The Macabees
23-06-2005, 21:19
[Note: When I tried to be clever and give it a different title nobody cared to look in it, so I'm just going with the conventional title now. I've decided to throw a bunch of threads into this one, and sorta make it an end all be all, including my description, maps and diplomacy threads. Hope nobody is dissapointed. Comments are extremely appreciated.]
[Important Links:]
Regional Map (
National Map (
Noddestani Island Territories Map ( | Noddestan General Map (
Flag (
Kriegzimmer Storefront (
[Government and Politics]
Since the accension of Jonach I in 2005, after the one hundred year civil war, the Second Empire of the Golden Throne has undergone a period of oppressive and imperial rule, under the iron fist of said Emperor. Although crowned by the people Jonach's policies are designed more to benefit, not the people, not himself, but the success of the state, and consequently, most of everything which makes up the Second Empire is invested in the progression of the Empire.
There is no constitution which guarantees the rights to any citizen of the Empire, and although several groups have been pushing for one they weren't strong enough to overthrow the ruling of Jonach I. Indeed, most have been squashed by the military, and those who haven't are only certain time away from the same conclusion. Regardless, in Weigar, the last state to fall to General Catalan [Jonach I] during the Great Civil War, a larger group has formed, and even begun to profess revolutionary slogans and such. However, rebellious groups in Weigar and Sarcanza were able to rebel against the rule of Fedor I, although these rebellions were put down, as were the invasions of SafeHaven2 and Malatose, which made up the War of Golden Succession.
The government has a sprawling bureaucracy to rule the massive state and its protectorates, which number few so far since the government has been more preoccupied with rebuilding the military after the Great Civil War. The system also helps Fedor keep revolutionary groups in tangles, and even aids in the creation of counter-revolutionary groups. It takes much time to get anything done when going through the bureaucracy, and subsequently, the Emperor is the only man able to directly impose his word over the country - allowing Fedor I to keep an iron fist over all he rules.
There is a parliament which is little more than an advisory group to Fedor I and has been suppressed. Most of the parliament members are revolutionary leaders who's only goal is to overthrow the Emperor and split the Empire into the former monarchies and republics which had replaced it during the Great Civil War. Unfortunately, Fedor keeps an eye on the parliament and on a whim can have it destroyed - although, due to political reasons and conspiracy theories Fedor prefers to keep them alive, as to have the revolutionary leaders right under his nose and under his whatchful gaze.
The economy of the Empire is rather socialist in nature, in the way envisioned by the Italians during the Great Depression. In other words, it's fascist in nature. The people work for the state, the state is the Emperor.
The major part of the economy is the Empire's heavy industry, including both civilian and military, although it tends to lean towards the latter. Major industries include uranium refinement, military arms, and automobiles. However, other industries include concrete, steel, and nuclear energy - which is provided to neighboring nations.
Due to the heavy industry and the lack of ecological protection laws before the advent of Catalan, especially during the heavy production years of the Great Civil War, the Second Empire of the Golden Throne actually lacks much in the way of foodstuff and most farming is secluded to the island of Talavera, administered by the provencial capital of Arras, and to the provence of Castilla y Guadalajara, administered by the provencial capital of Targul Frumos. The major foodstuffs, as in those exported, are wheat products, barley, wine grapes and olives - the two latter also end up as wine [especially the always nice Shiraz] and olive oil.
Natural resources include: iron ore, gold, uranium, coal, oil, and diamonds, amongst other minor natural resources.
In terms of a central bank the Empire uses UniBank, or Universal Bank, which has shares from over ten different countries, including both from Imperial Armies and NATO. However, UniBank has gone into a state of inactivity, perhaps a product of the bureaucracy and the only economy it has helped and is currently helping grow is that of the Empire itself. It's foreign market has plummeted in the face of apathy [OOC: Although I plan to put it back in business after I come back from Spain]. The banking system of the Empire relies on a market economy, and no longer uses the gold standard - rescent advances in world wide stock has put the Imperial economy as one of the strongest in the Imperial Armies region, although many other economies world wide still outweigh that of the Empire.
Furthermore, the huge economy of the Empire is rarely seen by the average citizen, who although enjoys several pleasures enjoyed by those people living in a democracy or other Western style government don't get much. Consequently, most of it goes into the military and the automobile industry, which although listed as a civilian market is also, within itself, directed towards military production, especially for the logistical sector.
