NationStates Jolt Archive


21-06-2005, 03:12
OOC: For a while, I've been bothered by some of the actions of people on the board, and the way in which people relate to one another. While the boards have become more civil over the years, there is still plenty of uncouth behavior. While not enough to breach the Terms of Service, these actions (metagaming, offensive IGNORING, dueling, and the all around "you're not good enough" slapdown) are quite infuriating to many, and lead to more vulgar offenses.

However, instead of whining, complaining, pissing and moaning, or outright bitching, I came up with what I call the "Directorate Honorable Play Checklist". The name comes from my Region and Alliance, and we all try to play by this code. I've found that it really helps, and I thought that, if I made it public, it might encourage others to embrace it as a way to make the game more fun.

This is the DHPC:

I will not godmod. I will play fair and remember that the point is to have a good time, not win. If I am accused of godmodding, I will attempt to figure out which action brought the accusation, and work with my counterpart to resolve the issue.

I will not publicly IGNORE other players. If I must ignore someone, I will quietly activate the Jolt Forum Ignore Feature, or I will simply not respond to their posts. I will not IGNORE to aid myself in an RP, I will not make threads telling someone how much IGNORE them, I will not air Blacklists on the forum.

I will not Metagame. I will not use OOC information to benefit in character. I will not make puppets to do my dirty work. I will not give nukes to another nation, "Just for shits and giggles." I will not drag Real Life Politics into a fictional story, because they aren't "real" in this world.

I will make my own characters, and use them in my own situations. I will not steal or borrow another media's creations without asking permission.

I will write my posts in a well thought out manner, and I will edit to present the best possible writing.

My posts will be longer than my signature, unless I am tagging or otherwise notating a thread.

I will forgive other players who annoy me.

I will not duel with other players over past OOC events.

I will help newbies learn the forums, and will aid them in becoming better players. I will not mock them when they make mistakes.

I will keep OOC comments in OOC threads, and IC comments in IC threads. I will not spam or streak threads.

I will not hurl "Superweapons of Doom +3" at every disruption. I will not attempt to crush helpless players for my own OOC amusement, and I acknowledge that carpet-nuking makes for a cheap copout of an RP. I will not use ubertech to demonstrate my POWAR [sic] and unleash the SS RP-Killer on the forums. Victory is subservient to fun, for both parties. In short, I will undertake every means to play fair/nice.

I will remember that I am telling a cooperative story, and will work with fellow players to ensure that all parties enjoy playing together. I will put "winning" a thread behind enjoying a thread. I will remember that I am not the only person in a thread, and will share the glory.

This is not a binding agreement, and everyone screws up once in a while. However, what I'd ask is that everyone look at it, and try to apply this list to your writings. I think it would make a much more accessible environment.

If you want to post a simple tag here, some sort of "I Agree", that might help you stick to this pledge. If you want to link it in your sig, that would be awesome. I know I'm putting my name on this, saying that I'll try to follow this code. If we work hard enough, we could make this a sort of honor badge, a statement that, "I play nice." for all to see.

Thanks for your time,
21-06-2005, 03:14
I agree.
21-06-2005, 03:17
Good proposal, I agree.
Interesting Slums
21-06-2005, 03:26
Since everyone else is agreeing i shall concur :p

The other thing is how about having a panel of people who can approve people to hav a DHPC tag in their signature or something?

Then when on the forums you can know when replying to someone if they are likely to be nice or not :D
21-06-2005, 04:32
Since everyone else is agreeing i shall concur :p

The other thing is how about having a panel of people who can approve people to hav a DHPC tag in their signature or something?

Then when on the forums you can know when replying to someone if they are likely to be nice or not :D
I really don't want to have a panel or anything. This would simply be a personal thing. People who want to try and follow it simply do.

