NationStates Jolt Archive

Fall From Glory: An Empire's Twilight (Open)

22-06-2005, 01:13
How does an empire die? Does it collapse in a single, terrible moment? No... No. But there comes a time when its people no longer believe in it. Then, and only then, does an empire begin to die.
A great civilisation is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

((This is an Open RP when I say "Open", which will probably be the third post. I'm posting the backstory now. This is cataloging a lot of what I've RPed in the past few months, and events leading up to what will be the fall of the Grand Imperium of Risban into total civil war. This is modern tech, and ONLY modern tech.
The OOC Thread ( ))

1999: The Grand Imperium of Risban, Halls of the Imperial Parliament
(Flashback: Six years ago)

It was a time of corruption in Risban. The Grand Imperium had been the dominant force in the Consortium of Shadows for centuries, using military might to accomplish that. And even in the day and age of freedom and democracy, where the media saw everything on a global scale, slavery still existed in Risban. Those under Risbanian authority served Risbanian authority. The Emperor was considered a madman by politicians in other countries such as Green Sun, Zeitz, and even the corrupt dictatorship of Fat Flan. But people did nothing; they knew that it would be too costly to destroy Risban from without. They waited for it to come from within.

Men, the majority of them old, sat in the Halls of the Imperial Parliament, the Emperor Julius Ilia Graffias sitting on a throne in front of the hall. It was a time of celebration in the Empire. Almost the entire region known as the Consortium of Shadows was under the control of either Risban or an ally. The Risban Empire was growing, but at a certain cost...

A man dressed in ceremonial robes marking him an Imperial Senator stepped forward, hands raised towards the group of leaders. "Leaders of Risban! It is a great time for our empire. Camos, Hantul, and Pelamor are under the flag of the Grand Imperium! And now returns Robinson Scorpius, conquerer of Tanzanasty! Hail Scorpius Tanzanastius!"

A man stepped forward, dressed in what looked to be an expensive quite. He was young; in his early twenties... And yet he was one of the most powerful men in the Grand Imperium of Risban. He was Count Robinson Antares Scorpius, a member of the Imperial Parliament, a trustee of the large Scorpius Corporation, and the youngest admiral in the Imperial Navy.
He raised his hand to speak.
"Honorable fathers of Risban, I thank you for your gratitude and honor. However, I have come before you not as a soldier from our conquests, but at a politician and philosopher who hopes to sway your minds. I cannot do this alone, so I ask the Emperor if a friend may speak for me," said Scorpius, bowing to Emperor Graffias.

The Emperor nodded his head, and a man stepped forward. Emperor Graffias' eyes narrowed into slits, and several senators stepped forward in anger. This man was a Hantulian; people who were often slaves and forced laborers. It was not fit for a Hantulian to speak in Parliament.

"Hantulian! Hantulian!" Thus was the angeredchant...
"Greetings Risbans," smiled the man, whose name was Daniel Black. "Born a Hantulian, I aligned with Risban by choice."
"Slave," hissed a random lord.
"Born a slave, I won my freedom," countered Black calmly. "This is a great time for the Empire to prove itself! Fellow Risbans, I am a philosopher and a teacher. As a teacher, I know that when I have tried to teach a lesson a hundred times and still the pupil does not understand, then I come to the conclusion that something is wrong either with the lesson or with the teacher. For centuries the Grand Imperium of Risban has called the people in Pelamor, Camos, Hantul, and Tanzanasty barbarians and terrorists, calling them beneath us. One thousand times we have taught these accused terrorists and barbarians what it means to wage war with the Grand Imperium or threaten our people. We have bombed their cities, we have cut off their oil, we have assasinated their leaders, we have enslaved their youth. Their dead are buried, and the slaves die slowly. But the hatred in them never dies along with those dead and enslaved. It never dies. Their hate means more wars and terrorist attacks. Wars mean tributes and taxes, torn from our cities and provinces. Taxes! Hunger. Drafts. Death. Have you any idea how costly and wasteful this is? And yet the answer is simple! Risban must have no more war."

Count Richard Pelias scoffed at Black, stepping forward. "No wars? Your friends continuously attack our people, and you say no wars? Treasonous speech! These barbaric terrorists have clearly proven their goals: To destroy Risban and our entire way of life!"

