21-06-2005, 05:09
Welcome to Elephantum's Spacecraft and Orbital Defense storefront. Please pardon our dust, as I am just setting this up. It will be much better organized when finished, but i will be open for orders while getting set up.
21-06-2005, 05:10
Imperial Fleet
The Imperial Fleet is the uniting force of the great Imperium of Man. Its ships traverse the galaxy, defend worlds under assault, and claim new ones for the immortal God-Emperor of Terra. Unique to the Imperial fleet is the Nova Cannon. The mighty shells from this cannon can easily destroy a battleship in a single shot. If launched at a planet from orbit, such a weapon would devastate a city.
Emperor Class Battleship
Price:5 billion
Overview: One of the mightiest ships in the Imperium, the Emperor Class Battleship is a common flagship for Imperial fleets. Along with its regular weaponry, it has launch bays capable of launching 60 craft from each side. Unlike other ships, its prow and dorsal spine are covered in weapons, making it deadly from all sides.
21-06-2005, 05:10
Chaos Fleet
Despoiler Class Battleship
21-06-2005, 05:13
Eldar and Dark Eldar Fleets
21-06-2005, 05:14
Necron Fleet
The Necrons are an ancient and shadowy race of machines, now waking from their tombs to finish what they started, an attempt to destroy all life in the galaxy. These ships are fast, stealthy, and disappear to somewhere else when heavily damaged. Another astounding factor is that they have no crew, and hence are unable to be boarded. These ship classes have been identified in recent years:
Cairn Class Tombship
Price: 5.5 billion dollars
Overview: The weapons used by the Necrontyr are unique and puzzling devices, especially because the Magi of the Adeptus Mechanicus have never managed to salvage any. The powerful "lighting arc" used by many ships is most powerful on the Cairn. Another frequently used weapon is the "particle whip" which can penetrate the shields of many ships with ease. A feature of note is the large portal on the ship. It appears to summon Necron Warriors from a Necron Tomb World, and use them to board enemy ships. Horrific sights to behold, these metal warriors can repair all but the greatest damage.
Scythe Class Harvest Ship
Price:3.5 billion dollars
Overview: More common then the Cairn Class, the Scythe plays the role of a cruiser in the Necron fleet, as well as serving a more sinister purpose. They can suck the energy from a planet or star. What this energy is used for is currently unknown. The Scythe is equipped with a lightning arc, roughly half as powerful as the Cairn's, a portal capable of launching boarding assaults, and a particle whip, one more powerful than the Cairn's.
Shroud Class Light Raider
Price:2.25 billion
Overview: The Shroud is the stealthiest Necron capital ship, able to pass under most deteciton systems in use. Its only armament is a lightning arc, but it is more powerful than the one on the Scythe. These ships are used to lead the escorts, as they are fast moving and are very manouverable.
Jackal Class Raider
Price: 750 million
Overview:The Jackal is the larger Necron escort craft. It has a lightning arc like all Necron craft, and it is slightly more powerful than the Dirge's. It is also equipped with a Portal. Massed numbers of these can close in on a capital ship, and through sheer weight of numbers, overwhelm it with skeletal Necron machines.
Dirge Class Raider
Price:500 million
Overview: The smallest and weakest Necron ship, these ships are generally precursors to invasions. The only weapon they have is a lightning arc, and it is the least powerful in the fleet.
22-06-2005, 03:14
6/21/05-Necrons finished, Imperials started
NOTE-this week only, 50% discount for first order and 25% for all other orders