NationStates Jolt Archive

The Beachead (Open R.P)

Kings Royal Hussars
08-06-2005, 20:27
This is the Story of Sergeant Leod, Recon, X company, 116th Fusilliers, KIngs Royal Hussars.

'Sh*t' Murmurred Leod under his breath, his unit were pinned down, under heavy small arms fire, including a suspected 3 inch mortar, and less than 50 yds from the enemy fire base.

Desperately he racked his brains, thinking back to his training, what could he do? His usually 5 man squad ( 1 gunner, assistant gunner, rifleman, radio op and himself) was 1 man down and they were despearately running low on everything ; ammo, water, food etc.

He rolled over, his heavy field grey combat jacket and bergen dragging in the thick mud next to the rotting log. A series of rounds thudded into the hollw log. It was going to break, and soon. He needed to move.

"CHARLIE FIRE TEAM! PEPPERPOT ON MY WORD" Leod bellowed over the cacophony of destruction.
"ROGER THAT" Screamed his second i.c, Corporal Sam Fletcher, as he did so, the corporal relayed te orders to his back up, the assistant gunner/spotter L/cpl Ted Smith.

Leod looked back and readied his radio op for action, L/cpl Padley was a fine soldier, and an even better radio op, leod was proud to have him on his team. Everyone in his handpicked team was L/cpl or above, they were the best X Company had to offer, and that was saying something.

"ROGER THAT" Came the answer of the corporal.
"MOVE" Leod screamed, as he heaved himself up and unleashed a hail of lead from his Macharius Pattern Recon Bolter. The bolter kicked back heavily into his supple shoulder joint, sending a shot of pain up his back (he had injured it several weeks earllier whilst scaling a cliff on maneuvers). He glanced back, Padley was firing like there was no tommorow.

Suddenly there was a cry ;
There was a screeching whine of an incoming mortar projectile, and then an earsplitting crash it landed yards from Leod. THen the small arms fire started up again.
Leod struggled to calm his shattered mind.
"D-d-DELTA TEAM READY" He eventually blurted out.
"MOVE" Came the corporals scream once more.

Up he got, dragging himself forwardswatching his comrade and friend Fletcher fire a devasting burst from his Solar pattern light support weapon.
Leod thought, they can see me they can see me, I'm down safe, as he ran towards a fallen tree and dived for cover, another split second and he would have been dead, as another mortar round landed close by.

"DELTA TEAM DOWN" He stuttered.
"ROGER THAT" Acknowledged fletcher.
With that he picked the pin off one of his concussion grenades and lobbed it through the air towards the enemy.
The Kraven Corporation
08-06-2005, 20:55
(OOC - Wondering if i could join in? any room for the Capitol police? i could defend the beach head if you wish?)
Kings Royal Hussars
09-06-2005, 16:15
(ooc sure)
Kings Royal Hussars
09-06-2005, 16:26
Now that the fighting had died down Leod didnt have to shout.
"Okay men, all round defence, Padley get the fething radio working, stat!" He croaked, his voice was wrecked after the immense firefight. It had been a close call but he and his men had pulled through. Just.

The men lay sprawled in the dust, covering each other in their arcs of fire. All round defence.
With a crackle of the sparks and radio static, the shortwave radio burst into life.
"This is Recon section Alpha, come in"Padley calmed said into the mic.
No reply.
"I repeat this is Recon section Alpha, come in"He said, with a hint of desperation in his voice.
"This is freaking Broadsword task force, keep it down, the C.O is trying to sleep!" Crackled a reply.
"Jesus! The C.O sleeps through the opening of the greatest invasion our world has ever seen!!"Murmurred Padley hoarsely.
"Recon section Alpha, confirm, all enemy units in retreat?"Said the unusually calm voice of the opposite radio op.
"Affirmative, all enemy units withdrawing, possible regrouping south of the L'ern bridge." Replied Padley.
"Numbers?"Enquired the voice.
"Not known, thought to be in region of 3000, they are veterans." Said Padley.
"Okay."The voice seemed to be thinking "Safe enough to bring in Capitol Police to secure beachead?"
Padley thought. "Affirmative, get them down here soon."
"Will do, over and out" Concluded the oppo radio op.
Snake Eaters
09-06-2005, 16:30
OOC: Any way I can be involved in this?
Kings Royal Hussars
10-06-2005, 16:57
Ooc- Sure, be enemy is you want, you go next
Snake Eaters
10-06-2005, 17:57
OOC: Q: Do you know how big a bolter is?

Captain Marcos Kurn surveyed the list his lieutenant had just handed to him, and uttered a curse too explictive to write down,"Great... f***kin perfect. The Hussar forces land on the beaches, and we still get forced back... still, this is the only bridge left. Lieutenant!"

Another one ran up, saluting the captain,"Yessir?"

"Get the units regrouped on the other side. Put the remaining armour someway back, close enough to provide support, but not close enough to be in any real danger of being hit. Then rig the bridge. Secure the positions!"


Kurn looked back over his shoulder towards the beach, at the smoking remains of his bunker, and then grunted as he slung the pulse rifle over his shoulder. He ran with his men back towards the only remaining bridge. Thirty feet long and twelve feet wide, it could support the Challenger Mk 2E's at his disposal... goddamn artillery had destroyed half of them already.


Sergeant Keni Price hunkered down, his pulse rifle in his hands pointing over the river towards the opposite shore. The Black Angel Battalion, almost 3000 in numbers, was hunkered down, and waiting for the Hussar advance. Advancing right into the teeth of the waiting Snake forces.

The charges were set. Nearly half a kilo of Semtex was laid and primed, along with Claymore mines and a number of .50 GPMG's were set up. The armour was further back. In all... it was going to be a tough fit.

Thank Leviathan for this trench system! thought Price, as he looked out the bunker window. Built for just such an eventuality, it was designed to repel enemy forces that broke through the formidible beach defences. Now... it was all they had left. And now they had to rely on it to hold out, at least until reinforcements could arrive, but intial calls said they were at least an hour away at best
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 09:21
Leod was amazed. His was sure his army was the best in the world.
It had been less than an hour since the beachead had been secured, and already reinforcements were flowing steadily inland, at an average of 500 tonnes and 300 personnel an hour. Remarkable!

But yet the enemy were still out there lurking. Leod knew that he and his team would be sent out to find them, probably hunkered down in an ambush somewhere he thought to himself.

"Alpha Section, Mount up" He half shouted half sang as he clambered up onto the back of their L.A.V Mk III Recon vehicle. For this mission they had borrowed two drivers from the 54th Hussarian Armoured Corps. They weren't happy to be dragged away from their beloved chariots of steel, but the small, weedily protected L.A.V would have to do.

As the vehicle reached the last known spot where the enemy had been sighted, they dismounted, all except the drivers who set about camming up their vehicle, and spread out in to the extended file formation. Without a word the formation started steadily moving forwards, picking its way through the shrub and woodland. The crest of a hill was approaching, and so as not to skyline himself and his men, the hand signal went out and the section went down into leopard crawl. Inche by inche, checking for traps, the men moved forwards cautiously.
"My god!" Padley breathed, as he started to key co-ordinates into his short wave device.
"They must have a whole fething infantry battlaion down there, completely dug in, and jesus, a dozen Challenger IIe heavy tanks, christ thank god we found them, think of the mess they would make if they ambushe dus!"
"Padley, radio base and tell them the the bridge L'ern looks like its about to be blown, oh and tell them that the enemy havent gone, theyve got a fething infantry battlaion and armour support." Whispered Leod
"Already on it" Smiled Padley.

"Err Sarn't" Said Padley uneasily.
"What is it Padley" As he took away his binoculars from his battle scarred face.
"H.Q wants us to disable the demo charges, now." Padley looked faint.
"Feth" Murmurred Leod "What do you think Sam?"
"I think we follow orders and don't think" Grinned Fletcher.
"Okay then, you guys check your kit while me and Sam go over a plan, We go in ten minutes."
11-06-2005, 10:14
Is there any more room in here? I'm aching for a little fun and it doesn't matter what the role is.

~ Romandeos.
Dostanuot Loj
11-06-2005, 10:59
OOC: I'd be happy to assist your taking the beach with some Marines, if you'd like.
My Marines never get to do anything anymore.
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 12:54
ooc--Sure Romanedos, choose your role and get typing.
Other guy, the beach is already taken though you could go behind enemy lines?
11-06-2005, 12:55
I'm not totally sure of things here, so I'll ask to be on the safe side. Would it be possible for me to work alongside Snake Eaters?

