NationStates Jolt Archive

Anyone looking for a war?

21-06-2005, 22:53
I have wanted a war involving my nation on the defensive for as long as I have been on nationstates if anyone wants to attack me I would be glade. I make my own tech (it’s a little better than MT and some is much better. But I’m willing to play without it if whoever takes this offer. If we (whoever takes the offer) rp we cannot use nukes and I would prefer very little BC weapons. We will have to find a reason for the war and I want to have a map but I don’t know anything about making a map that I could post a link to. So if anyone can help me make one I would like that.
Dracun imperium
21-06-2005, 22:55
I'm interested, however as I'm much larger we would have to make it more fair.
22-06-2005, 00:37
i think we can work that out somehow

can you gave me a list of some of the tech you have and or ships, planes, tanks, guns you use
Dracun imperium
22-06-2005, 00:47
I'm actually currently rebuilding my military, navy, and airforce. As I use to use phoenix militia but right now I just bought a navy at Praetonia. Looking for ground weapons then air.
22-06-2005, 01:17
I'd like to fight, but my military budget is still a little low. If someone else invades, we can provide an expeditionary force and/or air/naval support.
23-06-2005, 05:30
Dracun imperium, i don't know what kind of ships Praetonia sells. Also i don't know what you cansider your military budget to be, but based on Third Geek you have about 10 times what i have 20 trillion vs. 2 trillion. so if we do this we will have to find me some allies. any one you can think of?

Siap if you want to aid me then your welcome to.
Nano soft
23-06-2005, 05:51
NP I'll rp as your ally. :P And if you need a map I got one I guess you can use, I just gotta ask someone if they still have the link to it cause it's on my old computer. If I cant get that then just give me a brief description of your nation and I'll come up with somehting, it wont be anything special but it'll be a map.
23-06-2005, 06:11
You mind If I storm in? I kind of have an ongoing plot I need to resolve.
23-06-2005, 06:41
OOC: If someone declares war on Nebarri, Lanquassia will work to defend Nebarri.
23-06-2005, 07:06
I would love to whether it is on your side or against you.
Side note i have no Airforce.
Skewed ViSiOn
23-06-2005, 17:55
What I don't understand is why you would want to put your people and nation at risk! Isn't that just a little noobish? Why a nation would search for a reason to go to war is beyond me. Well, it doesn't matter to me do what you will. You should :fluffle: Not :mp5: :sniper:

Skewed ViSiOn
23-06-2005, 18:04
My Thread is listed below if anyone want to visit. Any and all input on the situation will be read and apreaciated.

thanks guys
Nano soft
23-06-2005, 18:04
What I don't understand is why you would want to put your people and nation at risk! Isn't that just a little noobish? Why a nation would search for a reason to go to war is beyond me. Well, it doesn't matter to me do what you will. You should :fluffle: Not :mp5: :sniper:

Hey! Shorty(drawing relation to your nations size not rl height)! I wouldn't talk if I where you...:P You might have a 6 million man army on your door step the next day.

That's right I have something like 24 Million troops in my Army alone, that's only combat and with the entire army on avtive duty.
24-06-2005, 03:54
NP I'll rp as your ally. :P And if you need a map I got one I guess you can use, I just gotta ask someone if they still have the link to it cause it's on my old computer. If I cant get that then just give me a brief description of your nation and I'll come up with somehting, it wont be anything special but it'll be a map.

first off im typing this in a hurry so the spelling and such will be whatever comes into my head first.