Black smiled, nodding his head towards Pelias. "And yet the answer to that problem is simple: Give them something else to do. Let us turn my 'friends' from terrorists into useful citizens. Give them land and businesses. Train them. Do this and I assure you that they will one day become useful citizens to Risban," said Black. "Many of their land is useful for industries such as farming."

Lord Richard Gaius Zorag stepped forward. This man was incredibly the incredibly wealthy owner of the Zorag Corporation, one of the top three businesses in Risban... "Yes, I agree... Let them work as farmers, but as slaves. That is the way it has always been in the Empire."

At this Count Scorpius stepped forward, motioning Daniel Black back. The young Admiral smiled as he addressed the Parliament. "Lord Zorag here used to have over 15,000 slaves. Now he has none! Where did they go? They were all sold or freed! Why? Because in this day and age it is no longer profitable and no longer considered right to possess slaves. They don't work as hard as people who are free and paid. So, I say let us do what is both profitable and right: Let us give the people of Camos, Pelamor, Hantul, and Tanzanasty the gift of Risban Freedom! We can accept them as equals. We can strengthen our empire through liberty!"

People in Parliament began to cheer, but were quieted when Theodore Waller, chancellor of Parliament, stepped from his place beside the Emperor's throne to the center platform.
"Emperor Graffias has asked me this: When has Risban ever been more powerful? I say in answer to our Emperor: Never! And what is it that has kept our Grand Imperium in power? Our strength! Our might! Our military!"
Waller looked around, narrowing his eyes at Scorpius.
"Freedom, peace, equality.... Who uses these words excepts Hantulians, slaves, or radical liberals? Behind Mr. Black and his people are the Wanderslebens, hundreds of thousands of them, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike out at our empire. If we allow these terrorists all the rights of Risban citizenship, our enemies will say it is because we are too weak to destroy them. Then they will invade us from every border! We'll have the armies of Green Sun, Hamanistan, Zeitz, Tomnaboley, Slade Craven, and Pelamor pouring in on us frome everywhere. It will be the end of the Grand Imperium. It will be the end of Risban!"

"The end of Risban? Only when our people no longer believe in us will Risban end," said one of the oldest men in the Parliament, Charles Regulus MacBryan, standing. He stood tall, not leaning on the cane he held as he addressed the entire Hall. "Honorable Fathers of Risban, I have lived under three Emperors, and during all this time our empire has grown, and changed. Next year we will change into a new millenium. This is the law of life: Change with the tide or drown in it. Grow or die. And you, senators and lords, are the heart of Risban. Our people speak through you; our empire moves by your will. Move! Speak up! Let the entire world hear us. Let the world know that Risban will not drown! There are millions like these people waiting throughout the region, sitting at our gates. If we do not open the gates for them, they will breal them down themselves and destroy us. But, instead, let us grow ever bigger, ever greater, into this new millenium. Let us take them among us, not as slaves but as citizens! Let the heart of the Grand Imperium grow with us. Honorable leaders, we have changed the world...Can we not change ourselves?"

People sat in awe and silence, stunned for a moment as Charles Regulus MacBryan retook his seat. Suddenly a cheer erupted from the crowd, followed by many others. They were cheers for change. Cheers for an end to war and slavery. Cheers for Risban.
Emperor Julius Ilia Graffia sat in his throne, glaring as members of Parliament surrounded and clapped for Scorpius. The Emperor turned and left the Halls of Parliament, followed by his closest allies. He, obviously, was not thrilled with this change at all.