~ Romandeos.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 12:57
OOC: Rom., some help would be useful
IC statement to come later
11-06-2005, 13:00
OOC: Rom., some help would be useful
IC statement to come later

I'll see what I can do for you, then. How does a small force of Marines sound? I'd have a Royal Army Cavalry Lance/Troop come in, but my military is still building its industrial capacity and has no tank forces to speak of.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 13:02
OOC: Marines to go behind his lines with SHADOW forces (My most elite spec.ops unit) would be great
11-06-2005, 13:05
OOC: Marines to go behind his lines with SHADOW forces (My most elite spec.ops unit) would be great

I guess I'll be your rienforcements then. My next post in this thread will include an IC statement!
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 13:11
Leod was amazed. His was sure his army was the best in the world.
It had been less than an hour since the beachead had been secured, and already reinforcements were flowing steadily inland, at an average of 500 tonnes and 300 personnel an hour. Remarkable!

But yet the enemy were still out there lurking. Leod knew that he and his team would be sent out to find them, probably hunkered down in an ambush somewhere he thought to himself.

"Alpha Section, Mount up" He half shouted half sang as he clambered up onto the back of their L.A.V Mk III Recon vehicle. For this mission they had borrowed two drivers from the 54th Hussarian Armoured Corps. They weren't happy to be dragged away from their beloved chariots of steel, but the small, weedily protected L.A.V would have to do.

As the vehicle reached the last known spot where the enemy had been sighted, they dismounted, all except the drivers who set about camming up their vehicle, and spread out in to the extended file formation. Without a word the formation started steadily moving forwards, picking its way through the shrub and woodland. The crest of a hill was approaching, and so as not to skyline himself and his men, the hand signal went out and the section went down into leopard crawl. Inche by inche, checking for traps, the men moved forwards cautiously.
"My god!" Padley breathed, as he started to key co-ordinates into his short wave device.
"They must have a whole fething infantry battlaion down there, completely dug in, and jesus, a dozen Challenger IIe heavy tanks, christ thank god we found them, think of the mess they would make if they ambushe dus!"
"Padley, radio base and tell them the the bridge L'ern looks like its about to be blown, oh and tell them that the enemy havent gone, theyve got a fething infantry battlaion and armour support." Whispered Leod
"Already on it" Smiled Padley.

"Err Sarn't" Said Padley uneasily.
"What is it Padley" As he took away his binoculars from his battle scarred face.
"H.Q wants us to disable the demo charges, now." Padley looked faint.
"Feth" Murmurred Leod "What do you think Sam?"
"I think we follow orders and don't think" Grinned Fletcher.
"Okay then, you guys check your kit while me and Sam go over a plan, We go in ten minutes."

Kurn watched through his binoculars at the ridge leading down to the bridge. He knew they'd be coming, but he wasn't sure when. No matter, the main demo charge was placed in the centre of the bridge, in plain sight of the snipers and GPMG's. Trying to disable it would be a fools errand. Semtex was able to be bombed, shot, burned, beaten... and it still wouldn't explode without the proper radio frequency. He sat back down in the command post, and removed his Kevlar/Titanium helmet, standard Snake Eater issue. His camoflague pulse rifle lay next to him, the top-mounted red-dot sight off for the moment, the SUSAT sight mounted above it, the flashlight clipped to the side.

He glanced at his watch, and snorted,"Three hours... how can it take you three hours to advance one klick? Unbelivable"
11-06-2005, 13:45
Lieutenant Donagh McGuire of the Romandeosian Royal Navy Infantry Corps, known as Romandeosian Marines from time to time, grunted as he struggled to keep up a high pace in order to reach his objective as soon as possible. He had his orders: To support the force in the area not too far ahead of him that was holding a bridge. The Black Angel Battalion, his orders had said. Their name didn’t really matter too much to him, nor their objectives, important as they might be. He was just going to follow his orders, which involved taking his Company to their position with all possible speed and helping them out.

He knew for a fact that Dragon Company of the Sixth Commando was ready for this task. He looked around at his Tactical HQ. His XO, Lieutenant JG Holly Saunders was moving in close proximity to him, hanging back just a little. Sergeant Major Rory McMillan ran a little bit off to his other side, staying as close as possible to his CO. His signalers kept the least distance of all between the two senior officers of the force, one near McGuire, while his fellow stayed close to Saunders. A pair of riflemen ran behind him. Another two men, his scout/sniper team, ran slightly ahead of him. He ticked of the rest of his force in mind.

Weapons Platoon (1 Officer, 56 Other Ranks)

Platoon HQ (1 Officer, 4 OR)
The HQ of the Weapons Platoon consists of the Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant, two signalers and a medic.

Mortar Section (14 ORs)
Section Leader, SAW gunner for local area security, three Medium 81mm mortars with four-man crews. Each team has a gunner, loader, and two assistant loaders equipped with a standard AR in addition to their mortar.

Anti-Tank Section (19 ORs)
Section Leader, six AT Rocket teams with three-man crews. Crews carry the standard AR in addition to their ATRs.

Machinegun Section (19 OR)
Section Leader, six SAWs with three-man crews. Two crewmen in each team carry the standard AR.

3 x Rifle Platoons (1 Officer, 41 Other Ranks each)

Platoon HQ (1 Officer, 5 ORs)
A rifle platoon HQ consists of the Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant, pathfinder, signaler, and a medic team with a medic and an assistant medic.

3 x Rifle Squads (12 ORs each)
Fire team: squad leader, 2 riflemen with IAVR, SAW gunner
Fire team: team leader, 2 riflemen with IAVR, SAW gunner
Fire team: team leader, 2 riflemen with IAVR, SAW gunner.

In addition to the regular forces of his company, he had two squads of Combat Engineers.

He took a moment to look down at his watch. They were hours behind the initially planned schedule. Damn. The commander of the force they were heading to support was surely going to be pissed off about that. Looking ahead, he saw that they were almost there.

OOC: Let me know if there is something wrong with this.
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 14:31
"Keep it down back there!!"Leod shot a hasty warning at the rear members of his section. Padley was struggling with his heavy radio and was making a lot of noise.
The stop hand signal was passed out.
"Padley, you and Smith stay here with the LSW. Keep mine and sams hides covered, we get killed, radio H.Q for fighter-bomber support. We get in trouble shoot the trouble makers. You know the drill." Growled Leod, they were now less than 100yds from the first enemy gun position, and within earshot, atop a densely covered rocky outcrop.

As Leod leopard crawled slowly and cautiously forawrd through the scrub, he thought he saw the glint of a muzzle on the other side of the valley pointing at him. He stopped, nothing happened, he moved on.

As he reached the very edge of the bridge he took a breather and looked back at Sam.
"I think I see a bomb at the other end of the bridge, semtex?" Whispered leod.
"Affirmative" replied Sam " What do we do now, if we go across we'll either fall, or get shot to pieces, or both!"
"I don't know, we need a distraction." Sighed leod.
He prised open his webbing and talked into his walkie talkie.

RATATATATATATATATATATATA Smith opened up on the L.S.W whilst Padley fired flares at the opposite end of the bridge.
Padley then looked down at where Leod had been. He wasn't there anymore. Now he was swallowed up in the shadows of the immense struts.
As Padleys mind wandered he noticed tracer fire floating lasily acorss the valley at him, and it seemed to accelerate as it smacked into the dirt all around him.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 14:34
OOC: Nothing wrong. I'm altering my force set-up, so pay attention to it, it is true of this thread from here on in

Black Angel Battalion
In Snake Eaters, a Battalion consists of three Companies, which in turn consist of three Platoons plus additional support.

The set up is:
Platoon: Consists of three Sections (8 men, divided into two fireteams; Charlie and Delta) and a HQ section (Lieutenant + communication staff etc)

Each section consists of: Scout (Rifleman), I/C (commonly a Corporal), Rifleman, Support Gunner, Rifleman, 2I/C (commonly a Lance Corporal), Support Gunner, Rifleman.

Charlie Fireteam
Delta Fireteam

The riflemen are carrying the Mk X Pulse Rifle, capable of firing fifty shots per power cell and accurate to a range of 350 metres. The Support Gunners are carrying M249 SAW's, using beltfeeds as opposed to magazines. The Rifleman directly behind the I/C carries the section radio.

Each Platoon is thirty men strong. All carry the LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon) 75 and a selection of grenades, including fragmentation and stun. Sidearms are the H&K USP Tactical, chambered in .45

Company: Each Company consists of three Platoons and the required additional support. Each one is 150 men strong at optimum capacity. This is:

Three Platoons (90 men)
Mortar Section (20 men, subdivided into teams of four, using 81 mm mortars)
Sniper Section (20 men, subdivided into teams of two, using the Accuracy International L96 7.62 mm sniper rifle, supported by the L86 5.56 LSW (Light Support Weapon)
HQ Section (20 men): Contains the CO for the company (commonly a captain) along with medics, communication experts etc)

Battalion: This consists of three Companies, along with a HQ unit, heavy support and armour support. Each, at optimum fighting strength, consists of a total of 500 men, 25 armour units, and 20 artillery units;

Armour: Challenger Mk 2E, fitted with the L30 120mm main gun
Artillery: AS-90 Bravehearts, fitted with 155mm self-propelled howizters

The Heavy Support consists of five .50 GPMG's, crewed by two men each.