ok as soon as you find the map i might use it for this rp. but i do want a map of my nation. for the discription its made up of five islands, north south east west and center. now the islands are "man made" by the nation who made the region my nation. thanks to that i have four different types of landscape. the north island is mostly jungle, the south is mostly desert, west one is mounthins, east is plains, and the center is the bigest of them with all four types the capital (if your placing citys) is in the middle of the center island and is called Nebarri. anything else you need?
24-06-2005, 03:58
Could I join on either side? If so, please direct me to the desired side.
24-06-2005, 04:53
sure why not

i want to make the sides about equal so lets see i think i might want Harlesburg and Turetel on Dracun imperiums side my allies seem to be Lanquassia, Nano Soft and Siap. but i don't know whos side Gelfland is on
Skewed ViSiOn
24-06-2005, 17:18
Just because I statrted a new nation doesn't mean I am a pushover. I already have many strong aggressors and protectors, that will protect my nation in the time of war and help me to return to the dominant nation I once ruled. So once again please don't bash my nation :D thnaks alot.
24-06-2005, 19:11
almost anyone who plays has allies big and small though my nations running out of them as most of my allies have been gone for some time
28-06-2005, 03:38
The tokera
28-06-2005, 04:20
The Tokera would like to join in this war as either side preferably your ally but we would do attacking if needed.
The tokera
28-06-2005, 15:17
Van Luxemburg
28-06-2005, 15:24
We also would like to take part, if we can take part, we will send a few marine divisions in, or anything else we can get in there. we would also like to go on your side, but the other side is also no prob. preferably we would like to be on the same side as the Tokera, as he's an Ally of ours.
The tokera
28-06-2005, 15:31
yes we would also like to be on the side that Van Luxemburg is on if it is possible.
28-06-2005, 16:01
{sound of children laughing, fades into what sounds like screams coming over a radio with interference} {deep robotic vioce with a side of evil}
We are Sarafim..... We shall join the side of whoever wishes to let us incorperate your technology into ours...... We shall consume all life and produce the perfect race of machines... Death to the fleshies :headbang:

OOC: Hiya, if its ok i would like to join. My nation has lived in orbit of the planet for as long as anything has existed. We are a race of machines, that originated from a race much like humans. We have no land or sea forces, but we have air-space forces to boot. We also have massive guns attached to our orbit-station. BTW, my entire nation goes to war when i go to war, that is why we orbit. (may seem silly, but ive thought about, and it makes sense to me, just to hard to explain clearly) :)
The tokera
29-06-2005, 15:17
29-06-2005, 20:09
OOC: Hiya, if its ok i would like to join. My nation has lived in orbit of the planet for as long as anything has existed. We are a race of machines, that originated from a race much like humans. We have no land or sea forces, but we have air-space forces to boot. We also have massive guns attached to our orbit-station. BTW, my entire nation goes to war when i go to war, that is why we orbit. (may seem silly, but ive thought about, and it makes sense to me, just to hard to explain clearly) :)

whos side will you be on?

The tokera, Van Luxemburg would you like to help me find out who is still interested than i can find out what side you will be on.
29-06-2005, 20:17
War is for loosers!
-Chris :fluffle:
Van Luxemburg
30-06-2005, 09:30
okay, i'll send some TG's round.

edit: sended them
30-06-2005, 09:54
I'm on Nebarri's side, but I don't have that much of an economy (Although a prolonged war might help... or not, no oil >.<:), but I have a military much stronger than what my nation normally would have...
Van Luxemburg
30-06-2005, 10:24
I will be updating this list as I receive more TG's.

Nebarri Prime
The Tokera
Van Luxemburg
30-06-2005, 10:50
War is for loosers!
-Chris :fluffle:
Its talk like that that gets you pwnd.....

I am more than happy to be on either side to add population parity however i state once again no Strike Air Force.
The tokera
30-06-2005, 22:34
as far as I see it this is how it is

Nebarri Prime
The Tokera
Van Luxemburg
Nano Soft

Dracun imperiums


I am willing to change sides if needed (but I would like to be on Van Luxemburg and Nebarri prime's side) , but if Turetel and Harlesburg are willing to be on the ememy side that would be better and we would only need one more for that side. And if you still need a map I could make or get one for you
30-06-2005, 23:07
The FOE will assist the 'enemy' forces. Despite our small size as a nation, we have in many instances proven ourselves and shown we can be fordimable. We are ready to help our neighbor's in need.
01-07-2005, 07:53
Heh, maybe FOE and Lanquassia can square off. =D
01-07-2005, 08:20
I will take whatever side you feel needs more troops.
will this be a closed event after war begins?
Militaristic Morons
01-07-2005, 08:39
I have wanted a war involving my nation on the defensive for as long as I have been on nationstates if anyone wants to attack me I would be glade. I make my own tech (it’s a little better than MT and some is much better. But I’m willing to play without it if whoever takes this offer. If we (whoever takes the offer) rp we cannot use nukes and I would prefer very little BC weapons. We will have to find a reason for the war and I want to have a map but I don’t know anything about making a map that I could post a link to. So if anyone can help me make one I would like that.