2000: Coup in Imperial Risban
Emperor Julius Ilia Graffia had barricaded himself in his office as soon as the alarms began, with him a group of loyalists consisting of Margaux Ecves, Theodore Waller, Henri Pavter, and Lucy Potter. His bodyguards, the High Guards of Risban commonly known as Lictors, had turned on him, claiming that the Emperor was an evil tyrant. They aligned themselves with Count Robinson Antares Scorpius, whom the Order of the Scorpion deemed the 'chosen one' that would bring a golden age to the Grand Imperium of Risban.
It did not take long at all for the Lictors and army to break into the office and arrest Graffia and his loyalist leaders. They were arrested and imprisoned. Charles Regulus MacBryan, High Imperator of the Courts, crowned Robinson Antares Scorpius emperor; the youngest emperor in a century.
The next day, Graffia and his loyalists were executed for treason. Their supporters throughout Risban attempted to flee on large ships. Unfortunately for them, they assumed it would be safe to sail into the waters of the Fiefdom of Nehm. The Nehmec navy fired on the refugee ships, killing the traitors.
Emperor Scorpius had become supreme ruler of Risban, and with him the empire began to change and evolve into something it had never been before. The Risban Age of Isolationism and Terror was at an end. A golden age was now attainable.
22-06-2005, 01:14
The Grand Imperium of Risban- May, 2005
It was a time of celebration in the empire. In the past few years, Risban had made excellent relations with nations around the world, defining itself as an influential world power. However, bad had been mixed with the good. The Grand Imperium of Risban had marched into a foreign war for the first time since the second world war; the nation of Muru had launched biological terrorist attacks on Risban, and Risban responded powerfully.
But now was a time of peace, not war. Economists, civil rights activists, and diplomats alike had declared it a Golden Age for the Grand Imperium of Risban.
Now, Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius had called for a gathering of leaders from without the Consortium of Shadows. He planned on creating a stronger empire; a newer empire. This was, as he put it, the first step to absolute greatness.
Leaders pulled up in their motorcades, dressed in their best, and were greeted by the emperor. Soon they all gathered in a great all, where the Emperor and his new wife, Empress Nora Courtney (who also happened to be the Chancellor of Parliament), stood on a stage with several other leaders of Risban.
In total, diplomats came from all territories that were under Risbani rule...
1. The Queendom of Tomnaboley
2. The Confederacy of Slade Craven
3. The Colony of Camos
4. The Holy Empire of Hantul
5. The Territory of Tanzanasty
6. The Territory of Pelamor
7. The Principality of Vexus
8. The Colony of Wandersleben
9. The State of Risban Tunisia
10. The State of Risban Bestine
11. The Colony of Decessio Insula/Retreat Island (off of the coast of the Macabees)
12. The Colony of Plutonian Shores Island (off of the coast of Shiaze)
13. The Colony of Retributed Island (off of the coast of Muru)
14. The State of Risban New Ireland

Among the visitors were also diplomats from nations such as Green Sun, Zeitz, Fat Flan, Donekea, Hamanistan, Willink, and others nations in the Consortium of Shadows. However, they were here just to view. The eight territories of Risban and Risban itself were what this gathering was really about...
The Emperor stood to speak:
"Friends! Governors, generals, queens, chiefs! You have come from the mountains of Hantul; from the deserts of Wandersleben; from the forests of Tanzanasty; from the isles of Pelamor; and the fields of Tomnaboley. You are all different from eachother in your looks, dress, and customs. You speak different languages, read different holy books, and sing different songs. And yet, you are the unity and power that is Risban! Look at me; look at yourselves; look all around you. See the majesty of Risban! Thirty years ago the people of Slade Craven were our fiercest enemies; now their leaders its among us as a friend. In the entire region, there is no longer a truly hostile fronteir to Risban. We have had to fight long and painful wars; your burdens and those of your people have been great. But we come here to the end of that road. Now, within our grasp, is the Golden Age of Risban. Now, throughout the Consortium of Shadows, whereever you go, you will see Risban! All of you representing the fourteen territories of the Grand Imperium, and your people, shall now be granted complete Risban Citizenship!"

The crowd roared with cheers and applause as news cameras captured the entire thing.

"No longer shall you be territories or colonies or protectorates, but Risban. Risban shall be everywhere. A family of equal nations. A family of power and peace. This is what lies ahead!"

More cheers rose from the crowds as the new peoples of the Risban Imperium celebrated together. Emperor Scorpius smiled and retired to his chambers. They were on the road to peace.

Late May, Early June of 2005- The Imperial Parliament
It had been done! Emperor Scorpius had dissolved the old Imperial Parliament and replaced it with a bicameral Parliament consisting of the Imperial Senate and the House of Aristocrats. The Senate was actually elected by the people, for the most part.
Apart from this new-found representation, Emperor Scorpius legalized free speech to a certain extent, legalized civil unions, legalized euthanasia, put more funding into education, and generally increased civil rights throughout the nation. The common people began to love their benevolent dictator.