The HQ section consists of 40 men, including the Major and his support staff.

As of now, Marcos Kurn is a Major.

((Oh, and all of my men are on my side of the bridge. So, you haven't killed anyone. Nor have you been fired upon. You would have to get onto the bridge itself, by the struts on the road, to get to the Semtex. Then, you would have been shot at. not before. Fix it, or I'm not posting IC.))
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 14:51
Ooc- Stands like standard British Army set up to me hehe!

Well heres mine
the Invasion force consists of: 2 Battalions of 116th Fusilliers.
2 Battalions of 200th Fusilliers.
1 Battalion of 34th Commando Brigade
1 Battalion of 54th Hussarian Armoured Corps.

Infantry Battalion :

4 Companies : 2 Rifle, 1 Support, 1 H.Q, 1 Advanced Recon Section.

Rifle Company: 2 Rifle Platioons, 1 H.Q

Rifle Platoon: 3 Sections of 8 men ( 1 section with officer) Section : Charlie team; I.C, Signalman, Rifleman, Rifleman. Delta team; 2 I.C, Gunner (with lsw), Gunner (with lsw), Rifleman

Recon Section : I.C, Sniper/Rifleman/2 I.C, Signalman, Gunner, Gunner

Commander of Invasion Division (120th Seaborne Raiders) is Brigadier General Phillip Tundrell.

Armour is Challenger II (same as Snake Eater armour) and heavy artillery consists of one 200mm Groundshaker Gun and several 160mm Howitzers.

Air support is two squadrons of Volpsort Hunter-Killer aircraft and one squadron of Med E-Vac chinooks.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 14:55
OOC: It is. Sort your other problems like I asked, and then I will post an IC statement
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 14:56
Ooc-That better
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 15:10
OOC: Much

IC: The sniper watched through his 6x42 Schmidt & Bender scope, watching the bridge. He saw movement, and brought his eyes back to where it was. Yes... there was definatley something there, moving slowly towards the dummy bomb. He smiled, and applied more trigger pressure... his breathing steadied, and fired a warning shot. It pinged off the metalwork near the figure, and he smiled,'Perfect'

Major Kurn looked at the communique in his hand:Hold Bridge. Destroy if neccesery. Reinforcements on the way.

He snorted once more, trying to clear his nose of the dust,"Where are those goddamn reinforcements!"
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 17:57
"Feth what was that Leod!" Squealed Fletcher as sparks erupted next to him froma round that had nearly cost him his life.
"A sniper!"Shouted leod, "Move forward a bit, I'll look for a muzzle flash"
"But hell kill me!" Protested Fletcher.
"Remember we're paid to follow orders now move" Growled Leod.

Fletcher edged forward, and sure enoguh another round smacked into the metal.
"Next time he'll be shooting to kill Leod, you're crazy!" Screamed Fletcher, clinging onto the bare metal for dear life.
"There won't be another time, I see him" Smiled Leod " Up there, you see, that bush, next to the pine, thats him!"
"You sure" Questioned Fletcher.
"Of course, now, don't move, I'll tell Padley his position lets see what an L.S.W can do to a dangerous bush eh?" Snorted Leod.

A few seconds later a volley of shots screamed from Padley across into the bush tearing it into pieces.
"Fething hell" Screamed Padley into the Walkie Talkie to Leod " We can'y hold out much more, we need support!"
"Hmm I understand, lets see if we can't get that L.A.V up here, I'm sure that 40mm Cannon could come in handy!" Considered Leod.
"Okay, I'm radioing it in now." Confirmed Padley.

"We got word from Leod" Said the driver of L.A.V as he poked his head out through the vision slit to talk to his gunner.
"And?" The gunner enquired.
"WE gotta go save their asses"Said the Driver.
"Pshhh" Sighed the Gunner " Once again the cavalry saves the day"
And with that the Driver gunned the engine and they roared off towards the co-ordinates Padley had supplied them with..
Padley prayed they would'nt be late.
Dostanuot Loj
11-06-2005, 17:58
OOC: Well, I'll send in forces to reenforce you on the beach and move farther inland then.
I can proudly provided armoured units, our tanks and their crews are among the best around.
I'll edit my forces deployed and Order of Battle (as you guys have shown) in this post shortly, when I decide who to send.

EDIT: (1RM4L3M7A19) 19th Marine Armoured Regiment
- A Company
- Armoured Platoon (18 MCA-6C Tanks)
- Mechanized Infantry Platoon (6 MIV-15 IFV's, 36 Infantry)
- Mechanized Infantry Platoon (6 MIV-15 IFV's, 36 Infantry)
- B Company
- Medium Artillery Platoon (9 MAAV-6 150mm SP Artillery)
- Medium Air Defense Platoon (18x ADVW-6)
- Air Assault Attack Helicopter Platoon (9 FAH-2S Attack Helicopters)
- C Company
- Integrated Supply Platoon
- Integrated Maintenence Platoon
- Integrated Maintenence Platoon

The whole Regiment will be led by Captian Laliya.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 18:06
"Feth what was that Leod!" Squealed Fletcher as sparks erupted next to him froma round that had nearly cost him his life.
"A sniper!"Shouted leod, "Move forward a bit, I'll look for a muzzle flash"
"But hell kill me!" Protested Fletcher.
"Remember we're paid to follow orders now move" Growled Leod.

Fletcher edged forward, and sure enoguh another round smacked into the metal.
"Next time he'll be shooting to kill Leod, you're crazy!" Screamed Fletcher, clinging onto the bare metal for dear life.
"There won't be another time, I see him" Smiled Leod " Up there, you see, that bush, next to the pine, thats him!"
"You sure" Questioned Fletcher.
"Of course, now, don't move, I'll tell Padley his position lets see what an L.S.W can do to a dangerous bush eh?" Snorted Leod.

A few seconds later a volley of shots screamed from Padley across into the bush tearing it into pieces.
"Fething hell" Screamed Padley into the Walkie Talkie to Leod " We can'y hold out much more, we need support!"
"Hmm I understand, lets see if we can't get that L.A.V up here, I'm sure that 40mm Cannon could come in handy!" Considered Leod.
"Okay, I'm radioing it in now." Confirmed Padley.

"We got word from Leod" Said the driver of L.A.V as he poked his head out through the vision slit to talk to his gunner.
"And?" The gunner enquired.
"WE gotta go save their asses"Said the Driver.
"Pshhh" Sighed the Gunner " Once again the cavalry saves the day"
And with that the Driver gunned the engine and they roared off towards the co-ordinates Padley had supplied them with..
Padley prayed they would'nt be late.

What Padley hadn't factored in was the first rule of snipers: 'Shoot and Move' The bush was tore to shreds, no doubt, but there was no sniper behind it. Instead, his partner raked the bridge with LSW fire, whilst the sniper himself fired at Padley. He smiled, and began to move once more, retreating back into his own lines...

The bridge was in full sight of a GPMG post, two of them in fact. The gunner smiled, and cocked the weapon in front of him. The sound was ominious,"Freeze where you are, or we'll open fire!"
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 18:29
Padley went spiralling backwards, a fountain of blood kept gushing from his chest. He sat up.
"Feth what the hell was--" He got hit again.
This time he didn't get back up.
"Sh*t" Smith, and stopped shooting.

"Padley, come in damn it!" Smith picked up the walkie talkie and pressed the talk key.
"He's d-dead sarn't, sniper. Twice. What do I do."
"Keep shooting, keep your ass down and head even lower, ya hear?"leod tried to joke.
"Okay. The L.A.V should be arriving soon, do you want to withdraw?"Asked Smith.
"yes, this is slaughter, we need to move, we're stuck in plain view of an M.G nest. Cover us Smith, we're relying on you, over." The walkie talkie snapped dead.

Smith screamed and pured round after round over the bridge at the M.G nest, if it wasn't killing anyone, it was certainly shaking them!
But it worked, nobody seemed to be shooting, and Smith observed Leod and Fletcher emerge from the gloom of the struts and sprint towards the nearest cover. But then leod went down! It was strange, there was no blood spray.Then he got up, Feth , thought smith, he only tripped, Jesus what if he doesnt make it back!!.

Bullets were kicking up a trail of snad at Fletchers feet. He looked round.
Leod was lagging behind badly.
"Ive sprained my ankle!" Shouted Leod over the din of the guns.
"I'll csarry you come on!!" As Fletcher sprinted to him, hoisted him up and dragged him over to behind a rock.

