Stellar Nations
22-06-2005, 07:40
To: Scientific Departments of all nations (OOC: FT nations)
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Report on the Stellar Nations species and genders
pl. - Plural version of species
Pos. -Posessive versiion of species
SSF- Stellar Space Fleet
Nations- Short for Stellar Nations
Treth (pl. Treth, Pos. Treth) Species that resembles Terra's tigers. Very tactical minded, agressive. Most of the SSF is Treth. Two genders, Male and Female. They are able to cross-breed with humans, poducing some of the most inteligent and tactical minded people in the Nation's history. Females are typicaly more agressive and more tactical minded, leading a high amount fo teh SSF to be female. Aproxamatly 61% of the population is female and 39% Male
H'Rec (pl. H'Rec, pos. H'recese (pronounced H wreck ease) - Diplomatical and political Make up most of the Stellar Nations government (aside from the Assembly of Species) and ambassadorial positions. Look mostly human exept for their extra set of arms and their black orb eyes. Three genders. One is the carrier, the other two insert the egg and the sperm into the carrier's womb. The Carrier is usualy the most persuasive and has the best ability to bluff. With this species's emphasis on those traits, they tend to dominate. They also make some of the best poker players in this section of the Galaxy. Around 32% is the 'Male', 30% 'Female' and and 38% 'Carrier'
Pegasus (pl, pos. Pegasus) - True name is unpronounceable. Named after their home star, in the Terran's Pegasus constelation. Equaly well in both politics and military. Resemble toads, though a lot bigger, and eyes are different. Two genders, and reprduce much like toads. Females tend to do more of the labor that men would do traditionaly in human cultures. Each hatching produces two females and two males. Aproxamatly 51% is female and 49% male.
Vranken (pl. Vrankes. pos Vrankese) - Seclusive species. Highly sought after for expertise in crafts. Handmade items vary from elegant baskets made of precious metal threads to ornate pistols. Look most like birds, though ability of flight is non-existant. Two genders, Male Dominated. Males are about 52% of the population, Females 48%
Sepidon(pl. Sepidon pos. Sepidonese) - Exelent shipbuilders, specialise in small personal craft. Serpents with arms. Do not make warships, though they will if there is the need. Two genders, Female Dominated. Females make up 56% of the population, and males 44%
Alasir (pl. Alase, pos. Alsan) Main engineers of the Nations. Small size allows them to get places most other species can't. Resemble dwarves from Terran mythology, though they get quite angry when called that. o not like warfare, but when they get in arms, there is little that can stop them. Three genders, much like the H'Rec. The None of the three genders is dominant. 33% are Male, 33% female, and 34% Carriers
Feth (pl, pos Feth) Close relatives of Treth, though they are only slightly larger than a large housecat. Most familes have several housecats. Some say they can communicate with them. First created the short-distance FTL drives for SSF vessels between systems without displacement points. Two genders, with the Males dominant. Population is about 60& Male 40% female
Durg (pl. Durg, pos Dreg) Many small creatures with semi-sentient fr to make an inteligent creature. Said creature can take many forms. Each of the small creatures has the entire knowledge of the complete being. Sharing of creatures is common to spread knowledge. Each small creature resembles a ferret. the smaller creatures reproduce independantly. The sentient groups have no gender, the smaller creatures have three like the H'rec and Alasir. Aproxamatly 45% of the smaller creatures are Carriers, and 30% are male and 25% Female.
Simiarion (pl. Simari, pos. Simiario) - Similar to the Drug, exept each small creture is a snake. Colors and patterns of the 'snakes' vary. The smaller cretures breed independantly. The sentient groups have no gender, smaller creatures ahve 3. Can interbreed with the Durg, but such breedings are rare. About 40% of the cmaller creatures are carriers, with 30% male and 30% female
Human - Slef explanatory. Only a small portion of the population. 45% Male, 55% female
Cross (pl Crosses, Pos. Cross) The cross between a Human and a Treth. They may reproduce with either race at will. They look like Humans with a light fur over their skin, and have catlike eyes. Some have cat ears instead of human ears, some have tails. A few rare cases have the cat-like 'face' of a Treth. Most have retractable claws. Neither gender is dominant, each taking equal roles. Most serve in the SSN, though some do not. About 58% is Female and 42% is male.
