the diplomat and whispered like quiet venom, "I do hope we came for a reason, I'd hate to get upset." His voice then rose as he raised his hand and several black winged creatures with large swords appeared, "Anyone approaches the ship... kill them." He motioned for the parade of Summoners to stay with the ship having only three come forward as escorts.
(A Summoners is
The summoned creatue is
As the crusier came in to dock at the front of the Tenof, which was the only real place that the Spinning inner hull and stationary outer hull could meet, one of the radio operators giuded it in.
"Welcome to Taliosa Controlled space, I'm not sure about your docking procedures, but now your in ours, so just do as I say, and you'll be fine." The radio operator said so the incomming ship. "First, approch but moving up the length of the ship with the docking hatch you're using closest to us... good. Move out 100 meters infront of our position and match speed... no, don't turn yet. Once speed is matched, now turn 90 degrees towards us, and move infront of us."
Aaron watched as the ship moved with exact persision along the path given to it by the Radio operator. A skilled radio operator, on the ground, could control about 20 aircraft, so one in space was good. They were using a modified landing pattern. He had moved into the 'predocking' connector, It was around the airlock, so it had 'gravity' but the airlock itself didn't.
"line up your airlock with ours, which is extending now. Maximum connection speed is 4 meters a second, so come in nice and easy"
The ship glided in slowly then made contact with the Tenof.
"Hard lock secure, ready for transfer."
Aaron had two gaurds, both armed with .45 cal pistols and MP (Matter to plasma) rifles. They probably wouldn't do much good, but just incase. Aaron himself had a Desert Eagle, mainly because it was his favorite weapon. He also had a laptop that contained a hell of a lot of information about various stuff, that has to do with the Taliosians.
Aaron jumped into the airlock, entering null gravity, and pushed himself down towards the other airlock, his gaurds followed close behind. He was surprised as he suddenly had gravity moments later, as he reached the far side of the docking tube. Aaron got up, slightly embarrassed, and brushed himself off, though there wasn't any dust to brush off.
He looked at the alien guy and said, "I'm Commander Aaron Scott, Commander of the TSF Tenof." Another first, he thought to himself.
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 18:56
As the crusier came in to dock at the front of the Tenof, which was the only real place that the Spinning inner hull and stationary outer hull could meet, one of the radio operators giuded it in.
"Welcome to Taliosa Controlled space, I'm not sure about your docking procedures, but now your in ours, so just do as I say, and you'll be fine." The radio operator said so the incomming ship. "First, approch but moving up the length of the ship with the docking hatch you're using closest to us... good. Move out 100 meters infront of our position and match speed... no, don't turn yet. Once speed is matched, now turn 90 degrees towards us, and move infront of us."
Aaron watched as the ship moved with exact persision along the path given to it by the Radio operator. A skilled radio operator, on the ground, could control about 20 aircraft, so one in space was good. They were using a modified landing pattern. He had moved into the 'predocking' connector, It was around the airlock, so it had 'gravity' but the airlock itself didn't.
"line up your airlock with ours, which is extending now. Maximum connection speed is 4 meters a second, so come in nice and easy"
The ship glided in slowly then made contact with the Tenof.
"Hard lock secure, ready for transfer."
Aaron had two gaurds, both armed with .45 cal pistols and MP (Matter to plasma) rifles. They probably wouldn't do much good, but just incase. Aaron himself had a Desert Eagle, mainly because it was his favorite weapon. He also had a laptop that contained a hell of a lot of information about various stuff, that has to do with the Taliosians.
Aaron jumped into the airlock, entering null gravity, and pushed himself down towards the other airlock, his gaurds followed close behind. He was surprised as he suddenly had gravity moments later, as he reached the far side of the docking tube. Aaron got up, slightly embarrassed, and brushed himself off, though there wasn't any dust to brush off.
He looked at the alien guy and said, "I'm Commander Aaron Scott, Commander of the TSF Tenof." Another first, he thought to himself.
"Entaro Adun Aaron Scott, welcome aboard the Fearless, I am the captain, Artanis, we will take you to Commander Hunt, our Terran liason on Blackbird."
Flight Launch Deck, TRSS Scimitar...
The 12 Manta starfighters are warmed up, and begin launch... They blast from the deck, and form up with the two already deployed Manta's, setting formation with Lt. Murdock's fighter...
"Wing, begin thrust burn, and prepare to intercept unknown ships.... Full sensor sweeps during flyby..." commands Lt. Murdock.... A flurry of replies returning on the comm channel....