The L.A.V rushed around the corner, bullets richocheting off its light armour, then its cannon opened up and half of the din seemed to stop.

It pulled up beside Fletcher, the back door flung open as the driver flicked the emergency disembarkation switch.
"IN NOW!!"He barked.
Fletcher manhandled Leod into the back and closed the door.
He caught his Breath, Thank god, Thank fething God.

"Smith!" Leod shouted dow the walkie talkie.
"S-Sarnt, Im hit, Im hit real bad!" He was crying.
"Calm down we're coming to get you soon, hang on for 1 minute, find some cover."

There was a screech of tires as the L.A.V parked at the top of the ridge, and the turret moved round to fire on the bridge.
WUMPA WUMPA WUMPA. The noise was immense.
Fletcher scrambled out the back and hauled Smith.
"You done well." Whispered Fletcher, tears welling up. "Well"

Smith's stomach was smoking with a number of bullet craters in it, there was green fuid flowing from it.
His legs were shorn and ragged.

"Driver get us out of here!!"Screamed Leod.
"Get us back to the beachead, we need urgent medical attention.
"Its gonna be okay son, okay"
Smith began to moan, hsi eyes were rolling up inside his head.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 18:55
Kurn stared at what happened. Two nests destoryed by cannon fire, and the shrapnel had wounded some more men. It was for keeps. Forcing this recon unit back only meant that they would be returning with even more force,"Captain Frasier, do you have that situation report?"

"Yessir, right here"

Frasier handed the Major a clipboard with a few sheets of paper attached to it. Kurn looked across it, then back at Frasier,"Have you read this Captain?2

"Sir, the orders were to deliever it straight to you..."

"Did. You. Read. It?"


"Then you are aware of the problems we are now facing?"


Kurn strode out of the command bunker, and ran his hand through his hair,"Captain, get High Command on the line, ask where the hell those reinforcements are."

*Five minutes later*
"Yes, I understand that Sir but... No Sir, we haven't incurred many losses... They will return Sir, and without those reinforcements I can't guarantee that I will be able to hold this position much longer... Yessir, I'll do all I can. Thank you Colonel."

Major Kurn hung up the field telephone, and looked at one of the radiomen in the bunker,"Inform the artillery that they are to open fire on the beaches. Constant shelling, we've got to do as much damage as we can."

On the beaches, there was a whistling, followed by a massive explosion, sending sand and grit everywhere, no doubt harming men in the process. This was followed quickly by another, and then another. It was a bombardment... one that showed no sign of slowing anytime soon
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 19:04
"Leod, you have failed." Growled Phillips.
"With all due respect sir, if we had not pulled out then we would be here now, and sir----" Started Leod.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. A shattering explosion penetrated the still night sky.
"Feth leod, get the hell out of my sight, get back tot that bridge, take who you god-damned want just take the bridge!" Snarled Phillips.
"Fine, but I want some Volstrop Bombers in first. Then I'm going in, and I'm taking an armoured squadron." Retorted and Clikked his heels, saluted and walked away.

As the tanks crossed the ridge they stopped. How the hell could anything be alive in that. It was blown to hell. And back.
The fly boys had done a good job.
Leod and his soldiers clambered down down off the back their tanks and started walking forwards.

Then the ruins came to life. Mortars, machine guns and snipers all firing at them.
Leod almost forgot he had a dozen tanks with him.
"Open fire!" He ordered as him and some rangers darted forwards towards the bridge and started clambering across the struts they had to reach the bomb.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 19:14
The trench system had held up well, minimal casualties among the Black Angels. Kurn stuck his head up over the parapat, and saw the rangers moving for the bridge. He clicked his radio on,"Demo, how long before they figure the bomb is a dummy?"

"I'd say five minutes under normal circumstances, but given the volume of pulse fire we're laying down, I'd say longer than that"

"Good, I take it the real stuff is..."

"Under the main metalled road, as ordered sir"

"Good*changes frequency*All armour units, open fire on the enemy armour!"

The booming thuds of the 120mm guns roared over the main volume of fire, shattering the earth on the far side. Dug in as they were, it would take a force like no other to force them from these ratruns. Snake Eaters had been preparing for possible invasion for many years... now that capital and investment was truly paying off.
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 19:59
"GROUNDSHAKER SUPPORT OVER" Screamed Challenger II Squadron leader, Major P.Bettle, as his tank rocked after scoring a direct hit on an enemy tnak that was now reduced to smouldering ruins.
"Groundshaker bombardment ready, open fire?" Asked the calm radio op.
"Of course you fething moron!" Screamed the tank commander into his radio.
The answer came in the form of a series of thunderous booms and a high, shrill, shriek of death as the shell exploded in a symphony of destruction, slap bang on the enemy bunker. Perfect, Bettle thought to himself, he bunker had shattered, no doubt it had been designed for a lot, but to withstand ten direct hits from 160mm artillery? He doubted that. But to make sure he called in 200mm support, and there was an earsplitting boom and split as the shell carried its deadly payload into the enemy.
"Target destroyed, well done, pick your targets, area is 5678, 9865, happy hunting, over and out".He praised the artillery's acuracy. He turned his attention back to the present situation and sent out a rolecall.
"This is ace of spades, role call, over."
"2 of spades check"
"3 of spades check"
"5 of spades check"
"6 of spades check"
"8 of spades check"
"Confirm, 4 and 7?" He queried.
"4 and 7 are down sir, 6 of spades."
"Ok, offensive plane delta, split into two groups of 3, 2+3 youre with me, Brightner, you take 6+8."
"Roger that"

Leod and his team had reached the dem charge just as the first tanks began to cross the bridge, supported by some of the mechanized infantry.
he brought his bomb specialist up to the bomb.
"Sarnt, its a dud" Sighed the soldier.
"Feth" he breathed " Check again, you sure?"
"Quite sure" He confirmed.
"Damn it, anyone see anything else?" he asked.
"Over there sarn't the other side of the bridge." Cried one of the Private Soldiers.
Sure enough, over by the opposite end of the bridge there was a large pack of explosives.
3 Tanks had already crossed the bridge and were fanning out and laying fire down into the enemy trenches, they were inflicting heavy losses. the enemy armour seemed to have disappeared.
Why? leod thought to himself.
Suddenly there was a burst of flame and one of the tanks brewed up.
"Okay we head to that other package and pray to god we make it in time" And they set off.
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 20:31
Meanwhile, at the beachead, the shells seemed to be falling with increasing intensity. Phillips guessed the fighting with leod must be getting worse.
He liked Leod really but he pushed his men hard, harder than many saw as safe.

But after all, like he always said, train hard, fight easy.
The shells, although normally now damaging much, occasionally landed somewhere of importance, in a comms tenet or on a series of foxholes.
A runner had just reached Phillips.
"Damage report sir!" He panted
" Go ahead soldier" he replied
"Sir, one LCA, 20 men, 1 Officer, and a L.A.V, sir men are digging in in the fringe of the forest, sir trees are being felled to prevent tree bursts sir. Any orders sir?" The private breathed.
"Have all officers from B Company 34th Commando's report to me, and Med E-Vac too, oh and a squadron fighters."
"Just do it soldier or I'll have you on a charge."
"Sir" He sprinted off.

Phillips was going to plant 2 compnays and a squadron of L.A.V's behind enemy lines, hoping to cut off any hope of retreat or reinforcement.

**Ten minutes later**

"Get this landing zone fortified and sent out some L.A.V's to scout out the enemy reinforcements." Barked Major Smith, a veteran of many wars.
"Yessir" The corporal ran off and within minutes the L.A.vs were off and trenches and foxholes were being dug.
"We move at first contact" He told himself.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 20:34
The bunker had contained a few men, but mostly it was an ammo dump, explaining the overly impressive explosion. However, the subsesequent artillery strike had wrecked havoc among the Snake lines. Still they held, and fought. Kurn smiled,"Detonate the bridge charges, cut off the groups"

And detonate they did. The bridgework collapsed into the fast flowing river, taking men, tanks and weapons with them. The remaining ten Challengers opened fire on the three on their side of the river, reducing one to slag within seconds, it's Chobham armour unable to stand the repeated 120mm HEAT fire. Pulse rounds flew across the river, stiching into the enemy infantry. And finally, something to rejoice about. The screaming whine of an attacking A-10 filled the air, as it screamed from the sky, leaden death streaming from the Vulcan cannon. It was followed by three JDAM 1000lbs bombs detonating among the enmy troops. The Black Angels quickly gave praise to Leviathan for timely intervention, before returning to the task at hand: holding out until reinforcements arrive
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 20:48
Meanwhile, at the beachead, the shells seemed to be falling with increasing intensity. Phillips guessed the fighting with leod must be getting worse.
He liked Leod really but he pushed his men hard, harder than many saw as safe.