Cross: H'rec can reproduce with Treth, though it is quite complicated. I will explan this later. However, such corospondances are rare, and have been included in the Treth and H'rec populations. These crosses loo much like the Human and Treth crosses, exept for the extra set of arms. If the Treth parent was Female, then it would resmble a Treth.
Precentage of population
Treth 25%
H'rec 26%
Pegasus 7%
Vranken 3%
Sepidon 6%
Alasir 7%
Feth 5%
Durg 8%
Simiarion 8%
Human 4%
Human-Treth Cross 1%
Precentages of genders
-Precent of total population
2 Genders 51%
3 Genders 49%
Precent of Dominant Genders
-Percent of total Population
Male dominated 12%
Female Dominated 38%
3rd Gender Dominated 26%
Neither 24%
Precent of Genders
-Precent of total population
Male 38.03%
Female 42.91%
3rd Gender (Carrier) 19.06%
Gender by Race
-Precent Total Population
Treth: Female 15.25% Male 9.75%
H'rec: Female 7.8% Male 8.32% 3rd Gender9.88%
Pegasus: Female 3.57% Male 3.43%
Vranken: Female 1.44% Male 1.56%
Sepidon: Female 3.36% Male 2.64
Alasir: Female 2.31% Male 2.31% 3rd Gender 2.38%
Feth: Female 2% Male 3%
Durg: Female 2% Male 2.4% 3rd Gender 3.6%
Simiarion: Female 2.4% Male 2.4% 3rd Gender 3.2%
Human: Female 2.2% Male 1.8%
Human-Treth Cross: Female .58% Male .42%
As you can see from the above charts, more than half of the SN is either Treth or H'rec. Almost half is female, and a good portion is of teh 3rd gender. The most amount of species are female dominated, and nearly half of the total population is of one of the races that have 3 genders, though the actual 3rd gender, dubbed 'Carrier' is only 19% of the population. I am one of the .58% of the population that is female and of Human and Treth origin. However, there is little prejudice against anyone of any race. The species of the Stellar Nations get along well, and all jobs are open to any gender of any species.
-Dr. Tate.
To: Scientific Departments of all nations
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Report on 3 Gender reproduction
The Reproduction habits of the species with 3 genders is quite straightforward. the mating requires three members of the race, one male, one female, and one 'carrier.' Both the Male and Females posess an organ much like the Human Male's reproductive organ, and the Carrier has something similar to the Human Female's reproducive organ, though it has two entryways instead of one. The reproduction is similar to human reproduction, execpt that there are three members. The Male injects the sperm and the female injects the eggs, which meet inside the womb of the carrier and start growing. The rest is similar to the human reproductive practice.
Treth and H'Rec can copulate, though the process is quite strange. If male Treth wishes to reproduce with a H'Rec Female, he must also find a H'rec Carrier. They then proceed as if they were H'Rec. However, if a Treth female wishes to reproduce with a H'Rec male, they do it as if they were two Treth mating. Less than .01% of the entire population is of these crosses, and it is quite complicated to classify their genders. The males are easiest, their reproductive work is not changed with either species. The females sometimes have the H'Rec genitailia, sometimes they have the Treth Genitailia, and sometimes they have both. Very few are carriers, less than 2 or 3% of the entire population of these crosses. They can serve as Carriers for either the Cross females with the H'ec genitailia and H'rec or Treth or H'Rec and Treth Cross males, or serve as Carriers for the H'Rec.
