On a street in Thresh, death is at work
Sigma Octavus
18-06-2005, 11:18
The crowd was increasing in both size and hostility by the second. Captain Amia Dusk knew that things were going to get ugly real quick. She stood atop a SOVIAI-1A Death Adder tank modified for crowd suppression. She knew fully well that the piece of equipment she stood on was capable of killing every single person around it.
The crowd did not apparently.
She lifted her megaphone and ordered the crowd to disperse. They didn't seem to be interested in listening to a soldier that was practically out of uniform. The hood that Dusk wore was a far cry from the regulation helmet. It just didn't inspire enough fear. "You are commencing in an illegal protest against the government. Disperse or you will be fired upon."
Several people took their eyes from the target of their attention, a building which housed a government official who had supposedly raped a young girl. The captain had already told the crowd that the matter was being looked into, and that the official would be dealt with harshly if the allegation was true. One of the crowd that looked back at her drew a sidearm and leveled it at her.
With a blur and a bang, a shot rang out.
The crowd bust into chaos as the assailant fell to the ground, the crown of his skull missing. The area directly behind him was filled with gore covered citizens. Hundreds of those around Dusk pulled out weapons. They were apparently better armed than had been expected. Dusk holstered her magnum. She pulled up the walky-talky on her collar and spoke into it.
A whiring noise came from beneath her as the pilot of the Death Adder put the machine in auto-suppress. She opened the hatch and dropped in, lest she went deaf standing on top as the weapons began to fire.
The machine began to pour anti-personnel rounds into the crowd. Twin turrets with 5mm miniguns seeked a new target each time one fell, so they were moving as fast as they were capable of. The primary 20mm Vulcan opened up, clearing a line of carnage to the other side of the crowd.
The soldiers standing next to the tank lifted their rifles and began firing. Their weapons were also equipped with anti-personnel rounds. None of the civilians were wearing body armor, or so inntelligence had implied. Apparently intelligence was right.
The crowd was levelled within a minute. Only a small handful, around a dozen or so, had gotten away. Thousands lay dead, barely any wounded. Captain Dusk climbed out of the tank.
She stood upon the tank yet again, her eyes completely remorseless. A small smile crept across her face. She knew that the soldiers around her were regretting what they had just done, but she knew that it was a job well done.
She jumped from the tank and strode away from the scene. Ambulances rushed by her. She was wondering how they would remove all of those bodies.
"Oh well, not my problem."
She let out a little giggle, but stifled it. She was always excited by death, something that was generally looked down on in all but the most extreme military units. Her's was not such a unit. Her general was, in her eyes, weak willed and afraid of confrontation.
I'll take the matter up with Snowlander. He owes me one.
She opened the door to her car and got in. She was soon yet another nameless entity on one of Thresh's many great highways.
Capt. Amia Dusk
(OOC: probably one of my darkest posts)
18-06-2005, 14:09
To: Whom it May Concern
Sigma Octavus
From: Tiberius Polax, MP
Foreign Secretary
Subject: Recent Massacre
It is with some significant amazement and disgust that the Government and general populace of the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia has heard of the recent massacres inside Sigma Octavus. We do not as yet know what causes of this protest and riot, but whatever occured we do not see any reason for the deployment of military units, not least chain-cannon armed tanks, against a small congregation of only a few thousand citizens.
This incident smacks of a regime acting out of desperation, unable to control its own citizens without the use of heavy-handed force. When it comes to a point where a government cannot remain in control without machineguns, it can truely be seen that said government is in its death throws. I do not expect, nor do I hope, that your citizens will roll over and accept this. This incident is demonstrative of what can occur when firearms are legalised inside a nation which appears to haev a strong gun culture.
I do hope that your seemingly incompetant security forces learn to use non-lethal crowd suppression techniques and weaponary such as tear gas and rubber bullets, easily deployable from fully armoured vehicles, before they see the need to deploy 20mm chaincannons and other such heavy weaponary often used against tanks in "crowd suppression". This incident certainly has not improved the reputation of your nation, and in our eyes it will take a lot to clean this black splodge on your record.
To: The Desert Fortress of Sigma Octavus
After hearing of your latest, blatant, actions on the news, we hope the Government of The Desert Fortress of Sigma Octavus can explain these horrible actions. The Police Department should considder taking lessons in non-lethal crowd suppression techniques. If needed, they can take those in Camewot. That is ofcourse if the Government did not agree to this slaughter of civillians. If they did, your name will be remembered in the files of the Ministry. Our officeclerks keep track of all international incidents.
