08-06-2005, 20:13
The purpose of this document is to both outline and explain a number of military procedures and methods that are used in the Republic of Concremo. It will look at how their Defensively Militaristic nature is used, and at numerous upcoming projects and existing technology, with attention to Weapons of Mass Destruction projects and current capabilities.
The Cities
In short, the Republic of Concremo was built with unbreakable defence and an ability to counter-attack in mind. This is evident from the Cities themselves, each one being built on a raised circular platform of ground, dug from the two rings of deep trenches that encircle each and every city. There is no where near enough earth in the trenches to make such a raising, and so huge excavation pits are dug away from the cities. From the ground to exactly 50 metres high, 8 metre thick reinforced concrete walls plated with high-grade steel. Wall-mounted atch towers surround the cities, and act as valuable sniper vantage points during conflict. Because of this expensive and intricate exterior defence system, there are only 7 cities in Concremo.
Districts are made up of 16 blocks, with a small Barracks for every four blocks located underground. Zones are made up of 4 districts (a total of 64 square blocks). Larger barracks are grouped with the air-bases on the outskirts of the city, where soldiers spend most of their off-duty time.
In the exact centre of every city is a Citadel, a large tower-like building that houses the current Sub-Minister. This is heavily defended and is the last obstacle the attackers must break before taking the city.
The capital city, also called Concremo, is slightly different in numerous aspects. Firstly, the walls are almost twice as big at 90 metres in height and 12 metres in thickness. The same build materials are used, but the steel plates that cover the walls are protected by turrets similar to those on the ground.
Exterior Defence
The most remarkable feature of a cities defence is the trenches.The purpose of these trenches is to act as an obstacle to Enemy armour or even troops, as in times of International Conflict they are turned into defences. The outer line is almost filled with loose-coiled razor-wire, and has various land-mines dropped by helicopter scattered just beyond. Metal stakes are positioned to face away from the city, and are designed to stop the Enemy taking refuge in those trenches. The second line is filled with soldiers, and pre-built platforms are fitted with turrets. Sand-bags and bunkers are placed between the two lines to hinder assault. Each and every bunker is equiped with two stationary machine guns, measures approximately 3 metres by 3 metres with 2 metres in height, contains a large supply of shoulder-mounted anti-tank weapons and anti-material rifles. They are all rigged to explode in case of capture, and are manned by no less than 2 soldiers during peace and 4 during war time. In batte, up to 6 men will occupy and fire from the bunker.
On the Inside
Gates into the city are always open, except in warfare, and are huge tungsten-plated steel doors. The surface of the tungsten is smooth and impervious to the strongest of conventional explosives.
24 huge EMP cannons are stationed around the city exactly 1 mile from the walls, and are used in conjuction with anti-air and anti-balistics structures in the same building to provide a solid barrier aginst aircraft and missiles. The EMP cannons are capable of firing their shells even into space, and each shell is like a mini EMP ICBM without a thrust mechanism. Huge arrays of equipment track the movement and speed of the incoming missile, allowing it to be shot down outside the city with a 100% test record success rate.
A new innovation from the government is the use of the Ring-Rail, a circular railroad track that runs within the outskirts of the city 3 miles from the walls. Four trains run on these tracks, each armed with a large stock of weaponry to defend the city.
It contains 6 carriages, each with its own independant engine and guard of 30 soldiers. Very heavily armoured, always manned and equiped with two carriages high-tech convential artillery, two carriages of auto-cannons and anti-air, one carriage of communications and one carriage of long range ballistic missiles. They are used to shell the battlefield outside, to protect the city from air raids and to launch cruise or even nuclear missiles at incoming Enemy forces.
Numerous transport trains are kept on standby for most of the time, but during full-scale defence they are used to transport troops quickly from one side of the city to the other.
Defensive Urban Warfare
The city layout is the block-system, with each block having its own underground bunker and small armoury. These are filled and sealed shut during air raids or invasions to keep the populace safe.
However, sitting it out in the bunker is optional. Citizens that want to actively defend their Nation will be taken to the Districts Barracks, armed and taken by subway and then transport train to the front.
The ownership of 9mm handguns is encouraged by the government, and although any larger weapons are illegal they can be purchased from gun-stores in times of war. After the conflict they are recalled and all of the the money is given back to the customer.
If the city walls are breached, it is legal for you to protect you homes by any means necessary without legal consequence. All citizens are urged to either fight on the front lines or take shelter in the blocks bunker.