The Mantas fly full throttle towards the 6 distressed vessels....
Bridge, TRSS Scimitar...
"Have they responded to hails?" COM Henry asks....
"No sir," responds the comm officer.....
"I've detected a small craft leaving one of the ships..." the science officer blurts...
"Ok, I don't like this...." the commodore remarks... "They are there... Why aren't they answering.......". Then, turning to his communicator, "Flight, begin prep 4 wings for launch, at least 1 set of Raptor interceptors... And begin loadout on a wing of Osprey bombers...."
"Aye, sir..." says a voice over the communicator....
"Helm, make course change, keep those vessels at least at 1 million kilometers..." commands Com. Henry, "I don't want them any closer till the Mantas make their flyby..."
"Aye sir..." responds a young officer at the helm...
"Comm, keep transmitting to those ships...." he commands, turning to the communications officer...
"Yes, sir..." the comm officer responds.
**** Transmission ****
Unknown Vessels....
Please respond; what is your status?
**** END ****
"En.. tarus... um.. what you said," Aaron said clumsily. He had been trained on what to do if we contact aliens, but still, it's strange. "Wait wait wait, Terran liasion? We're Taliosians, yes we're from terra.. Earth, but.. Terran?"
His Gaurds were at his side still, their weapons hadn't been taken, which Aaron had thought would happen. He simply followed the alien guy.
"What do you call yourselves anyway? you sure as hell arn't human."
[meanwhile, back on board the TSF Tenof]
The second officer of the Tenof, a Captain Richard, was co-ordinating the gun drone positioning. With 8 drones, 4 woule be placed infront, and 4 in the rear.
"Sir, we have more contacts launching from one of the ships, we have... 6 or 7 now, can't make out their size, but I'm guessing their smaller then the mothership," He long range sensors officer spoke.
"Ok, is any of them break the 600,000 km mark, tell me," Richard said, "How's the ship that docked with us doing?"
"They're accelerating away at... 10 or 12 Gs, it's incredable."
"and Transmission yet?"
"No sir."
"Keep me informed."
Manta wing, approaching Subjugator Destroyers....
"Keep forward scanners on full, weapons stay cold...." commands Lt. Murdock...
Several replies return from the other pilots... Acknowledging the order...
The 14 Mantas scream over the 6 destroyers.......
TRSS Scimitar, Bridge....
"The Manta wing is passing the destroyers...." responds the TO... "Should have information soon....."
"Good...." responds Com. Henry, "What is the status on that other small craft?"
"It docked with the Tenof, sir...." the TO responds...
"Comm... Contact the Tenof, and ask them if they have a status report from these guys..." the Commodore commands.... "Has there been a response from those ships?"
"No sir..." responds the comm. officer.
"Raise the Tenof, and ask them if they have a status on the distress signal, as well...." commands Commodore Henry.
**** Transmission ****
TO: Tenof
FRM: TRSS Scimitar.
We've detected a vessel from the unknown ships docking with your craft.
Ships have not responded to nature of their distress.
Inquire any information regarding distress status of 6 unknown vessels....
Manta Wing making flyby of craft, will relay telemetry and sensor data from flyby.
Scimitar Out....
**** END ****
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 21:59
"En.. tarus... um.. what you said," Aaron said clumsily. He had been trained on what to do if we contact aliens, but still, it's strange. "Wait wait wait, Terran liasion? We're Taliosians, yes we're from terra.. Earth, but.. Terran?"
His Gaurds were at his side still, their weapons hadn't been taken, which Aaron had thought would happen. He simply followed the alien guy.
"What do you call yourselves anyway? you sure as hell arn't human."
[meanwhile, back on board the TSF Tenof]
The second officer of the Tenof, a Captain Richard, was co-ordinating the gun drone positioning. With 8 drones, 4 woule be placed infront, and 4 in the rear.
"Sir, we have more contacts launching from one of the ships, we have... 6 or 7 now, can't make out their size, but I'm guessing their smaller then the mothership," He long range sensors officer spoke.
"Ok, is any of them break the 600,000 km mark, tell me," Richard said, "How's the ship that docked with us doing?"
"They're accelerating away at... 10 or 12 Gs, it's incredable."
"and Transmission yet?"
"No sir."
"Keep me informed."
The ship had just begun to accelerate, soon reaching its maximum of 500 and change Gs, and ripping through space towards Blackbird base.
Captain Scott had been escorted to the Captains wardroom, where his questions would be adressed.