~ Princess Layla
Dracun imperium
18-06-2005, 14:52
Message to Sigma Octavus,
Your disgusting breach of human rights sickens us with great ease. You seek to use brutal force when there are more peaceful solutions, and from this we see that you are a coward, nothing more nothing less. Too afraid you must be peacefully solve the situation, no you must quickly kill them all before the 'fires of revolution' spread through your land.
Your government will soon rot in its own despair as your people will soon revolt against your brutal government and we will stand there and laugh as your nation falls to the ground and a new more respectable government rises.
We officially condemn this act and hope you can consider this a letter of advisement.
Vice Chancellor Angelo Vidar
The Right Hand to the Chancellor
***Transmission from the Republic of Danmarc, Office of the Secretary of International Affairs***
Danmarc officials have condemned the attacks on civilians by the government body of Dracun Imperium. This day has been marked by tragedy, not only in terms of lives lost, but in terms of freedom destroyed at the hands of an oppressor. The Republic will be monitoring activity in this region of the world, and has added Dracun Imperium to the list of nations citizens are advised not to visit.
***end of transmission***
Dracun imperium
18-06-2005, 15:17
OOC:I'm not the one doing it lol
Mikosolf Corporation
18-06-2005, 15:19
From: Director of Foreign Affairs Nidia Aislinn, Mikosolf Corporation
To: Whom it may concern, Sigma Octavus
We commend you on your handing on such a situation. Though we feel that total desecration of the crowd may not have been necessary, but when weapons are produced we understand the need for more extreme measures.
We hope that those who feel that you were not in the right to fire upon the crowd you ignore. They are your people, and thus your job to consider what is a "human rights violation". As if such a thing as a "right" exists.
OOC:I'm not the one doing it lol
((OOC:: My apologies, my original reply was meant as a response to the actions of Sigma Octavus, no such feelings are shared for the peaceful, law abiding people of Dracun imperium.))
Dracun imperium
18-06-2005, 16:07
((OOC: Np just edit it so people don't get confused
Christopher Thompson
18-06-2005, 16:41
:) TAG for reading and possible postage in a few days, in Germany right now.
TAG-Post to come 2morrow.
Sigma Octavus
18-06-2005, 23:00
Official Response from the governing body of Sigma Octavus:
Most are taking this as an official action. The military was there simply for backup in case things got out of hand. There were no standing orders to slaughter the protesters. That order came down from an officer acting on their own agenda.
Believe us, the matters is being thoroughly investigated, as well as the failures of the riot police on duty at the incident. As of this time, all military personnel involved in the incident have been detained until a further time, when a full investigation has been undertaken.
Never before have so many people died at one time on Sigman soil, save for the Melkorian nuclear strike of the past. This is a shocking incident for our nation, and for our fairly young regime.
We believe that those within the crowd that were armed were in fact insurgents who wish to reinstate the regime of Ms. Allison Chaknov. The current leader, General Snowlander, is out of the country at the Gholgothan meeting currently, and the insurgents must have taken this as an oppurtunity to strike us.
Believe me when I say that all measures will be taken to see that an incident like this does not happen again.
Representative Michael Karov
Stand-in for General Snowlander
Press Release – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
For one of the few times in this Parliament’s history, all parties are in agreement that the massacre of protestors by your armed forces ought to be fully condemned by this government. And such they are, the United Kingdom – although having never before seen significant contacts between our two parties – must now officially enact stiff economic sanctions on a strictly bilateral level until your said culprit can be brought to justice.
Although we realize that our sanctions will have little effect in practice, this government will not stand idly by while innocent civilians are mowed down in the most inhuman of fashions. And although through your own admission your current leader remains out of country, we urge fellow like-minded nations to enact similar sanctions until General Snowlander can prove to the world that his nation truly does believe in and respect human rights. Until solid proof can be brought before the international body that the crowd was in fact an insurgent mob, or that the perpetrator of this most grievous crime against humanity has been brought to justice, the United Kingdom will stand by its economic sanctions.
Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
18-06-2005, 23:16
Master Inquisitor Kamara sat in the old leather chair that sat behind the even older wooden desk. Speaking softly, it was obvious she was not outraged in the least. "I, and the Empire as a whole, am pleased that the Sigmans are willing to do what is nessecary to keep order. Loss of life is quite unfortunate, but if it keeps the rest of your rebelion, no matter how small, quiet..." She smiles and leans forward slightly. "I wish to commend the actions of the soldiers and the hooded woman seen in the feed. I also wish to say, that was a very good shot."
Master Inquisitor Kamara
Head of Intelligence
Overseer of Imperial Inquisition
18-06-2005, 23:19
Although we realize that our sanctions will have little effect in practice, this government will not stand idly by while innocent civilians are mowed down in the most inhuman of fashions. And although through your own admission your current leader remains out of country, we urge fellow like-minded nations to enact similar sanctions until General Snowlander can prove to the world that his nation truly does believe in and respect human rights.
"In effect, you just contradicted yourself. You know your show of 'outrage' will do no good. So why do you bother with faux-punishment? To boost your own approval ratings with the public? Fah. The Sigmans will have more than enough trade within Gholgoth to make up for any economic sanctions the rest fo the world bothers to put on them."
-Master Inquisitor Kamara
The United Kingdom fully acknowledges that its prior history not being of any true significant to the Sigmans limits the practicality of the most appropriate form of Azazian outrage. However, to sit by while innocent civilians are so maliciously torn to pieces by weapons designed for targets stronger than simple flesh and bone would make the Kingdom nothing more than an accomplice to these atrocities. Therefore, the position of this government is that we hope our actions, however small and inconsequential they may be in the larger picture of global economics, taken today will signify to the rest of the world that such actions must be taken and that we must not sit idly by while the rule of violence and might supersede the rule of law, justice and due-process.
Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
18-06-2005, 23:43
This weeping is making nations participated in it looking ridicilous. The crowd was told to disperse, but it didn't. Civil disobedience is still disobedience, and all disobedience can be seen as a act of treason. Those citizens, refusing to do as ordered, were, actually, revolting. Slaughtering them like cattle was the right thing to do, government has, not only the right but also the RESPONSIBILITY to crush uprisings like that. They decided to shoot where some other nations would have used toy weapons, watercannons and such that is. That doesn't give you moralists and hypocrites right to judge Sigma Octavus. Government owns the citizens.
Warchief Tamujid, The Master and Main Minister (of Everything)
Armed Republic of Madnestan
The United Kingdom must solemnly protest the statements by Warchief Tamujid, particularly with reference to his closing remark that, and I quote “government owns citizens.” The United Kingdom holds itself to the firm belief that government, to be more precise legitimate government, comes from the consent of the governed and that their concession of a limited amount of their sovereign rights creates a government endowed with only those sovereign rights. If a citizen may not legally murder a fellow citizen, than the government may not legally murder another citizen for the citizen has not that right to wantonly end the life of another. Granted, in cases of insurrection, the citizens grant to government their right to end said uprising for the sake and stability of all – within reason of the previously established sovereign rights.
As we see on the streets of Thresh, the case could be made for the harsh dealings with several of the individuals brandishing weapons, and threatening the lives of the military personnel. However, the unrestricted use of heavy machine guns to eliminate an entire crowd estimated in the thousands is not only tantamount to, but is in and of itself murder. And while the collective morals of some governments may allow such barbaric treatment of human beings, the United Kingdom will not tolerate such actions in its own lands, and will vehemently condemn such activities in foreign lands taking additional appropriate measures when necessary per the unique conditions of each situation.
The responsibility of a government is to its people, to protect and safeguard their lives and their way of life. The blatant murder of thousands – of whom most could not likely be proven to be harboring illicit intentions – cannot, by any reasonable definition, be considered the responsibility of any government. Should mass-murder ever become the responsibility of any government the United Kingdom will be forced to take appropriate and reasonable measures to assure such egregious violations of human rights do not continue and/or find themselves propagated to foreign powers.
Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
19-06-2005, 00:07
Well, perhaps I should take back few of my words... Lets put it this way: In Madnestan, government owns the population. The situation might be different in other countries, of course, but no regardless to that, if government's representant is threathened/opposed I say the government has right to use every means necessary. In this case, it was the full power of automatic weapons of their military. Their problem, their right to solve it, their desicion. Their solution.
No need to cry about it.
