Operation Pure Nation has begun!
19-06-2005, 01:21
Warchief Tamujid sat quietly behind his desk, looking the man opposite him straight in the eyes. The man was general Kahemar, the leader of SEJEM - an organisation responsible for the internal security. Kahemar had just been appointed to this position, as his predecessor had been executed. He was uncertain about the reason, but - knowing how merciless their Master was towards his highest officers and civil servants - he was pretty sure that the mistake hadn't been that horrible. Still, he wasnt scared. He was an officer and just like all of his colleagues, extremely loyal to their Master. Therefore, he wasnt afraid of death but of losing his honour in front of the Master and his family. Afraid of disappointing those who trusted him.
That's why he was determined, determined to earn the trust of the man he loved and admired.
Warchief started: "You have had three weeks to get used to your new office, staff and subordinates. Hopely you have used this time well, because now I am about to give you your first big mission. It's extremely important to our national security, and must be accomplished perfectly. If you fail, I will shoot you. Got it?" Kahemar nodded, not letting a single muscle stir in his face.
"Ok. Here's the job:
Get rid of the Liberals, or how they call themselves. We call them fascists for now on, because I have received information about their plans of raising riots. They have been spreading anti-governmental propaganda, talked about strikes and privatising the industry. They also claim that the taxes should be cut. Not this beeing bad enough, they have also, as ridicilous it sounds, said that - " dramatical pause " - that I SHOULD BE REPLACED!"
The expression on the face of the general went through three stages; :eek: , then, as he slowly started to realize the full meaning of this tremendous and horrifying news; :mad: and finally, as he understood his mission and the fact that HE would be the one punishing these traitors :D . (OOC, yeah, I know this is lame but im kinda shitty in describing expressions...)
Tamujid continued: "So, your job is to clear the air. To get rid of these fascists. Use every means necessary, you have the full support of me and the government. You can use both Police and the Army to assist SEJEM, whenever you consider it needed. Your funding is currently unlimited, and you are above of all expect me. Only limit is the time. I request you to fullfil this order in 2 MONTHS." Kahemar waited the recuired 3 seconds, rose from his chair and barked "Yes, my Master!" He saluted, turned around and walked out from the room. The Warchief smiled, looking his new favourite officer leaving.
"There, " he thought, "I have a man of action!"
Tamujid was right. In the next day, SEJEM's special strike teams arrested 19 of the 27 leaders of the Fascist Conspiracy, as it was formally called, among almost 9000 members of the outlawed party. The number of those "Killed when arresting" was officially 632, but everybody knew that the numbers must have been higher. As the days passed, the numbers got bigger and bigger. Six days after the start of the operation, 47,200 traitors were arrested, and 3800 executed.
At this point, the first news about the operation started to spread over the world.
19-06-2005, 01:56
OOC: What is this? No one going to cry about this violation of human rights? :confused: What did I do wrong?
First of all privitasation seems more capitalist/right wing economic ideology then left wing. And Strikes are generally common.
19-06-2005, 02:08
Try random acts of violence. Those usually get a small rise from somebody. Use this (http://www.funnypart.com/funny_flash/dads_home.shtml) flash toon for a guide. Dont forget to rock!
19-06-2005, 02:11
First of all privitasation seems more capitalist/right wing economic ideology then left wing. And Strikes are generally common.
OOC: No shit, Sherlock? Could that have something to do with the fact I called them fascists? Madnestan is anticapitalist, as you can easily see. And no, strikes are everything but common in there. They are outlawed. Read more carefully ;)
But hey, Seriously! I want to have one of these "Hey, don't kill innocent ppl! That's rude!"-conversations! How can it be that everybody else seems to have that in no time, after much smaller crimes, but I don't? Life is unfair... :(
Hmm that in that case...
We the Nexus corporation condemn your communist attempts. Your pathetic attempt at being another Soviet Union angers our monetary interests. As you know we have a very dominant arms industry. The gun union will have you smitten down for that. Mark our words.
The United Kingdom must firmly protest the baseless harassment, imprisonment, and subsequent execution of a sector of the Madnestani population for the sole reason of not subscribing to the party line. Discourse in all fields of governmental policy encourages competition of ideas, which itself breeds success and answers. To eliminate the population you have now labeled as “fascist”, only worsens the environment for public policy debate in Madnestan – a situation that decreases the effectiveness and efficiency of the Madnestani government. Not to be misunderstood, the United Kingdom realizes that in any population there will be a faction that disagrees with the government – such discord is inherent in human nature. However, with official figures now reaching well into the range of fifty-thousand after a mere six days, the Kingdom must point out that such numbers indicate a more systemic problem within your society and simply “silencing” them in the short term could lead to a much larger outbreak of dissention in years to come as the memory of those executed by the state become legends, as those “killed while resisting arrest” become martyrs to be respected and emulated.