[The Military]
The Empire's military is, perhaps, it's one true don. It's commanded overall by Jonach I, who according to his own law, is the Großartiger Feldmarschall. However, most of the work sits upon the shoulders of the OberKommando des Werhmacht [OKW], or the General Staff of the Armed Forces. This is devided into several other general staffs, including: OberKommando des Heer [OKH - or army], OberKommando des Kriegsmarine [OKK - or Navy], and OberKommando des Luftwaffe [OKL - or air force].
All of them rely on a bureaucracy of generals, most of them talented officers. However, once could not claim that the generals breeded by the State are geniuses themselves - it could only be claimed that the General Staff and the training programs of the General Staff breed a class of general officers who are able to shine. Several historians have tried to pin the success of Catalan's 'Neue Armee' on a single thing, and if one was to ask one could probably claim that the single most important aspect of the OKW, which allows for such flexibility on the field of combat, which leads to said success, is the ability for the General Staff and the field commanders who work underneath the eyes of the General Staff and the Emperor, to work against orders. It is to say, should the Chief of General Staff order something totally out of context in the given situation, a general would have the ability, and would not fear repurcussions, to change the order to fit the situation a bit better. This leads to much better decisions on the field of combat.
However, one could not attribute the success of the military to only that. It would most likely be the tangle of awsome communication systems, well trained junior and general officers, and the stern discipline of NCOs and non-officers. All of this turns into raw power, as all the enemies of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne have found out.
[Geography, Climate and Topography]
The best way to explain it all would be to take the Empire and cut into chunks:
Sarcanza Provence: [Pronounced: Sar-khan-tha; Capital: Marsa Bruth]
The entire panhandle which borders Zarbia and Riptide Monzarc is a vast blight - a desert. The only plants which can survive the hot day temperatures and the cold night temperatures are Cam III plants, including several different species of cacti, and small plants. Climatic charactiristics include several miniature wind routes which sporadically create tornadoes and such, which ravage the largely rural population of the Sarcanza Provence.
Sidi Provence: [Capital: Sidi Rezegh]
This area is like sub saharan Africa, and is largely flat grassland, which makes it perfect tank country - which is why it sported some of the largest armored battles during the Great Civil War.
Dienstad: [Capital: Macabee City]
The old center of the Empire, until the construction of the new Imperial Capital, Fedala, it is largely lowland and heavily fertile. However, it has mostly been used as a center for the military and a huge octagonal industrial platform, rendering most agriculture useless in the region. There was been rare cases of acid rain, although recent ecological laws have somewhat stemmed the tied of pollution, although there is a long way to go before the effects of industry in the Great Civil War are reversed.
Weigar Provence: [Capital: Weigar]
A large grassland, occupied by a series of rolling hills. It resembles the terrain seen by Napoleon and Wellington and Waterloo and Quarter Bras during the 100 Days.
Talavera: [Capital: Arras]
Largely fertile and the Empire's largest agricultural center. The climate is largely like the one found in Spain's Castilla la Mancha - a bit arid. However, since it's a relatively small island it also has some sort of mediterranean climate, as it receives much cool air from the seas. This mix creates a perfect agricultural climate in the region.
Faracat Provence: [Capital: Beda Fromm]
A large grassland, occupied by a series of rolling hills. It resembles the terrain seen by Napoleon and Wellington and Waterloo and Quarter Bras during the 100 Days.
Castilla y Guadalajara Provence: [Capital: Targul Frumos]
A large grassland, occupied by a series of rolling hills. It resembles the terrain seen by Napoleon and Wellington and Waterloo and Quarter Bras during the 100 Days. The only reason it's a heavy agricultural center is because it's one of the farthest provences away from the heavy industrial centers.
Ruska Provence: [Capital: Mosnoi Bor]
This provence is occupied by some of the highest peaks in the world, and is all mountains, and little flatlands. The highest mountain peak is Farathar, the mythological home of the gods, and reaches to about forty-eight thousand feet, that is about eighteen thousand feet higher than Mount Everest. Other mountain peaks cap at around thirty-one thousand feet, and the rest descend gradually in height.