-Dr. Tate
To: Scientific Departments of all nations
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Report on the Reproductive Spans of the Stellar nations species
Each species has a different time period for the children to develop and either hatch or be born. The following lists the species which use internal growth or external growth (eggs)
Internal: Humans, H'Rec, Treth, Crosses (both types), Alasir, Feth, Durg, Simiarion
External (Note: A 'S' or 'H' denotes hard or soft shelled eggs): Pegasus S, Vranken H, Sepiodon H
The following is a list of time periods in which the species must incubate the offspring before giving birth or hatching. Time is given in Terran Standard for ease of translation.
Treth 7 Months
H'rec 4 Months
Pegasus 2 Months
Vranken 3 Months
Sepidon 3 Months
Alasir 13 Months
Feth 20 Months
Durg 3 Weeks
Simiarion 5 Weeks
Durg Simiarion Cross 4 weeks
Human 9 Months
Human-Treth Cross 8 Months*
HTC with HTC 7 Months 2 Weeks
HTC with Human 8 Months 3 Weeks*
HTC with Treth 7 Months 1 Week*
HTC with H'Rec 5 Months, 3.5 Weeks*
HTC with TH'rC** 6 months 3 weeks
Treth-H'Rec Cross 5 Months, 2 Weeks*
Treth-H'Rec Cross with another TH'rC 5 Months
TH'rC with Treth** 6 months*
TH'rC with Human** 7 Months 2 Weeks*
TH'rC with H'Rec** 4 Months 2 Weeks
* Crosses take anywhere from the time from the one race to the time of the other. This is the average.
** When Possible
-Dr. Tate
To: Scientific Departments of all nations
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Reproductive Compatability of the Treth
The Treth seem to be abe to reproduce with an unusual amount of races besides their own. Such cross-breeding is rarely able to be done without a scientific lab, yet treth can copulate with both H'Rec and Humans and have a reasonable chance to produce offspring. The reason for this is unknown, however, it is being looked into. The Treth and Human Crosses are also able to breed with an astounding number of others, being able to reproduce with 5 different species or sub-species, those being Humans, Treth, H'Rec, a Treth-H'Rec Cross and a human-Treth cross. This is also being researched.
-Dr. Tate
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Report on the Stellar Nations species and genders
pl. - Plural version of species
Pos. -Posessive versiion of species
SSF- Stellar Space Fleet
Nations- Short for Stellar Nations
Treth (pl. Treth, Pos. Treth) Species that resembles Terra's tigers. Very tactical minded, agressive. Most of the SSF is Treth. Two genders, Male and Female. They are able to cross-breed with humans, poducing some of the most inteligent and tactical minded people in the Nation's history. Females are typicaly more agressive and more tactical minded, leading a high amount fo teh SSF to be female. Aproxamatly 61% of the population is female and 39% Male
H'Rec (pl. H'Rec, pos. H'recese (pronounced H wreck ease) - Diplomatical and political Make up most of the Stellar Nations government (aside from the Assembly of Species) and ambassadorial positions. Look mostly human exept for their extra set of arms and their black orb eyes. Three genders. One is the carrier, the other two insert the egg and the sperm into the carrier's womb. The Carrier is usualy the most persuasive and has the best ability to bluff. With this species's emphasis on those traits, they tend to dominate. They also make some of the best poker players in this section of the Galaxy. Around 32% is the 'Male', 30% 'Female' and and 38% 'Carrier'
Pegasus (pl, pos. Pegasus) - True name is unpronounceable. Named after their home star, in the Terran's Pegasus constelation. Equaly well in both politics and military. Resemble toads, though a lot bigger, and eyes are different. Two genders, and reprduce much like toads. Females tend to do more of the labor that men would do traditionaly in human cultures. Each hatching produces two females and two males. Aproxamatly 51% is female and 49% male.