But after all, like he always said, train hard, fight easy.
The shells, although normally now damaging much, occasionally landed somewhere of importance, in a comms tenet or on a series of foxholes.
A runner had just reached Phillips.
"Damage report sir!" He panted
" Go ahead soldier" he replied
"Sir, one LCA, 20 men, 1 Officer, and a L.A.V, sir men are digging in in the fringe of the forest, sir trees are being felled to prevent tree bursts sir. Any orders sir?" The private breathed.
"Have all officers from B Company 34th Commando's report to me, and Med E-Vac too, oh and a squadron fighters."
"Just do it soldier or I'll have you on a charge."
"Sir" He sprinted off.

Phillips was going to plant 2 compnays and a squadron of tanks behind enemy lines, hoping to cut off any hope of retreat or reinforcement.

**Ten minutes later**

"Get this landing zone fortified and sent out some L.A.V's to scout out the enemy reinforcements." Barked Major Smith, a veteran of many wars.
"Yessir" The corporal ran off and within minutes the L.A.vs were off and trenches and foxholes were being dug.
"We move at first contact" He told himself.

OOC: Care to explain exactly how you are going to land TANKS behind enemy lines? Infantry is understanbale, but trying to parachute drop tanks is a Godmod
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 20:54
Ooc: By tanks I mean L.A.V's, and they can be landed by chinooks, not parachuted, and that is what they have done, now I will specify that in the text.
Snake Eaters
11-06-2005, 21:01
OOC: Then be clear about it! If you're flying them in by heli, say so.
Kings Royal Hussars
11-06-2005, 21:10
OOC: I said I was using Med E-Vac (chinooks). But to make sure I will be clearer in future.

"Sir, we have located the enemy reinforcements, company strength, request for fighter cover and to attack" Queried the L.A.V commander.
"Permission granted, happy hunting"

Within minutes Volptors were roaring over the enemy reinforcements, cutting them down, the L.A.V's opened up with their 40mm cannons.
After a few seconds, few men were left standing.

"Seal off the Bridge" Ordered Phillips " Withdraw all Units, 24 hour Aerial and artillery bombardment commencing in 10 Minutes"
"Yes sir!!" Cried the runner.

Ace of Spades was the only tank left alive and was making its way, with its accompanying infantry, back to base, Leod was dead, killed in the blast.
It was a terrible loss, but one that could be afforded, the Snake Eaters were in for 24 hours of continous hell.
12-06-2005, 00:47
OOC: I said I was using Med E-Vac (chinooks). But to make sure I will be clearer in future.

"Sir, we have located the enemy reinforcements, company strength, request for fighter cover and to attack" Queried the L.A.V commander.
"Permission granted, happy hunting"

Within minutes Volptors were roaring over the enemy reinforcements, cutting them down, the L.A.V's opened up with their 40mm cannons.
After a few seconds, few men were left standing.

Excuse me? Were you referring to my troops? If you are, then determining damage to them from your attack is up to me. I apologize for not posting in here sooner, but it could not be helped. Besides, killing off my entire force is kind of silly in my opnion as it ruins all sorts of opportunities for all involved.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 09:10
ooc : No, I was referring just to a company sized group of reinforcements, not you. Sorry if I have cuased offence. Also, the force was not completely destroyed, it says few men were left standing does it not?
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 09:11
ooc : Are you going to post anything?
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 09:33
OOC: KRH, I'm getting to it. I only just got up
12-06-2005, 11:45
ooc : No, I was referring just to a company sized group of reinforcements, not you. Sorry if I have cuased offence. Also, the force was not completely destroyed, it says few men were left standing does it not?

I just got up, so I'll think on whether or not my company was the one hit. I'm not sure ATM. Maybe I'll roll dice.

By the way, before I forget, the Royal Navy Infantry Corps uses Army ranks for the enlisted men, but Navy for the officers. Lieutenant McGuire is equal to a Captain in most armies.

Edit: I also noticed a small error in the TO&E for Dragon Company, so I've fixed it. Instead of having two more 81mm mortars, Dragon Company has two squads of Combat Engineers, as the originaly post should have said.
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 13:14
OOC: Rom, just hurry up. I'm getting destroyed piecemeal here

Kurn ducked out of reflex rather than actually thinking about it as another shell screamed in and detonated on the roof of the bunker. Thank god for deep shelters he thought, as he stood up and brushed the dust off his front, before turning to one of his communciations officers,"Hows it going?"

"Not good, sir. They're jamming most frequencies, standard invasion practices"

"Have you tried the emergecency broadcast frequency, y'know, the one used by civilian passenger jets?"

"No sir... but it's worth a shot. It will take a few minutes to adjust the set though"

"Take your time, and get it right"

Kurn walked away, and Frasier came up to him,"Major, latest reports from the platoons. They're not good"

"And you need to tell me that? They've been shelling us for fourteen hours, I'm not surprised. Read them to me Captain"

"We've lost a total of twenty tanks, leaving us five. The artillery is unscathed, but we lost the remaining mortars, and a few GPMG's. Total losses of men, 150 confirmed."

Kurn swore,"That leaves us with three hundred and fifty men to hold a system that is designed to hold at least two thousand."

As Frasier turned to leave, the comms officer yelled otu excitedly,"Sir... I've got Major Daniels of the 2nd Coldstream... he says he's on the way, with three battalions sir. They suffered a commando style raid, wiping out a company of Green Jackets that were coming with them."

"How long should he be?"

"He'll be here before the day is out, so long as the convoy keeps moving at the pace it is now"

"Has he got any air support?"

"Yessir, a flight of Cobra-class fighter-bombers is in the air, followed by another flight of A-10 Warthogs"

"Excellent. Broadcast to all sections: They're coming, lads... they're coming to get us out!"
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 13:47
Phillips laughed with Glee. He had just receieved a urgent telegram from the Expeditionary Force H.Q :


The Snake eaters were surely beaten now for they would now feel thr true might of Hussarian power. Phillips now commanded 5 divisions, he would attack with 3 of the new ones he reasoned.

In the distance he could hear the groaning of transport planes, he got out of his tent, the sky was blackening with paratroop transports. He would attack in two hours, perhaps not with 3 divisions then, but outflank the snake eaters with the airborne lads and send half of his division in from the front.

"Private, get me the supreme gunnery office" Grunted Phillips.
" Yes sir" He disappeared into the cordite clouds.

5 Minutes later the gunnery officer stood before Phillips.
"Captain Schenk, you are to use all remaining ammunition for your guns in the next two hours, use every last round, I want that bridge saturated." He said.
"Sir, all the ammo? Thats madness, they'll be nothing left, we have about 500 rounds for ech gun left!" Exclaimed the Gunnery Officer.
"Do it! I will be coming round in exactly two hours to check all ammunition has been used."
"Yes sir" He clicked his heels, threw a hasty salute and jogged off to spread the news to his gun crews.
God help the poor b*stards, he thought to himself, they don't stand a chance.
If he knew that 2 squadrons of Tanks, an Entire Airborne division and 3 companies of infantry were then to descend upon the Snake eaters, he would probably balk.

After the fighting, Phillips thought to himself, I shall send in a squad of engineers and a company of men, we need to bridge that valley, we must press on, they've slowed us too much already. With that he spat and returned to his planning boards in the relative sanctity of his tent.
12-06-2005, 13:57

Lieutenant McGuire had ordered the whole of Dragon Company to take cover when what he recognized as the sound of artillery had filled his ears. Now they were deployed in line, hunkered down behind some line of hills, his Tactical HQ in the center with Able Platoon hiding from what could be an enemy attack. Baker Platoon did the same to their right and left of them was Charlie Platoon. Located slightly behind the three Rifle Platoons was his larger Weapons Platoon, otherwise known as Delta Platoon. Not too long after they had taken cover, the soldiers of Dragon Company were cursing their own stupidity. The artillery was falling at the battlefield, ahead of them.

McGuire decided he really ought to holler ahead at the soldiers he was trying to reinforce. Motioning one of his two signalers over, he grabbed the handset and twisted the knob that let him adjust the frequency until he was satisfied, and then listened for a few moments…

Nothing but static greeted him.

“Damn it all!” he cured loudly, tossing the handset back to the signaler. Either his comms had been damaged somehow, or there was some jamming going on, which was normal, at least that’s what they had told him during the briefing. He would just have to push on and hope things turned out okay. He sent the order down the line, and in a minute, his soldiers had all lifted themselves up from the ground and were on the move again. Within minutes his entire Company of Naval Infantry was coming up on the rear of the Snake positions.

“Here we are, folks!” he shouted as his unit finally arrived, and the word passed on down the line that they had made it.

