A guide: Freema Factbook
Note: This factbook is in process. If I need to add something, go ahead and post your comments.
Date of Founding: 1655 A.D. (real date: July 22, 2005)
Region: America
Country: Freema (formerly "Dumlie")
Capital: Dumlied
National Animal: Flying Lamb
Currency: Ruby
Motto: God is with us!
Population: 6 Million(as of July 23, 2005)
Language: English, Spanish
Suffrage: 18 years of age; free and open
Species: Humans(males and females)
What We Call Ourselves: Freemans
National Religion:Bibledom, although everyone is free to worship as they please. Bibledom is largely based on the Bible. Symbol (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/drapedcross.gif)
Christianity(includes Bibledom) 52%
Judiasm 24%
Islam 9%
Atheism 5%
Buddism 3%
Other 7%
Months of the Year:
National Holidays:
New Years Day, Jamuary 1
Happy Heart Day, Aprel 10
Risen Day, May 1
Army Day, May 29
Founding Day, Julii 4
Bible Day, Octobere 1
BBQ Day, Novembre 15
Christmas Day, Desember 30
Ethic groups:
White 34%
Arabic 23%
Hispanic 20%
Black 14%
Asian 9%
Life Expectancy: Males 81, Females 89
Average Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Average Weight: 200 pounds
Average Number of Children per Household: 3.1
Literacy Percent: 96%
Age Proportion:
0-18 years 28%
19-64 years 60%
65+ years 12%
1655 A.D. The city of Dumlied is founded by goldseekers.
1669 A.D. A "Code of Conduct" is written by Fred B. Hopkins. It lays the groundwork for Dumlie's future Constitution.
1684 A.D. Dumlie's Constitution is finished.
1695 A.D. Dumlie expands it's borders and becomes a well-established nation.
1712 A.D. A Jewish mother gives birth to 23 pound baby. They name it Charles Slog Mastien. The baby is the largest ever to be born in Freeman history.
1747 A.D. The City of Legii completes the "Heman Statue." It's nude bronze statue of a man whose feet touch opposite sides of the "Revoir River." It is equal to the height of 35 stories. All ships must pass under it to enter the harbor.
1796 A.D. George Light discovers a new use for chocolate. Put it on popcorn, then bake it in a vanilla cake mixture. Light becomes a multi-millionaire for his suddenly popular candy.
1813 A.D. Dumlie grants Freedom of Open Speech to the public.
1825 A.D. President Korn Clitnon runs naked throughout the city of Dumlie to relieve the people of depression. He wins his next election into office. Unfortunately more people become more depressed.
1844 A.D. Congress tries to pass a law to ban kissing. When it passes, millions of people storm the capital and start riots. All the while, they kiss each other.
1856 A.D. Martin Loother starts a Christian revival across the nation. The entire country rivets with cries of "Jesus loves you!" The Bible suddenly becomes the best-selling book across the nation, and Dumlie changes it's official religion to Bibledom.
1894 A.D. Dumlie aquires a new weapon- the gun. It's military is immediately updated.
1899 A.D. Brother C. T. Hecrist publishes a book called "Guns and Jesus." It argues for banning of guns because these weapon bring about feelings of rage, while Jesus taught humility. The book becomes popular amongst the media, but not the population. It's sales eventually dwindle.
1920 A.D. Rugby: The Brecky Pumpkins defeat the Dumlie Oilers in a stunning victory 57-3.
1945 A.D. Dumlie hears tales of a World-War going on between many nations. It decides war is a cool thing and starts looking for a fight. President Dumis soon finds somebody.
1953 A.D. Telephones poles become a popular sight.
1956 A.D. President Dumis declares war on Freetruth (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=425775). Freetruth overpowers Dumlie with its superior manpower and technology. Dumlie becomes a sub-nation of Freetruth, and is now known as Freema.
Natural Disasters: Sandstorms, erosions, dustbowls. Most of Freema is made up of desert. It is a hot place, so the season is divide into two seasons, rainy season and dry season.
Map of Freema (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/Freema1.jpg)
Weather: Is extremely hot. The dry season can reach up to 145 degrees fahrenheit in the desert, 120 degrees on the plains, and 115 degrees in the fertile areas. The coolest it ever gets is 75 degrees.
Names of the Cities:
Aroz City
Aquifola City
Economic Listings (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=Freema)
This is Freema's national resource catalog. If you are interested in buying, selling, or trading, please let the Minister of Foreign Affairs know. You can reach him by going to his place, it will be set up shortly.
Natural Resources:
Oil, 310% of national need
Iron, 150% of national need
Fish, 145% of national need
Tin, 140% of national need
Coal, 130% of national need
Ore, 125% of national need
Stone, 125% of national need
Alcohol, 125% of national need
Leather, 115% of national need
Fertilizer, 115% of national need
Steel, 110% of national need
Marble, 105% of national need
Diamonds, 105% of national need
Uranium, 105% of national need
Fur, 105% of national need
Rubies, 100% of national need
Platinum, 100% of national need
Silicon, 100% of national need
Graphite, 100% of national need
Luxury foods, 100% of national need
Needed Resources:
Timber, 20% of national need
Vegetables, 25% of national need
Fruits, 30% of national need
Plastics, 50% of national need
Water, 50% of national need
Grain, 55% of national need
Weaponry, 60% of national need
Tea, 65% of national need
Coffee, 75% of national need
Electronics, 75% of national need
Paper, 85% of national need
Cloth, 90% of national need
Meats, 95% of national need
My embassy listings (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9122396#post9122396). Please apply.
Color Codes:
Freema Ambassadors Abroad:
Foreign Embassies in Freetruth:
Leader: President Lord Cosh (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/Pasted20Graphic.jpg)
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gon Bulton (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/0605-04.jpg)
War Advisor: General Rembo Luvless (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/rambo.jpg)
Science Advisor: Mr. Albert Edyson (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/Thomas20Edison.jpg)
Intellience Agent: Mr. Spect Gadge (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/inspector_gadget_victim.jpg)
Chief Tax Collector: Bill Getes (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/jran2.jpg)
Secret Agent Man: Bat 007 (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/story.jpg)
Professor of Arts and Culture: Mr. Rems Brant (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/mountainboy965/rembrandt_Selfport_1640.jpg)