18-06-2005, 02:10
After days of agressive protesting by pro-freedom protestors The Adamistaan founder and leader Adam m. Tucker has declared a state of martial law.
As so ordered by the leader all civillian cought out on the street after 9 PM at night will be forcfully took home and fined fifty Adamistaani credits. After further anger from the groups there was a attempt on the government seat but power was kept by Adamistaani secret police ESSF(Elite State Security force) A crack force of very technologicly up to date who number a little over one-thosand. A battle ensued on outward of the Goverment building and eventually the crowds disperced.
The pro-freedom protestors finally took it to another level when they attempted to assasinate the leader but the attempt was botched up, in a fit of anger the Adamistaani leader ordered the tightening of the Civil rights and Nationalized ALL television, newspapers and radio stations. Later he banned all anti Government litreture and soon began to keep a close eye on his small civillian population.
Will any other contries act against these abuses of the peoples Human Rights?
OOC:Remember Its a small country if you opt for a war please dont use the full force of your army:P
As so ordered by the leader all civillian cought out on the street after 9 PM at night will be forcfully took home and fined fifty Adamistaani credits. After further anger from the groups there was a attempt on the government seat but power was kept by Adamistaani secret police ESSF(Elite State Security force) A crack force of very technologicly up to date who number a little over one-thosand. A battle ensued on outward of the Goverment building and eventually the crowds disperced.
The pro-freedom protestors finally took it to another level when they attempted to assasinate the leader but the attempt was botched up, in a fit of anger the Adamistaani leader ordered the tightening of the Civil rights and Nationalized ALL television, newspapers and radio stations. Later he banned all anti Government litreture and soon began to keep a close eye on his small civillian population.
Will any other contries act against these abuses of the peoples Human Rights?
OOC:Remember Its a small country if you opt for a war please dont use the full force of your army:P