Vranken (pl. Vrankes. pos Vrankese) - Seclusive species. Highly sought after for expertise in crafts. Handmade items vary from elegant baskets made of precious metal threads to ornate pistols. Look most like birds, though ability of flight is non-existant. Two genders, Male Dominated. Males are about 52% of the population, Females 48%
Sepidon(pl. Sepidon pos. Sepidonese) - Exelent shipbuilders, specialise in small personal craft. Serpents with arms. Do not make warships, though they will if there is the need. Two genders, Female Dominated. Females make up 56% of the population, and males 44%
Alasir (pl. Alase, pos. Alsan) Main engineers of the Nations. Small size allows them to get places most other species can't. Resemble dwarves from Terran mythology, though they get quite angry when called that. o not like warfare, but when they get in arms, there is little that can stop them. Three genders, much like the H'Rec. The None of the three genders is dominant. 33% are Male, 33% female, and 34% Carriers
Feth (pl, pos Feth) Close relatives of Treth, though they are only slightly larger than a large housecat. Most familes have several housecats. Some say they can communicate with them. First created the short-distance FTL drives for SSF vessels between systems without displacement points. Two genders, with the Males dominant. Population is about 60& Male 40% female
Durg (pl. Durg, pos Dreg) Many small creatures with semi-sentient fr to make an inteligent creature. Said creature can take many forms. Each of the small creatures has the entire knowledge of the complete being. Sharing of creatures is common to spread knowledge. Each small creature resembles a ferret. the smaller creatures reproduce independantly. The sentient groups have no gender, the smaller creatures have three like the H'rec and Alasir. Aproxamatly 45% of the smaller creatures are Carriers, and 30% are male and 25% Female.
Simiarion (pl. Simari, pos. Simiario) - Similar to the Drug, exept each small creture is a snake. Colors and patterns of the 'snakes' vary. The smaller cretures breed independantly. The sentient groups have no gender, smaller creatures ahve 3. Can interbreed with the Durg, but such breedings are rare. About 40% of the cmaller creatures are carriers, with 30% male and 30% female
Human - Slef explanatory. Only a small portion of the population. 45% Male, 55% female
Cross (pl Crosses, Pos. Cross) The cross between a Human and a Treth. They may reproduce with either race at will. They look like Humans with a light fur over their skin, and have catlike eyes. Some have cat ears instead of human ears, some have tails. A few rare cases have the cat-like 'face' of a Treth. Most have retractable claws. Neither gender is dominant, each taking equal roles. Most serve in the SSN, though some do not. About 58% is Female and 42% is male.
Cross: H'rec can reproduce with Treth, though it is quite complicated. I will explan this later. However, such corospondances are rare, and have been included in the Treth and H'rec populations. These crosses loo much like the Human and Treth crosses, exept for the extra set of arms. If the Treth parent was Female, then it would resmble a Treth.
Precentage of population
Treth 25%
H'rec 26%
Pegasus 7%
Vranken 3%
Sepidon 6%
Alasir 7%
Feth 5%
Durg 8%
Simiarion 8%
Human 4%
Human-Treth Cross 1%
Precentages of genders
-Precent of total population
2 Genders 51%
3 Genders 49%
Precent of Dominant Genders
-Percent of total Population
Male dominated 12%
Female Dominated 38%
3rd Gender Dominated 26%
Neither 24%
Precent of Genders
-Precent of total population
Male 38.03%
Female 42.91%
3rd Gender (Carrier) 19.06%
Gender by Race
-Precent Total Population
Treth: Female 15.25% Male 9.75%
H'rec: Female 7.8% Male 8.32% 3rd Gender9.88%
Pegasus: Female 3.57% Male 3.43%
Vranken: Female 1.44% Male 1.56%
Sepidon: Female 3.36% Male 2.64
Alasir: Female 2.31% Male 2.31% 3rd Gender 2.38%
Feth: Female 2% Male 3%
Durg: Female 2% Male 2.4% 3rd Gender 3.6%
Simiarion: Female 2.4% Male 2.4% 3rd Gender 3.2%
Human: Female 2.2% Male 1.8%
Human-Treth Cross: Female .58% Male .42%
As you can see from the above charts, more than half of the SN is either Treth or H'rec. Almost half is female, and a good portion is of teh 3rd gender. The most amount of species are female dominated, and nearly half of the total population is of one of the races that have 3 genders, though the actual 3rd gender, dubbed 'Carrier' is only 19% of the population. I am one of the .58% of the population that is female and of Human and Treth origin. However, there is little prejudice against anyone of any race. The species of the Stellar Nations get along well, and all jobs are open to any gender of any species.