However, there were those in Parliament who did not like the Emperor's new ideas....
22-06-2005, 01:15

The Grand Imperium of Risban, Present Day
Amid what many were calling the true Golden Age of the Risban Imperium, chaos was looming in the distance. While others jabbed at the Grand Imperium, an international group bent on taking over the world worked to overthrow the legitimate government by whatever means possible. And, while the intelligence agencies of the world knew the name that was the Society of Shadows, none of them could possibly fathom how far the corruption stretched....

Decessio Insula, off of the coast of The Macabees
The island was still recovering from the attacks made by Havenite pirates. Their defenses were wiped out, three battleships were lost, and over a thousand Risbanian citizens had died. The Imperium's failure to safeguard the island from these pirates left caused many to doubt whether or not the Emperor was doing enough. The old aristocracy wanted the Emperor to take away from civil rights yet again and do what needed to be done for protection.
The governor of Retreat Island was killed in the attacks by a missile that struck his bunker. As such, a new governor was appointed by recommendation of several senators and members of Parliament.
Yes, Count William Silver was a good man. He was a middle-aged aristocrat who had served on Parliament and as ambassador to OPEC. He served in the Imperial Army, owned several businesses, and was often regarded as a philanthropist. However, unknown to most, he was also a very high-ranking official in an organization known only as the Society of Shadows.

Newspaper Headlines:
Parliament has Risban withdraw from the United Nations!
Empress Nora Courtney impeached as Chancellor and replaced by Lord Richard Gaius Zorag!
Sargas Caecus Lesath removed as Chiliarches of the House of Aristocracy and replaced by Lady Kierra Graffias!

Indeed, Lord Zorag had led a virtual coup in the Imperial Parliament ( that ousted Nora Courtney, the wife of the Emperor, from the position of Chancellor of the Imperial Parliament. Under further convincing from Zorag, Sargas Lesath was removed as head of the Parliamentary House of Aristocracy.
Things in Risban were indeed changing.
Green Sun
01-07-2005, 22:14
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 22:37
I don't know about anybody else, but the Family Vespeterium will respectfully dance on the slowly decaying remains of your Empire. Mwahahahahaha.
01-07-2005, 22:41
I don't know about anybody else, but the Family Vespeterium will respectfully dance on the slowly decaying remains of your Empire. Mwahahahahaha.

I ask that you please keep OOC comments in the OOC Thread. If that was an IC Comment, then it will be seen as a direct threat against the Grand Imperium and most likely result in economic and diplomatic sanctions.
Also, the world does not yet realize what is happening. All that has happened is an increase in civil rights and the removal of two leaders-- not very empire-destroying events. No one really knows the depth of the Society of Shadows except for, in fact, the members of the Society of Shadows.
Furthermore, I would like to request that you refrain from using smileys.
And, I will point out that this is a serious Role-Play.
Vespeterium Minor
01-07-2005, 22:44
Many apologies. I'll just withdraw and let you get on with this, I don't have the attention span for RP's.
01-07-2005, 22:46
Tag, but I won;t be around till late Mon., Eastern time
The Sword and Sheild
02-07-2005, 05:14
Green Sun
02-07-2005, 05:21
((I'll write more later tonight or tomorrow.
Tags and such are now welcome. NO IN CHARACTER POSTS YET please))
02-07-2005, 16:34
Austie tag
09-07-2005, 18:01
((Alright. It's open now, but there isn't too much to go off right here yet, so post only if you really want to.))
Green Sun
10-07-2005, 01:00
Green Sun is beggining to write a military treaty that will further tighten our relationship with Risban for the better and to protect both our nations from internal and external threats. It may take a few days for it to be ready, but Green Sun officials are confident that it will be worth the wait.
25-07-2005, 18:33
Chambers of the Imperial Parliament, Risban City, The Grand Imperium of Risban-- 12:33 P.M.

Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius was only 25-years old and considered one of the greatest leaders in Imperial history. Under him, civil rights and economic power had expanded tremendously.
But there were those who did not like his rule...