The Golden Throne: [Capital: Fedala]
This is administered by Jonach I directly. It's heavily industrialized, but originally was a rolling grassland.
[Military History]
After the end of the Great Civil War [1905-2005], meaning the rather anti-climatic surrender of Weigar to Catalan, and the assencion of Catalan as Emperor of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne - Jonach I - the army, which had once been little more than ragtag groups of soldiers, began to expand and the foreign policy of a now united Empire began to become more and more agressive.
At around the same time the nation of Tyrandis also underwent a Christian revolution, so to speak, and ties between Tyrandis and Kahta began to wane. Taking advantage of said setting Jonach I offered his pledge of allegiance to Tyrandis and also began to mobilize for a war in Kahta. The tragedy of war ( begun soon after with the movement of fleets and submarines under the command of Grand Admiral Durgstaden von Laifsraggen, perhaps the most reknown admiral in the Golden Kriegsmarine. Attacks also ensued around Earth's orbit, eliminating ahta's eyes in the sky.
In consequence Kahta's greatest ally, Vote Early, also joined the fray, and Guffingford stepped in to aid the Golden Throne. About four days after the preperations and Operation GOLIATH (the orbital attack) Golden Armies launched Operation MERCURY, or the landing on the Kahtan occupied coast of Maine. The gigantic missiling and the awsome display of power stunned the world, and especially Kahta, who immediately felt the casualties which concluded from MERCURY. The battle for the beaches continued heavily for the next couple of days, and included the gaining of air superiority by the Second Empire within hours. Indeed, attempts to move massive armored columns by VoteEarly were stopped by the older Kondor strike fighter, now replaced by the Lu-12 Canary, where at least a hundred and fifty tanks were knocked out within a single strike.
Regardless, by the end of the week both parties had agreed to a peace, including the handover of several leading Fabus', and their execution under international law, for crimes against humanity.
A year later the forces of the Second Empire also conducted operations around Melgaria, along with the Parthians, against several Muslim countries and MassPwnage. MassPwnage dropped out halfway through the war, and the war seemed to going well, however, the war continues to this day.
Even during the Melgarian War, tensions between former RWC nations rose, leading to a massive mobilization by the Golden Empire, and increased submarine activity along the coast. Probably due to a misunderstanding in intelligence, or something of the sort, since no government has released official records, an upgraded Kilo in the service of the Second Empire struck and sunk an older FCN ELINT submarine. Although FCN did send another submarine which came under attack and was most likely sunk, nothing official was ever brought up, although the two nations did declare that they were in a state of war. The conflict ended more through apathy, and no real combat ever emerged.
After the brush between Five Civilized Nations and the Golden Throne, the Second Empire's military fell relative quiet, and moved into a period of growth and the expansion of technological prowess. The Second Empire became a major arms supplier, who's armaments began to be used by such as Hail and Kill, SafeHaven2, and Roach Busters. Moreover, secret trainings ensued near Arras regarding the construction of over ten SS divisions, who would soon step into the limelight of military history.
Macabees, The
Parthians, The
Pschycotic Pschycos
Silver Sky, The
Space Union
Vuhifellian States, The
Non Agression Pacts:
The Merchant Guilds
Embassy Exchange Program:
The Umbrella Corporation
Verbotten Luftwaffe
Fatus Maximus
Swedish Dominions
Seperate Treaties:
[They are linked to other posts. If you wish to follow and read the exact treaty just click and a new window will open.]
[Personae Dramatis]
Jonach I: Jonach I, first ruler of the Catalan dynasty, is also the first emperor of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne. Under his reign the Empire saw more warfare than ever before, even under the belligerent rulers of the Old Empire. Campaigns of Jonach I include: Kahta, Malgeria, Five Civilized Nations, and Guadalombia.
Jonach died ten years after the beginning of his rule, 2015. His legacy will always be the founder of theSecond Empire, and the initializer of the Catalan dynasty. He left a single son, Heinrich Catalan.
Prince Heinrich: Heir apparent to the throne until it was made open that Jonach had chosen his grandson Fedor for the position of Emperor, since the latter was younger and much more adept to war and politics. Enraged, Heinrich left to Weigar, instilled a rebellion, and began what is known as the War of Golden Succession.
