19-06-2005, 01:27
OK. I was making one of this earlier, was about to post it when some shithead of a brother clicked it down, when I was taking a break after putting 2 hours of work in on it. The purpose was to prove that I actually had *insert weapon*, and wasn't just making it up during the conflict because I needed an advantage and I needed it fast. Also, so I and anyone I have a conflict with can be sure as to what my tank divsion or infantry company has. I really don't feel like having that happen again so I am gunna keep this simple as opposed to the big complex orgnizational system I had before...
I am sorting it really simply
Ground Vehicles
WMD Countering Thingys
Each item will be tagged with a YES IC Knowledge or NO IC Knowlegde tag, that states if the average nation knows about it. Exapmle of a YES IC Knowlegde tagged item: An Infantry Rifle. Example of an NO IC Knowlegde tagged thingy: Some top-secret doomsday device from my version of area 53
I-35 Infantry Rifle, IC Knowledge = Yes
The I-35 rifle is a bolt-action and highly accurate .50 caliber infantry rifle. The bolt-action set-up is because the Akeriaoni Defense Command deemed that accuracy and punch on a per shot basis were more important then rapid fire in their standard infantry rifle, and accurate semi-auto fire with the powerful round used was deemed not pratically possible, in other words, that it was not worht the expense. The I-35 utilizes 10 shot magazines, and comes with a 5 inch long bayonet attachable to the front of the rifle.
SO-12 Carbine, IC Knowledge = Yes
The SO-12 was designed as the weapon of choice for Spec Ops and paratrooper squads. It is small and compact, making it easy to carry and store while paying attention to something else (EG: Parachuting out of a plane above enemy territory, or avoiding detection deep behind enemy lines) It can fire automatically at about 3 rounds per second (180 rounds per minute) and also can fire semi auto. It uses a round equivilant to a 5.56 nato round. It has 30 round magazines, that is 10 seconds of full auto fire. A special version is availble that drops the automatic fire in favor of a silencer and subsonic ammo.
I-3 Pistol, IC Knowledge = Yes
The I-3 is intended to be mainly used in case of ammo shortage. A Variant called the SO-2 is also availible, it comes with an integeral silencer and subsonic ammo. The I-3 uses 15 shot mags of 5mm bullets, and is capable of semi-auto fire. The SO-2 is supplied with a combat knife.
CES-1 Prototype Combat Exo-Skeleton, IC Knowledge = HELL NO
The CES-1 suit is the result of years of top-secret ADC research, it shows great promise but still has major flaws...
Tests show that the CES-1 suit is capable of increasing a wearers physical strength nearly 3-fold. (Meaning, it nearly cubes the wearers strength) The armour sheathing of the main suit is also second only to a few things in the Aekiraoni military in terms of protective strength. According to test results, the finished suit will probably be able to take quite a bit of damage before being rendered inoperable.
However, this armour has several gaping flaws. First of, the power required is enormous, military base level supplys have been able to power it, but so far no portable power sources have been developed. Secondly, the suit is more expensive than said MBT, with a total cost per suit being projected as over 5 billion USD. And, thridly, its MUCH slower than said MBT, with a top speed of (so far) 5 MPH. Also, a new means of air-transport will need to be developed for this suit, as it is heavy enough to tear the bottom floor out of most Aekiraoni military cargo aircraft, and those that can carry it do so with a much reduced top speed and flight ceiling.
Ground Combat Vehicles
MCV-23 "Kirin's Blade" Mobile Combat Vehicle IC Kowledge = Yes
The MCV-23 is a sort of hybrid between a buggy and a tank. It uses wheels as opposed to treads, and is much faster than a normal tank (it can hit 100 mph without much trouble), though significantly less powerful in a stand-off combat situation. It is armed with a 55mm main gun and 2 secondary light machine guns (Think m249 saw). It has about an inch of alloy armour, that can stand up to most small-arms fire but will be ripped to shreds by any sorta cannon or missle launcher. They are mainly used for anti-infantry hit & run atttacks and for harrassing enemy vehicles
HCV-73 "Behemoth" Heavy Combat Vehicle IC Knowledge = No, we never used it
The HCV-73 is sometimes thought of more as a mobile weapons fortress than a tank. It can barely reach walking pace, on a good day. In terms of its size... lets put it this way... It can fill a 2 lane highway on its own. It is triangular in shape, with heavy mounted armor. Remember that sentence about how the CES-1 armour is second to few things in the Aekiraoni army? Well, this is one of them... In the first combat tests it overwhelmed the oppostion, even mortar shells were having litte effect on its armor. It was eventually destoryed with a co-ordinated artillery strike from several howitzers, but not before it had demolished 90 percent of their force... It is equipped with a 255mm cannon (mounted in the front tip) , a flak cannon (mounted in the middle), 3 100mm cannons (on the 2 side tips and the back) , 2 TOW Missile Launchers (on the 2 forward sides), a SAM system (on the middle/back), and 5 heavy machine guns (1 on each corner and side). It requires a crew of 25 men. Of course, there are only 3 of these in the entire military, and they take about 15 Billion USD and around a year to manufacture, so...