Warchief Tamujid
19-06-2005, 00:18
To: [Open Message]
From: Tiberius Polax, MP
Foreign Secretary
Subject: Sanctions
In responce to the sanctions imposed by the United Kingdom of Azazia, the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia has also decided to extend sanctions upon Sigma Octavus. The actions of their military, even when taken from the immoral perspective of the police state, are at the least foolish and unnecessary and at the most damaging to the overall stability of the government. It would have been simple to have deployed such non-lethal armaments as watercannons, CS gas or even rubber bullets from the complete safety of an armoured vehicle, rather than deploying a light tank.
Regardless of this, the murder of civilians when it could otherwise have been avoided is the mark of an immoral and barbaric society, and Praetonia, as a civilised democracy, cannot in good conscience allow trade between our two nations to continue. The merchant vessels of Sigma Octavus, should any be present, have 96 hours to remove themselves from Praetonian territorial waters after which point they will be impounded. Praetonian merchant vessels, should any be present, shall remove themselves from Sigma Octavan ports within the same timeframe.
It would be a grave mistake for -any- foreign power to lay hands on Sigman shipping or citizenry. You nattering wenches have made your point, now scurry along and allow your betters to conduct serious business.
For now, I have authorized the injection of Panteran economic stimuli into the Sigman coffers. Any lost trade revenue or other ill effects caused by the embargos of these fool nations will be countered and annihilated by Panteran funds and opportunities.
It is the right of any leader to ensure stability in his own nation. While we might have dealt with this matter with a little more delicacy, it is not for anyone in Pantera to question the methods of General Snowlander and his staff. Nor is it for useless chaff such as Praetoria, Azazia, or any of these sadass little excuses for nations to question.
Civil disobedience is still disobedience, and allowing such nonsense to continue unpunished will only send a nation down the road to disaster.
Dayne the Evenstar
Lord Reaver of Pantera
Drag the Waters of War
19-06-2005, 00:45
OOC: Geez! A guy having a postcount of more than 2k just quoted my IC-statement! I feel like real writer :D
EDIT: Crap! I had a weird feeling I had heard it before, but as I couldn't recognize where, I thought I just made it by myself... :rolleyes: Must have been years since I read that article...
OOC: Geez! A guy having a postcount of more than 2k just quoted my IC-statement! I feel like real writer :D
OOC: My leaders have been fans of that saying since I bought the t-shirt from Maddox. :) Sorry for the OOC, Sig.... /
EDIT: Not Crim, but Sig.... *shakes head*
The policy of the United Kingdom is not to interfere with any merchant ship flying under the Sigman flag unless it violates our sovereign waters; and as there being no prior trade contacts between the Sigman and Azazian people such contacts are especially unlikely given the current situation. The decision by Prime Minister Tetley, the whole of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, and our esteemed colleagues in Praetonia signifies the realization of the world body that such atrocious actions against civilian populations ought not to be tolerated.
The policies of all governments, when made within the viewing of the public, become public knowledge and thus public concern when said policies so recklessly endanger human lives; lives that respectable nations understand to be held paramount in our collective service to them. While the United Kingdom will not in any way shape or form attempt to directly violate the sovereignty of General Snowlanders’ government, we in the Kingdom cannot stand by in idle silence while thousands die in screams of agony and pain.
Lastly, civil disobedience is rightly recognized by all parties in these discussions to be just that, disobedience. However, more often than not civil disobedience points out real injustices in systems of government in such a fashion that does not cause real harm to any individuals. Throughout the long history of the United Kingdom civil disobedience by the offended population has served to remind this government of inequities inherent in not only our social environment, but also our political establishment. If not for such protests, the UK would be no more respectable than those who use second-class citizens or even slaves for their dirty work or who treat the populations they’ve sworn to protect as mere chattel to be discarded when inconvenient. This government makes it a point to support such protests and their points of view, and will continue to do so in the interests of freedom and democracy for all people. For in the end, we are all brothers and sisters who must learn to co-inhabit this world despite its diversity.
Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sigma Octavus
19-06-2005, 04:00
Your sanction will be respected, and all Sigman ships are being ordered to go nowhere near the waters of those involved in the sanction. But I must stress that if any of these ships are touched in international waters, and a strong link is made to any involved party, that swift retribution shall be had.
Representative Michael Karov
Stand-in for General Snowlander
(OOC: My first sanction...I knew it would happen on my current path with the nation.)