Juun iz gonna rulz the world!
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 02:29
Juuns gonna invade the world. everone will be indvaded. here's a message! I iz gonna rulz you ahccs! prepag for dying! Juun willz bes leedar of youx!(<---- Juun writing)
were starting with earth!
OOC: Juun, the Leader of Frisbee Freaks want's to conquer the planet EARTH and spread Playism, and the Evil Frisbee Freak empire! If you want to RP as one of the real life nations, say so, and we shal RP.
IC: Juun has decided to strick at Greenland, where there is no military there. The Frisbee Freaks have landed an army there, with more soldiers than all of Greenland's population. They were soon at Nuuk's door. (Nuuk is the capital of Greenland!) The army had at least 10 times Nuuk's population, and there was no resistence, as the Freak army pounded, and took the city out easily. http://img209.echo.cx/img209/2527/13ov1.jpg
Now that Greenland has been conquered, we will soon attack Canada, and then USA, and the world!
19-06-2005, 02:35
Sweden is ready to surrender! We don't know what the attacker is, we don't know if it has nothing to do with us, neither do we know if it's even worth noticing, but just to avoid any misunderstanding, we want to give up and let you occupy us.
Just come and enslave us, as soon as you see it fitting.
Gustav IIXVIIX The Sissy, Sweden.
Korea will only surrender in exchange for 5 shiny rocks to be presented to our smallest ambassador, signed the Korean leader
19-06-2005, 02:41
OOC: Can I play more nations? Please, oh PLEASE let me play China too! Their actions shall be, ummm, surprising - that I can promi9se!
Scellia will do the only reasonable thing.
*Ambassador turns and moons Frisbee Freaks*
19-06-2005, 03:44
Lord Harald was gravely concerned by the developments in Frisbee Freaks. Greenland had fallen... Korea had fallen, and, more depressing, so had the nation from which nearly half of Bonstocknians traced their lineage: Proud Sverige, fallen without a shot fired. Surely the old country needed a good pounding on the head, as did their assaliant.
Lord Harald looked at the intelligence reports. Most had very disturbing images of the Frisbee Freaks Army, many of whose soldiers looked like this:
An advisor stood in front. "My lord, we can attack at dawn if you would like."
"Marshal the Grand Fleet in the harbor, and make ready to sail at once. Mobilize all the divisions we can. This will be crushed swiftly."
Meanwhile, in the harbors at Port Yuko, 36 Aircraft Carrier battlegroups began assembling, plus some 120 cargo ships with 30 Bonstocknian Army Divisions.
A message was given out to FF:
You will cease and dissist your current activity, or you will face the combined fury of the Bonstocknian Armed Forces. You have 24 hours to respond before all diplomatic relations with your country are cut.
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 15:42
OOC: Can I play more nations? Please, oh PLEASE let me play China too! Their actions shall be, ummm, surprising - that I can promi9se!
Ok, you can be China too. Can someone be Canada? I'm going to strick them next.
Bonstock, Earth nations only. Pick an earth nation, and then we can RP :rolleyes:
@Korea, I just sent you your rocks!
IC: The Frisbee Freak navy set sail for an island just north of the nation of Canada. (Strange name these people give to their countries...) The island was owned by Canada. Our Navy had no problem taking out the small Canadian navy there, and the island was'nt defended. The Frisbee Freak troops then sailed over there in the transports that they won in the battle for Greenland. During this time, the Frisbee Freak navy had been atacking a small town on the coast. The Frisbee Freak troops moved in, and took it! The town was called "Iqaluit", and it was the capital of the "Nunavut" province. Frisbee Freak soldiers found detailed maps of this strange country. They were shocked to see them. WHAT KIND OF NAME IS "TORONTO"? Or Montreal, or Quebec, Saskatoon, Saskatchwan, Yukon, Halifax, or New Brunswick? Not one of them is named after toys, or Balls, or Frisbees? Or even Juun? What kind of screwed up world is this? I must save these people from themselves! I shall bring order back to this world when I conquer it!
Green Sun
19-06-2005, 16:42
The United States of America shouts out to FF: "UR MOMMA!"
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 16:46
The United States of America shouts out to FF: "UR MOMMA!"
Enjoy indedpendence while you can, USA, I'll be invading you as soon as I take care of Canada! :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :gundge: :sniper:
Green Sun
19-06-2005, 16:49
R fl33t cin kik ur as!"