No organization, no bureacracy, simply people saying, "I want to be a good RPer, and I think this list fits that." That way, it's really laid-back like!
21-06-2005, 05:01
Looks good, I'll agree to it.
21-06-2005, 05:06
Yep, looks good.
21-06-2005, 05:07
Bravo, it looks great.
21-06-2005, 05:07
The Macabees
21-06-2005, 05:10
Completely agreeable.
21-06-2005, 05:18
Considering that I try to fallow simular guidelines, I agree, and Good Job!
21-06-2005, 05:23
21-06-2005, 05:23
I agree, as well.
21-06-2005, 05:27
I will not publicly IGNORE other players. If I must ignore someone, I will quietly activate the Jolt Forum Ignore Feature, or I will simply not respond to their posts. I will not IGNORE to aid myself in an RP, I will not make threads telling someone how much IGNORE them, I will not air Blacklists on the forum.

What of IC black-lists or "enemy lists"?

Also, some players need to be notified that they are being IGNORED, as it may help them change their ways and then subsquently get un-IGNORED. Thats my opinion.

I will make my own characters, and use them in my own situations. I will not steal or borrow another media's creations without asking permission.

What exactly do you mean by "another media's creations"?

Do you mean characters from video games, movies, novels, etc? Or ripping off other players NS characters?

I will keep OOC comments in OOC threads, and IC comments in IC threads. I will not spam or streak threads.

I know what spam is, but I've never heard of "streak threads".

Other than these and my questions, the rest looks good. However, it'll be a challenge trying to have even 30% or more of I.I. follow this code.
21-06-2005, 05:34
I just thought of two essential additions to the DHPC.

1. I shall not dog-pile upon nations smaller than myself or newcomer nations. In addition, I shall not lend assistance to the larger side of any lopsided and un-fair dog-piles. In such a situation, I shall lend assistance to the underdog or the victim of the dog-pile.

2. I shall not n00b-nukk0rz. I shall allow the opposing nation a chance to defend itself conventionally rather than carpet-nuke their nation in n00bish fashion. I acknowledge that carpet-nuking makes for poor RP and I shall make an effort to encourage other nations not to undertake said action.

What do you think?
21-06-2005, 05:34
Sharina, You're last point was dead on :)

I also completely agree to this. As a member of the Directorate region/alliance, I, as well as the other members of our region, have always attempted to follow these simple, straightforward guidelines.

Bravo to any of you who choose to, or already, do likewise.
21-06-2005, 05:38
I shall lend assistance to the underdog or the victim of the dog-pile.

i think it should really go on what your nation would do in character, eg. if a Right wing nation was getting dogpiled a leftist nation wouldn't be the first to join the Right, but i agree with the anti dogpiling and since my nation doesn't us WMD i am also agreeing with the second point
21-06-2005, 05:44
What of IC black-lists or "enemy lists"?
That's absolutely not a problem. Everyone needs IC enemies. By Blacklist, I mean the posts (and I have seen them) where people post a list of every nation they don't like OOCly. This is a surefire way to lay out a great big strip of flamebait.

Also, some players need to be notified that they are being IGNORED, as it may help them change their ways and then subsquently get un-IGNORED. Thats my opinion.

My thought on this is as follows: if someone's upsetting you, let them know civilly. IGNORING someone is the equivalent of the "glove-slap" of old... it just begs for a retaliation. While some people may change their ways, I believe far more would become defensive and counter-IGNORE or worse, leading down a dark path of "who moved first?" and spiralling dangerously close to a breach of TOS.

Personally, I don't IGNORE anybody, since I view NS as a shifting Lovecraftian reality, and I simply haven't slipped into "their" plane yet.

What exactly do you mean by "another media's creations"?

Do you mean characters from video games, movies, novels, etc? Or ripping off other players NS characters?
I mean any of those situations. Direct theft of another player would start a bitch fight, but stealing copyrighted could get you worse. Not only that, but as I see it, I can play Solid Snake any time I want in a Metal Gear Game. If I want Solid Snake, I'll pick up my PS2. I didn't come to NS to read about him.