Dude, just try playing Earth:2025, if you want to play a war game.

NationStates is not the kind of game for war scenarios.
01-07-2005, 09:00
*snippages of possibly rule-breaking linking*

NationStates is not the kind of game for war scenarios.

With all the war and quasi-war scenarios going on, I doubt that.

Besides, I used to play a game where we RPed wars all the time.
01-07-2005, 18:32
Dude, just try playing Earth:2025, if you want to play a war game.

NationStates is not the kind of game for war scenarios.

i tryed to get on that game but it didn't work on my computer even when i changed my anti-vi setings
01-07-2005, 18:47
how do you have this war. I have a large amount of military spending in my country and the UN can get me a large supply of nuclear weapons. But, how do you fight somone in the game??? can someone explain this PLEASE. Because im going to have special opps divisions of goo launcher people
and Bruce Willis with a Mp5
01-07-2005, 19:28
you RP it, there are sitckys that you can read to find out more
01-07-2005, 19:48
the UN can get me a large supply of nuclear weapons.
I doubt that, given your recent record in the international community, most nations would invoke UNR75. even most Non-Un Nations agree with that decision.
besides, anyone actually using a nuclear weapon, exepting in certain defensive situations tends to be bombed severly.
The tokera
02-07-2005, 04:44
do you still need a map? If you do I will be willing to get or make one
02-07-2005, 05:21
I now have the beginings of an Airforce
Although it is small and i could never send the whole force to Nebarri_Prime
-100 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
-150 F-15E Strike Eagle
-60 A-10 Thunderbolt
-30 C-130J Hercules-(i have plenty of these.)

Basically i would have to split each type of Aircraft into 4 quarters
2 quarters to keep Harlesburg safe
1 quarter to protect my Colony
1 quarter available for active service here.

1 Squadron of F/A-18-E
2 Squadrons of F-15E's
1 Squadron of A-10's but that would mean neglecting the colony.
1 Squadron of C-130's

Ill be happy to be an invader though id need a good reason maybe dissatisfaction with your Government with you government causes a split in it one half of the government wants to seize all foriegn owned assets and of course i will convieniently have some assests.
02-07-2005, 05:56
do you still need a map? If you do I will be willing to get or make one

I made this post earlyer on this thread

I do want a map of my nation. For the description it’s made up of five islands, north southeast west and center. Now the islands are "man made" by the nation who made the region my nation. Thanks to that I have four different types of landscape. The north island is mostly jungle, the south is mostly desert, west one is mountains, east is plains, and the center is the biggest of them with all four types the capital (if your placing cities) is in the middle of the center island and is called Nebarri. Anything else you need?
Van Luxemburg
02-07-2005, 06:13
Nebarri, just got a TG from Nano Soft, he's not interested anymore, also Gelfland has TG'ed me, he's still interested.
02-07-2005, 06:17
What time limit and tech would we have as limits?
02-07-2005, 10:49
I'd be willing to get involved depending on Time Limit, Technology, and both side's governments/Reasons behind the war.
The tokera
02-07-2005, 16:15
do you mind if i do the map in paint?
02-07-2005, 18:23
I want to join this war. My nation has got the 3rd most military in my region. I have 15 million troops at my disposal. I operate by a covert stike by sabotuers, then followed up by a cruise missle barrage/ bombing raid then the infantry and air cavalry (helis) to clean anything up. I would be eager to help either side.

Yeah, since I told you my strategy, i'm going to have to rethink it.
02-07-2005, 18:24
do you mind if i do the map in paint?