-Dick Chney
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 16:57
R fl33t cin kik ur as!"
-Dick Chney
Can someone sign up as Canada, so I can conquer it, and then kick this guy's @$$?
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 17:14
Message to Canadian leader,
From Juun,
Give up yuo country or I will invade, and take it for myself!
Green Sun
19-06-2005, 17:19
"Kisce uras$!"
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 17:24
The Frisbee Freak navy went into the Hudson Bay. There was a lot of oil there, and many, many oil wells there. The Frisbee Freak ships fired missles, and destroyed them all, cutting off, and destroying tons of oil vital for the Canadian war effort. I'm warning joo, Canada, give up while you still have something to fight for!
Green Sun
19-06-2005, 17:29
"Well nuce u!"
Suddenly, several SS agents rushed into the Oval Office and beat the shit out of the man making all these stupid messages. GWB came in and straitened his tie and sat at his desk. A camera started to roll.
"Mah fellow Uhmuhricans. A nation calling themselves Frisbee Freeks has invaded Canuhduh. The United States of Uhmuhricuh will not stand for this imperialism. At this moment Uhmuhricuh has declared war on Frisbee Freeks. We have started to launch missiles at them."
A man whispered into his ear.
"Whut do you mean we used all our missiles in the Iraq war?"
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 17:31
"Kisce uras$!"
OOC:That's it! I have just ordered the whole Frisbee Freak invasion force to invade Canada. (Canada has lot's of resources I can use, so it's a good first target.) Then, I'm going after you!
IC: The Frisbee Freak navy attacked a small town on the north of Ontario on the Hudson Bay. The Frisbee Freaks sent the invasion force and took the town, establishing a foothold on the North American continent. The army is now heading south to Ottawa, and victory!
Green Sun
19-06-2005, 17:38
America has retreated all of its forces from Iraq, feeling that at this point they can take care of themselves and don't need to be baby-sit anymore and sent their boys home. Their fleets in Europe left Europe for America to attack the Frisbee fleet in the Hudson Bay. Those remaining US forces in America went north into Canada or into Canadian waters to protect their long-time ally from this annoying menace.
In other news, hippies and liberal duechebags are starting to protest in DC, saying that this war is unjust and unnessesary. The public laughs at their in adept ability to spell unnecessary and started to recruit them into the army.
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 17:47
In other news, hippies and liberal duechebags are starting to protest in DC, saying that this war is unjust and unnessesary. The public laughs at their in adept ability to spell unnecessary and started to recruit them into the army.
OOC: Lol.
IC: Frisbee Freak forces have reached Ottawa! The Canadian forces fight back, not surrendering. They were about even, but soon Canadian luck started to run out. They began to loose.... Then, reinforcements from America, and Quebec came in, and surrounded the Frisbee Freaks. They were defeated that day, while the Canadian and American navies destroyed the Frisbee Freak navy in Hudson bay, but the Canadians and Americans were heavily damaged, and it came at great cost. The Freaks lost the battle, but not teh war.......
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 17:56
News of the humiliating defeat has reached Juun. The Frisbee Freaks shal have more troops in Greenland soon. Greenland will have to be invaded before there is enough Frisbee Freak troops to try to invade Canaduh again.
Edit: I'm also going to add that the Frisbee Freaks will have resupply vans again, so if they run out of bullets this time, they will have more. :p
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 18:08
The Canadians decide to defeat the Frisbee Freaks before it's too late. They sent a lot of soldiers, and tanks, etc. to Greenland. They defeated the small regrouping frisbee Freak army, and occupie half of Greenland. however, the battles with the Frisbee Freaks render them incapable of invading the other half, and now await reinforcements.
Frisbee Freaks
19-06-2005, 23:33
Juun has decided that we are not strong enough yet to conquer North America. We have surrendered Greenland, but of course we still have Korea and Sweden. Our forces from Korea sailed across the sea, attacking far-away Austrailia. We struck at a port city on the north coast, and then struck inland, Austrailian defenders, and fleeing citizens. Again, not one major city named after Balls, or Frisbees. We must save these people!
Green Sun
20-06-2005, 17:36
America is celebrating the victory and is now allowing Japan to build up its military, nulling a rule in effect since 1945. They are repairing their fleets quickly and desively, not to mention readying the Pacific fleet. Several ships from the Boneyards are being recommissioned, as well as tanks and airplanes.