Fedor I: Second emperor of the Golden Throne, and grandson of Jonach I. His rule began in turmoil as his father, Prince Heinrich, led a rebellion against Fedor, beginning the War of Golden Succession.
These characters are mostly brand new, so they don't have a lot of information that goes to them
[Important Links:]
Regional Map (
National Map (
Noddestani Island Territories Map ( | Noddestan General Map (
Flag (
Kriegzimmer Storefront (
[Government and Politics]
Since the accension of Jonach I in 2005, after the one hundred year civil war, the Second Empire of the Golden Throne has undergone a period of oppressive and imperial rule, under the iron fist of said Emperor. Although crowned by the people Jonach's policies are designed more to benefit, not the people, not himself, but the success of the state, and consequently, most of everything which makes up the Second Empire is invested in the progression of the Empire.
There is no constitution which guarantees the rights to any citizen of the Empire, and although several groups have been pushing for one they weren't strong enough to overthrow the ruling of Jonach I. Indeed, most have been squashed by the military, and those who haven't are only certain time away from the same conclusion. Regardless, in Weigar, the last state to fall to General Catalan [Jonach I] during the Great Civil War, a larger group has formed, and even begun to profess revolutionary slogans and such. However, rebellious groups in Weigar and Sarcanza were able to rebel against the rule of Fedor I, although these rebellions were put down, as were the invasions of SafeHaven2 and Malatose, which made up the War of Golden Succession.
The government has a sprawling bureaucracy to rule the massive state and its protectorates, which number few so far since the government has been more preoccupied with rebuilding the military after the Great Civil War. The system also helps Fedor keep revolutionary groups in tangles, and even aids in the creation of counter-revolutionary groups. It takes much time to get anything done when going through the bureaucracy, and subsequently, the Emperor is the only man able to directly impose his word over the country - allowing Fedor I to keep an iron fist over all he rules.
There is a parliament which is little more than an advisory group to Fedor I and has been suppressed. Most of the parliament members are revolutionary leaders who's only goal is to overthrow the Emperor and split the Empire into the former monarchies and republics which had replaced it during the Great Civil War. Unfortunately, Fedor keeps an eye on the parliament and on a whim can have it destroyed - although, due to political reasons and conspiracy theories Fedor prefers to keep them alive, as to have the revolutionary leaders right under his nose and under his whatchful gaze.
The economy of the Empire is rather socialist in nature, in the way envisioned by the Italians during the Great Depression. In other words, it's fascist in nature. The people work for the state, the state is the Emperor.
The major part of the economy is the Empire's heavy industry, including both civilian and military, although it tends to lean towards the latter. Major industries include uranium refinement, military arms, and automobiles. However, other industries include concrete, steel, and nuclear energy - which is provided to neighboring nations.
Due to the heavy industry and the lack of ecological protection laws before the advent of Catalan, especially during the heavy production years of the Great Civil War, the Second Empire of the Golden Throne actually lacks much in the way of foodstuff and most farming is secluded to the island of Talavera, administered by the provencial capital of Arras, and to the provence of Castilla y Guadalajara, administered by the provencial capital of Targul Frumos. The major foodstuffs, as in those exported, are wheat products, barley, wine grapes and olives - the two latter also end up as wine [especially the always nice Shiraz] and olive oil.
Natural resources include: iron ore, gold, uranium, coal, oil, and diamonds, amongst other minor natural resources.
In terms of a central bank the Empire uses UniBank, or Universal Bank, which has shares from over ten different countries, including both from Imperial Armies and NATO. However, UniBank has gone into a state of inactivity, perhaps a product of the bureaucracy and the only economy it has helped and is currently helping grow is that of the Empire itself. It's foreign market has plummeted in the face of apathy [OOC: Although I plan to put it back in business after I come back from Spain]. The banking system of the Empire relies on a market economy, and no longer uses the gold standard - rescent advances in world wide stock has put the Imperial economy as one of the strongest in the Imperial Armies region, although many other economies world wide still outweigh that of the Empire.
Furthermore, the huge economy of the Empire is rarely seen by the average citizen, who although enjoys several pleasures enjoyed by those people living in a democracy or other Western style government don't get much. Consequently, most of it goes into the military and the automobile industry, which although listed as a civilian market is also, within itself, directed towards military production, especially for the logistical sector.