02-07-2005, 18:27
I want to join this war. My nation has got the 3rd most military in my region. I have 15 million troops at my disposal. I operate by a covert stike by sabotuers, then followed up by a cruise missle barrage/ bombing raid then the infantry and air cavalry (helis) to clean anything up. I would be eager to help either side.

Yeah, since I told you my strategy, i'm going to have to rethink it.

no way you have 15 mill troops my nation cant have much more than 6 mill read the stikys
02-07-2005, 18:27
Yeah, i decided to join the Enemy side to make it even. Put me up on their "roster" thing.
02-07-2005, 18:29
no way you have 15 mill troops my nation cant have much more than 6 mill read the stikys

i have 50 million people in my country, and my nation is ruled by the Department of Defence, so war is my first prority. So, it is believeable that 3/10 of my population is enroled in the military.
02-07-2005, 18:30
what are stickys anyway??


well, anyway if its in the rules i guess i'll USE 6 million of my 15 million troops
Van Luxemburg
02-07-2005, 18:33
i have 50 million people in my country, and my nation is ruled by the Department of Defence, so war is my first prority. So, it is believeable that 3/10 of my population is enroled in the military.
my friend, your economy will implode if you use that much of your People.
it's realistic to have up to 5% of you complete population enrolled in your military. and the stickies are always at the top of your screen, it has the word "Sticky" or something similar to that in it.
02-07-2005, 18:37
What time limit and tech would we have as limits?

I'd be willing to get involved depending on Time Limit, Technology, and both side's governments/Reasons behind the war.

my nations tech has things from the 1940s to primitive space craft.
02-07-2005, 18:38
my friend, your economy will implode if you use that much of your People.
it's realistic to have up to 5% of you complete population enrolled in your military. and the stickies are always at the top of your screen, it has the word "Sticky" or something similar to that in it.

ok, i may have stretched the truth a little and i guess your right. But i was counting in the reserves, and 3rd party corps. that may want to help us in my nation. NVM.

thanks for the sticky info.

Yeah, its pretty weird that everyone is giving their nations history before the battle.

Can you make the roster again??
02-07-2005, 18:40
it's realistic to have up to 5% of you complete population enrolled in your military

this is based on if your nation is at war and normaly only for a short time. if your not at war they say about 1%
Van Luxemburg
02-07-2005, 18:42
yes, but i was thinking of a war-mongering nation, as he stated.
02-07-2005, 18:45
My tech is just regular groud troops and a big air forece (since that seems to be what everyone will be fighting with)

Montenagros Air Force: Black Market Mig-28s, Su-30 fet fighters, and some copycat B-52 types long-range bombers and a few battalions of air cavalry (idk if you count that)

and a conveniently located Zeppelin Airship, with a hard rock cafe on the top (quick eating place for our aces)
02-07-2005, 18:47
well, this will be my first war. As you can tell, i'm pretty new to this game. Only been playing it for about a month, because i only have 50 million people.
Van Luxemburg
02-07-2005, 18:47
I'll do:

Nebarri prime
The tokera
Van Luxemburg

"Enemy" side

The rest: No TG or not interested
02-07-2005, 18:50
I'll do:

Nebarri prime
The tokera
Van Luxemburg

"Enemy" side

02-07-2005, 18:50
i think somone should make the map of the thing now

umm, i can make a map of my country in paint, then somone could draw the other 5 island colonies and their capitals later.
02-07-2005, 18:56
The tokera will be making the map i think. as for robot man, i have a small space navy to protect nebarri from invashon from space.
02-07-2005, 18:57
well thats my nations map anyway
Van Luxemburg
02-07-2005, 19:06
oh, btw, I also included the nations that responded on page 4 and 5.
and, we could make it a wargame, you do not lose any forces then.
03-07-2005, 00:16
New Zealand had over 10% of thepopulation serving in World War Two but thats total war.
They had the highest percentage of the population serving on the allies apart from Russia.