ASF-10 "Myrmidon" IC Knowledge = Yes
The ASF-10 is deisgned for air supeiriority. It can reach top speeds of mach 3 and comes equipped with 6 "Titan's Fang" Anti-Air Missiles. It is typically deployed on intercept missions and to destroy enemy bombers.
HSB-9 "Retaliator" IC Kowledge = Yes
The SB-9 is a heavy strategic bomber. It is capable of delivering presicion ordanance (including Tac Nukes, if it is demeed neccesary) from nearly 15 miles into the stratosphere. Its bomb bay can hold either 20 presicion convential bombs (think JDAMs), or 2 presicion Tac Nukes.
HGS-3 "Scythe" IC Knowledge = Yeah
The Scythe gunship is the main air to ground attack unit of the ADC. It has a .50 call gatling gun and a complement of anti-tank missles. 2 pilots are needed to pilot it.
Boats and other combat watercraft will here by not be included. Due to difficulty thinking of anything my nation is now landlocked. Sure is good to be still making your nation :)
Space Ships
Talon Space Fighter IC Knowledge = prolly not
The Talon Space Fighter was designed as the escort fighter of the ADC infinity. It is equipped with a smaller, quicker version of the cannon on the Infinity.
The ADC Infinity, IC Kownledge = not really
The Infinity (pictured below, if i can get this bloody photobucket piece of crap to work.) is the first attempt by the ADC to create a large scale (Ok, maybe not that large scale, it is less than 200 meters long) space combat vessel. The Inifinity is equipped with a mass-driver (rail gun) cannon capable of propelleing a small and dense metal penatrator at speeds well above mach 10 (at sea level). Its main functions are controlled from the command tower, and only space-suited engineers are stationed lower than that, as that is the only place perssurised (to save energy). The Hangar bay has 5 Talon Space Fighters.
I will get to the other sections later... Oh, and before I forget, please post comments/etc on these, try to keep any criticisms constructive.
I am sorting it really simply
Ground Vehicles
WMD Countering Thingys
Each item will be tagged with a YES IC Knowledge or NO IC Knowlegde tag, that states if the average nation knows about it. Exapmle of a YES IC Knowlegde tagged item: An Infantry Rifle. Example of an NO IC Knowlegde tagged thingy: Some top-secret doomsday device from my version of area 53
I-35 Infantry Rifle, IC Knowledge = Yes
The I-35 rifle is a bolt-action and highly accurate .50 caliber infantry rifle. The bolt-action set-up is because the Akeriaoni Defense Command deemed that accuracy and punch on a per shot basis were more important then rapid fire in their standard infantry rifle, and accurate semi-auto fire with the powerful round used was deemed not pratically possible, in other words, that it was not worht the expense. The I-35 utilizes 10 shot magazines, and comes with a 5 inch long bayonet attachable to the front of the rifle.
SO-12 Carbine, IC Knowledge = Yes
The SO-12 was designed as the weapon of choice for Spec Ops and paratrooper squads. It is small and compact, making it easy to carry and store while paying attention to something else (EG: Parachuting out of a plane above enemy territory, or avoiding detection deep behind enemy lines) It can fire automatically at about 3 rounds per second (180 rounds per minute) and also can fire semi auto. It uses a round equivilant to a 5.56 nato round. It has 30 round magazines, that is 10 seconds of full auto fire. A special version is availble that drops the automatic fire in favor of a silencer and subsonic ammo.
I-3 Pistol, IC Knowledge = Yes
The I-3 is intended to be mainly used in case of ammo shortage. A Variant called the SO-2 is also availible, it comes with an integeral silencer and subsonic ammo. The I-3 uses 15 shot mags of 5mm bullets, and is capable of semi-auto fire. The SO-2 is supplied with a combat knife.
CES-1 Prototype Combat Exo-Skeleton, IC Knowledge = HELL NO
The CES-1 suit is the result of years of top-secret ADC research, it shows great promise but still has major flaws...