"We are the Protoss, a member of an alliance named the Terran Dominion, there are three races involved, the Zerg, ruled by Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, The Protoss, we answer to the Judicator Conclave and the Matriarch of the Dark Templar, while the Terrans answer to Emperor Arcturus Mensk the first, and the three groups make up the Dominion Conclave. The Terrans I mentioned are not from earth, except in the distant past, when their ancestors were exciled to a distant planetary system, known as Tarsonis, it was unique in having many habitable planets, at least 12 were colonized by the terrans, while we have colonized three more, and the zerg control another three. The Terrans currently rule the conclave after the most recent election, so Terrans are now the commanders of our bases as well as our political liasons and diplomats, now do you understand?"
[Aboard the Tenof, command deck]
Richard read the feed sheet from the Scimitar laughing inwardly on how strange this would look to someone from another race.
"Inform them that we know who it was, it was a diplomatic ship here to pick up our delagate. And we don't hear and distress signal, but we arn't fermillier with the frequencies used to pick up such signals," He said, throwing the printout in the trash.
Message sent to: TRSS Scimitar
The ship was here to pick up our delagate to open diplomatic relations. And we have not received a distress call of any type. It may be because we don't know what to look for.
OOC: hit post before I finished, he he..
[Aboard the Fearless]
"ok.. I understand that, then I must tell you, we arn't Terran then. If the Terrans are the guys in your alliance thing...then that isn't us. The Tenof is our first ship capable of travling between systems, and we bought that technology." Aaron explained, "Also, unless you can give us jump calculations from the Tenof to here, then from here back to Sol, then I'm going to have to head back to the Tenof tommarow. They can't hold position there for long."
Aaron was mentaly counting how many firsts they had done, how many records they had broken, and how many awards would be handed out.
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 22:20
OOC: hit post before I finished, he he..
[Aboard the Fearless]
"ok.. I understand that, then I must tell you, we arn't Terran then. If the Terrans are the guys in your alliance thing...then that isn't us. The Tenof is our first ship capable of travling between systems, and we bought that technology." Aaron explained, "Also, unless you can give us jump calculations from the Tenof to here, then from here back to Sol, then I'm going to have to head back to the Tenof tommarow. They can't hold position there for long."
Aaron was mentaly counting how many firsts they had done, how many records they had broken, and how many awards would be handed out.
"I understand that you are not Terran, you are from earth, and if you will give us an opportunity to help you we could tow you back to earth with ease, it is a simple theory and we've done it before. We are able to make this voyage in one hour, we can have you back to your ship in time, and if you let us tow you then you can stay here for a pair of days and still make it back to earth."
[Aboard the Fearless]
Aaron shook his head.
"Sorry, but the main reason we're out here is to test our jump drives, we can make the jump back to Earth in a matter of seconds, we just only have 2 jump home calculations, and thats it."
Aaron cleared his thoat, "Anyways, diplomatic relations... We would like technology, introductions and... well... information. What do you want?"
The whole 'let them figure it out' thing never really appealed to Aaron, he just got to the point. Most diplomatic relations had both sides wanting something from the other, and exchanging that. The level of relations they form is based on how much the exchange means to them.
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 22:35
[Aboard the Fearless]
Aaron shook his head.
"Sorry, but the main reason we're out here is to test our jump drives, we can make the jump back to Earth in a matter of seconds, we just only have 2 jump home calculations, and thats it."
Aaron cleared his thoat, "Anyways, diplomatic relations... We would like technology, introductions and... well... information. What do you want?"
The whole 'let them figure it out' thing never really appealed to Aaron, he just got to the point. Most diplomatic relations had both sides wanting something from the other, and exchanging that. The level of relations they form is based on how much the exchange means to them.
"I understand Aaron Scott, we have much technology in the fields of biology, physics and chemistry, although we know little of how things have advaned on Earth, and I am sure that the Terrans will wish to learn all they can from your ship, as well as from your crew."
"Unless the Terrans are here right now... then that won't help much. The main reason I came here was to see if we could help out," Aaron said simply, "We've been monitering radio traffic, atleast, what we could reach, and there seams to something wrong.. some ship sending a distress signal, with out actualy being in distress.... that's basicly the definition of bait."
After a moment of thought, Aaron continued.
"The only time I'd let you guys tow my ship is if it's to help with this. Then you'd have to tow us back to our jump point. We arn't exactly the most techlogicly advanced, but we know how to fight."
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 22:43
"Unless the Terrans are here right now... then that won't help much. The main reason I came here was to see if we could help out," Aaron said simply, "We've been monitering radio traffic, atleast, what we could reach, and there seams to something wrong.. some ship sending a distress signal, with out actualy being in distress.... that's basicly the definition of bait."