If it is okay a War game would be fine because a justifiable reason for war is beyond me.

Land Forces
3rd Infantry Division 20000
4th Infantry Division 20000
5th Infantry Division 20000

1st Armoured Division 15000
2nd Armoured Division 15000
5th Armoured Division 15000

1st Airbourne Division 12000
03-07-2005, 07:55
Tech level?
03-07-2005, 09:28
Tech level?
I am Modern Technology.

Naval Forces
15 Perry Class Destroyers*

100 Cargo vessels
-Smuggler Class Freighter(30)
-Cargo Class freighter(50)
-BoxCar Q(20)

5 fuel Vessels 375000 Barrels per week capacity
75,298 barrels (11,972 cubic meters) of product or 12,500 tons (12,701 tonnes) (

*Early future Tech
The tokera
04-07-2005, 17:13
I have made the map but i cant post it yet because i am not at my house and its on my computer.
Van Luxemburg
04-07-2005, 17:38
I haven't got any other TG's yet, what shall we do?
The tokera
05-07-2005, 15:26
it seems that we have enough people
05-07-2005, 16:28
what the hell, invasion from space?!?!?! no, that would be cool, but come on, I thought we where going to have technology used today

Figured out my tech for my air force

Fighters: Mig-28, Mig-29, Su-27
Fighter/Bombers: Su-30, L-39
Bombers: Tu-26 jet bomber/aireal recon/nuclear deliverly(not going to be used), Tu-16 jet bomber/heavy bomber (prop)/cargo
Cargo: An-26 light personel carrier, An-225 heavy cargo, personel carrier

Land Troops
Tanks: Leopard AS1 Gun Tank, Centurion Mk 5/1
Light Attack: ASLAV Light Armour Attack Vehicle
Infantry: Armed with, Russian SKS-Semiauto, and Ak-74M Assult Rifle
Sniper: Yugoslavian M-76 sniper rifle
Anti-tank: RPG, Type 73 antitank rifle, 100mm antitank gun
Anti-air: 88mm Vucan Cannon
Missles: DF-31 ICBM, Scuds (gotta love em)

Cruisers: 28 Angis DDG cruiser/missle boats
Destroyers: (none)
Battleships:2 Modeled after the german Seydlitz, the Validan and the Godina other heavy batteships under construction
Carriers: 2 Modeled after the Japanese Supercarriers Novi Tito, and the Shkoda

this is my final tech gallery,
05-07-2005, 18:49
I think we are agreed to postmodern technology, basically, modern, but with a few things like remote weapons ( that arn't quite ready yet.
my M/PM tech is mainly WWII/cold war stuff that never actually got used widely
06-07-2005, 14:27
well my tech is mostly from the 80's, my newest tech are the SU-30 fighters which were made in 1992
06-07-2005, 14:58
How do you think I feel? Most of my military is stuck in the '40s, with the special forces having some sweet rifles, but aside from that...

Oh, and my army, while huge in comparison to what it normally would be (Thank you taking a note from the Romans - the military in my nation actually do stuff on rotation when on active duty, so I could support it...) is nearly all infantry.

...thats right. Nearly all infantry. One military naval craft. Six squadrons of WWII fighters. A fleet of C-47(DC-3)s, yes, but those are usually in civilian service. Nearly no transportation vehicles. No armor units. WWII era artillery, where it even exists.

But then again, there's 9 million of 'em, 6 million on active duty, nearly 1 million of those are trained as Special Forces, an additional 4 million can be called up for Civil Defence, and then there's always Case Omega.
The tokera
06-07-2005, 19:34
here is the map but its not that good because I did this one kinda fast since I lost the better one. map (
07-07-2005, 03:22
here is the map but its not that good because I did this one kinda fast since I lost the better one. map (

...scale? I can't even read that thing...
07-07-2005, 04:54
map key?
07-07-2005, 10:26
Could you have saved it as a jpg? they tend to be bigger
it took me a while to know this.
It looks cool though.