OOC: I know, it sucks, but I didn’t get too much sleep last night. My apologies :). I'm logging off for now.
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 14:15
Phillips laughed with Glee. He had just receieved a urgent telegram from the Expeditionary Force H.Q :


The Snake eaters were surely beaten now for they would now feel thr true might of Hussarian power. Phillips now commanded 5 divisions, he would attack with 3 of the new ones he reasoned.

In the distance he could hear the groaning of transport planes, he got out of his tent, the sky was blackening with paratroop transports. He would attack in two hours, perhaps not with 3 divisions then, but outflank the snake eaters with the airborne lads and send half of his division in from the front.

"Private, get me the supreme gunnery office" Grunted Phillips.
" Yes sir" He disappeared into the cordite clouds.

5 Minutes later the gunnery officer stood before Phillips.
"Captain Schenk, you are to use all remaining ammunition for your guns in the next two hours, use every last round, I want that bridge saturated." He said.
"Sir, all the ammo? Thats madness, they'll be nothing left, we have about 500 rounds for ech gun left!" Exclaimed the Gunnery Officer.
"Do it! I will be coming round in exactly two hours to check all ammunition has been used."
"Yes sir" He clicked his heels, threw a hasty salute and jogged off to spread the news to his gun crews.
God help the poor b*stards, he thought to himself, they don't stand a chance.
If he knew that 2 squadrons of Tanks, an Entire Airborne division and 3 companies of infantry were then to descend upon the Snake eaters, he would probably balk.

After the fighting, Phillips thought to himself, I shall send in a squad of engineers and a company of men, we need to bridge that valley, we must press on, they've slowed us too much already. With that he spat and returned to his planning boards in the relative sanctity of his tent.

The fire had intensified hugely over the past hour as the remaining Black Angels limped out the trench system, trying to avoid the heavy fire. Major Kurn moved up to McGuire,"Lieutenant, I suggest you and your men start digging in. They are going to advance very soon... it's old tactics, try and beat us into submission using artillery, then advance en masse. Hails for the First World War"


Deep in the rear of the Snake Eater lines, forces were marshalling themselves for a desperate rearguard. This planet was, thankfully, not the main base of Snake Eaters, but was instead a colony of nearly 100,000 men, women and children. The forces deployed here to prevent the aggressors from destroying the city... even now frieghters were busy lifting the civilians away. But that was not all they were doing. But still these troops would fight, and wreck havoc on the enemy lines. They would be made to pay for every step they took on Snake Eater grounds, they would be made to shed every drop of blood they had in their putrid Hussarian veins to take this land.

Major Daniels had heard the immense explosions from the Hussarian artillery, and had ordered his own units to deploy quickly. Sending his own APC's forward, he ordered the men to advance,"With all haste, we must reach them before they are wiped out"

OOC: Spose now is the best time to tell you: I'm FT. Taking this area of land isn't going to bother me unduly.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 14:18
"Thats the last of the ammo, sir" Said Schenk.
"Good, okay the attack begins now" Phillips looked pleased with himself.

At the bridge site, the sound of tanks could be heard, and sure enough, at the Hussarian end, 40 tanks were steadily rolling forwards, supported by 2 Mortar Platoons that rushed to the nearest cover and set up their equipment.
The Machine gun platoons that had accompanied the tanks began to pepper the ruins of the opposite trench system with their withering fire.

"This is Ace of Spades, extended file along ridge, open fire on my command" Said Bettle into his Radio.
"This is Steel Chariot 1, command heard and understood." Confrimed Bettles now 2 I.C.

The tanks were now formed up and ready for battle, and on Bettle's word, a ripple of fire erupted, and dozens of shells were sent flying into the enemies lines.
Now the mortars added to the noise, the steady whoop and whine of their projectiles punctuating the battle-cannon and M.G dominated noise..
Still nothing stirred in the bridge site.
"Feth, they have more!" Exclaimed Bettle, as a thin column rose over at the opposite ridge and went to ground as they saw the fight ensuing below them.
"Ours or theirs?" He asked his Radio op, as he knew that the airborne lads were operating somewhere in the area.
"Theirs, I just heard it confirmed by the forward observer post." Commented the Radio op, heaving himself out of his cramped position to look at his well respected leader.
"Okay" He flicked on his tank-to-tank radio. " Steel chariot, take your squadron and divert fire to the company on the opposite ridge, confirm"
"Confirned over" The radio clicked dead.

A mile or so to the east, forward jeeps and L.A.V's of the Airborne (that had incidentally met up with the 34th commandos) were starting to turn the corner of the valley. Up ahead they could see the tell tale white and black smoke of action.
A radio call was made to the main group.

Ten minutes later 5 L.A.V's arrived at the jeep's position, and another ten after that, so did a company of mechanized paratroopers.
Without a further word being said they set off along the ridge, and arrived right on the enemies flank, on their side of the river, the cavalry had well and truly arrived and the snake eaters were surely doomed.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 14:20
Ooc : Sorry I am new to all this, what exaclty does F.T mean, could you give mea run down of all the jargon please?
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 14:31
OOC: Well and truly doomed? Don't you think you're GM'ing ever so slightly, and being melodramatic at the same time


"Contact LEFT!" roared Kurn, diving down to take a look. The terrain was crap, it was torn by shell holes and anything else. Looking behind him, he saw enemy fire tearing into the trench system,'Thank Leviathan we pulled out of there when we did... but now it looks as if we could be screwed to high heaven. We're gonna need a miracle to get out of this one"

The remaining Black Angels dived for cover, and then recieved a radio message,"All units, this is HQ. Fall back, I say again, Fall Back!"

They began to pepperpot backwards, taking whatever cover they could find as they retreated up the ridge, knowing full well what could happen to them. As they ran, the Hussarian forces shot them in the back, cowardly dogs that they were. So many fell to their deaths, having died to protect the unit. Kurn was among them. Captain Fraiser struggled to the top of the ridge, diving behind the nearest APC, spying the flag of the Coldstream flying from the turret. He heaved a sigh of relief, then activated his FM radio, tuning it to the battalion frequency,"All units, this is Romeo Four-One. Rome Four-Zero is KIA. I say again, Kurn is KIA. Regroup at the top with the Yankees, over"

He waited a moment, hearing confirmations as from many units. He counted... if his estimates were right, a whole company and a half had been wiped out. He took his helmet off, resting against the steel hull of the Warrior, and sobbed.


Atop the ridge, the company of Warrior opened up with 30mm RARDEN cannons, punching holes in the advancing enemy troops. Captain Thomas sat in the turret of his command Warrior, speaking with his commander,"Yessir, the Angels have been routed... losses are substantial. We'll collect the survivours, and return to the convoy, over"

"Roger that, Alpha Company Zero, out"
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 14:32
Ooc : Sorry I am new to all this, what exaclty does F.T mean, could you give mea run down of all the jargon please?

OOC: Future Tech. It basically means I control starships and such, and I also have territory on a number of planets. This is one such planet, so forcing me off is not too bad... but it's going to be damn difficult
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 14:47
Ooc : So the bridge site has been captured?

The L.A.V's from the airborne roared along the ridge at full pelt.
So many bodies littered the once green, but now syruppy red, grass.
Now and again a gunner would see a snake eater trying to run, and promptly cut them down in a hail of lead.
It had been a massacre, they hadn't stood a chance.
But the job had been done.
The Brdige site was secure, and now they could set about building a bridge and then moving in land, this defeat marked the end of effective resistance on the snake eater colony.

Bettle unscrewed his turret hatch and poked his head out.
The sight that greeted him was one of an apocalyptic scene.
Bodies were strewn all the way across the far bank.
casualties had been relatively light for the Hussarians, the late appearance of a 30mm Cannon toting company had inflicted a few losses amongst the mortar crews.
He peered through the putrid yellow fog of cordite fumes at the shattered enemy command post where some men had dismounted from their L.A.Vs and were raising the Hussarian flag amidst the ruins.
It may of been a slaughter, but Bettle felt pride well up in his chest, the world was now surely theres, below the ridge he could see that already the engineers were firing grappling guns at the opposite end of the bridge, they would lay planks across the cables, Bettle remembered, and then put in prefabricated supports.

Phillips clambered out of the A.P.C and strode forwards to the bridge. It was complete, and already Challenger II's were rolling across and setting up a new H.Q.
He got back into the A.P.C and he instructed his driver to roll slowly across the bridge.
Phillips marvelled. There was a whole trench system! No wonder Leod had failed, he felt a lump of guilt rising in his throat, he had almost certainly sent Leod to his death. As he dismounted he walked forawrds to see that not only did the snake eaters have a trench system, they also had a series of dug in tanks, they were knocked out now, but he thought of what they would have done to leod and his men. Damn his pig-headedness!
There were so many bodies, Phillips remembered the pictures he had studied as a child of the great battles of the first world war. It was simmilar to this scene.

