Creating 4 Specter Tie Series Fighters
Name: Tie Phantom mk 2
Model: Tie Phantom mk 2
Manufacturer: Huntarian Ship Yards
Designation: Specter Tie Series Fighter mk 1
Length: 14 meters
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Consumables: 1.5 weeks
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Back Up Hyperdrive: n/a
Speed: 125 MGLT
Hull: 20 RU
Shields: 95 SBD
Cloaking Device: Yes
3 Advanced medium laser cannons
Backround info:
There have been plans for the founding of a new tie fighter squadron within Huntaer just after the first tie phantom was decomissioned within the Huntarian fleet. The Emperor ordered to create 4 new stealth fighters all with similar design structures, with similar design features in the hull design. The Tie Phantom was to be included but it was seen as to be too old in design so the emperor decomissioned it, and ordered the creation of the Tie Phantom mk 2.
General Discription:
The Tie Phantom has increase in shields, slight increase in hyperdrive and sublight speed, and like the previous tie phantom the Tie Phantom Mk. 2 has a cloaking device, this time giving it the ability to fire while cloak.
Cloaking Device Tactical Purposes:
For the statistics which the new Tie Squadron, Specter Squadron, they required to have a cloaking device which could be used to scare the living daylights out of the enemy pilot. The Tie Phantom's cloaking device gives it the ability to look as though it was just a haunted fighter, partialy visible at times and sometimes invisible giving it a ghostly image making the enemy pilot think there realy isn't anything there untill it is too late.
Name: Tie Ghost
Model: Tie Ghost
Manufacturer: Huntarian Forge Worlds
Designation: Specer Tie Series Fighter mk 2
Length: 14.5 meters
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Consumables: 1.5 weeks
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1.5
Back Up Hyperdrive: n/a
Speed: 195 MGLT
Hull: 30
Shields: 100
Cloaking Device: Yes
Weapons: 3 Advanced medium laser cannons, 2 torpeatoe launchers (6 total)
General Info:
The Tie Ghost is similar to the rest of the "specter" tie series fighters. Unlike it's other brethen, it has the ability to move at a much quicker speed. It's hull is similar thus to the Tie Phantom mk 1 and 2 and would often be confused by it as well. The only difference in the outer ship design
would be that the wings on the Tie Ghost has more of a curve on it's wings than the Phantom does. It also has two torpeatoe launchers on the side of the cocpit.
Cloaking Device Tactics:
The Tie Ghost's cloaking device almost has a haunting experience in itself.
The Tie Ghost doesn't always disappear. It will look as though the fighter could be seen through. Due to the similarity in hull design, the Tie Ghost will often be mistaken for a Tie Phantom pilot which was destroyed in that system a long time ago, eventhough the ship is new. The pilot of the Tie Ghost will continue to "haunt" the other pilot, making them jittery. The Cloaking device is also designed for very fast decloaking and recloaking appearences, in other words, ghost movement typicaly scaring the other pilot.
Name: Tie Specter
Manufacturer: Huntarian Ship Yards
Designation: Specter Tie Series Fighter mk 3
Length: 12 meters
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Consumables: 1.5 weeks
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1.5
Back Up Hyperdrive: n/a
Speed: 160 MGLT
Hull: 50 RU
Shields: 90 SBD
Cloaking Device: yes
3 Advanced medium Laser cannons, 2 torpeatoe launchers (4 in each)
General discription:
The Tie Specter is similar in shape and design to the Tie Phantom. It is the smaller vessile of the Specter Tie series fighters. Unlike the Tie Phantom however, the Tie Specter has two torpeatoe launchers attatched. Due to it's smaller design, the Tie Specter is also a lot faster than the Tie Phantom mk 2.
Cloaking Device Tactics:
The Cloaking device of the Tie Specter is similar to the Tie Phantom mk 2, except it doesn't fire while cloaked, with the exception of it being partialy cloaked. This fighter just simply sits there, partialy invisible as though it were a ghost ship 'till the enemy gets to close. The Tie Specter then typicaly launches one or two torpeatoes at the other target and then fully cloaks into the darkness of space.