3 Battalions in a Brigade
3 Brigades in a Division
Random Regiments added at Divisional level.

Tanks and AFV/IFV/CFV
Various MAin BAttle Tanks excluding Russian and Abrams.
The tokera
07-07-2005, 17:58
here is the map but I am not sure if it will (
07-07-2005, 19:01
here is the map but I am not sure if it will (
much better.
08-07-2005, 06:20
much better.
More like Bloody Awesome.

Invaders shall recieve a TG from me within hours of this message being posted.
The tokera
09-07-2005, 18:27
ok when are we going to get this going
09-07-2005, 18:38
Sorry guys, it looks like im not going to be able to participate. It turns out my parents are taking my to colorado on Monday... i had no idea. Oh, and i dont think i would be able anyways, if your in post-modern era, im still humanoid and sucky. Sorry again. :(
Van Luxemburg
09-07-2005, 18:42
Sorry guys, it looks like im not going to be able to participate. It turns out my parents are taking my to colorado on Monday... i had no idea. Oh, and i dont think i would be able anyways, if your in post-modern era, im still humanoid and sucky. Sorry again. :(
it's no problem, but I think we are running short of "enemies" as The FOE hasn't posted since a time, I don't know if he's still in. I'll TG him again.
10-07-2005, 00:32
I think i TG'd him and sarafim about an attack plan.
The tokera
10-07-2005, 02:06
this is Mt right
Green Sun
10-07-2005, 02:10
I'm not *looking* for a war I'm *waiting* for the chance to get in one. And I'm not talking about, "Oh, I'm bored, wanna fight?" but, "Okay, that's the last stray. As of now, my nation has declared war on you!"
I'm talking about sending fleets and men across the seas or over the lands to fight in battles that will change the fate of our nation. Whether the battles may happen on our coasts or on our fields, or streets, or in our homes, I'm waiting for a war. And I'll keep waiting until one comes along. But thank you for the offer.
10-07-2005, 09:21
this is Mt right
or Post-modern. whichever Nebarri wants, since it's his war.
I see no reason the two can't be mixed. provided we keep our wits about us and aknowledge good ideas then others have them.
10-07-2005, 11:48
or Post-modern. whichever Nebarri wants, since it's his war.
I see no reason the two can't be mixed. provided we keep our wits about us and aknowledge good ideas then others have them.

Or you could do what I do, have most of your military equipment on par with 1970s - or earlier! - but built with 2010 technology and that many extra years of looking back and saying, "What... the hell."
The tokera
10-07-2005, 16:09
well that is kinda what I do most of my military is MT but some parts have seen scientific advancements and is PMT.
10-07-2005, 19:54
ok, PMT it shall be, I have done a little tactical planning with another nation, sho8uld be start the war here, or break off into another thread.

Deployment command, gelfland task force.
"Sir, the reconnasance plane is en route, their orders are to recon potential landing sites for the invasion."
Van Luxemburg
11-07-2005, 06:36
OOC: just got a TG from the FOE, he won't be able to play. his harddrive crashed, so...
11-07-2005, 22:50
[OOC] I'm currently using my dad's other PC (Hell of a lot slower, but it's a computer right?). I'll be able to participate now. I'm all set and geared to go.
12-07-2005, 08:40
so, we're 4v4 now?
Van Luxemburg
12-07-2005, 09:42
yep it's 4 to 4 now, I'll TG Nebarri if he could open a new IC thread. (Let's leave that to him)
12-07-2005, 10:42

...wait, are we being forced to use that map? O.o;
12-07-2005, 10:59
i'm new around here.
How do you get weapons and stuff?
Please can someone help me??? (Pretty please!)

I can receive private messages if you wanna contact me.

Thanks ;-D
12-07-2005, 11:37
Read this (, it should help you out.
12-07-2005, 11:59
Green Sun gets put on the list.

My Airforce shall increase in the meantime by say 5 Squadrons.

I dont mind the map it could do with some Place names.
12-07-2005, 19:44
Green Sun gets put on the list.

My Airforce shall increase in the meantime by say 5 Squadrons.