On the behalf of Prime Minister Tetley, I must urge your government to reconsider the actions being taken against the liberal sector of your population.
Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
ooc: sorry i didn't get around to this earlier, just a wee-bit busy around the house here... hope this is what you were looking for...
19-06-2005, 11:20
The government of Madnestan is pleased to see that only so very few nations have started to weep about our operation vital to our internal security. We are thankfull to the rest of you, as much higher amount of whining and crying was supposed to be heard. This clearly shows that the international community has finally understood how the things are in the real, cold world.
Sincerely yours;
Warchief Tamujid
Armed republic of Madnestan
Aitor Astarloa sat quietly on his desk, back in Camewot the population called him the AA-gun, because he eliminated his political opponents by talking them into the ground. Now, he was the liberal ambassador for Madnestan. A soft knock, and the head of the 150 Special Ops wich travelled to Madnestan for the ambassadors security entered.
Another one? Aitor asked. I'm affraid so, sir. Another liberal has been killed. Aitor swallowed the gum he was chewing on, and called his clerk. Make contact with Layla, Tom. Yes, sir. The ambassador signed the paper, opened his desk and took another chewing gum.
5 hours later, the chief walked in again. Don't tell me, another one? Yes, another one. I've had instructions from Layla. Tommorowmorning, we're giving free Camewottian passports to any liberal knocking on our door.
Official Message from the Ministry of Foreign Relations
To: The Armed Republic of Madnestan.
Whomever it may concern.
Because of recent actions in your nation, the number of 150 Special Ops will be raised to 200, the maximum entitled to a Camewottian Embassy.
~ Princess Layla
World wide allies
19-06-2005, 11:43
World Wide Allies Official Statement
The great state of wwa, requests that you cease and desist all of your murderous actions towards your citizens.
You have outraged the international community and certain actions will be taken to protect your own citizens.
World Wide Allies requests that peacekeepers and inspectors be sent to Madnestan to protect their citizens from their government.
We await your responce.
Signed: President Isaac Israel
19-06-2005, 12:45
7h00 Dovakhanese Capitals Time
Special Session of Presidium:
Chairman: What the hell is with all these human rights violations?
-Rest of Presidium agrees-
Amelie Lespolitsia (5th Department): I propose we condem this action
-Rest of Presidium points out that Dovakhan has no military-
Dimirtri Ianoff (9th Department): I think we should send investigators from (classified) to Madnestan to investigate
-Rest of Presidium agrees-
Imediateley following the precedings, a small aeroplane departs the capitals district for Madnestan carrying the unarmed inspectors
Tom Joad
19-06-2005, 13:04
To: The Ministries of Trade and Industry
In light of the nature of our long-term investment in Madnestan we wholeheartedly support any actions taken in the interest of the nation as a whole, as long as such actions do not interfere with the nations smooth running and viability as a trade partner, therefore we feel there is no requirement for intervention, monitoring beyond existing levels or repercussions upon Madnestan in any form as long as the investment we have made can continue unabated.
We do reserve the right to protect our investment by withdrawing, under any circumstances or situation, all material, personnel and technology currently residing in Madnestan. However, it is our fondest belief that protection afforded our investment in the growth of Madnestan can be entirely met natively, we remain willing to offer assistance though should it be required.
As a gesture of faith the ISTJ is willing to establish trade contracts with several industrial groups to partially meet the defecits in Madnestan's requirements for machine parts/components, electronic goods and civil vehicles, specifically we can establish contracts that will meet 26%, 18% and 12% respectively.
Foreign Commissary of Tom Joad - Madnestan Sector
Operator Ramon Silvanto
19-06-2005, 16:02
"General! Im sorry to interrupt, but I have an important message to you! I've been ordered to tell you that Camewottians have given passports to several dozens of those fascists, in attempt to save them from our righteous revenge!" Kahemar, who had just been in the middle of a meeting with his highest staff immediately jumped up from his chair, focusing on the sergeant's report. "Dammit! This is outrageous! How DARE they to do this? Immediately order 19th Armoured Regiment to move at their embassy and- hmm..." he turned at one of his officers, asking "Colonel Tehmey, how big country is that Camewot, actually?"