The purpose of this document is to both outline and explain a number of military procedures and methods that are used in the Republic of Concremo. It will look at how their Defensively Militaristic nature is used, and at numerous upcoming projects and existing technology, with attention to Weapons of Mass Destruction projects and current capabilities.
The Cities
In short, the Republic of Concremo was built with unbreakable defence and an ability to counter-attack in mind. This is evident from the Cities themselves, each one being built on a raised circular platform of ground, dug from the two rings of deep trenches that encircle each and every city. There is no where near enough earth in the trenches to make such a raising, and so huge excavation pits are dug away from the cities. From the ground to exactly 50 metres high, 8 metre thick reinforced concrete walls plated with high-grade steel. Wall-mounted atch towers surround the cities, and act as valuable sniper vantage points during conflict. Because of this expensive and intricate exterior defence system, there are only 7 cities in Concremo.
Districts are made up of 16 blocks, with a small Barracks for every four blocks located underground. Zones are made up of 4 districts (a total of 64 square blocks). Larger barracks are grouped with the air-bases on the outskirts of the city, where soldiers spend most of their off-duty time.
In the exact centre of every city is a Citadel, a large tower-like building that houses the current Sub-Minister. This is heavily defended and is the last obstacle the attackers must break before taking the city.
The capital city, also called Concremo, is slightly different in numerous aspects. Firstly, the walls are almost twice as big at 90 metres in height and 12 metres in thickness. The same build materials are used, but the steel plates that cover the walls are protected by turrets similar to those on the ground.
Exterior Defence
The most remarkable feature of a cities defence is the trenches.The purpose of these trenches is to act as an obstacle to Enemy armour or even troops, as in times of International Conflict they are turned into defences. The outer line is almost filled with loose-coiled razor-wire, and has various land-mines dropped by helicopter scattered just beyond. Metal stakes are positioned to face away from the city, and are designed to stop the Enemy taking refuge in those trenches. The second line is filled with soldiers, and pre-built platforms are fitted with turrets. Sand-bags and bunkers are placed between the two lines to hinder assault. Each and every bunker is equiped with two stationary machine guns, measures approximately 3 metres by 3 metres with 2 metres in height, contains a large supply of shoulder-mounted anti-tank weapons and anti-material rifles. They are all rigged to explode in case of capture, and are manned by no less than 2 soldiers during peace and 4 during war time. In batte, up to 6 men will occupy and fire from the bunker.
On the Inside
Gates into the city are always open, except in warfare, and are huge tungsten-plated steel doors. The surface of the tungsten is smooth and impervious to the strongest of conventional explosives.
24 huge EMP cannons are stationed around the city exactly 1 mile from the walls, and are used in conjuction with anti-air and anti-balistics structures in the same building to provide a solid barrier aginst aircraft and missiles. The EMP cannons are capable of firing their shells even into space, and each shell is like a mini EMP ICBM without a thrust mechanism. Huge arrays of equipment track the movement and speed of the incoming missile, allowing it to be shot down outside the city with a 100% test record success rate.
A new innovation from the government is the use of the Ring-Rail, a circular railroad track that runs within the outskirts of the city 3 miles from the walls. Four trains run on these tracks, each armed with a large stock of weaponry to defend the city.
It contains 6 carriages, each with its own independant engine and guard of 30 soldiers. Very heavily armoured, always manned and equiped with two carriages high-tech convential artillery, two carriages of auto-cannons and anti-air, one carriage of communications and one carriage of long range ballistic missiles. They are used to shell the battlefield outside, to protect the city from air raids and to launch cruise or even nuclear missiles at incoming Enemy forces.
Numerous transport trains are kept on standby for most of the time, but during full-scale defence they are used to transport troops quickly from one side of the city to the other.
Defensive Urban Warfare
The city layout is the block-system, with each block having its own underground bunker and small armoury. These are filled and sealed shut during air raids or invasions to keep the populace safe.
However, sitting it out in the bunker is optional. Citizens that want to actively defend their Nation will be taken to the Districts Barracks, armed and taken by subway and then transport train to the front.
The ownership of 9mm handguns is encouraged by the government, and although any larger weapons are illegal they can be purchased from gun-stores in times of war. After the conflict they are recalled and all of the the money is given back to the customer.
If the city walls are breached, it is legal for you to protect you homes by any means necessary without legal consequence. All citizens are urged to either fight on the front lines or take shelter in the blocks bunker.