Basque Spain
19-06-2005, 23:28
Rico Clears Elections, Campaigns Begin
Today the military dictator Wolfgang Rico declared that he would allow elections to be held for the office of the head of state. Rico has be the military dictator of Basque Spain since he staged a coup in the early 1980's. With the recent shortlived revolt in his country, Rico has admitted that it is time for an election.
"Though I think that I have brought Basque Spain through a lot and that I am one of its greatest leaders that it will ever have, I will allow elections to be held. Whoever wins the most votes will become the leader of this great land, whether or not that person is me."
Rico has declared that he will indeed run in this election. Rico has said that he will step down as the leader of the military and he also has said that he would like Colonel Eduardo Holario Gomez of the 21st Infantry Division to take his position. Rico has also said that he will have a commitiee be elected by the people to set up a constitution. The head of state that is elected will be a temporary seat. One that will only be heldfor the duration of the constitution's drafting, but after this, another election will decide who will hold the office.
The canidates are as follows:
Wolfgang Rico: The former leader of the nation, he is considered by the experts to be a gamble of the election. He will be running for La Gente Roja (GR) (moderate socialist party.)
Marco Domingo: Nephew of the murdered leader Jorge Gonzales, he is the best bet for the seat. He has some of the most dedicated supporters in Basque Spain, and he is the best orator in the race. He has be in hiding after his failed revolt in the 90's, and he came back a a year ago to rally his forces for the 2nd revolt. He is one of the most intelligent canidates and he has shown that he is able to hold his own against powerful enemies such as Rico. Domingo will be running for the Basque Peoples Party (PDGE).
Howard Drobbels: Drobbels is considered the long shot bid of the seat. He tried to assasinate Rico and that has hurt his PR. Also he is not a native Basque, but an immigant to the country from the Great Sixth Reich. He has been described as some as a out of touch Marxist, but by others as a mind ahaead of its time He will be running for La Verdad Roja (VR)(radical socialists).
Today the military dictator Wolfgang Rico declared that he would allow elections to be held for the office of the head of state. Rico has be the military dictator of Basque Spain since he staged a coup in the early 1980's. With the recent shortlived revolt in his country, Rico has admitted that it is time for an election.
"Though I think that I have brought Basque Spain through a lot and that I am one of its greatest leaders that it will ever have, I will allow elections to be held. Whoever wins the most votes will become the leader of this great land, whether or not that person is me."
Rico has declared that he will indeed run in this election. Rico has said that he will step down as the leader of the military and he also has said that he would like Colonel Eduardo Holario Gomez of the 21st Infantry Division to take his position. Rico has also said that he will have a commitiee be elected by the people to set up a constitution. The head of state that is elected will be a temporary seat. One that will only be heldfor the duration of the constitution's drafting, but after this, another election will decide who will hold the office.
The canidates are as follows:
Wolfgang Rico: The former leader of the nation, he is considered by the experts to be a gamble of the election. He will be running for La Gente Roja (GR) (moderate socialist party.)
Marco Domingo: Nephew of the murdered leader Jorge Gonzales, he is the best bet for the seat. He has some of the most dedicated supporters in Basque Spain, and he is the best orator in the race. He has be in hiding after his failed revolt in the 90's, and he came back a a year ago to rally his forces for the 2nd revolt. He is one of the most intelligent canidates and he has shown that he is able to hold his own against powerful enemies such as Rico. Domingo will be running for the Basque Peoples Party (PDGE).
Howard Drobbels: Drobbels is considered the long shot bid of the seat. He tried to assasinate Rico and that has hurt his PR. Also he is not a native Basque, but an immigant to the country from the Great Sixth Reich. He has been described as some as a out of touch Marxist, but by others as a mind ahaead of its time He will be running for La Verdad Roja (VR)(radical socialists).