I dont mind the map it could do with some Place names.
well, I plan on naming a few places as my troops approach.
The tokera
15-07-2005, 03:28
Ok can we start this soon Nebarri
Van Luxemburg
15-07-2005, 07:22
He will start an IC thread soon, he said in a TG, oh, BTW, I will be on vacation for the following three weeks, so I won't be that much online. but I'll try to (Anyone knows an internetcafé near Pisa, Cecina or Montescudaio?)
15-07-2005, 12:39
He will start an IC thread soon, he said in a TG, oh, BTW, I will be on vacation for the following three weeks, so I won't be that much online. but I'll try to (Anyone knows an internetcafé near Pisa, Cecina or Montescudaio?)
Van Luxemburg
15-07-2005, 12:42
correct, the Tuscany area.
15-07-2005, 12:53
correct, the Tuscany area.
Sorry only my Grandfathers have been there and that was 60 odd years ago.
Im sure there would be plenty.
15-07-2005, 22:17
Rate My Tech, is it alright? Or too modern

Air Force 2.23 Million
Fighters: Mig-28, Mig-29, Su-27
Fighter/Bombers: Su-30, L-39
Bombers: Tu-26 jet bomber/aireal recon/nuclear deliverly(not going to be used), Tu-16 jet bomber/heavy bomber (prop)/cargo
Cargo: An-26 light personel carrier, An-225 heavy cargo, personel carrier
Land Troops3.45 Million
Tanks: Leopard AS1 Gun Tank, Centurion Mk 5/1
Light Attack: ASLAV Light Armour Attack Vehicle
Infantry: Armed with, Russian SKS-Semiauto, and Ak-74M Assult Rifle
Sniper: Yugoslavian M-76 sniper rifle
Anti-tank: RPG, Type 73 antitank rifle, 100mm antitank gun
Anti-air: 88mm Vucan Cannon
Missles: DF-31 ICBM, Scuds
Navy 1 Million
Cruisers: 28 Angis DDG cruiser/missle boats
Destroyers: (none)
Battleships:2 Modeled after the german Seydlitz, the Validan and the Godina other heavy batteships under construction
Carriers: 2 Modeled after the Japanese Supercarriers Novi Tito, and the Shkoda
Special Forces
Named "Shock Troops"
Armour: New age Spider silk armour
Guns: Bullpup design A-91 with optional grenade launcher, heat scope, scope and laser guide CHinese QBZ-95 (same attachments)
17-07-2005, 06:08
Rate My Tech, is it alright? Or too modern

Air Force 2.23 Million
Fighters: Mig-28, Mig-29, Su-27
Fighter/Bombers: Su-30, L-39
Bombers: Tu-26 jet bomber/aireal recon/nuclear deliverly(not going to be used), Tu-16 jet bomber/heavy bomber (prop)/cargo
Cargo: An-26 light personel carrier, An-225 heavy cargo, personel carrier
Land Troops3.45 Million
Tanks: Leopard AS1 Gun Tank, Centurion Mk 5/1
Light Attack: ASLAV Light Armour Attack Vehicle
Infantry: Armed with, Russian SKS-Semiauto, and Ak-74M Assult Rifle
Sniper: Yugoslavian M-76 sniper rifle
Anti-tank: RPG, Type 73 antitank rifle, 100mm antitank gun
Anti-air: 88mm Vucan Cannon
Missles: DF-31 ICBM, Scuds
Navy 1 Million
Cruisers: 28 Angis DDG cruiser/missle boats
Destroyers: (none)
Battleships:2 Modeled after the german Seydlitz, the Validan and the Godina other heavy batteships under construction
Carriers: 2 Modeled after the Japanese Supercarriers Novi Tito, and the Shkoda
Special Forces
Named "Shock Troops"
Armour: New age Spider silk armour
Guns: Bullpup design A-91 with optional grenade launcher, heat scope, scope and laser guide CHinese QBZ-95 (same attachments)

my main aircraft is an upgraded F-16 and my main tank is the M1A2 Abroms

oh, and hear is the link to the IC