-Dr. Tate.
To: Scientific Departments of all nations
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Report on 3 Gender reproduction
The Reproduction habits of the species with 3 genders is quite straightforward. the mating requires three members of the race, one male, one female, and one 'carrier.' Both the Male and Females posess an organ much like the Human Male's reproductive organ, and the Carrier has something similar to the Human Female's reproducive organ, though it has two entryways instead of one. The reproduction is similar to human reproduction, execpt that there are three members. The Male injects the sperm and the female injects the eggs, which meet inside the womb of the carrier and start growing. The rest is similar to the human reproductive practice.
Treth and H'Rec can copulate, though the process is quite strange. If male Treth wishes to reproduce with a H'Rec Female, he must also find a H'rec Carrier. They then proceed as if they were H'Rec. However, if a Treth female wishes to reproduce with a H'Rec male, they do it as if they were two Treth mating. Less than .01% of the entire population is of these crosses, and it is quite complicated to classify their genders. The males are easiest, their reproductive work is not changed with either species. The females sometimes have the H'Rec genitailia, sometimes they have the Treth Genitailia, and sometimes they have both. Very few are carriers, less than 2 or 3% of the entire population of these crosses. They can serve as Carriers for either the Cross females with the H'ec genitailia and H'rec or Treth or H'Rec and Treth Cross males, or serve as Carriers for the H'Rec.
-Dr. Tate
To: Scientific Departments of all nations
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Report on the Reproductive Spans of the Stellar nations species
Each species has a different time period for the children to develop and either hatch or be born. The following lists the species which use internal growth or external growth (eggs)
Internal: Humans, H'Rec, Treth, Crosses (both types), Alasir, Feth, Durg, Simiarion
External (Note: A 'S' or 'H' denotes hard or soft shelled eggs): Pegasus S, Vranken H, Sepiodon H
The following is a list of time periods in which the species must incubate the offspring before giving birth or hatching. Time is given in Terran Standard for ease of translation.
Treth 7 Months
H'rec 4 Months
Pegasus 2 Months
Vranken 3 Months
Sepidon 3 Months
Alasir 13 Months
Feth 20 Months
Durg 3 Weeks
Simiarion 5 Weeks
Durg Simiarion Cross 4 weeks
Human 9 Months
Human-Treth Cross 8 Months*
HTC with HTC 7 Months 2 Weeks
HTC with Human 8 Months 3 Weeks*
HTC with Treth 7 Months 1 Week*
HTC with H'Rec 5 Months, 3.5 Weeks*
HTC with TH'rC** 6 months 3 weeks
Treth-H'Rec Cross 5 Months, 2 Weeks*
Treth-H'Rec Cross with another TH'rC 5 Months
TH'rC with Treth** 6 months*
TH'rC with Human** 7 Months 2 Weeks*
TH'rC with H'Rec** 4 Months 2 Weeks
* Crosses take anywhere from the time from the one race to the time of the other. This is the average.
** When Possible
-Dr. Tate
To: Scientific Departments of all nations
From: Doctor Serith Tate
Subject: Reproductive Compatability of the Treth
The Treth seem to be abe to reproduce with an unusual amount of races besides their own. Such cross-breeding is rarely able to be done without a scientific lab, yet treth can copulate with both H'Rec and Humans and have a reasonable chance to produce offspring. The reason for this is unknown, however, it is being looked into. The Treth and Human Crosses are also able to breed with an astounding number of others, being able to reproduce with 5 different species or sub-species, those being Humans, Treth, H'Rec, a Treth-H'Rec Cross and a human-Treth cross. This is also being researched.
-Dr. Tate