[The Military]
The Empire's military is, perhaps, it's one true don. It's commanded overall by Jonach I, who according to his own law, is the Großartiger Feldmarschall. However, most of the work sits upon the shoulders of the OberKommando des Werhmacht [OKW], or the General Staff of the Armed Forces. This is devided into several other general staffs, including: OberKommando des Heer [OKH - or army], OberKommando des Kriegsmarine [OKK - or Navy], and OberKommando des Luftwaffe [OKL - or air force].
All of them rely on a bureaucracy of generals, most of them talented officers. However, once could not claim that the generals breeded by the State are geniuses themselves - it could only be claimed that the General Staff and the training programs of the General Staff breed a class of general officers who are able to shine. Several historians have tried to pin the success of Catalan's 'Neue Armee' on a single thing, and if one was to ask one could probably claim that the single most important aspect of the OKW, which allows for such flexibility on the field of combat, which leads to said success, is the ability for the General Staff and the field commanders who work underneath the eyes of the General Staff and the Emperor, to work against orders. It is to say, should the Chief of General Staff order something totally out of context in the given situation, a general would have the ability, and would not fear repurcussions, to change the order to fit the situation a bit better. This leads to much better decisions on the field of combat.
However, one could not attribute the success of the military to only that. It would most likely be the tangle of awsome communication systems, well trained junior and general officers, and the stern discipline of NCOs and non-officers. All of this turns into raw power, as all the enemies of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne have found out.
[Geography, Climate and Topography]
The best way to explain it all would be to take the Empire and cut into chunks:
Sarcanza Provence: [Pronounced: Sar-khan-tha; Capital: Marsa Bruth]
The entire panhandle which borders Zarbia and Riptide Monzarc is a vast blight - a desert. The only plants which can survive the hot day temperatures and the cold night temperatures are Cam III plants, including several different species of cacti, and small plants. Climatic charactiristics include several miniature wind routes which sporadically create tornadoes and such, which ravage the largely rural population of the Sarcanza Provence.
Sidi Provence: [Capital: Sidi Rezegh]
This area is like sub saharan Africa, and is largely flat grassland, which makes it perfect tank country - which is why it sported some of the largest armored battles during the Great Civil War.
Dienstad: [Capital: Macabee City]
The old center of the Empire, until the construction of the new Imperial Capital, Fedala, it is largely lowland and heavily fertile. However, it has mostly been used as a center for the military and a huge octagonal industrial platform, rendering most agriculture useless in the region. There was been rare cases of acid rain, although recent ecological laws have somewhat stemmed the tied of pollution, although there is a long way to go before the effects of industry in the Great Civil War are reversed.
Weigar Provence: [Capital: Weigar]
A large grassland, occupied by a series of rolling hills. It resembles the terrain seen by Napoleon and Wellington and Waterloo and Quarter Bras during the 100 Days.
Talavera: [Capital: Arras]
Largely fertile and the Empire's largest agricultural center. The climate is largely like the one found in Spain's Castilla la Mancha - a bit arid. However, since it's a relatively small island it also has some sort of mediterranean climate, as it receives much cool air from the seas. This mix creates a perfect agricultural climate in the region.
Faracat Provence: [Capital: Beda Fromm]
A large grassland, occupied by a series of rolling hills. It resembles the terrain seen by Napoleon and Wellington and Waterloo and Quarter Bras during the 100 Days.
Castilla y Guadalajara Provence: [Capital: Targul Frumos]
A large grassland, occupied by a series of rolling hills. It resembles the terrain seen by Napoleon and Wellington and Waterloo and Quarter Bras during the 100 Days. The only reason it's a heavy agricultural center is because it's one of the farthest provences away from the heavy industrial centers.
Ruska Provence: [Capital: Mosnoi Bor]
This provence is occupied by some of the highest peaks in the world, and is all mountains, and little flatlands. The highest mountain peak is Farathar, the mythological home of the gods, and reaches to about forty-eight thousand feet, that is about eighteen thousand feet higher than Mount Everest. Other mountain peaks cap at around thirty-one thousand feet, and the rest descend gradually in height.
The Golden Throne: [Capital: Fedala]
This is administered by Jonach I directly. It's heavily industrialized, but originally was a rolling grassland.