A squadron of Volpsprots roared overhead and flew off into the distance, no doubt to destroy the retreating snake eater columns, Bettle almost felt sorry for the heathens. At least it would be over soon, more revenue and land for Kings Royal Hussars, many more haunting memories for the men involved.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 14:49
Ooc: Thankyou, how long will this conflict carry on for do you think?
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 14:53
OOC: Gimme some time. Yes, bridge captured... whats left of it. I've left a surprise in the trench system you can't avoid, so don't try. And the conflict... Snake Eater's don't back down when they've got a chance. I could bombard you from orbit you see... but that would be harsh
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 16:47
OOC: Marks the end of resistance my ass! I do own a fairly substantial part of this place y'know. Assuming we're on the latest version of earth, theres still quite a large area for you to take... say the size of Britain

The Volsprots were engaged by the Cobra fighter-bombers providing air support. Flight Lieutenant Greg Marshall wheeled in the sky, the graceful curves of the fighter accentuated in the dying light. He pulled out of the roll, his targetting scanners locking onto the nearest one, and he smiled,"Got you"

He squeezed the trigger linked to the twin burst cannons in the nose of the aircraft. The pulse bolts flew in rapid succecession across the target, stiching burning holes in the metal wing plates. The fuel tank was breached, a bolt of plasma entered.... the explosion was terrific, and he flew straight through it, locking onto another target. None would be left alive, just as the Hussarian's had tried to do to the Black Angels. Their story was already one of legend among the stationed forces now fully engaged in this conflict. 500 men had held back an entire army long enough for the remaining allied forces to regroup further back, and prepare a formidible defence line the likes of which had never been seen by these technologically backwards forces. They may have had sheer numbers, but attrition was no way to win a way. Intial estimates claimed that the Black Angels had killed over three thousand on the beaches, and many more after that.


At Snake Eater Command, the main command post for the world, the generals were still in a state of disbelief. Why had this nation attacked the one that had set them free all that time ago, when they had requested it? Did they not know that to try and fight the might of the Snake Eater Army was a death sentence? It mattered not. The Black Angels had forced them to be held back, Major Kurn would be given a posthumourous Leviathan Medal, the equivilant to the Victoria Cross or the Medal of Honour... and he deserved it so much. Still... the orbiting ships were posied to open fire at a moments notice. Ready to commit Exterminus on this world should it come to that. Hopefully though, a settlement could be reached before that drastic measure had to be taken. Orbital Bombardment... artillery from space, inaccesible to the Hussarian forces. The Snake ace-in-the-hole...


Kurn's ace-in-the-hole however, was still within that trench system. Linked to every major system, fully a kilogram of pure Semtex was primed, ready to explode. That much explosive could tear the heart out of a fourty thousand tonne ship without any trouble, and had been known to destroy upwards of sixty thousand tonnes of shipping. Imagine the damage it could do on dry land. And the best thing? It wasn't in one place, there were multiple points, false trails, false bombs. Trip wires, invisble to the human eye and the ablity to fox any sensor. The Hussarian's might have captured the trench system, but there was no way they were going to keep it


Captain Thomas looked at Fraiser, at the haggard look in the other mans eyes,"You guys did well out there, you should be proud of yourself"

"Proud, Captain? No... we should be distraught. We lost many men out there today"

"To a vastly numerical superior force. You held up the rebels long enough for the defences to be organized. They won't be breaking through much further. Also, remember, we can leave this planet. They cannot. We can bombard them from orbit until the very surface of this planet cracks under their feet, and volcanos erupt all over the place. We can destroy them... they can never destroy us"
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:23
Ooc: So its a death sentence eh? Pure ignorance. And a whole squadron destroyed without a chance to intervene!!

As the Xenon Class star destroyer, Seraphim, neared the enemy orbital artillery fleet, it began to encounter fierce flak and small calibre laser cannon fire. This did little to the ship, except perhaps drain the shield power slightly, but it still worried the ships Captain, Jake Shepperton.
He sent out the correct protocol and 4 squadrons of hyper-galactic Transvar fighters were scrambled, purely for defence.
5 miles until it was in Megatonne Missile and Torpedo range.
There would be nothing left of the space junk by then.

It had been dificult to locate, the cloaking devices and frequency jammers made sure of that, but as always the millitary and intelligence had proven themselves, they had scoured every inche of space surrounding the planet and eventually, the fleet had been located.
Nestled way up in orbit, if it fired, the Hussarian forces would be decimated.
But it would never fire.
Captain Shepperton would make sure of that.

"Captain, we are in range." Said the captains gunnery captain.
"Fire a torpedo into it, at one of the extremities, hail them on the message screen I want to give them a chance to surrender."
The green plasma of the torpedo struck home with immense force, a bright explosion filled the sky for a moment and then subsided, there was a clear rupture in the side of the ship on the extreme edge of the fleet.


Bettle pushed on, there were within a day's hard drive of the capital, but he wasn't to advance any further, he had to sit tight, while the rest of the divisions, and more, deployed around the capital.
They were going to throttle it to within an inche of its life, then strike.

Back at the trench system, all of the division had moved on from the beachead, and the H.Q was being packed up, they were only going to leave a small garrison of soldiers and M.P's to secure it. Phillips got into the A.P.C, he felt confident in leaving it relatively lightly guarded, what with the orbital battery being taken care of, he thought he wouldn't have to worry about their rear whilst they sped on to the capital.

Now all that was left of the H.Q at the Bridge, was a small tenet that would be used as the H.Q for the M.P's and a score of H.A.S.H.A tents. 4 M.G posts had been set up. the bridge was secure.

Phillips drove off, safe in the knowledge that victory was his.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:24
OOC: Don't call my forces technologically backwards, oh and correct your former post, we aren't 'Rebels' and you didn't free us, Kings Royal Hussars is a millitaristic populous from the eastern fringe of space, they are moving inwards and conquering as they do so.
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 17:25
OOC: Alright, if I alter my post, you'll alter yours so I can intervene on behalf of my fleet. It isn't a platform... it's a collection of starships... i think six in total
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:27
OOC: Okay I'll change it to a fleet, how big are your ships, as big as my one?
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 17:28
OCC: Do we have to bother... giving the specs for six different classes of ship would take too long. I'll give you a chance to retaliate with the fighters, and let you destroy some of my ships, but not all.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:29
ooc: Okay
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:31
Ooc: Correct your posts, squadron and we are not rebels!! You did not free us.
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 17:32
OOC: It's just for the purposes of story... god, quit bitching or I'm leaving you without an enemy
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:33
Ooc: Not Bitching, but isnt determining my countries history godmoding? Doesn't matter, I'm going to save my squadron.
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 17:36
OOC: Not all of them you're not. I'm not trying to dictate your history... it's just a story device. Saving all that squadron IS a GM though... god, now you are showing me how n00b you really are. I'm actually letting you beat me, and you can't take a small victory on my part...
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:42
"MAYDAY MAYDAY!" Screamed Flight Sergeant McKinley into his R/T
He twisted his Volsprot up into a high curl in an effort to lose his pursuer, he knew the cobra had a lower climb rate than him and so this was his best bet.
It worked. Out of the Squadron of 12, only 7 were left.
He nimbly dived back down into the fray and immediately heard the beep-beep of missile like.
Damn he thought, he deployed the flares, dived, twisted and pulled up.
The missiles were gone.
Before him he saw a cobra on the tail of one of his comrades.
The R/T buzzed into life:
"Co-Ordinates 4567 5673 confirmed, assistance in 5 minutes over."
Thank god he breathed.
The boys were coming.
Above he could see a cobra attempt to shoot him but overshoot and fly past miserably.
Tsh, he thought, Ameteurs, is that the best these Snake Eaters had to offer?
He flicked off the safety, armed his missiles, and the cobra was sent spiralling down to the cold unforgiving earth in a 'flamerinoe', as McKinley called them.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw one more Volsprot go down, this time caught by flak.
He heard the tell tale whumpa whumpa of flak and pulled up abruptly just in time to see a line of tracer sheels go flying past his cockpit.