The colonel opened his laptop and entered the secred database of the foreign ministery. "Sir, their military budjet is 7 times our WHOLE budjet!".
Colour escaped from the face of the general.
"Umm.... Ok, lets cancel the tank-plan. Just make sure that the building gets surrounded and guarded, and that no one enters it without a permission. Ensure that anyone trying that will get shot."
Colonel, who was the leader of the 2nd SEJED regiment nodded, stood up and saluted. "Consider it done, sir!" he said, and left.
The safety of all citizens of foreign nations, workers, engineers, tourists and diplomats shall be secured as well as any way possible. If any of them is hurt, we shall immediately send the criminal to the insulted nation for further punishment. All trade routs, ports, airports and harbours are also extremely well guarded, as well as embassies, hotels and such. No need to worry.
Warchief Tamujid
Armed Republic of Madnestan
We thank you for Your kind words, and assure You that all of your citizens, investments technology/material shall say intanct, no matter what. Your nation is one of the most important partners of trade to us, and we shall make sure that this is not changed due some difficulties in our internal policy.
You can trust on that, I give you my word.
Warchief Tamujid
Armed Republic of Madnestan
Aitor cursed, his embassy had been surrounded. A declaration of war! But the chief had a plan, he would put one of his Special Ops sniper on the first floor. Then, the ambassador would move out. He would move to his helicopter. Should he be shot, a declaration of war would be summoned, and the Special Ops would start to sniper officers. But first, there was a lot of work to do. A message was send to Layla, then, all files on the laptop were emailed to the Ministry, then destroyed. All files were burned, and the embassy was baricaded. If they wanted to get all 200 Special Ops out, they had to fight for it......As the sniper got on the first floor and aimed for a random officer, he said his prayers.
"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me. "
19-06-2005, 16:51
How can it be that everybody else seems to have that in no time, after much smaller crimes, but I don't? Life is unfair... :(OOC: Probably because it's been played out by a BUNCH of countries before you came along. It seems like everybody and his brother wants to play oppressive dictator and it gets old.
That's not to disparage your efforts at creating this RP, but that's just to make the point that others have tried as you seem to infer from your OOC comments.
19-06-2005, 17:02
But a second reticule rested on that same officers head, as one man took up vantage point in an old building not far away. He was dressed for war, Concremian CyberPlate armour, gasmask, bandoleer, a sniper rifle, an SMG and numerous sidearms besides. He checked his trajectory, and flexed his trigger finger. The sillouette of a figure with wings was on his chest-plate, pure silver and polished to appear almost radiant. He was part of the Guardian Angels group, formed by the government to aid allies where full military intervention was impossible. There were no less than eight others like him in that city, with around a thousand soldiers in total and less than half of that active. Usually even the Nation they were helping remained in the dark, such as the incident in North Mack where the GA had ambushed a truck full of suicide bombers before Concremo were officially involved.
19-06-2005, 20:22
OOC: (M) means military cheif of staff, (P) means president
IC:*meeting in Presidental Office*
(M) sir theres been intel reports coming in all day about Madnestan's government killing off all liberals for obseen reasons
(P) thats terrible they must be stopped, i know every liberal from Madnestan that wants to seeks safety provide them with safety and send in two strike teams of FESAS and FESBS soldiers and if they have to they have authorization to forcefully take control of Madnestans government
(M) Sir Yes Sir!
(P) Dismissed
Tom Joad
19-06-2005, 20:42
Warchief Tamujid,
Your words are most reassuring, such is the faith in your capabilities that we will increase the number of personnel involved in construction activities on our mutual investment by eight hundred personnel. Should difficulties arise we would be willing to engage small numbers of security personnel to work in cooperation with native forces, however as was stated we do not wish to become involved as this would hamper native growth.
I must however caution you in your actions, antagonising the wrong people could potentially prove disastrous for the relationship that both sides have managed to cultivate to date, the ISTJ would not look favourably on actions that threatened instability without great promise for the future.
Foreign Commissary of Tom Joad - Madnestan Sector
Operator Ramon Silvanto
The Island of Rose
19-06-2005, 22:02
"Sir, it appears a nation has commited genocide."
"Yup, should we condemn them Alexander?"
"Nah... I'll write something up."
We have seen better mass slaugters.
We can probably do better.
You are an unoriginal militaristic dictator.
Watch as we put you in a fat folder labeled "Countries Ran by Militaristic
You should be ashamed.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.
Oh, and you SUCK.
Yours in love,
The Chancellory of Foreign Affairs