Name: Tie Poltergeist
Model: Tie Poltergeist
Manufacturer: Huntarian Ship Yards
Designation: Specter Tie Series Fighter mk 4
Length: 17.5 meters
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
Consumables: 1.5 weeks
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1.5
Back Up Hyperdrive: n/a
Speed: 125 MGLT
Hull: 40 RU
Shields: 80 SBD
4 Advanced Medium lasercannons
Special Abilities: "Cloak and Ram"
General Discription:
Perhapse the more formidable of the Specter tie series fighters, the Tie Poltergeist can "Ram" into other ships while cloaked, making the part which hit the enemy ship be the only thing visible for several seconds before disapearing into the void yet again. The edge of the Poltergeist's wings is sharp, enabiling them to do this. The wings on a Tie Poltergeist can also emit "Fake" communications chatter, causing great annoyance to enemy pilots and it transmits a fake signal to make the pilot think that the Tie Poltergeist is right above him rather than beneith. The Tie Poltergeist literally leads the other pilot on a wild "ghost" chase.
Cloaking Device Tactics:
Perhapse what will make the Tie Poltergeist most famous would be it's cloaking tactics. A poltergeist causes a lot of noise, and bangs on random things, often disrupting peaceful moments. The Tie Poltergeist was not randomly named. Through it's cloaking device, it will ram itself into other ships just to give the pilot a "banging" noise inside the cocpit, and revealing itself for a few seconds. The Tie Poltergeist makes noises through the use of fake communications chatter. While in cloak, the pilot of the Tie Poltergeist could choose to emit a fake communications chatter directly above the enemy ship. Untill the pilot gives up on trying to find it's ghostly target, the Poltergeist will then decloak and fire it's lasers right at it's target and then quickly recloak. This tactic will continue for some time untill the enemy pilot messes up while flying and ends up getting him/her self destroyed.
(OOC: It's immpressive that you've got four new designs, but, I'm beginning to get the feeling that you're just making ships for the sake of making new ship, and making them without any crucial need in you military for them. Four fighters of simliar performance, all designed for the same reason is almost overkill, considering how many different TIE's you have already.
I mean, having a diverse ship set is nice, but so far, every ship that I've seen from you always seems to created without reason. The removal of towers is one example of a good reason to create a new class of ships like you've done, but the rest just seem to be crowding each other out.
It's important to note, that this is just how it feels to me.)
Actually, this is for the beginning of a new tie squadron as mentioned in the Tie Phantom mk 2 design. These ships are suppose to emmulate the feeling of a ghost, paranoia, the "I think I'm being followed" feeling, as well as the feeling of annoyance. Take the Tie Poltergeist for example, it's purpose for being in cloak is to cause a lot of "fake" chatter in the comm signal of other ships. Pilots can "hear" the sound of a tie engine eventhough they can't see anything. Though each ship does have similar perfomances ship wise, their tactical purposes are different.
Actually, this is for the beginning of a new tie squadron as mentioned in the Tie Phantom mk 2 design. These ships are suppose to emmulate the feeling of a ghost, paranoia, the "I think I'm being followed" feeling, as well as the feeling of annoyance. Take the Tie Poltergeist for example, it's purpose for being in cloak is to cause a lot of "fake" chatter in the comm signal of other ships. Pilots can "hear" the sound of a tie engine eventhough they can't see anything. Though each ship does have similar perfomances ship wise, their tactical purposes are different.
(OOC: Eh? Different tactical purposes? Like what? *Interested* .)
I'm going to post those up throughout the day (I'm updating my infantry and naval 2.0 store fronts at the same time)
I'm going to post those up throughout the day (I'm updating my infantry and naval 2.0 store fronts at the same time)
(OOC: Fair enough.)
OOC: the Poltergeist
19-06-2005, 19:56
I coulda sworn that you used every picture of every type of tie fighter already, Huntaer. What are these pics of?
you could've seen them on the "New Huntarian Fleet" thread I had about, oh several months ago. I had the new fighters on there which I got from another website. These fighters were on there but I never actually released any of those fighters. I decided to change the names on a few of them (including these).
I'm pretty much done with the discriptions of these tie fighters. questions, comments?
last bump before I actually release them on a seperate thread.