After a moment of thought, Aaron continued.
"The only time I'd let you guys tow my ship is if it's to help with this. Then you'd have to tow us back to our jump point. We arn't exactly the most techlogicly advanced, but we know how to fight."
"The Terrans are aboard Blackbird base, where we will arrive within fivwe minutes, then you will meet Commander Hunt, our Terran Diplomatic Liason, he will handle all of our negotiations."
Dracun imperium
24-06-2005, 23:01
The fighters passed by the Intolerable and that’s when all hell broke lose, the grappler cannons came alive sending out their tractor beams hoping to capture the ships after they were frozen somewhat they would alter the beam to begin to crush the fighters into nothing.
The other ships suddenly came alive, and fighters flew out of the ships at full speed going an intercept course with any fighter that might survive. Now the battle had begun and only destiny could decide the outcome.
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 23:10
The fighters passed by the Intolerable and that’s when all hell broke lose, the grappler cannons came alive sending out their tractor beams hoping to capture the ships after they were frozen somewhat they would alter the beam to begin to crush the fighters into nothing.
The other ships suddenly came alive, and fighters flew out of the ships at full speed going an intercept course with any fighter that might survive. Now the battle had begun and only destiny could decide the outcome.
"Shields up, weapons online, sound general quarters!" These words were echoed on every ship that had been sent out by Blackbird base, they didnt know why there was a fight, but they intended to end it, and since the destroyers had struck first they would be the target of the task groups wrath.
Aaron didn't understand what was being said over the ship's intercom, but he got the jist of it.
"Umm.. I think you are going to be needing our help about now, right?"
Aaron tended to have an extra sense about somethings, but these were aliens, so...
"In any case, I would like to be returned to my ship, if I understand what's happening now... then they will need me."
Mini Miehm
24-06-2005, 23:46
Aaron didn't understand what was being said over the ship's intercom, but he got the jist of it.
"Umm.. I think you are going to be needing our help about now, right?"
Aaron tended to have an extra sense about somethings, but these were aliens, so...
"In any case, I would like to be returned to my ship, if I understand what's happening now... then they will need me."
"We understand, the ship is turning right now, although it will take some time to get back to your ship, I advise that you leave once you are returned to your shi, unless your guns are much more powerful than we believe you will only be destroyed, and that is an undesirable outcome.
Aboard the cloaked ISS Takaran
`Captain, some of the ships have oppened fire on the others. We didnt have contact with the agressors before.`
`Hmm, remain under cloak for now. If the ones beeing atacked need our help we`ll give it to them. Let`s see if they can manage first. Gather data on the atacker ships for now. Just in case we meet them again.`
Manta squadron....
11 of the 14 fighters got caught in the beam.... 3 lead Mantas slipped passed in the nick of time...
"Argh..." came a voice over Murdock's comm channel.... And then the transmission cut...
"Scimitar, the unknown are hostile... repeat the unknowns are hostile..." screamed Lt. Murdock, over the channel to the Scimitar... Then ramming his controls hard, he veers to evade the fighters....
TRSS Scimitar, Bridge...
"...unknows are hostile...." finishes a Murdock's voice over the open channel....
"TO, set full battle conditions... Bring main weapons online..." commands Commodore Henry.... "Flight, prepare to launch more wings...." he then says over the comm....
"Weapons comming online, sir..." responds the TO.
"Flight acknowledged...." says a voice over the comm channel....
"Comm.... send to Eagle One, Scimitar under attack...." COM Henry orders...
"Aye sir, sending message via K-transmission" responds the communications officer....
OOC: K-transmission uses a small wormhole to "transmit" information securly between Tekanian ships and installations... It operates on the same technogy as their Kraskinov (Wormhole) FTL.
The TRSS Scimitar's weapons come alive..... Batteries begin charging...
Flight Deck...
24 SF-27 "Wasp" (, 12 more XSF-29 "Manta" ( starfighters, and 8 SI-37 "Raptor" ( StarInterceptors are being towed from stows and prepped for launch on the deck..... More pilots comming out to inspect their craft, before hopping in and brining their systems online.... At the same time, 5 SB-40 "Osprey" ( StarBombers are being loaded with ZP missiles towards the rear of the bay...
Mini Miehm
25-06-2005, 00:30
Manta squadron....
11 of the 14 fighters got caught in the beam.... 3 lead Mantas slipped passed in the nick of time...