[Military History]
After the end of the Great Civil War [1905-2005], meaning the rather anti-climatic surrender of Weigar to Catalan, and the assencion of Catalan as Emperor of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne - Jonach I - the army, which had once been little more than ragtag groups of soldiers, began to expand and the foreign policy of a now united Empire began to become more and more agressive.
At around the same time the nation of Tyrandis also underwent a Christian revolution, so to speak, and ties between Tyrandis and Kahta began to wane. Taking advantage of said setting Jonach I offered his pledge of allegiance to Tyrandis and also began to mobilize for a war in Kahta. The tragedy of war ( begun soon after with the movement of fleets and submarines under the command of Grand Admiral Durgstaden von Laifsraggen, perhaps the most reknown admiral in the Golden Kriegsmarine. Attacks also ensued around Earth's orbit, eliminating ahta's eyes in the sky.
In consequence Kahta's greatest ally, Vote Early, also joined the fray, and Guffingford stepped in to aid the Golden Throne. About four days after the preperations and Operation GOLIATH (the orbital attack) Golden Armies launched Operation MERCURY, or the landing on the Kahtan occupied coast of Maine. The gigantic missiling and the awsome display of power stunned the world, and especially Kahta, who immediately felt the casualties which concluded from MERCURY. The battle for the beaches continued heavily for the next couple of days, and included the gaining of air superiority by the Second Empire within hours. Indeed, attempts to move massive armored columns by VoteEarly were stopped by the older Kondor strike fighter, now replaced by the Lu-12 Canary, where at least a hundred and fifty tanks were knocked out within a single strike.
Regardless, by the end of the week both parties had agreed to a peace, including the handover of several leading Fabus', and their execution under international law, for crimes against humanity.
A year later the forces of the Second Empire also conducted operations around Melgaria, along with the Parthians, against several Muslim countries and MassPwnage. MassPwnage dropped out halfway through the war, and the war seemed to going well, however, the war continues to this day.
Even during the Melgarian War, tensions between former RWC nations rose, leading to a massive mobilization by the Golden Empire, and increased submarine activity along the coast. Probably due to a misunderstanding in intelligence, or something of the sort, since no government has released official records, an upgraded Kilo in the service of the Second Empire struck and sunk an older FCN ELINT submarine. Although FCN did send another submarine which came under attack and was most likely sunk, nothing official was ever brought up, although the two nations did declare that they were in a state of war. The conflict ended more through apathy, and no real combat ever emerged.
After the brush between Five Civilized Nations and the Golden Throne, the Second Empire's military fell relative quiet, and moved into a period of growth and the expansion of technological prowess. The Second Empire became a major arms supplier, who's armaments began to be used by such as Hail and Kill, SafeHaven2, and Roach Busters. Moreover, secret trainings ensued near Arras regarding the construction of over ten SS divisions, who would soon step into the limelight of military history.
Macabees, The
Parthians, The
Pschycotic Pschycos
Silver Sky, The
Space Union
Vuhifellian States, The
Non Agression Pacts:
The Merchant Guilds
Embassy Exchange Program:
The Umbrella Corporation
Verbotten Luftwaffe
Fatus Maximus
Swedish Dominions
Seperate Treaties:
[They are linked to other posts. If you wish to follow and read the exact treaty just click and a new window will open.]
[Personae Dramatis]
Jonach I: Jonach I, first ruler of the Catalan dynasty, is also the first emperor of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne. Under his reign the Empire saw more warfare than ever before, even under the belligerent rulers of the Old Empire. Campaigns of Jonach I include: Kahta, Malgeria, Five Civilized Nations, and Guadalombia.
Jonach died ten years after the beginning of his rule, 2015. His legacy will always be the founder of theSecond Empire, and the initializer of the Catalan dynasty. He left a single son, Heinrich Catalan.
Prince Heinrich: Heir apparent to the throne until it was made open that Jonach had chosen his grandson Fedor for the position of Emperor, since the latter was younger and much more adept to war and politics. Enraged, Heinrich left to Weigar, instilled a rebellion, and began what is known as the War of Golden Succession.
Fedor I: Second emperor of the Golden Throne, and grandson of Jonach I. His rule began in turmoil as his father, Prince Heinrich, led a rebellion against Fedor, beginning the War of Golden Succession.
These characters are mostly brand new, so they don't have a lot of information that goes to them