In the distance he thought he could see more volsprots.
Another volsprot went down.
They were volsprots!
Just in time.
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 17:43
OOC : Please forgive me, I am new to the game I said. And I meant it in a sort of monologue way (saving my squadron feel free to blow it up).
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 17:44
OOC: You call me unrealistic? Calling my pilots amateurs... see, now who's GM'ing. Anyway, I'm typing a response to multiple things at once in Word, so it could be some time
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 18:43
Ooc: It was the pilots opinion, not mine.
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 18:45
OOC: KK. look, this post is going to be mega. Can we leave it until tomorrow?
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 18:47
Ooc: Sure if you want, would you be interested in doing another campaign with me after this one?
Snake Eaters
12-06-2005, 18:49
OOC:Sure, y not work together. You've got brains, and knowledge, and a fair amount of skill... I wouldn't mind
Kings Royal Hussars
12-06-2005, 19:23
Ooc: I'd be honoured, after encircling the city, I may sue for peace.
Dostanuot Loj
13-06-2005, 01:53
The two HLC (Heavy Landing Craft) pushed onto the beach, which was already secured by KRH forces. Imediatly after the ram dropped to the sand the ten MCA-6C tanks that were carried between the two of them quickly unloaded, crossing the sand to get assemble near the local KRH command post. A lone officer rode atop one of the tanks, getting off as it stopped near the KRH commaond post and approaching what appeared to be the highest ranking officer he could see.
"Republican Marines have comed to assist on your drive inland."

OOC: I'm only in this for some fun. No harm intended to any parties, especially those that may be my allies.
13-06-2005, 02:56
I seem to have lost track of things here.
Kings Royal Hussars
13-06-2005, 15:54
Chalmers glowered.
"Republic marines?"
"Yes sir." Said the foreign officer.
"Okay, well the main push is taking place near the capital. Report to the senior armour officer. His radio callsign is Ace of Spades and his name is Major P. Bettle. Treat him with respect, he deserves it. His co-ordinates are 4567 5632"
With that the Lieutenant General marched back to his quarters.
Snake Eaters
13-06-2005, 16:04
OOC: Time restrictions... just a point, this is not my nation capital. My story is that Snake Eaters has a colony here, and KRH have decided they want the land.
Kings Royal Hussars
13-06-2005, 16:40
ooc: Isnt it the nations capital on this planet?
Snake Eaters
13-06-2005, 16:47
OOC: Hell no... also, KRH, imagine if you will: your population is just a shade over 500 mil? I have a pop of about 2.4 billion... do you really think you could take me on? No. This is a colony, nothing more. It doesn't matter a great deal if I lose here, which is why I'm doing it
Kings Royal Hussars
13-06-2005, 16:51
ooc: Okay, I'm gonna cut off capital then ask for a ceasfire, or an alliance?
Snake Eaters
13-06-2005, 16:53
OOC: Ceasefire first, then an alliance... your gov't could come to realise,'Wait...what are we doing?'
Kings Royal Hussars
13-06-2005, 16:57
Ooc: Ok, when are you posting your mammoth post?
Snake Eaters
13-06-2005, 16:58
OOC: I've got other work to do... and still thinking of how to finish it
Kings Royal Hussars
13-06-2005, 16:59
Ooc: Is it a campaign finale?
Snake Eaters
13-06-2005, 17:02
OOC: Essentially. I should have it up before the end of the night
Kings Royal Hussars
13-06-2005, 17:06
Ooc: Thanks
Dostanuot Loj
13-06-2005, 22:07
"Aye Aye sir!" With that the officer climbed back onto the tank and informed the tank commander of what to do. He then made his way back the landing craft.
It took a while, but the landing craft eventually got A Company off the boat, and assembled onshore.
"Move out!" Captian Laliya said from his tank. They began to tear accross the countryside rushing to meet up with the frontline command.
B Company continued to unload, they would meet with A Company shortly.


As they approached the battlelines, seeing the effects of the previous fighting, Captian Laliya switched on his external communications unit, encrypting it and spoke in clear english. "Cobra One to Ace of Spades, this is Cobra One calling Ace of Spades. We're comming in your rear to provide assistance on your offensive." When he had finished he gave the order to button down his vehicles, he had no idea what was going to happen this far in.
The tanks of A Company quickly spread out, they knew only that Challanger IIE's had been sighted in use by the opposing force, and no one wanted to be caught off gaurd. The Marines inside the IFV's were becomming impaitent, they wanted action.
Snake Eaters
14-06-2005, 12:28
OOC: Sorry this took so long, I had to tailor it many times

IC: The colony main city was under grave threat. The enemy advance had been halted some way from the city, but recon scouts and orbital observation had confirmed their worst fears; the enemy were surrounding the city, trying to stave them out. The spaceport could only handle so much, the flow of traffic having all but dried up. Occasionally, a Phantom or LightningSword dropship made it through to pick up a number of the few remaining civilians, and bring in a small selection of fresh troops. The situation was dire indeed.

In the central construct, the goverenor spoke with Lord Barbarossa via subspace communication. His report bore bad news. The beach had been taken, the trench system taken, and now the remaining troops, barely five thousand men, had dug in around the city. The remaining armour was sporadic, the aritllery was still firing despite the risk, the Cobra's had fought valeintly, the Thunderbolts had made repeated attack runs on the beaches. Losses had been incurred... but it was time to give into the inevitable. This conflict was lost... the Hussarians had forced the Snakes back too fast, using overwhelming numbers... only to take a small portion of land. It was not unheard of for nations to assualt a position... but this conflict had been unprovoked. Uncalled for. Subjecting this world to Exterminus was a final resort. Barbarossa gave his blessing to ask for at least a ceasefire, before beginning negotiations. The link was severed, and Governor Severus sighed deeply. It was time...

Even as these words were taking place, the bomb in the trench system was triggered. Although Hussarian forces had mostly moved on, it was still a supply depot... and the bomb tore the heart out of the bunkers, throwing earth, stones, everything it could take out of the ground, with it. The damage was unlikely to stop the advance... but it could at least hold it up for sometime.
15-06-2005, 04:17
OOC: I seem to have lost track of things here. Do you want me to catch up or re-enter, or something like that?
Kings Royal Hussars
16-06-2005, 15:55
Ooc: Its about to end so it shouldn't matter.

The bomb had albeit destroyed the M.P post, but it was of no matter now, the city was surrounded and peace talks were about to be opened.

"Sir, the governor is on the R/T for you" Said the runner.
"Hand him over" Grunted Phillips.
The phone was handed to Phillips. The war was almost certainly about to end.
"Hello?" Asked Phillips.
"Ahh Hello" Said the Governor "I trust I am talking to the head Hussarian Commander?"
"Indeed, I must say your resistance has been exemplary" Confirmed Phillips.
"Why thankyou, but that is not why I am here, I am here to negotiate a cease fire"
"Ah, go on.."
Kings Royal Hussars
16-06-2005, 15:56
Ooc : Sorry I havent been posting, my pc packed up.
16-06-2005, 23:40
Ooc: Its about to end so it shouldn't matter.

If you say so... My apologies for allowing myself to fall out of the loop. If you have need of an RPing partner in the future, feel free to give me a call, okay?
Snake Eaters
16-06-2005, 23:43
Ooc: Its about to end so it shouldn't matter.

The bomb had albeit destroyed the M.P post, but it was of no matter now, the city was surrounded and peace talks were about to be opened.

"Sir, the governor is on the R/T for you" Said the runner.
"Hand him over" Grunted Phillips.
The phone was handed to Phillips. The war was almost certainly about to end.
"Hello?" Asked Phillips.
"Ahh Hello" Said the Governor "I trust I am talking to the head Hussarian Commander?"
"Indeed, I must say your resistance has been exemplary" Confirmed Phillips.
"Why thankyou, but that is not why I am here, I am here to negotiate a cease fire"
"Ah, go on.."

OOC: Um... can you say Godmod? You controlled one of my characters without asking for specific permission
Kings Royal Hussars
17-06-2005, 17:20
ooc: Sorry, I thought he was going to say that anyway?
Snake Eaters
17-06-2005, 17:23
OOC: it's a serious breach of conduct to do it without specific permission
Kings Royal Hussars
17-06-2005, 17:27
Ooc: I'm gonna pull out I think, I get everything wrong.
Snake Eaters
17-06-2005, 18:30
OOC: It's not your fault, everyone gets it wrong the first time. Now you can learn from your mistakes
Kings Royal Hussars
17-06-2005, 19:54
Ooc: Okay, shall we do a new thread soon?
Snake Eaters
17-06-2005, 19:57
OOC: Yeah, drop me a TG, or if you've got MSN or something along those lines, see if you can't add me... we'll talk.. and sort something out
Kings Royal Hussars
17-06-2005, 20:01
Ooc: Ive got msn, whats your addy??
Snake Eaters
17-06-2005, 20:13
OOC: It should say in my profile, search for it
Kings Royal Hussars
17-06-2005, 20:27
Ooc: Ive started a new thread if you're interested. Trench Warfare.
Snake Eaters
17-06-2005, 20:51
Can you link me? Trench Warfare sounds good
Kings Royal Hussars
18-06-2005, 12:55
Link you"? As in put you in the story, its a WW1 type thing, you can be the hun.
Snake Eaters
18-06-2005, 17:38
No, I mean give me a link to the thread
Kings Royal Hussars
21-06-2005, 15:48