A joint-session of the Parliament was called for the Imperial Senate and the House of Aristocracy to discuss several large issues in Risban at the moment, most of them doing with police funding, industry, and the environment. Parliament was still recovering from the recent removal of Countess Nora Courtney as High Chancellor and the ascension of Lord Richard Gaius Zorag into power.
Emperor Scorpius was attending the meeting to help push for a piece of legislation that would allocate more power to the police to combat recent terrorist attacks such as the ones on the Risbanian Museum of Natural History last May. Succesful in his argument for the legislation, Scorpius left the Chambers of Imperial Parliament.

The Emperor followed his usual route out of the building. He was accompanied by seven Imperial Lictors, Press Secretary Julia Ormiv, Minister of Defence Brenn McBone, and former U.N. ambassador Lord Justinian Fowl. Also following along were several news reporters, asking questions about the Emperor's views on his wife being removed from the position of Chancellor, the Emperor's stance on Guffingford's blockading of parts of the Mediterranean Sea, Lord Fowl's issues with the U.N., and other usual questions.
As they walked along, an aide from the Ministry of Industry approached the Emperor, carrying a briefcase. He was a normal young man, serving as an intern. It was not unusual for them to bring briefcases in and out of the Parliamentary Chambers, often carrying papers for legislation they want passed.
The aide walked around the Emperor and his entourage, and then jumped in between the reporters around the Emperor, attempting to get closer. When eleven feet away from the supreme ruler of Risban, the man quickly raised his briefcase into the air.
"Sodalitas de Umbras! Sic semper tyrannus!" bellowed the man, pressing a button on his briefcase.
Scorpius' eyes widened slightly as the man yelled. "What the blo-"
He was tackled to the ground by two of his Lictors just before the briefcase exploded, sending reporters and a Lictor flying, killing the aide instantly. Lord Fowl was thrown off his feet and into a nearby pillar, while Julia Ormiv and Minister McBone each flew to the floor. The four Lictors still standing moved towards the remnants of the bomber, two of them holding small pistols whilst the other two held out their ceremonial swords.

Sirens went off in the building and Lictors swarmed in, accompanied by police. They sealed all entrances into the Chambers of Parliament and the rest of the building, rushing towards where the Emperor lay beneath two of his bodyguards. They helped the Emperor up, who proceeded to stop and stare right at the smoking remnants of the bomb.
"My God...."

The Risban City Cathedral, 12:41 P.M.
Cardinal James Kilptnock was the chief religious leader in the Grand Imperium of Risban and a very close friend of Emperor Scorpius. 46% of all Imperial citizens were of the Roman Catholic faith. Klitpnock was a good man, campaigning strongly with Empress Nora Courtney for more civil rights in Risban.
The Cardinal's closest advisor was Father Augustus Oppidius, who would most-likely replace Klitpnock when the Cardinal was no longer able to serve. Unknown to the Most Holy of Risban, however, was that Father Augustus was a high-ranking member of an organization known only as the Society of Shadows...

Cardinal Kliptnock just finished giving mass in the world-famos Risban City Cathedral. The cathedral was old and quite majestic, located near Imperial Palace. The only security it had ever needed was two Lictors and a three-man security team.
As people left hte Cathedral, Cardinal Kliptnock stood near the altar, gazing up at the cross looming on the wall. A man approached the Cardinal; this was a usual thing. After mass, people often came to him for blessings, confession, or advice.
This man knelt down before the altar, looking up at the Cardinal, who turned down to smile at the man.
"Forgive me, Father, for I am about to sin," said the man, gazing up at Kliptnock. He removed a pistol from his pocket. "Sodalitas de Umbras."
He raised the pistol at the Cardinal, who calmly closed his eyes and raised his hands towards the sky. There was a loud crack and the Cardinal fell back onto the altar, dead. The was a second crack and the assasin lay before the altar, dead as well.

Green Sun Embassy, Legatio Forum, Risban City-- 12:50 P.M.
Word of the bombing in the Chambers of Parliament and gun-fire in the Risban City Cathedral had not quite yet reached Legatio Forum, the place where the majority of all foreign embassies in Risban were located.

A food truck from ScorpCorp was delivering some stock to the Golencian Embassy, which was located across from the Green Sun Embassy. As the truck was departing the gates from the Golencian embassy, the driver stepped and the gas and crashed straight through the gates to Green Sun's embassy, killing the guard that was shooting at them. The truck continued moving until it crashed into the edifice of the building, proceeding to explode.
Three guards, a janitor, and a consular's aide were killed.