It's not that hard to make up your own, even if it is Solid Snake with a new name.

I know what spam is, but I've never heard of "streak threads".
That's when someone just up and posts, "Streaks through Thread!" in every post on the forum. You often get clusters of streakers, and they're one of the worst forms of spam.

Other than these and my questions, the rest looks good. However, it'll be a challenge trying to have even 30% or more of I.I. follow this code.
I appreciate that, and if even 5% do, it will be that much a better forum!

Thanks for your feedback!
21-06-2005, 05:50
I just thought of two essential additions to the DHPC.

1. I shall not dog-pile upon nations smaller than myself or newcomer nations. In addition, I shall not lend assistance to the larger side of any lopsided and un-fair dog-piles. In such a situation, I shall lend assistance to the underdog or the victim of the dog-pile.

2. I shall not n00b-nukk0rz. I shall allow the opposing nation a chance to defend itself conventionally rather than carpet-nuke their nation in n00bish fashion. I acknowledge that carpet-nuking makes for poor RP and I shall make an effort to encourage other nations not to undertake said action.

What do you think?

Point One seems to be more of an IC thing, as Spooty talked about, and some nations realy do wear IC "Black Hats". Now, there's a difference between ICly winning and being a complete dick, but I would place this under the "Be Nice to Newbs" clause.

Point Two, however, is very true. Perhaps:

"I will not hurl "Superweapons of Doom +3" at every disruption. I will not attempt to crush helpless players for my own OOC amusement, and I acknowledge that carpet-nuking makes for a cheap copout of an RP. I will undertake every means to play fair."

Or something like that.
21-06-2005, 05:55
I mean any of those situations. Direct theft of another player would start a bitch fight, but stealing copyrighted could get you worse. Not only that, but as I see it, I can play Solid Snake any time I want in a Metal Gear Game. If I want Solid Snake, I'll pick up my PS2. I didn't come to NS to read about him.

It's not that hard to make up your own, even if it is Solid Snake with a new name.

Gotcha. However, wouldn't it make for something fun to try to have your nation fight / interact with other nations, organizations, federations, etc. that you have always enjoyed (LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.)?

Personally, I think playing as a video game or franchise (Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.) nation wouldn't be a good idea, but invading, trade, diplomacy, etc. between your NS nation and those video game or franchise nations would be more acceptable.

Wouldn't it be fun to smash up Star Destroyers, vaporize the USS Enterprise, conquer Starfleet and the Klingons, trade with the Dwarves and Elves, take refugees from Hyrule (Legend of Zelda land, famous video game series), or assorted things you have wished for? With NS you can make it happen via action from your NS nation.

This is the only "point-of-contention" I have with the DHPC, mainly for cross fan-fiction or RP possibilities.

I appreciate that, and if even 5% do, it will be that much a better forum!

Thanks for your feedback!

No problem, glad to help out. I do want to see I.I. improve and become much more newbie friendly. :)
22-06-2005, 00:25
Not much of a fan fiction person, myself, but it's less offensive than "My nation is run by Darth Vader!"

Oh, hey, putting this up for the evening crew!
22-06-2005, 00:38
Here here!
22-06-2005, 00:58
You hit it right on the head, K-stan. Props to you for your work on the DHPC.

"They're more like...guidelines..." ;)
22-06-2005, 01:01
You hit it right on the head, K-stan. Props to you for your work on the DHPC.

"They're more like...guidelines..." ;)

Great quote, amazing movie, awesome way it was said.
22-06-2005, 01:59
Seems fine. I agree.
22-06-2005, 02:11
I agree. I wish many more users will adopt this guide of conducting interuser relations.
10-10-2005, 04:00
Hey whats up K-stan!! yeah i might need help as medatior, templa and my battle. i know going to ober on me.. with his USS Cuba. see you around ioesph.
11-10-2005, 05:27
Updated for my pseudo-return.
23-10-2005, 06:04
As much as I love the sound of "Superweapons of Doom +3", I have to agree.