Neotron Bomb Test Cause Controversy
23-06-2005, 05:10
"This morning Rotovian Naval Command authorizated the testing of Neutron Bombs off the coast of The Rotovian Imperial Colony of Fargrade. The testings were ordered after a report furnished to the Ministry of National Defence revealed that many of Rotovia's araments may not be performing to speficified standards.
Information from the tests will be available as of thid afternoon. However, it will not be provided to the public under the National Security Act. Intial reports indicate no harm has come to local wildlife or persons.
This anouncement is in accordance with the Civil Freedoms Act's requirements for disclosure.
Further tests may be conducted to ensure that current nuclear and neutron weapons are of the highest standards."
Commander Thomas Julio
Rotovian Naval Command
Joseph Seal
23-06-2005, 06:13
"The nation of Joseph Seal is concerned about the NSA which will restrict the public from knowing about this test. Joseph Seal also points out the public will find out sooner or later and will most likely be unhappy about this AND the current government.
Joseph Seal, however, is relieved that no wildlife was harmed in the test, but advises Rotovia to conduct further investigations of the test site to make sure there are no long term effects."
-The emperor of Joseph Seal
OOC: Since you didn't know no one will hold it agianst you, but unless you bought the nuke off someone else you don't get nuclear weapons until you are 1 month old(100 million people).
23-06-2005, 06:27
OCC: Scellia that is more suggestion than rule. FC managed to prove that...and spark several threads and wars. But anyways as long as it is RPed well and the nation in question dosn't go off nuking people it's all good.
OOC: Meh, I've been out of touch with the forums for a while. When I was last really active(before they switched to the new boards) it was more of a rule.
23-06-2005, 06:36
OCC: Yup I recall how harshly we enforced that rule. But after FC it has been subverted to a guideline. Though n00bish claims are still delt with the same way but now nations that have tallent can have nukes jsut not big ones.
23-06-2005, 06:37
OOC: Since you didn't know no one will hold it agianst you, but unless you bought the nuke off someone else you don't get nuclear weapons until you are 1 month old(100 million people).
OOC: I have a population of 3.645Billion. (My nation Rotovia was deleted, so I've pulled a Whittier-- and re-created it. I will however, continue to RP with my full population.
23-06-2005, 07:11
"The nation of Joseph Seal is concerned about the NSA which will restrict the public from knowing about this test. Joseph Seal also points out the public will find out sooner or later and will most likely be unhappy about this AND the current government.
Joseph Seal, however, is relieved that no wildlife was harmed in the test, but advises Rotovia to conduct further investigations of the test site to make sure there are no long term effects."
-The emperor of Joseph Seal
"Only the details of nuclear test and nuclear stockpiles are sealed, and then only for fifty years. Tests themselves are public knowledge, as is any information collected by third parties"
Commander Thomas Julio
Rotovian Naval Command