Tests show that the CES-1 suit is capable of increasing a wearers physical strength nearly 3-fold. (Meaning, it nearly cubes the wearers strength) The armour sheathing of the main suit is also second only to a few things in the Aekiraoni military in terms of protective strength. According to test results, the finished suit will probably be able to take quite a bit of damage before being rendered inoperable.
However, this armour has several gaping flaws. First of, the power required is enormous, military base level supplys have been able to power it, but so far no portable power sources have been developed. Secondly, the suit is more expensive than said MBT, with a total cost per suit being projected as over 5 billion USD. And, thridly, its MUCH slower than said MBT, with a top speed of (so far) 5 MPH. Also, a new means of air-transport will need to be developed for this suit, as it is heavy enough to tear the bottom floor out of most Aekiraoni military cargo aircraft, and those that can carry it do so with a much reduced top speed and flight ceiling.
Ground Combat Vehicles
MCV-23 "Kirin's Blade" Mobile Combat Vehicle IC Kowledge = Yes
The MCV-23 is a sort of hybrid between a buggy and a tank. It uses wheels as opposed to treads, and is much faster than a normal tank (it can hit 100 mph without much trouble), though significantly less powerful in a stand-off combat situation. It is armed with a 55mm main gun and 2 secondary light machine guns (Think m249 saw). It has about an inch of alloy armour, that can stand up to most small-arms fire but will be ripped to shreds by any sorta cannon or missle launcher. They are mainly used for anti-infantry hit & run atttacks and for harrassing enemy vehicles
HCV-73 "Behemoth" Heavy Combat Vehicle IC Knowledge = No, we never used it
The HCV-73 is sometimes thought of more as a mobile weapons fortress than a tank. It can barely reach walking pace, on a good day. In terms of its size... lets put it this way... It can fill a 2 lane highway on its own. It is triangular in shape, with heavy mounted armor. Remember that sentence about how the CES-1 armour is second to few things in the Aekiraoni army? Well, this is one of them... In the first combat tests it overwhelmed the oppostion, even mortar shells were having litte effect on its armor. It was eventually destoryed with a co-ordinated artillery strike from several howitzers, but not before it had demolished 90 percent of their force... It is equipped with a 255mm cannon (mounted in the front tip) , a flak cannon (mounted in the middle), 3 100mm cannons (on the 2 side tips and the back) , 2 TOW Missile Launchers (on the 2 forward sides), a SAM system (on the middle/back), and 5 heavy machine guns (1 on each corner and side). It requires a crew of 25 men. Of course, there are only 3 of these in the entire military, and they take about 15 Billion USD and around a year to manufacture, so...
ASF-10 "Myrmidon" IC Knowledge = Yes
The ASF-10 is deisgned for air supeiriority. It can reach top speeds of mach 3 and comes equipped with 6 "Titan's Fang" Anti-Air Missiles. It is typically deployed on intercept missions and to destroy enemy bombers.
HSB-9 "Retaliator" IC Kowledge = Yes
The SB-9 is a heavy strategic bomber. It is capable of delivering presicion ordanance (including Tac Nukes, if it is demeed neccesary) from nearly 15 miles into the stratosphere. Its bomb bay can hold either 20 presicion convential bombs (think JDAMs), or 2 presicion Tac Nukes.
HGS-3 "Scythe" IC Knowledge = Yeah
The Scythe gunship is the main air to ground attack unit of the ADC. It has a .50 call gatling gun and a complement of anti-tank missles. 2 pilots are needed to pilot it.
Boats and other combat watercraft will here by not be included. Due to difficulty thinking of anything my nation is now landlocked. Sure is good to be still making your nation :)
Space Ships
Talon Space Fighter IC Knowledge = prolly not
The Talon Space Fighter was designed as the escort fighter of the ADC infinity. It is equipped with a smaller, quicker version of the cannon on the Infinity.
The ADC Infinity, IC Kownledge = not really
The Infinity (pictured below, if i can get this bloody photobucket piece of crap to work.) is the first attempt by the ADC to create a large scale (Ok, maybe not that large scale, it is less than 200 meters long) space combat vessel. The Inifinity is equipped with a mass-driver (rail gun) cannon capable of propelleing a small and dense metal penatrator at speeds well above mach 10 (at sea level). Its main functions are controlled from the command tower, and only space-suited engineers are stationed lower than that, as that is the only place perssurised (to save energy). The Hangar bay has 5 Talon Space Fighters.
I will get to the other sections later... Oh, and before I forget, please post comments/etc on these, try to keep any criticisms constructive.