"Argh..." came a voice over Murdock's comm channel.... And then the transmission cut...
"Scimitar, the unknown are hostile... repeat the unknowns are hostile..." screamed Lt. Murdock, over the channel to the Scimitar... Then ramming his controls hard, he veers to evade the fighters....
TRSS Scimitar, Bridge...
"...unknows are hostile...." finishes a Murdock's voice over the open channel....
"TO, set full battle conditions... Bring main weapons online..." commands Commodore Henry.... "Flight, prepare to launch more wings...." he then says over the comm....
"Weapons comming online, sir..." responds the TO.
"Flight acknowledged...." says a voice over the comm channel....
"Comm.... send to Eagle One, Scimitar under attack...." COM Henry orders...
"Aye sir, sending message via K-transmission" responds the communications officer....
OOC: K-transmission uses a small wormhole to "transmit" information securly between Tekanian ships and installations... It operates on the same technogy as their Kraskinov (Wormhole) FTL.
The TRSS Scimitar's weapons come alive..... Batteries begin charging...
Flight Deck...
24 SF-27 "Wasp" (, 12 more XSF-29 "Manta" ( starfighters, and 8 SI-37 "Raptor" ( StarInterceptors are being towed from stows and prepped for launch on the deck..... More pilots comming out to inspect their craft, before hopping in and brining their systems online.... At the same time, 5 SB-40 "Osprey" ( StarBombers are being loaded with ZP missiles towards the rear of the bay...
OOC: I've often wondered over everyones fixation with fighters, my LACs are bigger, better, and can take more damage, as well as having more weapons, so why use fighters?
OOC: I've often wondered over everyones fixation with fighters, my LACs are bigger, better, and can take more damage, as well as having more weapons, so why use fighters?
OOC: Fighters are small, fast and maneuverable... The Manta (newest), can carry 6 MAM missiles, has two small Ion cannons, and 4 Phased Particle cannons.... I do have LAC's... They are called "Aurora" Assault Transports:
But I also have fighters, interceptors and bombers..... Fighters are generally faster and more maneuverable (also you can fit more on a ship) than LAC's.... Fighter screens are very usefull in certain types of combat.....
The Scimitar is a Strike Carrier... it mostly has fighers and the like.... Auroras can be found on my BattleStars....
25-06-2005, 04:34
"Holy s*** sir!"
"What the h*** just happened?"
Chaos swept through the Kazeci ship.
"My clock says that several hours have passed in the last few seconds!"
"How is that possible? Is there a glitch?"
"No sir, it happened every where. Data shows that the planets and moons have moved according to the jump in our clocks."
"Why the h*** don't we remember any of this? I want answers!" Opening the com to the entire ship, "Is there any man on board that has any remembrance of the last few hours?" There was no response from anywhere on the ship. "Do we have sensor logs of what happened?"
"No sir, it appears that only the clocks and life support stayed on-line during the black out."
To all vessels: Due to as yet unexplained circumstances, this vessel has 'missed' the past few hours. We have no sensor logs or memories of this time...
Please, if you could provide a summary of the happenings within this time period...
Kazecistan thanks you.
Mini Miehm
25-06-2005, 12:16
"Holy s*** sir!"
"What the h*** just happened?"
Chaos swept through the Kazeci ship.
"My clock says that several hours have passed in the last few seconds!"
"How is that possible? Is there a glitch?"
"No sir, it happened every where. Data shows that the planets and moons have moved according to the jump in our clocks."
"Why the h*** don't we remember any of this? I want answers!" Opening the com to the entire ship, "Is there any man on board that has any remembrance of the last few hours?" There was no response from anywhere on the ship. "Do we have sensor logs of what happened?"
"No sir, it appears that only the clocks and life support stayed on-line during the black out."
This is Blackbird base, I'm afraid that I do not understand the difficulty, we have detected no anomolous readings from any ship in the system, meaning you should be absolutely fine.
25-06-2005, 18:38
Ic: We don't either, but as stated before, Please, if you could provide a summary of the happenings within this time period...
Kazecistan thanks you.
"Our ship can take a beating, we do have a triple redundent sheilding array and matter to plasma cannons, like those my gaurds have, only much bigger." James said, motioning to their rifles. "During tests our sheilds took a direct hit from a 10 kiloton nuclear warhead and live to tell about it."
[back aboard the Tenof]
"Sir, the one ship is now launching tons of fighters. None are headed this way though," a sesnors officer reported
"Any word from the commander?"
"Yes sir, apparently a fight has broken out and hes coming back."
28-06-2005, 01:44